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Vol 51, No 11 (2017)

XXI International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 13–16, 2017

Optical thyristor based on GaAs/InGaP materials

Zvonkov B.N., Baidus N.V., Nekorkin S.M., Vikhrova O.V., Zdoroveyshev A.V., Kudrin A.V., Kotomina V.E.


The possibility of creating thyristor structures with external optical control by laser radiation with a wavelength of ~800 nm, based on single-crystal wafers of semi-insulating GaAs and layers of InGaP with the lattice parameter compatible with GaAs, is shown.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(11):1391-1394
pages 1391-1394 views

Effect of the cap-layer composition on the electronic properties of InAs/GaAs quantum dots

Gorshkov A.P., Volkova N.S., Voronin P.G., Zdoroveyshchev A.V., Istomin L.A., Pavlov D.A., Usov Y.V., Levichev S.B.


The capping of an array of self-assembled InAs/GaAs quantum dots by an InGaAs quantum-well layer leads to an increase in their size due to indium enrichment of the region near the top of the quantum dots, which decreases the energy of the ground-state optical transition in quantum dots by 50 meV and shifts the hole wave function toward the top of the quantum dot.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(11):1395-1398
pages 1395-1398 views

Subminiature emitters based on a single (111) In(Ga)As quantum dot and hybrid microcavity

Derebezov I.A., Gaisler V.A., Gaisler A.V., Dmitriev D.V., Toropov A.I., Fischbach S., Schlehahn A., Kaganskiy A., Heindel T., Bounouar S., Rodt S., Reitzenstein S.


The results of numerical modeling and investigation of a hybrid microcavity based on a semiconductor Bragg reflector and a microlens selectively positioned above a single (111) In(Ga)As quantum dot are presented. Emitters based on the hybrid microcavity demonstrate the effective pumping of a single quantum dot and high emission output efficiency. The microcavity design can be used to implement emitters of polarization- entangled photon pairs based on single semiconductor quantum dots.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(11):1399-1402
pages 1399-1402 views

Thermoelectric effects in nanoscale layers of manganese silicide

Erofeeva I.V., Dorokhin M.V., Lesnikov V.P., Kuznetsov Y.M., Zdoroveyshchev A.V., Pitirimova E.A.


The values of the thermoelectric power, layer resistivity and thermal conductivity of a MnxSi1–x nanoscale layer and MnxSi1–x/Si superlattice on silicon depending on the growth temperature in the range T = 300–600 K are found experimentally. The contribution of the nanoscale film and substrate to the thermoelectric effect is discussed. The thermoelectric figure of merit of a single manganese-ssilicide layer, superlattice, and layer/substrate system is estimated. The largest figure of merit ZT = 0.59 ± 0.06 is found for Mn0.2Si0.8 at T = 600 K.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(11):1403-1408
pages 1403-1408 views

Effect of electric field on the ratio between the rashba and dresselhaus parameters in III–V heterostructures

Degtyarev V.E., Khazanova S.V., Konakov A.A.


The size-quantized energy subbands and envelope wave functions for [001] quantum wells based on zinc-blende III–V semiconductors are numerically calculated using the eight-band Kane model and finite-difference discretization scheme in coordinate space. The effect of the quantum-well band parameters and external electric field oriented along the structure growth direction on the ratio between the Rashba and Dresselhaus spin–orbit coupling parameters is studied. It is demonstrated that at certain electric-field values the spin–orbit coupling parameters in GaAs/InGaAs structures can be equal, which ensures the condition for forming stable spin helices. In addition, it is established that the spin–orbit coupling linear in wave vector in symmetric GaAs/InGaAs wells can disappear under certain well widths and barrier chemical compositions.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(11):1409-1414
pages 1409-1414 views

Features of the selective manganese doping of GaAs structures

Kalentyeva I.L., Vikhrova O.V., Danilov Y.A., Zvonkov B.N., Kudrin A.V., Dorokhin M.V., Pavlov D.A., Antonov I.N., Drozdov M.N., Usov Y.V.


The effect of technological parameters on the selective manganese doping of arsenide–gallium heterostructures fabricated by a combination of methods of MOS-hydride epitaxy and pulsed-laser deposition is investigated. As these parameters, the impurity content in the manganese δ layer and the structureformation temperature are used. It is established that the prepared structures demonstrate the highest electrical activity and have ferromagnetic properties at a growth temperature of ~400°C and an impurity content of no higher than 0.2–0.3 monolayers. Studying the grown structures by the methods of reflection spectroscopy, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, and secondary-ion mass spectrometry shows that use of the above conditions in the case of pulsed laser deposition makes it possible to obtain arsenide–gallium structures, which have good crystalline quality, and manganese is concentrated in them within a thin (7–8 nm) layer without substantial diffusion-induced spreading and segregation.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(11):1415-1419
pages 1415-1419 views

Contactless characterization of manganese and carbon delta-layers in gallium arsenide

Komkov O.S., Kudrin A.V.


