Author Details


Issue Section Title File
No 1 (2023) Articles Nikolai Lapin: Researcher and Science Promoter
No 1 (2023) Articles The Russian Subjective School as an Alternative Mode of Social Reflection
No 1 (2023) Articles Foreign Workers in Russia: Employers' Opinions
No 1 (2023) Articles The Features of Population Reproduction in the Suburbanized Zone (The Case of the Irkutsk Agglomeration)
No 1 (2023) Articles Armenian Diaspora in Russia: Integration vs Repatriation
No 2 (2023) Articles Small Russian Rown: Practices Of Interaction Between Municipal Autyorities And Business
No 2 (2023) Articles Favoritism in Russian Organizations: Antecedents and Consequences
No 2 (2023) Articles Relationship of Trust in Local Self-Gevernment and Participation in Self-Governing Practices
No 1 (2023) Articles From Virtual to Digital Research: Methodological Promises and Limitations of Approaches
No 2 (2023) Articles Local Government Reform: Processes, Problems, Paradoxes
No 3 (2023) Articles L.N. Kogan and Russian Sociology (to the 100th Anniversary of His Birth)
No 1 (2023) Articles The Influence of the Population's Lending on the Level of Suicide in the Russia Regions
No 3 (2023) Articles What Would an Interview about the Sociology of Culture with the Teacher Look Like
No 2 (2023) Articles Geopolitical Challenges And Russian Sociology
No 3 (2023) Articles On the History of Empirical Research of Young Workers in the Urals
No 1 (2023) Articles Sober lifeway: motives, roles and practices
No 3 (2023) Articles Reability of Public Opinion Polls in China
No 2 (2023) Articles The Programming Role Of Culture In The Theory Of Social Evolution
No 3 (2023) Articles “Human Resources” as a Category of Qualitative Sociology
No 2 (2023) Articles Linguistic landscape of a Russian city: sociological optics
No 1 (2023) Articles Social Sentiment and Protest Moods of Kazakhstani People on the Eve of the January 2022 Rallies
No 3 (2023) Articles Conceptual Reconstruction of Karl Marx’s Ecology: Sociological Aspect
No 2 (2023) Articles Designing the Course of Life or How Do Youth See Their Future?
No 1 (2023) Articles Evaluation of Social Well-Being of Kazakhstan’s Students
No 3 (2023) Articles Varieties of the Discourse about Collection and Processing of Recyclable Materials: Between Pursuit of Gain and Saving the World
No 2 (2023) Articles Migratory Emotions And Political Attitudes Of Siberian And Far Eastern Students: Correlational Problem
No 3 (2023) Articles Mediated Orthodoxy: Mission in China
No 1 (2023) Articles P.A. Sorokin and R. Thurnwald: Collaboration in the Journal “Sociologus”: Toward the Publication of Business Correspondence and Journal Reviews
No 2 (2023) Articles Subjective well-being of Russians: the risks of preretirement age
No 3 (2023) Articles Structure and Content of Information Campaign on Television During First Wave of Pandemic of COVID‑19 in Russia
No 1 (2023) Articles Selected Business Correspondence of Sociologists P.A. Sorokin and R. Thurnwald (1928–1954)
No 2 (2023) Articles Older People And The Pandemic: Social Exclusion, Heterogeneity Of The Groups Of Seniors And Intersectionality Of Age Inequalities
No 3 (2023) Articles Sociology (translated by N.V. Romanovsky)
No 1 (2023) Articles Some of the New Works in the Field of "Philosophical" and "Empirical-Inductive" Sociology: Consolidated Review
No 3 (2023) Articles The Problem of “Agency” Through the Prism of a New Reality: Conditions and Perspectives
No 2 (2023) Articles Marxism Captived To Intersectionality
No 1 (2023) Articles Otmar Spann. Crisis in Political Economy (Supplemented Report): A Review
No 3 (2023) Articles Men, Women, … Tribes, Peoples: What Does a Person’s Life Look Like among His Constructs? (Part 1)
No 2 (2023) Articles Factors Of Students Involvement In Destructive Practices In Real And Digital Spase
No 1 (2023) Articles Theodor Geiger. Images of Comradeship. Knowledge and Influence: A Review
No 3 (2023) Articles Labor Behavior of Population from Remote Countryside of Khakassia
No 2 (2023) Articles Financial Culture Of Student Youth As A Predictor Of Economic Behavior
No 1 (2023) Articles Issues of General and Social Psychoneurology / Ed. A.I. Geimanovich; Labor and the Nervous System / Ed. A.I. Geimanovich; Conditioned Reflexes / Ed. G.V. Vollbort: A Consolidated Review
No 3 (2023) Articles Youth and Marriage: a Transformation of Values
No 2 (2023) Articles Social Communication in Modern Russian Society
No 1 (2023) Articles A Handbook for Sociology (Ed. by A. Fierkandt et al.): A Review
No 3 (2023) Articles Fellow Degree: Motives for Thesis Defence and Professional Occupation
No 2 (2023) Articles The Vector of an Interdisciplinary Platform of social Work in modern Russia (based on the materials of the All-Russian round table "Domestic social Work in the Transition to a multipolar World")
No 1 (2023) Articles The New Social Reality (about XXIV Kharchev' Readings)
No 3 (2023) Articles Sociology in the Post-Global World: Problems and Prospects
No 2 (2023) Articles «Журнал – это платформа для обсуждения новых идей, подходов, данных…»
No 1 (2023) Articles To the 100th Anniversary of Academician V.G. Afanasyev
No 3 (2023) Articles Consolidation of Russian Society in New Geopolitical Realities
No 2 (2023) Articles Identity Problems in Modern Kyrgyzstan
No 1 (2023) Articles Russian Society in the Period of Global Turbulence: Challenges and Opportunities
No 3 (2023) Articles Threats as a Social Phenomenon in the XXI Century
No 2 (2023) Articles Romanovsky N.V. is 85!
