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Vol 51, No 7 (2017)

XV International Conference “Thermoelectrics and Their Applications—2016”, St. Petersburg, November 15–16, 2016

Structure of bismuth films obtained using an array of identically oriented single-crystal bismuth islands preliminarily grown on a substrate

Grabov V.M., Demidov E.V., Ivanova E.K., Kablukova N.S., Krushelnitckii A.N., Senkevich S.V.


An array of identically oriented single-crystal bismuth islands formed on mica plates is used as a substrate to improve the structure of bismuth thin films grown by vacuum thermal evaporation. The array of islands is formed by the chemical etching of a single-crystal bismuth film 1 μm thick grown by floating-zone recrystallization under a coating. The structure of the obtained films is studied by X-ray diffraction, atomicforce microscopy, and electron backscatter diffraction scanning electron microscopy.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(7):831-833
pages 831-833 views

Resistance and thermoelectric power of carbon fibers upon changing the conductivity type

Ivanov D.K., Ivanov K.G., Uryupin O.N.


Upon being subjected to pulsed current, carbon fiber changes the sign of its thermoelectric power from negative to positive. The conductivity activation energy for the initial n-type fiber is 60 meV, and that for a fiber modified to p-type is 16 meV. Fabric constituted by carbon fibers with a set of p–n junctions does not require switching plates. In vacuum or in an inert atmosphere, carbon fibers withstand heating up to 3500 K, which opens up the possibility for developing thermoelectric generators that operate at high temperature gradients.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(7):834-835
pages 834-835 views

On the conduction-band structure of bismuth telluride: optical absorption data

Veis A.N., Lukyanova L.N., Kutasov V.A.


The optical absorption spectra of n-Bi2Te3 in the range 40–300 meV are studied at room temperature in relation to the electron concentration and sample thickness in order to determine the parameters of the additional subband in the conduction band of Bi2Te3 and to clarify the possible effect of this subband on charge-carrier transport. It is shown that bismuth telluride is a direct-gap semiconductor with an additional subband in the conduction band. These data are consistent with the results of studies of quantum oscillations in n-Bi2Te3 in high magnetic fields at temperatures below 20 K.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(7):836-839
pages 836-839 views

Measurement of the thickness of block-structured bismuth films by atomic-force microscopy combined with selective chemical etching

Demidov E.V., Komarov V.A., Krushelnitckii A.N., Suslov A.V.


A method for measuring the thickness of block-structured films by atomic-force microscopy and selective chemical etching is proposed. The method is tested for thin bismuth films formed on mica by thermal evaporation in vacuum.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(7):840-842
pages 840-842 views

Transport properties of heteroepitaxial films based on bismuth telluride in strong magnetic fields

Lukyanova L.N., Boikov Y.A., Usov O.A., Danilov V.A., Volkov M.P.


The temperature and magnetic-field dependences of the galvanomagnetic properties of n-Bi2Te3 heteroepitaxial films in magnetic fields to 14 T at low temperatures are studied. It is shown that steps in the magnetic-field dependences of the quantum Hall effect and the plateau in the temperature dependences of the magnetoresistance of films are caused by topological surface states of Dirac fermions.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(7):843-846
pages 843-846 views

Segmented thermoelectric unicouple for an operating temperature range of 30–320°C

Sorokin A.I.


The possibility of increasing the efficiency of a thermocouple in the temperature range of 30–320°C is studied using an approach associated with the development of segmented thermoelectric unicouples. n- and p-type thermoelectric unicouples are constructed from low-temperature thermoelectric materials based on bismuth telluride and the addition of an intermediate-temperature material based on PbTe and GeTe, respectively. The thermoelectric unicouples are fabricated by spark plasma sintering (SPS). This method provides a contact resistance of ≤10 μΩ cm. The properties of segmented and conventional unicouples are compared. The efficiency of segmented unicouples in comparison with conventional ones increases by almost 70% and attains 5.3% in the operating range of 30–320°C.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(7):847-849
pages 847-849 views

Thermoelectric battery based on bundles of Bi and Sb nanowires in anodic alumina matrices

Gorokh G.G., Lozovenko A.A., Bulat L.P.


