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Vol 53, No 4 (2019)

Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion)

Effect of Nickel and Copper Introduced at Room Temperature on the Recombination Properties of Extended Defects in Silicon

Orlov V.I., Yarykin N.A., Yakimov E.B.


The change in the recombination properties of individual dislocations and dislocation trails in silicon due to the diffusion of nickel and copper during chemical-mechanical polishing at room temperature is studied by the electron-beam- and light-beam-induced current techniques. It is found that the introduction of nickel results in an increase in the recombination activity of both dislocations and dislocation trails. The introduction of copper does not induce any substantial change in the contrast of extended defects.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(4):411-414
pages 411-414 views

Defect Formation under Nitrogen-Ion Implantation and Subsequent Annealing in GaAs Structures with an Uncovered Surface and a Surface Covered with an AlN Film

Sobolev N.A., Sakharov V.I., Serenkov I.T., Bondarev A.D., Karabeshkin K.V., Fomin E.V., Kalyadin A.E., Mikoushkin V.M., Shek E.I., Sherstnev E.V.


The concentration profiles of defects produced in structures upon the implantation of nitrogen ions into GaAs epitaxial layers with an uncovered surface and that covered with an AlN film and subsequent annealing are studied. The ion energies and the implantation doses are chosen so that the nitrogen-atom concentration profiles coincided in structures of both types. Rutherford proton backscattering spectra are measured in the random and channeling modes, and the concentration profiles of point defects formed are calculated for the samples under study. It is found that the implantation of nitrogen ions introduces nearly the same number of point defects into structures of both types, and the formation of an AlN film by ion-plasma sputtering is accompanied by the formation of an additional number of defects. However, the annealing of structures of both types leads to nearly the same concentrations of residual defects.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(4):415-418
pages 415-418 views

Electronic Properties of Semiconductors

Thermoelectric Characteristics of Heavily Doped p-Type Lead Telluride at Different Heavy-Hole Band Depths

Dmitriev A.V.


The full set of thermoelectric parameters of heavily doped p-PbTe in the temperature range of 300–1200 K at an acceptor doping level of Na = 1 × 1019–4 × 1020 cm–3 and a heavy-hole band depth ranging from 0.36 to 0.7 eV is calculated. The figure-of-merit value Z is found to be highly sensitive to the doping level and increased by a factor of 1.5 with an increase in the dopant concentration from 1 × 1019 to 5 × 1019 cm–3; the maximum Z value is found to correspond to Na = (1–2) × 1020 cm–3. It is demonstrated that the change in the heavy-hole band depth leads to a noticeable shift of the Z maximum position along the temperature axis without noticeable Z maximum variation. The temperature corresponding to the maximum Z value is similar to that at which the top of the light-hole band crosses the Fermi level. The maximum calculateded ZT value is shown to be 1.64. At a heavy-hole band depth of 0.5 eV, the calculated results agree well with the available experimental data.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(4):419-427
pages 419-427 views

Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation

Carrier Lifetime in Semiconductors with Band-Gap Widths Close to the Spin-Orbit Splitting Energies

Bazhenov N.L., Mynbaev K.D., Semakova A.A., Zegrya G.G.


Expressions for the Auger- and radiative-recombination rates are derived in terms of Kane’s model for materials with a band-gap width close to the spin-orbit splitting energy, which is the case for InAs, InAsSb solid solutions, etc. Our results are compared with simplified expressions for recombination rates, frequently used in publications. It is shown that the nonparabolicity of the electronic structure should be taken into account in calculations of the recombination rates. As an example, the temperature dependences of the charge-carrier lifetimes governed by radiative and non-radiative processes are calculated for InAsSb solid solutions.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(4):428-433
pages 428-433 views

Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films

Evolution of Micropits on Large Terraces of the Si(111) Surface during High-Temperature Annealing

Petrov A.S., Sitnikov S.V., Kosolobov S.S., Latyshev A.V.