No 1 (2023) Articles About the Problems of Digital Inequality during the Pandemic
No 3 (2023) Articles Osinsky I.I. Intelligentsia of Tuva. XX Century. Formation, Development, Activity. Ulan-Ude: BGU, 2022
No 2 (2023) Articles Does Precarity of Employment Affect All Spheres of Life?
No 1 (2023) Articles XI Valenteev Readings in Demography
No 3 (2023) Articles Titarenko L.G. Sociology of Public Opinion. Minsk: RIVSH, 2021
No 2 (2023) Articles Strebkov O.D., Shevchuk A.V. What do we know about freelancers? Sociology of free employment. Moscow: VSHE, 2022. Reviewed by r.n. Abramov.
No 1 (2023) Articles What is Really Going on in the Field of Culture?
No 2 (2023) Articles Kozyrkov V.P., Pridatchenko M.V., Shalyutina N.V. Sociology of Culture in a Digital Society: a textbook. Ed. by V.P. Kozyrkov. St. Petersburg: Aleteya, 2021. Reviewed by G.S. Shirokalova
No 2 (2023) Articles S. Clarke
No 4 (2023) Articles Domination of Domination Idea: “The Will to Power” in Contemporary Social Theory. Part I.
No 4 (2023) Articles Epistemic Justice for the Dead (transl. by N.V. Romanovsky)
No 4 (2023) Articles Nonrandomized Techniques for Sensitive Surveys: Comparative Analyses
No 4 (2023) Articles Russian Sociology in the Context of Society Digitalization: Results of a Corpus Analysis of Scientific Texts
No 4 (2023) Articles Contours of the Migration Crisis of 2020–2022 in Russia
No 4 (2023) Articles Migrants from Uzbekistan in the Moscow Agglomeration: Assessment of Migration Experience
No 4 (2023) Articles Social Acceptability of Objective and Subjective Reasons for Divorce in Modern Russia
No 4 (2023) Articles Bologna Experience: Successes and Doubts
No 4 (2023) Articles Work-Related Learning Practices of University Graduates: Scope and Determinants
No 4 (2023) Articles Russian science fiction in the Genre of Alternative History as a Reflection of Mass Consciousness: Sociological Approaches
No 4 (2023) Articles Paradoxes of the Russian Popadanets` Science Fiction
No 4 (2023) Articles Attitudes Towards Russia and the USA in the Public Opinion of Modern China
No 4 (2023) Articles Men, Women, … Tribes, Peoples: What Does a Person’s Life Look Like Among His/Her Constructs?
No 4 (2023) Articles The Quality of Employment of Hired and Self-Employed Workers in Russia
No 4 (2023) Articles XVI Grushin Readings at Lomonosov University
No 4 (2023) Articles Men in Modern Russian Society
No 4 (2023) Articles What Sociologists Talked at the XXIII Ural Sociological Readings
No 4 (2023) Articles Realism and “Formal” Sociology: a New Reassembly of the Social (reflecting on a book of I.A. Shmerlina)
No 5 (2023) Articles Domination of Domination Idea: “The Will to Power” in Contemporary Social Theory. Part II
No 5 (2023) Articles Russian Sociology in Search of Responces for Theoretical Challenges
No 5 (2023) Articles How to Get Truthful Answers in Sensitive Research (On the methodological potential of the nominative techniquе)
No 5 (2023) Articles Communication in interviews with teenagers on sensitive topics
No 5 (2023) Articles Dichotomy and Two-Component Polytomy in Contemporary Sociology
No 5 (2023) Articles Functional Features of Languages in Ethnofederations: a Comparative Analysis
No 5 (2023) Articles Attitude to the traditional wedding of students from Central Asia studying in Moscow
No 5 (2023) Articles Dangerous Youth: why Do Political Uprisings Take an Unarmed Form?
