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Vol 52, No 9 (2018)

Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation

Calculation of the Influence of the Ion Current Density and Temperature on the Accumulation Kinetics of Point Defects under the Irradiation of Si with Light Ions

Okulich E.V., Okulich V.I., Tetelbaum D.I.


Numerical calculations of the accumulation kinetics of point defects—vacancies and divacancies—under the irradiation of Si with ions having masses of M1 ≤ 31 amu and energies of E ≤ 100 keV under various irradiation conditions are performed. The previously proposed diffusion-coagulation model is used without application of the “weak diffusion” approximation, which was performed during its analytical implementation. The main peculiarities of the dependences of the concentrations of vacancies and divacancies on the dose, ion-current density, and temperature under irradiation are analyzed. A physical interpretation of these results is given. The developed computing complex is rather flexible and makes it possible to analyze the influence of model input parameters by means of their variation and include additional processes into consideration if necessary.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(9):1091-1096
pages 1091-1096 views

Optical Properties and the Mechanism of the Formation of V2O2 and V3O2 Vacancy–Oxygen Complexes in Irradiated Silicon Crystals

Tolkacheva E.A., Markevich V.P., Murin L.I.


The processes of the formation and annealing of VnOm (n, m ≥ 2) vacancy–oxygen complexes in Czochralski silicon crystals irradiated with fast electrons and reactor neutrons have been studied by infrared absorption Fourier spectroscopy. A number of arguments are presented in favor of identification of absorption bands at 829.3 and 844.2 cm–1 as being related to local vibrational modes of V2O2 and V3O2 complexes, respectively.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(9):1097-1103
pages 1097-1103 views

Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films

Effect of High-Dose Carbon Implantation on the Phase Composition, Morphology, and Field-Emission Properties of Silicon Crystals

Yafarov R.K.


The study of high-dose carbon-ion implantation without post-process annealing reveals significant modification of the morphology, surface-layer phase composition, and field-emission properties of silicon wafers. The effect of the electrical conductivity type on the evolution of the silicon-crystal surface morphology, upon a variation in the irradiation dose, and a high content of diamond-like phases in the region of microprotrusions at the maximum dose regardless of the electrical conductivity type are found. It is demonstrated that the high-dose implantation of carbon in silicon wafers with a pre-structured surface increases the maximum density of field-emission currents by more than two orders of magnitude.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(9):1104-1109
pages 1104-1109 views

Superficial Defect Formation in CdTe under the Radiation Effect of a CO2 Laser

Shkumbatjuk P.S.


The effect of the continuous radiation of a CO2 laser on a cleaved (110) CdTe surface is investigated. It is shown based on an analysis of the morphology of the irradiating and irradiated surface that the formation of observed defects is caused by the evaporation of CdTe in the dislocation region.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(9):1110-1113
pages 1110-1113 views

Poole–Frenkel Effect and the Opportunity of Its Application for the Prediction of Radiation Charge Accumulation in Thermal Silicon Dioxide

Shiryaev A.A., Vorotyntsev V.M., Shobolov E.L.


It is proposed that the Poole–Frenkel effect be applied to predict radiation-induced charge accumulation in thermal silicon dioxide. Various conduction mechanisms of thermal silicon dioxide are considered, the conditions of the appearance of the Poole–Frenkel effect in it are determined, and the characteristics of donor centers participating in Poole–Frenkel electrical conductivity are calculated. A donor center level at an energy of 2.34 eV below the conduction-band bottom is determined and the concentration of ionized donor centers of 1.0 × 109 cm–3 at 400 K and a field strength of 10 MV/cm is found. It is concluded that the Poole–Frenkel effect can be applied not for prediction of the absolute value of the radiation-induced charge but for comparison of the samples in terms of the ability to accumulate it.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(9):1114-1117
pages 1114-1117 views

Structure and Electrical Properties of Zirconium-Doped Tin-Oxide Films

Sitnikov A.V., Zhilova O.V., Babkina I.V., Makagonov V.A., Kalinin Y.E., Remizova O.I.


