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Vol 50, No 4 (2016)

Electronic Properties of Semiconductors

Electronic structure of Pt-substituted clathrate silicides Ba8PtxSi46–x(x = 4–6)

Borshch N.A.


The results of calculation of the electronic structure of Si-based Pt-substituted clathrates are reported. Calculation is carried out by the linearized-augmented-plane-wave method. The effect of the number of substitutions and their crystallographic position in the unit cell on the electron-energy spectrum and the electronic properties of Pt-substituted clathrates is analyzed.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(4):427-431
pages 427-431 views

Dependence of mobility on the electron concentration upon scattering at polar optical phonons in AIII–N nitrides

Borisenko S.I.


The dependence of the effective relaxation time on the electron concentration in AIII–N nitrides in the case of electron scattering at polar longitudinal optical phonons is calculated by the marching method. The method takes into account the inelasticity of electron scattering at polar optical phonons for nitrides in the zinc-blende approximation. The calculations show a substantial increase in mobility in samples with a degenerate electron gas, if screening of the long-range potential of polar longitudinal optical phonons is taken into account.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(4):432-434
pages 432-434 views

Theory of the anomalous diffusion of carriers in disordered organic materials under conditions of the CELIV experiment

Nikitenko V.R., Amrakulov M.M., Khan M.D.


Analytical solutions for the transient current in the СELIV (Charge Extraction by Linearly Increasing Voltage) experiment are found in both the quasi-equilibrium (taking into account field-enhanced diffusion) and dispersive transport modes. The ratio of the time of current passage through the maximum to the transit time significantly decreases with increasing disorder. Simple analytical expressions for this ratio, containing only one dimensionless parameter characterizing the given material in each case, are obtained. The conditions of applicability of the known CELIV theory (without diffusion) are determined. The result allows calculations of the transit time in the case where the transient-current signal is sharply asymmetric and slowly decreases over long times.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(4):435-439
pages 435-439 views

Specific temperature-related features of photoconductivity relaxation in PbSnTe:In films under interband excitation

Akimov A.N., Klimov A.E., Neizvestny I.G., Shumsky V.N., Epov V.S.


The time dependences of variations in the photoconductivity of PbSnTe:In films in the range of T ≈ 19—25 K upon interband excitation are studied. It is found that the character of conductivity relaxation after switch-off of illumination depends on the duration and intensity of the preceding illumination. In this case, the characteristic times of relaxation for various modes of illumination can differ by more than an order of magnitude. The obtained results are discussed in the context of a model assuming the presence of a quasicontinuous spectrum of capture levels in the band gap of PbSnTe:In and also a possible effect on the parameters of these levels of the ferroelectric phase transition, the temperature of which is found to be in the temperature range under study

Semiconductors. 2016;50(4):440-446
pages 440-446 views

On the thermoelectric properties and band gap of silicon–germanium alloys in the high-temperature region

Inglizian P.N., Mikheyev V.K., Novinkov V.V., Shchedrov E.R.


For n- and p-type Si0.85Ge0.15 alloys, the thermoelectric properties (thermopower, resistivity, thermal conductivity, and thermoelectric efficiency) are determined in the range from room temperature to 1200°C. The measurements are carried out with an upgraded device [1] by absolute and steady-state methods with thermal screens. The device is upgraded to extend the working-temperature range to ~1500 K. On the basis of these data, the energy-related capabilities of the alloy are estimated; the thermal band-gap width is calculated in the temperature range of ~1300–1400 K.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(4):447-448
pages 447-448 views

Features of photoinduced magnetism in some yttrium–iron-garnet single crystals

Vorob’eva N.V., Mityukhlyaev V.B.


Photoinduced magnetic phenomena are considered in yttrium–iron single-crystalline garnets grown from a BaO–B2O3 molten solution with the addition of iridium to the initial melt. The features of the composition and defects of the crystal structure of the samples in the surface layer are determined. In view of this, explanations for features of the photoinduced magnetic phenomena in the investigated crystals are proposed. The determining role of oxygen anions for the photoinduced magnetic phenomena at room temperature is highlighted, and the possible role of a variation in the dopant content and composition is considered.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(4):449-452
pages 449-452 views

Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation

Relaxation oscillations of superluminescence in a semiconductor caused by recovery of the Fermi distribution of nonequilibrium electrons

Kumekov S.E., Mustafin A.T., Mussatay S.S.