The transformation of micropits on large terraces of the Si(111) surface containing no vicinal atomic steps has been investigated by in situ ultrahigh-vacuum reflection electron microscopy upon thermal annealing of the substrate in the range of 1200–1400°C. A procedure for the formation of micropits on large terraces of the Si(111) surface with the application of focused-ion-beam (Ga+) technology has been proposed. It has been found that the micropit decay kinetics varies upon reaching the critical radius Rcrit, which is caused by the activation of nucleation of two-dimensional vacancy islands on the micropit bottom. A theoretical model describing variations in the lateral sizes of the micropit both before and after reaching Rcrit has been proposed. Based on analysis of the found temperature dependence of the nucleation frequencies of two-dimensional vacancy pits on the micropit bottom, the effective energy of nucleation of a vacancy island has been determined to be 4.1 ± 0.1 eV.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(4):434-438
pages 434-438 views

Effect of a Second-Order Phase Transition on the Electrical Conductivity of Metal/Semiconductor Structures

Nabiullin I.R., Gadiev R.M., Lachinov A.N.


The properties of the Cr–p-Si potential barrier near the temperature of the antiferromagnetic–paramagnetic phase transition in chromium are investigated. A significant change in the potential barrier and an anomalous increase in the conductivity in the Cr–p-Si–Au structure are observed near the temperature of the second-order antiferromagnetic–paramagnetic phase transition in chromium. It is established that current fluctuations in the structure are enhanced when approaching the phase-transition point. The experimental results are interpreted based on the assumption that the observed change in the electron-transport properties of the Cr–Si interface is due to a shift of the Fermi quasi-level in chromium as a result of the second-order phase transition.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(4):439-441
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Simulated Contrast of Two Dislocations

Ledra M., El Hdiy A.


A three-dimensional Monte Carlo simulation algorithm is used to study the contrast of two dislocations perpendicular to the irradiated surface of an n-doped silicon sample in the electron beam induced current mode. The dislocations are positioned in the irradiation trajectory, and each of both is considered as a cylinder where the minority carrier diffusion length varies abruptly from a low inside dislocations up to a high value outside dislocations. The EBIC contrast was obtained by simulating the random diffusion of carriers generated at point-like sources randomly distributed within the generation volume. Results are analyzed on the basis of change in the generation volume in the bulk of the sample and of carrier trapping process inside dislocations. The EBIC contrast increases with the increase of the electron beam energy. It also increases when the minority diffusion length inside dislocations, or their separating distance decreases.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(4):442-446
pages 442-446 views

Preparation and Characterization of Sol–Gel Dip Coated Al: ZnO (AZO) Thin Film for Opto-Electronic Application

Kumar K.D., Valanarasu S., Rosario S.R.


Aluminum doped zinc oxide (AZO) thin film was prepared by sol–gel dip coating method from methanol and monoethanolamine respectively, used as solvent and stabilizer agent. From the XRD study, it was confirmed that the aluminum was incorporated into the ZnO lattice. The prepared film have polycrystalline in nature and the film exhibit hexagonal wurtzite structure with (002) direction. SEM and AFM studies showed well defined smooth and uniformed wrinkle shaped grains distributed regularly on to the entire glass substrate without any pinholes and cracks. From the optical study, the observed highest transmittance was about 82% in the visible range and the band gap is 3.15 eV. Room temperature PL spectra exhibited a strong UV emission peak located at 390 nm for the deposited film. The electrical properties of the AZO thin film was studied by Hall-Effect measurement and found that it has n-type conductivity with low resistivity (ρ) of about 9.06 × 10–3 Ω cm.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(4):447-451
pages 447-451 views

Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena

Influence of the Substrate Material on the Properties of Gallium-Oxide Films and Gallium-Oxide-Based Structures

Kalygina V.M., Lygdenova T.Z., Petrova Y.S., Chernikov E.V.


The influence of the substrate material on the properties of gallium-oxide films formed on sapphire and n(p)-GaAs semiconductor wafers by high-frequency magnetron-assisted deposition is studied. The films grown on insulating substrates, as a rule, are of the n type and possess a high resistance. The increase in their conductivity with temperature is defined by the ionization of deep donor centers, whose energy is (0.98 ± 0.02) eV below the bottom of the conduction band. Gallium-oxide films grown on single-crystal GaAs layers are of the n type as well, irrespective of the conductivity type of the semiconductor substrates. However, the conductance of such films is noticeably higher, which is attributed to the possible diffusion of uncontrollable impurities from the semiconductor into the growing gallium-oxide layer. The electrical characteristics of Ga2O3– semiconductor structures are defined to a larger extent by the properties of the oxide–semiconductor interface than by the properties of the contacting materials. In the reverse branch of the current–voltage characteristics of Ga2O3/p-GaAs samples before annealing, a region of N-type negative resistance is observed. After annealing of the gallium-oxide films at 900°C (30 min), the conductance of the structures corresponds to the current–voltage characteristic of a backward diode.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(4):452-457
pages 452-457 views

Resonance Absorption of Electromagnetic Radiation in a Phosphorene Single Layer

Karpunin V.V., Margulis V.A.