Thin Zr-stabilized SnO2 films are fabricated by ion-beam reactive sputtering. The amorphous thin-film SnO2 samples with various Zr concentrations are synthesized in a single production process. The influence of heat treatment on the structure and electrical properties of the synthesized films is studied. The onset of crystallization in thin-film Sn–Zr–O systems is observed at 673 and 773 K, which is accompanied by the appearance of metastable phases. Being heated to 873 K, these phases are transformed into Sn + Sn2O3. It is found that the electrotransfer the film crystallization at temperatures close to room temperature is thermally activated with an activation energy of ~0.78 eV. Tin-oxide films doped with Zr from 0.6 to 3.9 at % manifest the property of hydrogen-gas sensitivity after crystallization.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(9):1118-1122
pages 1118-1122 views

Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena

Template Synthesis of Monodisperse Spherical Nanocomposite SiO2/GaN:Eu3+ Particles

Stovpiaga E.Y., Eurov D.A., Kurdyukov D.A., Smirnov A.N., Yagovkina M.A., Yakovlev D.R., Golubev V.G.


A nanocomposite in the form of monodisperse spherical mesoporous silica particles (mSiO2) filled with GaN:Eu3+ is synthesized by the template method. The method is based on the capillary impregnation of pores of mSiO2 particles with a melt of crystal hydrates of gallium and europium (0.22 wt %) nitrates, followed by thermal decomposition and ammonia treatment. It is shown that nanocomposite particles contain hexagonal GaN:Eu3+, are of spherical shape, monodisperse and do not coalesce with each other. The photoluminescence spectra of the mSiO2/GaN:Eu3+ particles show a group of lines characteristic of intracenter transitions in Eu3+.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(9):1123-1128
pages 1123-1128 views

Electric-Field Behavior of the Resonance Features of the Tunneling Photocurrent Component in InAs(QD)/GaAs Heterostructures

Orlov M.L., Volkova N.S., Ivina N.L., Orlov L.K.


The electric-field behavior of resonance features of the photoelectric characteristics of InAs/GaAs heterostructures is investigated. The emission of carriers excited by light from InAs quantum dots into the GaAs matrix is ​​discussed. It is shown that at the temperature of liquid nitrogen the photocurrent in a strong transverse electric field is only determined by the effect of electron tunneling through a barrier formed at the quantum-dot interfaces. Comparison of the experimental curves with the results obtained using a quasiclassical expression for the tunneling-current component and subsequent analysis of the potential structure made it possible to refine the parameters of the heterostructure under study. The contribution of the resonance component caused by possible electron tunneling through the barrier with the participation of the local defect states to the total tunneling current is analyzed. The influence of the level of excitation of the system on the photocurrent flowing through the InAs/GaAs heterojunction is theoretically studied.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(9):1129-1136
pages 1129-1136 views

Size-Dependent Optical Properties of Colloidal CdS Quantum Dots Passivated by Thioglycolic Acid

Kondratenko T.S., Smirnov M.S., Ovchinnikov O.V., Shabunya-Klyachkovskaya E.V., Matsukovich A.S., Zvyagin A.I., Vinokur Y.A.


The results of studies of the optical properties of ensembles of colloidal CdS quantum dots passivated by thioglycolic acid are reported. The average dimensions of the quantum dots lie in the range from 1.7 to 5.8 nm. By X-ray diffraction studies and Raman spectroscopy, it is established that quantum dots crystallize with the formation of a cubic crystal lattice. The systematic features of the quantum-confinement effect in the optical absorption and luminescence spectra, as well as in the luminescence excitation spectra, are established. The features manifest themselves as a blue shift of the corresponding bands with decreasing quantum-dot dimensions. From analysis of the nanosecond luminescence kinetics, it is concluded that experimentally observed radiative recombination proceeds by the donor–acceptor mechanism.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(9):1137-1144
pages 1137-1144 views

Quantization of the Electromagnetic Field in Three-Dimensional Photonic Structures on the Basis of the Scattering Matrix Formalism (S Quantization)

Ivanov K.A., Gubaydullin A.R., Kaliteevski M.A.