It is shown that modulation of the superluminescence intensity on a characteristic time scale on the order of a few picoseconds may occur in a semiconductor because of relaxation oscillations that result from the “healing” of local perturbations of the quasi-Fermi distribution of nonequilibrium electrons in energy space. The conditions for observing this effect in GaAs are estimated.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(4):453-456
pages 453-456 views

Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films

Induced surface states of the ultrathin Ba/3C-SiC(111) interface

Benemanskaya G.V., Dementev P.A., Kukushkin S.A., Lapushkin M.N., Senkovskiy B.V., Timoshnev S.N.


The electronic properties of the Ba/3C-SiC(111) nanointerface are for the first time studied by photoelectron spectroscopy with the use of synchrotron radiation in the energy range 80–450 eV. The experiments are performed in situ in ultrahigh vacuum for ultrathin Ba coatings on 3C-SiC(111) samples grown by a new method of substituting substrate atoms. It is found that the adsorption of Ba brings about the appearance of induced surface states with the binding energies 1.9, 6.2, and 7.5 eV. Evolution of the surface states and the spectra of the Si 2p and C 1s core levels shows that the Ba/3C-SiC(111) interface is formed due to charge transfer from Ba adatoms to surface Si atoms and underlying C atoms.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(4):457-461
pages 457-461 views

Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena

Impact ionization in nonuniformly heated silicon p+nn+ and n+pp+ structures

Musaev A.M.


Experimental results on the effects of changes in the impact-ionization current in silicon diffusion p+nn+ and n+pp+ structures upon nonuniform heating are presented. It is shown that the revealed effects are associated with the transformation of band energy levels caused by thermoelastic stresses of the structures.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(4):462-465
pages 462-465 views

Sulfur passivation of semi-insulating GaAs: Transition from Coulomb blockade to weak localization regime

Bagraev N.T., Chaikina E.I., Danilovskii E.Y., Gets D.S., Klyachkin L.E., L’vova T.V., Malyarenko A.M.


The sulfur passivation of the semi-insulating GaAs bulk (SI GaAs) grown in an excess phase of arsenic is used to observe the transition from the Coulomb blockade to the weak localization regime at room temperature. The I–V characteristics of the SI GaAs device reveal nonlinear behavior that appears to be evidence of the Coulomb blockade process as well as the Coulomb oscillations. The sulfur passivation of the SI GaAs device surface results in enormous transformation of the I–V characteristics that demonstrate the strong increase of the resistance and Coulomb blockade regime is replaced by the electron tunneling processes. The results obtained are analyzed within frameworks of disordering SI GaAs surface that is caused by inhomogeneous distribution of the donor and acceptor anti-site defects which affects the conditions of quantum- mechanical tunneling. Weak localization processes caused by the preservation of the Fermi level pinning are demonstrated by measuring the negative magnetoresistance in weak magnetic fields at room temperature. Finally, the studies of the magnetoresistance at higher magnetic fields reveal the h/2e Aharonov–Altshuler–Spivak oscillations with the complicated behavior due to possible statistical mismatch of the interference paths in the presence of different microdefects.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(4):466-477
pages 466-477 views

Electric field effect on lowest excited-state binding energy of hydrogenic impurity in (In,Ga)N parabolic wire

El Ghazi H., Jorio A.


Externally applied electric field and effective radius effects are investigated on the lowest excitedstate shallow-donor binding energy in (In,Ga)N-GaN parabolic wire within the framework of single band effective-mass approximation. The calculations are performed using the finite-difference method within the quasi-one-dimensional effective potential model. Our results reveal that: (i) the probability density is the largest on a circularity whose radius is the effective radius, (ii) the lowest excited-state binding energy is the largest for impurity located on this circularity while it starts to decrease when the impurity is away from the circularity and (iii) the binding energy is strongly-dependent on the complex interplay of spatial confinement, coulomb interaction and applied electric field.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(4):478-481
pages 478-481 views

Amorphous, Vitreous, and Organic Semiconductors

Gaussian approximation of the spectral dependence of the absorption spectrum in polymer semiconductors

Malov V.V., Tameev A.R., Novikov S.V., Khenkin M.V., Kazanskii A.G., Vannikov A.V.


