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Issue Title File
No 5 (2023) Специфика идентичности студентов приграничья России и Украины (на примере Белгородского и Харьковского госуниверситетов)
Simonyan R.K.
No 5 (2023) Социология в поиске идентичности (интервью с Н.В. Романовским)
Demidenko S.Y.
No 5 (2023) После «конца истории»: консервативный неолиберализм и рефеодализация?
Buzgalin A.V.
No 5 (2023) Война в предметном поле современной зарубежной социологии
Obraztsov I.V.
No 6 (2023) Памяти Рустема Махмутовича Нуреева (13.05.1950–12.04.2023)
Социологические исследования Р.
No 9 (2023) Гарольду Ефимовичу Зборовскому – 85 лет!
Социологические исследования Р.
No 9 (2023) Гроссмейстер брачно-семейных цифровизаций
Antonov A.I.
No 7 (2023) “Fighting Nation” – National Image of Russia in China
Ran R.
No 3 (2023) “Human Resources” as a Category of Qualitative Sociology
Ilyin V.I.
No 6 (2023) “Relocated Russians” In Perceptions of Armenian Youth
Atanesyan A.V.
No 8 (2023) “Social Form” in the Context of S. L. Frank’s Social Philosophy
Shmerlina I.A.
No 8 (2023) “Unwanted” Children? Values of Parenting, Rights of Fathers and Mothers in Sociocultural Attitudes of the Russians
Bezrukova O.N., Samoylova V.A.
No 7 (2023) ”Silence Game” as a Form of Social Interaction
Spirkina A.K.
No 4 (2024) «Economy of adoption»: street-level bureaucracy VS. Rural community
Galindabaeva V.V., Karbainov N.I.
No 2 (2023) «Журнал – это платформа для обсуждения новых идей, подходов, данных…»
Skvortsov N.G.
No 2 (2024) 55 Years of Siberian Ethnosociology
Popkov Y.V.
No 7 (2023) A. E. Krukhmalev (25.06.1937–10.06.2023)
Социологические исследования Р.
No 1 (2023) A Handbook for Sociology (Ed. by A. Fierkandt et al.): A Review
Sorokin P.A.
No 6 (2024) A new page in the history of Russian sociology
Toshchenko Z.T.
No 10 (2023) A Russian Region in the Conditions of Crisis (on the example of the Nizhny Novgorod Region)
Trufanov A.Y., Samsonov A.I., Lubyanoy M.S.
No 11 (2023) A.A. Bogdanov as a Sociologist and Utopian: the «Klass für Sich» Problem
Gloveli G.D.
No 6 (2023) Abdulmanapov P.G. Transformation of Demographic Processes in the Republic of Dagestan in Modern Conditions. Makhachkala, 2022. Reviewed by A.Z. Adiev
Adiev A.Z.
No 5 (2023) About Some Social Characteristics of Chronic Stress of Shift Workers in the Arctic Conditions
Akimov A.M.
No 2 (2024) About the Future the Eurasian Migration System
Peshkova V.M.
No 1 (2023) About the Problems of Digital Inequality during the Pandemic
Smirnova A.S.
No 8 (2023) About the XIV Ural Demographic Forum
Neklyudova N.P., Pyshmintseva O.A.
No 1 (2024) Actual sociological theory problems
Grigoreva E.A.
No 11 (2023) After the “End of History”: Progressive Alternatives to the Refeudalization and “Techno-Socialism”
Buzgalin A.V.
No 11 (2023) Agency and Autonomy as a Learning Outcome: Distinguishing Notions
Dobryakova M.S., Yurchenko O.V.
No 9 (2023) AI Value Alignment and Sociology of Morality
Deviatko I.F.
No 6 (2024) Alcoholism, threat to identity, and migration moods (based on materials of an expedition to the Pskov region)
Belova Y.Y.
No 4 (2024) An apology for utopia: on the return of utopian constructions to the mainstream sociological theorizing
Grigoreva E.A.
No 6 (2023) Applied Sociology of Professor G.P. Davidyuk and Revival of Sociological Science in the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic
Danilov A.N.
No 1 (2023) Armenian Diaspora in Russia: Integration vs Repatriation
Pogosyan G.A., Osadchaya G.I.
No 1 (2024) Artificial sociality in the light of old and new theoretical and methodological approaches
Shmerlina I.A.
No 5 (2024) Associative image of “life in retirement” as an element of social conceptualization of the pension period by russians in working age
Kiselev I.Y., Mikhailova E.V., Smirnova A.G.
No 5 (2023) Attitude to the traditional wedding of students from Central Asia studying in Moscow
Barsukova S.Y.