A technique for quantization of the electromagnetic field in photonic nanostructures with three-dimensional modulation of the dielectric constant is developed on the basis of the scattering matrix formalism (S quantization in the three-dimensional case). Quantization is based on equating the eigenvalues of the scattering matrix to unity, which is equivalent to equating each other the sets of Fourier expansions for the fields of the waves incident on the structure and propagating away from the structure. The spatial distribution of electromagnetic fields of the modes in a photonic nanostructure is calculated on the basis of the R and T matrices describing the reflection and transmission of the Fourier components by the structure. To calculate the reflection and transmission coefficients of individual real-space and Fourier-space components, the structure is divided into parallel layers within which the dielectric constant varies as a function of two-dimensional coordinates. Using the Fourier transform, Maxwell’s equations are written in the form of a matrix connecting the Fourier components of the electric field at the boundaries of neighboring layers. Based on the calculated reflection and transmission vectors for all polarizations and Fourier components, the scattering matrix for the entire structure is formed and quantization is carried out by equating the eigenvalues of the scattering matrix to unity. The developed method makes it possible to obtain the spatial profiles of eigenmodes without solving a system of nonlinear integro-differential equations and significantly reduces the computational resources required for calculating the probability of spontaneous emission in three-dimensional systems.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(9):1145-1149
pages 1145-1149 views

Study of the Structural and Emission Properties of Ge(Si) Quantum Dots Ordered on the Si(001) Surface

Smagina Z.V., Zinovyev V.A., Krivyakin G.K., Rodyakina E.E., Kuchinskaya P.A., Fomin B.I., Yablonskiy A.N., Stepikhova M.V., Novikov A.V., Dvurechenskii A.V.


A method for creation of Ge/Si structures with space-arranged nanoislands by heteroepitaxy on the pre-patterned Si(001) substrates with a square grid of the etched pits is developed. The influence of depth and inter-pit spacing on the nucleation and growth of Ge(Si) nanoislands is studied. It is shown, that the nanoislands are formed either inside pits or at their periphery depending on the pit depth. It is found that the size of the nanoislands grown inside the pits goes up with the increase of the inter-pit distance from 1 to 4 μm. The pronounced photoluminescence signal related with the space-arranged arrays of quantum dots with a period of 1 μm is observed in the range of energies from 0.9 to 1.0 eV.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(9):1150-1155
pages 1150-1155 views

On the Impact of Barrier-Layer Doping on the Photoluminescence Efficiency of InGaAlAs/InGaAs/InP Strained-Layer Heterostructures

Kolodeznyi E.S., Kurochkin A.S., Rochas S.S., Babichev A.V., Novikov I.I., Gladyshev A.G., Karachinsky L.Y., Savelyev A.V., Egorov A.Y., Denisov D.V.


The photoluminescence of strained InGaAlAs/InGaAs/InP heterostructures with an active region consisting of nine In0.74Ga0.26As quantum wells and δ-doped In0.53Al0.20Ga0.27As barrier layers grown by molecular beam epitaxy on an InP(100) substrate is investigated. Analysis of the photoluminescence spectra demonstrates that p-type doping leads to an increase in the photoluminescence efficiency at low excitation levels in comparison to a heterostructure with undoped barriers, and increasing the level of barrier doping to (1–2) × 1012 cm–2 results in the suppression of nonradiative recombination.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(9):1156-1159
pages 1156-1159 views

Amorphous, Vitreous, and Organic Semiconductors

Low-Frequency Dielectric Relaxation in Iron-Doped Ge28.5Pb15S56.5 Glassy System

Castro R.A., Grabko G.I., Kononov A.A.


The dielectric relaxation processes in Ge28.5Pb15S56.5 glassy system are investigated. The introduction of an iron impurity into a glass matrix is shown to sharply increase the permittivity ε' and decrease the dissipation factor tanδ. The found regularities are explained within the cluster structure (two-phase) model of doped glass.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(9):1160-1162
pages 1160-1162 views

Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors

Effect of Conditions of Electrochemical Etching on the Morphological, Structural, and Optical Properties of Porous Gallium Arsenide

Seredin P.V., Lenshin A.S., Fedyukin A.V., Goloshchapov D.L., Lukin A.N., Arsentyev I.N., Zhabotinsky A.V.


