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Vol 53, No 5 (2019)

XVI International Conference  “thermoelectrics and Their Applications–2018” (Iscta 2018,) St. Petersburg, October 8–12, 2018

Thermoelectric Properties of In0.2Ce0.1Co4Sb12.3 Ribbons Prepared by the Rapid-Quenching Technique

Novikov S.V., Burkov A.T., Tang X., Yan Y., Orekhov A.S.


The results of investigations of the thermoelectric properties of In0.2Ce0.1Co4Sb12.3 compound prepared by the rapid-quenching technique are presented. In the process of rapid-quenching, amorphous and partially crystallized thin ribbons are formed. The thus obtained ribbons serve as the initial material for fabricating bulk samples. However, the thermoelectric properties of the fabricated ribbons are practically unstudied. In this study, the thermopower and electrical resistivity of amorphous and crystalline ribbons are investigated for the first time at temperatures of 100–750 K. The range of stability of the amorphous state is determined, and the crystallization kinetics of amorphous ribbons is investigated.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(5):583-588
pages 583-588 views

The Thermoelectric Power of Bi1 –xSbx Films (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.15) on Mica and Polyimide Substrates in the Temperature Range of 77–300 K

Suslov M.V., Grabov V.M., Komarov V.A., Demidov E.V., Senkevich S.V., Suslov A.V.


The results of an investigation into the thermoelectric power of thin block Bi1 –xSbx films (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.15) 100–1000 nm in thickness on mica and polyimide substrates in the temperature range of 77–300 K are presented. When measuring the thermoelectric power, a method excluding strain distortion in the film–substrate system is used. The structure, temperature dependences of the thermoelectric power, and resistivity of thin films are analyzed, and the power factor is estimated. A difference in the character of the temperature dependences of the thermoelectric power and resistivity of the films on mica and polyimide substrates is found. This difference is explained by a variation in the band structure parameters under the effect of strain appearing in the film–substrate system due to a difference in the thermal expansion of the film and substrate materials.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(5):589-592
pages 589-592 views

The Hall and Seebeck Effects in Bismuth Thin Films on Mica Substrates in the Temperature Range of 77–300 K

Komarov V.A., Grabov V.M., Suslov A.V., Kablukova N.S., Suslov M.V.


The effects of film thickness and block size on the Hall and Seebeck effects in bismuth films on mica substrates are analyzed using experimental data. A preferential decrease in the electron contribution with a decrease in the film thickness and a preferential decrease in the hole contribution with a decrease in the block size are established. The Hall and Seebeck coefficients are calculated using the classical size effect with regard to carrier scattering at block boundaries and anisotropy of the properties of carriers. In the calculation, the electron and hole mobility components and their concentration in a bismuth single crystal are used and the crystallographic orientation of the film crystal are taken into account. The results of the calculation are in good agreement with the experimental data. It is concluded that the value and sign of the Hall and Seebeck coefficients in bismuth films are determined by the competition of the classical size effect and scattering at block boundaries.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(5):593-598
pages 593-598 views

Miniature Thermoelectric Modules Developed for Cycling Applications

Volkov M.P., Drabkin I.A., Ershova L.B., Nazarenko A.A.


In the paper the test data on new cycle-resistant thermoelectric modules are presented and discussed. These modules can be applied in medical equipment for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to carry out DNA analysis with the help of rapid periodic heating and cooling of biological probes. However, high density of heat fluxes and, as a result, significant mechanical stresses in miniature thermoelectric modules involve special requirements to their reliability. The company RMT Ltd. has developed a technology for the production of highly reliable miniature thermoelectric modules that allowed them to withstand more than 500 thousand heating-cooling cycles (from 20 to 100°C) with a rate of 20°C/s and more.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(5):599-602
pages 599-602 views

On the Band Structure of Bi2Te3

Nemov S.A., Ulashkevich Y.V., Rulimov A.A., Demchenko A.E., Allahkhah A.A., Sveshnikov I.V., Dzhafarov M.


