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Vol 52, No 11 (2018)

Xxii International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 12–15, 2018

Calculation of Multiply Charged States of Impurity-Defect Centers in Epitaxial Hg1 –xCdxTe Layers

Kozlov D.V., Rumyantsev V.V., Morozov S.V., Kadykov A.M., Fadeev M.A., Hübers H., Gavrilenko V.I.


A method for calculating the states of multivalent donors and acceptors in Hg1 –xCdxTe materials is developed. The ionization energies of deep acceptor and donor centers in epitaxial Hg1 –xCdxTe films are calculated. The calculation method takes into account the influence of both the valence band and the conduction band on the states of impurity-defect centers. The calculations of energies for the levels of tetravalent acceptors and donors associated with crystalline structure defects indicate the intercenter nature of lines observed previously in the photoluminescence spectra of Hg1 –xCdxTe films.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(11):1369-1374
pages 1369-1374 views

Effect of Features of the Band Spectrum on the Characteristics of Stimulated Emission in Narrow-Gap Heterostructures with HgCdTe Quantum Wells

Rumyantsev V.V., Kulikov N.S., Kadykov A.M., Fadeev M.A., Ikonnikov A.V., Kazakov A.S., Zholudev M.S., Aleshkin V.Y., Utochkin V.V., Mikhailov N.N., Dvoretskii S.A., Morozov S.V., Gavrilenko V.I.


We report on the stimulated emission obtained in the wavelength range of 20.3–17.4 μm on the interband transitions at T = 8–50 K in HgCdTe quantum wells placed in a dielectric waveguide formed from wide-gap CdHgTe solid solution. Heterostructures with HgCdTe quantum wells are interesting for designing long-wavelength lasers operating in the wavelength range of 25–60 μm, which is not covered by currently available quantum cascade lasers. It is shown that the maximum temperature of stimulated emission is determined by the position of lateral maxima in the dispersion dependences in the first valence subband of the quantum well. Methods for suppressing nonradiative recombination in the structures with HgCdTe quantum wells are discussed.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(11):1375-1379
pages 1375-1379 views

Temperature Dependences of the Threshold Current and Output Power of a Quantum-Cascade Laser Emitting at 3.3 THz

Khabibullin R.A., Shchavruk N.V., Ponomarev D.S., Ushakov D.V., Afonenko A.A., Vasil’evskii I.S., Zaycev A.A., Danilov A.I., Volkov O.Y., Pavlovskiy V.V., Maremyanin K.V., Gavrilenko V.I.


The active region of a THz (terahertz) quantum-cascade laser based on three tunnel-coupled GaAs/Al0.15Ga0.85As quantum wells with a resonance-phonon depopulation scheme is designed. Energy levels, matrix elements of dipole transitions, and gain spectra are calculated as functions of the applied electric-field strength F and temperature. It is shown that the maximum gain is implemented at a frequency of 3.37 THz and F = 12.3 kV/cm. Based on the proposed design, a quantum-cascade laser emitting at ~3.3 THz with a double metal waveguide and Tmax ~ 84 K is fabricated. The activation energy Ea = 23 meV for longitudinal-optical (LO) phonon emission upon the stimulated recombination of hot electrons from the upper laser level to the lower one is determined from the Arrhenius temperature dependence of the output power.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(11):1380-1385
pages 1380-1385 views

Magnetooptics of HgTe/CdTe Quantum Wells with Giant Rashba Splitting in Magnetic Fields up to 34 T

Bovkun L.S., Maremyanin K.V., Ikonnikov A.V., Spirin K.E., Aleshkin V.Y., Potemski M., Piot B.A., Orlita M., Mikhailov N.N., Dvoretskii S.A., Gavrilenko V.I.


The electron cyclotron resonance spectra in classical and quantizing magnetic fields in asymmetric heterostructures with HgCdTe/CdHgTe quantum wells with selective barrier doping are investigated. Self-consistent calculations of the energy spectra at B = 0 and Landau levels in the framework of the 8-band Kane model using the Hartree approximation are made. The strong (~10%) splitting of the cyclotron resonance line observed in weak fields is attributed to the Rashba effect in samples with inverted and normal band structures. The evolution of absorption lines upon a variation in the magnetic field is investigated up to 34 T, when the magnetic quantization already dominates over Rashba splitting.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(11):1386-1391
pages 1386-1391 views

Spinodal Decomposition in InSb/AlAs Heterostructures

Abramkin D.S., Bakarov A.K., Gutakovskii A.K., Shamirzaev T.S.


