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Vol 51, No 10 (2017)


Anisotropic Jahn–Teller acceptors formed in GaAs by first-group elements with a filled d shell

Gutkin A.A., Averkiev N.S.


A phenomenological model of double acceptors formed by Cu, Ag, and Au atoms in GaAs is presented. Experimentally observed phenomena related to the specific features of the spatial and electronic structure of these centers (the suppression of the Jahn–Teller effect by uniaxial pressure, softening of the crystal, recombination-induced reorientation of Jahn–Teller distortions of the center, the decrease in the stationary degree of alignment of center distortions by uniaxial pressure with an increase in the recombination rate of nonequilibrium electron–hole pairs through the center, the relaxation absorption of ultrasound, etc.) are described.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(10):1247-1273
pages 1247-1273 views

Tight-binding simulation of silicon and germanium nanocrystals

Gert A.V., Nestoklon M.O., Prokofiev A.A., Yassievich I.N.


This review is devoted to the modeling of Si and Ge nanocrystals by means of the tight-binding method. First we give the short outline of the modeling methods and their application for the discription of silicon and germanium nanocrystals. Then, the tight-binding method with extended s, p, d, and s* basis is explained in details and the results obtained with the use of this method are presented.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(10):1274-1289
pages 1274-1289 views

Electronic Properties of Semiconductors

Effects of local photoexcitation of high-concentration charge carriers in silicon

Musaev A.M.


The phenomena occurring at the local pulsed photoexcitation of intrinsic nonequilibrium highconcentration charge carriers in silicon are experimentally investigated. The effect of a substantial increase in the lifetime of photoexcited charge carriers is found. It is shown that the effect of a substantial increase in the lifetime of charge carriers is caused by a change in the degree of degeneracy and displacement of the impurityrecombination level towards the Fermi level due to local thermoelastic deformation of the crystal and the corresponding distribution of the concentration of nonequilibrium charge carriers.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(10):1290-1294
pages 1290-1294 views

Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation

Reflectance spectra of p-Bi2Te3:Sn crystals in a wide IR region

Nemov S.A., Ulashkevich Y.V., Allahkhah A.A.


The reflectance spectra of a p-Bi2Te3:Sn crystal are recorded in the range 50–7900 cm–1. The spectra possess features characteristic of charge-carrier plasma oscillations and a contribution of phonons. It is shown that the dielectric function that is used in the context of Drude–Lorentz theory and includes the contributions of hole plasma oscillations and two phonons adequately describes the experimental data obtained at room temperature and at a temperature of T = 78 K.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(10):1295-1299
pages 1295-1299 views

Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films

Interdiffusion and phase formation in the Fe–TiO2 thin-film system

Afonin N.N., Logacheva V.A.


The interaction of magnetron-sputtered metal iron with titanium-oxide films upon isothermal vacuum annealing is studied by X-ray phase analysis, secondary-ion mass spectrometry, atomic-force microscopy, and mathematical simulation. A mechanism for the formation of complex oxides at grain boundaries is suggested. The mechanism is based on the reaction diffusion of metal iron into titanium oxide. A quantitative model of reaction interdiffusion in two-layer polycrystalline metal–oxide film systems with limited component solubility is developed. From numerical analysis of the experimental distributions of the metal concentrations in the Fe–TiO2 film system, the individual diffusion coefficients are determined. It is found that, under the conditions of vacuum annealing at 1073 K, the diffusion coefficients of iron and titanium are 8.0 × 10–13 and 3.0 × 10–15 cm2 s–1, respectively.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(10):1300-1305
pages 1300-1305 views

Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena

Mechanism of resistive switching in films based on partially fluorinated graphene

Ivanov A.I., Nebogatikova N.A., Kurkina I.I., Antonova I.V.