For p-Bi2Te3 crystals grown by the Czochralski method, the temperature dependences of the conductivity, Hall coefficient, thermoelectric power (α), and transverse Nernst–Ettingshausen coefficient are obtained experimentally in the temperature range 77–450 K. The transmittance spectrum in the range 400–5250 cm–1 is recorded at room temperature. It is shown that, to interpret the temperature dependences of the scattering parameter r and the ratio of the thermoelectric power to temperature (α/T), it is essential to take into account the complex valence-band structure and the contribution of heavy holes to transport phenomena. Estimations of the energy band parameters in the context of the two-band model give a hole effective mass close to the free electron mass and the energy gap between nonequivalent extrema at a level of several hundredths of eV. In the absorption spectrum derived from the transmittance spectrum, a sharp increase in absorption defined by indirect interband transitions with the band gap Eg ≈ 0.14 eV is observed in the region of frequencies ν ≥ 1000 cm–1. The absorption spectrum calculated from the reflectance data using the Kramers–Kronig relations is in agreement with the experimental absorption spectrum.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(5):603-606
pages 603-606 views

Thermoelectric Properties of n-Mg2(SiGe)0.8Sn0.2 Solid Solution

Isachenko G.N., Samunin A.Y., Konstantinov P.P., Kasyanov A.A., Masalimov A.


High values of the thermoelectric figure of merit (ZT = 1.5) in Mg2Si–Mg2Sn solid solutions are caused by a low thermal conductivity and a complex band structure, which is optimal at the ratio of solid-solution components of 40% Mg2Si and 60% Mg2Sn. However, the presence of magnesium stannide in a high concentration impairs the mechanical properties and chemical stability of the material limiting its application at high temperatures. Magnesium silicide has a higher stability but a lower figure of merit. The figure of merit is much lower in Mg2Si-rich solid solutions and amounts to ZT ~ 1. The possibility of increasing ZT in the Mg2Si0.8Sn0.2 solid solution with the additional inclusion of Mg2Ge in small quantities is investigated here. Samples of Mg2(Si1 –xGex)0.8Sn0.2 (x < 0.03) solid solution are prepared by hot pressing. The temperature dependences of the coefficients of the thermoelectric power, electrical conductivity, and thermal conductivity are measured in the range of 300–800 K. An increase in the thermoelectric figure of merit to ZT = 1.1 is shown at T = 800 K in the Mg2Si0.78Ge0.02Sn0.2〈Sb〉 solid solution.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(5):607-610
pages 607-610 views

The Band-Structure Parameters of Bi1 –xSbx (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.15) Thin Films on Substrates with Different Thermal-Expansion Coefficients

Suslov A., Grabov V.M., Komarov V.A., Demidov E.V., Senkevich S.V., Suslov M.V.


The results of calculation of the charge-carrier concentration in bismuth–antimony films on substrates with different coefficients of thermal expansion are reported. The antimony content in the films is in the range 0–15 at %. Calculation is performed on the basis of experimental studies of the galvanomagnetic properties of the films. It is shown that the concentration is considerably higher in the case of substrates with a large coefficient of thermal expansion. The results of calculation of the position of the valence and conduction bands at 77 K in relation to the coefficient of thermal expansion of the substrate are reported. It is shown that, as the thin films experience in-plane strains defined by a difference between the coefficients of thermal expansion of the film and substrate materials, the position of the valence and conduction bands in the films changes relative to the position of the bands in the single crystal with the corresponding composition.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(5):611-614
pages 611-614 views

Influence of the Sintering Temperature on the Thermoelectric Properties of the Bi1.9Gd0.1Te3 Compound

Yapryntsev M.N., Vasiliev A.E., Ivanov O.N.


The regularities of the influence of the sintering temperature (750, 780, 810, and 840 K) on the elemental composition, crystal-lattice parameters, electrical resistivity, Seebeck coefficient, total thermal conductivity, and thermoelectric figure of merit of the Bi1.9Gd0.1Te3 compound are investigated. It is established that the elemental composition of the samples during high-temperature sintering varies due to intense tellurium evaporation, which can lead to the formation of various point defects (vacancies and antisite defects) affecting the majority carrier (electron) concentration and mobility. The sintering temperature greatly affects the electrical resistivity of the samples, while the influence on the Seebeck coefficient and total thermal conductivity is much weaker. The largest thermoelectric figure of merit (ZT ≈ 0.55) is observed for the sample sintered at 750 K.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(5):615-619
pages 615-619 views

Thermoelectric and Galvanomagnetic Properties of Layered n-Bi2 –xSbxTe3 –ySey Films

Lukyanova L.N., Usov O.A., Volkov M.P.