A model of a microthermoelectric battery consisting of series connected thermoelectric cells of one-dimensional nanostructures formed into bundles by external contacts is proposed. The electrochemical processes of forming Bi and Sb nanowire arrays with the required dimensions and physicochemical properties in porous anodic alumina templates with large length-to-diameter ratios are studied and developed. The design and basis of the fabrication technology of microthermoelectric battery branches are developed, whose heat flow density will be controlled by the Seebeck coefficient measured at external contacts connecting the nanowire ends. It is shown that a set of parallel branches in the battery can be fabricated due to a high density of nanowire packing in a porous matrix, which will make it possible to achieve a fundamentally higher increase in the microheat meter efficiency.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(7):850-853
pages 850-853 views

Experimental and theoretical study of the thermoelectric properties of copper selenide

Bulat L.P., Osvenskii V.B., Ivanov A.A., Sorokin A.I., Pshenay-Severin D.A., Bublik V.T., Tabachkova N.Y., Panchenko V.P., Lavrentev M.G.


The temperature dependences of the specific heat, thermal conductivity, coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE), and transport coefficients (electrical conductivity and thermoelectric power) of copper selenide are experimentally and theoretically investigated in the temperature range of 300–873 K. The calculation results correlate with the experimental data up to a temperature of ~773 K. The maximum thermoelectric figure of merit of nanostructured copper selenide is ZT ~ 1.8. The correlation dependence between ZT and the thermal conductivity within the entire temperature range under consideration is shown.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(7):854-857
pages 854-857 views

Simulation of the Qmax mode of a thermoelectric cooler taking into account thermal resistances at the cool and hot sides

Melnikov A.A., Phiri A.M., Tarasova I.V., Batrameev N.V.


It is necessary to take into account the thermal resistances of structural components located between a material and a heat emitting medium (on the cold side) and between a material and a heat absorbing medium (on the hot side) when simulating thermoelectric cooling devices. A dimensionless mathematical model taking into account the mentioned thermal resistances and describing the cooling and heating capacity, voltage, and coefficient of performance of the devices, depending on current, is proposed in this study. Using this model, the optimal values of the current and thermal resistances on the hot and cold side of the devices can be found for implementation of the maximum cooling capacity mode and other operating conditions.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(7):858-861
pages 858-861 views

Thermoelectric power of Bi92Sb8 and Bi85Sb15 thin films

Suslov M.V., Komarov V.A., Suslov A.V.


The results of studying the galvanomagnetic and thermoelectric properties of thin block Bi92Sb8 and Bi85Sb15 films on mica and polyimide substrates are presented. The method used for measuring the thermoelectric power allowed us to study the temperature dependence the thermoelectric power, without introducing additional deformations into the substrate–film system. A significant difference in the temperature dependences of the galvanomagnetic and thermoelectric properties of films on mica and polyimide is found. The free charge-carrier concentrations and mobilities in the films on mica and polyimide and levels of the chemical potential for electrons and holes are calculated within the two-band approximation. The difference in the charge-carrier parameters for films on mica and polyimide is associated with strains in the film–substrate system.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(7):862-865
pages 862-865 views

Structure of the Cu2Se compound produced by different methods

Ivanov A.A., Sorokin A.I., Panchenko V.P., Tarasova I.V., Tabachkova N.Y., Bublik V.T., Akchurin R.H.


Copper-selenide (Cu2Se) samples are produced by mechanochemical synthesis and compaction by spark plasma sintering and hot pressing. The structure and phase composition of the samples before and after heat treatment are studied by the X-ray diffraction technique and electron microscopy. The character of changes in the shape and size of structural elements of the samples is shown. Variations in the phase composition of copper selenide in the temperature range from 25 to 500°C are studied in situ.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(7):866-869
pages 866-869 views

Prospects of using rare-earth hexaborides in thermoelectric single-photon detectors

Kuzanyan A.S., Kuzanyan A.A., Nikoghosyan V.R., Gurin V.N., Volkov M.P.


The results of the numerical simulation of heat propagation processes occurring after the absorption of single photons with energies of 1 eV–1 keV in a three-layer sensor of a thermoelectric detector are analyzed. Different configurations of the sensor with a tungsten absorber, a thermoelectric layer of cerium hexaboride, and a tungsten heat sink are considered. It is shown that sensors for detecting photons of a specific spectral range with the required energy resolution and counting rate can be developed by varying the geometric sizes of the sensor layers. It is concluded that a three-layer sensor has a number of advantages in comparison with a single-layer sensor and has characteristics allowing consideration of the thermoelectric detector as a realistic alternative to superconducting single-photon detectors.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(7):870-873
pages 870-873 views

On the thermal conductivity of the gradient-inhomogeneous branches of thermoelements at a difference in the operating temperature

Bochegov V.I., Grabov V.M.