The absorption coefficient of the electromagnetic radiation in a phosphorene single layer placed in a magnetic field is found. A degenerate and nondegenerate electron gas is considered. The resonant dependences of the absorptance on the radiation frequency and applied magnetic field are found. Taking into account electron scattering at an ionized impurity leads to oscillation dependences of the absorption coefficient on the radiation frequency and external magnetic field. The resonance character of the absorption curve is shown. The conditions of resonances and position of resonance peaks are found.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(4):458-464
pages 458-464 views

Features of the Characteristics of Field-Resistant Silicon–Ultrathin Oxide–Polysilicon Structures

Goldman E.I., Levashov S.A., Chucheva G.V.


Results of studying the features of the current–voltage (IV) and capacitance–voltage characteristics of field-resistant silicon–ultrathin oxide–polysilicon structures are presented. It turns out that the total recharging of localized electron states and minority carriers concentrated near the substrate–insulator interface, which occurs with a variation in the field voltage, is an order of magnitude higher than that of samples susceptible to damage by the field stress effect. The tunneling IV characteristic is significantly asymmetric; notably, the current flowing from the field electrode into the silicon substrate is several orders of magnitude lower when compared with the current flowing from silicon to polysilicon at identical external voltages dropping across the insulating layer. To explain this asymmetry, it is assumed that a potential barrier in the transition layer from polysilicon to oxide, which separates the semiconductor electrode and substrate, has a height of ~1 eV and therefore always hinders electrical transport; for reverse currents, this barrier stops limiting the conductivity as soon as the tunneling level becomes higher than it.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(4):465-468
pages 465-468 views

Features of the Temperature Dependence of the Specific Contact Resistance of Au–Ti–Pd–n+n-Si Diffusion Silicon Structures

Belyaev A.E., Boltovets N.S., Klad’ko V.P., Safryuk-Romanenko N.V., Lubchenko A.I., Sheremet V.N., Shynkarenko V.V., Slepova A.S., Pilipenko V.A., Petlitskaya T.V., Pilipchuk A.S., Konakova R.V., Sachenko A.V.


The temperature dependences of the specific contact resistance of silicon ρc with a doping step are measured experimentally and described theoretically. The measurements are performed in the temperature range from 4.2 to 380 K. It is established that the contacts of the studied Au–Ti–Pd–n+n-Si structures are ohmic. It is shown that minimal ρc is implemented at T = 75 K. Its value rises both with a decrease in temperature (due to the freezing effect) and with an increase in temperature (due to the electron-enriched layer at the boundary with the bulk material). It is established that the bulk electron concentration strongly decreases in the near-contact region in a layer with a thickness on the order of one micron due to the compensation of silicon by deep acceptors appearing because of the formation of a rather high vacancy concentration during stress relaxation and the appearance of a high dislocation density, as well as due to their diffusion from the contact after heating to 450°C. The data on the occurrence of vacancy-type defects are confirmed by X-ray measurements. The dislocation density in the studied structures is also estimated from X-ray measurements.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(4):469-476
pages 469-476 views

Investigation into the Distribution of Built-in Electric Fields in LED Heterostructures with Multiple GaN/InGaN Quantum Wells by Electroreflectance Spectroscopy

Aslanyan A.E., Avakyants L.P., Bokov P.Y., Chervyakov A.V.