The thermoelectric properties in the temperature range 4.2–300 K and magnetoresistance oscillations in strong magnetic fields at low temperatures are studied in nanostructured layered films of topological thermoelectric materials n-Bi2 –xSbxTe3 –ySey. It is shown that the thermoelectric figure of merit in layered n-Bi2 –xSbxTe3 –ySey films is larger than that in the bulk material due both to an increase in the Seebeck coefficient below room temperature and to a decrease in the thermal conductivity and its weaker temperature dependence. Analysis of the magnetoresistance oscillations is used to determine the parameters of the topological surface states of Dirac fermions and estimate their influence on the thermoelectric properties.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(5):620-623
pages 620-623 views

Influence of La Doping on the Transport Properties of Bi1 –xLaxCuSeO Oxyselenides

Pankratova D.S., Novitskii A.P., Kuskov K.V., Sergienko I.A., Leybo D.V., Burkov A.T., Konstantinov P.P., Khovaylo V.V.


The transport properties of p-type oxyselenides with the chemical composition Bi1 –xLaxCuSeO (x = 0.02, 0.04, 0.06) are investigated. An analysis of the temperature dependences of the material resistivity and charge-carrier concentration and mobility show that the substitution of La3+ for Bi3+ ions increases the carrier concentration, presumably, due to the generation of holes as a result of the formation of bismuth vacancies with an increase in the degree of substitution.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(5):624-627
pages 624-627 views

Dimensionless Mathematical Model of a Thermoelectric Cooler: ΔTmax Mode

Melnikov A.A., Tarasov O.M., Chekov A.V., Bashkin M.A.


The thermal resistances on the cold and hot sides substantially affect the output characteristics of thermoelectric devices. A dimensionless mathematical model of a thermoelectric cooler, which makes it possible to calculate device parameters, such as the optimal thermal resistance ratio on the cold and hot sides as well as the optimal current taking into account the influence of thermal resistances, is presented. The maximal temperature difference ΔTmax mode is considered. It is shown that the optimal cooler parameters are different for implementation of the ΔTmax and Qmax modes. The determining factor for the ΔTmax mode is the influence of the thermal resistance on the hot side, and the optimal current is 0.4–0.7 of the maximal current in most cases for the material with ZT = 1. It is shown that an additional increase in ΔTmax of a cooler is attained with a decrease in the thermal conductivity of the thermoelectric material due to a decrease in the influence of the thermal resistance on the hot side besides the effect from an increase in ZT. An increase in the length of thermoelectric legs has the same positive effect of an increase in ΔTmax of a cooler, while a decrease in the leg length negatively affects ΔTmax.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(5):628-632
pages 628-632 views

Variation in the State of 119mSn Impurity Atoms in PbTe during the Establishment of the Radioactive Equilibrium of 119mTe/119Sb Isotopes

Seregin P.P., Marchenko A.V., Nasredinov F.S., Zharkoy A.B.


The parameters of the emission Mössbauer spectra of PbTe using the 119mSn daughter isotope with different parent nuclei 119mmSn, 119Sb, and 119mTe are compared. This comparison makes it possible to identify impurity tin atoms in both lead-telluride sublattices. It is found that the ratio of tin concentrations in different sublattices depends on the time after source preparation.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(5):633-637
pages 633-637 views

Thermoelectric Properties of Sb2Te3-Based Nanocomposites with Graphite

Kulbachinskii V.A., Kytin V.G., Zinoviev D.A., Maslov N.V., Singha P., Das S., Banerjee A.


Antimony-telluride-based nanocomposite samples containing different weight fractions of graphite (Sb2Te3 + x% graphite, where x = 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, and 2.5%) are synthesized and studied. The samples are produced by a solid-state reaction with the use of a ball mill. X-ray diffraction measurements show that the Sb2Te3 phase is present in the nanocomposites. All of the diffraction peaks are identified as corresponding to the rhombohedral structure of symmetry \(R\bar {3}m\). No additional peaks related to graphite are observed because of its low content. Moreover, the X-ray data show the insolubility of graphite in Sb2Te3: the peaks related to Sb2Te3 remain unchanged upon the addition of graphite. The thermal conductivity, thermoelectric power, and resistivity of the samples are studied in the temperature range 80 K ≤ T ≤ 320 K. The thermal conductivity k of the nanocomposite decreases several times compared to the thermal conductivity of single-crystal Sb2Te3 and reaches k ≈ 0.95 W m–1 K–1 at x = 0.5%. The parameter k unsteadily depends on the content of graphite. The thermoelectric power of the nanocomposites with graphite at x = 1.0% is higher compared to that of nanostructured Sb2Te3.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(5):638-640
pages 638-640 views

Thermoelectric Power of a Luttinger Liquid

Ivanov Y.V., Uryupin O.N.


