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No 9 (2023)

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Theoretical Understanding of Social Reality: The 25th Kharchev Readings

Demidenko S.Y., Romanovskiy N.V.


The paper characterizes the efforts of the editorial board of the "Sociological Studies" journal on the holding of the 24 annual scientific conferences "A. Kharchev readings" through 1999-2023. The empirical basis of the paper consists of the programs of the conferences held, reports on their results, articles published by the journal in connection with the readings, the experience of their organizers. The history of the readings, approaches to the formation of the topics and the composition of the readings’ participants are highlighted. The role of readings in filling the journal with materials relevant for the development of sociological science is noted. It is emphasized that the focus of the efforts of the readings’ organizers was the issues of sociological theory as a key component for the development of science. The efforts of the editorial staff of the journal to expand the geography of the participants of the readings, to attract young scientists, sociologists from neighboring countries with Russia, to analyze the discourse in world sociology, as well as to pose problems of sociological science arising from digitalization of society, "Big Data", artificial intelligence issues, etc. are shown.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(9):3-15
pages 3-15 views

AI Value Alignment and Sociology of Morality

Deviatko I.F.


The article briefly examines popular ideas about the goals and possibilities of human control over artificial intelligence that has been developed at the earlier stages of the scientific and technological revolution and substantiates the thesis about their incompleteness in terms of not taking into account new asymmetries of control and technological realities that arose as a result of the "digital revolution". An analysis of the reasons why the sociology and social psychology of morality are acquiring a decisive role as well as a new large-scale research field in the development of ethically oriented AI systems is presented reconfirming the importance of a theoretically based empirical study of the normative dimension of social life. An additional sociological substantiation and a narrower interpretation of the AI value alignment principles put forward by some authors as a solution to the problems of the ethical orientation of AI systems is proposed.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(9):16-28
pages 16-28 views

Russian Citizens’ Social Mood, Its Structure and Influence on Helping Behaviour

Mersianova I.V., Briukhno A.S.


Social mood is a complex phenomenon that encompasses emotional and rational perceptions of economic, political and social processes by the general population, and the impact of these processes on personal well-being. Social mood is considered to be a combination of four main aspects: (1) perception of the political, economic and social situation in the country; (2) general emotional state; (3) degree of optimism; (4) generalized trust and willingness to unite. Based on the data of an all-Russian survey conducted in 2022 by the Center for the Study of Civil Society and the Non-Profit Sector at the HSE University (Moscow, Russia), it was revealed that overall positive social mood prevails in the modern Russian society. Cluster analysis revealed six groups that differ from each other in terms of the four of social mood aspects listed above. The data show a statistically significant connection between social mood and participation in volunteering and informal helping behavior. In particular, respondents who demonstrate a greater willingness to unite and higher levels of trust are generally more likely to participate in helping behavior, although a pessimistic attitude is associated with significantly less involvement regardless of declared willingness to unite. Meanwhile, respondents exhibiting optimistic perceptions of their future are more likely to participate in helping others irrespective of trust and willingness to unite.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(9):29-40
pages 29-40 views

Economic Elite of Crimea After 2014

Kolesnik N.V.


The functioning of the regional elite of new Russian territories is analyzed on the example of Crimea after 2014. The focus of the study is a biographical analysis of the characteristics of 124 leaders of large economic structures of Crimea and 150 deputies of the Crimean parliament of two convocations. The analysis of the data showed that the economic segment of the Crimean elite after integration into the Russian Federation was partially updated. The study revealed that among the owners of economic assets, the management of SUEs, there are more dynamic updates than in other segments of the economic elite. At the same time, if there is recruitment to top positions in Crimean companies, the most often on closed grounds, when there is a transfer from one managerial position to another in the form of maintaining an elite position after 2014. The peak of new appointments/elections to high economic positions in regional companies falls on 2015-2016, when Crimea was integrated into the Russian Federation. An analysis of the forms of interaction between the economic and political elite showed that within the deputies of two convocations (2014 and 2019), representatives of the economic elite occupy more than half of the seats. This only strengthens the elite integration within the region and shows that business is an important part in the political career of deputies.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(9):41-50
pages 41-50 views

Changes in Youth After-School Trajectories: Social Differentiation

Cherednichenko G.A.


