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Issue Section Title File
Vol 50, No 1 (2016) XIX Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 10–14, 2015 Effect of the dopant concentration on the luminescence properties of InGaAs/GaAs spin light-emitting diodes with a mn δ layer
Vol 50, No 1 (2016) Review Exciton emission of crystalline Zn(S)Se thin films arranged in microcavities based on amorphous insulating coatings
Vol 50, No 1 (2016) Review Simulation of the β-voltaic effect in silicon pin structures irradiated with electrons from a nickel-63 β source
Vol 50, No 1 (2016) Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion) On a combined approach to studying the correlation parameters of self-organizing structures
Vol 50, No 1 (2016) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors On the complex structure of the optical spectra of a tetragonal calomel single crystal in a wide energy range
Vol 50, No 1 (2016) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors On the specific electrophysical properties of n-InSe single crystals
Vol 50, No 1 (2016) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors On the preparation and photoelectric properties of Tl1–xIn1–xSnxSe2 (x = 0.1–0.25) alloys
Vol 50, No 1 (2016) Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation Structure and optical properties of ZnO with silver nanoparticles
Vol 50, No 1 (2016) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Optical properties of PbS thin films
Vol 50, No 1 (2016) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Morphological stability of the atomically clean surface of silicon (100) crystals after microwave plasma-chemical processing
Vol 50, No 1 (2016) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Growth, structure, and properties of GaAs-based (GaAs)1–xy(Ge2)x(ZnSe)y epitaxial films
Vol 50, No 1 (2016) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Vertical heterostructures based on graphene and other 2D materials
Vol 50, No 1 (2016) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Assessment of the resistance to diffusion destruction of AlAs/GaAs nanoscale resonant-tunneling heterostructures by IR spectral ellipsometry
Vol 50, No 1 (2016) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena On controlling the electronic states of shallow donors using a finite-size metal gate
Vol 50, No 1 (2016) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Polarized photoluminescence of nc-Si–SiOx nanostructures
Vol 50, No 1 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Specific features of the current–voltage characteristics of SiO2/4H-SiC MIS structures with phosphorus implanted into silicon carbide
Vol 50, No 1 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Photodetectors based on CuInS2
Vol 50, No 1 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Mechanisms of the degradation of Schottky-barrier photodiodes based on ZnS single crystals
Vol 50, No 1 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Organic light-emitting diodes based on a series of new polythienothiophene complexes and highly luminescent quantum dots
Vol 50, No 1 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Simulation of the ohmic loss in photovoltaic laser-power converters for wavelengths of 809 and 1064 nm
Vol 50, No 1 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Simulation of the characteristics of InGaAs/InP-based photovoltaic laser-power converters
Vol 50, No 1 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor DevicesFabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Formation of graphite/sic structures by the thermal decomposition of silicon carbide
Vol 50, No 1 (2016) Erratum Erratum to: “Vacancies in epitaxial graphene”
Vol 50, No 2 (2016) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors On the theory of the two-photon linear photovoltaic effect in n-GaP
Vol 50, No 2 (2016) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Compositional dependence of the band gap of (CuIn5S8)1–x · (FeIn2S4)x alloys
Vol 50, No 2 (2016) Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation Photoluminescence properties of thallium-containing GeSe2 and GeSe3 vitreous semiconductors
Vol 50, No 2 (2016) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films On the surface photovoltaic effect in a multivalley semiconductor in an external magnetic field
Vol 50, No 2 (2016) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Study of the surface of GaAs after etching in high-frequency and glow discharge plasma by atomic force microscopy
Vol 50, No 2 (2016) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Halogen adsorption at an As-stabilized β2–GaAs (001)–(2 × 4) surface
Vol 50, No 2 (2016) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films On the electrical and optical properties of oxide nanolayers produced by the thermal oxidation of metal tin
Vol 50, No 2 (2016) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Electron transport and optical properties of structures with atomic tin nanowires on vicinal GaAs substrates
Vol 50, No 2 (2016) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Influence of defects on the photoluminescence kinetics in GaN/AlN quantum-dot structures
Vol 50, No 2 (2016) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Structural and photoluminescence properties of low-temperature GaAs grown on GaAs(100) and GaAs(111)A substrates
Vol 50, No 2 (2016) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena GaAs structures with a gate dielectric based on aluminum-oxide layers
Vol 50, No 2 (2016) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Defects in mercury-cadmium telluride heteroepitaxial structures grown by molecular-beam epitaxy on silicon substrates
Vol 50, No 2 (2016) Amorphous, Vitreous, and Organic Semiconductors Composition and optical properties of amorphous a-SiOx:H films with silicon nanoclusters
Vol 50, No 2 (2016) Carbon Systems Effect of transverse electric field on the longitudinal current–voltage characteristic of graphene superlattice
Vol 50, No 2 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Laser-assisted simulation of transient radiation effects in heterostructure components based on AIIIBV semiconductor compounds
Vol 50, No 2 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Pb1–xEuxTe alloys (0 ⩽ x ⩽ 1) as materials for vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers in the mid-infrared spectral range of 4–5 μm
Vol 50, No 2 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Field-effect transistor with 2D carrier systems in the gate and channel
Vol 50, No 2 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Si:Si LEDs with room-temperature dislocation-related luminescence
Vol 50, No 2 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Optimization of the parameters of HEMT GaN/AlN/AlGaN heterostructures for microwave transistors using numerical simulation
Vol 50, No 2 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Effect of the fabrication conditions of SiGe LEDs on their luminescence and electrical properties
Vol 50, No 2 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Electroluminescence properties of LEDs based on electron-irradiated p-Si
Vol 50, No 2 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Method for optimizing the parameters of heterojunction photovoltaic cells based on crystalline silicon
Vol 50, No 2 (2016) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Features of InN growth by nitrogen-plasma-assisted MBE at different ratios of fluxes of group-III and -V elements
Vol 50, No 2 (2016) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Light-emitting nanocomposites on the basis of ZnS:Cu deposited into porous anodic Al2O3 matrices
Vol 50, No 2 (2016) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Layer-by-layer composition and structure of silicon subjected to combined gallium and nitrogen ion implantation for the ion synthesis of gallium nitride
Vol 50, No 2 (2016) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Electrochemical characteristics of nanostructured silicon anodes for lithium-ion batteries
Vol 50, No 3 (2016) Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion) Ab Initio Calculations of Phonon Dispersion in ZnGa2Se4
Vol 50, No 3 (2016) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors On Measurements of the Electrons and Holes Impact-Ionization Coefficients in 4H–SiC
Vol 50, No 3 (2016) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Effect of Phonon Drag on the Thermopower in a Parabolic Quantum Well
Vol 50, No 3 (2016) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors A Quasi-Classical Model of the Hubbard Gap in Lightly Compensated Semiconductors
Vol 50, No 3 (2016) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Deep Centers at the Interface in In2xGa2(1–x)Te3/InAs and In2Te3/InAs Heterostructures
Vol 50, No 3 (2016) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Role of Acoustoelectric Interaction in the Formation of Nanoscale Periodic Structures of Adsorbed Atoms
Vol 50, No 3 (2016) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Investigation of Ion-Implanted Photosensitive Silicon Structures by Electrochemical Capacitance–Voltage Profiling
Vol 50, No 3 (2016) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Study of the Electron Distribution in GaN and GaAs after γ-Neutron Irradiation
Vol 50, No 3 (2016) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Electrical and Photoelectric Properties of the TiN/p-InSe Heterojunction
Vol 50, No 3 (2016) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Layer-by-Layer Analysis of the Thickness Distribution of Silicon Dioxide in the Structure SiO2/Si(111) by Inelastic Electron Scattering Cross-Section Spectroscopy
Vol 50, No 3 (2016) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Epitaxially Grown Monoisotopic Si, Ge, and Si1–xGex Alloy Layers: Production and Some Properties
Vol 50, No 3 (2016) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Two Stages of Surface-Defect Formation in a MOS Structure under Low-Dose Rate Gamma Irradiation
Vol 50, No 3 (2016) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors On Controlling the Hydrophobicity of Nanostructured Zinc-Oxide Layers Grown by Pulsed Electrodeposition
Vol 50, No 3 (2016) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Photoluminescence and Confinement of Excitons in Disordered Porous Films
Vol 50, No 3 (2016) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Influence of the Surface Layer on the Electrochemical Deposition of Metals and Semiconductors into Mesoporous Silicon
Vol 50, No 3 (2016) Carbon Systems Model of Adsorption on Amorphous Graphene
Vol 50, No 3 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Model Development for Current–Voltage and Transconductance Characteristics of Normally-off AlN/GaN MOSHEMT
Vol 50, No 3 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Microdisk Injection Lasers for the 1.27-μm Spectral Range
Vol 50, No 3 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices High-Power Thyristor Switching via an Overvoltage Pulse with Nanosecond Rise Time
Vol 50, No 3 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices High-Voltage Silicon-Carbide Thyristor with an n-type Blocking Base
Vol 50, No 3 (2016) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Effect of the Ti-Nanolayer Thickness on the Self-Lift-off of Thick GaN Epitaxial Layers
Vol 50, No 3 (2016) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Formation of Cadmium-Sulfide Nanowhiskers via Vacuum Evaporation and Condensation in a Quasi-Closed Volume
Vol 50, No 3 (2016) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Optical and Structural Properties of Composite Si:Au Layers Formed by Laser Electrodispersion
Vol 50, No 4 (2016) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Electronic structure of Pt-substituted clathrate silicides Ba8PtxSi46–x(x = 4–6)
Vol 50, No 4 (2016) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Dependence of mobility on the electron concentration upon scattering at polar optical phonons in AIII–N nitrides
Vol 50, No 4 (2016) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Theory of the anomalous diffusion of carriers in disordered organic materials under conditions of the CELIV experiment
Vol 50, No 4 (2016) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Specific temperature-related features of photoconductivity relaxation in PbSnTe:In films under interband excitation
Vol 50, No 4 (2016) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors On the thermoelectric properties and band gap of silicon–germanium alloys in the high-temperature region
Vol 50, No 4 (2016) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Features of photoinduced magnetism in some yttrium–iron-garnet single crystals
Vol 50, No 4 (2016) Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation Relaxation oscillations of superluminescence in a semiconductor caused by recovery of the Fermi distribution of nonequilibrium electrons
Vol 50, No 4 (2016) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Induced surface states of the ultrathin Ba/3C-SiC(111) interface
Vol 50, No 4 (2016) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Impact ionization in nonuniformly heated silicon p+nn+ and n+pp+ structures
Vol 50, No 4 (2016) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Sulfur passivation of semi-insulating GaAs: Transition from Coulomb blockade to weak localization regime
Vol 50, No 4 (2016) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Electric field effect on lowest excited-state binding energy of hydrogenic impurity in (In,Ga)N parabolic wire
Vol 50, No 4 (2016) Amorphous, Vitreous, and Organic Semiconductors Gaussian approximation of the spectral dependence of the absorption spectrum in polymer semiconductors
Vol 50, No 4 (2016) Amorphous, Vitreous, and Organic Semiconductors “Dimensional” effect due to the matrix isolation of luminescent composites of polyphenylquinolines
Vol 50, No 4 (2016) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Polytype inclusions and polytype stability in silicon-carbide crystals
Vol 50, No 4 (2016) Carbon Systems Prediction of the stability and electronic properties of carbon nanotori synthesized by a high-voltage pulsed discharge in ethanol vapor
Vol 50, No 4 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Quantitative analysis of optical and recombination losses in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin-film solar cells
Vol 50, No 4 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Heterostructures of metamorphic GaInAs photovoltaic converters fabricated by MOCVD on GaAs substrates
Vol 50, No 4 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Simulation of the real efficiencies of high-efficiency silicon solar cells
Vol 50, No 4 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices On the formation of silicon nanoclusters ncl-Si in a hydrogenated amorphous silicon suboxide matrix a-SiOx:H (0 < x < 2) with time-modulated dc magnetron plasma
Vol 50, No 4 (2016) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures On a reduction in cracking upon the growth of AlN on Si substrates by hydride vapor-phase epitaxy
Vol 50, No 4 (2016) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Specific features of doping with antimony during the ion-beam crystallization of silicon
Vol 50, No 4 (2016) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Optical and structural properties of Cu2ZnSnS4 thin films obtained by pulsed laser deposition in a H2S atmosphere with subsequent annealing in a N2 atmosphere
Vol 50, No 4 (2016) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Possibility of the use of intermediate carbidsiliconoxide nanolayers on polydiamond substrates for gallium nitride layers epitaxy
Vol 50, No 4 (2016) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Features of the diagnostics of metamorphic InAlAs/InGaAs/InAlAs nanoheterostructures by high-resolution X-ray diffraction in the ω-scanning mode
Vol 50, No 5 (2016) Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion) Anisotropy of the thermal expansion of CuIn5Se8 single crystals in two structural modifications
Vol 50, No 5 (2016) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Localization of the interband transitions in the bulk of the Brillouin zone of III–V compound crystals
Vol 50, No 5 (2016) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors X-ray conductivity of ZnSe single crystals
Vol 50, No 5 (2016) Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation Stimulated emission from a metamorphic GaAsSb bulk layer on a GaAs substrate
Vol 50, No 5 (2016) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Study of the correlation properties of the surface structure of nc-Si/a-Si:H films with different fractions of the crystalline phase
Vol 50, No 5 (2016) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Atomic steps on an ultraflat Si(111) surface upon sublimation
Vol 50, No 5 (2016) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Study of the phase composition of nanostructures produced by the local anodic oxidation of titanium films
Vol 50, No 5 (2016) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Effect of cadmium-selenide quantum dots on the conductivity and photoconductivity of nanocrystalline indium oxide
Vol 50, No 5 (2016) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Optical properties of metamorphic GaAs/InAlGaAs/InGaAs heterostructures with InAs/InGaAs quantum wells, emitting light in the 1250–1400-nm spectral range
Vol 50, No 5 (2016) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena A new simulation model for inhomogeneous Au/n-GaN structure
Vol 50, No 5 (2016) Amorphous, Vitreous, and Organic Semiconductors Piezoresistive and posistor effects in polymer-semiconductor and polymer-ferropiezoceramic composites
Vol 50, No 5 (2016) Amorphous, Vitreous, and Organic Semiconductors Lifetime of excitons localized in Si nanocrystals in amorphous silicon
Vol 50, No 5 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Biosensor properties of SOI nanowire transistors with a PEALD Al2O3 dielectric protective layer
Vol 50, No 5 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Charge transfer in rectifying oxide heterostructures and oxide access elements in ReRAM
Vol 50, No 5 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Photodiode 1 × 64 linear array based on a double p-InAsSbP/n-InAs0.92Sb0.08/n+-InAs heterostructure
Vol 50, No 5 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices GaAs/InGaAsN heterostructures for multi-junction solar cells
Vol 50, No 5 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Isothermal current–voltage characteristics of high-voltage 4H-SiC junction barrier Schottky rectifiers
Vol 50, No 5 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Multilayer heterostructures for quantum-cascade lasers operating in the terahertz frequency range
Vol 50, No 5 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Dependence of the electron capture velocity on the quantum-well depth in semiconductor lasers
Vol 50, No 5 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Features of carrier tunneling between the silicon valence band and metal in devices based on the Al/high-K oxide/SiO2/Si structure
Vol 50, No 5 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Radiation-stimulated processes in transistor temperature sensors
Vol 50, No 5 (2016) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Acanthite–argentite transformation in nanocrystalline silver sulfide and the Ag2S/Ag nanoheterostructure
Vol 50, No 5 (2016) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Formation and reconstruction of Se nanoislands at the surface of thin epitaxial ZnSe layers grown on GaAs substrates
Vol 50, No 5 (2016) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Role of the heat accumulation effect in the multipulse modes of the femtosecond laser microstructuring of silicon
Vol 50, No 5 (2016) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures On the laser detachment of n-GaN films from substrates, based on the strong absorption of IR light by free charge carriers in n+-GaN substrates
Vol 50, No 6 (2016) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Summary of the 12th Russian Conference on Semiconductor Physics (Ershovo, Zvenigorod, Moscow, September 20–25, 2015)
Vol 50, No 6 (2016) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Matrix-type effect on the magnetotransport properties of Ni–AlO and Ni–NbO composite systems
Vol 50, No 6 (2016) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Optical properties of In2Se3 thin films
Vol 50, No 6 (2016) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Anomalous thermoelectric power in Hg3In2Te6 crystals
Vol 50, No 6 (2016) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Role of electrostatic fluctuations in doped semiconductors upon the transition from band to hopping conduction (by the example of p-Ge:Ga)
Vol 50, No 6 (2016) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Specific features of the electrophysical parameters of NTD Si treated under different conditions of heat treatment
Vol 50, No 6 (2016) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors On the tin impurity in the thermoelectric compound ZnSb: Charge-carrier generation and compensation
Vol 50, No 6 (2016) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Radiation-induced bistable centers with deep levels in silicon n+p structures
Vol 50, No 6 (2016) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films On the local injection of emitted electrons into micrograins on the surface of AIII–BV semiconductors
Vol 50, No 6 (2016) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena On the ohmicity of Schottky contacts
Vol 50, No 6 (2016) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Absorption of electromagnetic radiation in a quantum wire with an anisotropic parabolic potential in a transverse magnetic field
Vol 50, No 6 (2016) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Oxidation model of polycrystalline lead-chalcogenide layers in an iodine-containing medium
Vol 50, No 6 (2016) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Features of high-temperature electroluminescence in an LED n-GaSb/n-InGaAsSb/p-AlGaAsSb heterostructure with high potential barriers
Vol 50, No 6 (2016) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Generation of transverse direct current in a superlattice under a bichromatic high-frequency electric and constant magnetic fields
Vol 50, No 6 (2016) Amorphous, Vitreous, and Organic Semiconductors Growth of silicon nanoclusters in thermal silicon dioxide under annealing in an atmosphere of nitrogen
Vol 50, No 6 (2016) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Inter atomic force constants of binary and ternary tetrahedral semiconductors
Vol 50, No 6 (2016) Carbon Systems Substitutional impurity in single-layer graphene: The Koster–Slater and Anderson models
Vol 50, No 6 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Dependence of the conductivity on the active-region thickness in GaAs thin-film Schottky diodes
Vol 50, No 6 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Experimental determination of the derivative of the current–voltage characteristic of a nonlinear semiconductor structure using modulation Fourier analysis
Vol 50, No 6 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Narrowing of the emission spectra of high-power laser diodes with a volume Bragg grating recorded in photo-thermo-refractive glass
Vol 50, No 6 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Method for increasing the carrier mobility in the channel of the 4H-SiC MOSFET
Vol 50, No 6 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Switching between the mode-locking and Q-switching modes in two-section QW lasers upon a change in the absorber properties due to the Stark effect
Vol 50, No 6 (2016) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures On the photon annealing of silicon-implanted gallium-nitride layers
Vol 50, No 6 (2016) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures The modification of BaCe0.5Zr0.3Y0.2O3–δ with copper oxide: Effect on the structural and transport properties
Vol 50, No 6 (2016) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Synthesis of metal and semiconductor nanoparticles in a flow of immiscible liquids
Vol 50, No 7 (2016) Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion) Solubility of oxygen in CdS single crystals and their physicochemical properties
Vol 50, No 7 (2016) Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion) Structural and optical properties of GaAs(100) with a thin surface layer doped with chromium
Vol 50, No 7 (2016) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Features of conductivity mechanisms in heavily doped compensated V1–xTixFeSb Semiconductor
Vol 50, No 7 (2016) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Effect of thallium doping on the mobility of electrons in Bi2Se3 and holes in Sb2Te3
Vol 50, No 7 (2016) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Electron exchange between tin impurity U centers in PbSzSe1–z alloys
Vol 50, No 7 (2016) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Field dependence of the electron drift velocity along the hexagonal axis of 4H-SiC
Vol 50, No 7 (2016) Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation Effect of coulomb correlations on luminescence and absorption in compensated semiconductors
Vol 50, No 7 (2016) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Local emission spectroscopy of surface micrograins in AIIIBV semiconductors
Vol 50, No 7 (2016) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Indium nanowires at the silicon surface
Vol 50, No 7 (2016) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Specific features of the cathodoluminescence spectra of AlInGaN QWs, caused by the influence of phase separation and internal electric fields
Vol 50, No 7 (2016) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Effect of multicomponent InAsSbP matrix surface on formation of InSb quantum dots at MOVPE growth
Vol 50, No 7 (2016) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Terahertz emission from CdHgTe/HgTe quantum wells with an inverted band structure
Vol 50, No 7 (2016) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Semi-insulating 4H-SiC layers formed by the implantation of high-energy (53 MeV) argon ions into n-type epitaxial films
Vol 50, No 7 (2016) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Study of deep levels in GaAs p–i–n structures
Vol 50, No 7 (2016) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Photovoltage and photocurrent in Pd–oxide–InP structures in a hydrogen medium
Vol 50, No 7 (2016) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Optical properties of p–i–n structures based on amorphous hydrogenated silicon with silicon nanocrystals formed via nanosecond laser annealing
Vol 50, No 7 (2016) Amorphous, Vitreous, and Organic Semiconductors Voltage oscillations in the case of the switching effect in thin layers of Ge–Sb–Te chalcogenides in the current mode
Vol 50, No 7 (2016) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Nonlinear optical response of planar and spherical CdSe nanocrystals
Vol 50, No 7 (2016) Carbon Systems Electron-diffraction study of graphene-film growth stages during the thermal destruction of 6H-SiC (000\(\bar 1\)) in vacuum
Vol 50, No 7 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Effect of the anode-emitter injection efficiency on the characteristics of hybrid SIT–MOS transistors
Vol 50, No 7 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Electrochemical lithiation of silicon with varied crystallographic orientation
Vol 50, No 7 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices On current spreading in solar cells: a two-parameter tube model
Vol 50, No 7 (2016) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Quantum dots grown in the InSb/GaSb system by liquid-phase epitaxy
Vol 50, No 7 (2016) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Chloride epitaxy of β-Ga2O3 layers grown on c-sapphire substrates
Vol 50, No 7 (2016) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Technique for forming ITO films with a controlled refractive index
Vol 50, No 8 (2016) Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion) Effect of an increase in the density of collision cascades on the efficiency of the generation of primary displacements during the ion bombardment of Si
Vol 50, No 8 (2016) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Temperature dependence of the hall coefficient in the Вi1–xSbx System (x = 0.06, 0.12)
Vol 50, No 8 (2016) Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation Spectra of low-temperature photoluminescence in thin polycrystalline CdTe films
Vol 50, No 8 (2016) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Study of the impurity photoconductivity in p-InSb using epitaxial p+ contacts
Vol 50, No 8 (2016) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Electrical, optical, and photoluminescence properties of ZnO films subjected to thermal annealing and treatment in hydrogen plasma
Vol 50, No 8 (2016) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Conduction in titanium dioxide films and metal–TiO2–Si structures
Vol 50, No 8 (2016) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Electrical and photoelectric properties of n-TiN/p-Hg3In2Te6 heterostructures
Vol 50, No 8 (2016) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Room temperature de Haas–van Alphen effect in silicon nanosandwiches
Vol 50, No 8 (2016) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Prompt quality monitoring of InSe and GaSe semiconductor crystals by the nuclear quadrupole resonance technique
Vol 50, No 8 (2016) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Photoluminescence kinetics slowdown in an ensemble of GaN/AlN quantum dots upon tunneling interaction with defects
Vol 50, No 8 (2016) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Elastic strains and delocalized optical phonons in AlN/GaN superlattices
Vol 50, No 8 (2016) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Nonequilibrium chemical potential in a two-dimensional electron gas in the quantum-Hall-effect regime
Vol 50, No 8 (2016) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Effect of uniaxial deformation on the current–voltage characteristic of a p-Ge/n-GaAs heterostructure
Vol 50, No 8 (2016) Carbon Systems Carrier velocity effect on carbon nanotube Schottky contact
Vol 50, No 8 (2016) Carbon Systems Electromagnetic radiation of electrons in corrugated graphene
Vol 50, No 8 (2016) Carbon Systems Graphene-oxide films printed on rigid and flexible substrates for a wide spectrum of applications
Vol 50, No 8 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Study of the photoinduced degradation of tandem photovoltaic converters based on a-Si:H/μc-Si:H
Vol 50, No 8 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Dynamic thermoelectric model of a light-emitting structure with a current spreading layer
Vol 50, No 8 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Comparison of the characteristics of solar cells fabricated from multicrystalline silicon with those fabricated from silicon obtained by the monolike technology
Vol 50, No 8 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Transition times between the extremum points of the current–voltage characteristic of a resonant tunneling diode with hysteresis
Vol 50, No 8 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Optical properties of photodetectors based on single GaN nanowires with a transparent graphene contact
Vol 50, No 8 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Heterojunction low-barrier gaas diodes with an improved reverse I–V characteristic
Vol 50, No 8 (2016) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Estimation of the efficiency of the introduction of a porous layer into a silicon-on-sapphire structure substrate to enhance the reliability of devices under irradiation
Vol 50, No 8 (2016) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures On a silicon-based photonic-crystal cavity for the near-IR region: Numerical simulation and formation technology
Vol 50, No 8 (2016) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures On a two-layer Si3N4/SiO2 dielectric mask for low-resistance ohmic contacts to AlGaN/GaN HEMTs
Vol 50, No 8 (2016) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Formation of donors in germanium–silicon alloys implanted with hydrogen ions with different energies