The atomic structure and energy spectrum of heterostructures formed in a system of InAs/AlAs binary compounds are studied. The InxAl1 –xSbyAs1 –y alloy, from which quantum wells are formed in InSb/AlAs structures, decomposes into two phases with different compositions. The characteristic dimensions of regions containing separate phases of the alloy in the structure plane are 5–7 nm. Spinodal decomposition of the alloy brings about the formation of coexisting indirect-gap regions with type-I and type-II energy spectra in quantum wells of the heterostructures.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(11):1392-1397
pages 1392-1397 views

The Effect of the Composition of a Carrier Gas during the Growth of a Mn delta-Layer on the Electrical and Magnetic Properties of GaAs Structures

Kalentyeva I.L., Vikhrova O.V., Danilov Y.A., Zvonkov B.N., Kudrin A.V., Antonov I.N.


The effect of the arsine content (from 0 to 8 μmol), supplied to a reactor together with hydrogen, on the formation of delta-doped gallium-arsenide structures by the pulsed laser sputtering of a Mn target is investigated. It is found that an arsine molar fraction of ~2.5 μmol in the reactor atmosphere during the formation of a Mn delta-doped GaAs layer allows one to obtain single-crystal epitaxial structures with the lowest layer resistance and a ferromagnetic-paramagnetic phase transition temperature of about 40 K. Increasing the arsine content to 8 μmol or the absence of arsine in a hydrogen flow leads to a significant increase in the layer resistance in the temperature range below 150 K and a decrease in the Curie temperature. In the first case, this may be due to partial compensation of the hole conductivity by donor-type defects formed as a result of an excess of arsenic on the growing surface (arsenic atoms in Ga positions or in interstitial positions). In the second case, when no arsine is supplied to the reactor, the growth surface is likely to be enriched with gallium atoms, which makes the incorporation of Mn into the Ga sublattice difficult.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(11):1398-1402
pages 1398-1402 views

“Extremum Loop” Model for the Valence-Band Spectrum of a HgTe/HgCdTe Quantum Well with an Inverted Band Structure in the Semimetallic Phase

Gudina S.V., Bogolyubskii A.S., Neverov V.N., Shelushinina N.G., Yakunin M.V.


The effective mass and spectrum of Landau levels are calculated for the valence band of a HgTe/HgCdTe quantum well with an inverted band structure in the quasi-classical “extremum loop” model. The Landau-level fan of the valence band in the semimetallic phase starts at B = 0 from the energy corresponding to that of the lateral maxima of this band and is overlapped with the Landau-level fan of the conduction band.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(11):1403-1406
pages 1403-1406 views

Application of the Locally Nonequilibrium Diffusion-Drift Cattaneo–Vernotte Model to the Calculation of Photocurrent Relaxation in Diode Structures under Subpicosecond Pulses of Ionizing Radiation

Puzanov A.S., Obolenskiy S.V., Kozlov V.A.


The excitation-relaxation process in electron–hole plasma upon exposure to ionizing radiation for a time shorter than the relaxation time of the mobile carrier energy and momentum is considered. By the example of the calculation of transient ionization processes in a silicon hyperhigh-frequency Schottky diode, local-equilibrium and local-nonequilibrium carrier transport models are compared. It is shown that the local-nonequilibrium model features a wider field of application for describing fast relaxation processes.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(11):1407-1411
pages 1407-1411 views

Investigation of the Anisotropy of the Structural Properties of GaN(0001) Layers Grown by MOVPE on a-Plane (11\(\bar {2}\)0) Sapphire

Yunin P.A., Drozdov Y.N., Khrykin O.I., Grigoryev V.A.