A significant difference in the thermal conductivity of the gradient-inhomogeneous branches of thermoelements at a difference in the operating temperature in the cases of parallel and antiparallel directions of temperature and composition gradients is experimentally established. The results obtained should be taken into account in using gradient-inhomogeneous materials for the optimization of thermoelectric energy converters.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(7):874-875
pages 874-875 views

Dependence of the surface morphology of ultrathin bismuth films on mica substrates on the film thickness

Krushelnitckii A.N., Demidov E.V., Ivanova E.K., Kablukova N.S., Komarov V.A.


The results of studying the surface of 15- to 100-nm-thick bismuth films by atomic-force microscopy are reported. The near-linear character of the dependences of the average surface roughness and the average height of growth patterns on the film thickness is established. It is found that the average crystallite size increases, as the film thickness is increased. A slight dependence of the crystallite size on the film thickness is observed at thicknesses in the range of 27–70 nm.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(7):876-878
pages 876-878 views

Galvanomagnetic properties of bismuth films with a thin antimony coating or sublayer

Kablukova N.S., Komarov V.A., Skanchenko D.O., Makarova E.S., Demidov E.V.


The effect of modification of the surfaces of bismuth thin films with an antimony layer of 10 nm thick was studied. Three types of structures deposited onto mica substrates are compared: a bismuth film, an antimony layer as a sublayer for the bismuth film, and an antimony layer as the coating of the bismuth film. A substantial difference in the galvanomagnetic properties of the obtained structures is revealed in the dependence on the position of the antimony layer in the structure and on the bismuth-film thickness.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(7):879-882
pages 879-882 views

Local thermoelectric effects in wide-gap semiconductors

Ordin S.V., Zhilyaev Y.V., Zelenin V.V., Panteleev V.N.


Experimental confirmation of the appearance of local thermal electromotive forces, which were previously found in structures based on silicon p–n junctions, is obtained. The current–voltage and frequency characteristics of an asymmetric potential barrier at the GaN/Mg boundary and of a p–i–n structure based on GaAs are studied. It is shown that, similarly to wide-gap semiconductors, the contribution of local thermal electromotive forces determines the features of the current–voltage characteristics and the frequency features of the current–power characteristics, in particular the Gaussian resonance. Proper account and use of local thermoelectric forces makes it possible to attain a drastic increase in the efficiency of thermoelectric conversion and an improvement in the operating parameters of microelectronic components.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(7):883-886
pages 883-886 views

The dependence of the microstructure and thermoelectric properties of germanium-doped higher manganese silicide crystals

Orekhov A.S., Klechkovskaya V.V., Rakova E.V., Solomkin F.Y., Novikov S.V., Bochkov L.V., Isachenko G.N.


The reason why manganese monosilicide inclusions are formed during the growth of higher manganese silicide (HMS) crystals has not been studied in detail so far. Changes in the amount and density of these inclusions are greatly influenced by dopants. In this study, the structure of HMS crystals with various contents of germanium as a doping element is examined. It is found that raising the germanium content to 1 at % results in the fragmentation of layered manganese monosilicide inclusions and, simultaneously, leads to significant changes in the thermoelectric properties of HMS crystals. The results of the microstructural analysis of HMS crystals in relation to the germanium concentration may be of use for understanding the mechanism by which the manganese monosilicide phase is formed during the growth of higher manganese silicide crystals.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(7):887-890
pages 887-890 views

Preparation and study of the thermoelectric properties of Fe2TiSn1–xSix Heusler alloys

Voronin A.I., Zueva V.Y., Karpenkov D.Y., Moskovskikh D.O., Novitskii A.P., Miki H., Khovaylo V.V.


Polycrystalline alloys Fe2TiSn1–xSix (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) theoretically predicted as highly efficient thermoelectric materials are experimentally studied. Structural studies show that the partial substitution of Sn with Si results in the formation of a multiphase state in samples with x > 0. Impurity phases in general lead to a significant decrease in the Seebeck coefficient and an increase in the thermal conductivity of Fe2TiSn1–xSix samples, which does not allow consideration of these materials as promising thermoelectrics.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(7):891-893
pages 891-893 views

Symmetry ratios and structural code of layered crystals of the family [(Ge,Sn,Pb)(Te,Se)]m[(Bi,Sb)2(Te,Se)3]n (m, n = 0, 1, 2…)

Korzhuev M.A., Mikhailova A.B., Kretova M.A., Avilov E.S.