Vol 50, No 8 (2016) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Changes in the conductivity of lead-selenide thin films after plasma etching
Vol 50, No 9 (2016) Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion) Halogen diffusion on a Ga-stabilized ζ-GaAs(001)–(4 × 2) surface
Vol 50, No 9 (2016) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Low-temperature conductivity of gadolinium sulfides
Vol 50, No 9 (2016) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Electrical parameters of polycrystalline Sm1–xEuxS rare-earth semiconductors
Vol 50, No 9 (2016) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Temperature dependence of the band gap of the single-crystal compounds In2S3 and AgIn5S8
Vol 50, No 9 (2016) Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation Plasmon–phonon coupling in the infrared reflectance spectra of Bi2Se3 films
Vol 50, No 9 (2016) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Relation between the structural and phase transformations in titanium-oxide films and the electrical and photoelectric properties of TiO2–Si structures
Vol 50, No 9 (2016) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Direct exchange between silicon nanocrystals and tunnel oxide traps under illumination on single electron photodetector
Vol 50, No 9 (2016) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Calculation of the Schottky barrier and current–voltage characteristics of metal–alloy structures based on silicon carbide
Vol 50, No 9 (2016) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena On the fractal nature of light-emitting structures based on III–N nanomaterials and related phenomena
Vol 50, No 9 (2016) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Optical properties of hybrid quantum-confined structures with high absorbance
Vol 50, No 9 (2016) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Optical properties of InGaAs/InGaAlAs quantum wells for the 1520–1580 nm spectral range
Vol 50, No 9 (2016) Amorphous, Vitreous, and Organic Semiconductors Photoluminescence spectra of thin films of ZnTPP–C60 and CuTPP–C60 molecular complexes
Vol 50, No 9 (2016) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Laser sintering of a TiO2 nanoporous film on a flexible substrate for application in solar cells
Vol 50, No 9 (2016) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Dielectric properties of layered FeGaInS4 single crystals in an alternating electric field
Vol 50, No 9 (2016) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Terahertz response of DNA oligonucleotides on the surface of silicon nanostructures
Vol 50, No 9 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices On methods of determining the band gap of semiconductor structures with p–n junctions
Vol 50, No 9 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Photovoltaic laser-power converter based on AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures
Vol 50, No 9 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices On the problem of internal optical loss and current leakage in laser heterostructures based on AlGaInAs/InP solid solutions
Vol 50, No 9 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Synthesis and study of thin TiO2 films doped with silver nanoparticles for the antireflection coatings and transparent contacts of photovoltaic converters
Vol 50, No 9 (2016) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Formation of the low-resistivity compound Cu3Ge by low-temperature treatment in an atomic hydrogen flux
Vol 50, No 9 (2016) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Epitaxial growth of GaN/AlN/InAlN heterostructures for HEMTs in horizontal MOCVD reactors with different designs
Vol 50, No 9 (2016) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Conditions of growth of high-quality relaxed Si1–xGex layers with a high Ge content by the vapor-phase decomposition of monogermane on a sublimating Si hot wire
Vol 50, No 9 (2016) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Synthesis of ZnO-based nanostructures for heterostructure photovoltaic cells
Vol 50, No 9 (2016) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Growth features and spectroscopic structure investigations of nanoprofiled AlN films formed on misoriented GaAs substrates
Vol 50, No 10 (2016) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Energy spectrum of charge carriers in TlIn1–xYbxTe2 solid solutions
Vol 50, No 10 (2016) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors First-principles calculations of the electronic and structural properties of GaSb
Vol 50, No 10 (2016) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Study of the effect of doping on the temperature stability of the optical properties of germanium single crystals
Vol 50, No 10 (2016) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Some challenging points in the identification of defects in floating-zone n-type silicon irradiated with 8 and 15 MeV protons
Vol 50, No 10 (2016) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Room-temperature operation of quantum cascade lasers at a wavelength of 5.8 μm
Vol 50, No 10 (2016) Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation UV and IR emission intensity in ZnO films, nanorods, and bulk single crystals doped with Er and additionally introduced impurities
Vol 50, No 10 (2016) Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation Self-synchronization of the modulation of energy-levels population with electrons in GaAs induced by picosecond pulses of probe radiation and intrinsic stimulated emission
Vol 50, No 10 (2016) Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation Reflectance of a PbSb2Te4 crystal in a wide spectral range
Vol 50, No 10 (2016) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films The C 1s core level spectroscopy of carbon atoms at the surface SiC/Si(111)-4° layer and Cs/SiC/Si(111)-4° interface
Vol 50, No 10 (2016) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Dielectric properties of DNA oligonucleotides on the surface of silicon nanostructures
Vol 50, No 10 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices GaSb laser-power (λ = 1550 nm) converters: Fabrication method and characteristics
Vol 50, No 10 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Effect of the chemical composition of Cu–In–Ga–Se layers on the photoconductivity and conversion efficiency of CdS/CIGSe solar cells
Vol 50, No 10 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Mechanism of microplasma turn-off upon the avalanche breakdown of silicon p–n structures
Vol 50, No 10 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices On the main photoelectric characteristics of three-junction InGaP/InGaAs/Ge solar cells in a broad temperature range (–197°C ≤ T ≤ +85°C)
Vol 50, No 10 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Theory of the power characteristics of quantum-well lasers with asymmetric barrier layers: Inclusion of asymmetry in electron- and hole-state filling
Vol 50, No 10 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Efficiency droop in GaN LEDs at high injection levels: Role of hydrogen
Vol 50, No 10 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Fabrication of a terahertz quantum-cascade laser with a double metal waveguide based on multilayer GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures
Vol 50, No 10 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices effect of the parameters of AlN/GaN/AlGaN and AlN/GaN/InAlN heterostructures with a two-dimensional electron gas on their electrical properties and the characteristics of transistors on their basis
Vol 50, No 10 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Polarization characteristics of 850-nm vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers with intracavity contacts and a rhomboidal oxide current aperture
Vol 50, No 10 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Study of the pulse characteristics of semiconductor lasers with a broadened waveguide at low temperatures (110–120 K)
Vol 50, No 10 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Enhancement of the spectral sensitivity of photodiodes for the mid-IR spectral range
Vol 50, No 10 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Laser characteristics of an injection microdisk with quantum dots and its free-space outcoupling efficiency
Vol 50, No 10 (2016) Physics of Semiconductor Devices On the gain properties of “thin” elastically strained InGaAs/InGaAlAs quantum wells emitting in the near-infrared spectral region near 1550 nm
Vol 50, No 10 (2016) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Investigation of the fabrication processes of AlGaN/AlN/GaN НЕМТs with in situ Si3N4 passivation
Vol 50, No 11 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Hybrid AlGaAs/GaAs/AlGaAs nanowires with a quantum dot grown by molecular beam epitaxy on silicon
Vol 50, No 11 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Modulation of intersubband light absorption and interband photoluminescence in double GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells under strong lateral electric fields
Vol 50, No 11 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Optical spectroscopy of a resonant Bragg structure with InGaN/GaN quantum wells
Vol 50, No 11 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Stimulated emission in heterostructures with double InGaAs/GaAsSb/GaAs quantum wells, grown on GaAs and Ge/Si(001) substrates
Vol 50, No 11 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Heavily doped GaAs:Te layers grown by MOVPE using diisopropyl telluride as a source
Vol 50, No 11 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Fabrication of MnGa/GaAs contacts for optoelectronics and spintronics applications
Vol 50, No 11 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Germanium laser with a hybrid surface plasmon mode
Vol 50, No 11 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 On the crystal structure and thermoelectric properties of thin Si1–xMnx films
Vol 50, No 11 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Terahertz absorption and emission upon the photoionization of acceptors in uniaxially stressed silicon
Vol 50, No 11 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Anharmonic Bloch oscillations of electrons in electrically biased superlattices
Vol 50, No 11 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Effect of thermal annealing on the photoluminescence of structures with InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells and a low-temperature GaAs layer δ-doped with Mn
Vol 50, No 11 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Electroluminescence from MIS silicon-based light emitters with arrays of self-assembled Ge(Si) nanoislands
Vol 50, No 11 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Anisotropy of the magnetocapacitance of structures based on PbSnTe:In/BaF2 films
Vol 50, No 11 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Method for narrowing the directional pattern of an InGaAs/GaAs/AlGaAs multiwell heterolaser
Vol 50, No 11 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Edge and defect luminescence of powerful ultraviolet InGaN/GaN light-emitting diodes
Vol 50, No 11 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Effect of a low-temperature-grown GaAs layer on InAs quantum-dot photoluminescence
Vol 50, No 11 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 On the condensation of exciton polaritons in microcavities induced by a magnetic field
Vol 50, No 11 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Epitaxial GaN layers formed on langasite substrates by the plasma-assisted MBE method
Vol 50, No 11 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Dynamic generation of spin-wave currents in hybrid structures
Vol 50, No 11 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Numerical simulation of the properties of solar cells based on GaPNAs/Si heterostructures and GaN nanowires
Vol 50, No 11 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Simulation of electron transport in GaAs/AlAs superlattices with a small number of periods for the THz frequency range
Vol 50, No 11 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Magnetospectroscopy of double HgTe/CdHgTe quantum wells
Vol 50, No 11 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Study of the structures of cleaved cross sections by Raman spectroscopy
Vol 50, No 11 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Wide-aperture total absorption of a terahertz wave in a nanoperiodic graphene-based plasmon structure
Vol 50, No 11 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Investigation of the thermal stability of metastable GeSn epitaxial layers
Vol 50, No 11 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Nanoheterostructures with improved parameters for high-speed and efficient plasmon-polariton light emitting Schottky diodes
Vol 50, No 12 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Resonant features of the terahertz generation in semiconductor nanowires
Vol 50, No 12 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 On a new method of heterojunction formation in III–V nanowires
Vol 50, No 12 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Atomic composition and electrical characteristics of epitaxial CVD diamond layers doped with boron
Vol 50, No 12 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Theoretical and experimental studies of the current–voltage and capacitance–voltage of HEMT structures and field-effect transistors
Vol 50, No 12 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Microwave-signal generation in a planar Gunn diode with radiation exposure taken into account
Vol 50, No 12 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Strained multilayer structures with pseudomorphic GeSiSn layers
Vol 50, No 12 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Physical properties of metal–insulator–semiconductor structures based on n-GaAs with InAs quantum dots deposited onto the surface of an n-GaAs layer
Vol 50, No 12 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Bragg resonance in a system of AsSb plasmonic nanoinclusions in AlGaAs
Vol 50, No 12 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Asymmetric devices based on carbon nanotubes for terahertz-range radiation detection
Vol 50, No 12 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 On the radiative recombination and tunneling of charge carriers in SiGe/Si heterostructures with double quantum wells
Vol 50, No 12 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Polariton condensate coherence in planar microcavities in a magnetic field
Vol 50, No 12 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Electrical and photoelectric properties of Si-based metal–insulator–semiconductor structures with Au nanoparticles at the insulator–semiconductor interface
Vol 50, No 12 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Surface passivation of GaAs nanowires by the atomic layer deposition of AlN
Vol 50, No 12 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Formation of singular (001) terraces on the surface of single-crystal HPHT diamond substrates
Vol 50, No 12 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 CdHgTe heterostructures for new-generation IR photodetectors operating at elevated temperatures
Vol 50, No 12 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Influence of surface roughness on a change in the growth mode from two-dimensional to three-dimensional for strained SiGe heterostructures
Vol 50, No 12 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 PbSnTe:In compound: Electron capture levels, galvanomagnetic properties, and THz sensitivity
Vol 50, No 12 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Quantum Hall effect and hopping conductivity in n-InGaAs/InAlAs nanoheterostructures
Vol 50, No 12 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Polarization of the photoluminescence of quantum dots incorporated into quantum wires
Vol 50, No 12 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Long-wavelength stimulated emission and carrier lifetimes in HgCdTe-based waveguide structures with quantum wells
Vol 50, No 12 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Electroluminescence of structures with self-assembled Ge(Si) nanoislands confined between strained Si layers
Vol 50, No 12 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Mercury vacancies as divalent acceptors in HgyTe1 – y/CdxHg1 – xTe structures with quantum wells
Vol 50, No 12 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Terahertz injection lasers based on PbSnSe alloy with an emission wavelength up to 46.5 μm
Vol 50, No 12 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Polarization of the induced THz emission of donors in silicon
Vol 50, No 12 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Effect of random inhomogeneities in the spatial distribution of radiation-induced defect clusters on carrier transport through the thin base of a heterojunction bipolar transistor upon neutron irradiation
Vol 50, No 12 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 Giant negative photoconductivity of PbSnTe:In films with wavelength cutoff near 30 μm
Vol 50, No 12 (2016) XX International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 14–18, 2016 The exciton excitations and relaxation processes in low-dimensional semiconductor heterostructures with quantum wells
Vol 50, No 13 (2016) Materials for Electronic Engineering Improving the functional characteristics of gallium nitride during vapor phase epitaxy
Vol 50, No 13 (2016) Materials for Electronic Engineering Interaction of electromagnetic radiation with magnetically functionalized CNT nanocomposite in the subterahertz frequency range
Vol 50, No 13 (2016) Materials for Electronic Engineering Methods of accounting for inclusion-shape randomness in calculating the effective dielectric characteristics of heterogeneous textured materials
Vol 50, No 13 (2016) Materials for Electronic Engineering Method of investigation of galvanomagnetic properties of CdxHg1 − xTe and CdxHg1 − xTe/Cd1 − yZnyTe
Vol 50, No 13 (2016) Microelectronic and Nanoelectronic Technology Effect of ionic Ag+ transfer on localization of metal-assisted etching of silicon surface
Vol 50, No 13 (2016) Microelectronic and Nanoelectronic Technology Formation of field-emission emitters by microwave plasma-chemical synthesis of nanocarbon structures
Vol 50, No 13 (2016) Microelectronic Devices and Systems Methods for suppressing optical crosstalk between the cells of a silicon photomultiplier array
Vol 50, No 13 (2016) Microelectronic Devices and Systems The effect of the electron–phonon interaction on reverse currents of GaAs-based p–n junctions
Vol 50, No 13 (2016) Nanotechnology Surface functionalization of single-layer and multilayer graphene upon ultraviolet irradiation
Vol 50, No 13 (2016) Nanotechnology Nanostructured current sources based on carbon nanotubes excited by β radiation
Vol 50, No 13 (2016) Nanotechnology Formation of carbon nanotubes on an amorphous Ni25Ta58N17 alloy film by chemical vapor deposition
Vol 50, No 13 (2016) Methods and Technique of Measurements Study of the structure and composition of the strained epitaxial layer in the InAlAs/GaAs(100) heterostructure by transmission electron microscopy
Vol 50, No 13 (2016) Methods and Technique of Measurements Measurements of electrophysical characteristics of semiconductor structures with the use of microwave photonic crystals
Vol 51, No 1 (2017) Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion) Diffusion of interstitial magnesium in dislocation-free silicon
Vol 51, No 1 (2017) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Investigations of CuFeS2 semiconductor mineral from ocean rift hydrothermal vent fields by Cu NMR in a local field
Vol 51, No 1 (2017) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Ballistic magnetotransport in a suspended two-dimensional electron gas with periodic antidot lattices
Vol 51, No 1 (2017) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Two-tone nonlinear electrostatic waves in the quantum electron–hole plasma of semiconductors
Vol 51, No 1 (2017) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Lifetime of excess electrons in Cu–Zn–Sn–Se powders
Vol 51, No 1 (2017) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Atomic and electronic structure of the CdTe(111)B–(2√3 × 4) orthogonal surface
Vol 51, No 1 (2017) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films On the growth, structure, and surface morphology of epitaxial CdTe films
Vol 51, No 1 (2017) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Cyclotron resonance of dirac fermions in InAs/GaSb/InAs quantum wells
Vol 51, No 1 (2017) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Spin-dependent tunneling recombination in heterostructures with a magnetic layer
Vol 51, No 1 (2017) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Formation and properties of the buried isolating silicon-dioxide layer in double-layer “porous silicon-on-insulator” structures
Vol 51, No 1 (2017) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Study of the parameters of nanoscale layers in nanoheterostructures based on II–VI semiconductor compounds
Vol 51, No 1 (2017) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Fabrication of oxide heterostructures for promising solar cells of a new generation
Vol 51, No 1 (2017) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Optimization of the parameters of power sources excited by β-radiation
Vol 51, No 1 (2017) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Effect of active-region “volume” on the radiative properties of laser heterostructures with radiation output through the substrate
Vol 51, No 1 (2017) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Anodes for Li-ion batteries based on p-Si with self-organized macropores
Vol 51, No 1 (2017) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Influence of double- and triple-layer antireflection coatings on the formation of photocurrents in multijunction III–V solar cells
Vol 51, No 1 (2017) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Optimization of structural and growth parameters of metamorphic InGaAs photovoltaic converters grown by MOCVD
Vol 51, No 1 (2017) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures InGaN/GaN light-emitting diode microwires of submillimeter length
Vol 51, No 1 (2017) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Surface texture of single-crystal silicon oxidized under a thin V2O5 layer
Vol 51, No 1 (2017) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Nanoscale Cu2O films: Radio-frequency magnetron sputtering and structural and optical studies
Vol 51, No 1 (2017) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures On the laser lift-off of lightly doped micrometer-thick n-GaN films from substrates via the absorption of IR radiation in sapphire
Vol 51, No 1 (2017) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Epitaxial AlxGa1 – xAs:Mg alloys with different conductivity types
Vol 51, No 1 (2017) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures PEALD grown high-k ZrO2 thin films on SiC group IV compound semiconductor
Vol 51, No 1 (2017) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Application of B12N12 and B12P12 as two fullerene-like semiconductors for adsorption of halomethane: Density functional theory study
Vol 51, No 2 (2017) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Features of the band structure and conduction mechanisms of n-HfNiSn heavily doped with Y
Vol 51, No 2 (2017) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Electrical properties and transport mechanisms in phase change memory thin films of quasi-binary-line GeTe–Sb2Te3 chalcogenide semiconductors
Vol 51, No 2 (2017) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors On the thermopower and thermomagnetic properties of ErxSn1–xSe solid solutions
Vol 51, No 2 (2017) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Field diffusion in disordered organic materials under conditions of occupied deep states
Vol 51, No 2 (2017) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Magnetic-field-dependent microwave absorption in HgSe in weak magnetic fields
Vol 51, No 2 (2017) Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation Raman scattering in InP doped by Be+-ion implantation
Vol 51, No 2 (2017) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Influence of the doping type and level on the morphology of porous Si formed by galvanic etching
Vol 51, No 2 (2017) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Study of silicon doped with zinc ions and annealed in oxygen
Vol 51, No 2 (2017) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Study of the deposition features of the organic dye Rhodamine B on the porous surface of silicon with different pore sizes
Vol 51, No 2 (2017) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Electroreflectance spectra from multiple InGaN/GaN quantum wells in the nonuniform electric field of a p–n junction
Vol 51, No 2 (2017) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena New mechanism of semiconductor polarization at the interface with an organic insulator
Vol 51, No 2 (2017) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Photoluminescence of amorphous and crystalline silicon nanoclusters in silicon nitride and oxide superlattices
Vol 51, No 2 (2017) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Nucleation of two-dimensional islands on Si (111) during high-temperature epitaxial growth
Vol 51, No 2 (2017) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Structural studies of ZnS:Cu (5 at %) nanocomposites in porous Al2O3 of different thicknesses
Vol 51, No 2 (2017) Carbon Systems Thermal stability of hydrogenated small-diameter carbon nanotubes
Vol 51, No 2 (2017) Carbon Systems On the theory of adsorption on graphene-like compounds
Vol 51, No 2 (2017) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Analysis of the impact of non-1D effects on the gate switch-on current in 4H-SiC thyristors
Vol 51, No 2 (2017) Physics of Semiconductor Devices On the effect of ballistic overflow on the temperature dependence of the quantum efficiency of InGaN/GaN multiple quantum well light-emitting diodes
Vol 51, No 2 (2017) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Electroluminescence of InAs/InAs(Sb)/InAsSbP LED heterostructures in the temperature range 4.2–300 K
Vol 51, No 2 (2017) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Increase the threshold voltage of high voltage GaN transistors by low temperature atomic hydrogen treatment
Vol 51, No 2 (2017) Physics of Semiconductor Devices MSM optical detector on the basis of II-type ZnSe/ZnTe superlattice
Vol 51, No 2 (2017) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Specific features of waveguide recombination in laser structures with asymmetric barrier layers
Vol 51, No 2 (2017) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Spatial redistribution of radiation in flip-chip photodiodes based on InAsSbP/InAs double heterostructures
Vol 51, No 2 (2017) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Study of the structural and optical properties of GaP(N) layers synthesized by molecular-beam epitaxy on Si(100) 4° substrates
Vol 51, No 2 (2017) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures The temperature dependence of the conductivity peak values in the single and the double quantum well nanostructures n-InGaAs/GaAs after IR-illumination
Vol 51, No 3 (2017) Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion) Single crystals of (FeIn2S4)x · (CuIn5S8)1–x alloys: Crystal structure, nuclear gamma resonance spectra, and thermal expansion
Vol 51, No 3 (2017) Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion) Crystal defects in solar cells produced by the method of thermomigration
Vol 51, No 3 (2017) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Improvement in the accuracy of determining impurity compensation in pure weakly compensated germanium from breakdown-field strength
Vol 51, No 3 (2017) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Atomic configuration and charge state of hydrogen at dislocations in silicon
Vol 51, No 3 (2017) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Effect of the energy of bombarding electrons on the conductivity of n-4H-SiC (CVD) epitaxial layers
Vol 51, No 3 (2017) Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation Effect of H+ implantation on the optical properties of semi-insulating GaAs crystals in the IR spectral region
Vol 51, No 3 (2017) Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation Terahertz-radiation generation in low-temperature InGaAs epitaxial films on (100) and (411) InP substrates
Vol 51, No 3 (2017) Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation Effect of temperature and doping with Cu on the reflectance spectra of PbSb2Te4 crystals
Vol 51, No 3 (2017) Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation Radiative d–d transitions at tungsten centers in II–VI semiconductors
Vol 51, No 3 (2017) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena On the size and temperature dependence of the energy gap in cadmium-selenide quantum dots embedded in fluorophosphate glasses
Vol 51, No 3 (2017) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Valence-band offsets in strained SiGeSn/Si layers with different tin contents
Vol 51, No 3 (2017) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Structure and properties of nanostructured ZnO arrays and ZnO/Ag nanocomposites fabricated by pulsed electrodeposition
Vol 51, No 3 (2017) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Temperature dependences of the electrical parameters of anisotype NiO/CdTe heterojunctions
Vol 51, No 3 (2017) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Formation of silicon nanocrystals in multilayer nanoperiodic a-SiOx/insulator structures from the results of synchrotron investigations
Vol 51, No 3 (2017) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Multilayer photosensitive structures based on porous silicon and rare-earth-element compounds: Study of spectral characteristics
Vol 51, No 3 (2017) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Optical properties of hybrid quantum-well–dots nanostructures grown by MOCVD
Vol 51, No 3 (2017) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Phase modulation of mid-infrared radiation in double-quantum-well structures under a lateral electric field
Vol 51, No 3 (2017) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Specific features of the capacitance–voltage characteristics of a Cu–SiO2p-InSb MIS structure
Vol 51, No 3 (2017) Physics of Semiconductor Devices A study of deep centers in microplasma channels in GaP light-emitting diodes with green-emission spectrum
Vol 51, No 3 (2017) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Current–voltage characteristics of high-voltage 4H-SiC p+n0n+ diodes in the avalanche breakdown mode
Vol 51, No 3 (2017) Physics of Semiconductor Devices AlN/GaN heterostructures for normally-off transistors
Vol 51, No 3 (2017) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Pulsed laser deposition of AlxGa1–xAs and GaP thin films onto Si substrates for photoelectric converters
Vol 51, No 3 (2017) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Properties of ZnO:Er3+ films obtained by the sol–gel method
Vol 51, No 3 (2017) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Separation of III–N/SiC epitaxial heterostructure from a Si substrate and their transfer to other substrate types
Vol 51, No 3 (2017) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Structural and optical properties of silicon-carbide nanowires produced by the high-temperature carbonization of silicon nanostructures
Vol 51, No 3 (2017) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Effect of energy density on the target on SnO2:Sb film properties when using a high-speed particle separator
Vol 51, No 4 (2017) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors On the peculiarities of galvanomagnetic effects in high magnetic fields in twisting bicrystals of the 3D topological insulator Bi1–xSbx (0.07 ≤ x ≤ 0.2)
Vol 51, No 4 (2017) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Modification of the thermal relaxation kinetics of the photoinduced (at T = 425 K) metastable dark conductivity of a-Si:H films by weak illumination during the initial stage of relaxation