The thermoelectric power of a Luttinger liquid with a potential barrier is calculated. The long-range nature of electron–electron interaction is taken into account. It is shown that the increased interaction range changes the temperature dependence of the thermoelectric power qualitatively. At low temperatures, the Seebeck coefficient of a Luttinger liquid is considerably smaller than that of a one-dimensional Fermi gas. As the temperature increases, the thermoelectric power increases rapidly and can exceed that of a Fermi gas. The results obtained are in qualitative agreement with experimental data for quasi-one-dimensional 5-nm-thick InSb wires.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(5):641-646
pages 641-646 views

Topological Surface States of Dirac Fermions in n-Bi2Te3 –ySey Thermoelectrics

Lukyanova L.N., Makarenko I.V., Usov O.A., Dementev P.A.


In n-Bi2Te3 and n-Bi2Te3 –ySey thermoelectrics, the surface states of Dirac fermions of the interlayer Van der Waals surface (0001) are studied by scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy. The surface morphology and modulated line profiles of the tunneling microscopy images are determined by local distortions of the surface density of electronic states and depend on the composition. The Dirac point ED in the studied compositions is localized in the band gap and shifts to the top of the valence band with increasing Se content in n-Bi2Te3 –ySey alloys. The dependence between the parameters of the surface states of Dirac fermions (Dirac-point position, Fermi velocity, surface fermion concentration) and thermoelectric properties (Seebeck coefficient and power parameter) in the thermoelectrics under study is determined.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(5):647-651
pages 647-651 views

Materials Based on Solid Solutions of Bismuth and Antimony Tellurides Formed by Rapid Melt Crystallization Methods

Ivanova L.D., Granatkina Y.V., Malchev A.G., Nikhezina I.Y., Emel’yanov M.V.


p-type Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 solid solutions prepared by hot pressing and the extrusion of powders prepared by rapid melt crystallization methods such as melt spinning and melt crystallization in a liquid are investigated. The morphology of the powders, the sample cleavage surface, and their microstructure are investigated using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and scanning tunneling microscopy. The mechanical properties of the samples are investigated by room-temperature compression tests. The Seebeck coefficient, electrical conductivity, and thermal conductivity of the materials are measured in the temperature range of 100–600 K. The highest limiting compressive strength σB = 145 MPa at 300 K and maximal thermoelectric efficiency (ZT)max = 1.34 at 370 K are found for materials extruded from granules prepared by melt crystallization in water and ground in a ball mill.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(5):652-656
pages 652-656 views

Thermoelectric Properties of Semimetal and Semiconductor Bi1 –xSbx Foils and Wires

Nikolaeva A., Konopko L., Gherghishan I., Rogacki K., Stachowiak P., Jezowski A., Shepelevich V., Prokoshin V., Gusakova S.


The results of experimental investigations into the thermoelectric properties (electrical conductivity, thermoelectric power, and thermal conductivity) of microtextured foils and single-crystal wires based on semimetal and semiconductor Bi1 –xSbx alloys are presented in the temperature range of 4.2–300 K. It is found that the band gap ΔE in Bi–17 at % Sb wires increases with decreasing wire diameter d, which is a manifestation of the quantum-size effect. At low temperatures (T < 50 K), in the wires with d < 400 nm, the electrical conductivity increases due to the significant contribution of highly conductive surface states characteristic of topological insulators. It is found for the first time that the thermal conductivity of semimetal Bi–3 at % Sb foils at low temperatures is two orders of magnitude lower, and that of semiconductor Bi–16 at % Sb foils one order of magnitude lower, than that in bulk samples of the corresponding composition due to significant phonon scattering at grain boundaries and surfaces. This effect leads to considerable enhancement of the thermoelectric figure-of-merit ZT and can be used in miniature low-temperature thermoelectric energy converters.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(5):657-661
pages 657-661 views

Miniaturized Heat-Flux Sensor Based on a Glass-Insulated Bi–Sn Microwire

Konopko L.A., Nikolaeva A.A., Huber T.E., Kobylianskaya A.K.