No 4 (2023) Attitudes Towards Russia and the USA in the Public Opinion of Modern China
Qin L., Babich N.S.
No 6 (2023) Basic Human Values and Social Participation in Russia
Nastina E.A., Almakaeva A.M.
No 4 (2023) Bologna Experience: Successes and Doubts
Klucharev G.A., Tyurina I.O.
No 9 (2023) Book Transformation: Mediatization of the Collective Experience of Generations
Kolomiets V.P.
No 2 (2024) Books in Brief
Бийжанова Э.К.
No 11 (2023) Buzgalin A.V.
Editorial E.
No 2 (2024) Change of Generations: Essence and Reality (Ontological Point of View)
Shchelkin A.G.
No 6 (2024) Changes in global and Russian theoretical sociology
Romanovskiy N.V.
No 9 (2023) Changes in Youth After-School Trajectories: Social Differentiation
Cherednichenko G.A.
No 4 (2024) Citizens of Russia on hybrid socio-political reality in the country
Levashov V.К.
No 4 (2024) Civilizational turn and metatheoretical reconfiguration in contemporary sociology
Braslavskiy R.G.
No 10 (2023) Civilizational Turn in the Contemporary Sociology: the Contribution of S. N. Eisenstadt
Braslavskiy R.G., Коzlovskiy V.V.
No 4 (2024) Classic university under modern challenges
Osipova N.G., Kanevsky P.S.
No 5 (2023) Communication in interviews with teenagers on sensitive topics
Yashina M.N., Zharikova A.V.
No 3 (2023) Conceptual Reconstruction of Karl Marx’s Ecology: Sociological Aspect
Kondrashov P.N.
No 1 (2024) Concerning the social well-being of students in modern Russia
Filonenko V.I., Magranov A.S.
No 9 (2023) Congratulations to A.E. Chirikova
Социологические исследования Р.
No 8 (2023) Congratulations to I.V. Zuravleva
Социологические исследования Р.
No 11 (2023) Congratulations to N.E. Tikhonova
Editorial E.
No 8 (2023) Congratulations to V. V. Gavrilyuk
Социологические исследования Р.
No 2 (2024) Congress of Socio-Political Researchers of the Turkic World
Eflova M.Y., Maximova O.A.
No 3 (2023) Consolidation of Russian Society in New Geopolitical Realities
Belyaeva L.A.
No 4 (2023) Contours of the Migration Crisis of 2020–2022 in Russia
Shustov A.V.
No 7 (2023) Corrective Labor Colony ‘Perm‑36’ in the Memory of Neighbouring Villages Residents
Riazanova S.V., Mitrofanova A.V.
No 6 (2024) Crisis and stabilization dynamics of mass consciousness in Russian society
Savin S.D.
No 10 (2023) Cross-Border Area of the East of Russia in the Modernization Processes
Badaraev D.D., Badmatsyrenov T.B.
No 5 (2023) Dangerous Youth: why Do Political Uprisings Take an Unarmed Form?
Ustyzhanin V.V., Zinkina Y.V., Korotayev A.V.
No 10 (2023) Demographic Potential of the Republic of Buryatia: Dynamics and Factors of Reduction Under New Challenges
Byuraeva Y.G.
No 2 (2023) Designing the Course of Life or How Do Youth See Their Future?
Kisilenko A.V., Shapovalova I.S.
No 10 (2023) Development of Expert Institutions in a Changing World
Grabelnykh T.I., Sablina N.A., Zyryanov V.V.
No 10 (2023) Development of the Theory of Crisis in Sociology: Evolving Ideas and Modernity
Katerny I.V.
No 7 (2023) Development Vectors of Interviewing Children: Inclusion, Trust, Agency
Savinskaya O.B.
No 5 (2023) Dichotomy and Two-Component Polytomy in Contemporary Sociology
Pasovets Y.M.
No 6 (2023) Differentiation in Russians' Perception of Inequality and Their Dynamics
Салмина А.
No 6 (2023) Digitalization and Critical Theory of Society
Ivanov D.V., Asochakov Y.V.
No 7 (2023) Digitalization of Psychological Help: Factors and Trends (the case of St. Petersburg)
Plutov L.E., Rusakova M.М., Guzeva D.V.
No 6 (2024) Disenchanting the western mainstream
Martianov V.S.
No 9 (2023) Doctor's Dissertations in Sociology Approved by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation 2012-2022
Zyryanov V.V.
No 9 (2023) Doctoral Dissertations in Sociology in 2012-2022. In Russia: Statistics, Analytics
Zyryanov V.V.
No 2 (2023) Does Precarity of Employment Affect All Spheres of Life?
Temnitskiy A.L.