No 5 (2023) Articles Life Goals of Youth and Ways to Achieve Them (a survey in the South-Western and Southern regions of Russia)
No 5 (2023) Articles Специфика идентичности студентов приграничья России и Украины (на примере Белгородского и Харьковского госуниверситетов)
No 5 (2023) Articles Социология в поиске идентичности (интервью с Н.В. Романовским)
No 5 (2023) Articles После «конца истории»: консервативный неолиберализм и рефеодализация?
No 5 (2023) Articles Typological Analysis of Young People Health Behavior: on Specifics of the Four-Component Model Realization
No 5 (2023) Articles About Some Social Characteristics of Chronic Stress of Shift Workers in the Arctic Conditions
No 5 (2023) Articles Social Well-Being of Russians in the Spring of 2022
No 5 (2023) Articles Война в предметном поле современной зарубежной социологии
No 6 (2023) Articles Social Contract as a Noumenon: The Experience of Sociological Understanding
No 6 (2023) Articles Digitalization and Critical Theory of Society
No 6 (2023) Articles Perceptions of Inequality as a Factor of Investments in Human Capital (an empirical analysis)
No 6 (2023) Articles Differentiation in Russians' Perception of Inequality and Their Dynamics
No 6 (2023) Articles Basic Human Values and Social Participation in Russia
No 6 (2023) Articles Wives of Diplomats: Career Opportunities in a Situation of Professional Family Interaction
No 6 (2023) Articles Sociological Monitoring of the External Policy Orientations of Ukrainian Society in The 2000–2020s
No 6 (2023) Articles Values and Norms of Political Culture in the Public Consciousness of Kazakhstan Society
No 6 (2023) Articles Territorial Identity: Structure, Boundaries, Reproduction (A Comparative Analysis of the Saratov region, the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria and the Republic of South Ossetia)
No 6 (2023) Articles “Relocated Russians” In Perceptions of Armenian Youth
No 6 (2023) Articles Value Orientations and Practices of Social Activity of Nonresident Students in Kazan and St. Petersburg
No 6 (2023) Articles On the Regional Consciousness of the Russian-Chinese Border Region Students
No 6 (2023) Articles Applied Sociology of Professor G.P. Davidyuk and Revival of Sociological Science in the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic
No 6 (2023) Articles Values and Socialization of Youth: the Case of the Russian Federation and China
No 6 (2023) Articles Abdulmanapov P.G. Transformation of Demographic Processes in the Republic of Dagestan in Modern Conditions. Makhachkala, 2022. Reviewed by A.Z. Adiev
No 6 (2023) Articles Osinsky I.I., Tenzin B.M.-Kh. The Intelligentsia Of Tuva At The Turn Of The 21st Century. Ulan-Ude: BGU, 2023. Reviewed By O. B. Istomina
No 6 (2023) Articles The Practices of Qualitative Data Analysis In Social Sciences: The Textbook / Ed. By E.V. Polukhina. Moscow: Id VSHE, 2023. 383 P. Reviewed By O.R. Mikhaylova
No 6 (2023) Articles Памяти Рустема Махмутовича Нуреева (13.05.1950–12.04.2023)
No 7 (2023) Articles Progress in Sociology?