The mechanism of resistive switching in films of partially fluorinated graphene is investigated. The films are obtained on the basis of a number of graphene suspensions with different composition and various degree of fluorination. The dependence of the value of resistive switching on the presence of organic additives (N-methylpyrrolidone and dimethylformamide) in the suspension composition and the degree of fluorination are found experimentally. It is shown that, for films obtained from a suspension without organic components, no resistive switching is observed independently of the degree of fluorination. The most profound effect of ~10–20 times is found for films containing dimethylformamide. A physical model for the films is proposed; according to this model, the dependence under observation is related to the presence of encapsulated functional groups formed from dimethylformamide molecules manifesting electrical activity in the investigated films. The measured current–voltage characteristics of the films are described in the best way by the Frenkel–Poole model with an activation energy of 0.08 eV of centers responsible for conduction. The value of switching depends on the degree of fluorination of the initial suspensions. The greatest effect is observed at a degree of fluorination of the suspensions of ~CF0.25. Suspensions of partially fluorinated graphene investigated in this study are suitable for fabricating device structures by the 2D-printing technology.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(10):1306-1312
pages 1306-1312 views

Quantum corrections to the conductivity and anomalous Hall effect in InGaAs quantum wells with a spatially separated Mn impurity

Oveshnikov L.N., Nekhaeva E.I.


Magnetotransport in heterostructures with spatial separation of the Mn magnetic impurity and an InGaAs quantum well is studied. An analysis of the observed effect of weak localization using the Hikami–Larkin–Nagaoki formula leads to an anomalously small value (0.4) of the prefactor. Obtained data indicate that inelastic e–e scattering can be the dominant dephasing mechanism in the structures under study. Analysis of the conductivity and magnetoresistance indicates the dominant role of spin-dependent scattering at fluctuations in the magnetic subsystem, which is consistent with an increase in the amplitude of the negative magnetoresistance and an increase in the Drude conductivity as a result of cooling. The nature of the anomalous Hall effect in the studied structures is investigated; in particular, indications are obtained that there is the presence of a topological contribution at low temperatures.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(10):1313-1320
pages 1313-1320 views

Criterion for strong localization on a semiconductor surface in the Thomas–Fermi approximation

Bondarenko V.B., Filimonov A.V.


The localization behavior of a two-dimensional electron gas confined at the surface of a heavily doped semiconductor under conditions of the “natural” size effect in the space-charge region is investigated. The scattering of low-energy electrons by the chaotic potential formed at the surface by point charges of ionized impurities is analyzed and the electron mean free path is determined. A criterion for strong localization in this two-dimensional electron system is obtained on the basis of the Ioffe–Regel criterion.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(10):1321-1325
pages 1321-1325 views

Measurement of the lifetimes of vibrational states of DNA molecules in functionalized complexes of semiconductor quantum dots

Bayramov F.B., Poloskin E.D., Chernev A.L., Toropov V.V., Dubina M.V., Bairamov B.K.


Complexes of self-organized isolated semiconductor crystalline nc-Si/SiO2 quantum dots functionalized with short oligonucleotides are unique objects for revealing the manifestation of new quantum-size effects. It is shown that the observation of narrow spectral lines in micro-Raman scattering spectra of high spectral resolution makes it possible to determine the characteristic time scale of vibrational excitations of nucleotide molecules. The possibility of quantitative investigation into the structural-dynamic properties of fast vibrational processes in biomacromolecules is established.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(10):1326-1331
pages 1326-1331 views

On the high characteristic temperature of an InAs/GaAs/InGaAsP QD laser with an emission wavelength of ~1.5 μm on an InP substrate

Zubov F.I., Semenova E.S., Kulkova I.V., Yvind K., Kryzhanovskaya N.V., Maximov M.V., Zhukov A.E.


We report on a study of lasers with an emission wavelength of about 1.5 μm and high temperature stability, synthesized on an InP (001) substrate. Self-organized InAs quantum dots capped with a thin GaAs layer are used as the active region of the laser. A quaternary InGaAsP solid solution with a band-gap width of 1.15 eV serves as the waveguide/matrix layer. A high characteristic temperature of the threshold current, T0 = 205 K, is reached in the temperature range 20–50°C in ridge-waveguide laser diodes. A correlation between the values of T0 and the band-gap width of the waveguide layers is found.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(10):1332-1336
pages 1332-1336 views

Photoluminescence of perovskite CsPbX3 (X = Cl, Br, I) nanocrystals and solid solutions on their basis

Matyushkin L.B., Moshnikov V.A.