No 4 (2023) Domination of Domination Idea: “The Will to Power” in Contemporary Social Theory. Part I.
Gofman A.B.
No 5 (2023) Domination of Domination Idea: “The Will to Power” in Contemporary Social Theory. Part II
Gofman A.B.
No 9 (2023) Drobyshev Readings: Ethnic and Social Dimensions
Mukomel V.I., Shchegolkova E.Y.
No 1 (2024) Dynamics of employment in Russia (2018 – mid-2023)
Anisimov R.I.
No 1 (2024) Dynamics of ideals in contemporary Russia: а system analysis
Klupt M.A.
No 1 (2024) Dynamics of inter-ethnic attitudes of Russians: research results 1995–2023
Voronina N.S.
No 7 (2023) Dynamics of Reproductive Attitudes of Adult Fertile Women in St. Petersburg (2011–2021)
Argunova E.V.
No 9 (2023) Economic Elite of Crimea After 2014
Kolesnik N.V.
No 7 (2023) Education and Labor Market
Pronina E.I.
No 3 (2024) Education and professional realization
Demidenko S.Y.
No 5 (2024) Efremenko D. V., Nikolaev V. G. Thinkers of the windy city. Pragmatist social science in Chicago in the first half of the 20th century / Ed. By N. E. Pokrovsky. Moscow: INION RAN, 2024. Reviewed by O.A. Simonova
Simonova O.A.
No 3 (2024) Empirical study of traditional russian values and social practices
Borshchevskiy G.A.
No 1 (2024) Employers’ request for employee independence: analysis of vacancies on recruiting sites
Korshunov I.A., Shirkova N.N., Sorokin P.S.
No 4 (2024) Employment in personal subsidiary farm: ethnic and regional features (the case of Khakassia)
Lushnikova O.I.
No 8 (2023) Employment Prospects for the Population of Russia Along the Center-Periphery Axis (the Case of Vologda Region)
Popov A.V., Soloveva T.S.
No 4 (2023) Epistemic Justice for the Dead (transl. by N.V. Romanovsky)
Turner S.P.
No 6 (2024) Ethnosocial processes in Siberia and the Far East
Maklashova E.G., Popkov Y.V.
No 1 (2023) Evaluation of Social Well-Being of Kazakhstan’s Students
Abdiraimova G.S., Verevkin A.V., Lifanova T.Y.
No 11 (2023) Explanatory Possibilities of M. Weber’s Concept of Disenchantment of the World in the Context of Growing Magical Conciousness
Zarubina N.N.
No 5 (2024) Exploring population heterogeneities
Noskova A.V., Bikkinina D.D.
No 2 (2023) Factors Of Students Involvement In Destructive Practices In Real And Digital Spase
Shumkova N.V., Dadaeva T.M.
No 5 (2024) Farming is an (un)rooted social group: problem statement
Velikiy P.P.
No 2 (2023) Favoritism in Russian Organizations: Antecedents and Consequences
Balabanova E.S., Portnyagina A.A.
No 11 (2023) Features of Digital Literacy Measurement in Russia
Popov E.V.
No 10 (2023) Features of Elderly People Perception in Russian Society
Lyalikova S.V., Nazarova I.B., Karpova V.M.
No 3 (2023) Fellow Degree: Motives for Thesis Defence and Professional Occupation
Simakova A.V., Pakhomov S.I., Gurtov V.
No 2 (2023) Financial Culture Of Student Youth As A Predictor Of Economic Behavior
Tyurikov A.G., Gryzenkova J.V., Kunizheva D.A.
No 5 (2024) Financial rationality vs traditions: on wedding costs of medium income urban families in Kazakhstan
Barsukova S.Y.
No 1 (2023) Foreign Workers in Russia: Employers' Opinions
Mukomel V.I., Denisenko M.B.
No 7 (2023) From the Labor Market to the Employment Market: a New Reality
Karapetyan R.V., Tarando E.E.
No 1 (2023) From Virtual to Digital Research: Methodological Promises and Limitations of Approaches
Barkhatova L.A.
No 10 (2023) Fulfilled and Unfulfilled Promises of Everett Lee: Toward a Critique of Migration Theories
Lisitsyn P.P., Stepanov A.M., Orlova N.A.
No 5 (2023) Functional Features of Languages in Ethnofederations: a Comparative Analysis
Farukshin M.K.
No 10 (2023) Fuzzy Classifications in the Typological Analysis of Workers by Employment Instability
Kuchenkova A.V., Tatarova G.G.
No 2 (2023) Geopolitical Challenges And Russian Sociology
Kravchenko S.A.
No 6 (2024) Gilinsky Ya.I. is 90
Editorial B.
