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No 3 (2023)

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L.N. Kogan and Russian Sociology (to the 100th Anniversary of His Birth)

Zborovsky G.E.


The article is devoted to the analysis of the role and contribution to the domestic sociological science of one of its largest representatives of the second half of the XX century, L.N. Kogan, in connection with the centenary of his birth. A brief biographical sketch of Kogan, an analysis of the process of his formation and development as a sociologist – theorist and empiricist is offered. Some problems of theoretical sociology in the work of the scientist are considered. A general description of the empirical studies conducted under his leadership is given. The final section of the article is devoted to the analysis of the content of L.N.'s activity. Kogan as the founder and head of the Ural Sociological School.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(3):3-13
pages 3-13 views

What Would an Interview about the Sociology of Culture with the Teacher Look Like

Vishnevsky Y.R.


In connection with the centenary of the Soviet and Russian scientist (sociologist, philosopher, culturologist) Lev Naumovich Kogan (1923–1997), the article specifies his contribution to the revival, formation and development of the national sociology of culture. The form of a nonreal interview was used. The author interpreted research materials from articles and monographs of L.N. Kogan. His “self-fulfilling” theory of culture is discussed, which defined culture as a measure of the realization of the essential forces (needs and abilities) of a person in his life. Culture with such an activity-based approach was not limited to accumulated achievements, wealth, the totality of cultural heritage, it also included “live” activity for their production, preservation, distribution and development. The understanding of creativity also changed qualitatively: its most important result turned out to be not only certain (material or spiritual) products of creativity, but also the development of the person himself, his ability, skill and desire to create. Culture acquired a human-creative character, and a person became not only an object of cultural influence, but also a subject of cultural development. Even the official goal of "communist" education - the comprehensive development of personality - within the framework of this theory received not a quantitative (versatility, versatility), but a qualitative dimension - the most complete development of a person as a subject of culture.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(3):14-20
pages 14-20 views

On the History of Empirical Research of Young Workers in the Urals

Pavlov B.S.


The article presents the history of the formation and problems of sociological studies of young workers conducted at the Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the 1960s and 1970s under the guidance of Professor L.N. Kogan. These studies were based on theoretical ideas that economic relations and their corresponding socio-economic behavior should be studied as a two–pronged process – the economization of all social life, on the one hand, and the socialization of economic life, on the other. The main results of research on generational succession in labor, working dynasties as a factor of reproduction of working professions, social problems of labor collectives and workers' dormitories are summarized. The formation of scientific traditions of Ural sociology is shown, conclusions are drawn about the prospects of its development in recent years, including the study of the process of professional socialization of young people within the framework of four main institutional formations: parent family, school, university, enterprise.  
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(3):21-25
pages 21-25 views

Reability of Public Opinion Polls in China

Qin L., Babich N.S.


The current international situation has increased the importance of analyzing public opinion in the PRC. But the specificity of Chinese society allows critics of the PRC to put forward arguments (lack of a “democratic public”, self-censorship of respondents, suspicions regarding political censorship, non-representative samples) against such an enterprise. This article systematically examines and refutes these arguments. The undertaken analysis shows that they are either easily overcome, since they are based on fragmentary data, or, with no less reason, should be addressed to all studies of public opinion in the world. This makes it possible to rely on polling data in the PRC and analyze public opinion trends with their help, although such an analysis should take into account the likelihood of self-censorship of respondents, common for any society, and the fact that most samples in China represent, first of all, the most active urban population.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(3):26-31
pages 26-31 views

“Human Resources” as a Category of Qualitative Sociology

Ilyin V.I.