The optical and photoelectric properties of present-day photosensitive polymers are of particular interest due to their prospects for use in various photoelectric applications. Here the absorption edge is studied by the constant photocurrent method which is widely used for studies of inorganic materials. For the objects to be studied, PCDTBT and PTB7 polymers and their mixtures with the PC71BM fullerene derivative are chosen. The spectral dependences of the absorption coefficient for the pure polymers and mixtures are approximated on the assumption of the Gaussian distribution of the density of states in the bands of the components, which provides a means for estimating the electrical band gaps. In addition, such processing of the spectra makes it possible to confirm some important inferences about the states responsible for optical transitions in the low-energy absorption region.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(4):482-486
pages 482-486 views

“Dimensional” effect due to the matrix isolation of luminescent composites of polyphenylquinolines

Alexandrova E.L., Nekrasova T.N., Smyslov R.Y., Matyushina N.V., Myagkova L.A., Svetlichnyi V.M.


The dimensional effect previously observed in various matrices for 2,6-polyphenylquinoline containing oxygen bridge and carbazolediyl groups is confirmed for phenylamine-containing 2,6-polyphenylquinolines with carbazole- and indolocarbazolediyl moieties in a polymethyl methacrylate matrix. The effect is observed from the dependence of the luminescence parameters (intensity and peak position) on the film thickness and poly-4-phenylquinoline concentration in the matrix. It is shown that the luminescence intensity decreases as the film thickness decreases to less than 50 micrometers and at distances 〈D〉 between molecules in the composite of less than 9 nm, with the peak position shifted to shorter wavelengths. The dependence of the luminescence intensity on 〈D〉 has a clearly pronounced maximum at 6–9 nm.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(4):487-493
pages 487-493 views

Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors

Polytype inclusions and polytype stability in silicon-carbide crystals

Avrov D.D., Lebedev A.O., Tairov Y.M.


On the basis of both published data and our own experimental data we consider the main aspects of the problem related to ensuring polytype stability for ingots of grown 4H and 6H silicon-carbide compounds.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(4):494-501
pages 494-501 views

Carbon Systems

Prediction of the stability and electronic properties of carbon nanotori synthesized by a high-voltage pulsed discharge in ethanol vapor

Glukhova O.E., Kondrashov V.A., Nevolin V.K., Bobrinetsky I.I., Savostyanov G.V., Slepchenkov M.M.


An experimental technique for increasing the yield of carbon-nanotube nanotori using the modified arc synthesis method is proposed. New physical knowledge on the systematic features of the interrelation between the properties of nanotori and atomic-network topology are theoretically established for the first time. The experiments are performed based on new technology for synthesizing nanotori on nickel-catalyst particles by a high-voltage pulsed discharge in ethanol vapor and using atomic-force microscopy. Stability is predicted using an original procedure for calculating local atomic stresses. Simulation shows that the zigzag chirality corresponds to the most stable topology of nanotori. Using the tight binding method, it is shown that, depending on the chirality type, nanotori are divided into two classes, i.e., those with metal and semiconductor conductivity.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(4):502-507
pages 502-507 views

Physics of Semiconductor Devices

Quantitative analysis of optical and recombination losses in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin-film solar cells

Kosyachenko L.A., Lytvynenko V.Y., Maslyanchuk O.L.


Optical and recombination losses in a Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin-film solar cell with a band gap of 1.36–1.38 eV are theoretically analyzed. The optical transmittance of the ZnO and CdS layers through which the radiation penetrates into the absorbing layer is determined. Using optical constants, the optical loss caused by reflection at the interfaces (7.5%) and absorption in the ZnO and CdS layers (10.2%) are found. To calculate the recombination loss, the spectral distribution of the quantum efficiency of CdS/CuIn1–xGaxSe2 is investigated. It is demonstrated that, taking the drift and diffusion components of recombination at the front and rear surfaces of the absorber into account, the quantum efficiency spectra of the investigated solar cell can be analytically described in detail. The real parameters of the solar cell are determined by comparing the calculated results and experimental data. In addition, the losses caused by the recombination of photogenerated carriers at the front and rear surfaces of the absorbing layer (1.8% and <0.1%, respectively), at its neutral part (7.6%), and in the space-charge region of the p–n heterojunction (1.0%) are determined. A correction to the parameters of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 is proposed, which enhances the charge-accumulation efficiency.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(4):508-516
pages 508-516 views