There is analyzed the current trend in the after-school tracks of young people – the redistribution of demand from universities to colleges – separately according to the forms of higher education (HE) and the social characteristics of consumers. It is shown that the decline in admission to universities is due to distance learning and does not affect full-time one. Institutional changes in secondary and higher education (strengthening of hierarchy and selectivity, introduction of the USE) continue to lead to the social consolidation of two tracks: giving access through the USE to full-time HE education and opening the way - through the transit of secondary vocational education (SVE) – to distance learning. Demand is switching from HE to SVE for part of the youth the second track from HE programs and areas of study (mainly for the "old" service sector), which have lost the "social lift" function and profitability in the labor market in favor of current mass service professions, IT, etc., provided by SVE. At the same time, demand is changing in the direction of greater profitability of HE distance learning programs. In general, new features of social inequality in education are revealed.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(9):51-62
pages 51-62 views

Students' Professional Strategies in the Context of The Image of the Social Future

Didkovskaya Y.D., Трынов Д., Chistyakov P.A.


The article studies how characteristics of image of social future of students influence on their professional strategies. The image of the social future is interpreted as a system of ideas, values and attitudes of young people regarding the prospects for the development of society and opportunities to realize their individual life project in it. The authors' conclusions are based on the analysis of the results of the last stage of sociological monitoring «Student-2020» (quota-cluster sample; 13 universities of Yekaterinburg; N=2000). It is revealed that the dynamics of professional values of Yekaterinburg students is characterized by a slight strengthening of the trend towards utilitarianism and pragmatism of the image of the professional future by 2020-2021. By means of cluster analysis four types of professional strategies of students have been identified: the most represented among students of Yekaterinburg universities is the strategy of a career employee, the least – entrepreneurial, The procrastinated professional self-determination strategy and the escapism strategy are also common. The authors prove that social optimism greatly contributes to the preference of the employee’s professional career strategy, as well as to some extent entrepreneurial strategy; Social pessimism and the expectation of future negative developments contribute most to the formation of an escapism strategy.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(9):63-77
pages 63-77 views

Doctoral Dissertations in Sociology in 2012-2022. In Russia: Statistics, Analytics

Zyryanov V.V.


Information about successfully defended doctoral dissertations in sociology over the last eleven years allowed us to conduct a statistical analysis: to obtain structural characteristics and identify trends that emerged over this period. Out of 182 approved dissertations, almost half were prepared by women, the number of annual defenses decreased from 30 in 2012 to eight in 2022, the largest number of defenses (84) took place in the specialty 22.00.04, the least number in the specialty 22.00.05 - four. The defenses during this period were held in 40 dissertation councils, most of all in NNGU named after N.I. Lobachevsky - 17, St. Petersburg State University and Belgorod State University - 12 each. For the first time the data on the defense of doctoral dissertations in dissertation councils having the right to independently award academic degrees are given. Six of them defended 14 dissertations, among them six in the specialty of Sociology of Management. The data on the candidate degrees of doctoral candidates are presented - on average, 75% of them defended candidate dissertations in sociological and philosophical sciences every year. The time intervals between the defenses of candidate and doctoral dissertations were revealed. During the years under study there were four "ultra-early" defenses (4-5 years) at one pole of the range and 21 "ultra-late" defenses (21 years and more) at the other pole. Among the thematic preferences of the dissertants the studies of various sociological aspects of youth - 17 dissertations, economic life of society - 15 - stand out. While the problems of sociology of science, social inequality, and sociological education were ignored.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(9):78-88
pages 78-88 views

Doctor's Dissertations in Sociology Approved by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation 2012-2022

Zyryanov V.V.


Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(9):89-102
pages 89-102 views

Гарольду Ефимовичу Зборовскому – 85 лет!

Социологические исследования Р.


Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(9):103-103
pages 103-103 views

"Throughout My Life Ii Sociology, I Carried an Interest and Love For It" (interview with G.E. Zborovsky)

Doctorov B.Z.


In the interview of B.Z. Doktorov with prof. G.E. Zborovsky, dedicated to his 85th birthday, the questions of the respondent's sociological creativity are considered. In theoretical terms, these are the problems of the sociology of time (free and social), the sociology of education (including higher education), the history of sociology, the development of the theory of social community, the meta–paradigm concept of theoretical sociology, the concept of scientific and educational knowledge. Within the framework of the educational process and educational activities, the respondent's involvement in the development of sociological education is shown: writing textbooks and textbooks on general sociology, the history of sociology, the sociology of education, management, leisure, culture; training doctors and candidates of sciences; working as a vice-rector of the university, director of the institute, dean, head of the department.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(9):104-114
pages 104-114 views

Гроссмейстер брачно-семейных цифровизаций

Antonov A.I.


Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(9):115-115
pages 115-115 views

Congratulations to A.E. Chirikova

Социологические исследования Р.


Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(9):116-116
pages 116-116 views

Techno(crato)socialism: a Critical Look at the Ideas of B. King and R. Petty

Davydov D.A.