The structural properties of GaN(0001) heteroepitaxial layers grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE) on a-plane (11\(\bar {2}\)0) sapphire substrates are investigated by X-ray diffractometry. Anisotropy of the rocking-curve width for the symmetric (0004) and asymmetric {11\(\bar {2}\)4} and {10\(\bar {1}\)5} reflections of gallium nitride upon rotation of the sample is observed. A comparison of the anisotropy of the rocking-curve width for GaN(0001)/Al2O3(11\(\bar {2}\)0) layers with two different variants of in-plane orientation relationships suggests that the anisotropy of the structural properties is independent of the thermoelastic stress arising upon cooling the heterostructure.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(11):1412-1415
pages 1412-1415 views

Phosphorus-Based Nanowires Grown by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy on Silicon

Cirlin G.E., Reznik R.R., Samsonenko Y.B., Khrebtov A.I., Kotlyar K.P., Ilkiv I.V., Soshnikov I.P., Kirilenko D.A., Kryzhanovskaya N.V.


Data on the growth and physical properties of nanostructures of the type “InAsP insert embedded in InP nanowire (NW)” grown on Si (111) surfaces by Au-assisted molecular-beam epitaxy are presented. It is found that nearly 100%-coherent NWs can be grown with a widely varying surface density. A relationship between the optical and structural properties of the NWs is revealed. It is shown that the NWs under study are formed of a purely wurtzite phase. The suggested technology opens up new opportunities for the integration of direct-gap III–V materials and silicon.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(11):1416-1419
pages 1416-1419 views

Experimental Study of Spontaneous-Emission Enhancement in Tamm Plasmon Structures with an Organic Active Region

Morozov K.M., Ivanov K.A., Selenin N., Mikhrin S., de Sa Pereira D., Menelaou C., Monkman A.P., Kaliteevski M.A.


Spontaneous-emission enhancement in a Tamm plasmon microcavity with an active region with organic material 4.4'-bis(N-carbazolyl)-1.1'-biphenyl (CBP) is theoretically and experimentally studied. The microcavity consisted of a Bragg reflector made of silicon oxide and tantalum oxide, over which CBP and silver layers are applied. The dependences of the Purcell modal factor on the emission direction and frequency, as well as the Purcell factor spectrum are calculated. The emission and fluorescence decay spectra in time are measured in the ultraviolet range. It is found that the probability of spontaneous emission increases and the maximum Purcell factor reaches three at frequencies corresponding to eigenmodes of the Tamm plasmon.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(11):1420-1423
pages 1420-1423 views

Modification of the Ferromagnetic Properties of Si1 –xMnx Thin Films Synthesized by Pulsed Laser Deposition with a Variation in the Buffer-Gas Pressure

Novodvorsky O.A., Mikhalevsky V.A., Gusev D.S., Lotin A.A., Parshina L.S., Khramova O.D., Cherebylo E.A., Drovosekov A.B., Rylkov V.V., Nikolaev S.N., Chernoglazov K.Y., Maslakov K.I.


A series of thin films of Si1 –xMnx alloys with a thickness from 50 to 100 nm grown by pulsed laser deposition on an Al2O3 substrate in vacuum and in an argon atmosphere is investigated. The significant effect of the buffer-gas pressure in the sputtering chamber on the structural and magnetic homogeneity of the obtained films is shown. The conditions for the formation of a ferromagnetic phase with a high Curie temperature (>300 K) in the samples are studied. With the use of the Langmuir probe method, the threshold of ablation of a MnSi target by second harmonic radiation (λ = 532 nm) of a Nd:YAG Q-switch laser is determined. The time-of-flight curves for the plume ions are obtained with a change in the energy density at the target and argon pressure in the sputtering chamber. A nonmonotonic dependence of the probe time-of-flight signal amplitude on the argon pressure is established for high-energy particles of the plume.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(11):1424-1427
pages 1424-1427 views

MBE Growth and Structural Properties of GaP and InP Nanowires on a SiC Substrate with a Graphene Layer

Alexeev P.A., Cirlin G.E., Reznik R.R., Kotlyar K.P., Ilkiv I.V., Soshnikov I.P., Lebedev S.P., Lebedev A.A., Kirilenko D.A.