Electric-field nonuniformity in the active region of a LED (light-emitting diode) heterostructure based on five identical GaN/InGaN quantum wells is investigated by the electroreflectance method. The energies of band-to-band transitions in the quantum wells and barriers are determined from the analysis of electroreflectance spectra using the Kramers–Kronig transforms. The procedure for estimating the electric-field strength in separate quantum wells of the active region by the position of spectral lines is proposed. It is found that the energies of the main transition in quantum wells of the active region with zero bias of the pn junction differ by a magnitude on the order of 140 meV, which corresponds to a difference in the electric-field strengths of 0.78 MV/cm. It is shown that the nonuniformity of the electric field in the active region depends on the pn junction bias.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(4):477-483
pages 477-483 views

Quantum Confined Stark Effect and Temperature Dependencies of Photoluminescence of InAs Quantum Dots Coupled with AlGaAs/GaAs Two Dimensional Electron Gas

Khmissi H., El Sayed A.M.


In this work, Experimental study of the influence of internal electric field and the temperature on the photoluminescence of InAs self assembled quantum dots inserted in AlGaAs/GaAs modulation doped hetero-structure have been investigated. The internal electric field is controlled by an appropriate design of the hetero-structure. We have observed a red shift of the photoluminescence position peaks result from the quantum confined Stark effect due to the local electric field existing in the structure. Estimation values of the internal electric field have been obtained through carrier’s densities values in interface of AlGaAs/GaAs hetero-junction. An anomalous dependence of the full width at half maximum with temperature has been found, which attributed to the carrier’s dynamics between InAs quantum dots layer and the two-dimensional electron gas.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(4):484-488
pages 484-488 views

Electrical Characterization of Hybrid Halide Perovskites Based Heterojunction Device

Jyoti Chaudhary ., Choudhary S., Negi C.M., Gupta S.K., Verma A.S.


Herein, we have measured the mobility of Hole’s for the configuration FTO/TiO2/CH3NH3PbBr3/PEDOT:PSS/Al by the SCLC regime. The current–voltage (IV) characteristics of the CH3NH3PbBr3 perovskite based device shows the rectifying behavior as Schottky diode. Different parameters of the proposed device such as saturation current, ideality factor, barrier height have been taken out from IV characteristics. The highest Hole’s mobility from TiO2 thin film through the perovskite and PEDOT:PSS film to the top aluminum electrode has of order 1.59 × 10–4 cm2 V–1 s–1. Moreover, the proposed device shows the TFSCLC regime at lower voltage while, at higher voltages it shows the TCLC regime. In addition to this, some important parameters like junction resistance, capacitance and carrier lifetime of device can be measured by the spectroscopy analysis of impedance.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(4):489-492
pages 489-492 views

Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors

Raman Scattering in InSb Spherical Nanocrystals Ion-Synthesized in Silicon-Oxide Films

Tyschenko I.E., Volodin V.A., Popov V.P.


The Raman spectra of SiO2 films containing InSb spherical nanocrystals produced by ion-beam synthesis are studied. TO- and LO-like modes in the spectra of the InSb nanocrystals are detected at frequencies of 187 and 195 cm–1, respectively. The shift of these modes to high frequencies with respect to the corresponding frequencies in InSb bulk crystals is analyzed from the viewpoint of the influence of the quantum-confinement effect, strains in nanocrystals, the surface phonon frequency, and scattering at the frequency corresponding to stretched anion–cation modes at the surface of polar spherical nanocrystals. The position of the 195-cm–1 mode corresponds to LO phonons in InSb nanocrystals hydrostatically compressed in the SiO2 matrix at pressures of about 10 kbar. The 187-cm–1 mode corresponds to resonance at the Fröhlich frequency.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(4):493-498
pages 493-498 views

Optical Properties of CdSe/ZnS Nanoparticles in Heat-Treated Polyvinylchloride Films

Rasmagin S.I., Novikov I.K.


Composites based on polyvinylchloride with incorporated CdSe/ZnS nanoparticles are produced. The optical and electrical properties of the polymer composites containing CdSe/ZnS nanoparticles are studied. The absorption and photoluminescence spectra of the composites are recorded, and their bulk resistivities are measured. The CdSe nanoparticle dimensions are determined. It is established that, upon short-term heat treatment, the photoluminescence intensity increases, whereas upon heating for a long time, the photoluminescence intensity substantially decreases.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(4):499-502
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The Growth of InAsxSb1 –x Solid Solutions on Misoriented GaAs(001) Substrates by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy

Emelyanov E.A., Vasev A.V., Semyagin B.R., Yesin M.Y., Loshkarev I.D., Vasilenko A.P., Putyato M.A., Petrushkov M.O., Preobrazhenskii V.V.