No 11 (2023) Historical consciousness of Russians – a book and its problematic field
Romanovskiy N.V.
No 5 (2023) How to Get Truthful Answers in Sensitive Research (On the methodological potential of the nominative techniquе)
Myagkov A.Y.
No 8 (2023) Humans in the Information Society: Continuation of the Discourse
Avdoshina N.V., Bocharov V.Y.
No 2 (2023) Identity Problems in Modern Kyrgyzstan
Editorial B.
No 6 (2024) Ideology vs utopia: old contradictions and new conflicts in modern societies
Cнernysh M.F.
No 6 (2024) III Herzen readings
Sukhanova M.A.
No 10 (2023) Images of ”Russia of the Future“ in the Representations of Its Citizens
Kolennikova N.D.
No 3 (2024) In search of a new middle class: a critical look at the concept of the society of singularities by Andreas Reckwitz
Davydov D.A.
No 7 (2023) Individual and Generational Futures in the Urban Youth Narratives in St. Petersburg
Nartova N.A.
No 11 (2023) Informality in Society: Searching for Explorative Methodology
Levicheva V.F., Dimans S.L.
No 7 (2023) Innovative Resources and Trajectories of Russian Employees in Modern Conditions
Bocharov V.Y., Klimova S.G.
No 6 (2024) Intelligentsia and the social contract
Kolosova E.A.
No 1 (2024) Intergenerational differences in skills: human capital shift in contemporary Russia
Popov D.S., Strelnikova A.V.
No 1 (2024) Intraregional migration in Yakutia: causes and strategies of population behavior
Neustroeva A.B., Barashkova A.S.
No 9 (2023) Is "Technosocialism" Socialism?
Latov Y.V.
No 2 (2024) Is the Quality of Russian Professionals’ Human Capital Sufficient to Address New Challenges?
Temnitskiy A.L.
No 1 (2023) Issues of General and Social Psychoneurology / Ed. A.I. Geimanovich; Labor and the Nervous System / Ed. A.I. Geimanovich; Conditioned Reflexes / Ed. G.V. Vollbort: A Consolidated Review
Sorokin P.A.
No 11 (2023) Kondrashov P.N.
Editorial E.
No 2 (2023) Kozyrkov V.P., Pridatchenko M.V., Shalyutina N.V. Sociology of Culture in a Digital Society: a textbook. Ed. by V.P. Kozyrkov. St. Petersburg: Aleteya, 2021. Reviewed by G.S. Shirokalova
Shirokalova G.S.
No 9 (2023) Krasin Yu.A.
Социологические исследования Р.
No 3 (2023) Labor Behavior of Population from Remote Countryside of Khakassia
Lushnikova O.L.
No 5 (2024) Labor, employment, human capital: new challenges and solutions
Karapetyan R.V.
No 5 (2024) Labor relations differentiation in a modern high-tech enterprise (а case study)
Bocharov V.Y.
No 7 (2023) Legal Consciousness of Youth Students (on the example of the Tyumen city)
Vassalatiy S.V., Verkhoturova S.V., Losev S.G.
No 5 (2023) Life Goals of Youth and Ways to Achieve Them (a survey in the South-Western and Southern regions of Russia)
Reutov E.V., Reutova M.
No 4 (2024) Limits of doctrinal identification of a religious group – the сase of two religious communities in the Kama region
Ryazanova S.V.
No 2 (2023) Linguistic landscape of a Russian city: sociological optics
Gabdrakhmanova G.F.
No 7 (2023) Living Standards and Quality of Life of Population in Russia: the New Turns of Scientific Research
Razumov A.A.
No 3 (2023) L.N. Kogan and Russian Sociology (to the 100th Anniversary of His Birth)
Zborovsky G.E.
No 2 (2023) Local Government Reform: Processes, Problems, Paradoxes
Novokreshchenov A.V.
No 3 (2024) Man and society – through the prism of artificial intelligence
Yakovenko A.V.
No 7 (2023) Marriage Choice of Immigrants in Russia: Main Characteristics and Relationship with Integration
Endryushko A.A.
No 2 (2023) Marxism Captived To Intersectionality
Davydov D.A.
No 11 (2023) Media Consumption by Different Age Groups
Poluekhtova I.A.
No 3 (2023) Mediated Orthodoxy: Mission in China
Ostrovskaya E.A., Badmatsyrenov T.B., Vasilieva S.V.
No 4 (2023) Men in Modern Russian Society
Rostovskaya T.K.
No 3 (2023) Men, Women, … Tribes, Peoples: What Does a Person’s Life Look Like among His Constructs? (Part 1)
Podvoyskiy D.G.
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