The possibility in principle of the MBE (molecular-beam epitaxy) growth of GaP and InP nanowires on a SiC substrate with a graphene layer is demonstrated for the first time. InP nanowires on such a substrate have no stacking faults and possess an ideal crystallographic quality. At the same time, GaP nanowires have structural defects of the type of twins and the reversal of crystallographic phases at the top and at the base. The results of structural measurements demonstrate that the nanowires are formed in the wurtzite phase, which is not typical of bulk III–V materials.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(11):1428-1431
pages 1428-1431 views

Study of the Structural and Morphological Properties of HPHT Diamond Substrates

Yunin P.A., Volkov P.V., Drozdov Y.N., Koliadin A.V., Korolev S.A., Radischev D.B., Surovegina E.A., Shashkin V.I.


The morphological and structural properties of a series of high-pressure high-temperature (HPHT) single-crystal diamond substrates are comprehensively studied by white-light optical interference microscopy, atomic-force microscopy, and X-ray diffraction analysis. Procedures that provide a means for characterizing the substrate parameters most critical for epitaxial application with the laboratory equipment are described. It is shown that the jewelry-type characterization of diamond substrates is insufficient to assess the possibility of their use for the epitaxial growth of chemical-vapor-deposited (CVD) diamond.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(11):1432-1436
pages 1432-1436 views

Spectroscopy of Single AlInAs and (111)-Oriented InGaAs Quantum Dots

Derebezov I.A., Gaisler V.A., Gaisler A.V., Dmitriev D.V., Toropov A.I., von Helversen M., de la Haye C., Bounouar S., Reitzenstein S.


A system of AlInAs- and InGaAs(111)-based quantum dots is studied. The use of wide-gap AlxIn1 –xAs alloys as a basis for quantum dots provides a means for substantially extending the spectral region of emission to shorter wavelengths, including the region close to 770 nm which is of interest for the engineering of aerospace systems of quantum cryptography. The fine structure of exciton states in AlInAs and InGaAs(111) quantum dots is studied. It is shown that, for a set of quantum dots, the splitting of exciton states is comparable to the natural width of exciton lines, which is of interest for the engineering of emitters of photon pairs on the basis of these quantum dots.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(11):1437-1441
pages 1437-1441 views

Formation and Properties of Locally Tensile Strained Ge Microstructures for Silicon Photonics

Novikov A.V., Yurasov D.V., Morozova E.E., Skorohodov E.V., Verbus V.A., Yablonskiy A.N., Baidakova N.A., Gusev N.S., Kudryavtsev K.E., Nezhdanov A.V., Mashin A.I.


The formation and properties of locally tensile strained Ge microstructures (“microbridges”) based on Ge layers grown on silicon substrates are investigated. The elastic-strain distribution in suspended Ge microbridges is analyzed theoretically. This analysis indicates that, in order to attain the maximum tensile strain within a microbridge, the accumulation of strain in all corners of the fabricated microstructure has to be minimized. Measurements of the local strain using Raman scattering show significant enhancement of the tensile strain from 0.2–0.25% in the initial Ge film to ~2.4% in the Ge microbridges. A considerable increase in the luminescence intensity and significant modification of its spectrum in the regions of maximum tensile strain in Ge microbridges and in their vicinity as compared to weakly strained regions of the initial Ge film is demonstrated by microphotoluminescence spectroscopy.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(11):1442-1447
pages 1442-1447 views

Radiation Resistance of Terahertz Diodes Based on GaAs/AlAs Superlattices

Pavelyev D.G., Vasilev A.P., Kozlov V.A., Obolenskaya E.S.


The radiation resistance to the gamma-neutron irradiation (~1 MeV) of diodes based on symmetric GaAs/AlAs 30-period superlattices is for the first time studied theoretically and experimentally. The model band diagram and equivalent circuit of the structure under study are used in calculations. Calculations are performed in the quasi-hydrodynamic approximation taking into account the heating of diodes under study by flowing current. The results of calculating the current–voltage characteristics and limiting operating frequencies of the diodes before and after gamma-neutron irradiation correlate well with the experimental data.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(11):1448-1456
pages 1448-1456 views

Nucleation of Three-Dimensional Ge Islands on a Patterned Si(100) Surface

Rudin S.A., Smagina Z.V., Zinovyev V.A., Novikov P.L., Nenashev A.V., Rodyakina E.E., Dvurechenskii A.V.