No 7 (2023) Articles Marriage Choice of Immigrants in Russia: Main Characteristics and Relationship with Integration
No 7 (2023) Articles Dynamics of Reproductive Attitudes of Adult Fertile Women in St. Petersburg (2011–2021)
No 7 (2023) Articles Socio-psychological state of the Vologda region population in crisis periods: socio-structural characteristics
No 7 (2023) Articles Digitalization of Psychological Help: Factors and Trends (the case of St. Petersburg)
No 7 (2023) Articles Development Vectors of Interviewing Children: Inclusion, Trust, Agency
No 7 (2023) Articles The Social Role Mastering of the Patient during Childhood
No 7 (2023) Articles ”Silence Game” as a Form of Social Interaction
No 7 (2023) Articles Individual and Generational Futures in the Urban Youth Narratives in St. Petersburg
No 7 (2023) Articles Three Dimensions of Adulthood: Freedom, Responsibility, and Care
No 7 (2023) Articles Corrective Labor Colony ‘Perm‑36’ in the Memory of Neighbouring Villages Residents
No 7 (2023) Articles “Fighting Nation” – National Image of Russia in China
No 7 (2023) Articles Legal Consciousness of Youth Students (on the example of the Tyumen city)
No 7 (2023) Articles Russians’ Assessment of Demographic Policy Measures in the Field of Fertility
No 7 (2023) Articles From the Labor Market to the Employment Market: a New Reality
No 7 (2023) Articles Innovative Resources and Trajectories of Russian Employees in Modern Conditions
No 7 (2023) Articles Universal Basic Income as a Tool to Combat Inequality in Modern Russia
No 7 (2023) Articles Education and Labor Market
No 7 (2023) Articles XXVIII Sociological Readings in RSSU
No 7 (2023) Articles Living Standards and Quality of Life of Population in Russia: the New Turns of Scientific Research
No 7 (2023) Articles A. E. Krukhmalev (25.06.1937–10.06.2023)
No 8 (2023) Articles Vladimir Nikolaevich Shubkin: Fate and Creativity
No 8 (2023) Articles The Window Opened by Shubkin: Youth in Education and the Labor Market
No 8 (2023) Articles Vladimir Shubkin as Researcher of Catastrophic Consciousness
No 8 (2023) Articles Motivation Trap on Russian Labour Market
No 8 (2023) Articles Employment Prospects for the Population of Russia Along the Center-Periphery Axis (the Case of Vologda Region)
No 8 (2023) Articles Revitalization of Religion: Toward an Understanding of the Perspectives of the Modern Religious Situation
No 8 (2023) Articles Religious Situation in Modern Kazakhstan (а sociological reconstruction)
No 8 (2023) Articles Transformation of Parental Involvement in the Children`s Lives
No 8 (2023) Articles “Unwanted” Children? Values of Parenting, Rights of Fathers and Mothers in Sociocultural Attitudes of the Russians
No 8 (2023) Articles Russian Media Reacts and Assesses the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China
No 8 (2023) Articles “Social Form” in the Context of S. L. Frank’s Social Philosophy
No 8 (2023) Articles World Outlook and General Scientific Prerequisites of the Logico-Meaningful Method of Pitirim Sorokin’s “Dynamics”: a Reconstruction
No 8 (2023) Articles Trust as a Private Good in the Context of Social Capital
No 8 (2023) Articles Humans in the Information Society: Continuation of the Discourse
No 8 (2023) Articles Social Processes in Modern Russian Society
No 8 (2023) Articles About the XIV Ural Demographic Forum
No 8 (2023) Articles Congratulations to V. V. Gavrilyuk
No 8 (2023) Articles Congratulations to I.V. Zuravleva
No 8 (2023) Articles OSINSKY I.I. is 90!
No 8 (2023) Articles Reproducing Intellectual Labor Specialists: Institutional Imbalances and Gaps
No 8 (2023) Articles TOURAINE A. (03.08.1925–09.06.2023)
No 9 (2023) Articles Theoretical Understanding of Social Reality: The 25th Kharchev Readings
No 9 (2023) Articles AI Value Alignment and Sociology of Morality
No 9 (2023) Articles Russian Citizens’ Social Mood, Its Structure and Influence on Helping Behaviour
No 9 (2023) Articles Economic Elite of Crimea After 2014
No 9 (2023) Articles Changes in Youth After-School Trajectories: Social Differentiation
No 9 (2023) Articles Students' Professional Strategies in the Context of The Image of the Social Future
No 9 (2023) Articles Doctoral Dissertations in Sociology in 2012-2022. In Russia: Statistics, Analytics
No 9 (2023) Articles Doctor's Dissertations in Sociology Approved by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation 2012-2022
No 9 (2023) Articles Гарольду Ефимовичу Зборовскому – 85 лет!
No 9 (2023) Articles "Throughout My Life Ii Sociology, I Carried an Interest and Love For It" (interview with G.E. Zborovsky)
No 9 (2023) Articles Гроссмейстер брачно-семейных цифровизаций
No 9 (2023) Articles Congratulations to A.E. Chirikova
No 9 (2023) Articles Techno(crato)socialism: a Critical Look at the Ideas of B. King and R. Petty
No 9 (2023) Articles Towards the Future: Continuing Education and its Legitimation in Machine Execution
No 9 (2023) Articles Is "Technosocialism" Socialism?
No 9 (2023) Articles Drobyshev Readings: Ethnic and Social Dimensions
No 9 (2023) Articles VI Kazan Sociological Readings
No 9 (2023) Articles Book Transformation: Mediatization of the Collective Experience of Generations
No 9 (2023) Articles Krasin Yu.A.
No 9 (2023) Articles Shavel S.A.