The effect of a substrate misorientation degree from a singular face on the composition and morphology of layers of InAsxSb1 –x solid solutions obtained by molecular-beam epitaxy on a GaAs surface has been investigated. The substrates of GaAs wafers with the orientation (100) misoriented in the direction [110] by 0°, 1°, 2°, and 5° are used. The heterostructures are grown at temperatures of 310°C and 380°C (respectively, the lower and upper boundaries of the temperature range in which structurally perfect InAsxSb1 –x films form). The effect of the molecular form of arsenic (As2 or As4) on the composition of the layers is studied. The composition and structural properties are investigated using high-resolution X-ray diffractometry (HRXRD) and atomic-force microscopy (AFM). It is established that, in the series of misorientation angles 0° → 5°, the arsenic fraction x increases consecutively when using fluxes of both As2 and As4 molecules. With the As2 molecular flux, the fraction x increases only a little (1.05 times) with increasing degree of misorientation, while, when using the As4 flux, the increase in x is 1.75 times. An increase in the growth temperature leads to growth in the arsenic fraction in the solid solution. The surface morphology improves with an increasing degree of misorientation at a low growth temperature and degrades at a high temperature.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(4):503-510
pages 503-510 views

Physics of Semiconductor Devices

Large-Amplitude Shock Electromagnetic Wave in a Nonlinear Transmission Line Based on a Distributed Semiconductor Diode

Kyuregyan A.S.


The problem of the formation and propagation of a large-amplitude shock electromagnetic wave in a strip transmission line (TL) based on a distributed semiconductor diode is analytically solved. The solution correctly considers its nonlinearity, dissipation, and time dispersion. The results of the theory are used to estimate the parameters of the TL as a sharpener of the pulse front voltage applied to the line input.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(4):511-518
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High-Power Nano- and Picosecond Optoelectronic Switches Based on High-Voltage Silicon Structures with pn Junctions. III. Self-Heating Effects

Kyuregyan A.S.


The self-heating effects of optoelectronic switches based on vertical high-voltage structures with pn junctions (Vertical Photoactivated Semiconductor Switches, VPSS) operating in the high-frequency mode are theoretically studied for the first time. It is shown that the strong temperature dependence of the control-radiation absorbance κ(T) is a major factor controlling the maximum switching frequency fmax and the corresponding maximum crystal temperature Tmax, as well as the temperature T and current density j distributions over the device area. Two-dimensional analysis of the simplest electrothermal model of a VPSS embedded into a double coaxial forming line shows that an increase in the switching frequency f leads to current displacement to the device periphery where the temperature is minimum. However, the T and j distributions over the device area remain stable at  f < fmax and T < Tmax. Certainly,  fmax and Tmax depend on the control-radiation pulse energy, pulse switching power, and heat-removal conditions. For the VPSS based on indirect-gap semiconductors (Si, SiC), they vary within 20–120 kHz and 120–160°C which is quite sufficient for practical applications. However, VPSSs based on direct-gap semiconductors (GaAs, InP) are in fact inapplicable to operation in high-frequency modes due to the fact that the dependence κ(T) is too sharp.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(4):519-523
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Inhomogeneous Injection and Heat-Transfer Processes in Reversely Switched Dynistors Operating in the Pulse-Frequency Repetition Modes with a Limited Heat Sink

Gorbatyuk A.V., Ivanov B.V.


For the first time, a self-consistent computational–theoretical description of the physical processes in reversely switched dynistors (RSDs) is obtained when operating in pulse-frequency modes with a limited heat sink. A simplified representation of the nonlinear multiscale mechanism of interaction between the injection and heat-transfer subsystems is substantiated, and a method for calculating the maximum frequency of the RSD switching unit is developed on this basis. The dependence of the permissible frequency on the cooler power is calculated for the set parameters of the chip and the shape of the switched pulses. It is shown that, with a proper heat sink, each from all RSD modules with a chip area of 1 cm2 and an operating voltage of U ≈ 2.5 kV are able to switch an energy of 0.25 J per pulse with a repetition frequency of up to 30 kHz. For high-voltage generators on their basis with U ≈ 100 kV, the power transmitted to a load at this frequency amounts to several fractions of a MW.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(4):524-529
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Formation of Porous Silicon by Nanopowder Sintering

Astrova E.V., Voronkov V.B., Nashchekin A.V., Parfeneva A.V., Lozhkina D.A., Tomkovich M.V., Kukushkina Y.A.


