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No 6 (2023)

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Social Contract as a Noumenon: The Experience of Sociological Understanding

Toschenko Z.T.


The article characterizes the process of emergence in social cognition of social contract ideas, first put forward and substantiated by the Enlightenment thinkers. They formulated ideas about its essence and content interpreted as a social contract between the people and the state with the focus of attention on latent, implicit nature of this process. A significant place is given to analysis of existing theories of the social contract, tо identifying their features on the basis of diverse options of its interpretation and implementation in the modern scholarship. Particular attention is paid to the identifying main characteristics of the social contracts, its semantic essence as a unity of goals of their participants accentuating observance of mutual trust, coordination of interests, constant feedback. Modern interpretations of the social contract are discussed, as well as attempts to offer new options for understanding practices of its implementation in current socio-political life. It is emphasized that the social contract as a noumenon contains not only obvious, but also latent criteria, expressing the constantly changing qualitative state of society and requiring regular customizable interaction between the people and the state.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(6):3-15
pages 3-15 views

Digitalization and Critical Theory of Society

Ivanov D.V., Asochakov Y.V.


The article is presenting а critical analysis of the digitalization discourse which is reflecting not social innovations but managerial and bureaucratic appropriation of virtualization routine practices. Empirical data collected in the authors’ research show digital technologies usage turning into social routine in the Russian largest cities Moscow and St. Petersburg. For a full revealing contradictions and true direction of digitalization, development of critical theory of society is proposed as continuation of the dialectical line of the Frankfurt School neo-Marxism evolution. The totality of domination structures and social control forms in postindustrial society is analyzed on the basis of algorithmic rationality conception introduced by the authors. Algorithmic rationality has replaced technological rationality of the late industrial age. Post-virtualization tendencies and micromovements in everyday life are considered to be an authenticity revolt against total digitalization / coercive virtualization of social life. That authenticity revolt is interpreted as an emancipation potential and escape from the algorithmic rationality realm.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(6):16-28
pages 16-28 views

Perceptions of Inequality as a Factor of Investments in Human Capital (an empirical analysis)

Slobodenyuk E.D., Mareeva S.V., Karavay A.V.


The article presents the results of the empirical analysis of the relationship between the Russians' perceptions of inequality and their behavior in relation to investments in human capital. Empirical analysis of such a relation is based on the RLMS HSE data. The investments in human capital are operationalized by the expenditures for adult education, and the perceptions of inequality are measured by the subjective degree of fairness of access to higher education, and also by subjective factors of poverty and well-being that population finds most important in contemporary Russian society. The results of the analysis demonstrate that perceptions of inequality held among the population affect their behavior in relation to the adult’s human capital. The population's perception of access to higher education as fair, and the reasons for wealth as meritocratic, leads to a greater propensity to invest in the adults’ human capital. The perception of the causes of wealth as related to the specific parental family support or the institutional environment, which does not meet the principles of equality of opportunity, on the contrary, has a disincentive effect on investment in adult Russians human capital; understanding poverty as a consequence of the current institutional environment specifics in the country works in a similar way. The obtained results demonstrate another consequence of the population's perception of inequality as non-meritocratic (quite typical for Russians in general), affecting the range of possibilities for the implementation of Russia's development vector based on human capital as its driver.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(6):29-41
pages 29-41 views

Differentiation in Russians' Perception of Inequality and Their Dynamics

Салмина А.


A number of recent inequality studies emphasize the importance of considering not only its objective characteristics, but also its subjective perception. This makes it especially relevant to study possible determinants of attitudes towards inequality. In addition, the variability of attitudes towards inequality over time is of research interest. To what extent has the attitude towards inequality in Russia changed in recent years? And how different is the attitude of Russians towards inequality from the population of other countries? Accounting for the subjective aspects of inequality will make it possible to better understand the social processes taking place in Russian society. In this paper, on the basis of the European Social Survey 2006-2016 data, the features of the subjective perception of inequality by Russians in various population groups and their dynamics were studied. The Gini coefficient and the decile coefficient were used as indicators of objective actual income inequality. Special attention is paid to the differentiation of views depending on the socio-demographic, income and other characteristics of the population.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(6):42-55
pages 42-55 views

Basic Human Values and Social Participation in Russia

Nastina E.A., Almakaeva A.M.


This study aims to explore to what extent values determine informal social engagement in comparison to the effects of other factors. A heterogeneous sample of respondents from an online panel (N = 3711) is used for our analyses. Self-report in terms of two types of activity, utilitarian and sociotropic, respondents engaged in the last three years were used to create a typology of social participants using latent class analysis. The results of multinomial regression modeling using the obtained classes allow us to conclude that values have a significant impact on the likelihood of more active participation in initiatives for the benefit of society as a whole or its specific groups, and their effect majorly exceeds the effects of other predictors, including trust, identity, life satisfaction, religiosity, and socio-demographic characteristics. At the same time, activists who approach social participation from a predominantly utilitarian perspective prioritize "Self-enhancement", while the participants whose social activity is not limited by the interests of narrow circle, put more value on "Self-transcendence". Other values did not have a significant impact on the engagement pattern. The paper concludes with a discussion of the limitations of the study and directions for future work.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(6):56-67
pages 56-67 views

Wives of Diplomats: Career Opportunities in a Situation of Professional Family Interaction

Ivanova E.Y.