The properties of porous GaAs samples produced by the electrochemical etching of single-crystal n-GaAs(100) wafers are studied by X-ray diffraction analysis, electron microscopy, and infrared and ultraviolet spectroscopy. It is possible to show that, by choosing the composition of the electrolyte and the conditions of etching, samples can be produced not only with different degrees of porosity and pore sizes (nanopores/micropores), but with another type of sample surface as well. The etching of n-GaAs(100) wafers under the conditions chosen in the study does not change the orientation of the porous layer with respect to the orientation of the single-crystal GaAs(100) substrate. At the same time, etching induces a decrease in the half-width of the diffraction peak compared to that for the initial wafer, a splitting of the phonon mode in the infrared spectra and a partial shift of the components in accordance with the parameters of anodic etching, and a change in the optical properties in the ultraviolet region.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(9):1163-1170
pages 1163-1170 views

Electrical Properties and Energy Parameters of n-FeS2/p-Cd1 –xZnxTe Heterojunctions

Orletskyi I.G., Ilashchuk M.I., Solovan M.N., Maryanchuk P.D., Parfenyuk O.A., Maistruk E.V., Nichyi S.V.


The conditions for fabricating n-FeS2/p-Cd1 –xZnxTe heterojunctions by the spray pyrolysis of thin pyrite films on p-Cd1 –xZnxTe crystalline substrates are investigated. A comprehensive analysis of the current–voltage (IV) and capacitance–voltage (CV) characteristics makes it possible to establish the limitation of the reverse current by the space-charge region at small reverse biases and consider the mechanisms of current formation with the participation of energy levels near the heterojunction. A model of the energy profile of the n-FeS2/p-Cd1 –xZnxTe heterojunction is proposed, which turns out to be in good correspondence with the experimentally determined parameters and the dynamics of their change with a variation in temperature.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(9):1171-1177
pages 1171-1177 views

On the Formation of IR-Light-Emitting Ge Nanocrystals in Ge:SiO2 Films

Volodin V.A., Rui Z., Krivyakin G.K., Antonenko A.K., Stoffel M., Rinnert H., Vergnat M.


The study is concerned with light-emitting Ge nanocrystals formed during the annealing of Gex[SiO2]1 –x films produced by the high-vacuum cosputtering of germanium and quartz targets onto substrates at a temperature of 100°C. In accordance with the conditions of growth, the Ge molar fraction was varied from 10 to 40%. By means of electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy, amorphous Ge nanoclusters ~4–5 nm in dimensions are detected in as-deposited films with a Ge content higher than 20 mol %. To crystallize amorphous nanoclusters, annealing at temperatures of up to 650°C is used. The kinetics of the crystallization of Ge nanoclusters is studied, and it is established that up to ~1/3 of the amorphous phase is retained in the system, supposedly at the interfaces between nanocrystals and the surrounding amorphous SiO2 matrix. It is found that, upon annealing in normal atmosphere, germanium nanoclusters are partially or completely oxidized (at a Ge molar fraction of 30% and smaller). An intense infrared photoluminescence signal from quantum-confined Ge nanocrystals and a visible photoluminescence signal defined by defect complexes (oxygen vacancy + excess Ge atoms) are observed.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(9):1178-1187
pages 1178-1187 views

Effect of Injection Depletion in p-Si–n-(Si2)1 –x(ZnSe)x (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.01) Heterostructure

Saidov A.S., Leyderman A.Y., Usmonov S.N., Amonov K.A.


The current–voltage characteristics of p-Si–n-(Si2)1 –x(ZnSe)x (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.01) heterostructures are studied at various temperatures. It is found that the current–voltage characteristics of such structures contain a portion of a sublinear increase in the current with voltage such as V = V0 exp(Jad). The concentrations of deep impurities responsible for the appearance of the sublinear portion in the current–voltage characteristic are estimated. The experimental results are explained based on the theory of the injection depletion effect.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(9):1188-1192
pages 1188-1192 views

Transport and Photosensitivity in Structures: A Composite Layer of Silicon and Gold Nanoparticles on p-Si

Teplyakov M.P., Ken O.S., Goryachev D.N., Sreseli O.M.


The temperature dependences of the current–voltage characteristics and photosensitivity of composite layers of silicon and gold nanoparticles on single-crystal silicon with p-type conductivity are investigated. The current transfer mechanisms in the structures and their influence on the photosensitivity of structures with different amounts of gold in the composite layer are determined.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(9):1193-1197
pages 1193-1197 views

Carbon Systems

Intercalation of C60 Fullerene Molecules under Single-Layer Graphene on Molybdenum Carbide

Rut’kov E.V., Gall N.R.