Vol 51, No 4 (2017) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Reversible electrochemical modification of the surface of a semiconductor by an atomic-force microscope probe
Vol 51, No 4 (2017) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Electron mobility in the inversion layers of fully depleted SOI films
Vol 51, No 4 (2017) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Dynamics of electron scattering in absolutely transparent channels in three-barrier structures in the case of two-photon transitions
Vol 51, No 4 (2017) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Alloyed Si/Al-based ohmic contacts to AlGaN/GaN nitride heterostructures
Vol 51, No 4 (2017) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Quantum-well charge and voltage distribution in a metal–insulator–semiconductor structure upon resonant electron Tunneling
Vol 51, No 4 (2017) Amorphous, Vitreous, and Organic Semiconductors Electron exchange between neutral and ionized impurity iron centers in vitreous arsenic selenide
Vol 51, No 4 (2017) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Specific features of ZnCdS nanoparticles synthesized in different solvents
Vol 51, No 4 (2017) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Anodic processes in the chemical and electrochemical etching of Si crystals in acid-fluoride solutions: Pore formation mechanism
Vol 51, No 4 (2017) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Ab initio calculations of the electron spectrum and density of states of TlFeS2 and TlFeSe2 crystals
Vol 51, No 4 (2017) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Sensitivity of energy-packed compounds based on superfine and nanoporous silicon to pulsed electrical treatments
Vol 51, No 4 (2017) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Effect of gamma irradiation on the photoluminescence of porous silicon
Vol 51, No 4 (2017) Carbon Systems On the high charge-carrier mobility in polyaniline molecular channels in nanogaps between carbon nanotubes
Vol 51, No 4 (2017) Carbon Systems Optical transparency of graphene layers grown on metal surfaces
Vol 51, No 4 (2017) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Polarization-modulation diagnostics of thermal stresses in an integrated pressure transducer
Vol 51, No 4 (2017) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Terahertz-radiation generation and detection in low-temperature-grown GaAs epitaxial films on GaAs (100) and (111)A substrates
Vol 51, No 4 (2017) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Terahertz radiation in In0.38Ga0.62As grown on a GaAs wafer with a metamorphic buffer layer under femtosecond laser excitation
Vol 51, No 4 (2017) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Energy spectrum and thermal properties of a terahertz quantum-cascade laser based on the resonant-phonon depopulation scheme
Vol 51, No 4 (2017) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Optimization of vertical cavity lasers with intracavity metal layers
Vol 51, No 4 (2017) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures In As1–xSbx heteroepitaxial structures on compositionally graded GaInSb and AlGaInSb buffer layers
Vol 51, No 4 (2017) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Surface nanostructuring in the carbon–silicon(100) system upon microwave plasma treatment
Vol 51, No 4 (2017) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Investigation of spatial distribution of photocurrent in the plane of a Si p–n photodiode with GeSi nanoislands by scanning near-field optical microscopy
Vol 51, No 4 (2017) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Silicon nanowire array architecture for heterojunction electronics
Vol 51, No 5 (2017) Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion) Negative annealing in silicon after the implantation of high-energy sodium ions
Vol 51, No 5 (2017) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Ab initio calculations of phonon dispersion in CdGa2Se4
Vol 51, No 5 (2017) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Parameters of ZnO films with p-type conductivity deposited by high-frequency magnetron sputtering
Vol 51, No 5 (2017) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Picosecond relaxation of band-gap renormalization induced by the Coulomb interaction of charge carriers in GaAs
Vol 51, No 5 (2017) Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation Optical an photoelectric properties odf ZnSe:Ti crystals
Vol 51, No 5 (2017) Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation Electronic excitation transfer from an organic matrix to CdS nanocrystals produced by the Langmuir–Blodgett method
Vol 51, No 5 (2017) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Modification of the surface of GaAs and observation of surface enhanced Raman scattering after the diffusion of indium
Vol 51, No 5 (2017) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Morphology, optical, and adsorption properties of copper-oxide layers deposited from complex compound solutions
Vol 51, No 5 (2017) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Origin of discrepancies in the experimental values of the barrier height at metal–semiconductor junctions
Vol 51, No 5 (2017) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Specific features of ballistic electron transport in double-level open systems in a large-amplitude high-frequency electric field
Vol 51, No 5 (2017) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Injection-induced terahertz electroluminescence from silicon p–n structures
Vol 51, No 5 (2017) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Characteristics of the Schottky barriers of two-terminal thin-film Al/nano-Si film/ITO structures
Vol 51, No 5 (2017) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Electronic structure of single-layer superlattices (GeC)1(SiC)1, (SnC)1(SiC)1, and (SnC)1(GeC)1
Vol 51, No 5 (2017) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Photoelectric characteristics of silicon carbide–silicon structures grown by the atomic substitution method in a silicon crystal lattice
Vol 51, No 5 (2017) Amorphous, Vitreous, and Organic Semiconductors Energy transfer from TPD to CdSe/CdS/ZnS colloidal nanocrystals
Vol 51, No 5 (2017) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors On the photoconductivity of TlInSe2
Vol 51, No 5 (2017) Carbon Systems Effect of hydrogen desorption on the mechanical properties and electron structure of diamond-like carbon nanothreads
Vol 51, No 5 (2017) Carbon Systems Effect of intercalated hydrogen on the electron state of quasi-free graphene on a SiC substrate
Vol 51, No 5 (2017) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Laser (λ = 809 nm) power converter based on GaAs
Vol 51, No 5 (2017) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Study of the voltage drop process for the case of high-power thyristors switched in the impact-ionization mode
Vol 51, No 5 (2017) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Experimental and theoretical studies of the characteristics of position-sensitive photodetectors based on n-CdSe/mica epitaxial layers
Vol 51, No 5 (2017) Physics of Semiconductor Devices On the stimulated emission of InGaAs/GaAs/AlGaAs laser structures grown by MOCVD on exact and inclined Ge/Si(001) substrates
Vol 51, No 5 (2017) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Formation of a p-type emitter with the involvement of surfactants in GaAs photoelectric converters
Vol 51, No 5 (2017) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures InAs QDs in a metamorphic In0.25Ga0.75As matrix, grown by MOCVD
Vol 51, No 5 (2017) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Ab initio studies of structural, electronic, optical, elastic and thermal properties of CuGaTe2
Vol 51, No 6 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Transport properties of cobalt monosilicide and its alloys at low temperatures
Vol 51, No 6 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 On the density-of-states effective mass and charge-carrier mobility in heteroepitaxial films of bismuth telluride and Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 solid solution
Vol 51, No 6 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Calculation of the thermal conductivity of nanostructured Bi2Te3 with the real phonon spectrum taken into account
Vol 51, No 6 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Thermoelectric properties of InSb〈Zn〉 in nanoporous glass
Vol 51, No 6 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Galvanomagnetic properties of Bi85Sb15 thin films on different substrates
Vol 51, No 6 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Structure of thermoelectric films of higher manganese silicide on silicon according to electron microscopy data
Vol 51, No 6 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Synthesis and electrical properties of Bi2Te3-based thermoelectric materials doped with Er, Tm, Yb, and Lu
Vol 51, No 6 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Preparation and properties of Zn4Sb3-based thermoelectric material
Vol 51, No 6 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Fe-based semiconducting Heusler alloys
Vol 51, No 6 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Simulation of the field-activated sintering of thermoelectric materials
Vol 51, No 6 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Effect of anion and cation substitution in tungsten disulfide and tungsten diselenide on conductivity and thermoelectric power
Vol 51, No 6 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 On the morphology of the interlayer surface and micro-Raman spectra of layered films in topological insulators based on bismuth telluride
Vol 51, No 6 (2017) Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion) Polymorphic transformations and thermal expansion in AgCuSe0.5(S,Te)0.5 crystals
Vol 51, No 6 (2017) Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion) On a neutron detector based on TlInSe2 crystals intercalated with a lithium isotope
Vol 51, No 6 (2017) Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion) Study of the distribution profile of iron ions implanted into silicon
Vol 51, No 6 (2017) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Electrical properties of ZnSe crystals doped with transition elements
Vol 51, No 6 (2017) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Simulation of drift-diffusion transport of charge carriers in semiconductor layers with a fractal structure in an alternating electric field
Vol 51, No 6 (2017) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Electron properties of surface InGaAs/InAlAs quantum wells with inverted doping on InP substrates
Vol 51, No 6 (2017) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Classical magnetoresistance of a two-component system induced by thermoelectric effects
Vol 51, No 6 (2017) Amorphous, Vitreous, and Organic Semiconductors Influence of the samarium impurity on the structure and surface morphology of Se95Te5 chalcogenide glassy semiconductor
Vol 51, No 6 (2017) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Ab initio study of the electronic and vibrational structures of tetragonal cadmium diarsenide
Vol 51, No 6 (2017) Physics of Semiconductor Devices n-ZnO/p-CuI barrier heterostructure based on zinc-oxide nanoarrays formed by pulsed electrodeposition and SILAR copper-iodide films
Vol 51, No 6 (2017) Physics of Semiconductor Devices On the limit of the injection ability of silicon p+n junctions as a result of fundamental physical effects
Vol 51, No 6 (2017) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Simulation of reversely switched dynistors in modes with a lowered primary-ignition threshold
Vol 51, No 6 (2017) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Influence of a static magnetic field on the formation of silicide phases in a Cu/Si(100) structure upon isothermal annealing
Vol 51, No 6 (2017) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Effect of deposition temperature on the structure and optical properties of zinc-selenide films produced by radio-frequency magnetron sputtering
Vol 51, No 6 (2017) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures On the detachment of thin ITO films from silicon substrate by microsecond laser irradiation
Vol 51, No 6 (2017) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Structural features of Sm1–xEuxS thin polycrystalline films
Vol 51, No 7 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Structure of bismuth films obtained using an array of identically oriented single-crystal bismuth islands preliminarily grown on a substrate
Vol 51, No 7 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Resistance and thermoelectric power of carbon fibers upon changing the conductivity type
Vol 51, No 7 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 On the conduction-band structure of bismuth telluride: optical absorption data
Vol 51, No 7 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Measurement of the thickness of block-structured bismuth films by atomic-force microscopy combined with selective chemical etching
Vol 51, No 7 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Transport properties of heteroepitaxial films based on bismuth telluride in strong magnetic fields
Vol 51, No 7 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Segmented thermoelectric unicouple for an operating temperature range of 30–320°C
Vol 51, No 7 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Thermoelectric battery based on bundles of Bi and Sb nanowires in anodic alumina matrices
Vol 51, No 7 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Experimental and theoretical study of the thermoelectric properties of copper selenide
Vol 51, No 7 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Simulation of the Qmax mode of a thermoelectric cooler taking into account thermal resistances at the cool and hot sides
Vol 51, No 7 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Thermoelectric power of Bi92Sb8 and Bi85Sb15 thin films
Vol 51, No 7 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Structure of the Cu2Se compound produced by different methods
Vol 51, No 7 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Prospects of using rare-earth hexaborides in thermoelectric single-photon detectors
Vol 51, No 7 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 On the thermal conductivity of the gradient-inhomogeneous branches of thermoelements at a difference in the operating temperature
Vol 51, No 7 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Dependence of the surface morphology of ultrathin bismuth films on mica substrates on the film thickness
Vol 51, No 7 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Galvanomagnetic properties of bismuth films with a thin antimony coating or sublayer
Vol 51, No 7 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Local thermoelectric effects in wide-gap semiconductors
Vol 51, No 7 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 The dependence of the microstructure and thermoelectric properties of germanium-doped higher manganese silicide crystals
Vol 51, No 7 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Preparation and study of the thermoelectric properties of Fe2TiSn1–xSix Heusler alloys
Vol 51, No 7 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Symmetry ratios and structural code of layered crystals of the family [(Ge,Sn,Pb)(Te,Se)]m[(Bi,Sb)2(Te,Se)3]n (m, n = 0, 1, 2…)
Vol 51, No 7 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Electrochemical studies of copper-doping processes in layered crystals of the family [(Ge,Sn,Pb)(Te,Se)]m[(Bi,Sb)2(Te,Se)3]n (m, n = 0, 1, 2…)
Vol 51, No 7 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Estimation of the band gap of a series of new thermoelectric materials
Vol 51, No 7 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 On a carbon nanostructure-based thermoelectric converter with record parameters
Vol 51, No 7 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Thermoelectric materials for different temperature levels
Vol 51, No 7 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Optimization of segmented cooling leg
Vol 51, No 7 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Thermoelectric and mechanical properties of Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 solid solution prepared by melt solidification in liquid
Vol 51, No 7 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Preparation and properties of Zn4Sb3-based thermoelectric material
Vol 51, No 7 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Charge-carrier density collapse in layered crystals of the family [(Ge,Sn,Pb)(Te,Se)]m[(Bi,Sb)2(Te,Se)3]n (m, n = 0, 1, 2…)
Vol 51, No 7 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Thermoelectric properties of CexNdyCo4Sb12 skutterudites
Vol 51, No 7 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Thermoelectric energy converters: Environmental aspects
Vol 51, No 7 (2017) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Tensoresistance of n-Ge with different crystallographic orientations in the presence of a classically high magnetic field and without it
Vol 51, No 7 (2017) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Effect of doping with rare-earth elements (Eu, Tb, Dy) on the conductivity of Bi2Te3 layered single crystals
Vol 51, No 7 (2017) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Purcell effect in disordered one-dimensional photonic crystals
Vol 51, No 7 (2017) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Varistor effect in highly heterogeneous polymer–ZnO systems
Vol 51, No 7 (2017) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Increase in the internal optical loss with increasing pump current and the output power of quantum well lasers
Vol 51, No 7 (2017) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Utilizing nanotechnology and novel materials and concepts for advanced thermoelectric and thermal management technology development
Vol 51, No 8 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Analysis of the crystal structure of alloys of the [(Ge, Sn, Pb)(Te, Se)]m[(Bi, Sb)2(Te, Se)3]n (m, n = 0, 1, 2,...) family within the theory of closely packed spheres
Vol 51, No 8 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Anisotropy of the thermopower in higher silicide of transitions metals
Vol 51, No 8 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Response of thermoelectric parameters of Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 films to secondary recrystallization
Vol 51, No 8 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Determination of the thermoelectric efficiency of thermoelectric materials from measurements of linear series of branches for n- and p-types of conductivity
Vol 51, No 8 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Development of a mathematical model for optimizing the design of an automotive thermoelectric generator taking into account the influence of its hydraulic resistance on the engine power
Vol 51, No 8 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Thermoelements from antimony- and bismuth-chalcogenide alloys
Vol 51, No 8 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Specific features of the transport properties of the Lu0.1Bi1.9Te3 compound
Vol 51, No 8 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 On the band structure of Sb2Te3–xSex (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.1): Kinetic and optical data
Vol 51, No 8 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Contact resistance in spark plasma sintered segmented legs
Vol 51, No 8 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 CeB6 thin films produced on different substrates by electron-beam deposition
Vol 51, No 8 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Thermoelectric properties of Bi2Te2.4Se0.6 solid solutions of different particle-size composition
Vol 51, No 8 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Thermoelectric properties of the Mg2Ge0.3Sn0.7 solid solution with p-type conductivity
Vol 51, No 8 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Optimization of a segmented generating leg
Vol 51, No 8 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Optimum operating-temperature range and lifetime estimate for ZnSb:0.1 at % Cu thermoelectrics
Vol 51, No 8 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Superconducting properties of (Pb0.05Sn0.95)Te doped with indium under conditions of hydrostatic compression
Vol 51, No 8 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Structure of Bi2Se0.3Te2.7 alloy plates obtained by crystallization in a flat cavity by the Bridgman method
Vol 51, No 8 (2017) XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016 Thermoelectric properties of Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 ribbons prepared by melt spinning
Vol 51, No 8 (2017) Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion) Mn0.1Ag0.9In4.7S7.6 single crystals: Crystal structure, band gap, and thermal expansion
Vol 51, No 8 (2017) Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion) High-temperature diffusion of magnesium in dislocation-free silicon
Vol 51, No 8 (2017) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Complex structure of optical transitions from the core d-levels of InAs and InSb crystals
Vol 51, No 8 (2017) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Impurity levels in Hg3In2Te6 crystals
Vol 51, No 8 (2017) Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation Effects of irradiation with 8-MeV protons on n-3C-SiC heteroepitaxial layers
Vol 51, No 8 (2017) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Effect of free charge carriers on birefringence and dichroism in anisotropic porous silicon layers
Vol 51, No 8 (2017) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena On the propagation of charge carriers fluxes in the thin layer of a plane-parallel solid-state structure with scattering at the boundaries of the layer taken into account
Vol 51, No 8 (2017) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Influence of traps in silicon dioxide on the breakdown of MOS structures
Vol 51, No 8 (2017) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Effect of electrolyte temperature on the cathodic deposition of Ge nanowires on in and Sn particles in aqueous solutions
Vol 51, No 8 (2017) Carbon Systems Study of the crystal and electronic structure of graphene films grown on 6H-SiC (0001)
Vol 51, No 8 (2017) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Current–voltage characteristics of Schottky diodes at high current densities under the injection of minority carriers
Vol 51, No 8 (2017) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Experimental studies of the effects of atomic ordering in epitaxial GaxIn1–xP alloys on their structural and morphological properties
Vol 51, No 8 (2017) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Effect of ammonium-sulfide solvent on the surface passivation of GaSb (100)
Vol 51, No 8 (2017) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures InSb quantum dots produced by liquid-phase epitaxy on InGaAsSb/GaSb substrates
Vol 51, No 8 (2017) Erratum Erratum to: “Atomic composition and electrical characteristics of epitaxial CVD diamond layers doped with boron”
Vol 51, No 9 (2017) Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion) Residual stresses in silicon and their evolution upon heat treatment and irradiation
Vol 51, No 9 (2017) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Experimental studies of the effects of atomic ordering in epitaxial GaxIn1 – xP alloys on their optical properties
Vol 51, No 9 (2017) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Temperature dependence of the atomic structure and electrical activity of defects in ZnSb thermoelectric lightly doped with copper
Vol 51, No 9 (2017) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Optical properties of metamorphic hybrid heterostuctures for vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers operating in the 1300-nm spectral range
Vol 51, No 9 (2017) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Influence of measurement temperature on the luminescence properties of (113) defects in oxygen-implanted silicon
Vol 51, No 9 (2017) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Generation of surface electron states with a silicon–ultrathin-oxide interface under the field-induced damage of metal–oxide–semiconductor structures
Vol 51, No 9 (2017) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena On the delta-type doping of GaAs-based heterostructures with manganese compounds
Vol 51, No 9 (2017) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Effect of electrostatic shielding on the photoelectric properties of heterostructures with deep QWs
Vol 51, No 9 (2017) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors High-temperature annealing of macroporous silicon in an inert-gas flow
Vol 51, No 9 (2017) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Characteristic properties of macroporous silicon sintering in an argon atmosphere
Vol 51, No 9 (2017) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Derivation of an analytical expression for a physical process from an experimental curve with kinks
Vol 51, No 9 (2017) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Degradation of micromorphous thin-film silicon (α-Si/μc-Si) solar modules: Evaluation of seasonal efficiency based on the data of monitoring
Vol 51, No 9 (2017) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Hopping conductivity and dielectric relaxation in Schottky barriers on GaN
Vol 51, No 9 (2017) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Transient switch-off of a 4H-SiC bipolar transistor from the deep-saturation mode
Vol 51, No 9 (2017) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Electric-field sensor based on a double quantum dot in a microcavity
Vol 51, No 9 (2017) Physics of Semiconductor Devices High-power nano- and picosecond optoelectronic switches based on high-voltage silicon structures with p–n junctions: I. Physics of the switching process
Vol 51, No 9 (2017) Physics of Semiconductor Devices High-power nano- and picosecond optoelectronic switches based on high-voltage silicon structures with p–n junctions: II. Energy efficiency
Vol 51, No 9 (2017) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Electrical and thermal properties of photoconductive antennas based on InxGa1 – xAs (x > 0.3) with a metamorphic buffer layer for the generation of terahertz radiation
Vol 51, No 9 (2017) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Collective modes in coupled semiconductor disk lasers in the case of whispering-gallery modes
Vol 51, No 9 (2017) Physics of Semiconductor Devices High-voltage MIS-gated GaN transistors
Vol 51, No 9 (2017) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Formation of low-dimensional structures in the InSb/AlAs heterosystem
Vol 51, No 9 (2017) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Specific features of the ion-beam synthesis of Ge nanocrystals in SiO2 thin films
Vol 51, No 10 (2017) Review Anisotropic Jahn–Teller acceptors formed in GaAs by first-group elements with a filled d shell
Vol 51, No 10 (2017) Review Tight-binding simulation of silicon and germanium nanocrystals
Vol 51, No 10 (2017) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Effects of local photoexcitation of high-concentration charge carriers in silicon
Vol 51, No 10 (2017) Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation Reflectance spectra of p-Bi2Te3:Sn crystals in a wide IR region
Vol 51, No 10 (2017) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Interdiffusion and phase formation in the Fe–TiO2 thin-film system
Vol 51, No 10 (2017) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Mechanism of resistive switching in films based on partially fluorinated graphene
Vol 51, No 10 (2017) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Quantum corrections to the conductivity and anomalous Hall effect in InGaAs quantum wells with a spatially separated Mn impurity
Vol 51, No 10 (2017) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Criterion for strong localization on a semiconductor surface in the Thomas–Fermi approximation
Vol 51, No 10 (2017) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Measurement of the lifetimes of vibrational states of DNA molecules in functionalized complexes of semiconductor quantum dots
Vol 51, No 10 (2017) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena On the high characteristic temperature of an InAs/GaAs/InGaAsP QD laser with an emission wavelength of ~1.5 μm on an InP substrate
Vol 51, No 10 (2017) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Photoluminescence of perovskite CsPbX3 (X = Cl, Br, I) nanocrystals and solid solutions on their basis
Vol 51, No 10 (2017) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Vertical transport in type-II heterojunctions with InAs/GaSb/AlSb composite quantum wells in a high magnetic field
Vol 51, No 10 (2017) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy studies of ZnSxSe1–x nanostructures produced in a porous aluminum-oxide matrix
Vol 51, No 10 (2017) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Degradation of the parameters of transistor temperature sensors under the effect of ionizing radiation
Vol 51, No 10 (2017) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Dual-frequency GaAs/InGaP laser diode with a GaAsSb quantum well
Vol 51, No 10 (2017) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Diffusion-Controlled growth of Ge nanocrystals in SiO2 films under conditions of ion synthesis at high pressure
Vol 51, No 10 (2017) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Formation and study of p–i–n structures based on two-phase hydrogenated silicon with a germanium layer in the i-type region
Vol 51, No 10 (2017) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Growth and properties of isoparametric InAlGaPAs/GaAs heterostructures
Vol 51, No 10 (2017) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures (FeIn2S4)x · (AgIn5S8)1–x alloys: Crystal structure, nuclear γ-Resonance spectra, and band gap
Vol 51, No 11 (2017) XXI International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 13–16, 2017 Optical thyristor based on GaAs/InGaP materials
Vol 51, No 11 (2017) XXI International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 13–16, 2017 Effect of the cap-layer composition on the electronic properties of InAs/GaAs quantum dots
Vol 51, No 11 (2017) XXI International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 13–16, 2017 Subminiature emitters based on a single (111) In(Ga)As quantum dot and hybrid microcavity
Vol 51, No 11 (2017) XXI International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 13–16, 2017 Thermoelectric effects in nanoscale layers of manganese silicide
Vol 51, No 11 (2017) XXI International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 13–16, 2017 Effect of electric field on the ratio between the rashba and dresselhaus parameters in III–V heterostructures
Vol 51, No 11 (2017) XXI International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 13–16, 2017 Features of the selective manganese doping of GaAs structures
Vol 51, No 11 (2017) XXI International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 13–16, 2017 Contactless characterization of manganese and carbon delta-layers in gallium arsenide
Vol 51, No 11 (2017) XXI International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 13–16, 2017 Inhomogeneous dopant distribution in III–V nanowires
Vol 51, No 11 (2017) XXI International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 13–16, 2017 Molecular-beam epitaxy of InGaAs/InAlAs/AlAs structures for heterobarrier varactors
Vol 51, No 11 (2017) XXI International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 13–16, 2017 Transport of hot charge carriers in Si, GaAs, InGaAs, and GaN submicrometer semiconductor structures with nanometer-scale clusters of radiation-induced defects
Vol 51, No 11 (2017) XXI International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 13–16, 2017 Optimization of the superlattice parameters for THz diodes
Vol 51, No 11 (2017) XXI International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 13–16, 2017 On the cascade capture of electrons at charged dipoles in weakly compensated semiconductors