Thermoelectric-energy conversion based on a single element made of an anisotropic material is considered. In such materials, the heat flux generates a transverse electric field. We fabricate an experimental heat-flux sensor (HFS) sample consisting of a 10-m-long glass-insulated single-crystal tin-doped bismuth microwire (outer diameter D = 18 μm, microwire diameter d = 4 μm). The microwire is wound into a flat spiral after recrystallization in a strong electric field, during which the main crystallographic axis C3 is oriented at the optimum angle with respect to the microwire axis. The sensor sensitivity reaches 10–2 V/W with the time constant τ ≈ 0.2 s. The sensor fabrication technology is rather simple and reliable for industrial applications.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(5):662-666
pages 662-666 views

Thermoelectric Properties of Cobalt Monosilicide and Its Alloys

Antonov A.S., Novikov S.V., Pshenay-Severin D.A., Burkov A.T.


Thermoelectric properties of cobalt monosilicide CoSi and (Co1 –xMxSi, M = Fe, Ni) alloys are studied. Alloy compositions with an iron content of up to 10 at % and nickel content of up to 5 at % are examined. The thermoelectric power and electrical resistivity are measured at temperatures in the range 100–800 K. Recent calculations of the band structure of cobalt monosilicide have revealed a number of significant differences from the standard semi-metallic model with the energy overlap of parabolic bands for electrons and holes. This requires the modification of previously employed models to describe the transport properties. The possibility of theoretical description of the experimental temperature and concentration dependences of the thermoelectric power and electrical resistivity with the use of different models for description of the electronic spectrum is analyzed.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(5):667-672
pages 667-672 views

Thermoelectric Properties of Bi2 –xLuxTe2.7Se0.3 Solid Solutions

Vasil’ev A.E., Yapryntsev M.N., Ivanov O.N., Zhezhu M.V.


The thermoelectric properties of compounds based on Bi2 –xLuxTe2.7Se0.3 solid solutions with x = 0, 0.05, 0.1, and 0.2 are studied. The samples for investigations are prepared by chemical-solution deposition (to synthesize the initial powders) and spark plasma sintering (to obtain bulk samples). The patterns of changes in the electrical resistivity, Seebeck coefficient, and total thermal conductivity of the samples are determined as a function of the lutetium content. It is established that the optimal combination of these thermoelectric characteristics is attained for the composition with x = 0.05, which demonstrates the highest thermoelectric figure of merit (ZT ≈ 0.9 in the temperature range of 400–480 K) among all the studied compositions.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(5):673-677
pages 673-677 views

Coefficient of the Performance of a Segmented Thermoelectric Cooling Leg

Drabkin I.A.


One of the main energy characteristics of a cooling leg is the maximum available temperature difference (ΔTmax). Its increase indicates an increase in the coefficient of performance (COP) at all temperatures. The use of a segmented leg makes it possible to increase the ΔTmax value; however, the maximum available COP increases only at large temperature differences, whereas at small temperature differences the maximum available COP is even smaller than in a simple leg.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(5):678-681
pages 678-681 views

High-Efficiency Thermoelectric Single-Photon Detector Based on Lanthanum and Cerium Hexaborides

Kuzanyan A.S., Kuzanyan A.A., Gurin V.N., Volkov M.P., Nikoghosyan V.R.


A design for a high-efficiency single-photon detector based on lanthanum and cerium hexaborides, which operates from the infrared to ultraviolet spectral ranges, is suggested. The results of computer simulations of heat transfer in the sensitive element of the detector upon the absorption of photons with energies of 0.5–4.13 eV are presented. To attain a high efficiency of the system of photon detection in the wavelength range from near infrared to ultraviolet, lanthanum hexaboride is proposed as the absorber and heat-sink material in the sensitive element. It is shown that a sensitive element of both single- and three-layer design made entirely of hexaborides will possess a gigahertz counting rate and a detection efficiency exceeding 90%.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(5):682-685
pages 682-685 views

Effective Bi–Sb Crystals for Thermoelectric Cooling at Temperatures of T ≲ 180 K

Sidorenko N.A., Dashevsky Z.M.