The article deals with the concept of technosocialism by B. King and R. Petty. The author shows that this concept was a result of a synthesis of many intellectual trends of recent years: belief in technological progress and technologically driven abundance, discourses of automation and ideas of the advent of the era of artificial intelligence dominance, as well as various concepts of post-capitalism, based on the ideas of post-labor society, the “capitalist road to communism”, unconditional basic income, etc. According to King and Petty, socialism can be achieved not through political revolutions or radical socio-political transformations, but with the help of the latest technologies, robots and artificial intelligence. All that needs to be done is to redirect the flow of “gifts of automation” from the exceptionally wealthy to everyone else through a series of cosmetic changes, such as taxation of robots and unconditional basic income. The article reveals the vulnerable sides of King and Petty position. The author shows that their concept represents a technocratic class position, their views on the coming technologically driven abundance are naive and based on shaky empirical grounds. The technosocialism of King and Petty turns out to be techno(crato)socialism when viewed closely, since their version of post-capitalist society is characterized not so much by the true realization of the personal potential of everyone, but by radical social stratification. It is also characterized by degraded and unskilled labor, “optimization” of such important areas of activity as education and medicine, as well as the redirection of material resources from the field of social policy to the field of consumption (basic income).
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(9):117-129
pages 117-129 views

Towards the Future: Continuing Education and its Legitimation in Machine Execution

Klucharev G.A.


The development of high-tech technologies and their ubiquitous entry into everyday life are radically transforming social reality. Education (study, learning, enlightenment and even focused curiosity) is becoming a the most powerful social technology based on artificial intelligence and digitalization. In this context, through machine learning (on-line, off-line, distance) - the authors of the reviewed book - Brett King & Dr. Richard Petty. The Rise of Technosocialism: How Inequality, AI and Climate will Usher in a New World. Marshall Cavendish International (Asia) Pte Ltd. 2021 - declare the need to reform capitalism (in its every current manifestations) and transit to «techno–socialism», in which most of human labor will be automated, and technological advances will bring us closer to the socialist ideals of universal equality and justice. Education, particularly, lifelong learning and universal machine education (training) is a way and condition for the transition to such a society. Of course, this is an idealization and, to some extent, a socio-technocratic manifesto. But it is based on the real processes taking place in social life.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(9):130-138
pages 130-138 views

Is "Technosocialism" Socialism?

Latov Y.V.


The main counter-arguments against the "Technosocialism" by B. King and R. Patty can be reduced to three positions. Firstly, the most advanced technologies so far cannot not only provide a high standard of living for entire mankind, but even in the countries of the "golden billion" there will not be enough funds to introduce a basic unconditional income. Second, the potential to ensure prosperity for all will not translate into reality if existing institutions in society block the redistribution of wealth and life opportunities from the elite to the poor. Most importantly, thirdly, ensuring the satisfaction of human needs without participation in joint work is simply dangerous, since it is fraught with degradation of the individual and society. The model of "technosocialism" is therefore not only impossible at the present stage of development, but also dangerous if it were possible. The concept of "technosocialism" turns out to be a combination of a semi-fantastic utopia and dystopia, reflecting the contradictions of the Western technocrats' public consciousness, who are passionate about the introduction of digital technologies into business, but see its ambiguity. This concept with all its shortcomings and advantages fully fits the “bourgeois socialism” described in the “Manifesto” by K. Marx and F. Engels. The most important positive role that Technosocialism can play is the role of a challenge to professional social scientists who are close to the socialist idea.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(9):139-148
pages 139-148 views

Drobyshev Readings: Ethnic and Social Dimensions

Mukomel V.I., Shchegolkova E.Y.


Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(9):149-153
pages 149-153 views

VI Kazan Sociological Readings

Eflova M.Y., Maksimova O.A.


Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(9):154-155
pages 154-155 views

Book Transformation: Mediatization of the Collective Experience of Generations

Kolomiets V.P.


The article offers an overview of the book "Book Wars: The Digital Revolution in Publishing" written by J. B. Thompson, a sociologist at the University of Cambridge. The paper discusses the history and transformation of book publishing during the digital era, including the conflicts between traditional publishers and technology companies, and the innovations in e-book technology. The author explores the conflicts between traditional paper book publishers and technological companies, as well as the various innovations in the field of e-books. The author also explores the relationship between digital technology and society, which allow him to derive theoretical conclusions, as well as the methodology of social research into complex processes generated by digital revolution.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(9):156-161
pages 156-161 views

Krasin Yu.A.

Социологические исследования Р.


Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(9):171-173
pages 171-173 views

Shavel S.A.

Социологические исследования Р.


Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(9):174-174
pages 174-174 views

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