Vol 51, No 11 (2017) XXI International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 13–16, 2017 Low-temperature deposition of SiNx Films in SiH4/Ar + N2 inductively coupled plasma under high silane dilution with argon
Vol 51, No 11 (2017) XXI International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 13–16, 2017 Study of the influence of ga as a surfactant during the high-temperature ammonia MBE of AlN layers on the properties of nitride heterostructures
Vol 51, No 11 (2017) XXI International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 13–16, 2017 Cleaved-edge photoluminescence spectroscopy of multilayer heterostructures
Vol 51, No 11 (2017) XXI International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 13–16, 2017 Amplification of terahertz radiation in a plasmon n–i–p–i graphene structure with charge-carrier injection
Vol 51, No 11 (2017) XXI International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 13–16, 2017 Degradation of the characteristics of GaAs bipolar transistors with a thin base due to the formation in them of nanometer-sized clusters of radiation-induced defects as a result of irradiation with neutrons
Vol 51, No 11 (2017) XXI International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 13–16, 2017 MBE growth of ultrathin III–V nanowires on a highly mismatched SiC/Si(111) substrate
Vol 51, No 11 (2017) XXI International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 13–16, 2017 Technology of the production of laser diodes based on GaAs/InGaAs/AlGaAs structures grown on a Ge/Si substrate
Vol 51, No 11 (2017) XXI International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 13–16, 2017 Semiconductor Structures with a one-dimensional quantum channel and in-plane side gates fabricated by pulse force nanolithography
Vol 51, No 11 (2017) XXI International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 13–16, 2017 Capacitance spectroscopy of hole traps in high-resistance gallium-arsenide structures grown by liquid-phase epitaxy
Vol 51, No 11 (2017) XXI International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 13–16, 2017 Analysis of the GaN-HEMT parameters before and after gamma-neutron irradiation
Vol 51, No 11 (2017) XXI International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 13–16, 2017 Cyclotron resonance features in a three-dimensional topological insulators
Vol 51, No 11 (2017) XXI International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 13–16, 2017 Giant effect of terahertz-radiation rectification in periodic graphene plasmonic structures
Vol 51, No 11 (2017) XXI International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 13–16, 2017 Energy relaxation in a quantum dot at the edge of a two-dimensional topological insulator
Vol 51, No 11 (2017) XXI International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 13–16, 2017 Luminescence of a near-surface GaAs/AlAs heterojunction in AlAs-based heterostructures
Vol 51, No 11 (2017) XXI International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 13–16, 2017 Effect of the surface on transport phenomena in PbSnTe:In/BaF2 films
Vol 51, No 11 (2017) XXI International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 13–16, 2017 Long-wavelength sensitivity limit in MBE-grown PbSnTe:In films: Correlation with the film structure and composition
Vol 51, No 11 (2017) XXI International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 13–16, 2017 Peculiarities of growing InGaAs/GaAs/AlGaAs laser structures by MOCVD on Ge/Si substrates
Vol 51, No 12 (2017) XXI International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 13–16, 2017 On the band spectrum in p-type HgTe/CdHgTe heterostructures and its transformation under temperature variation
Vol 51, No 12 (2017) XXI International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 13–16, 2017 Specific features of the photoexcitation spectra of epitaxial InN layers grown by molecular-beam epitaxy with the plasma activation of nitrogen
Vol 51, No 12 (2017) XXI International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 13–16, 2017 Selective etching of Si, SiGe, Ge and its usage for increasing the efficiency of silicon solar cells
Vol 51, No 12 (2017) XXI International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 13–16, 2017 Manifestation of PT symmetry in the exciton spectra of quantum wells
Vol 51, No 12 (2017) XXI International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 13–16, 2017 Antimony segregation in Si layers grown by molecular beam epitaxy on Si wafers with different crystallographic orientations
Vol 51, No 12 (2017) XXI International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 13–16, 2017 Investigation of HgCdTe waveguide structures with quantum wells for long-wavelength stimulated emission
Vol 51, No 12 (2017) XXI International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 13–16, 2017 Activation conductivity in HgTe/CdHgTe quantum wells at integer Landau level filling factors: Role of the random potential
Vol 51, No 12 (2017) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Radiation-produced defects in germanium: Experimental data and models of defects
Vol 51, No 12 (2017) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Study and simulation of electron transport in Ga0.5ln0.5Sb based on Monte Carlo method
Vol 51, No 12 (2017) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Production and identification of highly photoconductive CdSe-based hybrid organic-inorganic multi-layer materials
Vol 51, No 12 (2017) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Effect of Ag in CdSe thin films prepared using thermal evaporation
Vol 51, No 12 (2017) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Al-doped and pure ZnO thin films elaborated by sol–gel spin coating process for optoelectronic applications
Vol 51, No 12 (2017) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Effect of high voltage electric field on structure and property of PEDOT:PSS film
Vol 51, No 12 (2017) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films A comparative study on the electronic and optical properties of Sb2Se3 thin film
Vol 51, No 12 (2017) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Charge density at the Al2O3/Si interface in Metal–lnsulator–Semiconductor devices: Semiclassical and quantum mechanical descriptions
Vol 51, No 12 (2017) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Morphological and spectroscopic studies on the vertically aligned zinc oxide nanorods grown on low and high temperature deposited seed layer
Vol 51, No 12 (2017) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Electrical properties and the determination of interface state density from IV, Cf and Gf measurements in Ir/Ru/n-InGaN Schottky barrier diode
Vol 51, No 12 (2017) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Performance characteristics of p-channel FinFETs with varied Si-fin extension lengths for source and drain contacts
Vol 51, No 12 (2017) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Single electron transistor: Energy-level broadening effect and thermionic contribution
Vol 51, No 12 (2017) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Patterning approach for detecting defect in device manufacturing
Vol 51, No 12 (2017) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures The effects of electron irradiation and thermal dependence measurements on 4H-SiC Schottky diode
Vol 51, No 13 (2017) Basic Research On the Existence of Transverse Acoustoelectric Stoneley Waves and Their Applicability in Acoustonanoelectronics
Vol 51, No 13 (2017) Materials for Electronic Engineering Production of Silicon Nanoparticles for Use in Solar Cells
Vol 51, No 13 (2017) Materials for Electronic Engineering Effect of the Structural Quality of Quantum-Well Layers of Gallium-Nitride Heterostructures on Their Radiative Characteristics
Vol 51, No 13 (2017) Materials for Electronic Engineering Structure and Properties of Nanostructured YBa2Cu3O7–δ, BiFeO3, and Fe3O4
Vol 51, No 13 (2017) Materials for Electronic Engineering Study of the Structural Properties of Silicon-on-Sapphire Layers in Hydride-Chloride Vapor-Phase Epitaxy
Vol 51, No 13 (2017) Materials for Electronic Engineering Modification of the Surface of Nickel by the Femtosecond Laser Pulses
Vol 51, No 13 (2017) Microelectronic and Nanoelectronic Technology Electrical Conductivity of Film Composites Based on Polyvinyledene Fluoride with Carbon Nanotubes
Vol 51, No 13 (2017) Microelectronic and Nanoelectronic Technology Electrochemical Deposition of Permalloy Films for Magneto-Semiconductor Microsystems
Vol 51, No 13 (2017) Microelectronic Devices and Systems Noise in Spectrozonal Multichannel Photocells for Image Converters with Color Separation and Vertically Integrated pn Junctions
Vol 51, No 13 (2017) Microelectronic Devices and Systems Simulating a Cell Based on a Three-Dimensional Heterojunction with Distributed Charge-Carrier Generation
Vol 51, No 13 (2017) Nanotechnology Narrow-Spectrum Photosensitive Structures Based on J-Aggregates of Cyanine Dyes
Vol 51, No 13 (2017) Nanotechnology Formation of Zinc-Oxide Nanorods by the Precipitation Method
Vol 51, No 13 (2017) Nanotechnology Specific Features of Vapor–Liquid–Solid Nanostructure Growth on the Surface of SnS Films during Plasma Treatment
Vol 51, No 13 (2017) Methods and Technique of Measurements Determining the Free Carrier Density in CdxHg1–xTe Solid Solutions from Far-Infrared Reflection Spectra
Vol 52, No 1 (2018) XXI International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 13–16, 2017 GaP/Si(111) Nanowire Crystals Synthesized by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy with Switching between the Hexagonal and Cubic Phases
Vol 52, No 1 (2018) XXI International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 13–16, 2017 Investigation of a Polariton Condensate in Micropillars in a High Magnetic Field
Vol 52, No 1 (2018) XXI International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 13–16, 2017 Electron Effective Mass and g Factor in Wide HgTe Quantum Wells
Vol 52, No 1 (2018) XXI International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 13–16, 2017 Ultrafast Dynamics of Photoinduced Electron–Hole Plasma in Semiconductor Nanowires
Vol 52, No 1 (2018) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors On Mobility of Definite Energy Charge Carriers
Vol 52, No 1 (2018) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Effect of Hydrostatic Pressure on the Static Permittivity of Germanium
Vol 52, No 1 (2018) Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation Infrared Reflection Spectra of Pb1–xSnxSe (x = 0.2, 0.34) Topological Insulator Films on a ZnTe/GaAs Substrate and the Vibrational Modes of Multilayer Structures
Vol 52, No 1 (2018) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Mechanism of the Semiconductor–Metal Phase Transition in Sm1–xGdxS Thin Films
Vol 52, No 1 (2018) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Mobility of the Two-Dimensional Electron Gas in DA-pHEMT Heterostructures with Various δ–n-Layer Profile Widths
Vol 52, No 1 (2018) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Bimodality in Arrays of In0.4Ga0.6As Hybrid Quantum-Confined Heterostructures Grown on GaAs Substrates
Vol 52, No 1 (2018) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Absorption of Far-Infrared Radiation in Ge/Si Quantum Dots
Vol 52, No 1 (2018) Amorphous, Vitreous, and Organic Semiconductors On the Electret Effect in Polymer–Ferroelectric Piezoceramic Composites with Various Values of the Electronegativity of the Polymer Matrix and Piezophase Cations
Vol 52, No 1 (2018) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Determination of Thermodynamic Parameters in the Cu1.95Ni0.05S Phase-Transition Regions
Vol 52, No 1 (2018) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Peculiarities of the Properties of III–V Semiconductors in a Multigrain Structure
Vol 52, No 1 (2018) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors X-Ray Study of the Superstructure in Heavily Doped Porous Indium Phosphide
Vol 52, No 1 (2018) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Two-Terminal Tandem Solar Cells DSC/c-Si: Optimization of TiO2-based Photoelectrode Parameters
Vol 52, No 1 (2018) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Emission-Line Width and α-Factor of 850-nm Single-Mode Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers Based on InGaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Wells
Vol 52, No 1 (2018) Physics of Semiconductor Devices On the Spatial Localization of Free Electrons in 4H-SiC MOSFETS with an n Channel
Vol 52, No 1 (2018) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Combined Ultramicrotomy and Atomic Force Microscopy Study of the Structure of a Bulk Heterojunction in Polymer Solar Cells
Vol 52, No 1 (2018) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Influence of Substrate Misorientation on the Composition and the Structural and Photoluminescence Properties of Epitaxial Layers Grown on GaAs(100)
Vol 52, No 1 (2018) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Study of the Structure of Cadmium-Sulfide Nanowire Crystals Synthesized by Vacuum Evaporation and Condensation in a Quasi-Closed Volume
Vol 52, No 1 (2018) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Optimization of the Structural Properties and Surface Morphology of a Convex-Graded InxAl1–xAs (x = 0.05–0.83) Metamorphic Buffer Layer Grown via MBE on GaAs (001)
Vol 52, No 1 (2018) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Investigation of the Modified Structure of a Quantum Cascade Laser
Vol 52, No 1 (2018) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures On a New Mechanism for the Realization of Ohmic Contacts
Vol 52, No 2 (2018) Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion) Use of the Atomic Structure of Silicon Crystals to Obtain Multi-Tip Field-Emission Sources of Electrons
Vol 52, No 2 (2018) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Conductivity of Ga2O3–GaAs Heterojunctions
Vol 52, No 2 (2018) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Frequency Dependence of the Conductivity of Disordered Semiconductors in the Region of the Transition to the Fixed-Range Hopping Regime
Vol 52, No 2 (2018) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Dielectric Properties and Conductivity of Ag-Doped TlGaS2 Single Crystals
Vol 52, No 2 (2018) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Electrically Active States of Charge Capture and Transfer Causing Slow Recombination in Thallium-Bromide Crystals at Low Temperatures
Vol 52, No 2 (2018) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Effect of Dislocation-related Deep Levels in Heteroepitaxial InGaAs/GaAs and GaAsSb/GaAs pin Structures on the Relaxation time of Nonequilibrium Carriers
Vol 52, No 2 (2018) Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation Investigation of the Far-IR Reflection Spectra of SmS Single Crystals and Polycrystals in the Homogeneity Range
Vol 52, No 2 (2018) Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation Effect of Heat and Plasma Treatments on the Photoluminescence of Zinc-Oxide Films
Vol 52, No 2 (2018) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Oxygen Nitrogen Mixture Effect on Aluminum Nitride Synthesis by Reactive Ion Plasma Deposition
Vol 52, No 2 (2018) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Electron Transport in PHEMT AlGaAs/InGaAs/GaAs Quantum Wells at Different Temperatures: Influence of One-Side δ-Si Doping
Vol 52, No 2 (2018) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Intraband Radiation Absorption by Holes in InAsSb/AlSb and InGaAsP/InP Quantum Wells
Vol 52, No 2 (2018) Amorphous, Vitreous, Porous, Organic, and Microcrystalline Semiconductors; Semiconductor Composites Optical Properties of Tellurium-Based Chalcogenide Alloys in the Far Infrared Region (λ > 30 μm)
Vol 52, No 2 (2018) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Microstructure and Raman Scattering of Cu2ZnSnSe4 Thin Films Deposited onto Flexible Metal Substrates
Vol 52, No 2 (2018) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Change in the Character of Biaxial Stresses with an Increase in x from 0 to 0.7 in AlxGa1 – xN:Si Layers Obtained by Ammonia Molecular Beam Epitaxy
Vol 52, No 2 (2018) Carbon Systems On the Extended Holstein–Hubbard Model for Epitaxial Graphene on Metal
Vol 52, No 2 (2018) Carbon Systems Optimization of the Parameters of PbSB-based Polycrystalline Photoresistors
Vol 52, No 2 (2018) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Graphite/p-SiC Schottky Diodes Prepared by Transferring Drawn Graphite Films onto SiC
Vol 52, No 2 (2018) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Physical Principles of Self-Consistent Simulation of the Generation of Interface States and the Transport of Hot Charge Carriers in Field-Effect Transistors Based on Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor Structures
Vol 52, No 2 (2018) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Suppression of Recombination in the Waveguide of a Laser Heterostructure by Means of Double Asymmetric Barriers
Vol 52, No 2 (2018) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Electrical Activity of Extended Defects in Multicrystalline Silicon
Vol 52, No 2 (2018) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Luminescence Properties of CdxZn1 – xO Thin Films
Vol 52, No 2 (2018) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Effect of the Addition of Silicon on the Properties of Germanium Single Crystals for IR Optics
Vol 52, No 2 (2018) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Ion-Beam Synthesis of the Crystalline Ge Phase in SiOxNy Films upon Annealing under High Pressure
Vol 52, No 3 (2018) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Electrical Breakdown in Pure n- and p-Si
Vol 52, No 3 (2018) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Isoelectronic Oxygen Centers and Conductivity of CdS Crystals Compared with PbS Crystals
Vol 52, No 3 (2018) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Electronic Structure of Four-Element Clathrates of the Ba–Zn–Si–Ge System
Vol 52, No 3 (2018) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Optical Transitions in ZnSe and CdTe Crystals with Involvement of the Cation d Bands
Vol 52, No 3 (2018) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Mechanism of the Generation of Donor–Acceptor Pairs in Heavily Doped n-ZrNiSn with the Ga Acceptor Impurity
Vol 52, No 3 (2018) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Deep Radiation-Induced Defect Centers Created by a Fast Neutron Flux in CdZnTe Single Crystals
Vol 52, No 3 (2018) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Formation of Radiation Defects by Proton Braking in Lightly Doped n- and p-SiC Layers
Vol 52, No 3 (2018) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Surface Nanostructures Forming during the Early Stages of the Metal-Assisted Chemical Etching of Silicon. Optical Properties of Silver Nanoparticles
Vol 52, No 3 (2018) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Influence of the Thermal Conditions of Fabrication and Treatment on the Optical Properties of In2O3 Films
Vol 52, No 3 (2018) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Specific Features of the Optical Characteristics of Porous Silicon and Their Modification by Chemical Treatment of the Surface
Vol 52, No 3 (2018) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Effect of Low γ-Radiation Doses on the Optical Properties of Porous Silicon
Vol 52, No 3 (2018) Carbon Systems Electron–Electron and Electron–Phonon Interactions in Graphene on a Semiconductor Substrate: Simple Estimations
Vol 52, No 3 (2018) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Optimal Doping of Diode Current Interrupters
Vol 52, No 3 (2018) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Schottky-Barrier Model Nonlinear in Surface-State Concentration and Calculation of the I–V Characteristics of Diodes Based on SiC and Its Solid Solutions in the Composite Charge-Transport Model
Vol 52, No 3 (2018) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Field-Effect Transistor Based on the Proton Conductivity of Graphene Oxide and Nafion Films
Vol 52, No 3 (2018) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Mechanism and Behavior of the Light Flux Decrease in Light-Emitting Diodes Based on AlGaN/InGaN/GaN Structures with Quantum Wells upon Prolonged Direct-Current Flow of Various Densities
Vol 52, No 3 (2018) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Modification of Photovoltaic Laser-Power (λ = 808 nm) Converters Grown by LPE
Vol 52, No 3 (2018) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Influence of Heat Dissipation Conditions on the Characteristics of Concentrator Photoelectric Modules
Vol 52, No 3 (2018) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Photoluminescence Studies of Si-Doped Epitaxial GaAs Films Grown on (100)- and (111)A-Oriented GaAs Substrates at Lowered Temperatures
Vol 52, No 3 (2018) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Formation of Cu2O and ZnO Crystal Layers by Magnetron Assisted Sputtering and Their Optical Characterization
Vol 52, No 3 (2018) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Formation of a Stepped Si(100) Surface and Its Effect on the Growth of Ge Islands
Vol 52, No 3 (2018) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Formation of Macropores in n-Si upon Anodization in an Organic Electrolyte
Vol 52, No 4 (2018) Article Investigation of the Dielectric Permittivity and Electrical Conductivity of Ce2S3
Vol 52, No 4 (2018) Article Structural, Mechanical and Thermodynamic Properties of Cu2CoXS4 (X = Si, Ge, Sn) Studied by Density Functional Theory
Vol 52, No 4 (2018) Article Investigation on High-κ Dielectric for Low Leakage AlGaN/GaN MIS-HEMT Device, Using Material Selection Methodologies
Vol 52, No 4 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, June 26–30, 2017. Optoelectronics, Optical Properties THz Stimulated Emission from Simple Superlattice in Positive Differential Conductivity Region
Vol 52, No 4 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, June 26–30, 2017. Optoelectronics, Optical Properties Magnetooptical Studies and Stimulated Emission in Narrow Gap HgTe/CdHgTe Structures in the Very Long Wavelength Infrared Range
Vol 52, No 4 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, June 26–30, 2017. Optoelectronics, Optical Properties Experimental Observation of Dyakonov Plasmons in the Mid-Infrared
Vol 52, No 4 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, June 26–30, 2017. Optoelectronics, Optical Properties Optical Properties of AlGaAs/GaAs Resonant Bragg Structure at the Second Quantum State
Vol 52, No 4 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, June 26–30, 2017. Optoelectronics, Optical Properties Purcell Effect in Tamm Plasmon Structures with QD Emitter
Vol 52, No 4 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, June 26–30, 2017. Optoelectronics, Optical Properties Localization-Delocalization Transition in Disordered One-Dimensional Exciton-Polariton System
Vol 52, No 4 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, June 26–30, 2017. Optoelectronics, Optical Properties Hybrid GaAs/AlGaAs Nanowire—Quantum dot System for Single Photon Sources
Vol 52, No 4 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, June 26–30, 2017. Optoelectronics, Optical Properties Plasmon Resonance Induced Photoconductivity in the Yttria Stabilized Zirconia Films with Embedded Au Nanoclusters
Vol 52, No 4 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, June 26–30, 2017. Optoelectronics, Optical Properties Resonant Optical Reflection from AsSb–AlGaAs Metamaterials and Structures
Vol 52, No 4 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, June 26–30, 2017. Transport In Heterostructures Transport in Short-Period GaAs/AlAs Superlattices with Electric Domains
Vol 52, No 4 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, June 26–30, 2017. Transport In Heterostructures High Temperature Quantum Kinetic Effects in Silicon Nanosandwiches
Vol 52, No 4 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, June 26–30, 2017. Transport In Heterostructures Partial Electron Localization in a Finite-Size Superlattice Placed in an Electric Field
Vol 52, No 4 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, June 26–30, 2017. Transport In Heterostructures Core-Shell III-Nitride Nanowire Heterostructure: Negative Differential Resistance and Device Application Potential
Vol 52, No 4 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, June 26–30, 2017. Quantum Wells, Quantum Wires, Quantum Dots, and Band Structure Enhancement of Photoconductivity by Carrier Screening Effect in n-GaSb/InAs/p-GaSb Heterostructure with Single Deep Quantum Well
Vol 52, No 4 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, June 26–30, 2017. Quantum Wells, Quantum Wires, Quantum Dots, and Band Structure Density Control of InP/GaInP Quantum Dots Grown by Metal-Organic Vapor-Phase Epitaxy
Vol 52, No 4 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, June 26–30, 2017. Quantum Wells, Quantum Wires, Quantum Dots, and Band Structure Wigner Localization and Whispering Gallery Modes of Electrons in Quantum Dots
Vol 52, No 4 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, June 26–30, 2017. Quantum Wells, Quantum Wires, Quantum Dots, and Band Structure Self-Consistent Simulation of GaAs/InGaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures Photoluminescence Spectra and Its Application to pHEMT Structures Diagnostics
Vol 52, No 4 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, June 26–30, 2017. Quantum Wells, Quantum Wires, Quantum Dots, and Band Structure Red Single-Photon Emission from InAs/AlGaAs Quantum Dots
Vol 52, No 4 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, June 26–30, 2017. Quantum Wells, Quantum Wires, Quantum Dots, and Band Structure Luminescence of ZnMnTe/ZnMgTe Heterostructures with Monolayer Manganese Inclusions in ZnTe Quantum Wells and Its Behavior in a Magnetic Field
Vol 52, No 4 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, June 26–30, 2017. Quantum Wells, Quantum Wires, Quantum Dots, and Band Structure Zeeman Splitting of Electron Spectrum in HgTe Quantum Wells Near the Dirac Point
Vol 52, No 4 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, June 26–30, 2017. Quantum Wells, Quantum Wires, Quantum Dots, and Band Structure Floquet Engineering of Gapped 2D Materials
Vol 52, No 4 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, June 26–30, 2017. Quantum Wells, Quantum Wires, Quantum Dots, and Band Structure Is the Edge States Energy Spectrum of a 2D Topological Insulator Linear?
Vol 52, No 4 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, June 26–30, 2017. Spin Related Phenomena In Nanostructures Photon Echo from an Ensemble of (In,Ga)As Quantum Dots
Vol 52, No 4 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, June 26–30, 2017. Spin Related Phenomena In Nanostructures Electronic States and Persistent Currents in Nanowire Quantum Ring
Vol 52, No 4 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, June 26–30, 2017. Spin Related Phenomena In Nanostructures Quantum Dynamics of a Domain Wall in the Presence of Dephasing
Vol 52, No 4 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, June 26–30, 2017. Spin Related Phenomena In Nanostructures Impact of UV Pulsed Laser Radiation and of the Electron Flow on Dielectric States of Polymer Composite Nanomaterial Based on LDPE Matrix
Vol 52, No 4 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, June 26–30, 2017. Spin Related Phenomena In Nanostructures Photocharging Dynamics in Colloidal CdS Quantum Dots Visualized by Electron Spin Coherence
Vol 52, No 5 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 26–30, 2017. Excitons in Nanostructures Calculation of Energy States of Excitons in Square Quantum Wells
Vol 52, No 5 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 26–30, 2017. Excitons in Nanostructures Biexciton Binding Energy in Spherical Quantum Dots with Γ8 Valence Band
Vol 52, No 5 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 26–30, 2017. Excitons in Nanostructures Spectroscopy of PbS and PbSe Quantum Dots in Fluorine Phosphate Glasses
Vol 52, No 5 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 26–30, 2017. Excitons in Nanostructures Effect of Transverse Electric Field on Polariton Reflectance Spectra of Wide Quantum Wells
Vol 52, No 5 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 26–30, 2017. Excitons in Nanostructures The Impact of the Substrate Material on the Optical Properties of 2D WSe2 Monolayers
Vol 52, No 5 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 26–30, 2017. Excitons in Nanostructures Dangling Bond Spins Controlling Recombination Dynamics of Excitons in Colloidal Nanocrystals and Nanoplatelets
Vol 52, No 5 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 26–30, 2017. Excitons in Nanostructures Long-Lived Magnetoexcitons and Two-Dimensional Magnetofermionic Condensate in GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructure
Vol 52, No 5 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 26–30, 2017. Excitons in Nanostructures Plasmon-Excitonic Polaritons in Metal-Semiconductor Nanostructures with Quantum Wells
Vol 52, No 5 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 26–30, 2017. Nanostructure Characterization Polymer Composition Influence on Optical Properties of Laser-Generated Au Nanoparticles Based Nanocomposites
Vol 52, No 5 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 26–30, 2017. Nanostructure Characterization Luminescence Decay of Colloidal Quantum Dots and Stretched Exponential (Kohlrausch) Relaxation Function
Vol 52, No 5 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 26–30, 2017. Nanostructure Characterization Ballistic Hole Emission Spectroscopy of Self-Assembled GeSi/Si(001) Nanoislands
Vol 52, No 5 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 26–30, 2017. Nanostructure Characterization Composition and Band Structure of the Native Oxide Nanolayer on the Ion Beam Treated Surface of the GaAs Wafer
Vol 52, No 5 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 26–30, 2017. Nanostructure Characterization Geometry Optimization and Charge Density Distribution of Single Layer of ZN-Based Metal-Organic Framework
Vol 52, No 5 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 26–30, 2017. Nanostructure Characterization TiN Nanoporous Electrode Covered by Single Cell as Bio-Electronic Sensor of Radiation Hazard
Vol 52, No 5 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 26–30, 2017. Nanostructure Characterization Optical Properties of GaN Nanowires Grown by MBE on SiC/Si(111) Hybrid Substrate
Vol 52, No 5 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 26–30, 2017. Nanostructure Characterization The Features of GaAs Nanowire SEM Images
Vol 52, No 5 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 26–30, 2017. Nanostructure Characterization GaAs Wurtzite Nanowires for Hybrid Piezoelectric Solar Cells
Vol 52, No 5 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 26–30, 2017. Nanostructure Characterization Dielectric Properties of Oligonucleotides on the Surface of Si Nanosandwich Structures
Vol 52, No 5 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 26–30, 2017. Nanostructure Characterization Molecular Beam Epitaxy of Materials Interfaces with Atomic Precision
Vol 52, No 5 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 26–30, 2017. Nanostructure Technology Thermal Smoothing and Roughening of GaAs Surfaces: Experiment and Monte Carlo Simulation
Vol 52, No 5 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 26–30, 2017. Nanostructure Technology Metal-Semiconductor Nanoheterostructures with an AlGaN Quantum Well and In Situ Formed Surface Al Nanoislands
Vol 52, No 5 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 26–30, 2017. Nanostructure Technology Ion Synthesis: Si–Ge Quantum Dots
Vol 52, No 5 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 26–30, 2017. Nanostructure Technology New Method of Porous Ge Layer Fabrication: Structure and Optical Properties
Vol 52, No 5 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 26–30, 2017. Nanostructure Technology Fabrication of Silicon Nanostructures for Application in Photonics
Vol 52, No 5 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 26–30, 2017. Nanostructure Technology Alternative Technology for Creating Nanostructures Using Dip Pen Nanolithography