Extrusion methods have become widespread in the fabrication technology of thermoelectric materials with high strength characteristics. The extrusion method of thermoelectric materials based on Bi–Sb single crystals in a liquid medium under a high hydrostatic pressure is considered. It is shown that the proposed extrusion method makes it possible to fabricate Bi–Sb crystals of n-type conductivity with high thermoelectric characteristics at temperatures T ≲ 180 K.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(5):686-690
pages 686-690 views

Materials Based on Solid Solutions of Bismuth Chalcogenides of n-Type Conductivity Prepared by Melt Crystallization in a Liquid

Ivanova L.D., Granatkina Y.V., Malchev A.G., Nikhezina I.Y., Emel’yanov M.V., Nikulin D.S.


The microstructure, mechanical, and thermoelectric properties of samples of the n-type Bi2Te3–Bi2Se3 solid-solution samples containing 6, 8, and 10 mol % Bi2Se3, doped with antimony iodide, cadmium chloride, and hexabromobenzene, are investigated. The samples are formed by hot pressing and the extrusion of granules prepared by melt crystallization in a liquid and ground in a mortar, cutting mill, and ball mill. Measurements are performed at room temperature and in the range of 100–600 K. The formation conditions and compositions of materials with an ultimate compressive strength of ~250 MPa and thermoelectric efficiency of (ZT)max = (0.9–1.0) in the temperature range of 320–430 K are found.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(5):691-694
pages 691-694 views

Setup for Measuring the Thermoelectric Properties of Ultrathin Wires

Uryupin O.N., Shabaldin A.A.


An experimental setup is developed to measure the thermoelectric properties of semiconductor nanowires with diameters of up to 5 nm in dielectric matrices. This setup makes it possible to measure the electrical resistance and thermoelectric power of nanostructured samples in the temperature range of 77–400 K.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(5):695-698
pages 695-698 views

Electronic Properties of Semiconductors

On Estimates of the Electron Affinity of Silicon-Carbide Polytypes and the Band Offsets in Heterojunctions Based on These Polytypes

Davydov S.Y.


Two different procedures for estimating the electron affinity of SiC polytypes and the interrelation of these procedures with the results of ab initio calculations are discussed. Simple corrections to the Shockley–Anderson rules for the constructions of band diagrams of heterojunctions are proposed.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(5):699-702
pages 699-702 views

Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena

Type-I Indirect-Gap Semiconductor Heterostructures on (110) Substrates

Abramkin D.S., Shamirzaev T.S.


Type-I indirect-gap heterostructures are convenient objects for studying the spin dynamics of localized excitons, which are difficult to investigate in heterostructures of other types. It is shown that structures with such an energy spectrum can be formed from III–V binary compounds on substrates with the (110) orientation. The effect of the strain distribution and conduction-band structure in quasimomentum space on the energy spectrum of electronic states in the heterostructures is discussed.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(5):703-710
pages 703-710 views

Amorphous, Vitreous, and Organic Semiconductors

Antisite Defects in Ge–Te and Ge–As–Te Semiconductor Glasses

Marchenko A.V., Seregin P.P., Terukov E.I., Shakhovich K.B.


The formation of antisite defects in Ge20Te80 and Ge15As4Te81 vitreous alloys in the form of tin atoms in tellurium sites and tellurium atoms in germanium sites is shown by emission Mössbauer spectroscopy with the 119mmSn(119mSn), 119mTe(119mSn), 125Sn(125Te), and 125mTe(125Te) isotopes. It is shown that the isovalent substitution of germanium atoms by tin atoms does not vary the symmetry of the local surrounding of germanium sites, while tin and tellurium atoms reconstruct their local surrounding in sites unnatural for them.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(5):711-716
pages 711-716 views

Carbon Systems

Hydrogen Desorption from Pentagraphane

Openov L.A., Podlivaev A.I.


Thermally activated hydrogen desorption from pentagraphane is studied by atomistic computer simulation. Pentagraphane is a recently predicted quasi-two-dimensional hydrocarbon compound that represents a pentagraphene single layer, in which both sides are covered with hydrogen and the C–C bonds form a network of adjacent pentagons, whereas the hexagons characteristic of carbon nanostructures are lacking. The effect of hydrogen desorption on the electronic structure, phonon density of states, and Young’s modulus are studied. The temperature dependence of the characteristic desorption time is determined by the molecular-dynamics method.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(5):717-721
pages 717-721 views

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