Heterostructures of metamorphic GaInAs photovoltaic converters fabricated by MOCVD on GaAs substrates

Mintairov S.A., Emelyanov V.M., Rybalchenko D.V., Salii R.A., Timoshina N.K., Shvarts M.Z., Kalyuzhnyy N.A.


Heterostructures of metamorphic GaInAs photovoltaic converters (PVCs) are on GaAs substrates by the metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) method. It is shown that using a multilayer metamorphic buffer with a step of 2.5% in indium content and layer thicknesses of 120 nm provides the high quality of bulk layers subsequently grown on the buffer up to an indium content of 24%. PVCs with a long-wavelength photosensitivity edge up to 1300 nm and a quantum efficiency of ~80% in the spectral range 1050–1100 nm are fabricated. Analysis of the open-circuit voltage of the PVCs and diffusion lengths of minority carriers in the layers demonstrates that the density of misfit dislocations penetrating into the bulk layers increases at an indium content exceeding 10%.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(4):517-522
pages 517-522 views

Simulation of the real efficiencies of high-efficiency silicon solar cells

Sachenko A.V., Skrebtii A.I., Korkishko R.M., Kostylyov V.P., Kulish N.R., Sokolovskyi I.O.


The temperature dependences of the efficiency η of high-efficiency solar cells based on silicon are calculated. It is shown that the temperature coefficient of decreasing η with increasing temperature decreases as the surface recombination rate decreases. The photoconversion efficiency of high-efficiency silicon-based solar cells operating under natural (field) conditions is simulated. Their operating temperature is determined self-consistently by simultaneously solving the photocurrent, photovoltage, and energy-balance equations. Radiative and convective cooling mechanisms are taken into account. It is shown that the operating temperature of solar cells is higher than the ambient temperature even at very high convection coefficients (~300 W/m2 K). Accordingly, the photoconversion efficiency in this case is lower than when the temperature of the solar cells is equal to the ambient temperature. The calculated dependences for the open-circuit voltage and the photoconversion efficiency of high-quality silicon solar cells under concentrated illumination are discussed taking into account the actual temperature of the solar cells.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(4):523-529
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On the formation of silicon nanoclusters ncl-Si in a hydrogenated amorphous silicon suboxide matrix a-SiOx:H (0 < x < 2) with time-modulated dc magnetron plasma

Undalov Y.K., Terukov E.I., Gusev O.B., Trapeznikova I.N.


Activation of the process of amorphous-silicon-nanocluster formation in a hydrogenated amorphous- silicon suboxide matrix with time-modulated dc discharge plasma is investigated. The plasma is modulated by repeatedly switching on and off a dc magnetron magnetic coil. It is demonstrated that the resulting self-induction effect leads eventually to an increase in the probability of collisions between discharge electrons and gaseous components. The infrared (IR) spectra of the films showed that plasma modulation enhances predominantly the content of bridging oxygen in the a-SiOx:H matrix by strengthening the oxygenionization process. It is assumed that this also increases the concentration of silicon nanoclusters ncl-Si with an oxidized outer surface in the plasma and, thus, enhances the ncl-Si flux toward the electrodes of the dc magnetron. The photoluminescence spectra include two broad overlapping bands characteristic of amorphous ncl-Si with maxima in the range of 600–1000 nm.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(4):530-540
pages 530-540 views

Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures

On a reduction in cracking upon the growth of AlN on Si substrates by hydride vapor-phase epitaxy

Sharofidinov S.S., Nikolaev V.I., Smirnov A.N., Chikiryaka A.V., Nikitina I.P., Odnoblyudov M.A., Bugrov V.E., Romanov A.E.