The crystal structures of layered crystals, i.e. ternary alloys [(Ge,Sn,Pb)Te(Se)]m[(Bi,Sb)2(Te,Se)3]n (m, n = 0, 1, 2…) (space groups \(R\overline 3 m\), \(P\overline 3 {m_1}\), and P21/m) are analyzed. The hierarchical relations between various space groups of ternary alloys are determined. The structural code of crystals of the family is determined, which takes into account their composition, crystal structure, and thermodynamic stability of layer stacks forming the superstructures.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(7):894-897
pages 894-897 views

Electrochemical studies of copper-doping processes in layered crystals of the family [(Ge,Sn,Pb)(Te,Se)]m[(Bi,Sb)2(Te,Se)3]n (m, n = 0, 1, 2…)

Kretova M.A., Korzhuev M.A., Avilov E.S.


The processes of copper intercalation into the van der Waals gaps of layered ternary alloys of the family [(Ge,Sn,Pb)(Te,Se)]m[(Bi,Sb)2(Te,Se)3]n (m, n = 0, 1, 2…) to modify the electrical, mechanical, and other physical properties of samples are studied. A proportional decrease in the intercalated copper concentration ΔNCu with decreasing relative volume density of van der Waals gaps DVdW = s–1 and with increasing package plyness s and package thickness ξ1 under variations in the composition of ternary alloys is revealed.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(7):898-901
pages 898-901 views

Estimation of the band gap of a series of new thermoelectric materials

Kretova M.A., Korzhuev M.A.


The band gap Eg of a number of new thermoelectric materials, such as skutterudites, clathrates, Heusler phases, (Ge,Sn,Pb)(Te,Se)]m[(Bi,Sb)2(Te,Se)3]n (m, n = 0, 1, 2…) ternary alloys, and others is estimated. Estimations are performed using Goldsmid-Sharp’s formula Eg = 2emax|Tmax, Vegard’s rule Eg = (mEgA + nEgB)/(m + n), and the empirical dependence Tmax = f(Eg) (A and B denote the corresponding binary alloys, Tmax is the temperature corresponding to the thermoelectric-power maximum |αmax| or the thermoelectric figure of merit (ZT)max, and e is the elementary charge). It is shown that the empirical dependence Eg = f(Tmax) gives the most accurate estimates of Eg for difference classes of thermoelectric materials.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(7):902-905
pages 902-905 views

On a carbon nanostructure-based thermoelectric converter with record parameters

Eidelman E.D.


There is a new idea to enhance the Seebeck coefficient using electron drag by a heat flux and decrease the thermal conductivity by heat dissipation at the interfaces between graphite- and diamond-like areas in a composite formed from carbon nanostructures. The proposed thermoelectric converter is based on a thin (20–50 nm) graphite-like layer located at an ultra-short distance from the diamond-like area. According to estimation, a thermoelectric power higher than in the case of diffusion by a factor of 103 can be attained. Under ideal conditions, this allows a room-temperature thermoelectric efficiency of 150 to be obtained. The results of investigations within project no. 16-19-00075 of the Russian Science Foundation are substantiated.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(7):906-908
pages 906-908 views

Thermoelectric materials for different temperature levels

Ivanova L.D.


Based on the analysis of current scientific publications, materials for thermoelectric devices operating at different temperatures within 100–1300 K are reviewed. The main attention is paid to the fabrication of nanostructured thermoelectric materials. It is established that the most promising techniques for the synthesis of such materials are melt spinning, spark plasma sintering, and extrusion.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(7):909-912
pages 909-912 views

Optimization of segmented cooling leg

Drabkin I.A.