The nucleation of three-dimentional Ge islands formed on a pre-patterned Si substrate with an array of round pits is studied. It is found that the Ge islands nucleate within pits with pointed bottoms and along the perimeters of pits with flat bottoms. This effect is determined by the difference between the distributions of elastic strains at the Ge/Si interface for differently shaped pit bottoms. The results of the simulation of growth show that, in the case of pits with pointed bottoms, the most relaxed regions are at the centers of the pit bottoms and the nucleation of islands takes place just in these regions. At the same time, in the case of pits with flat bottoms, the most relaxed regions are shifted from the pit bottoms to the pit edges, resulting in the nucleation of islands along the pit perimeters.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(11):1457-1461
pages 1457-1461 views

Reduction of Internal Loss and Thermal Resistance in Diode Lasers with Coupled Waveguides

Zhukov A.E., Gordeev N.Y., Shernyakov Y.M., Payusov A.S., Serin A.A., Kulagina M.M., Mintairov S.A., Kalyuzhnyy N.A., Maximov M.V.


The results of studying edge-emitting quantum-well lasers with a layered design having coupled planar waveguides, capable of suppressing the generation of excited transverse modes, are presented. In this case, a low internal loss (0.4 cm–1) is provided, combined with a small depth (~0.9 μm) of the active region, which results in a low thermal resistance of 6.0 (K/W) mm without a submount.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(11):1462-1467
pages 1462-1467 views

Gapless Dirac Electron Mobility and Quantum Time in HgTe Quantum Wells

Dobretsova A.A., Kvon Z.D., Braginskii L.S., Entin M.V., Mikhailov N.N.


The mobility and quantum time of Dirac electrons in HgTe quantum wells with near-critical thickness corresponding to the transition from the direct to inverted spectrum are experimentally and theoretically investigated. The nonmonotonic dependence of the mobility on the electron concentration is experimentally established. The theory of the scattering of Dirac electrons by impurities and irregularities of the well boundaries leading to well thickness fluctuations is constructed. The comparison of this theory with an experiment shows their good agreement and explains the observed nonmonotonic behavior by a decrease in the ratio between the de Broglie wavelength of Dirac electrons and the characteristic size of irregularities with increasing electron concentration. It is established that the transport time is larger than the quantum time by almost an order of magnitude in the case of the dominance of roughness scattering. The transition from macroscopic to mesoscopic samples is studied and an abrupt decrease in both the mobility and quantum time is observed. This behavior is attributed to the size effect on the free path length.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(11):1468-1472
pages 1468-1472 views

Plasma Chemical Etching of Gallium Arsenide in C2F5Cl-Based Inductively Coupled Plasma

Okhapkin A.I., Yunin P.A., Drozdov M.N., Kraev S.A., Skorokhodov E.V., Shashkin V.I.


The plasma chemical etching of gallium arsenide in chloropentafluoroethane (C2F5Cl) inductively coupled plasma is for the first time performed taking into account surface passivation by products of reagent decomposition. The elemental composition of deposited layers, their density, and morphological properties are studied. It is established that the smoothest etching profile is implemented when using a large freon flow and low capacitive power. Etching anisotropy is retained in such a mode at a depth of 7 μm with an etching rate of 230 nm/min.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(11):1473-1476
pages 1473-1476 views

Development of a Physical-Topological Model for the Response of a High-Power Vertical DMOS Transistor to the Effect of Pulsed Gamma-Radiation

Khananova A.V., Obolensky S.V.


A method for developing models of semiconductor devices with two-dimensional nonuniform concentration profiles of donors and acceptors in working regions of a semiconductor device structure is for the first time proposed based on a complex of physical-topological modeling of charge carrier transport and process simulation of the forming processes of the device structure. The application of process simulation is due to the need to correctly define the parameters of the semiconductor device structure, which are used as initial data to calculate the electron transport according to the physical-topological model. The parameters of production processes of ion implantation, diffusion, and lithography, which were refined during process simulation, are determined for a high-power metal—oxide—semiconductor (MOS) transistor forming by the double diffusion method in accordance with known electrical characteristics and measured geometrical sizes of the structure. This results in two-dimensional distribution profiles of donors and acceptors in pn junctions necessary to calculate the transistor breakdown under the effect of pulsed γ radiation. Breakdown processes are modeled with the help of the physical-topological model based on the Poisson and continuity equations as well as expressions for the diffusion and drift current densities in the transistor. Accounting for carriers formed at the instant of γ irradiation is implemented by the introduction of the dependence of the generation coefficient of electron–hole pairs on the radiation-dose power. The results of calculations correlate well with the experimental data, which makes it possible to give a conclusion regarding the adequacy of the proposed complex model.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(11):1477-1483
pages 1477-1483 views