The purpose of this article is to adapt the categories of human resources and capital in relation to the logic of qualitative sociology, which turns to existential everyday life. The starting point of the analysis in it is a person striving for his social self-realization in the context of available objective opportunities that have the form of chances: they can be used or missed in different ways. The situation of choice includes both an objective component and the subjectivity of the acting individual (conscious needs and interests, tastes, value orientations, moods, feelings, volitional characteristics, etc.). As a result, different individuals use the same human resources (chances) in different ways. The subject of the study shifts from the classic question "Who has what?" to the process of turning abstract possibilities into the reality of an individual social situation. Incorporated resources are a continuum, each element of which can become a reality as a result of choice (including imposed) and achievement: (1) abstract potential, the implementation of which depends on a variety of conditions; (2) consumer human resources; (3) labor force; (4) human capital as a resource that creates surplus value in the course of market turnover. In some cases, the resource is sold as labor, and the created surplus product is appropriated by the employer. In others, the individual acts as an entrepreneur, independently bringing his incorporated resources to the market and appropriating the resulting surplus value. Human resources represent only the chances of acquiring one or another real form. The metamorphoses of human resources occur to a significant extent in the context of the market situation. Its main elements are (1) individual potential, (2) availability of vacant jobs, (3) agency of a potential employee and employer, (4) definition of the market situation by its participants.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(3):32-41
pages 32-41 views

Conceptual Reconstruction of Karl Marx’s Ecology: Sociological Aspect

Kondrashov P.N.


The article attempts a preliminary conceptual reconstruction of K. Marx's ecological ideas with a focus on their sociological aspects. The author, criticizing the narrowly ecological and economic interpretations of Marx's ecology in contemporary Marxist studies, proves that it has a totalizing and historicizing character. Firstly, it is shown that the central category of Marx's ecology – social metabolism – is used by him not only to analyze the exchange of substances between society and nature in the processes of production (labor). With the deployment of labor metabolism, peculiar “worlds” are gradually formed (the world of nature drawn into the sphere of human activity; the world of joint activity as the world of social relations and interpersonal communication; the world of material and spiritual culture; the existential world of the individual), in which specific modifications of praxis and corresponding varieties of social metabolism. To designate the organic integrity, the totality of all these worlds held together by the immanent mechanisms of social metabolism, the author introduces the concept of the social universe into the Marxist sociological discourse. Secondly, the author shows that Marx's analysis of social metabolism and its various forms concerns not only capitalism, but pre-capitalist and post-capitalist formations, and the category of metabolic rift also has a totalizing character.  
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(3):42-52
pages 42-52 views

Varieties of the Discourse about Collection and Processing of Recyclable Materials: Between Pursuit of Gain and Saving the World

Pupysheva I.N., Zakharova O.V., Kuznetsova N.


The article is devoted to the analysis of the textual representation of environmental practices in the thematic communities of the VK social network using the methodology of discourse analysis. The subject of the study was the linguistic and extralinguistic features of the construction of discursive practices related to the collection and processing of recyclable materials in the Tyumen region. Three types of social actors were considered: volunteer, entrepreneurial and official communities. Data were obtained on the genre identity of communities; existing roles, regulations and algorithm of actions and interactions; actors and recipients of messages; logistics and other specifics of the activities of environmental communities reflected in their publications. The differences of social waste management practices implemented by different social actors (government, business, volunteers) are revealed, which are represented in the difference of discursive practices: semantic, grammatical, genre, style difference, as well as in the globality/locality of environmental problematization (chronotope) and the way of perceiving the world. Three types of discursive registers are identified, reflecting the specifics of discursive practices characteristic of the considered ecological communities. The “political and educational” discourse expresses the official position of the authorities and is characterized by a high degree of institutionality and a clear asymmetry of social relations. The “specifically training” discourse is distinguished by building partnerships, non-profit activities and its training goals. In the “advertising and educational” discourse the proposed ecological lifestyle is associated with receiving financial bonuses.  
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(3):53-65
pages 53-65 views

Mediated Orthodoxy: Mission in China

Ostrovskaya E.A., Badmatsyrenov T.B., Vasilieva S.V.