No 10 (2023) Articles The Perspective of Postsocial Transit: Metamorphosis of Actions and Structures
No 10 (2023) Articles Development of the Theory of Crisis in Sociology: Evolving Ideas and Modernity
No 10 (2023) Articles Fuzzy Classifications in the Typological Analysis of Workers by Employment Instability
No 10 (2023) Articles Fulfilled and Unfulfilled Promises of Everett Lee: Toward a Critique of Migration Theories
No 10 (2023) Articles Migration of the Population in the Border Region: Status and Trends (the Case of the Saratov Region)
No 10 (2023) Articles Demographic Potential of the Republic of Buryatia: Dynamics and Factors of Reduction Under New Challenges
No 10 (2023) Articles Official and Subjective Poverty in Russia: the Impact of 2020–2021 Events
No 10 (2023) Articles Images of ”Russia of the Future“ in the Representations of Its Citizens
No 10 (2023) Articles Features of Elderly People Perception in Russian Society
No 10 (2023) Articles Civilizational Turn in the Contemporary Sociology: the Contribution of S. N. Eisenstadt
No 10 (2023) Articles Professor S. M. Shirokogoroff: Russian Origins of Chinese Sociology
No 10 (2023) Articles Women’s Activity in the Public Sphere: Dynamics of Ethnogender Attitudes in the South of Russia
No 10 (2023) Articles Todzha Tuvans in Contemporary Situation
No 10 (2023) Articles A Russian Region in the Conditions of Crisis (on the example of the Nizhny Novgorod Region)
No 10 (2023) Articles Cross-Border Area of the East of Russia in the Modernization Processes
No 10 (2023) Articles Development of Expert Institutions in a Changing World
No 10 (2023) Articles On the Way to a Sovereign Russian Civilization
No 10 (2023) Articles Vladimir Ze’ev Khanin. From Russia to Israel – and Back? Contemporary Transnational Russian Israeli Diaspora. Potsdam: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022
No 10 (2023) Articles Tukumtsev B. G. Selected works: Collection of Articles. Ed. by V. Yu. Bocharov. Samara: Samarskii un-t, 2023
No 11 (2023) Articles National Sociological Heritage: Clarifying Evaluative Optics
No 11 (2023) Articles Explanatory Possibilities of M. Weber’s Concept of Disenchantment of the World in the Context of Growing Magical Conciousness
No 11 (2023) Articles A.A. Bogdanov as a Sociologist and Utopian: the «Klass für Sich» Problem
No 11 (2023) Articles Russians’ Perception of the Conflict with Ukraine: Testing the “Spiral of Silence” Hypothesis
No 11 (2023) Articles Features of Digital Literacy Measurement in Russia
No 11 (2023) Articles Congratulations to N.E. Tikhonova
No 11 (2023) Articles N.E. Tikhonova’s School (from the experience of included observation)
No 11 (2023) Articles Savings Activity of Russians: Dynamics and Factors
No 11 (2023) Articles Agency and Autonomy as a Learning Outcome: Distinguishing Notions
No 11 (2023) Articles Typological Groups of First-Year Students by Educational Strategies in Conditions of Individual Learning Trajectories
No 11 (2023) Articles Informality in Society: Searching for Explorative Methodology
No 11 (2023) Articles Russian Citizens on the Challenges of Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks and Social Optimism
No 11 (2023) Articles Socio-Cultural Identification of Modern Armenians
No 11 (2023) Articles Media Consumption by Different Age Groups
No 11 (2023) Articles Outlook for Reproducing Scholarly and Teaching Personnel in Universities of Russia
No 11 (2023) Articles Urban Research in the Focus of Socio-Humanitarian Analytics
No 11 (2023) Articles Population Social Dynamics and Human Potential
No 11 (2023) Articles Historical consciousness of Russians – a book and its problematic field
No 11 (2023) Articles Not a Renewal, but a Second Birth
No 11 (2023) Articles Modern Capitalism from the Perspective of Critical Theory of Society
No 11 (2023) Articles Buzgalin A.V.
No 11 (2023) Articles After the “End of History”: Progressive Alternatives to the Refeudalization and “Techno-Socialism”
No 11 (2023) Articles Kondrashov P.N.