Single manganese and carbon δ-layers in undoped GaAs are analyzed by photoreflectance spectroscopy. The strength of built-in electric fields, determined by this method, is shown to increase with increasing layer concentration of introduced impurities and well correlate with technological and Hall data. The use of phase-sensitive photoreflectance makes it possible to measure the surface field and the field induced by δ-doping separately. This fact allows one to determine without contact the fraction of electrically active Mn impurity and reveal the contribution of carbon δ-layers to the characteristics of GaAs-based heterostructures.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(11):1420-1426
pages 1420-1426 views

Inhomogeneous dopant distribution in III–V nanowires

Leshchenko E.D., Dubrovskii V.G.


We present a theoretical study of the dopant spatial distribution in III–V nanowires grown by molecular beam epitaxy. The evolution of the dopant concentration is obtained by solving the non-stationary diffusion equation. Within the model, it is shown why and how the dopant inhomogeneity appears, as observed experimentally in the case of Be doping of GaAs nanowires and in other material systems.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(11):1427-1430
pages 1427-1430 views

Molecular-beam epitaxy of InGaAs/InAlAs/AlAs structures for heterobarrier varactors

Kulagina M.M., Kuzmenkov A.G., Nevedomskii V.N., Guseva Y.A., Maleev S.N., Ladenkov I.V., Fefelova E.L., Fefelov A.G., Ustinov V.M., Maleev N.A., Belyakov V.A., Vasil’ev A.P., Bobrov M.A., Blokhin S.A.


The molecular-beam epitaxy of InGaAs/InAlAs/AlAs structures for heterobarrier varactors is studied and optimized. The choice of the substrate-holder temperature, growth rate and III/V ratio in the synthesis of individual heterostructure regions, the thickness of AlAs inserts and barrier-layer quality are critical parameters to achieve the optimal characteristics of heterobarrier varactors. The proposed triple-barrier structures of heterobarrier varactors with thin InGaAs strained layers immediately adjacent to an InAlAs/AlAs/InAlAs heterobarrier, mismatched with respect to the InP lattice constant at an AlAs insert thickness of 2.5 nm, provides a leakage current density at the level of the best values for heterobarrier varactor structures with 12 barriers and an insert thickness of 3 nm.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(11):1431-1434
pages 1431-1434 views

Transport of hot charge carriers in Si, GaAs, InGaAs, and GaN submicrometer semiconductor structures with nanometer-scale clusters of radiation-induced defects

Zabavichev I.Y., Obolenskaya E.S., Potekhin A.A., Puzanov A.S., Obolensky S.V., Kozlov V.A.


The distributions of the radii of subclusters of radiation-induced defects and of the distances between the cores of these subclusters are calculated for Si, GaAs, and GaN. The features of the transport of hot charge carriers in the above materials upon irradiation with neutrons are discussed. A burst in the velocity of electrons in Si, GaAs, InGaAs, and GaN before and after irradiation is calculated for the first time; also, the extent of manifestation of the above effect in different semiconductor materials is compared.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(11):1435-1438
pages 1435-1438 views

Optimization of the superlattice parameters for THz diodes

Pavelyev D.G., Vasilev A.P., Kozlov V.A., Obolenskaya E.S., Obolensky S.V., Ustinov V.M.


Previously, GaAs/AlAs superlattices with a small active area (~1 μm2) were used by us to design mixer diodes. It was established that these superlattices can efficiently be used in the terahertz (THz) range. It was theoretically and experimentally shown that short-period (i.e., containing few periods) superlattices in the composition of harmonic mixers have significant advantages in comparison with multi-period (with 50–100 or more periods) superlattices at frequencies of up to 5.3 THz. In this study, the superlattice design is optimized and the operation efficiency of short-period superlattices is shown to be determined to a large extent by the transition regions located at the superlattice edges.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(11):1439-1443
pages 1439-1443 views

On the cascade capture of electrons at charged dipoles in weakly compensated semiconductors

Aleshkin V.Y., Gavrilenko L.V.