The technique of the electrochemical and photoelectrochemical etching of single-crystal silicon wafers commonly used to fabricate macroporous silicon layers is inefficient and costly. An alternative method for forming bulk macroporous silicon is the high-temperature sintering of Si powder. The process of nanopowder sintering preliminarily subjected to dry cold compression (without binding additives) is investigated. The properties of the sintered material, including its microstructure, density, and electrical conductivity, are studied at different annealing temperature and time. Techniques for changing the porosity of the sintered samples and for determining of the interior surface area are discussed.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(4):530-539
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Power Conversion Efficiencies of Perovskite and Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells under Various Solar Radiation Intensities

Nikolskaia A.B., Kozlov S.S., Vildanova M.F., Shevaleevskiy O.I.


We present the results of a comparative study on behaviour of the photovoltaic parameters in perovskite (PSC), dye-sensitized (DSC) and crystalline silicon (c-Si) solar cells under various intensities of solar radiation (10–1000 W/m2). It was found that unlike c-Si, the power conversion efficiencies of PSC and DSC under low radiation intensities are comparable with the corresponding values observed under standard light intensity of 1000 W/m2 (AM1.5G). We have shown that high performance of the PSC and DSC at low and diffuse lighting conditions can be explained by the properties of the nanostructured TiO2-based photoelectrodes depending on the structure, morphology and the thickness of the TiO2 layers.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(4):540-544
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Effect of Electron Irradiation with an Energy of 0.9 MeV on the IV Characteristics and Low-Frequency Noise in 4H–SiC pin Diodes

Dobrov V.A., Kozlovski V.V., Mescheryakov A.V., Usychenko V.G., Chernova A.S., Shabunina E.I., Shmidt N.M.


It is established experimentally that noticeable changes in the IV characteristics and low-frequency noise in 4H-SiC pin diodes irradiated by electrons with an energy of 0.9 MeV are observed after doses of Φ ≥ 1.4 × 1015 cm–2. The currents in the forward and reverse branches of the IV characteristics vary nonmonotonically at voltages lower than 2 V with increasing dose, which is explained by the interaction between the excited electronic subsystem and metastable defects. In this case, a steady increase in the ideality factor and the series resistance of diodes in the region of exponential growth of the IV characteristics at voltages exceeding 2 V is observed. The reliable operation of microwave devices with low-noise 4H-SiC pin diodes under conditions of electron irradiation is possible up to a cumulative dose of Φ ≤ 1015 cm–2. In microwave devices, the level of low-frequency noise in which is irrelevant but the stabile regime of parameters is of importance, the dose can be increased to Φ ≈ 8 × 1015 cm–2.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(4):545-551
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Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures

Electrical and Optical Characteristics of Si-Nanoparticle Films Deposited onto Substrates by High-Voltage Electrospraying from Ethanol Sols

Bubenov S.S., Dorofeev S.G., Kononov N.N., Davydova D.V.