It is shown that heating of a fullerite film several monomolecular layers thick deposited onto single-layer graphene formed on a substrate of molybdenum carbide Mo2C at T = 700–800 K leads to the intercalation of C60 molecules under the graphene layer. The direct deposition of C60 molecules at T = 650 K also leads to the intercalation of C60 molecules under graphene; the maximal amount of fullerene accumulated under graphene is one single layer.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(9):1198-1202
pages 1198-1202 views

Physics of Semiconductor Devices

Backward-Diode Heterostructure Based on a Zinc-Oxide Nanoarray Formed by Pulsed Electrodeposition and a Cooper-Iodide Film Grown by the SILAR Method

Klochko N.P., Kopach V.R., Khrypunov G.S., Korsun V.E., Lyubov V.M., Zhadan D.O., Otchenashko A.N., Kirichenko M.V., Khrypunov M.G.


A heterostructure promising for designing a backward diode is formed from a zinc-oxide nanorod array and a nanostructured copper-iodide film. The effect of modes of successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR) deposition and the subsequent iodization of CuI films on smooth glass, mica, and fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) substrates and on the surface of electrodeposited nanostructured zinc-oxide arrays on the film structure and electrical and optical properties is investigated. A connection between the observed variations in the structure and properties of this material and intrinsic and iodination-induced point defects is established. It is found that the cause and condition for creating a backward-diode heterostructure based on a zinc-oxide nanoarray formed by pulsed electrodeposition and a copper-iodide film grown by the SILAR method is the formation of a p+-CuI degenerate semiconductor by the excessive iodination of layers of this nanostructured material through its developed surface. The n-ZnO/p+-CuI barrier heterostructure, which is fabricated for the first time, has the IV characteristic of a backward diode, the curvature factor of which (γ = 12 V–1) confirms its high Q factor.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(9):1203-1214
pages 1203-1214 views

GaSb/GaAlAsSb Heterostructure Photodiodes for the Near-IR Spectral Range

Kunitsyna E.V., Andreev I.A., Konovalov G.G., Ivanov E.V., Pivovarova A.A., Il’inskaya N.D., Yakovlev Y.P.


GaSb/GaAlAsSb uncooled photodiodes for the 1.1–1.85 μm spectral range are fabricated and studied. A unique method for the growth of GaSb from lead solution-melts makes it possible to obtain a low carrier concentration in the active region: n = 2 × 1015 cm–3. The capacitance of the photodiodes is 70–110 pF for a sensitive -area diameter of 300 μm and 150–250 pF for a diameter of 500 μm. The photodiodes are characterized by a high (for GaSb devices) spectral sensitivity Sλ = 0.95 A/W at the maximum, a relatively low reverse dark current density j = (4–9) × 10–3 A/cm2 at Urev = 1.0–2.0 V, and high-speed performance (response time 5–10 ns).

Semiconductors. 2018;52(9):1215-1220
pages 1215-1220 views

Lowering the Lasing Threshold by Doping in Mid-Infrared Lasers Based on HgCdTe with HgTe Quantum Wells

Dubinov A.A., Aleshkin V.Y., Morozov S.V.


The possibility of significant lowering of the interband lasing threshold in laser structures of the mid-infrared region based on HgCdTe with HgTe quantum wells by doping with donors, which introduce δ layers near quantum wells, is proposed and analyzed. It is shown that at an optimum surface donor concentration in the δ layer of 4 × 1010 cm–2 and an operating temperature of >40 K, the lasing threshold at a wavelength of 20 μm can be lowered more than twofold.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(9):1221-1224
pages 1221-1224 views

Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures

Raman Spectra of Thick Epitaxial GaN Layers Formed on SiC by the Sublimation Sandwich Method

Anisimov A.N., Wolfson A.A., Mokhov E.N.


The Raman spectra of thick (~100 μm and more) GaN layers grown on crystalline SiC substrates by the sublimation sandwich method are studied. Good agreement between the spectra of the SiC substrates used in the study and published data indicates that the measurements made in the study are reliable. The minimum difference between the results of the measurements and published evidence for GaN layers means that the layers grown by the sublimation sandwich method in the study compare well with those fabricated by the metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE) or chloride-hydride vapor phase epitaxy (CHVPE) techniques.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(9):1225-1227
pages 1225-1227 views

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