The times of the cascade capture of electrons at a donor–acceptor charged dipole for the case of the pulsed and steady-state excitation of impurity photoconductivity in GaAs, Ge, and Si are calculated. It is shown that the dependence of the frequency of the cascade capture on the concentration of the charged impurity becomes sublinear in semiconductors under consideration at a concentration of the charged impurity higher than 1013 cm–3.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(11):1444-1448
pages 1444-1448 views

Low-temperature deposition of SiNx Films in SiH4/Ar + N2 inductively coupled plasma under high silane dilution with argon

Okhapkin A.I., Korolyov S.A., Yunin P.A., Drozdov M.N., Kraev S.A., Khrykin O.I., Shashkin V.I.


SiNx films on silicon are grown in SiH4/Ar + N2 inductively coupled plasma under high silane dilution with argon. The dependences of the deposition rate and properties of silicon nitride on the plasmagas composition, pressure, radio-frequency power and inductive power are studied. In some cases, the found dependences differ from published data for undiluted reagents. It is found that the lowest impurity content in films and their best properties are implemented at a nitrogen-to-silane ratio close to 1.4. An increase in the radio-frequency power results in smoother samples due to the polishing effect of argon ions.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(11):1449-1452
pages 1449-1452 views

Study of the influence of ga as a surfactant during the high-temperature ammonia MBE of AlN layers on the properties of nitride heterostructures

Alexeev A.N., Mamaev V.V., Petrov S.I.


The results of growing AlN buffer layers for transistors with a high electron mobility by high-temperature ammonia MBE using Ga as a surfactant are presented. The main parameters affecting the growth and defect formation kinetics are efficient flows of precursors and the surfactant as well as the temperature of the substrate, which limits the surfactant flow because of Ga desorption from the surface. In particular, the addition of the Ga flow equal to the Al flow at a substrate temperature of 1150°C keeps the growth rate constant, changing its kinetics herewith. This approach allows to increase the surface mobility of adatoms and provides a rapid transition to the 2D growth mode. An electron mobility up to 2000 cm2/(V s) was achieved for heterostructures with a 2D electron gas grown using a surfactant.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(11):1453-1455
pages 1453-1455 views

Cleaved-edge photoluminescence spectroscopy of multilayer heterostructures

Plankina S.M., Vikhrova O.V., Zvonkov B.N., Nezhdanov A.V., Pashen’kin I.Y.


The capabilities of a technique based on combined photoluminescence and Raman-spectroscopy measurements upon lateral scanning across the cleaved edge of heterostructures for monitoring the strain profile and the thickness of epitaxial layers are demonstrated. The characteristics of a laser heterostructure with InGaAs/GaAsP quantum wells are investigated by this technique. It is shown that photoluminescence from different layers of the structure can be recorded separately. It is established that both the frequency of the InP-like phonon mode and the photoluminescence energy can be used to determine the composition of the InxGa1–xP alloy. The two methods yield close results.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(11):1456-1459
pages 1456-1459 views

Amplification of terahertz radiation in a plasmon n–i–p–i graphene structure with charge-carrier injection

Polischuk O.V., Fateev D.V., Popov V.V.


The absorption/amplification spectrum of terahertz radiation in inhomogeneous graphene (n–i–p–i structure) with a periodic dual metal grating is theoretically investigated. It is shown that the amplification of terahertz radiation sharply increases at the plasmon-resonance frequency, when losses due to electron scattering and emission are balanced by the plasmon gain (related to the stimulated radiative interband recombination of electron–hole pairs in the inverted region of graphene).

Semiconductors. 2017;51(11):1460-1465
pages 1460-1465 views

Degradation of the characteristics of GaAs bipolar transistors with a thin base due to the formation in them of nanometer-sized clusters of radiation-induced defects as a result of irradiation with neutrons

Zabavichev I.Y., Potekhin A.A., Puzanov A.S., Obolenskiy S.V., Kozlov V.A.


Calculation is performed for a flux of charge carriers in the structure of a GaAs bipolar transistor with a thin base in the case where a single cluster of radiation-induced defects is formed in the operating region of a transistor. It is shown that the site of the appearance of a cluster of radiation-induced defects greatly affects the degree of degradation of the gain of a bipolar transistor. The probabilistic assessment of radiation-induced puncture of the base in relation to its thickness and to the neutron fluence is obtained.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(11):1466-1471
pages 1466-1471 views

MBE growth of ultrathin III–V nanowires on a highly mismatched SiC/Si(111) substrate

Reznik R.R., Kotlyar K.P., Shtrom I.V., Soshnikov I.P., Kukushkin S.A., Osipov A.V., Cirlin G.E.