Vol 52, No 5 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 26–30, 2017. Nanostructure Technology Сoncentric GaAs Nanorings Growth Modelling
Vol 52, No 5 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 26–30, 2017. Nanostructure Technology Nanoparticle Formation in Zn+ and O+ Ion Sequentially Implanted SiO2 Film
Vol 52, No 5 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 26–30, 2017. Nanostructure Technology MBE growth and Structural Properties of InAs and InGaAs Nanowires with Different Mole Fraction of In on Si and Strongly Mismatched SiC/Si(111) Substrates
Vol 52, No 5 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 26–30, 2017. Nanostructure Technology Effect of Epitaxial Alignment on Electron Transport from Quasi-Two-Dimensional Iron Silicide α-FeSi2 Nanocrystals Into p-Si(001)
Vol 52, No 5 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 26–30, 2017. Nanostructure Technology Growth of GaN Layers on Si(111) Substrates by Plasma-Assisted Molecular Beam Epitaxy
Vol 52, No 5 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 26–30, 2017. Nanostructure Technology Kinetics of Structural Changes on GaSb(001) Singular and Vicinal Surfaces During the UHV Annealing
Vol 52, No 5 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 26–30, 2017. Nanostructure Technology Site-Controlled Growth of GaN Nanorods with Inserted InGaN Quantum Wells on μ-Cone Patterned Sapphire Substrates by Plasma-Assisted MBE
Vol 52, No 5 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 26–30, 2017. Nanostructure Technology Resistance Switching in Ag, Au, and Cu Films at the Percolation Threshold
Vol 52, No 5 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 26–30, 2017. Nanostructure Technology Dip-Pen Nanolithography Method for Fabrication of Biofunctionalized Magnetic Nanodiscs Applied in Medicine
Vol 52, No 5 (2018) XXV International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 26–30, 2017. Nanostructure Technology Air-Oxidation of Nb Nano-Films
Vol 52, No 6 (2018) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors AC Electrical Conductivity of FeIn2Se4 Single Crystals
Vol 52, No 6 (2018) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Contribution of Iron Clusters to the Magnetic Properties of Pb1 – yFeyTe Alloys
Vol 52, No 6 (2018) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Quasi-Classical Model of the Static Electrical Conductivity of Heavily Doped Degenerate Semiconductors at Low Temperatures
Vol 52, No 6 (2018) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Electrophysical Properties of p-Type Undoped and Arsenic-Doped Hg1 – xCdxTe Epitaxial Layers with x ≈ 0.4 Grown by the MOCVD Method
Vol 52, No 6 (2018) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors On the Structure of the Mössbauer Spectra of 119mSn Impurity Atoms in Lead Chalcogenides under Conditions of the Radioactive Equilibrium of 119mTe/119Sb Isotopes
Vol 52, No 6 (2018) Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation Rb1 – xCsxNO3 (x = 0.025, 0.05, 0.1) Single Crystals and Their High-Temperature X-Ray Study
Vol 52, No 6 (2018) Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation Forbidden Resonant Raman Scattering in GaAs/AlAs Superlattices: Experiment and Calculations
Vol 52, No 6 (2018) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Optical Properties of Multilayered Sol–Gel Zinc-Oxide Films
Vol 52, No 6 (2018) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Study of the Structural and Luminescence Properties of InAs/GaAs Heterostructures with Bi-Doped Potential Barriers
Vol 52, No 6 (2018) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of Features of the Crystal Structure of GaN/Al0.32Ga0.68N HEMT-Heterostructures by the Williamson–Hall Method
Vol 52, No 6 (2018) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Quantum Oscillations of Photoconductivity Relaxation in pin GaAs/InAs/AlAs Heterodiodes
Vol 52, No 6 (2018) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Heterostructures of Single-Wavelength and Dual-Wavelength Quantum-Cascade Lasers
Vol 52, No 6 (2018) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Study of the Properties of II–VI and III–V Semiconductor Quantum Dots
Vol 52, No 6 (2018) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Properties of Lead-Sulfide Nanoparticles in a Multicrystalline Structure
Vol 52, No 6 (2018) Carbon Systems Effect of the Dehydrogenation of Graphane on Its Mechanical and Electronic Properties
Vol 52, No 6 (2018) Carbon Systems On the Possibility of the Propagation of Solitary Electromagnetic Waves in Bigraphene
Vol 52, No 6 (2018) Physics of Semiconductor Devices High-Sensitivity Photodetector Based on Atomically Thin MoS2
Vol 52, No 6 (2018) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Tunneling Current in Oppositely Connected Schottky Diodes Formed by Contacts between Degenerate n-GaN and a Metal
Vol 52, No 6 (2018) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Model for Charge Accumulation in n- and p-MOS Transistors during Tunneling Electron Injection from a Gate
Vol 52, No 6 (2018) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Effect of the Sapphire-Nitridation Level and Nucleation-Layer Enrichment with Aluminum on the Structural Properties of AlN Layers
Vol 52, No 6 (2018) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Effect of Pulsed Gamma-Neutron Irradiation on the Photosensitivity of Si-Based Photodiodes with GeSi Nanoislands and Ge Epitaxial Layers
Vol 52, No 6 (2018) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Effect of Chemical Treatment of a Silicon Surface on the Quality and Structure of Silicon-Carbide Epitaxial Films Synthesized by Atom Substitution
Vol 52, No 6 (2018) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Laser-Induced Modification of the Surface of Ge2Sb2Te5 Thin Films: Phase Changes and Periodic-Structure Formation
Vol 52, No 6 (2018) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Variation in the Conductivity of Polyaniline Nanotubes During Their Formation
Vol 52, No 7 (2018) Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion) Matrix Calculation of the Spectral Characteristics of AII–BVI Semiconductors Doped with Iron-Group Ions
Vol 52, No 7 (2018) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Kinetics of the Variation in the Magnetic Impurity Ion Concentration in Pb1–xySnxVyTe Alloys upon Doping
Vol 52, No 7 (2018) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Radiative Recombination, Carrier Capture at Traps, and Photocurrent Relaxation in PbSnTe:In with a Composition Close to Band Inversion
Vol 52, No 7 (2018) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Photothreshold of an α-GeS Layered Crystal: First-Principles Calculation
Vol 52, No 7 (2018) Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation Effect of Boron Impurity on the Light-Emitting Properties of Dislocation Structures Formed in Silicon by Si+ Ion Implantation
Vol 52, No 7 (2018) Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation Photoreflectance Spectroscopy Study of LT-GaAs Layers Grown on Si and GaAs Substrates
Vol 52, No 7 (2018) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Transverse Nernst–Ettingshausen Effect in Superlattices Upon Electron-Phonon Scattering
Vol 52, No 7 (2018) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Electrical Properties of p-NiO/n-Si Heterostructures Based on Nanostructured Silicon
Vol 52, No 7 (2018) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Ultrafast Dynamics of Photoexcited Charge Carriers in In0.53Ga0.47As/In0.52Al0.48As Superlattices under Femtosecond Laser Excitation
Vol 52, No 7 (2018) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena In0.8Ga0.2As Quantum Dots for GaAs Solar Cells: Metal-Organic Vapor-Phase Epitaxy Growth Peculiarities and Properties
Vol 52, No 7 (2018) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Experimental Study of Spontaneous Emission in Bragg Multiple- Quantum-Well Structures with InAs Single-Layer Quantum Wells
Vol 52, No 7 (2018) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Photoelectric Properties of ZnO Threadlike Crystals
Vol 52, No 7 (2018) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Dielectric Properties of Nanocrystalline Tungsten Oxide in the Temperature Range of 223–293 K
Vol 52, No 7 (2018) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Study of Current Flow Mechanisms in a CdS/por-Si/p-Si Heterostructure
Vol 52, No 7 (2018) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Photoluminescence Properties of ZnO Nanorods Synthesized by Different Methods
Vol 52, No 7 (2018) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Modification of Photoconductivity Spectra in ZnO–CdSe Quantum- Dot Composites upon Exposure to Additional Photoexcitation
Vol 52, No 7 (2018) Carbon Systems Analysis of the Structure and Conductivity of Kinked Carbon Chains Obtained by Pulsed Plasma Deposition on Various Metal Substrates
Vol 52, No 7 (2018) Carbon Systems Structure and Properties of Thin Graphite-Like Films Produced by Magnetron-Assisted Sputtering
Vol 52, No 7 (2018) Carbon Systems Effect of Electron–Phonon Interaction on the Conductivity and Work Function of Epitaxial Graphene
Vol 52, No 7 (2018) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Study of Deep Levels in a HIT Solar Cell
Vol 52, No 7 (2018) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Investigation of the Characteristics of Heterojunction Solar Cells Based on Thin Single-Crystal Silicon Wafers
Vol 52, No 7 (2018) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Effect of Deep Centers on Charge-Carrier Confinement in InGaN/GaN Quantum Wells and on LED Efficiency
Vol 52, No 7 (2018) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Diversity of Properties of Device Structures Based on Group-III Nitrides, Related to Modification of the Fractal-Percolation System
Vol 52, No 7 (2018) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures On the Fabrication and Study of Lattice-Matched Heterostructures for Quantum Cascade Lasers
Vol 52, No 7 (2018) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Concentric Hexagonal GaN Structures for Nanophotonics, Fabricated by Selective Vapor-Phase Epitaxy with Ion-Beam Etching
Vol 52, No 8 (2018) Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion) Solid-Phase Reactions and Phase Transformations in a Nanoscale Bismuth/Selenium Film Structure
Vol 52, No 8 (2018) Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion) Formation of Precipitates in Si Implanted with 64Zn+ and 16O+ Ions
Vol 52, No 8 (2018) Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion) Features of 63,65Cu NMR Spectra in the Local Field of Samples of CuFeS2 Semiconductor Mineral from Oceanic Sulfide Deposits
Vol 52, No 8 (2018) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Electronic Processes in CdIn2Te4 Crystals
Vol 52, No 8 (2018) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Optical Absorption of Copper-Activated Zinc-Sulfide Polycrystalline Layers
Vol 52, No 8 (2018) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Microwave Magnetoabsorption Oscillations in Fe-Doped HgSe Crystals
Vol 52, No 8 (2018) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films On Recombination Processes in CdS–PbS Films
Vol 52, No 8 (2018) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Effect of the Ag Nanoparticle Concentration in TiO2–Ag Functional Coatings on the Characteristics of GaInP/GaAs/Ge Photoconverters
Vol 52, No 8 (2018) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Nonlinear Optical Properties of CdS/ZnS Quantum Dots in a High-Molecular-Weight Polyvinylpyrrolidone Matrix
Vol 52, No 8 (2018) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Specific Features of the Electrochemical Capacitance–Voltage Profiling of GaAs LED and pHEMT Structures with Quantum-Confined Regions
Vol 52, No 8 (2018) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Effect of Misorientation and Preliminary Etching of the Substrate on the Structural and Optical Properties of Integrated GaAs/Si(100) Heterostructures Produced by Vapor Phase Epitaxy
Vol 52, No 8 (2018) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Photoluminescence of ZnS:Cu in a Polymethyl Methacrylate Matrix
Vol 52, No 8 (2018) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Influence of Isotropic Pressure on the Current–Voltage Characteristics of Surface-Barrier Diodes Sb–p-Si〈Mn〉–Au
Vol 52, No 8 (2018) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Simulating Tunneling Electron Transport in the Semiconductor–Crystalline Insulator–Si(111) System
Vol 52, No 8 (2018) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Photoconductivity Amplification in a Type-II n-GaSb/InAs/p-GaSb Heterostructure with a Single QW
Vol 52, No 8 (2018) Amorphous, Vitreous, and Organic Semiconductors Dielectric Relaxation in Thin Layers of the Ge28.5Pb15S56.5 Glassy System
Vol 52, No 8 (2018) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Magnetic Properties of Vacancies and Doped Chromium in a ZnO Crystal
Vol 52, No 8 (2018) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Dynamics of Changes in the Photoluminescence of Porous Silicon after Gamma Irradiation
Vol 52, No 8 (2018) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors On the Application of Silicate Glasses with CdSxSe1–x Semiconductor Nanocrystals as Optical Thermometers and Optical Filters with a Controlled Absorption Edge
Vol 52, No 8 (2018) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Degradation of the Photoluminescence of ZnTPP and ZnTPP–C60 Thin Films under Gamma Irradiation
Vol 52, No 8 (2018) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Modulation of the Charge of Germanium MIS Structures with Fluorine-Containing Insulators
Vol 52, No 8 (2018) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Effect of Deep Centers on the Statistical Delay of Microplasma Breakdown in Gallium-Arsenide Light-Emitting Diodes
Vol 52, No 8 (2018) Physics of Semiconductor Devices On the Fabrication of Graphene p–n Junctions and Their Application for Detecting Terahertz Radiation
Vol 52, No 8 (2018) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Room Temperature Lasing of Multi-Stage Quantum-Cascade Lasers at 8 μm Wavelength
Vol 52, No 8 (2018) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Crystal Structure and Band Gap of (MnIn2S4)1–x • (AgIn5S8)x Alloys
Vol 52, No 9 (2018) Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation Calculation of the Influence of the Ion Current Density and Temperature on the Accumulation Kinetics of Point Defects under the Irradiation of Si with Light Ions
Vol 52, No 9 (2018) Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation Optical Properties and the Mechanism of the Formation of V2O2 and V3O2 Vacancy–Oxygen Complexes in Irradiated Silicon Crystals
Vol 52, No 9 (2018) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Effect of High-Dose Carbon Implantation on the Phase Composition, Morphology, and Field-Emission Properties of Silicon Crystals
Vol 52, No 9 (2018) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Superficial Defect Formation in CdTe under the Radiation Effect of a CO2 Laser
Vol 52, No 9 (2018) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Poole–Frenkel Effect and the Opportunity of Its Application for the Prediction of Radiation Charge Accumulation in Thermal Silicon Dioxide
Vol 52, No 9 (2018) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Structure and Electrical Properties of Zirconium-Doped Tin-Oxide Films
Vol 52, No 9 (2018) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Template Synthesis of Monodisperse Spherical Nanocomposite SiO2/GaN:Eu3+ Particles
Vol 52, No 9 (2018) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Electric-Field Behavior of the Resonance Features of the Tunneling Photocurrent Component in InAs(QD)/GaAs Heterostructures
Vol 52, No 9 (2018) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Size-Dependent Optical Properties of Colloidal CdS Quantum Dots Passivated by Thioglycolic Acid
Vol 52, No 9 (2018) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Quantization of the Electromagnetic Field in Three-Dimensional Photonic Structures on the Basis of the Scattering Matrix Formalism (S Quantization)
Vol 52, No 9 (2018) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Study of the Structural and Emission Properties of Ge(Si) Quantum Dots Ordered on the Si(001) Surface
Vol 52, No 9 (2018) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena On the Impact of Barrier-Layer Doping on the Photoluminescence Efficiency of InGaAlAs/InGaAs/InP Strained-Layer Heterostructures
Vol 52, No 9 (2018) Amorphous, Vitreous, and Organic Semiconductors Low-Frequency Dielectric Relaxation in Iron-Doped Ge28.5Pb15S56.5 Glassy System
Vol 52, No 9 (2018) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Effect of Conditions of Electrochemical Etching on the Morphological, Structural, and Optical Properties of Porous Gallium Arsenide
Vol 52, No 9 (2018) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Electrical Properties and Energy Parameters of n-FeS2/p-Cd1 –xZnxTe Heterojunctions
Vol 52, No 9 (2018) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors On the Formation of IR-Light-Emitting Ge Nanocrystals in Ge:SiO2 Films
Vol 52, No 9 (2018) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Effect of Injection Depletion in p-Si–n-(Si2)1 –x(ZnSe)x (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.01) Heterostructure
Vol 52, No 9 (2018) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Transport and Photosensitivity in Structures: A Composite Layer of Silicon and Gold Nanoparticles on p-Si
Vol 52, No 9 (2018) Carbon Systems Intercalation of C60 Fullerene Molecules under Single-Layer Graphene on Molybdenum Carbide
Vol 52, No 9 (2018) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Backward-Diode Heterostructure Based on a Zinc-Oxide Nanoarray Formed by Pulsed Electrodeposition and a Cooper-Iodide Film Grown by the SILAR Method
Vol 52, No 9 (2018) Physics of Semiconductor Devices GaSb/GaAlAsSb Heterostructure Photodiodes for the Near-IR Spectral Range
Vol 52, No 9 (2018) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Lowering the Lasing Threshold by Doping in Mid-Infrared Lasers Based on HgCdTe with HgTe Quantum Wells
Vol 52, No 9 (2018) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Raman Spectra of Thick Epitaxial GaN Layers Formed on SiC by the Sublimation Sandwich Method
Vol 52, No 10 (2018) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Superionic Conductivity of (TlGaSe2)1 – x(TlInS2)x Solid Solutions
Vol 52, No 10 (2018) Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation Formation of Luminescence Spectra and Emission Intensity in the UV and Visible Spectral Regions for n-ZnO/p-GaN and n-ZnO/p-ZnO Structures when Depositing ZnO Films by High-Frequency Magnetron Sputtering
Vol 52, No 10 (2018) Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation Luminescence and Stimulated Emission of Polycrystalline Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Films Deposited by Magnetron-Assisted Sputtering
Vol 52, No 10 (2018) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Recombination in GaAs pin Structures with InGaAs Quantum-Confined Objects: Modeling and Regularities
Vol 52, No 10 (2018) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Multilayer Quantum Well–Dot InGaAs Heterostructures in GaAs-based Photovoltaic Converters
Vol 52, No 10 (2018) Amorphous, Vitreous, and Organic Semiconductors Effect of the Temporal Characteristics of Modulated DC Plasma with the (SiH4–Ar–O2) Gas Phase on ncl-Si Growth in an a-SiOx:H matrix (\({{C}_{{{{{\text{O}}}_{{\text{2}}}}}}}\) = 15.5 mol %)
Vol 52, No 10 (2018) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Simulation of Electron and Hole States in Si Nanocrystals in a SiO2 Matrix: Choice of Parameters of the Empirical Tight-Binding Method
Vol 52, No 10 (2018) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Impact of the Periphery Electrostatic Field on the Photovoltaic Effect in Metal–Semiconductor Contacts with a Schottky Barrier
Vol 52, No 10 (2018) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Luminescence Spectra of High-Power Violet and Ultraviolet Gallium Nitride-Based LEDs
Vol 52, No 10 (2018) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Analysis of the Features of Hot-Carrier Degradation in FinFETs
Vol 52, No 10 (2018) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Determining the Hydrogen Concentration from the Photovoltage of Pd–Oxide–InP MIS Structures
Vol 52, No 10 (2018) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Effect of Low-Dose Proton Irradiation on the Electrical Characteristics of 4H-SiC Junction Diodes
Vol 52, No 10 (2018) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Effect of Epitaxial-Structure Design and Growth Parameters on the Characteristics of Metamorphic Lasers of the 1.46-μm Optical Range Based on Quantum Dots Grown on GaAs Substrates
Vol 52, No 10 (2018) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Specific Features of the IR Reflectance and Raman Spectra of Sb2Te3 – xSex Crystals
Vol 52, No 10 (2018) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures On the Growth of FeIn2S2Se2 Single Crystals and the Study of their Properties
Vol 52, No 10 (2018) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Influence of the Synthesis Conditions and Tin Nanoparticles on the Structure and Properties of a-C:H〈Sn〉 Composite Thin Films
Vol 52, No 10 (2018) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Copper(I) Selenide Thin Films: Composition, Morphology, Structure, and Optical Properties
Vol 52, No 10 (2018) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Positive Charge in SOS Heterostructures with Interlayer Silicon Oxide
Vol 52, No 10 (2018) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Study of the Effective Refractive Index Profile in Self-Assembling Nanostructured ITO Films
Vol 52, No 10 (2018) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Selective Epitaxial Growth of III–N Structures Using Ion-Beam Nanolithography
Vol 52, No 10 (2018) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Nanostructure Growth in the Ga(In)AsP–GaAs System under Quasi-Equilibrium Conditions
Vol 52, No 11 (2018) Xxii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 12–15, 2018 Calculation of Multiply Charged States of Impurity-Defect Centers in Epitaxial Hg1 –xCdxTe Layers
Vol 52, No 11 (2018) Xxii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 12–15, 2018 Effect of Features of the Band Spectrum on the Characteristics of Stimulated Emission in Narrow-Gap Heterostructures with HgCdTe Quantum Wells
Vol 52, No 11 (2018) Xxii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 12–15, 2018 Temperature Dependences of the Threshold Current and Output Power of a Quantum-Cascade Laser Emitting at 3.3 THz
Vol 52, No 11 (2018) Xxii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 12–15, 2018 Magnetooptics of HgTe/CdTe Quantum Wells with Giant Rashba Splitting in Magnetic Fields up to 34 T
Vol 52, No 11 (2018) Xxii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 12–15, 2018 Spinodal Decomposition in InSb/AlAs Heterostructures
Vol 52, No 11 (2018) Xxii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 12–15, 2018 The Effect of the Composition of a Carrier Gas during the Growth of a Mn delta-Layer on the Electrical and Magnetic Properties of GaAs Structures
Vol 52, No 11 (2018) Xxii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 12–15, 2018 “Extremum Loop” Model for the Valence-Band Spectrum of a HgTe/HgCdTe Quantum Well with an Inverted Band Structure in the Semimetallic Phase
Vol 52, No 11 (2018) Xxii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 12–15, 2018 Application of the Locally Nonequilibrium Diffusion-Drift Cattaneo–Vernotte Model to the Calculation of Photocurrent Relaxation in Diode Structures under Subpicosecond Pulses of Ionizing Radiation
Vol 52, No 11 (2018) Xxii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 12–15, 2018 Investigation of the Anisotropy of the Structural Properties of GaN(0001) Layers Grown by MOVPE on a-Plane (11\(\bar {2}\)0) Sapphire
Vol 52, No 11 (2018) Xxii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 12–15, 2018 Phosphorus-Based Nanowires Grown by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy on Silicon
Vol 52, No 11 (2018) Xxii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 12–15, 2018 Experimental Study of Spontaneous-Emission Enhancement in Tamm Plasmon Structures with an Organic Active Region
Vol 52, No 11 (2018) Xxii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 12–15, 2018 Modification of the Ferromagnetic Properties of Si1 –xMnx Thin Films Synthesized by Pulsed Laser Deposition with a Variation in the Buffer-Gas Pressure
Vol 52, No 11 (2018) Xxii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 12–15, 2018 MBE Growth and Structural Properties of GaP and InP Nanowires on a SiC Substrate with a Graphene Layer
Vol 52, No 11 (2018) Xxii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 12–15, 2018 Study of the Structural and Morphological Properties of HPHT Diamond Substrates
Vol 52, No 11 (2018) Xxii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 12–15, 2018 Spectroscopy of Single AlInAs and (111)-Oriented InGaAs Quantum Dots
Vol 52, No 11 (2018) Xxii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 12–15, 2018 Formation and Properties of Locally Tensile Strained Ge Microstructures for Silicon Photonics
Vol 52, No 11 (2018) Xxii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 12–15, 2018 Radiation Resistance of Terahertz Diodes Based on GaAs/AlAs Superlattices
Vol 52, No 11 (2018) Xxii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 12–15, 2018 Nucleation of Three-Dimensional Ge Islands on a Patterned Si(100) Surface
Vol 52, No 11 (2018) Xxii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 12–15, 2018 Reduction of Internal Loss and Thermal Resistance in Diode Lasers with Coupled Waveguides
Vol 52, No 11 (2018) Xxii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 12–15, 2018 Gapless Dirac Electron Mobility and Quantum Time in HgTe Quantum Wells
Vol 52, No 11 (2018) Xxii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 12–15, 2018 Plasma Chemical Etching of Gallium Arsenide in C2F5Cl-Based Inductively Coupled Plasma
Vol 52, No 11 (2018) Xxii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 12–15, 2018 Development of a Physical-Topological Model for the Response of a High-Power Vertical DMOS Transistor to the Effect of Pulsed Gamma-Radiation
Vol 52, No 11 (2018) Xxii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 12–15, 2018 Heterostructures with InAs/AlAs Quantum Wells and Quantum Dots Grown on GaAs/Si Hybrid Substrates
Vol 52, No 11 (2018) Xxii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 12–15, 2018 Verification of the Hypothesis on the Thermoelastic Nature of Deformation of a (0001)GaN Layer Grown on the Sapphire a-Cut
Vol 52, No 11 (2018) Xxii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 12–15, 2018 Stimulated Emission in the 1.3–1.5 μm Spectral Range from AlGaInAs Quantum Wells in Hybrid Light-Emitting III–V Heterostructures on Silicon Substrates
Vol 52, No 11 (2018) Xxii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 12–15, 2018 Multiphonon Intracenter Relaxation of Boron Acceptor States in Diamond
Vol 52, No 12 (2018) Xxii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 12–15, 2018 Field Effect in PbSnTe:In Films with Low Conductivity in the Mode of Injection from Contacts and Space-Charge Limitation of the Current
Vol 52, No 12 (2018) Xxii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 12–15, 2018 Formation of a Graphene-Like SiN Layer on the Surface Si(111)
Vol 52, No 12 (2018) Xxii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 12–15, 2018 Analysis of the Behavior of Nonequilibrium Semiconductor Structures and Microwave Transistors During and After Pulsed γ- and γ-Neutron Irradiation
Vol 52, No 12 (2018) Xxii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 12–15, 2018 Relation between the Electronic Properties and Structure of InAs/GaAs Quantum Dots Grown by Vapor-Phase Epitaxy
Vol 52, No 12 (2018) Xxii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 12–15, 2018 Features of the Initial Stage of GaN Growth on Si(111) Substrates by Nitrogen-Plasma-Assisted Molecular-Beam Epitaxy
Vol 52, No 12 (2018) Xxii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 12–15, 2018 Electrical Tunability of Terahertz Amplification in a Periodic Plasmon Graphene Structure with Charge-Carrier Injection
Vol 52, No 12 (2018) Xxii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 12–15, 2018 Behavioral Features of MIS Memristors with a Si3N4 Nanolayer Fabricated on a Conductive Si Substrate
Vol 52, No 12 (2018) Xxii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 12–15, 2018 On the Application of Strain-Compensating GaAsP Layers for the Growth of InGaAs/GaAs Quantum-Well Laser Heterostructures Emitting at Wavelengths above 1100 nm on Artificial Ge/Si Substrates
Vol 52, No 12 (2018) Xxii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 12–15, 2018 Nonuniversal Scaling Behavior of Conductivity Peak Widths in the Quantum Hall Effect in InGaAs/InAlAs Structures
Vol 52, No 12 (2018) Xxii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 12–15, 2018 Production of Si- and Ge-Based Thermoelectric Materials by Spark Plasma Sintering
Vol 52, No 12 (2018) Xxii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 12–15, 2018 Photodetectors with an InGaAs Active Region and InGaP Metamorphic Buffer Layer Grown on GaAs Substrates
Vol 52, No 12 (2018) Xxii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 12–15, 2018 Solar Cell Based on Core/Shell Nanowires
Vol 52, No 12 (2018) Xxii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 12–15, 2018 On the Intracenter Relaxation of Shallow Arsenic Donors in Stressed Germanium. Population Inversion under Optical Excitation
Vol 52, No 12 (2018) Xxii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 12–15, 2018 Singularity of the Density of States and Transport Anisotropy in a Two-Dimensional Electron Gas with Spin-Orbit Interaction in an In-Plane Magnetic Field
Vol 52, No 12 (2018) Xxii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 12–15, 2018 Bipolar Persistent Photoconductivity in HgTe/CdHgTe (013) Double Quantum-Well Heterostructures
Vol 52, No 12 (2018) Xxii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 12–15, 2018 Terahertz Injection Lasers Based on a PbSnSe Solid Solution with an Emission Wavelength up to 50 μm and Their Application in the Magnetospectroscopy of Semiconductors
Vol 52, No 12 (2018) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena All-Electric Laser Beam Control Based on a Quantum-Confined Heterostructure with an Integrated Distributed Bragg Grating
Vol 52, No 12 (2018) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Ridge Waveguide Structure for Lattice-Matched Quantum Cascade Lasers
Vol 52, No 12 (2018) Amorphous, Vitreous, and Organic Semiconductors Estimation of the Temperature of the Current Filament that Forms upon Switching in GeSbTe
Vol 52, No 12 (2018) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Electrical Properties of GaAs Nanowires Grown on Graphene/SiC Hybrid Substrates
Vol 52, No 12 (2018) Carbon Systems Transition between Electron Localization and Antilocalization and Manifestation of the Berry Phase in Graphene on a SiC Surface
Vol 52, No 12 (2018) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Violation of Local Electroneutrality in the Quantum Well of a Semiconductor Laser with Asymmetric Barrier Layers
Vol 52, No 12 (2018) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Avalanche Breakdown Stability of High Voltage (1430 V) 4H-SiC p+n0n+ Diodes
Vol 52, No 12 (2018) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Galvanic and Capacitive Effects in n-SiC Conductivity Compensation by Radiation-Induced Defects
Vol 52, No 12 (2018) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Electrical Properties of Indium-Oxide Thin Films Produced by Plasma-Enhanced Reactive Thermal Evaporation
Vol 52, No 13 (2018) Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion) McCurdy’s Effects in the Thermal Conductivity of Elastically Anisotropic Crystals in the Mode of Knudsen Phonon-Gas Flow
Vol 52, No 13 (2018) Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion) Effect of a por-Si Buffer Layer on the Structure and Morphology of Epitaxial InxGa1 – xN/Si(111) Heterostructures