The main problem of the epitaxial growth of thick AlN layers on a Si substrate consists in the formation of cracks, which complicates the application of structures of this kind in the fabrication of semiconductor devices. The possibility of obtaining crack-free AlN layers with a thickness exceeding 1 μm and a mirror- smooth surface by hydride vapor-phase epitaxy is demonstrated. The properties of the layers are studied by X-diffraction analysis, optical and scanning electron microscopy, and Raman spectroscopy.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(4):541-544
pages 541-544 views

Specific features of doping with antimony during the ion-beam crystallization of silicon

Pashchenko A.S., Chebotarev S.N., Lunin L.S., Irkha V.A.


A method of doping during the growth of thin films by ion-beam crystallization is proposed. By the example of Si and Sb, the possibility of controllably doping semiconductors during the ion-beam crystallization process is shown. A calibrated temperature dependence of the antimony vapor flow rate in the range from 150 to 400°C is obtained. It is established that, an increase in the evaporator temperature above 200°C brings about the accumulation of impurities in the layer growth direction. Silicon layers doped with antimony to a concentration of 1018 cm–3 are grown. It is shown that, as the evaporator temperature is increased, the efficiency of the activation of antimony in silicon nonlinearly decreases from ~100 to ~10–3.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(4):545-548
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Optical and structural properties of Cu2ZnSnS4 thin films obtained by pulsed laser deposition in a H2S atmosphere with subsequent annealing in a N2 atmosphere

Teterina G.D., Nevolin V.N., Sipaylo I.P., Medvedeva S.S., Teterin P.E.


The structural and optical properties of Cu2ZnSnS4 thin-film layers formed by reactive pulsed laser deposition in a H2S atmosphere at room temperature with the use of a Cu metal target and a Zn–Sn alloy target are studied in relation to the parameters of annealing in a N2 atmosphere.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(4):549-554
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Possibility of the use of intermediate carbidsiliconoxide nanolayers on polydiamond substrates for gallium nitride layers epitaxy

Averichkin P.A., Donskov A.A., Dukhnovsky M.P., Knyazev S.N., Kozlova Y.P., Yugova T.G., Belogorokhov I.A.


The results of using carbidsiliconoxide (a-C:SiO1.5) films with a thickness of 30–60 nm, produced by the pyrolysis annealing of oligomethylsilseskvioksana (CH3–SiO1.5)n with cyclolinear (staircased) molecular structure, as intermediate films in the hydride vapor phase epitaxy of gallium nitride on polycrystalline CVD-diamond substrates are presented. In the pyrolysis annealing of (CH3–SiO1.5)n films in an atmosphere of nitrogen at a temperature of 1060°C, methyl radicals are carbonized to yield carbon atoms chemically bound to silicon. In turn, these atoms form a SiC monolayer on the surface of a-C:SiO1.5 films via covalent bonding with silicon. It is shown that GaN islands grow on such an intermediate layer on CVD-polydiamond substrates in the process of hydride vapor phase epitaxy in a vertical reactor from the GaCl–NH3–N2 gas mixture.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(4):555-558
pages 555-558 views

Features of the diagnostics of metamorphic InAlAs/InGaAs/InAlAs nanoheterostructures by high-resolution X-ray diffraction in the ω-scanning mode

Vasil’evskii I.S., Pushkarev S.S., Grekhov M.M., Vinichenko A.N., Lavrukhin D.V., Kolentsova O.S.


This study is devoted to the search for new possibilities of characterizing crystal-structure features using high-resolution X-ray diffraction. The emphasis is on the scanning mode across the diffraction vector (ω-scanning), since researchers usually pay little attention to this mode, and its capabilities have not yet been completely revealed. For the [011] and [01\(\bar 1\)] directions, the ω-peak half-width and the average tilt angle of the sample surface profile are compared. The diagnostic capabilities of X-ray scattering mapping are also studied. The objects of study are semiconductor nanoheterostructures with an InAlAs/InGaAs/InAlAs quantum well and an InxAl1–xAs metamorphic buffer grown by molecular-beam epitaxy on InP and GaAs substrates. Such nanoheterostructures are used to fabricate microwave transistors and monolithic integrated circuits. The objects under study are more completely characterized using the Hall effect, atomic-force microscopy, and low-temperature photoluminescence spectroscopy at 79 K.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(4):559-565
pages 559-565 views

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