The possibility in principle of growing III–V GaAs, AlGaAs, and InAs nanowires (NWs) on a silicon substrate with a nanometer buffer layer of silicon carbide is demonstrated for the first time. The diameter of these NWs is smaller than that of similar NWs grown on a silicon substrate. In particular, the minimum diameter is less than 10 nm for InAs NWs. In addition, it was assumed on the basis of photoluminescence measurements that, when AlGaAs NWs are grown on these substrates, a complex structure is formed due to the self-organized formation of AlGaAs quantum dots with a lower content of aluminum, embedded in the NWs.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(11):1472-1476
pages 1472-1476 views

Technology of the production of laser diodes based on GaAs/InGaAs/AlGaAs structures grown on a Ge/Si substrate

Aleshkin V.Y., Baidus N.V., Dubinov A.A., Kudryavtsev K.E., Nekorkin S.M., Novikov A.V., Rykov A.V., Samartsev I.V., Fefelov A.G., Yurasov D.V., Krasilnik Z.F.


InGaAs/GaAs/AlGaAs laser diodes with quantum wells are grown by the metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) method on an exact Si (001) substrate with a Ge buffer layer. The diodes generate stimulated emission in the pulsed mode at room temperature in the spectral range from 1.09 to 1.11 μm.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(11):1477-1480
pages 1477-1480 views

Semiconductor Structures with a one-dimensional quantum channel and in-plane side gates fabricated by pulse force nanolithography

Borisov V.I., Kuvshinova N.A., Kurochka S.P., Sizov V.E., Stepushkin M.V., Temiryazev A.G.


Quasi-one-dimensional semiconductor structures with a variable longitudinal potential profile are fabricated by pulse power nanolithography, which is carried out using an atomic force microscope. Structures are fabricated on the basis of AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures with a deep (130 nm from the surface) twodimensional electron gas. The channel potential profile is formed with the help of sectioned in-plane gates formed on both channel sides. The electrical parameters of the structures measured at temperatures down to 1.5 K confirmed the efficiency of the applied method to fabricate insulating regions with lateral sizes of ~10 nm.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(11):1481-1484
pages 1481-1484 views

Capacitance spectroscopy of hole traps in high-resistance gallium-arsenide structures grown by liquid-phase epitaxy

Murel A.V., Shmagin V.B., Krukov V.L., Strelchenko S.S., Surovegina E.A., Shashkin V.I.


Three deep acceptor levels with activation energies of ~0.7, ~0.41, and ~0.16 eV are found in GaAs structures, which have the hole type of conductivity and are grown by liquid-phase epitaxy, by the methods of capacitance spectroscopy (admittance spectroscopy and deep-level transient spectroscopy). The first two levels are known as HL2 and HL5 and are related to the features of GaAs-layer growth by liquid-phase epitaxy. They are effective recombination centers determining reverse currents in p–i–n diodes, which is confirmed by studying the temperature dependences of reverse currents. The level with the energy Ev + 0.16 eV can be related to the two-charge acceptor level of the inherent antisite defect in GaAs, which also determines the doping concentration of structures in the singly charged state.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(11):1485-1489
pages 1485-1489 views

Analysis of the GaN-HEMT parameters before and after gamma-neutron irradiation

Tarasova E.A., Obolensky S.V., Galkin O.E., Hananova A.V., Makarov A.B.


A method for mathematical processing of the results of measurements of the capacitance–voltage characteristics for an AlGaN/GaN HEMT (high electron mobility transistor) before and after γ-neutron irradiation with a fluence of 0.4 × 1014 cm–2 is suggested. The results of physical–topological simulation of an AlGaN/GaN HEMT on a SiC substrate are described. The error in calculating the GaN HEMT parameters due to inaccuracy in determining the electron distribution profile is determined.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(11):1490-1494
pages 1490-1494 views

Cyclotron resonance features in a three-dimensional topological insulators

Turkevich R.V., Demikhovskii V.Y., Protogenov A.P.


The specific features of the cyclotron resonance in topological insulators of the Bi2Te3 family are analyzed. The energy spectrum of electron excitation on the surface of these compounds in a magnetic field has the C3V symmetry. With the use of quasiclassical equations of motion, which take into account the Berry curvature and magnetic moment, it is found that the cyclotron frequency spectrum contains additional harmonics due to spectrum anisotropy. An analysis of these harmonics makes it possible to reveal the contribution from the topological characteristics to the observables.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(11):1495-1499
pages 1495-1499 views

Giant effect of terahertz-radiation rectification in periodic graphene plasmonic structures

Fateev D.V., Mashinsky K.V., Qin H., Sun J., Popov V.V.