Synthesis and also the structural and photoluminescence properties of nanocrystals with natural faceting of the “cesium–lead–halogen” system with crystalline structure of the perovskite type are examined. The possibility of continuously changing the position of the maximum in the photoluminescence spectrum in the wavelength range of 400–700 nm is demonstrated. Features of the formation of the continuous series of solid solutions CsPb(Cl1–xBrx)3 and CsPb(Br1–xIx)3 due to the aftergrowth treatment of CsPbBr3 nanocrystals as a result of anion exchange at room temperature are studied. The corresponding range of frequency change for the maximum of the photoluminescence spectrum amounts to 410–690 nm.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(10):1337-1342
pages 1337-1342 views

Vertical transport in type-II heterojunctions with InAs/GaSb/AlSb composite quantum wells in a high magnetic field

Mikhailova M.P., Berezovets V.A., Parfeniev R.V., Danilov L.V., Safonchik M.O., Hospodková A., Pangrác J., Hulicius E.


Vertical transport in type-II heterojunctions with a two-barrier AlSb/InAs/GaSb/AlSb quantum well (QW) grown by MOVPE on an n-InAs (100) substrate is investigated in quantizing magnetic fields up to B = 14 T at low temperatures T = 1.5 and 4.2 K. The width of the QWs is selected from the formation condition of the inverted band structure. Shubnikov–de Haas oscillations are measured at two orientations of the magnetic field (perpendicular and parallel) relative to the structure plane. It is established that conduction in the structure under study is occurs via both three-dimensional (3D) substrate electrons and two-dimensional 2D QW electrons under quantum limit conditions for bulk electrons (B > 5 T). The electron concentrations in the substrate and InAs QW are determined. The g-factor for 3D carriers is determined by spin splitting of the zero Landau level. It is shown that the conductance maxima in a magnetic field perpendicular to the structure plane and parallel to the current across the structure in fields B > 9 T correspond to the resonant tunneling of 3D electrons from the emitter substrate into the InAs QW through the 2D electron states of the Landau levels.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(10):1343-1349
pages 1343-1349 views

Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors

X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy studies of ZnSxSe1–x nanostructures produced in a porous aluminum-oxide matrix

Chukavin A.I., Valeev R.G., Beltiukov A.N.


Semiconductor nanostructures on the basis of ZnSxSe1–x (x = 0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, and 1.0) compounds are synthesized by the template method based on the formation of semiconductor nanoparticles in porous anodic aluminum-oxide templates upon the vacuum thermal evaporation of a mixture of ZnS and ZnSe powders. The results of studies of the elemental composition of the nanostructures in relation to the composition of the initial mixture and to the parameters of the matrix substrate by means of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy are reported. It is shown that the composition of the nanostructures is close to the composition of the initial powders and can be specified by the ZnS/ZnSe ratio in the initial mixture.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(10):1350-1353
pages 1350-1353 views

Physics of Semiconductor Devices

Degradation of the parameters of transistor temperature sensors under the effect of ionizing radiation

Vikulin I.M., Gorbachev V.E., Kurmashev S.D.


The influence of the effective concentration of an impurity specifying the conduction type of the base region and the base thickness on the radiation resistance of transistor temperature sensors is investigated. The dependences of the forward voltage drop at the emitter transistor junction and current amplification factor on the magnitude of electron, neutron, and γ-quanta flows are revealed. It is found that degradation of the forward voltage drop under the effect of ionizing radiation begins at doses higher by almost two orders of magnitude than the current amplification factor depending on the transistor’s design features. The reproducibility of the temperature-sensitive parameter, which increases the yield percentage of suitable devices, increases after annealing of the electron-irradiated structures.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(10):1354-1359
pages 1354-1359 views

Dual-frequency GaAs/InGaP laser diode with a GaAsSb quantum well

Dikareva N.V., Zvonkov B.N., Vikhrova O.V., Nekorkin S.M., Aleshkin V.Y., Dubinov A.A.