The rapidly unfolding processes of digitalization and mediatization are radically changing contours of social reality and semantic content of routine communication practices. Unprecedented arrangements of individuals, communications and media give rise to new meanings in translocal digital spaces of dialogue about different thematic sectors of reality. Religious websites, mobile applications, online lectures, sermons and divine services open up access to information and practices outside the boundaries of sacred territories and prescriptions expanding public discourse about religions, making available meanings previously hidden from external "non-church" or "uninitiated" search. In this article, we propose an examination of the current communicative practices of the Russian Orthodox Church mission in China. A respective sociological study may shed light on the interpretation of the mission by practicing priests serving in a foreign cultural environment, where Orthodoxy is a tiny island of sacredness for Russians as a "small nation" in several autonomous regions of the PRC and for those who came to it through individual spiritual search. This case makes it possible to get directly in touch with possible answers to questions about the very possibility of an Orthodox mission in societies of religious pluralism, but at the same time deeply secularized, commercialized and individualized. Secondly, for many decades the Orthodox mission in China has been the subject of research by orientalist and historians. Paradoxically, a detailed study of the past of the Orthodox mission in China does not enable scholars to elucidate its present, especially specifics of the connections between the structures of the Russian Orthodox Church, various actors and communicative media practices of Orthodox missionary work.  
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(3):66-79
pages 66-79 views

Structure and Content of Information Campaign on Television During First Wave of Pandemic of COVID‑19 in Russia

Andreenkova A.V., Медведева А.


The public communication campaign is one of most important tools for mitigating and managing the public health risk situation. The semiotic content analysis of media reports on the First Channel of Russian television during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in the spring of 2020 were used to identify the temporal and structural phases of the communication campaign and to evaluate its effectiveness in shaping public views and behavior. The semantic dimension of media reports included five categories: monitoring the course of the epidemic, causes, medical aspects, policy measures and the impact. The semiotic dimension included the plot, visual and audio means, and emotional character. Four stages of communication campaign - preparatory, core, culmination and closing stage, identified during the analysis differed by the intensity of reports which had curvilinear form increasing sharply in the first two phases and slowly declining after the culmination. The type of content changed from the discussion of the prevention measures on first phase to larger variety of topics including medical and social impact of the pandemic. Emotional character of reports moved from mostly pessimistic in the first phases to more balanced between optimistic and pessimistic messages and neutral tone at the final phase. Public communication campaign contributed to reaching a few important goals in managing risk situation which includes the increase of risk awareness, legitimating the quarantine and other restriction measures, rise of confidence in the health care system and positive image of medical personnel. However, other key goals remained unattainable: personal relevance of the coronavirus infection remained rather low. Large psychological distance from the issues created the barrier for effective implementation of vaccination measures. Many concerns and fears of people were not addressed in public communication campaign which switched the discussion to other media channels, gave rise to misinformation and prejudices, undermined the trust to official recommendations.  
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(3):80-90
pages 80-90 views

Sociology (translated by N.V. Romanovsky)

Delanty G.


Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(3):91-102
pages 91-102 views

The Problem of “Agency” Through the Prism of a New Reality: Conditions and Perspectives

Sorokin P.S.


In the context of a new phase of the evolution of society, characterized by accelerated destructuration, the problem of "agency" requires rethinking. To study the role and potential of individual action in the transformations of the social environment, it is necessary to develop new theoretical models and methodological solutions. For this purpose, a critical review of research in international sociology, as well as recent developments of Russian sociologists, is proposed. Overview of theoretical discussions, including developments in the strategic action fields theоry (Fligstin and McAdam), allows to highlight both the achievements and limitations of the modern international mainstream. The importance of the ontological aspect of the "structure-action" problem is shown, which does not receive sufficient attention in international discussions. The article concludes with the formulation of promising research directions at the macro-, meso- and micro-levels of social reality for understanding the problem of agency, with an emphasis on the potential of Russian sociology. On macro-level, more than in the previous stages of social evolution since the second half of the 20th century, there is absence of any single "center of power", which brings significant variety to manifestations of agency. On meso-level we suggest to integrate into research models the thesis about the increasing nature of structures’ instability, which also implies the opening possibilities of practical interventions. On micro-level further development of the thesis of Fligstein and McAdam about the "social skill" is required, which has not yet received empirical operationalization, for which elaborations of psychologists might be useful.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(3):103-114
pages 103-114 views

Men, Women, … Tribes, Peoples: What Does a Person’s Life Look Like among His Constructs? (Part 1)

Podvoyskiy D.G.