The rectification of terahertz radiation due to plasmonic nonlinearities in a periodic graphene structure with a dual-grating gate and an asymmetric unit cell is considered. The influence of unit-cell asymmetry on the plasmonic rectification of the terahertz radiation near higher plasmonic resonances is considered for the cases of electron and hole conduction in parts of the graphene unit cell. The current responsivity of the rectification of terahertz radiation due to the plasmonic effects of differential charge-carrier drag and electron–hole ratchet is calculated.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(11):1500-1504
pages 1500-1504 views

Energy relaxation in a quantum dot at the edge of a two-dimensional topological insulator

Khomitsky D.V., Lavrukhina E.A., Chubanov A.A., Njiya N.


The calculation of energy relaxation rates due to transitions involving phonons is performed for quantum dots of varying size which are formed by magnetic barriers at the edge of a two-dimensional topological insulator based on a HgTe/CdTe quantum well. Relaxation both into the discrete and continuous spectrum of edge states is considered, as well as into the continuous spectrum of the bulk material. The obtained results demonstrate the existence of a region of system parameters which provide relatively slow energy relaxation, indicating that the considered objects are promising, e.g., for the design of novel types of solid state qubits.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(11):1505-1512
pages 1505-1512 views

Luminescence of a near-surface GaAs/AlAs heterojunction in AlAs-based heterostructures

Nikiforov V.E., Abramkin D.S., Shamirzaev T.S.


It is necessary to protect the surface of AlAs-based heterostructures from oxidation using a GaAs cap layer because of the high reactivity of aluminum. Thus, the surface region of these heterostructures always contains a GaAs/AlAs heterojunction. Here, it is demonstrated that, under nonresonant photoexcitation, the photoluminescence spectrum of AlAs-based heterostructures features a band associated with this heterojunction. The intensity of this band is determined by the thickness and doping type of the GaAs cap layer.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(11):1513-1516
pages 1513-1516 views

Effect of the surface on transport phenomena in PbSnTe:In/BaF2 films

Akimov A.N., Klimov A.E., Suprun S.P., Epov V.S.


The effect of the surface on the I–V characteristics of PbSnTe:In film-based structures is investigated in zero magnetic field and in a magnetic field of B ≤ 4 T with different orientations, including in the mode of current limited by space charge. Analysis of the features in the experimental data obtained at different magnetic-field directions and upon layer-by-layer etching of the films shows that the contributions of the free film surface and interface with the substrate to transport phenomena are significantly different and can be caused by a difference in the parameters of localization centers near these surfaces.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(11):1517-1521
pages 1517-1521 views

Long-wavelength sensitivity limit in MBE-grown PbSnTe:In films: Correlation with the film structure and composition

Akimov A.N., Klimov A.E., Paschin N.S., Yaroshevich A.S., Savchenko M.L., Epov V.S., Fedosenko E.V.


PbSnTe:In films with a long-wavelength sensitivity limit of over 20 μm and low “dark” conductivity are studied. The spectral dependences of the photoconductivity obtained at different temperatures using a Fourier spectrometer are compared with data on the film composition determined by X-ray microanalysis. The established nonmonotonic temperature dependence of the long-wavelength sensitivity limit is attributed to the combination of the temperature dependence of the PbSnTe band gap and the Burstein–Moss effect making the largest contribution to low-temperature measurements due to the long lifetime of excess charge carriers. It is shown that the difference between the band-gap values determined from the measured composition and temperature dependences of the long-wavelength sensitivity limit can be related to the inhomogeneity of the composition of the films grown by molecular beam epitaxy.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(11):1522-1526
pages 1522-1526 views

Peculiarities of growing InGaAs/GaAs/AlGaAs laser structures by MOCVD on Ge/Si substrates

Baidus N.V., Aleshkin V.Y., Dubinov A.A., Kudryavtsev K.E., Nekorkin S.M., Novikov A.V., Pavlov D.A., Rykov A.V., Sushkov A.A., Shaleev M.V., Yunin P.A., Yurasov D.V., Yablonskiy A.N., Krasilnik Z.F.


The growth of InGaAs/GaAs/AlGaAs laser structures by MOCVD at low pressures on Si(001) substrates with a Ge epitaxial metamorphic buffer layer of various thicknesses is studied. The results of the influence of the growth temperature and incorporation of additional AlAs layers at the boundary with the Ge/Si(001) substrate on the crystalline and optical quality of the formed III–V structures are presented. It is shown that the incorporation of the AlAs/GaAs/AlAs lattice at the initial growth stages of III–V heterostructures on Ge buffer layers grown on exact Si(001) substrates makes it possible to considerably decrease the density of threading defects and, consequently, form effectively emitting laser structures. The possibility of growing strained InGaAs quantum wells on Si(001) substrates allowing stimulated radiation in a wavelength region longer than 1100 nm is shown.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(11):1527-1530
pages 1527-1530 views

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