No 1 (2024) ТЕОРИЯ. МЕТОДОЛОГИЯ Artificial sociality in the light of old and new theoretical and methodological approaches
No 1 (2024) ТЕОРИЯ. МЕТОДОЛОГИЯ Thinking against empire: anticolonial thought as social theory
No 1 (2024) ДЕМОГРАФИЯ. МИГРАЦИЯ On the question of fixing the national-language composition of the population in the All-Russian population census 2020–2021
No 1 (2024) ДЕМОГРАФИЯ. МИГРАЦИЯ Intraregional migration in Yakutia: causes and strategies of population behavior
No 1 (2024) ЭТНОСОЦИОЛОГИЯ Dynamics of inter-ethnic attitudes of Russians: research results 1995–2023
No 1 (2024) ЭТНОСОЦИОЛОГИЯ Social well-being and ethnicity in the context of urbanization processes among the Yakuts
No 1 (2024) ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКАЯ СОЦИОЛОГИЯ Dynamics of employment in Russia (2018 – mid-2023)
No 1 (2024) ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКАЯ СОЦИОЛОГИЯ Employers’ request for employee independence: analysis of vacancies on recruiting sites
No 1 (2024) SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION Intergenerational differences in skills: human capital shift in contemporary Russia
No 1 (2024) SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION Subjective social mobility of university graduates through the lenses of their educational trajectories
No 1 (2024) ДИСКУССИЯ. ПОЛЕМИКА The impossibility of socialism: part 1. Class kaleidoscope
No 1 (2024) SOCIOLOGICAL JOURNALISM Dynamics of ideals in contemporary Russia: а system analysis
No 1 (2024) ACADEMIC EVENTS XXV Kharchev readings
No 1 (2024) ACADEMIC EVENTS Social changes and stability in the subject field of sociology
No 1 (2024) ACADEMIC EVENTS Actual sociological theory problems
No 1 (2024) ACADEMIC EVENTS Theory and practice of the digital inequality studies
No 1 (2024) ACADEMIC EVENTS Youth of Russian Regions
No 1 (2024) ACADEMIC EVENTS Concerning the social well-being of students in modern Russia
No 1 (2024) IN MEMORIAM Yarskaya-Smirnova V.N.
No 2 (2024) ТЕОРИЯ. МЕТОДОЛОГИЯ The Contours of an Interdisciplinary Concept of the Synergistic Complexities
No 2 (2024) ТЕОРИЯ. МЕТОДОЛОГИЯ Transformations of Western Sociology: Mainstream and Public Agenda
No 2 (2024) SOCIAL STRUCTURE. SOCIAL POLICY Russians’ attitudes regarding preparation for retirement: its content and formation factors
No 2 (2024) SOCIAL STRUCTURE. SOCIAL POLICY Trust as a Determinant of Subjective Well-Being in Russia
No 2 (2024) SOCIAL STRUCTURE. SOCIAL POLICY Subjective Well-Being and Standard of Living in the Kaliningrad Region
No 2 (2024) POLITICAL SOCIOLOGY Temporal and Cross-Regional Variance in Environmental Protest Activity of Russians (2007–2021)
No 2 (2024) POLITICAL SOCIOLOGY Relationship of Protest Activity with the Social Tension Dynamics in the South-East Asian Countries
No 2 (2024) SOCIOLOGY OF SCIENCE Status positions and scientific Capital in Russian Science
No 2 (2024) SOCIOLOGY OF SCIENCE Sociological Theory in the Ural Region: History and Modernity
No 2 (2024) ДИСКУССИЯ. ПОЛЕМИКА The Impossibility of Socialism. Part 2. The new Individualism
No 2 (2024) FACTS. COMMENTS. NOTES The Russian-Ukrainian Conflict Disscussions in China’s Internet Space
No 2 (2024) FACTS. COMMENTS. NOTES Socio-Demographic Characteristics of Persons Convicted for Terrorist Crimes
No 2 (2024) SOCIOLOGICAL JOURNALISM Change of Generations: Essence and Reality (Ontological Point of View)
No 2 (2024) ACADEMIC EVENTS 55 Years of Siberian Ethnosociology
No 2 (2024) ACADEMIC EVENTS Congress of Socio-Political Researchers of the Turkic World
No 2 (2024) ACADEMIC EVENTS Russia and the Asia-Pacific Countries: Interaction Problems
No 2 (2024) ACADEMIC EVENTS About the Future the Eurasian Migration System
No 2 (2024) ACADEMIC EVENTS Sociology of Health and Sports: the Experience of Eurasia
No 2 (2024) ANNYVERSARY Поздравляем Николая Петровича Нарбута с Юбилеем!
No 2 (2024) REFLECTIONS ON A NEW BOOK Is the Quality of Russian Professionals’ Human Capital Sufficient to Address New Challenges?