A method for calculating the segmented thermoelectric cooling leg in the one-dimensional approximation by the heat balance method with effective values of the thermoelectric parameters, i.e., the conductivity σ, Seebeck coefficient α, and thermal conductivity κ, is proposed. This method accurately accounts for the temperature dependences of σ, α, and κ. The effect of the contact resistances on the resulting efficiency is also adequately taken into account. A method for passing from leg calculation to the thermoelement calculation is presented.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(7):913-915
pages 913-915 views

Thermoelectric and mechanical properties of Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 solid solution prepared by melt solidification in liquid

Nikulin D.S., Ivanova L.D., Granatkina Y.V., Petrova L.I., Nikhezina I.Y., Mal’chev A.G.


The influence of the conditions for preparing samples from granules of Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 solid solution obtained by melt solidification in liquid on the mechanical and thermoelectric properties of these samples is investigated. The microstructure and surface morphology of sample cleavages are analyzed by optical and scanning electron microscopy. The mechanical properties of the samples are investigated by compression tests at temperatures from 300 to 620 K. The thermoelectric characteristics (Seebeck coefficient and electrical and thermal conductivities) are measured both at room temperature and in the temperature range of 100–700 K. The samples with the highest thermoelectric figure of merit, (ZT)max ≈ 1.3 at 370 K, are obtained.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(7):916-919
pages 916-919 views

Preparation and properties of Zn4Sb3-based thermoelectric material

Senatulin B.R., Andreev E.A., Panchenko V.P., Tabachkova N.Y., Ivanov A.A.


The effect of synthesis conditions on the structure and thermoelectric properties of materials based on zinc antimonide is investigated. Problems related to the effects of excess Zn, the spark plasma sintering conditions, and In doping on the phase structure and thermal stability of properties of the obtained material are considered. The material is prepared by the direct alloying of components with subsequent spark plasma sintering. It is shown that the addition of an excess amount of Zn and In doping under certain conditions of spark plasma sintering makes it possible to obtain β-Zn4Sb3 material with a thermoelectric-efficiency value of ZT ≈ 1.47 at a temperature of 720 K, which shows the stability of the properties within these tests.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(7):920-923
pages 920-923 views

Charge-carrier density collapse in layered crystals of the family [(Ge,Sn,Pb)(Te,Se)]m[(Bi,Sb)2(Te,Se)3]n (m, n = 0, 1, 2…)

Korzhuev M.A.


The causes of the “charge-carrier density collapse”, i.e., a sharp increase in the equilibrium charge-carrier density n, p = 1 × 1019 → (2–5) × 1020 cm–3 in going from binary alloys such as GeTe and Bi2Te3 to the family of ternary alloys [(Ge,Sn,Pb)(Te,Se)]m[(Bi,Sb)2(Te,Se)3]n [m, n = 0, 1, 2…) are discussed. The phenomenon is associated with the positional disordering of heterovalent cations (Ge+2, Sn+2, Pb+2 ↔ Bi+3, Sb+3) in the cation sublattice of ternary alloys. The phenomenon is not observed during the disordering of isovalent cations (Bi+3 ↔ Sb+3) or anions (Te–2 ↔ Se–2).

Semiconductors. 2017;51(7):924-927
pages 924-927 views

Thermoelectric properties of CexNdyCo4Sb12 skutterudites

Litvinova K.I., Voronin A.I., Gorshenkov M.V., Karpenkov D.Y., Novitskii A.P., Khovaylo V.V.


Experimental results of studying the thermoelectric properties of Co4Sb12, Ce0.1Nd0.5Co4Sb12, and Ce0.5Nd0.1Co4Sb12 prepared by induction melting are presented. The thermoelectric figure of merit ZT of the studied Co4Sb12 is approximately two times higher than ZT of unfilled skutterudites prepared by the conventional solid-phase synthesis method. The figure of merit of Ce0.1Nd0.5Co4Sb12 and Ce0.5Nd0.1Co4Sb12 appears lower than ZT of Co4Sb12 due to the presence of an impurity phase of metal antimony in the first two samples. It is assumed that the thermoelectric properties of filled skutterudites can be significantly improved by optimizing the induction melting method.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(7):928-931
pages 928-931 views

Thermoelectric energy converters: Environmental aspects

Bulat L.P., Sergienko O.I., Savoskula V.A.


The methodological framework for assessing the environmental and economic efficiency of Bi2Te3-based thermoelectric cooling modules is considered taking into account resource consumption and the environmental impacts of their life cycle. It is shown that this approach makes it possible to determine the environmental aspects of thermoelectric modules and, if needed, to find ways for environmental improvements, as well as to obtain necessary information for potential investors and other interested parties.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(7):932-935
pages 932-935 views

Electronic Properties of Semiconductors

Tensoresistance of n-Ge with different crystallographic orientations in the presence of a classically high magnetic field and without it

Gaidar G.P., Baranskii P.I.