Vol 52, No 13 (2018) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Features of the Electron Mobility in the n-InSe Layered Semiconductor
Vol 52, No 13 (2018) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Measurement of the Charge-Carrier Mobility in Gallium Arsenide Using a Near-Field Microwave Microscope by the Microwave-Magnetoresistance Method
Vol 52, No 13 (2018) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Conduction-Electron Spin Resonance in HgSe Crystals
Vol 52, No 13 (2018) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Interaction Rates of Group-III and Group-V Impurities with Intrinsic Point Defects in Irradiated Si and Ge
Vol 52, No 13 (2018) Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation Intracenter Radiative Transitions at Tantalum Impurity Centers in Cadmium Telluride
Vol 52, No 13 (2018) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Optical Studies of Heat Transfer in PbTe:Bi(Sb) Thin Films
Vol 52, No 13 (2018) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Redistribution of Erbium and Oxygen Recoil Atoms and the Structure of Silicon Thin Surface Layers Formed by High-Dose Argon Implantation through Er and SiO2 Surface Films
Vol 52, No 13 (2018) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Diffusion Blurring of GaAs Quantum Wells Grown at Low Temperature
Vol 52, No 13 (2018) Amorphous, Vitreous, and Organic Semiconductors Specific Features of the Electron Structure of ZnTPP Aggregated Forms: Data of Optical Measurements and Quantum-Chemical Calculations
Vol 52, No 13 (2018) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Ab Initio Study of the ZnSnSb2 Semiconductor
Vol 52, No 13 (2018) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Influence of Hydrogen Peroxide on the Photoanodization of n-Si in the Breakdown Mode
Vol 52, No 13 (2018) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Charge Accumulation in MOS Structures with a Polysilicon Gate under Tunnel Injection
Vol 52, No 13 (2018) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Impact of the Device Geometric Parameters on Hot-Carrier Degradation in FinFETs
Vol 52, No 13 (2018) Physics of Semiconductor Devices nBn-Photodiode Based on InAsSb/AlAsSb Alloys with a Long-Wavelength Cutoff of 5 μm
Vol 52, No 13 (2018) Physics of Semiconductor Devices GaInAsP/InP-Based Laser Power Converters (λ = 1064 nm)
Vol 52, No 13 (2018) Physics of Semiconductor Devices AlGaAs/GaAs Photovoltaic Converters of Tritium Radioluminescent-Lamp Radiation
Vol 52, No 13 (2018) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Radiation-Induced Damage of Silicon-Carbide Diodes by High-Energy Particles
Vol 52, No 13 (2018) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Determination of the Region of Thermal Stability of the Size and Phase Composition of Silver-Sulfide Semiconductor Nanoparticles
Vol 52, No 13 (2018) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Features of the Selective Growth of GaN Nanorods on Patterned c-Sapphire Substrates of Various Configurations
Vol 52, No 13 (2018) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Precision Chemical Etching of GaP(NAs) Epitaxial Layers for the Formation of Monolithic Optoelectronic Devices
Vol 52, No 13 (2018) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures New Manufacturing Approaches to Texture Formation and Thermal Expansion Matching in the Design of Highly Efficient Silicon Solar Photoconverters
Vol 52, No 14 (2018) Excitons in Nanostructures Classification of Energy States of the Exciton in Square Quantum Well
Vol 52, No 14 (2018) Excitons in Nanostructures Hot Excitons Contribution into the Photoluminescence of Self-Assembled Quantum Dots in CdSe/ZnSe Heterostructures under Different Excitation Conditions
Vol 52, No 14 (2018) Excitons in Nanostructures Resonant and Nonresonant Nonlinear Absorption in Colloidal Core/Shell Semiconductor Nanoplatelets
Vol 52, No 14 (2018) Excitons in Nanostructures Metastable Bound States of the Two-Dimensional Bimagnetoexcitons in the Lowest Landau Levels Approximation
Vol 52, No 14 (2018) Infrared Microwave Phenomena in Nanostructures Quantum Rings Dressed by a High-Frequency Electromagnetic Field
Vol 52, No 14 (2018) Infrared Microwave Phenomena in Nanostructures Effect of the Conductive Channel Cut-Off on Operation of n+nn+ GaN NW-Based Gunn Diode
Vol 52, No 14 (2018) Infrared Microwave Phenomena in Nanostructures Terahertz Optoelectronics of Quantum Rings and Nanohelices
Vol 52, No 14 (2018) Infrared Microwave Phenomena in Nanostructures The Oscillations in ESR Spectra of Mn0.11Hg0.89Te in X- and Q-Bands
Vol 52, No 14 (2018) Microcavity and Photonic Crystals Experimental Study of Spontaneous Emission in the Bragg Multiple Quantum Wells Structure of InAs Monolayers Embedded in a GaAs Matrix
Vol 52, No 14 (2018) Microcavity and Photonic Crystals Dynamic Compression of Spinor Exciton-Polariton Systems in Semiconductor Microcavities
Vol 52, No 14 (2018) Nanostructure Devices Electromechanical Switch Based on InxGa1 –xAs Nanowires
Vol 52, No 14 (2018) Nanostructure Devices CNT-Based Label-Free Electrochemical Sensing of Native DNA with Allele Single Nucleotide Polymorphism
Vol 52, No 14 (2018) Nanostructure Devices Photoacoustic Generation with Surface Noble Metal Nanostructures
Vol 52, No 14 (2018) Nanostructure Devices Ultrathin Barrier InAlN/GaN Heterostructures for HEMTs
Vol 52, No 14 (2018) Nanostructure Devices Luminescent Methane Sensor Based on Energy Transfer from ZnS:Mn2+ Quantum Dots to Analyte Molecule
Vol 52, No 14 (2018) Plasmonics Gold Nanoclusters at the Interface Au/GaAs(001): Preparation, Characterization, and Plasmonic Spectroscopy
Vol 52, No 14 (2018) Plasmonics Spectral-Kinetic Properties of Nanosized Nickel Phthalocyanine Films on Silver Nanoparticle Monolayers
Vol 52, No 14 (2018) Plasmonics Transverse Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect in Magnetite Covered by Array of Gold Nanostripes
Vol 52, No 14 (2018) Plasmonics Spontaneous Emission Amplification in Silver—Organic Periodic Structures and Tamm Plasmon Structures
Vol 52, No 14 (2018) Spin-Related Phenomena in Nanostructures Weak Magnetic Field Resonance Effects in Diamond with Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers
Vol 52, No 14 (2018) Spin-Related Phenomena in Nanostructures On Derivation of Dresselhaus Spin-Splitting Hamiltonians in One-Dimensional Electron Systems
Vol 52, No 14 (2018) Spin-Related Phenomena in Nanostructures Spin Injection and Accumulation in the Planar NiFe–InSb–NiFe and NiFe–Cu–NiFe Spin Valves
Vol 52, No 14 (2018) Spin-Related Phenomena in Nanostructures Fabrication and DC/AC Characterization of 3-Terminal Ferromagnet/Silicon Spintronics Devices
Vol 52, No 14 (2018) Graphene Increasing Spin-Orbital Coupling at Relativistic Exchange Interaction of Electron-Hole Pairs in Graphene
Vol 52, No 14 (2018) Graphene High Quality Graphene Grown by Sublimation on 4H-SiC (0001)
Vol 52, No 14 (2018) Graphene Model of Metamaterial Based on Graphene Scrolls and Carbon Nanotubes with Negative Refractive Index
Vol 52, No 14 (2018) Graphene Absorption in Finite-Length Chevron-Type Graphene Nanoribbons
Vol 52, No 14 (2018) Lasers and Optoelectronic Devices Low Threshold Lasing in InP/GaInP Quantum Dot Microdisks
Vol 52, No 14 (2018) Lasers and Optoelectronic Devices Annealing of FIB-Induced Defects in GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructure
Vol 52, No 14 (2018) Lasers and Optoelectronic Devices Diode Lasers with Near-Surface Active Region
Vol 52, No 14 (2018) Lasers and Optoelectronic Devices A Search for Asymmetric Barrier Layers for 1550 nm Al-Free Diode Lasers
Vol 52, No 15 (2018) Basic Research Field Characteristics of Spin-Torque Diode Sensitivity in the Presence of a Bias Current
Vol 52, No 15 (2018) Basic Research Electron Transport by a Transverse Acoustoelectric Stoneley Wave
Vol 52, No 15 (2018) Basic Research Predicting the Optical Properties of Matrix Composites Containing Spherical Inclusions with Metal Shells
Vol 52, No 15 (2018) Basic Research Quantum Efficiency of Gallium Nitride–Based Heterostructures with GaInN Quantum Wells
Vol 52, No 15 (2018) Basic Research Measuring the Effective Masses of the Electrical Conductivity and Density of States by Contactless Microwave Means
Vol 52, No 15 (2018) Electronics Materials Effect of the Plasma Functionalization of Carbon Nanotubes on the Formation of a Carbon Nanotube–Nickel Oxide Composite Electrode Material
Vol 52, No 15 (2018) Electronics Materials Determining the Concentration of Free Electrons in n-InSb from Far-Infrared Reflectance Spectra with Allowance for Plasmon–Phonon Coupling
Vol 52, No 15 (2018) Electronics Materials Studying the Effect of Electrically Active Impurities Coming from Trimethylgallium Synthesized by Different Means on the Electrophysical Characteristics of Gallium Arsenide Epitaxial Layers
Vol 52, No 15 (2018) Technological Processes and Routes Dependence of Mechanical Stresses in Silicon Nitride Films on the Mode of Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition
Vol 52, No 15 (2018) Technological Processes and Routes Using Combined Optical Techniques to Control the Shallow Etching Process
Vol 52, No 15 (2018) Technological Processes and Routes Characteristics of Amorphous As2S3 Semiconductor Films Obtained via Spin Coating
Vol 52, No 15 (2018) Technological Processes and Routes Investigating the RTA Treatment of Ohmic Contacts to n-Layers of Heterobipolar Nanoheterostructures
Vol 52, No 15 (2018) Elements of Integral Electronics A Physical Model of an SOI Field-Effect Hall Sensor
Vol 52, No 15 (2018) Elements of Integral Electronics Patterns of Variation in the External Quantum Efficiency of InGaN/GaN Green LEDs during Accelerated Tests
Vol 52, No 15 (2018) Elements of Integral Electronics Analysis of the Switching Characteristics of MRAM Cells Based on Materials with Uniaxial Anisotropy
Vol 52, No 15 (2018) Erratum Erratum to: Nonuniversal Scaling Behavior of Conductivity Peak Widths in the Quantum Hall Effect in InGaAs/InAlAs Structures
Vol 52, No 16 (2018) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Investigation of DC and RF Performance of Novel MOSHEMT on Silicon Substrate for Future Submillimetre Wave Applications
Vol 52, No 16 (2018) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Simulation and Experimental Studies of Illumination Effects on the Current Transport of Nitridated GaAs Schottky Diode
Vol 52, No 16 (2018) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Diode Polarization and Resistive Switching in Metal/TlGaSe2 Semiconductor/Metal Devices
Vol 52, No 16 (2018) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Investigation of InGaAs/GaAs Quantum Well Lasers with Slightly Doped Tunnel Junction
Vol 52, No 16 (2018) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Critical Radius of Full Depletion in Semiconductor Nanowires Caused by Surface Charge Trapping
Vol 52, No 16 (2018) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Near-Infrared InGaN Alloys Grown on High-In-Composition InGaN Buffer Layer
Vol 52, No 16 (2018) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Microstructural Evolution of MOVPE Grown GaN by the Carrier Gas
Vol 52, No 16 (2018) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Structural, Thermal and Luminescence Properties of AlN:Tm Thin Films Deposited on Silicon Substrate and Optical Fiber
Vol 52, No 16 (2018) 26th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM “NANOSTRUCTURES: PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY”. NANOSTRUCTURE CHARACTERIZATION Stable and Unstable Spatial Modes in a Resonator with a Half-Disk Shape
Vol 52, No 16 (2018) 26th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM “NANOSTRUCTURES: PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY”. NANOSTRUCTURE CHARACTERIZATION Reflectometry of X-ray Whispering Gallery Waves Propagating along Liquid Meniscuses
Vol 52, No 16 (2018) 26th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM “NANOSTRUCTURES: PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY”. NANOSTRUCTURE CHARACTERIZATION Polarization Properties of Photoluminescence of Anisotropic Polymer Films Containing Aligned Au Nanorods and Semiconductor Nanoparticles of Various Shape
Vol 52, No 16 (2018) 26th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM “NANOSTRUCTURES: PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY”. NANOSTRUCTURE CHARACTERIZATION Сomposition Depth Profiling of the GaAs Native Oxide Irradiated by an Ar+ Ion Beam
Vol 52, No 16 (2018) 26th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM “NANOSTRUCTURES: PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY”. NANOSTRUCTURE CHARACTERIZATION In situ Bandgap Determination of the GaAsN Nanolayer Prepared by Low-Energy \({\text{N}}_{2}^{ + }\)Ion Implantation
Vol 52, No 16 (2018) 26th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM “NANOSTRUCTURES: PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY”. NANOSTRUCTURE CHARACTERIZATION Atomic Force Microscopy Study of Monodisperse Carbon Nanoparticles
Vol 52, No 16 (2018) 26th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM “NANOSTRUCTURES: PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY”. NANOSTRUCTURE CHARACTERIZATION XAFS Investigation of Nanoparticle Formation in 64Zn+ Ion Implanted and Thermo Oxidized Si
Vol 52, No 16 (2018) 26th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM “NANOSTRUCTURES: PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY”. NANOSTRUCTURE CHARACTERIZATION Growth of Textured Au–Fe/Fe Hybrid Nanocrystals on Oxidized Silicon Surface
Vol 52, No 16 (2018) 26th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM “NANOSTRUCTURES: PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY”. NANOSTRUCTURE CHARACTERIZATION Influence of the Pore Structure on the Electron Barrier Height of Metal-Ceramic Nanomaterials Based on Gold-Anodic Aluminum Oxide
Vol 52, No 16 (2018) 26th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM “NANOSTRUCTURES: PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY”. NANOSTRUCTURE TECHNOLOGY Microlens-Enhanced Substrate Patterning and MBE Growth of GaP Nanowires
Vol 52, No 16 (2018) 26th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM “NANOSTRUCTURES: PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY”. NANOSTRUCTURE TECHNOLOGY Self-Catalyzed MBE-Grown GaP Nanowires on Si(111): V/III Ratio Effects on the Morphology and Crystal Phase Switching
Vol 52, No 16 (2018) 26th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM “NANOSTRUCTURES: PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY”. NANOSTRUCTURE TECHNOLOGY Formation and Properties of New Types of Metal–Dielectric Nanostructures for Creating Optical Metamaterials
Vol 52, No 16 (2018) 26th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM “NANOSTRUCTURES: PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY”. NANOSTRUCTURE TECHNOLOGY Structural Transformation of “Silica+Zn” Nanocomposite after Annealing in Oxidizing Atmosphere
Vol 52, No 16 (2018) 26th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM “NANOSTRUCTURES: PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY”. NANOSTRUCTURE TECHNOLOGY FIB Lithography Challenges of Si3N4/GaN Mask Preparation for Selective Epitaxy
Vol 52, No 16 (2018) 26th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM “NANOSTRUCTURES: PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY”. NANOSTRUCTURE TECHNOLOGY Processing of GaN/Si(111) Epitaxial Structures for MEMS Applications
Vol 52, No 16 (2018) 26th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM “NANOSTRUCTURES: PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY”. NANOSTRUCTURE TECHNOLOGY Estimation of Evaporation Rate from Gold-Silicon Alloy Based on the Nucleation Time and Nanowire Length Distributions
Vol 52, No 16 (2018) 26th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM “NANOSTRUCTURES: PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY”. NANOSTRUCTURE TECHNOLOGY Heteroepitaxy of GaP Nucleation Layers on Si by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
Vol 52, No 16 (2018) 26th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM “NANOSTRUCTURES: PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY”. NANOSTRUCTURE TECHNOLOGY Nucleation and Growth Modeling of Protein Crystals in Capillaries
Vol 52, No 16 (2018) 26th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM “NANOSTRUCTURES: PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY”. NANOSTRUCTURE TECHNOLOGY Monte Carlo Simulation of Ga Droplet Movement during the GaAs Langmuir Evaporation
Vol 52, No 16 (2018) 26th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM “NANOSTRUCTURES: PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY”. NANOSTRUCTURE TECHNOLOGY Luminescent Silicon Nanocrystals Prepared by Laser-Assisted Synthesis in Liquid for Imaging and Photovoltaic Applications
Vol 52, No 16 (2018) 26th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM “NANOSTRUCTURES: PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY”. QUANTUM WELLS AND QUANTUM DOTS Manganese Doped Zinc Sulfide Quantum Dots as Efficient Photocatalyst for Dye Decolorization
Vol 52, No 16 (2018) 26th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM “NANOSTRUCTURES: PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY”. QUANTUM WELLS AND QUANTUM DOTS Structural and Optical Properties of Wurtzite AlGaAs Nanowires Grown by MBE on Si(111) Substrate
Vol 52, No 16 (2018) 26th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM “NANOSTRUCTURES: PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY”. QUANTUM WELLS AND QUANTUM DOTS Plasmonic Enhancement of the Photoluminescence in Hybrid Structures with SiGe Quantum Dots and Ag Nanoislands
Vol 53, No 1 (2019) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Study of the Effect of Doping with Iron on the Luminescence of Zinc-Selenide Single Crystals
Vol 53, No 1 (2019) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Influence of a Quantum Magnetic Field on the Heating of Charge Carriers in Pure Germanium
Vol 53, No 1 (2019) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Effect of Plasma-Chemical Surface Modification on the Electron Transport and Work Function in Silicon Crystals
Vol 53, No 1 (2019) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Nonresonance Phase Conjugation of Light at the Surface of GaN Films Upon High-Power Optical Pumping
Vol 53, No 1 (2019) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Sheet Resistance of the TiAlNiAu Thin-Film Metallization of Ohmic Contacts to Nitride Semiconductor Structures
Vol 53, No 1 (2019) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Photoelectromagnetic Effect Induced by Terahertz Radiation in (Bi1 –xSbx)2Te3 Topological Insulators
Vol 53, No 1 (2019) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Determination of the Parameters of Metal–Insulator–Semiconductor Structures with Ultrathin Insulating Layer from High-Frequency Capacitance–Voltage Measurements
Vol 53, No 1 (2019) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Electroluminescence in n-GaSb/InAs/p-GaSb Heterostructures with a Single Quantum Well Grown by MOVPE
Vol 53, No 1 (2019) Amorphous, Vitreous, and Organic Semiconductors The Effect of Crystallization Conditions on the Spectral Characteristics of Tetraphenylporphyrin Thin Films
Vol 53, No 1 (2019) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Dependence of the Bulk Electrical Properties of Multisilicon on the Grain Misorientation Parameters
Vol 53, No 1 (2019) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Bonding Energy of Silicon and Sapphire Wafers at Elevated Temperatures of Joining
Vol 53, No 1 (2019) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Influence of a por-Si Buffer Layer on the Optical Properties of Epitaxial InxGa1 –xN/Si(111) Heterostructures with a Nanocolumnar Film Morphology
Vol 53, No 1 (2019) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Investigation into the Memristor Effect in Nanocrystalline ZnO Films
Vol 53, No 1 (2019) Carbon Systems A Chainlike Model of the Zigzag Edge Decoration of Graphene
Vol 53, No 1 (2019) Physics of Semiconductor Devices On the Nature of the Increase in the Electron Mobility in the Inversion Channel at the Silicon–Oxide Interface after the Field Effect
Vol 53, No 1 (2019) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Influence of Annealing in Freon on the Crystalline Structure of Cadmium-Telluride Layers and the Efficiency of Thin-Film Solar Cells on Their Basis
Vol 53, No 1 (2019) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Simulation of the Parameters of a Titanium-Tritide-Based Beta-Voltaic Cell
Vol 53, No 1 (2019) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Current Noise and Efficiency Droop of Light-Emitting Diodes in Defect-Assisted Carrier Tunneling from an InGaN/GaN Quantum Well
Vol 53, No 1 (2019) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Differential Equations for Reconstructing the Derived Anhysteretic Nonlinear I–V Characteristics of a Semiconductor Structure
Vol 53, No 1 (2019) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Effect of the Electric Mode and γ Irradiation on Surface-Defect Formation at the Si–SiO2 Interface in a MOS Transistor
Vol 53, No 1 (2019) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Photoanodization of n-Si in the Presence of Hydrogen Peroxide: Voltage Dependence
Vol 53, No 1 (2019) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Deposition of Silicon Films Doped with Boron and Phosphorus by the Gas-Jet Plasma-Chemical Method
Vol 53, No 1 (2019) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Ellipsometric Method for Measuring the CdTe Buffer-Layer Temperature in the Molecular-Beam Epitaxy of CdHgTe
Vol 53, No 2 (2019) Review Indium Arsenide-Based Spontaneous Emission Sources (Review: a Decade Later)
Vol 53, No 2 (2019) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Features of the Properties of Rare-Earth Semiconductors
Vol 53, No 2 (2019) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Influence of Annealing Temperature on Electrically Active Centers in Silicon Implanted with Germanium Ions
Vol 53, No 2 (2019) Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation Dislocation-Related Photoluminescence in Silicon Implanted with Germanium Ions
Vol 53, No 2 (2019) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Laser Annealing of Thin ITO Films on Flexible Organic Substrates
Vol 53, No 2 (2019) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Structural, Optical, and Photosensitive Properties of PbS Films Deposited in the Presence of CaCl2
Vol 53, No 2 (2019) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Technique for the Formation of Antireflection Coatings Based on ITO Films
Vol 53, No 2 (2019) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Photoelectric Properties of GaN Layers Grown by Plasma-Assisted Molecular-Beam Epitaxy on Si(111) Substrates and SiC/Si(111) Epitaxial Layers
Vol 53, No 2 (2019) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Electronic Excitation Energy Transfer in an Array of CdS Quantum Dots on a Quasi-Two-Dimensional Surface
Vol 53, No 2 (2019) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Plasmon Enhancement of the Electric Field in Mid-Infrared Ge/Si Quantum-Dot Photodetectors with Different Thicknesses of the Active Region
Vol 53, No 2 (2019) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Lateral Mode Discrimination in Edge-Emitting Lasers with Spatially Modulated Facet Reflectance
Vol 53, No 2 (2019) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Silicon Nanopillar Microarrays: Formation and Resonance Reflection of Light
Vol 53, No 2 (2019) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Influence of Electric Field on the Activation Energy of Local Levels in Semiconductors with Layered (GaSe) and Cubic (Ga2Se3) Structures
Vol 53, No 2 (2019) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Effect of Praseodymium and Lanthanum Substitution for Bismuth on the Thermoelectric Properties of BiCuSeO Oxyselenides
Vol 53, No 2 (2019) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Thermoresistive Semiconductor SiC/Si Composite Material
Vol 53, No 2 (2019) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Optical Properties of Polyethylene Filled with Bi2Te3 Nanocrystallites
Vol 53, No 2 (2019) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Features of MIS Structures with Samarium Fluoride on Silicon and Germanium Substrates
Vol 53, No 2 (2019) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Effect of the Hydrogen Concentration on the Pd/n-InP Schottky Diode Photocurrent
Vol 53, No 2 (2019) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Low-Temperature Ta/Al-Based Ohmic Contacts to AlGaN/GaN Heteroepitaxial Structures on Silicon Wafers
Vol 53, No 2 (2019) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Anodic Oxidation of Hydrogen-Transferred Silicon-on-Insulator Layers
Vol 53, No 2 (2019) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Electrical and Photoluminescence Studies of {LT-GaAs/GaAs:Si} Superlattices Grown by MBE on (100)- and (111)A-Oriented GaAs Substrates
Vol 53, No 2 (2019) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Effect of the Temperature of Photonic Annealing on the Structural and Optical Properties of ZnO Films Synthesized by Dual Magnetron-Assisted Sputtering
Vol 53, No 2 (2019) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures On the Possibility of Manufacturing Strained InAs/GaSb Superlattices by the MOCVD Method
Vol 53, No 2 (2019) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Oxide Removal from the InSb Plate Surface to Produce Lateral Spin Valves
Vol 53, No 2 (2019) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Technique for the Electrochemical Capacitance–Voltage Profiling of Heavily Doped Structures with a Sharp Doping Profile
Vol 53, No 3 (2019) Review Discovery of III–V Semiconductors: Physical Properties and Application
Vol 53, No 3 (2019) Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion) Anharmonicity of Lattice Vibrations in Bi2Se3 Single Crystals
Vol 53, No 3 (2019) Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion) Decomposition of a Solid Solution of Interstitial Magnesium in Silicon
Vol 53, No 3 (2019) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Specific Features of the Electron Spin Resonance of an Iron Impurity in HgSe Crystals
Vol 53, No 3 (2019) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Effect of the Copper Content on the Kinetics of the Microwave Photoconductivity of CIGS Solid Solutions
Vol 53, No 3 (2019) Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation Luminescence of (ZnSe:Al):Yb Сrystals at 4.2 K
Vol 53, No 3 (2019) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Structure and Properties of Zn-Implanted Si Near-Surface Layer Modification Depending on Irradiation Fluence of 132Xe26+ Ions with Energy of 167 MeV
Vol 53, No 3 (2019) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Mechanism and Features of Field Emission in Semiconductors
Vol 53, No 3 (2019) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena MOS-Hydride Epitaxy Growth of InGaAs/GaAs Submonolayer Quantum Dots for the Excitation of Surface Plasmon–Polaritons
Vol 53, No 3 (2019) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Studying Magnetic Diodes with a GaMnAs Layer Formed by Pulsed Laser Deposition
Vol 53, No 3 (2019) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Electron-Quantum Transport in Pseudomorphic and Metamorphic In0.2Ga0.8As-Based Quantum Wells
Vol 53, No 3 (2019) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Spontaneous Emission and Lasing of a Two-Wavelength Quantum-Cascade Laser
Vol 53, No 3 (2019) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors On the Mechanism of the Vapor–Solid–Solid Growth of Au-Catalyzed GaAs Nanowires
Vol 53, No 3 (2019) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Optical Properties of CdS Nanocrystals Doped with Zinc and Copper
Vol 53, No 3 (2019) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Investigation into the Radiation Hardness of Photodiodes Based on Silicon-on-Sapphire Structures
Vol 53, No 3 (2019) Physics of Semiconductor Devices EMF Induced in a pn Junction under a Strong Microwave Field and Light
Vol 53, No 3 (2019) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Subnanosecond Avalanche Switching Simulations of n+nn+ Silicon Structures
Vol 53, No 3 (2019) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Simulation of Transient Processes in 4H-SiC Based Semiconductor Devices (Taking into Account the Incomplete Ionization of Dopants in the ATLAS Module of the SILVACO TCAD Software Package)
Vol 53, No 3 (2019) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Structure and Properties of Gallium-Oxide Films Produced by High-Frequency Magnetron-Assisted Deposition
Vol 53, No 3 (2019) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Formation of Nanoporous Copper-Silicide Films
Vol 53, No 3 (2019) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Crystallization of Amorphous Germanium Films and Multilayer a-Ge/a-Si Structures upon Exposure to Nanosecond Laser Radiation
Vol 53, No 3 (2019) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Comparative Studies of AlGaAs/InGaAs Enhancement/Depletion-Mode High Electron Mobility Transistors with Virtual Channel Layers by Hybrid Gate Recesses Approaches
Vol 53, No 4 (2019) Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion) Effect of Nickel and Copper Introduced at Room Temperature on the Recombination Properties of Extended Defects in Silicon
Vol 53, No 4 (2019) Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion) Defect Formation under Nitrogen-Ion Implantation and Subsequent Annealing in GaAs Structures with an Uncovered Surface and a Surface Covered with an AlN Film
Vol 53, No 4 (2019) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Thermoelectric Characteristics of Heavily Doped p-Type Lead Telluride at Different Heavy-Hole Band Depths
Vol 53, No 4 (2019) Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation Carrier Lifetime in Semiconductors with Band-Gap Widths Close to the Spin-Orbit Splitting Energies
Vol 53, No 4 (2019) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Evolution of Micropits on Large Terraces of the Si(111) Surface during High-Temperature Annealing
Vol 53, No 4 (2019) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Effect of a Second-Order Phase Transition on the Electrical Conductivity of Metal/Semiconductor Structures
Vol 53, No 4 (2019) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Simulated Contrast of Two Dislocations
Vol 53, No 4 (2019) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Preparation and Characterization of Sol–Gel Dip Coated Al: ZnO (AZO) Thin Film for Opto-Electronic Application
Vol 53, No 4 (2019) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Influence of the Substrate Material on the Properties of Gallium-Oxide Films and Gallium-Oxide-Based Structures
Vol 53, No 4 (2019) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Resonance Absorption of Electromagnetic Radiation in a Phosphorene Single Layer
Vol 53, No 4 (2019) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Features of the Characteristics of Field-Resistant Silicon–Ultrathin Oxide–Polysilicon Structures
Vol 53, No 4 (2019) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Features of the Temperature Dependence of the Specific Contact Resistance of Au–Ti–Pd–n+n-Si Diffusion Silicon Structures
Vol 53, No 4 (2019) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Investigation into the Distribution of Built-in Electric Fields in LED Heterostructures with Multiple GaN/InGaN Quantum Wells by Electroreflectance Spectroscopy
Vol 53, No 4 (2019) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Quantum Confined Stark Effect and Temperature Dependencies of Photoluminescence of InAs Quantum Dots Coupled with AlGaAs/GaAs Two Dimensional Electron Gas
Vol 53, No 4 (2019) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Electrical Characterization of Hybrid Halide Perovskites Based Heterojunction Device
Vol 53, No 4 (2019) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Raman Scattering in InSb Spherical Nanocrystals Ion-Synthesized in Silicon-Oxide Films
Vol 53, No 4 (2019) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Optical Properties of CdSe/ZnS Nanoparticles in Heat-Treated Polyvinylchloride Films
Vol 53, No 4 (2019) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors The Growth of InAsxSb1 –x Solid Solutions on Misoriented GaAs(001) Substrates by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy
Vol 53, No 4 (2019) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Large-Amplitude Shock Electromagnetic Wave in a Nonlinear Transmission Line Based on a Distributed Semiconductor Diode
Vol 53, No 4 (2019) Physics of Semiconductor Devices High-Power Nano- and Picosecond Optoelectronic Switches Based on High-Voltage Silicon Structures with pn Junctions. III. Self-Heating Effects
Vol 53, No 4 (2019) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Inhomogeneous Injection and Heat-Transfer Processes in Reversely Switched Dynistors Operating in the Pulse-Frequency Repetition Modes with a Limited Heat Sink
Vol 53, No 4 (2019) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Formation of Porous Silicon by Nanopowder Sintering
Vol 53, No 4 (2019) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Power Conversion Efficiencies of Perovskite and Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells under Various Solar Radiation Intensities
Vol 53, No 4 (2019) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Effect of Electron Irradiation with an Energy of 0.9 MeV on the IV Characteristics and Low-Frequency Noise in 4H–SiC pin Diodes
Vol 53, No 4 (2019) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Electrical and Optical Characteristics of Si-Nanoparticle Films Deposited onto Substrates by High-Voltage Electrospraying from Ethanol Sols
Vol 53, No 4 (2019) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Optical and Structural Properties of Ag and c-Si Nanostructures Formed During the Metal-Assisted Chemical Etching of Silicon
Vol 53, No 4 (2019) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Effect of Oxygen Flow Rate on Structural, Electrical and Optical Properties of Zinc Aluminum Oxide Thin Films Deposited by DC Magnetron Sputtering
Vol 53, No 5 (2019) XVI International Conference  “thermoelectrics and Their Applications–2018” (Iscta 2018,) St. Petersburg, October 8–12, 2018 Thermoelectric Properties of In0.2Ce0.1Co4Sb12.3 Ribbons Prepared by the Rapid-Quenching Technique
Vol 53, No 5 (2019) XVI International Conference  “thermoelectrics and Their Applications–2018” (Iscta 2018,) St. Petersburg, October 8–12, 2018 The Thermoelectric Power of Bi1 –xSbx Films (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.15) on Mica and Polyimide Substrates in the Temperature Range of 77–300 K
Vol 53, No 5 (2019) XVI International Conference  “thermoelectrics and Their Applications–2018” (Iscta 2018,) St. Petersburg, October 8–12, 2018 The Hall and Seebeck Effects in Bismuth Thin Films on Mica Substrates in the Temperature Range of 77–300 K
Vol 53, No 5 (2019) XVI International Conference  “thermoelectrics and Their Applications–2018” (Iscta 2018,) St. Petersburg, October 8–12, 2018 Miniature Thermoelectric Modules Developed for Cycling Applications
Vol 53, No 5 (2019) XVI International Conference  “thermoelectrics and Their Applications–2018” (Iscta 2018,) St. Petersburg, October 8–12, 2018 On the Band Structure of Bi2Te3
Vol 53, No 5 (2019) XVI International Conference  “thermoelectrics and Their Applications–2018” (Iscta 2018,) St. Petersburg, October 8–12, 2018 Thermoelectric Properties of n-Mg2(SiGe)0.8Sn0.2 Solid Solution
Vol 53, No 5 (2019) XVI International Conference  “thermoelectrics and Their Applications–2018” (Iscta 2018,) St. Petersburg, October 8–12, 2018 The Band-Structure Parameters of Bi1 –xSbx (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.15) Thin Films on Substrates with Different Thermal-Expansion Coefficients
Vol 53, No 5 (2019) XVI International Conference  “thermoelectrics and Their Applications–2018” (Iscta 2018,) St. Petersburg, October 8–12, 2018 Influence of the Sintering Temperature on the Thermoelectric Properties of the Bi1.9Gd0.1Te3 Compound
Vol 53, No 5 (2019) XVI International Conference  “thermoelectrics and Their Applications–2018” (Iscta 2018,) St. Petersburg, October 8–12, 2018 Thermoelectric and Galvanomagnetic Properties of Layered n-Bi2 –xSbxTe3 –ySey Films
Vol 53, No 5 (2019) XVI International Conference  “thermoelectrics and Their Applications–2018” (Iscta 2018,) St. Petersburg, October 8–12, 2018 Influence of La Doping on the Transport Properties of Bi1 –xLaxCuSeO Oxyselenides
Vol 53, No 5 (2019) XVI International Conference  “thermoelectrics and Their Applications–2018” (Iscta 2018,) St. Petersburg, October 8–12, 2018 Dimensionless Mathematical Model of a Thermoelectric Cooler: ΔTmax Mode
Vol 53, No 5 (2019) XVI International Conference  “thermoelectrics and Their Applications–2018” (Iscta 2018,) St. Petersburg, October 8–12, 2018 Variation in the State of 119mSn Impurity Atoms in PbTe during the Establishment of the Radioactive Equilibrium of 119mTe/119Sb Isotopes
Vol 53, No 5 (2019) XVI International Conference  “thermoelectrics and Their Applications–2018” (Iscta 2018,) St. Petersburg, October 8–12, 2018 Thermoelectric Properties of Sb2Te3-Based Nanocomposites with Graphite
Vol 53, No 5 (2019) XVI International Conference  “thermoelectrics and Their Applications–2018” (Iscta 2018,) St. Petersburg, October 8–12, 2018 Thermoelectric Power of a Luttinger Liquid
Vol 53, No 5 (2019) XVI International Conference  “thermoelectrics and Their Applications–2018” (Iscta 2018,) St. Petersburg, October 8–12, 2018 Topological Surface States of Dirac Fermions in n-Bi2Te3 –ySey Thermoelectrics
Vol 53, No 5 (2019) XVI International Conference  “thermoelectrics and Their Applications–2018” (Iscta 2018,) St. Petersburg, October 8–12, 2018 Materials Based on Solid Solutions of Bismuth and Antimony Tellurides Formed by Rapid Melt Crystallization Methods
Vol 53, No 5 (2019) XVI International Conference  “thermoelectrics and Their Applications–2018” (Iscta 2018,) St. Petersburg, October 8–12, 2018 Thermoelectric Properties of Semimetal and Semiconductor Bi1 –xSbx Foils and Wires
Vol 53, No 5 (2019) XVI International Conference  “thermoelectrics and Their Applications–2018” (Iscta 2018,) St. Petersburg, October 8–12, 2018 Miniaturized Heat-Flux Sensor Based on a Glass-Insulated Bi–Sn Microwire
Vol 53, No 5 (2019) XVI International Conference  “thermoelectrics and Their Applications–2018” (Iscta 2018,) St. Petersburg, October 8–12, 2018 Thermoelectric Properties of Cobalt Monosilicide and Its Alloys
Vol 53, No 5 (2019) XVI International Conference  “thermoelectrics and Their Applications–2018” (Iscta 2018,) St. Petersburg, October 8–12, 2018 Thermoelectric Properties of Bi2 –xLuxTe2.7Se0.3 Solid Solutions
Vol 53, No 5 (2019) XVI International Conference  “thermoelectrics and Their Applications–2018” (Iscta 2018,) St. Petersburg, October 8–12, 2018 Coefficient of the Performance of a Segmented Thermoelectric Cooling Leg
Vol 53, No 5 (2019) XVI International Conference  “thermoelectrics and Their Applications–2018” (Iscta 2018,) St. Petersburg, October 8–12, 2018 High-Efficiency Thermoelectric Single-Photon Detector Based on Lanthanum and Cerium Hexaborides
Vol 53, No 5 (2019) XVI International Conference  “thermoelectrics and Their Applications–2018” (Iscta 2018,) St. Petersburg, October 8–12, 2018 Effective Bi–Sb Crystals for Thermoelectric Cooling at Temperatures of T ≲ 180 K
Vol 53, No 5 (2019) XVI International Conference  “thermoelectrics and Their Applications–2018” (Iscta 2018,) St. Petersburg, October 8–12, 2018 Materials Based on Solid Solutions of Bismuth Chalcogenides of n-Type Conductivity Prepared by Melt Crystallization in a Liquid
Vol 53, No 5 (2019) XVI International Conference  “thermoelectrics and Their Applications–2018” (Iscta 2018,) St. Petersburg, October 8–12, 2018 Setup for Measuring the Thermoelectric Properties of Ultrathin Wires
Vol 53, No 5 (2019) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors On Estimates of the Electron Affinity of Silicon-Carbide Polytypes and the Band Offsets in Heterojunctions Based on These Polytypes
Vol 53, No 5 (2019) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Type-I Indirect-Gap Semiconductor Heterostructures on (110) Substrates
Vol 53, No 5 (2019) Amorphous, Vitreous, and Organic Semiconductors Antisite Defects in Ge–Te and Ge–As–Te Semiconductor Glasses
Vol 53, No 5 (2019) Carbon Systems Hydrogen Desorption from Pentagraphane
Vol 53, No 6 (2019) XVI International Conference  “thermoelectrics and Their Applications–2018” (Iscta 2018,) St. Petersburg, October 8–12, 2018 Effect of Sample-Shape Imperfection on Uncertainty in Measurements of the Thermal-Conductivity by the Laser-Flash Method
Vol 53, No 6 (2019) XVI International Conference  “thermoelectrics and Their Applications–2018” (Iscta 2018,) St. Petersburg, October 8–12, 2018 Specific Features of the Quantum-Size Effect in Transport Phenomena in Bismuth-Thin Films on Mica Substrates
Vol 53, No 6 (2019) XVI International Conference  “thermoelectrics and Their Applications–2018” (Iscta 2018,) St. Petersburg, October 8–12, 2018 On the Power Factor of Bismuth-Telluride-Based Alloys near Topological Phase Transitions at High Pressures
Vol 53, No 6 (2019) XVI International Conference  “thermoelectrics and Their Applications–2018” (Iscta 2018,) St. Petersburg, October 8–12, 2018 Galvanomagnetic Properties of Cobalt Monosilicide and Alloys Based on It
Vol 53, No 6 (2019) XVI International Conference  “thermoelectrics and Their Applications–2018” (Iscta 2018,) St. Petersburg, October 8–12, 2018 Thermoelectric Properties of Nanocomposite Bi0.45Sb1.55Te2.985 Solid Solution with SiO2 Microparticles
Vol 53, No 6 (2019) XVI International Conference  “thermoelectrics and Their Applications–2018” (Iscta 2018,) St. Petersburg, October 8–12, 2018 Bismuth-Telluride-Based Radiation Thermopiles Prepared by Pulsed Laser Deposition
Vol 53, No 6 (2019) XVI International Conference  “thermoelectrics and Their Applications–2018” (Iscta 2018,) St. Petersburg, October 8–12, 2018 Cryogenic Thermoelectric Cooler for Operating Temperatures below 90 K
Vol 53, No 6 (2019) XVI International Conference  “thermoelectrics and Their Applications–2018” (Iscta 2018,) St. Petersburg, October 8–12, 2018 Thermoelectric and Thermoelectrokinetic Phenomena in Colloidal Solutions
Vol 53, No 6 (2019) XVI International Conference  “thermoelectrics and Their Applications–2018” (Iscta 2018,) St. Petersburg, October 8–12, 2018 On the Structure and Thermoelectric Properties of CoSi Obtained from a Supersaturated Solution–Melt in Sn
Vol 53, No 6 (2019) XVI International Conference  “thermoelectrics and Their Applications–2018” (Iscta 2018,) St. Petersburg, October 8–12, 2018 Correlation of the Optical and Magnetic Properties of Bi2Te3–Sb2Te3 Crystals
Vol 53, No 6 (2019) XVI International Conference  “thermoelectrics and Their Applications–2018” (Iscta 2018,) St. Petersburg, October 8–12, 2018 Influence of V Doping on the Thermoelectric Properties of Fe2Ti1 –xVxSn Heusler Alloys
Vol 53, No 6 (2019) XVI International Conference  “thermoelectrics and Their Applications–2018” (Iscta 2018,) St. Petersburg, October 8–12, 2018 Simulation of Thermoelectric Materials Densification during Spark Plasma Sintering with the Example of Ge–Si
Vol 53, No 6 (2019) XVI International Conference  “thermoelectrics and Their Applications–2018” (Iscta 2018,) St. Petersburg, October 8–12, 2018 Structure and Thermoelectric Properties of CoSi-Based Film Composites
Vol 53, No 6 (2019) Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion) Thick α-Ga2O3 Layers on Sapphire Substrates Grown by Halide Epitaxy
Vol 53, No 6 (2019) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Analysis of the Optical Properties of Plastically Deformed ZnS(O) Using Band-Anticrossing Theory
Vol 53, No 6 (2019) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors DLTS Investigation of the Energy Spectrum of Si:Mg Crystals
Vol 53, No 6 (2019) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Electromigration Effect on Vacancy Islands Nucleation on Si(100) Surface during Sublimation
Vol 53, No 6 (2019) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Features of Defect Formation in Nanostructured Silicon under Ion Irradiation
Vol 53, No 6 (2019) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Specific Features of Carrier Transport in n+n0n+ Structures with a GaAs/AlGaAs Heterojunction at Ultrahigh Current Densities
Vol 53, No 6 (2019) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Optically Induced Charge Exchange in ZnO-Based Composite Structures with Embedded CsPbBr3 Nanocrystals
Vol 53, No 6 (2019) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Urbach Rule in MnGa2Se4 Single Crystals Upon Optical Absorption
Vol 53, No 6 (2019) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Light-Emitting Diodes Based on an Asymmetrical InAs/InAsSb/InAsSbP Double Heterostructure for CO2 (λ = 4.3 μm) and CO (λ = 4.7 μm) Detection
Vol 53, No 6 (2019) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Specific Features of Closed-Mode Formation in Rectangular Resonators Based on InGaAs/AlGaAs/GaAs Heterostructures for High-Power Semiconductor Lasers
Vol 53, No 6 (2019) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Trends in Reverse-Current Change in Tunnel MIS Diodes with Calcium Fluoride on Si(111) Upon the Formation of an Extra Oxide Layer
Vol 53, No 6 (2019) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Simulation Approach to Modeling of the Avalanche Breakdown of a pn Junction
Vol 53, No 6 (2019) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Proton Irradiation of 4H-SiC Photodetectors with Schottky Barriers
Vol 53, No 6 (2019) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Correction of the Reverse Recovery Characteristics of High-Voltage 4H-SiC Junction Diodes Using Proton Irradiation
Vol 53, No 6 (2019) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Composition, Structure, and Semiconductor Properties of Chemically Deposited SnSe Films
Vol 53, No 7 (2019) XVI International Conference  “thermoelectrics and Their Applications–2018” (Iscta 2018,) St. Petersburg, October 8–12, 2018 New Direction in the Application of Thermoelectric Energy Converters
Vol 53, No 7 (2019) XVI International Conference  “thermoelectrics and Their Applications–2018” (Iscta 2018,) St. Petersburg, October 8–12, 2018 Theoretical Modeling of the Thermoelectric Properties of Fe2Ti1 –xVxSn Heusler Alloys
Vol 53, No 7 (2019) XVI International Conference  “thermoelectrics and Their Applications–2018” (Iscta 2018,) St. Petersburg, October 8–12, 2018 Thermoelectric Intensifier of Heat Transfer between Two Moving Media with Different Temperatures
Vol 53, No 7 (2019) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors On the Poole–Frenkel Effect in Polycrystalline Europium Sulfide
Vol 53, No 7 (2019) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Structure of the Energy Spectrum of Holes in IV–VI Materials from a Different Viewpoint
Vol 53, No 7 (2019) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Influence of Annealing on the Properties of Ge:Sb/Si(001) Layers with an Antimony Concentration Above Its Equilibrium Solubility in Germanium
Vol 53, No 7 (2019) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films On the Properties of Isoparametric AlInGaAsP/InP Heterostructures
Vol 53, No 7 (2019) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Development of the Physicochemical Properties of the GaSb(100) Surface in Ammonium Sulfide Solutions
Vol 53, No 7 (2019) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Spherical Distributed Bragg Reflector with an Omnidirectional Stop Band in the Near-IR Spectral Range
Vol 53, No 7 (2019) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Electrical and Optical Properties of Unrelaxed InAs1 –xSbx Heteroepitaxial Structures
Vol 53, No 7 (2019) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Differences in the Impurity Ionization in Quasi-Classically Strong Constant and Alternating Electric Fields in a Two-Dimensional Superlattice Based on Graphene
Vol 53, No 7 (2019) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena On the Thermal Activation of Conductivity Electrons in a p-Type HgTe/CdHgTe Double Quantum Well with HgTe Layers of Critical Width
Vol 53, No 7 (2019) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena On the Morphology and Optical Properties of Molybdenum Disulfide Nanostructures from a Monomolecular Layer to a Fractal-Like Substructure
Vol 53, No 7 (2019) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Magnetotransport Spectroscopy of the Interface, Quantum Well, and Hybrid States in Structures with 16-nm-Thick Multiple HgTe Layers
Vol 53, No 7 (2019) Amorphous, Vitreous, and Organic Semiconductors Dependence of the Conductivity of Porous Silicon Layers on the Carrier-Transport Direction
Vol 53, No 7 (2019) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Orientation Relationships upon the Structural Transformation of Monoclinic and Cubic Phases in Silver Sulfide
Vol 53, No 7 (2019) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Size Dependence of the Melting Point of Silicon Nanoparticles: Molecular Dynamics and Thermodynamic Simulation
Vol 53, No 7 (2019) Carbon Systems Epitaxial Carbyne: Analytical Results
Vol 53, No 7 (2019) Physics of Semiconductor Devices High-Voltage Diffused Step Recovery Diodes: I. Numerical Simulation
Vol 53, No 7 (2019) Physics of Semiconductor Devices High-Voltage Diffused Step Recovery Diodes: II. Theory
Vol 53, No 7 (2019) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Low-Temperature Annealing of Lightly Doped n-4H-SiC Layers after Irradiation with Fast Electrons
Vol 53, No 7 (2019) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Features of the Initial Stage of the Heteroepitaxy of Silicon Layers on Germanium When Grown from Silicon Hydrides
Vol 53, No 7 (2019) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Properties of Semipolar GaN Grown on a Si(100) Substrate
Vol 53, No 7 (2019) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Investigation into the Influence of a Buffer Layer of Nanoporous Silicon on the Atomic and Electronic Structure and Optical Properties of AIIIN/por-Si Heterostructures Grown by Plasma-Activated Molecular-Beam Epitaxy
Vol 53, No 8 (2019) Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion) Diffusion and Interaction of In and As Implanted into SiO2 Films
Vol 53, No 8 (2019) Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion) Influence of the Charge State of Xenon Ions on the Depth Distribution Profile Upon Implantation into Silicon
Vol 53, No 8 (2019) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Spin–Orbit Interaction and Carrier Mobility in a Longitudinal InSb Autosoliton under a Magnetic Field
Vol 53, No 8 (2019) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Effect of X-Ray Radiation on the Optical Properties of Photorefractive Bismuth-Silicate Crystals
Vol 53, No 8 (2019) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Some Physical Properties of the New Intermetallic Compound NbCd2
Vol 53, No 8 (2019) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Nanostructured ITO/SiO2 Coatings
Vol 53, No 8 (2019) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Observation of Regions of Negative Differential Conductivity and Current Generation during Tunneling through Zero-Dimensional Defect Levels of the h-BN Barrier in Graphene/h-BN/Graphene Heterostructures
Vol 53, No 8 (2019) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena On the Theory of Plasmon–Excitons: An Estimate of the Coupling Constant and the Optical Spectrum
Vol 53, No 8 (2019) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Template Synthesis of Monodisperse Submicrometer Spherical Nanoporous Silicon Particles
Vol 53, No 8 (2019) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Investigation of the Current–Voltage Characteristics of New MnO2/GaAs(100) and V2O5/GaAs(100) Heterostructures Subjected to Heat Treatment
Vol 53, No 8 (2019) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Dependence of the Spontaneous Luminescence Intensity in ZnO Nanorods on their Length
Vol 53, No 8 (2019) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Energy Expenditure Upon the Formation of the Elastically Stressed State in the Layers of a Step-Graded Metamorphic Buffer in a Heterostructure Grown on a (001) GaAs Substrate
Vol 53, No 8 (2019) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Effect of Thermal Annealing on the Photovoltaic Properties of GaP/Si Heterostructures Fabricated by Plasma-Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition
Vol 53, No 8 (2019) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors On the Synthesis and Photoluminescence and Cathodoluminescence Properties of CdSe, CdTe, PbS, InSb, and GaAs Colloidal Quantum Dots
Vol 53, No 8 (2019) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Effect of Bismuth on the Properties of Elastically Stressed AlGaInAsP〈Bi〉/InP Heterostructures
Vol 53, No 8 (2019) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Relaxation, Thermal, and Interphase Effects in Polymer–Ferroelectric-Piezoelectric Ceramic Composites of Different Structures
Vol 53, No 8 (2019) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Evaluation of the Impact of Surface Recombination in Microdisk Lasers by Means of High-Frequency Modulation
Vol 53, No 8 (2019) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Influence of Output Optical Losses on the Dynamic Characteristics of 1.55-μm Wafer-Fused Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers
Vol 53, No 8 (2019) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Module of Laser-Radiation (λ = 1064 nm) Photovoltaic Converters
Vol 53, No 8 (2019) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Sensing Amorphous/Crystalline Silicon Surface Passivation by Attenuated Total Reflection Infrared Spectroscopy of Amorphous Silicon on Glass
Vol 53, No 8 (2019) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Structural and Morphological Properties of Hybrid Heterostructures Based on GaN Grown on a Compliant por-Si(111) Substrate
Vol 53, No 8 (2019) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Molecular-Beam Epitaxy of Two-Dimensional GaSe Layers on GaAs(001) and GaAs(112) Substrates: Structural and Optical Properties
Vol 53, No 8 (2019) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Submonolayer InGaAs/GaAs Quantum Dots Grown by MOCVD
Vol 53, No 9 (2019) Xxiii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 11–14, 2019 GaAs/GaP Quantum-Well Heterostructures Grown on Si Substrates
Vol 53, No 9 (2019) Xxiii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 11–14, 2019 Semiconductor Heterolasers with Double-Mirror Two-Dimensional Bragg Resonators
Vol 53, No 9 (2019) Xxiii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 11–14, 2019 Study of the Auger Recombination Energy Threshold in a Series of Waveguide Heterostructures with HgTe/Cd0.7Hg0.3Te QWs Near 14 μm
Vol 53, No 9 (2019) Xxiii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 11–14, 2019 In-situ Doping of Thermoelectric Materials Based on SiGe Solid Solutions during Their Synthesis by the Spark Plasma Sintering Technique
Vol 53, No 9 (2019) Xxiii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 11–14, 2019 Lateral Energy Transfer by Plasmons Excited by a Terahertz Wave in a Periodic Spatially Asymmetric Graphene Structure
Vol 53, No 9 (2019) Xxiii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 11–14, 2019 On the Suppression of Electron-Hole Exchange Interaction in a Reservoir of Nonradiative Excitons
Vol 53, No 9 (2019) Xxiii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 11–14, 2019 Hyperfine Interaction and Shockley–Read–Hall Recombination in Semiconductors
Vol 53, No 9 (2019) Xxiii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 11–14, 2019 Surface Сonductivity Dynamics in PbSnTe:In Films in the Vicinity of a Band Inversion
Vol 53, No 9 (2019) Xxiii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 11–14, 2019 On the Specific Features of the Plasma-Assisted MBE Synthesis of n+-GaN Layers on GaN/c-Al2O3 Templates
Vol 53, No 9 (2019) Xxiii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 11–14, 2019 Comparison of the Features of Electron Transport and Subterahertz Generation in Diodes Based on 6-, 18-, 70-, and 120-Period GaAs/AlAs Superlattices
Vol 53, No 9 (2019) Xxiii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 11–14, 2019 Spectra of Double Acceptors in Layers of Barriers and Quantum Wells of HgTe/CdHgTe Heterostructures
Vol 53, No 9 (2019) Xxiii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 11–14, 2019 Plasma-Chemical Deposition of Diamond-Like Films onto the Surface of Heavily Doped Single-Crystal Diamond
Vol 53, No 9 (2019) Xxiii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 11–14, 2019 On the Combined Application of Raman Spectroscopy and Photoluminescence Spectroscopy for the Diagnostics of Multilayer Heterostructures
Vol 53, No 9 (2019) Xxiii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 11–14, 2019 On the Amplification of Terahertz Radiation by High-Q Resonant Plasmons in a Periodic Graphene Bilayer under Plasmon-Mode Anticrossing
Vol 53, No 9 (2019) Xxiii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 11–14, 2019 Second-Harmonic Generation of Subterahertz Gyrotron Radiation by Frequency Doubling in InP:Fe and Its Application for Magnetospectroscopy of Semiconductor Structures
Vol 53, No 9 (2019) Xxiii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 11–14, 2019 Computational and Experimental Simulation of Static Memory Cells of Submicron Microcircuits under the Effect of Neutron Fluxes
Vol 53, No 9 (2019) Xxiii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 11–14, 2019 On the Spin States of Electrons in a Double Quantum Dot in a Two-Dimensional Topological Insulator with Spin-Orbit Interaction
Vol 53, No 9 (2019) Xxiii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 11–14, 2019 Chemical Shift and Exchange Interaction Energy of the 1s States of Magnesium Donors in Silicon. The Possibility of Stimulated Emission
Vol 53, No 9 (2019) Xxiii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 11–14, 2019 Tunnel Diodes Based on n+-Ge/p+-Si(001) Epitaxial Structures Grown by the Hot-Wire Chemical Vapor Deposition
Vol 53, No 9 (2019) Xxiii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 11–14, 2019 Studies of the Cross Section and Photoluminescence of a GaAs Layer Grown on a Si/Al2O3 Substrate
Vol 53, No 9 (2019) Xxiii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 11–14, 2019 Numerical Simulation of the Current–Voltage Characteristics of Bilayer Resistive Memory Based on Non-Stoichiometric Metal Oxides
Vol 53, No 9 (2019) Xxiii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 11–14, 2019 Simulation of the Formation of a Cascade of Displacements and Transient Ionization Processes in Silicon Semiconductor Structures under Neutron Exposure
Vol 53, No 9 (2019) Xxiii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 11–14, 2019 Stimulated Terahertz Emission of Bismuth Donors in Uniaxially Strained Silicon under Optical Intracenter Excitation
Vol 53, No 9 (2019) Xxiii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 11–14, 2019 Nonradiative Energy Transfer in Hybrid Nanostructures with Varied Dimensionality
Vol 53, No 9 (2019) Xxiii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 11–14, 2019 Enhanced Photoluminescence of Heavily Doped n-Ge/Si(001) Layers
Vol 53, No 9 (2019) Xxiii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 11–14, 2019 Evolution of the Impurity Photoconductivity in CdHgTe Epitaxial Films with Temperature
Vol 53, No 9 (2019) Xxiii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 11–14, 2019 Features of the Impurity-Photoconductivity Spectra of PbSnTe(In) Epitaxial Films with Temperature Changes
Vol 53, No 10 (2019) Xxiii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 11–14, 2019 Vertical Field-Effect Transistor with a Controlling GaAs-Based pn Junction
Vol 53, No 10 (2019) Xxiii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 11–14, 2019 2D Bragg Resonators Based on Planar Dielectric Waveguides (from Theory to Model-Based Testing)
Vol 53, No 10 (2019) Xxiii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 11–14, 2019 On the Asymmetric Generation of a Superradiant Laser with a Symmetric Low-Q Cavity
Vol 53, No 10 (2019) Xxiii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 11–14, 2019 Features of the Simultaneous Generation of Low-Q and High-Q Modes in Heterolasers Based on Quantum Dots with a Long Incoherent Relaxation Time of Optical Dipole Oscillations
Vol 53, No 10 (2019) Xxiii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 11–14, 2019 Nonclassical Light Sources Based on Selectively Positioned Deterministic Microlens Structures and (111) In(Ga)As Quantum Dots
Vol 53, No 10 (2019) Xxiii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 11–14, 2019 Coherence Dynamics of the Exciton-Polariton System in GaAs Microcavities under Pulse Resonant Photoexcitation
Vol 53, No 10 (2019) Xxiii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 11–14, 2019 Interaction of a Tamm Plasmon and Exciton in an Organic Material in the Strong Coupling Mode
Vol 53, No 10 (2019) Xxiii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 11–14, 2019 Comparative Analysis of the Luminescence of Ge:Sb Layers Grown on Ge(001) and Si(001) Substrates
Vol 53, No 10 (2019) Xxiii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 11–14, 2019 Locally Strained Ge/SOI Structures with an Improved Heat Sink as an Active Medium for Silicon Optoelectronics
Vol 53, No 10 (2019) Xxiii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 11–14, 2019 Ordered Arrays of Ge(Si) Quantum Dots Incorporated into Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystals
Vol 53, No 10 (2019) Xxiii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 11–14, 2019 On the Intracenter Relaxation of Shallow Antimony Donors in Strained Germanium
Vol 53, No 10 (2019) Xxiii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 11–14, 2019 On the Two-Phonon Relaxation of Excited States of Boron Acceptors in Diamond
Vol 53, No 10 (2019) Xxiii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 11–14, 2019 Ohmic Contacts to CVD Diamond with Boron-Doped Delta Layers
Vol 53, No 10 (2019) Xxiii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 11–14, 2019 Comparison of the Radiation Resistance of Prospective Bipolar and Heterobipolar Transistors
Vol 53, No 10 (2019) Xxiii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 11–14, 2019 Emission Properties of Heavily Doped Epitaxial Indium-Nitride Layers
Vol 53, No 10 (2019) Xxiii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 11–14, 2019 Residual-Photoconductivity Spectra in HgTe/CdHgTe Quantum-Well Heterostructures
Vol 53, No 10 (2019) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Magnetosonic Waves in a Two-Dimensional Electron Fermi Liquid
Vol 53, No 10 (2019) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Microwave Magnetic Absorption in HgSe with Co and Ni Impurities
Vol 53, No 10 (2019) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Electronic States of Nanosystems Based on Cadmium Sulfide in the Zinc-Blende Form
Vol 53, No 10 (2019) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Molecular-Dynamics Simulation of the Low-Temperature Surface Reconstruction of a GaAs(001) Surface during the Nanoindentation Process
Vol 53, No 10 (2019) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Influence of Hydrogen on the Electrical Properties of Pd/InP Structures
Vol 53, No 10 (2019) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Impact of the Percolation Effect on the Temperature Dependences of the Capacitance–Voltage Characteristics of Heterostructures Based on Composite Layers of Silicon and Gold Nanoparticles
Vol 53, No 10 (2019) Carbon Systems Sharp Drop in the Mobility of Holes with a Decrease in Their Two-Dimensional Concentration by an External Voltage in Boron δ-Doped Diamond Layers
Vol 53, No 10 (2019) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Semiconductor Laser Quasi-Array with Phase-Locked Single-Mode Emitting Channels
Vol 53, No 10 (2019) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Impact of High-Energy Electron Irradiation on Surge Currents in 4H-SiC JBS Schottky Diodes
Vol 53, No 10 (2019) Erratum Erratum to: Quantum Confined Stark Effect and Temperature Dependencies of Photoluminescence of InAs Quantum Dots Coupled with AlGaAs/GaAs Two-Dimensional Electron Gas
Vol 53, No 11 (2019) Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion) Do Chemical Effects Affect the Accumulation of Structural Damage during the Implantation of Fluorine Ions into GaN?