The results of investigation of a metal-organic-vapor-phase-epitaxy-grown GaAsSb/GaAs/InGaP laser structure are presented. Steady two-band generation caused by spatially direct and indirect optical transitions is obtained. Observation of the sum frequency shows the effective intracavity mixing of modes in semiconductor lasers of such a type.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(10):1360-1363
pages 1360-1363 views

Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures

Diffusion-Controlled growth of Ge nanocrystals in SiO2 films under conditions of ion synthesis at high pressure

Tyschenko I.E., Cherkov A.G.


The growth of Ge nanocrystals in SiO2 films is studied in relation to the dose of implanted Ge+ ions and the annealing temperature at a pressure of 12 kbar. It is established that the dependences of the nanocrystal dimensions on the content of Ge atoms and the annealing time are described by the corresponding root functions. The nanocrystal radius squared is an exponential function of the inverse temperature. The dependences correspond to the model of the diffusion-controlled mechanism of nanocrystal growth. From the temperature dependence of the nanocrystal dimensions, the diffusion coefficient of Ge in SiO2 at a pressure of 12 kbar is determined: D = 1.1 × 10–10 exp(–1.43/kT). An increase in the diffusion coefficient of Ge under pressure is attributed to the change in the activation volume of the formation and migration of point defects. Evidence in favor of the interstitial mechanism of the diffusion of Ge atoms to nanocrystal nuclei in SiO2 is reported.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(10):1364-1369
pages 1364-1369 views

Formation and study of p–i–n structures based on two-phase hydrogenated silicon with a germanium layer in the i-type region

Krivyakin G.K., Volodin V.A., Shklyaev A.A., Mortet V., More-Chevalier J., Ashcheulov P., Remes Z., Stuchliková T.H., Stuchlik J.


Four pairs of p–i–n structures based on polymorphous Si:H (pm-Si:H) are fabricated by the method of plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition. The structures in each pair are grown on the same substrate so that one of them does not contain Ge in the i-type layer while the other structure contains Ge deposited by molecular-beam epitaxy as a layer with a thickness of 10 nm. The pair differ from one another in terms of the substrate temperature during Ge deposition; these temperatures are 300, 350, 400, and 450°C. The data of electron microscopy show that the structures formed at 300°C contain Ge nanocrystals (nc-Ge) nucleated at nanocrystalline inclusions at the pm-Si:H surface. The nc-Ge concentration increases as the temperature is raised. The study of the current–voltage characteristics show that the presence of Ge in the i-type layer decreases the density of the short-circuit current in p–i–n structures when they are used as solar cells, whereas these layers give rise to an increase in current at a reverse bias under illumination. The obtained results are consistent with known data for structures with Ge clusters in Si; according to these data, Ge clusters increase the coefficient of light absorption but they also increase the rate of charge-carrier recombination.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(10):1370-1376
pages 1370-1376 views

Growth and properties of isoparametric InAlGaPAs/GaAs heterostructures

Alfimova D.L., Lunin L.S., Lunina M.L., Arustamyan D.A., Kazakova A.E., Chebotarev S.N.


The results obtained in the growth of isoparametric InAlGaPAs/GaAs heterostructures are discussed. The composition, structural quality, and luminescence properties of the heterostructures are studied.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(10):1377-1384
pages 1377-1384 views

(FeIn2S4)x · (AgIn5S8)1–x alloys: Crystal structure, nuclear γ-Resonance spectra, and band gap

Bodnar I.V., Barugu T.G., Kasyuk Y.V., Fedotova Y.A.


FeIn2S4)x · (AgIn5S8)1–x alloy single crystals are grown in the entire region of composition parameters x by the Bridgman method. It is established that the single crystals crystallize in the cubic spinel structure. Nuclear γ-resonance spectroscopy is used to study the local configurations of iron ions in the structure of (FeIn2S4)x · (AgIn5S8)1–x alloys. From the transmittance spectra in the region of the fundamental absorption edge, the band gap (Eg) of the alloys is determined, and its concentration dependence is constructed. It is shown that Eg nonlinearly varies with x.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(10):1385-1389
pages 1385-1389 views

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