No 2 (2024) BOOKS IN BRIEF Books in Brief
No 2 (2024) IN MEMORIAM Памяти Бориса Максимовича Фирсова, (22.06.1929–18.01.2024)
No 3 (2024) TO THE 50th ANNIVERSARY OF SOCIS Research problem as a key aspect of scientific publications in a sociological journal
No 3 (2024) TO THE 150th ANNIVERSARY OF N.A. BERDYAEV N.A. Berdyaev: strokes to the portrait of a social philosopher
No 3 (2024) SOCIOLOGY OF SCIENCE Russian scientists’ motivation and research performance issue
No 3 (2024) SOCIOLOGY OF SCIENCE The market of academic texts in Russia (according to a qualitative survey)
No 3 (2024) SOCIAL STRUCTURE. SOCIAL POLICY Empirical study of traditional russian values and social practices
No 3 (2024) SOCIAL STRUCTURE. SOCIAL POLICY Types of capital in the field of “silver volunteering”
No 3 (2024) SOCIAL STRUCTURE. SOCIAL POLICY Prevalence of homelessness in Russia: an assessment based on a retrospective survey
No 3 (2024) SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION The potential for the development of research and pedagogical staff: a sociological perspective
No 3 (2024) SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION The main factors of schoolchildren agency: empirical analysis
No 3 (2024) CHAIR. CONSULTATIONS Vladimir bekhterev and Pitirim Sorokin – scientific alliance in the name of sociology
No 3 (2024) SOCIOLOGICAL JOURNALISM Man and society – through the prism of artificial intelligence
No 3 (2024) ACADEMIC EVENTS Sociological education in Russia
No 3 (2024) ACADEMIC EVENTS Education and professional realization
No 3 (2024) ACADEMIC EVENTS Personnel problems of modern higher education
No 3 (2024) ACADEMIC EVENTS New vectors for the development of science and higher education in the XXI century
No 3 (2024) REFLECTIONS ON A NEW BOOK In search of a new middle class: a critical look at the concept of the society of singularities by Andreas Reckwitz
No 6 (2024) ТЕОРИЯ. МЕТОДОЛОГИЯ The third integrative wave in sociology. Part i: the relevance of a new agenda
No 4 (2024) МЕТОДОЛОГИЯ И МЕТОДЫ СОЦИОЛОГИЧЕСКОГО ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ Methodology of the comparative sociology of trust (case study of Russia and China)
No 4 (2024) МЕТОДОЛОГИЯ И МЕТОДЫ СОЦИОЛОГИЧЕСКОГО ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ Subjective well-being: the problem of analyzing population qualitative heterogeneity (part 1)
No 4 (2024) МЕТОДОЛОГИЯ И МЕТОДЫ СОЦИОЛОГИЧЕСКОГО ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ Sobornost as a non-sociological category
No 4 (2024) ТЕОРИЯ. МЕТОДОЛОГИЯ Civilizational turn and metatheoretical reconfiguration in contemporary sociology
No 4 (2024) НОВЫЕ ИДЕИ И ЯВЛЕНИЯ В СОЦИОЛОГИИ И СОЦИАЛЬНОЙ ПРАКТИКЕ «Economy of adoption»: street-level bureaucracy VS. Rural community
No 4 (2024) НОВЫЕ ИДЕИ И ЯВЛЕНИЯ В СОЦИОЛОГИИ И СОЦИАЛЬНОЙ ПРАКТИКЕ Limits of doctrinal identification of a religious group – the сase of two religious communities in the Kama region
No 4 (2024) ДЕМОГРАФИЯ. МИГРАЦИЯ Variation of reproductive behavior lines and reproductive cycle types
No 4 (2024) ДЕМОГРАФИЯ. МИГРАЦИЯ The relationship of migration behavior with marital status and the number of children in the family
No 4 (2024) ДЕМОГРАФИЯ. МИГРАЦИЯ Russian-speaking migration to Latin America: new trends
No 4 (2024) POLITICAL SOCIOLOGY Citizens of Russia on hybrid socio-political reality in the country
No 4 (2024) ОСОБОЕ МНЕНИЕ Values: can science study them? On the history, theory and methodology of the issue
No 4 (2024) ПЕРВЫЕ ШАГИ An apology for utopia: on the return of utopian constructions to the mainstream sociological theorizing
No 4 (2024) FACTS. COMMENTS. NOTES On the political values and preferences of the student youth in Kazakhstan
No 4 (2024) FACTS. COMMENTS. NOTES Employment in personal subsidiary farm: ethnic and regional features (the case of Khakassia)
No 4 (2024) ACADEMIC EVENTS Sociocultural evolution of Russia and its regions
No 4 (2024) ACADEMIC EVENTS Classic university under modern challenges
No 5 (2024) TO THE 50th ANNIVERSARY OF SOCIS Work in a changing world: transformations in the labor sphere and the focus of new research (round table)
No 5 (2024) ECONOMIC SOCIOLOGY. SOCIOLOGY OF LABOR Work day duration dynamics in the post-soviet era
No 5 (2024) ECONOMIC SOCIOLOGY. SOCIOLOGY OF LABOR Well-being employment in modern Russia: what is that?
