Explanatory Possibilities of M. Weber’s Concept of Disenchantment of the World in the Context of Growing Magical Conciousness

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The article deals with the concept of the world's disenchantment by M. Weber as a methodological basis for understanding modern transformations of consciousness, first of all, the deviation from the scientific picture of the world and the restoration of the magical worldview. It is shown that M. Weber considered the process of disenchanting the world in two forms: as marginalization of magical salvation practices within rationalized religious worldviews and as the assertion of ideas about the full cognizability of the world in the scientific worldview. The factor of the world's disenchantment is rationalization, as a result of which archaic syncretism is overcome, a person highlights the value orientations of "leading a life" and takes responsibility for one’s fate. However, this is accompanied by the formalizing of the normative order and gradual loss of semantic and value dominants, with which it comes into conflict. It is proved that reverse processes occur in the modern disenchanted world, first of all, the newest syncretism develops as a result of the interpenetration of technogenic, natural, social realities, the removal of ethical antinomies. The newest "enchantment of the world" is also promoted by a stronger alienation and the desire to shift responsibility for one's own and common destiny onto external forces, the rejection of long-term rational life strategies and orientation to getting a quick result while paying no attention to mechanisms for achieving it. In addition, the absence of semantic and value dominants in modern culture is made up for by an archaic belief in extraordinary phenomena capable of solving the most acute problems quickly and efficiently, in the image and likeness of modern technologies.

About the authors

Natalia Nikolaevna Zarubina

MGIMO Universit

Moscow, Russia


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