Vol 53, No 11 (2019) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Temperature Coefficient of Movement of the Resonance Level of Iron in Pb1 – x – ySnxFeyTe Alloys
Vol 53, No 11 (2019) Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation Luminescence Properties of FZ Silicon Irradiated with Swift Heavy Ions
Vol 53, No 11 (2019) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Relation between the Relaxation of Intrinsic Stimulated Picosecond Emission from GaAs with a Characteristic Charge-Carrier Cooling Time
Vol 53, No 11 (2019) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Quantum Corrections and Magnetotransport in 3D Dirac Semimetal Cd3 –xMnxAs2 Films
Vol 53, No 11 (2019) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Mechanism of Singlet-Oxygen Generation on the Surface of Excited Nanoporous Silicon
Vol 53, No 11 (2019) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Effect of Ion-Beam Processing during RF Magnetron Sputtering on the properties of ZnO Films
Vol 53, No 11 (2019) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Structure and Electrical Properties of (ZnO/SiO2)25 Thin Films
Vol 53, No 11 (2019) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Investigation of Composition Uniformity in Thickness of GaInAsP Layers Grown on InP Substrates by Vapor-Phase Epitaxy
Vol 53, No 11 (2019) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Boson Peak Related to Ga Nanoclusters in AlGaN Layers Grown by Plasma-Assisted Molecular Beam Epitaxy at Ga-Rich Conditions
Vol 53, No 11 (2019) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Time-Resolved Photoluminescence of InGaAs Nanostructures Different in Quantum Dimensionality
Vol 53, No 11 (2019) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena On the Anisotropic Trigger Electrical Properties of Two-Dimensional Superlattices
Vol 53, No 11 (2019) Amorphous, Vitreous, and Organic Semiconductors Structure and Optical Properties of Chalcogenide Glassy Semiconductors of the As–Ge–Se System
Vol 53, No 11 (2019) Amorphous, Vitreous, and Organic Semiconductors Structure of Se95As5 Chalcogenide Glassy Semiconductor Doped by EuF3 Impurity
Vol 53, No 11 (2019) Amorphous, Vitreous, and Organic Semiconductors Spectra of SmS Films in the Far- and Mid-Infrared Regions
Vol 53, No 11 (2019) Amorphous, Vitreous, and Organic Semiconductors Formation of ncl-Si in the Amorphous Matrix a-SiOx:H Located near the Anode and on the Cathode, Using a Time-Modulated DC Plasma with the (SiH4–Ar–O2) Gas Phase (\({{{\text{C}}}_{{{{{\text{O}}}_{2}}}}}\) = 21.5 mol %)
Vol 53, No 11 (2019) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Determination of the Free Charge Carrier Concentration in Boron-Doped Silicon Nanowires Using Attenuated Total Reflection Infrared Spectroscopy
Vol 53, No 11 (2019) Physics of Semiconductor Devices High-Voltage AlInGaN LED Chips
Vol 53, No 11 (2019) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Counteracting the Photovoltaic Effect in the Top Intergenerator Part of GaInP/GaAs/Ge Solar Cells
Vol 53, No 11 (2019) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures On the Processes of the Self-Assembly of CdS Nanocrystal Arrays Formed by the Langmuir–Blodgett Technique
Vol 53, No 11 (2019) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Changes in the Photoluminescence Properties of Semiconductor Heterostructures after Ion-Beam Etching
Vol 53, No 11 (2019) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures On the Phase Composition, Morphology, and Optical and Electronic Characteristics of AlN Nanofilms Grown on Misoriented GaAs(100) Substrates
Vol 53, No 11 (2019) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Raman Scattering in AlN Crystals Grown by Sublimation on SiC and AlN Seeds
Vol 53, No 12 (2019) Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion) High-Resistivity Gallium Antimonide Produced by Metal–Organic Vapor-Phase Epitaxy
Vol 53, No 12 (2019) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Effect of Irradiation with 15-MeV Protons on Low Frequency Noise in Power SiC MOSFETs
Vol 53, No 12 (2019) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Recombination of Mobile Carriers Across Boron Excited Levels in Silicon at Low Temperatures
Vol 53, No 12 (2019) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors On the Characteristic Features of the Impurity Energy Spectrum in Arsenides
Vol 53, No 12 (2019) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors First-Principles Investigation of Electronic Properties of GaAsxSb1 –x Ternary Alloys
Vol 53, No 12 (2019) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Temperature Dependence of the Band Gap of MnAgIn7S12 Single Crystals
Vol 53, No 12 (2019) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Features of the Temperature Dependences of the Photoconductivity of Organometallic CH3NH3PbI3 Perovskite Films
Vol 53, No 12 (2019) Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films The Effect of Various Annealing Cooling Rates on Electrical and Morphological Properties of TiO2 Thin Films
Vol 53, No 12 (2019) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Excitonic Effects and Impurity–Defect Emission in GaAs/AlGaAs Structures Used for the Production of Mid-IR Photodetectors
Vol 53, No 12 (2019) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Electron–Phonon Interaction in Quantum Wells Based on Uniaxial Materials
Vol 53, No 12 (2019) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene Powder based Multifunctional Pressure, Displacement and Gradient of Temperature Sensors
Vol 53, No 12 (2019) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena De Haas–van Alphen Oscillations of the Silicon Nanostructure in Weak Magnetic Fields at Room Temperature. Density of States
Vol 53, No 12 (2019) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Thermodynamic Description of Oscillations of the Magnetization of a Silicon Nanostructure in Weak Fields at Room Temperature. Density of States
Vol 53, No 12 (2019) Amorphous, Vitreous, and Organic Semiconductors Effect of the Samarium Impurity on the Local Structure of Se95Te5 Chalcogenide Glassy Semiconductor and Current Passage through Al–Se95Te5〈Sm〉–Te Structures
Vol 53, No 12 (2019) Amorphous, Vitreous, and Organic Semiconductors Charge Transfer in Gap Structures Based on the Chalcogenide System (As2Se3)100 –xBix
Vol 53, No 12 (2019) Amorphous, Vitreous, and Organic Semiconductors Parameters of Lateral and Unsteady Cord Currents in a Cylindrical Chalcogenide Glassy Semiconductor
Vol 53, No 12 (2019) Amorphous, Vitreous, and Organic Semiconductors Synthesis and Characterization of Semiconductor Polymer Doped with FeCl3 and I2
Vol 53, No 12 (2019) Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors Effects of Doping of Lead Sulfide with Silver on the Lattice and Optical Properties of Pb1 –xAgxS Solid Solutions
Vol 53, No 12 (2019) Carbon Systems Edge Doping in Graphene Devices on SiO2 Substrates
Vol 53, No 12 (2019) Carbon Systems Current–Voltage Characteristics of Composite Graphene–Nanotube Films with Irregular Nanotube Arrangement
Vol 53, No 12 (2019) Carbon Systems Modification of Carbon-Nanotube Wettability by Ion Irradiation
Vol 53, No 12 (2019) Physics of Semiconductor Devices On the Application of Schottky Contacts in the Microwave, Extremely High Frequency, and THz Ranges
Vol 53, No 12 (2019) Physics of Semiconductor Devices InGaAlP/GaAs Injection Lasers of the Orange Optical Range (~600 nm)
Vol 53, No 12 (2019) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Ga(In)AsP Lateral Nanostructures as the Optical Component of GaAs-Based Photovoltaic Converters
Vol 53, No 12 (2019) Physics of Semiconductor Devices GaAs-Based Laser Diode with InGaAs Waveguide Quantum Wells
Vol 53, No 12 (2019) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Deposition of Amorphous and Microcrystalline Films of Silicon by the Gas-Jet Plasma-Chemical Method
Vol 53, No 12 (2019) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Metal-Assisted Photochemical Etching of N- and Ga-Polar GaN Epitaxial Layers
Vol 53, No 12 (2019) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures InxAl1 –xN Solid Solutions: Composition Stability Issues
Vol 53, No 13 (2019) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors First-Principles Investigation of Electronic Properties of GaAsxSb1 –x Ternary Alloys
Vol 53, No 13 (2019) Electronic Properties of Semiconductors Electron Mobility Calculation of Diluted III–V-Nitrides Alloys
Vol 53, No 13 (2019) Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation Effect of Deposition Time on Structural, Morphological and Optical Properties of PVA Capped SnS Films Grown by CBD Process
Vol 53, No 13 (2019) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Microstructure and Optical Bandgap of Cobalt Selenide Nanofilms
Vol 53, No 13 (2019) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Diameter Dependent Electronic, Optical and Transport Properties of CdSe Nanowire: Ab-Initio Study
Vol 53, No 13 (2019) Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena Mg-Doped ZnO and Zn-Doped MgO Semiconductor Nanoparticles; Synthesis and Catalytic, Optical and Electro-Optical Characterization
Vol 53, No 13 (2019) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Analysis of Al0.15Ga0.85N/GaN/Al0.15Ga0.85N DH-HEMT for RF and Microwave Frequency Applications
Vol 53, No 13 (2019) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Influence of Si-Doping on the Performance of InGaN/GaN Multiple Quantum Well Solar Cells
Vol 53, No 13 (2019) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Analytical Modeling of Surface Potential and Drain Current of Hetero-Dielectric DG TFET and Its Analog and Radio-Frequency Performance Evaluation
Vol 53, No 13 (2019) Physics of Semiconductor Devices Comparative Analysis of Double Gate Junction Less (DG JL) and Gate Stacked Double Gate Junction Less (GS DG JL) MOSFETs
Vol 53, No 13 (2019) Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures Influence of Heat Treatments on the Properties of ZnO Nanorods Prepared by Hydrothermal Synthesis
Vol 53, No 13 (2019) Thermoelectrics and Their Applications Towards the Use of Cu–S Based Synthetic Minerals for Thermoelectric Applications
Vol 53, No 13 (2019) Thermoelectrics and Their Applications Contacting Cu Electrodes to Mg2Si0.3Sn0.7: Direct vs. Indirect Resistive Heating
Vol 53, No 13 (2019) Thermoelectrics and Their Applications Hardness and Fracture Toughness of Solid Solutions of Mg2Si and Mg2Sn
Vol 53, No 13 (2019) Thermoelectrics and Their Applications Effect of Spark Plasma Sintering Temperature on Thermoelectric Properties of Grained Bi1.9Gd0.1Te3 Compound
Vol 53, No 13 (2019) Thermoelectrics and Their Applications The Thermopower and Electron Mobility in Monophase Monocrystalline SmS in a Wide Temperature Range
Vol 53, No 13 (2019) Thermoelectrics and Their Applications The Surface Preparation of Thermoelectric Materials for Deposition of Thin-Film Contact Systems
Vol 53, No 13 (2019) Thermoelectrics and Their Applications Magnetoresistance of Polycrystalline Ytterbium at Low Temperatures
Vol 53, No 13 (2019) Thermoelectrics and Their Applications Electrical Transport Properties of Nb and Ga Double Substituted Fe2VAl Heusler Compounds
Vol 53, No 13 (2019) Thermoelectrics and Their Applications Topological Surface States of Multicomponent Thermoelectrics Based on Bismuth Telluride
Vol 53, No 14 (2019) 2d Electron Gas Topological Electronic States on the Surface of a Strained Gapless Semiconductor
Vol 53, No 14 (2019) 2d Electron Gas Plasmons in Infinite 2D Electron System Screened by the Disk-Shaped Metallic Gate
Vol 53, No 14 (2019) 2d Electron Gas Microwave Absorption by Axisymmetric Plasmon Mode in 2D Electron Disk
Vol 53, No 14 (2019) Lasers and Optoelectronic Devices Spontaneous Emission in the Anti-Waveguiding VCSEL
Vol 53, No 14 (2019) Lasers and Optoelectronic Devices Whispering Gallery Modes and Spontaneous Emission in Compact VCSEL Structures
Vol 53, No 14 (2019) Lasers and Optoelectronic Devices Luminescent Sensing via Photonic Nanojets
Vol 53, No 14 (2019) Lasers and Optoelectronic Devices Record Low Threshold Current Density in Quantum Dot Microdisk Laser
Vol 53, No 14 (2019) Nanostructures Characterization A New Algorithm for Measuring the Young’s Modulus of Suspended Nanoobjects by the Bending-Based Test Method of Atomic Force Microscopy
Vol 53, No 14 (2019) Nanostructures Characterization Luminescence Line Broadening Caused by Alloy Disorder in InGaN Quantum Wells
Vol 53, No 14 (2019) Nanostructures Characterization Optical Estimation of the Carrier Concentration and the Value of Strain in Monolayer Graphene Grown on 4H-SiC
Vol 53, No 14 (2019) Nanostructures Characterization Matched X-Ray Reflectometry and Diffractometry of Super-Multiperiod Heterostructures Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
Vol 53, No 14 (2019) Nanostructures Characterization Photoluminescence and Transmission Electron Microscopy Methods for Characterization of Super-Multiperiod A3B5 Quantum Well Structures
Vol 53, No 14 (2019) Nanostructures Characterization Arsenic Diffusion in the Natural Oxidation of the Heavily Defected GaAs Surface
Vol 53, No 14 (2019) Nanostructures Characterization JV Characteristic of pn Structure Formed on n-GaAs Surface by Ar+ Ion Beam
Vol 53, No 14 (2019) Nanostructures Characterization Lithography and Plasma Treatment Effect on Conductivity of Carbon Nanotubes
Vol 53, No 14 (2019) Nanostructures Characterization Ab Initio Study of Absorption Resonance Correlations between Nanotubes and Nanoribbons of Graphene and Hexagonal Boron Nitride
Vol 53, No 14 (2019) Nanostructures Characterization Electronic Structure of SiN Layers on Si(111) and SiC/Si(111) Substrates
Vol 53, No 14 (2019) Nanostructures Characterization Temperature Dependences of the Hysteresis Optical Properties of CdS-LDPE Polymer Nanocomposites
Vol 53, No 14 (2019) Nanostructures Characterization Increase of the Zero-Phonon-Line Emission from Color Centers in Nanodiamonds by Coupling with Dielectric Nanocavity
Vol 53, No 14 (2019) Nanostructure Devices Fullerene for the Improvement of PbS QDs-Based Hybrid Solar Cells
Vol 53, No 14 (2019) Nanostructure Devices Synthesis, Structural and Spectral Properties of Surface Noble Metal Nanostructures for Fiber-Optic Photoacoustic Generation
Vol 53, No 14 (2019) Nanostructure Devices Study of the Photovoltage in Mn/SiO2/n-Si MOS Structure at Cryogenic Temperatures
Vol 53, No 14 (2019) Nanostructure Devices Capacitive Characteristics of High-Speed Photovoltaic Converters at Combined Lighting
Vol 53, No 14 (2019) Nanostructure Devices Magnetoimpedance Effect in a SOI-Based Structure
Vol 53, No 14 (2019) Nanostructure Devices High Directivity in the Narrow Band of Spherical Dielectric Antennas in GHz and THz Ranges
Vol 53, No 14 (2019) Nanostructure Devices Monopolar Resistive Switching in Diamond-Like Carbon Films
Vol 53, No 15 (2019) Basic Research Influence of Holes Capture Efficiency on Photoluminescence Temperature Dependence of n-AlGaAs/GaAs Quantum-Well Structures
Vol 53, No 15 (2019) Basic Research Determination of the Bulk Conductivity of III–V Semiconductors in a Strong Constant Electric Field and under Harmonic Effects
Vol 53, No 15 (2019) Electronics Materials State of the Surface of Polycrystalline Silver after Exposure to Activated Oxygen
Vol 53, No 15 (2019) Electronics Materials Electron Microscopy Study of Silver Nanoparticles Obtained by Thermal Evaporation
Vol 53, No 15 (2019) Electronics Materials Dependence of the Surface Morphology and Structure of CuIn0.95Ga0.05Se2 Films on the Selenization Temperature
Vol 53, No 15 (2019) Electronics Materials Optical Properties of Composite Materials Based on Poly[2-methoxy-5-(2-ethylhexyloxy)-1,4-Phenylenevinylene] and Titanium Dioxide in the Mid-IR Spectral Range
Vol 53, No 15 (2019) Technological Processes and Routes Mathematical Model of the Evaporation of Amalgam Components in Discharge Radiation Sources
Vol 53, No 15 (2019) Technological Processes and Routes Predicting the Conditions for the Vapor-Phase Epitaxy of the III–V Compounds
Vol 53, No 15 (2019) Technological Processes and Routes Influence of the Metallization Composition and Annealing Process Parameters on the Resistance of Ohmic Contacts to n-type 6H-SiC
Vol 53, No 15 (2019) Technological Processes and Routes Investigation of the Initial Silicon-on-Sapphire Layer Formed by CVD Techniques
Vol 53, No 15 (2019) Technological Processes and Routes Study of the Formation Process of Memristor Structures Based on Copper Sulfide
Vol 53, No 15 (2019) Elements of Integrated Electronics Precession of Magnetization of a Spin-Valve Free Layer and Its Switching under the Effect of a Magnetic Field Perpendicular to the Anisotropy Axis
Vol 53, No 15 (2019) Elements of Integrated Electronics Field-Emission Cathodes Based on Microchannel Plates
Vol 53, No 15 (2019) Elements of Integrated Electronics Investigation of the Temperature Effect on the Output Parameters of Radioisotope Sources of Electricity Based on Double Energy Conversion of Radiative Decay
Vol 53, No 16 (2019) Excitons in Nanostructures The Indirect Excitons Contribution to the Polarizability of a Dielectric Nanoparticle
Vol 53, No 16 (2019) Excitons in Nanostructures An Estimate for the Nonradiative Linewidths of the Quasibound Electron-Hole Pairs in Narrow Quantum Wells
Vol 53, No 16 (2019) Excitons in Nanostructures Emission of Light from Compositionally Graded CdSSe/CdS Heterostructure with Smooth Near-surface Excitonic Potential
Vol 53, No 16 (2019) Excitons in Nanostructures Two Dimensional Bright and Dark Magnetoexcitons Interacting with Quantum Point Vortices
Vol 53, No 16 (2019) Excitons in Nanostructures Exciton Spectra and Energy Transfer in CdTe/ZnTe Double Quantum Wells Grown by Atomic-Layer Epitaxy
Vol 53, No 16 (2019) Nanostructures Technology Study of Structural Modification of Composites with Ge Nanoclusters by Optical and Electron Microscopy Methods
Vol 53, No 16 (2019) Nanostructures Technology Widening the Length Distributions in Irregular Arrays of Self-Catalyzed III–V Nanowires
Vol 53, No 16 (2019) Nanostructures Technology Ultrasonic-Assisted Exfoliation of Graphitic Carbon Nitride and its Electrocatalytic Performance in Process of Ethanol Reforming
Vol 53, No 16 (2019) Nanostructures Technology Optical Properties of Short-Period InAs/GaSb Superlattices Grown by MOCVD
Vol 53, No 16 (2019) Nanostructures Technology Photoactive ZnO–Al2O3 Transparent Coatings and Nanocomposites Prepared by a Simple Polymer-Salt Synthesis
Vol 53, No 16 (2019) Nanostructures Technology The Cavity-Effect in Site-Controlled GaN Nanocolumns with InGaN Insertions
Vol 53, No 16 (2019) Nanostructures Technology Synthesis and Comparison of the Electrical Properties of Polyaniline and Poly[(N-2-hydroxyethyl)aniline]
Vol 53, No 16 (2019) Nanostructures Technology Femtosecond Laser-Induced Periodical Nanomodification of Surface Composition
Vol 53, No 16 (2019) Nanostructures Technology Etching of Disc and Ring Patterns in Si3N4/GaN Structure by Ga+ FIB
Vol 53, No 16 (2019) Nanostructures Technology The Influence of the Crystal Structure of the GaSb–InAs Matrix on the Formation of InSb Quantum Dots
Vol 53, No 16 (2019) Nanostructures Technology Examination of Self-Catalyzed III–V Nanowire Growth by Monte Carlo Simulation
Vol 53, No 16 (2019) Nanostructures Technology The Study of Nanoindentation of Atomically Flat GaAs Surface using the Tip of Atomic-Force Microscope
Vol 53, No 16 (2019) Nanostructures Technology XAFS Investigation of Nanoparticle Formation in 64Zn+ Ion Implanted and Thermo Oxidized Quartz
Vol 53, No 16 (2019) Nanostructures Technology Selective Epitaxy of Submicron GaN Structures
Vol 53, No 16 (2019) Nanostructures Technology Effect of Annealing on Luminescence of InGaN/GaN Structures Etched by a Focused Ion Beam
Vol 53, No 16 (2019) Nanostructures Technology Initial Stages of Planar GaAs Nanowire Growth—Monte Carlo Simulation
Vol 53, No 16 (2019) Quantum Wells and Quantum Dots Influence of Impurities on Polarization Properties of Lattice Vibrations
Vol 53, No 16 (2019) Quantum Wells and Quantum Dots Kinetics of Photoluminescence Decay of Colloidal Quantum Dots: Reversible Trapping of Photogenerated Charge Carriers
Vol 53, No 16 (2019) Quantum Wells and Quantum Dots Electronic States in Cylindrical Core-Multi-Shell Nanowire
Vol 53, No 16 (2019) Quantum Wells and Quantum Dots Observation of Intralayer and Interlayer Excitons in Monolayered WSe2/WS2 Heterostructure
Vol 53, No 16 (2019) Quantum Wells and Quantum Dots Probability Density Operator and Darwin Term in ID Spinless Semi-Relativistic System
Vol 53, No 16 (2019) Quantum Wells and Quantum Dots Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity of ZnS:Mn2+ Quantum Dots
Vol 53, No 16 (2019) Quantum Wells and Quantum Dots Differential Absorption Features of CdSe QDs in the Case of Resonant and Nonresonant Excitons Excitation
Vol 53, No 16 (2019) Quantum Wells and Quantum Dots Electronic and Optical Properties of Perovskite Quantum-Dot Dimer
Vol 53, No 16 (2019) Quantum Wells and Quantum Dots Dielectric Measurements of Polymer Composite Based on CdS Quantum Dots in Low Density Polyethylene at Microwave Frequencies

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