No 5 (2024) ECONOMIC SOCIOLOGY. SOCIOLOGY OF LABOR Labor relations differentiation in a modern high-tech enterprise (а case study)
No 5 (2024) МЕТОДОЛОГИЯ И МЕТОДЫ СОЦИОЛОГИЧЕСКОГО ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ Subjective well-being: the problem of analyzing population qualitative heterogeneity (part 2)
No 5 (2024) SOCIAL STRUCTURE. SOCIAL POLICY Farming is an (un)rooted social group: problem statement
No 5 (2024) SOCIAL STRUCTURE. SOCIAL POLICY Associative image of “life in retirement” as an element of social conceptualization of the pension period by russians in working age
No 5 (2024) SOCIAL STRUCTURE. SOCIAL POLICY Practices of religious participation in the context of positive ageing project
No 5 (2024) SOCIOLOGY OF THE FAMILY Trends and social reasons of living alone
No 5 (2024) SOCIOLOGY OF THE FAMILY Financial rationality vs traditions: on wedding costs of medium income urban families in Kazakhstan
No 5 (2024) INTERVIEW А life in social theory (interview with Stephen Park Turner)
No 5 (2024) ACADEMIC EVENTS The problem of scientific personnel certification: universal rules and diversity of complexities
No 5 (2024) ACADEMIC EVENTS Labor, employment, human capital: new challenges and solutions
No 5 (2024) ACADEMIC EVENTS The lifeworld of labor workers: preferences and institutional possibilities
No 5 (2024) ACADEMIC EVENTS Exploring population heterogeneities
No 5 (2024) ACADEMIC EVENTS The multigenerational family as a strategic resource for Russia’s national security
No 5 (2024) BOOK REVIEW Šhubrt I., Pоdvoyski D. G. Соntemporary sociological theories: how not to go astray in conceptual labyrinths. Мoscow: VTSIOM, 2024. Reviewed by N. V. Romanovskiy
No 5 (2024) BOOK REVIEW Efremenko D. V., Nikolaev V. G. Thinkers of the windy city. Pragmatist social science in Chicago in the first half of the 20th century / Ed. By N. E. Pokrovsky. Moscow: INION RAN, 2024. Reviewed by O.A. Simonova
No 6 (2024) ТЕОРИЯ. МЕТОДОЛОГИЯ Changes in global and Russian theoretical sociology
No 6 (2024) SOCIAL REALITIES: THE CHALLENGES OF THE TIMES The formation of a new world order: challenges for Russian social science
No 6 (2024) SOCIAL REALITIES: THE CHALLENGES OF THE TIMES Ideology vs utopia: old contradictions and new conflicts in modern societies
No 6 (2024) SOCIAL REALITIES: THE CHALLENGES OF THE TIMES Disenchanting the western mainstream
No 6 (2024) SOCIAL STRUCTURE. SOCIAL POLICY The regional dimension of digital skills research
No 6 (2024) SOCIAL STRUCTURE. SOCIAL POLICY Crisis and stabilization dynamics of mass consciousness in Russian society
No 6 (2024) SOCIOLOGY OF HEALTH AND MEDICINE The (no)impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on everyday self-care: consolidating the effects
No 6 (2024) SOCIOLOGY OF HEALTH AND MEDICINE Alcoholism, threat to identity, and migration moods (based on materials of an expedition to the Pskov region)
No 6 (2024) ANNYVERSARY Gilinsky Ya.I. is 90
No 6 (2024) ANNYVERSARY Postmodern deviantology: problems and prospects
No 6 (2024) ANNYVERSARY Osipov G. V. is 95
No 6 (2024) SOCIOLOGICAL JOURNALISM Sociology: postmodernism and ontology
No 6 (2024) ПЕРВЫЕ ШАГИ Sociological theories of everyday life as a tool for researching silence practices
No 6 (2024) ACADEMIC EVENTS Ethnosocial processes in Siberia and the Far East
No 6 (2024) ACADEMIC EVENTS Social processes in modern Russian society
No 6 (2024) ACADEMIC EVENTS Intelligentsia and the social contract
No 6 (2024) ACADEMIC EVENTS III Herzen readings
No 6 (2024) ACADEMIC EVENTS Sociological readings in the RSSU on the problems in Russia family
No 6 (2024) REFLECTIONS ON A NEW BOOK A new page in the history of Russian sociology
No 6 (2024) IN MEMORIAM Rybakovsky L. L.
No 6 (2024) IN MEMORIAM Rotman D.G.

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