The optical and electrical characteristics of films consisting of nanocrystalline silicon (nc-Si) deposited onto substrates by the high-voltage electrospraying of nc-Si sols in ethanol are investigated. It is found that the interaction of ethanol droplets carrying Si nanoparticles with a corona-discharge electric field leads to the polymerization of ethanol and the formation of a polymer layer on the Si-nanoparticle surface. A high-voltage facility for depositing the films using an additional focusing electrode allows one to change the geometry of the electric field and intensity in the region of the ethanol droplet flow. As a result, nc-Si films with qualitatively different properties of the polymer on the nanoparticle surface are formed, specifically, nc-Si_A and nc-Si_B, obtained without a focusing electrode and with it, respectively. Upon annealing at temperatures of up to 400°С, the optical band gap Eg of the nc-Si_A films increases from ~1.9 to ~2.2 eV, while the Eg value of the nc-Si_B films remains constant and amounts to 1.85 eV. The constant Eg value of the nc-Si_B films is explained by the properties of the polymer on the Si-nanoparticle surface and the more effective blocking of oxygen penetration from the surrounding environment upon annealing at temperatures of up to 400°C than in the case of a polymer in nc-Si_A films. The temperature dependences of the dark and photoinduced conductivity of nc-Si_A films are approximated with good accuracy by two activation-type exponential functions and the dark activation energies are ~0.75 and 0.1 eV, respectively. The conductivity of the nc-Si_A films noticeably decreases under irradiation of the samples at wavelengths of 460–470 nm. The temperature dependences of the conductivity of the nc-Si_B films are approximated with good accuracy by exponential functions with activation energies of 0.73 (in the dark) and 0.59 eV (under photoexcitation). In contrast to the case of nc-Si_A films, the photoconductivity of nc-Si_B films grows more than fourfold relative to the dark conductivity under analogous illumination. The nc-Si_B films are photoactive and sandwich-like Al/nc-Si_B/Al structures can generate a voltage. The dark conductivity and photoconductivity of the nc-Si_A films in the voltage range of V > 2 V are determined by the two-center Poole–Frenkel effect; the concentration of the centers affecting the Poole–Frenkel conductivity is ~3 × 1017 cm–3. In nc-Si_B films in the voltage range of 2–5 V, electron transport is determined by space-charge-limited currents and, at high voltages, by the two-center Poole–Frenkel effect. The concentration of traps contributing to the space-charge-limited currents is ~4 × 1016 cm–3. The concentration of Poole–Frenkel centers affecting the conductivity decreases according to the activation law with an activation energy of 0.7 eV from 3 × 1016 to 2 × 1014 cm–3 with a decrease in temperature from 120°C to 40°C.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(4):552-565
pages 552-565 views

Optical and Structural Properties of Ag and c-Si Nanostructures Formed During the Metal-Assisted Chemical Etching of Silicon

Zharova Y.A., Tolmachev V.A., Pavlov S.I.


This study consisting of two parts is concerned with the features of the three-stage process of the metal-assisted chemical etching (MACE) of silicon. This process is used to fabricate silicon nanostructures. In the first part of this work, a layer of self-assembled Ag nanoparticles chemically deposited from a solution on the surface of single-crystal silicon (c-Si) (MACE stage 1) was studied, and the second part includes of investigation of Si nanostructures formed in stages 2 and 3. By means of spectroscopic ellipsometry (in the range of wavelengths λ = 250–900 nm), the pseudodielectric functions of the nanostructures were determined and compared for all the three stages of the MACE process. In addition, for the Si nanostructures, the parameters of layers (the thickness and void fraction) were calculated in the context of the multilayer optical model, with the use of Bruggeman’s effective-medium approximation and fitting procedures.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(4):566-572
pages 566-572 views

Effect of Oxygen Flow Rate on Structural, Electrical and Optical Properties of Zinc Aluminum Oxide Thin Films Deposited by DC Magnetron Sputtering

Kumar B.R., Hymavathi B.


Zinc Aluminum Oxide thin films were deposited on glass substrates by reactive DC magnetron sputtering method by varying oxygen flow rates from 1 to 4 sccm. Glancing angle X-ray diffraction patterns ofzinc aluminum oxide thin films exhibits (0 0 2) peak with c-plane preferentially oriented parallel to the substrate. The surface morphology and elemental analysis of the films was observed by field emission scanning electron microscopy attached with energy dispersive X-ray analysis spectroscopy. An average optical transmittance of 83–90% is obtained for the films deposited at various oxygen flow rates. The optical band gap of the films increases from 3.41 to 3.53 eV with the increase of oxygen flow rate due to Burstein–Moss effect. The optical dispersion parameters such as dispersion energy (Ed), oscillator energy (Eo) and static refractive index (no) were determined using the Wemple-DiDomenico (W-D) single oscillator model. The nonlinear optical parameters such as optical susceptibility (χ(1)), third order nonlinear optical susceptibility (χ(3)) and nonlinear refractive index (n2) were also determined.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(4):573-581
pages 573-581 views

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