Variations in the tensoresistance, tensomagnetoresistance, and magnetotensoresistance are experimentally and theoretically studied in wide ranges of magnetic-field strengths, 0 kOe ≤ H ≤ 100 kOe, and mechanical stresses, 0 GPa ≤ X ≤ 0.7 GPa, at 77 K under conditions of nondegenerate statistics of the electron gas in n-Ge crystals with different crystallographic orientations.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(7):936-941
pages 936-941 views

Effect of doping with rare-earth elements (Eu, Tb, Dy) on the conductivity of Bi2Te3 layered single crystals

Abdullayev N.A., Jafarli K.M., Aliguliyeva K.V., Aliyeva L.N., Kahramanov S.S., Nemov S.A.


The temperature dependences of the resistivity in the directions parallel and perpendicular to the layer plane in the range of temperatures T = 5–300 K and the Hall and transverse magnetoresistance effects (magnetic fields <80 kOe, T = 5 K) are studied for doped and undoped Bi2Te3 layered single crystals. It is shown that, upon the doping of Bi2Te3 crystals with atoms of rare-earth elements (Eu, Tb, Dy), the resistivity in the directions parallel and perpendicular to the layer plane in Bi2Te3 increases. The increase in the resistivity is caused mainly by a decrease in the charge-carrier mobility because of an increased contribution of charge-carrier scattering at defects to scattering processes. The charge-carrier concentrations and mobilities as well as the Hall factor defined by the anisotropy of the effective masses and by the orientation of ellipsoids with respect to the crystallographic axes are estimated.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(7):942-946
pages 942-946 views

Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena

Purcell effect in disordered one-dimensional photonic crystals

Gubaydullin A.R., Ivanov K.A., Nikolaev V.V., Kaliteevski M.A.


The rate of spontaneous emission of an emitter placed in a disordered one-dimensional photonic crystal is analyzed. It is shown that the spontaneous emission of a dipole placed in a disordered photonic crystal can either be enhanced (if the frequency corresponds to an optical eigenmode of the structure) or suppressed (if the frequency lies in the band gap or the position of the emitter corresponds to a node in the electric- field profile of the eigenmode). It is demonstrated that, for high levels of disorder, the photonic band gap is narrowed and the emission rate at the center of the band gap becomes significantly different from zero. Furthermore, for high levels of disorder, localized states featuring significantly enhanced spontaneous emission may appear within the photonic band gap.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(7):947-952
pages 947-952 views

Physics of Semiconductor Devices

Varistor effect in highly heterogeneous polymer–ZnO systems

Kurbanov M.A., Ahadzade S.M., Ramazanova I.S., Dadashov Z.A., Faradzhzade I.A.


Composite varistors based on polar and nonpolar polymers (the matrix) and inorganic phase (dispersant) ZnO are studied. It is shown that composite varistors with a high breakdown electric field and a high nonlinearity can be developed by varying the physical structure of the polymer–ZnO heterogeneous structure. Nonpolar polyethylene and nonpolar polyvinylidene fluoride are chosen as the polymeric matrix.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(7):953-958
pages 953-958 views

Increase in the internal optical loss with increasing pump current and the output power of quantum well lasers

Sokolova Z.N., Veselov D.A., Pikhtin N.A., Tarasov I.S., Asryan L.V.


The operating characteristics of semiconductor quantum-well lasers, calculated with consideration for an increase in the internal optical loss in the waveguide region with increasing pump current, are presented. The condition of global electroneutrality in the structure is used. This condition consists in that the total charge of electrons in the 2D active region (quantum well) and bulk waveguide region (optical confinement layer) is equal to the total charge of holes in these two regions. Good agreement between the calculated and experimentally determined light–current characteristics is obtained.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(7):959-964
pages 959-964 views

Utilizing nanotechnology and novel materials and concepts for advanced thermoelectric and thermal management technology development

Mori T.


A review is given on some investigations to enhance ZT through very effective selective scattering of phonons from bottom-up nanostructuring methods. Novel concepts are also being utilized in an attempt to overcome the conventional tradeoff in the power factor.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(7):965-967
pages 965-967 views

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