Heterostructures with InAs/AlAs Quantum Wells and Quantum Dots Grown on GaAs/Si Hybrid Substrates

Abramkin D.S., Petrushkov M.O., Putyato M.A., Semyagin B.R., Shamirzaev T.S.


Heterostructures with InAs/AlAs quantum dots are grown on GaAs/Si hybrid substrates. The experimentally observed low-temperature (5–80 K) photoluminescence spectra of InAs/AlAs/GaAs/Si heterostructures exhibit bands defined by excitonic recombination in quantum dots and a wetting layer, i.e., a thin quantum well lying at the base of the array of quantum dots. Temperature quenching of the photoluminescence of quantum dots occurs due to the direct trapping of charge carriers at defects localized in the AlAs matrix, in the vicinity of the quantum dots.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(11):1484-1490
pages 1484-1490 views

Verification of the Hypothesis on the Thermoelastic Nature of Deformation of a (0001)GaN Layer Grown on the Sapphire a-Cut

Drozdov Y.N., Khrikin O.I., Yunin P.A.


The deformation of a (0001)GaN epitaxial layer on the (11\(\bar {2}\)0) sapphire a-cut is studied by X-ray diffractometry. Anisotropic-layer deformation is calculated by reference data on the thermal expansion coefficients of gallium nitride and sapphire. A comparison of the calculated and experimental deformation confirms the hypothesis on the thermoelastic character of GaN deformation on the sapphire a-cut. This result makes it possible, in particular, to assess theoretically the elastic deformation and piezoelectric field in pseudomorphic heterostructures with GaN layers on the sapphire a-cut as a virtual substrate or a buffer layer.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(11):1491-1494
pages 1491-1494 views

Stimulated Emission in the 1.3–1.5 μm Spectral Range from AlGaInAs Quantum Wells in Hybrid Light-Emitting III–V Heterostructures on Silicon Substrates

Kudryatvsev K.E., Dubinov A.A., Aleshkin V.Y., Yurasov D.V., Gorlachuk P.V., Ryaboshtan Y.L., Marmalyuk A.A., Novikov A.V., Krasilnik Z.F.


Hybrid laser structures with AlGaInAs quantum wells are grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy on Ge/Si(100) “virtual” substrates using GaAs and InP buffer layers. Stimulated emission is achieved under optical pumping of the prepared samples in the range of 1.3–1.5 μm at liquid-nitrogen temperature. The stimulated-emission threshold is 30–70 kW/cm2.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(11):1495-1499
pages 1495-1499 views

Multiphonon Intracenter Relaxation of Boron Acceptor States in Diamond

Bekin N.A.


The relaxation rates are calculated in the adiabatic approximation, in which the steady-state impurity states are taken to be electronic-vibrational (vibronic) states. The probabilities of transitions between these states with the emission (or absorption) of one or several phonons are calculated in first-order perturbation theory on the assumption that the transitions are a result of the violation of adiabaticity. The electron part of the wave function of the vibronic state is described by a simple Hamiltonian with an isotropic effective mass. The wave function of the ground state is determined by the quantum defect method. According to the calculations, a hole relaxes from the excited boron acceptor state, whose energy is 304 meV higher than the energy of the ground state, to the ground state with the emission of two optical phonons with a rate of ~1011 s–1. This value is an estimate from above, since the model of nondispersive optical phonons used in the study overestimates the number of phonon modes, whose participation in relaxation is allowed by the energy conservation law. However, despite the rough approximation, it can be concluded that the multiphonon relaxation of boron acceptor states in diamond is a fast process.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(11):1500-1504
pages 1500-1504 views

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