The article attempts to illustrate the explanatory possibilities of the theoretical and methodological program of social constructivism on the example of two areas of social life ‑ gender and ethno-national relations. Gender and ethnicity, identity and social group structures formed on gender and ethnic grounds are considered as products of social and historical development, as phenomena that are predominantly of social and cultural origin. Among other things, the ability of constructivist research optics to highlight the historical relativity and variability of systems of gender and ethnic relations, which often appear (in everyday consciousness and ideological discourse) as «natural», primordial facts, is demonstrated. At the same time, these relations tend to be reified, objectified and crystallized in sustainable forms of social institutions and culture.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(3):115-125
pages 115-125 views

Labor Behavior of Population from Remote Countryside of Khakassia

Lushnikova O.L.


An interest for the study of rural labor strategies is due to the socio-economic processes in rural areas. Rural population is forced to look out for own adaptation strategies because of agriculture crisis, meagre labor market, and unemployment. Remote countryside is in a most difficult situation, caused by its limited capabilities. The purpose of this article is to study labor behavior of remote countryside population (on the example of Republic of Khakassia). The research focuses on employment at the main place of job, involvement in secondary or episodic employment, maintaining a personal subsidiary farm and motivation for labor activity. Three groups of respondents with different labor activity are identified. The study confirmed that material well-being depends on the labor behavior attitudes.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(3):129-134
pages 129-134 views

Youth and Marriage: a Transformation of Values

Romanovich N.A.


Nowadays crisis of the institution of marriage is associated with the transformation of traditional family values. On the one hand, traditional family values are destined for transformation, on the other hand, this transformation should not cross a “red line” beyond which the institution of the family destroys. The “red line” was marked in Russian Constitution in 2020 in which marriage is interpreted, as the union of a man and a woman only, with no other options. But the destruction of the institution of the family cannot be contained only by correct laws. It is necessary to implant values and shows the importance of such concepts as fidelity, constancy, responsibility, and other categories that serve to strengthen the marriage union. Studying public opinion is necessary, and young people in particular, as the group most vulnerable to the transformation of family values. The results of the All-Russian Youth Survey presented by the author in 2020 reveal the attitude of Russian youth to such nuances of married life as the distribution of roles in the family, general housekeeping, cohabitation with parents, an idea of the optimal number of children and their upbringing et cetera. Previous surveys allow compare results and identify trends. The author concludes that the trends of recent years cause change among young people from traditional ideas about marriage to a liberal model.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(3):135-140
pages 135-140 views

Sociology in the Post-Global World: Problems and Prospects

Asochakov Y.V.


Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(3):148-150
pages 148-150 views

Fellow Degree: Motives for Thesis Defence and Professional Occupation

Simakova A.V., Pakhomov S.I., Gurtov V.


The article deals with candidates of sciences’ both motives and professional occupation trajectory after thesis defense. Thesis defense is an important point in scientific career development but not all candidates of science continue their research after thesis defense. There are different areas of research activity. Empirical basis of this study is dealing with survey data of candidates of sciences who defended their thesis starting with January 1, 2016 till December 31, 2020. The survey was conducted by Budget Monitoring Center of PetrSU in July-September 2021. Obtained results showed that thesis defense is conditioned on mainly by personal motives, by desire to be engaged in research activities and to develop professionally in this area. Every fourth candidate of science continues doing research after defense, another 68.5% are doing research from time to time. Candidates of science who defended their thesis in 2016 are more active in publishing research results rather than those who defended their thesis in 2020. Scientific projects participation is more typical for those engaged in research activities within natural and technical sciences.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(3):141-147
pages 141-147 views

Consolidation of Russian Society in New Geopolitical Realities

Belyaeva L.A.


Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(3):150-153
pages 150-153 views

Threats as a Social Phenomenon in the XXI Century

Grabelnykh T.I., Sablina N.A., Zyryanov V.V.


Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(3):154-156
pages 154-156 views

Osinsky I.I. Intelligentsia of Tuva. XX Century. Formation, Development, Activity. Ulan-Ude: BGU, 2022

Istomina O.B.


Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(3):157-159
pages 157-159 views

Titarenko L.G. Sociology of Public Opinion. Minsk: RIVSH, 2021

Ambarova P.A.


Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(3):160-161
pages 160-161 views

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