The problems of self-determination of diplomats' wives within the framework of professional family interaction are at the center of the study. The factors influencing the status of a diplomat's wife in the conditions of a business trip abroad are highlighted: diplomatic immunity prescribed by international and domestic legislation, the diplomatic rank of the spouse, as well as the social roles, functions and tasks assigned to her within the framework of the norms and rules of diplomatic activity. [d1] The restrictions on the professional career of the wives of diplomats, influencing their choice of a particular trajectory of social behavior, are systematized. The study relied on the included unsystematic observation of phenomena in the daily lives of the families of diplomats as a covert participant; high-quality content analysis of documents – materials from Internet sites and Internet forums; secondary analysis of sociological and historical research data. Conclusions are drawn about the relevance of the legal strengthening of the status of the wives of diplomats, which would take into account the current situation and consolidate the possibilities of a stable perspective.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(6):68-76
pages 68-76 views

Sociological Monitoring of the External Policy Orientations of Ukrainian Society in The 2000–2020s

Sushchiy S.Y.


In the 1990s-2000s, in the external orientations of Ukrainian society, polls recorded а balance of two main vectors with a certain predominance of the pro-Russian way. In the territorial viewpoint we could state a distinct polarization – the population of the western macroregion was largely oriented towards the European Union, the east and south regions — towards Russia (and the interstate structures it created), the center – in both directions. Consistent pro-European orientation of the Ukrainian government and almost the entire Ukrainian political class; a comprehensive program of “titling” of public life and socio-cultural exclusion from Russia, as well as a socio-demographic factor (change of generations) worked to gradually strengthen Western geo-civilizational vector in the public consciousness of the country's population. The catalyst for this process was the 2013-2014 socio-political crisis and a number of subsequent events caused by it. In the mid-2010s. the drift of the external political and economic orientations of Ukrainian society towards the European Union and NATO was noticeably accelerating. The beginning of the SMO becomes a new trigger for this systemic transit, recorded by all polls in 2022-2023. However, our analysis of their results suggests that while reliably recording the dynamic trends in public opinion, the polls did not reveal real extent of those shifts, they also did not provide correct information about the population's perceptions on a number of aspects of the political and socio-economic dynamics of Ukraine at all. The radical external convergence of geo-civilizational orientations of the inhabitants of the country macro-regions does not mean an equally tangible reduction of diversities in their collective ideas. It is also significant that polls are not able to assess the level of potential socio-psychological adaptability of individual regional communities in Ukraine, which can surface only with a significant change in social reality.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(6):77-93
pages 77-93 views

Values and Norms of Political Culture in the Public Consciousness of Kazakhstan Society

Kurganskaya V.D., Dunaev V.Y., Sagikyzy A.


The article discusses the basic values and norms of the political culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan population on the basis of a sociological survey in the summer, 2022. The purpose of our study is to determine the values and norms in the political culture of the republic population at the present stage of the country’s political modernization. The authors analyze the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the political consciousness of the citizens of the country. Based on the survey results, a conclusion is made about the predominance of parochial and subordinate types of political culture in the mentality of the population of Kazakhstan. The trend of development of participatory political culture elements, despite attempts to implement a program of modernization of public consciousness, is not visible. The main sources of the formation of values and norms of political culture are communicative practices in reference groups, as well as official media.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(6):94-100
pages 94-100 views

Territorial Identity: Structure, Boundaries, Reproduction (A Comparative Analysis of the Saratov region, the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria and the Republic of South Ossetia)

Mokin K.S., Baryshnaya N.A.


The purpose of the article is to analyze the phenomenon of territorial identity as a reflection of modern transformation processes and a relevant indicator of the potential for social mobilization of residents of local territories. The research objectives were to analyze the structure of territorial identity, the forms and mechanisms of reproduction of the external and internal social boundaries of the territorial identity area, and the role of social networks in its reduction. The analysis of the data is based on sociological studies conducted in the Saratov region, the Kabardino-Balkar Republic, and the Republic of South Ossetia. It describes the structural characteristics of territorial identity, the processes of formation of its social boundaries, and evaluates social networks as tools for its preservation, formation, and transformation. The authors conclude that territorial identity occupies a leading place in the structure of an individual self-identification and can be a powerful group consolidating factor.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(6):101-111
pages 101-111 views

“Relocated Russians” In Perceptions of Armenian Youth

Atanesyan A.V.


Since February 2022, many citizens of Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus have fled their countries to escape the risks of being involved in intensive military clashes in Ukraine. As a result, tens of thousands of Russians, as well as Ukrainians and Belorussians moved to Armenia, considering it a temporary endpoint and a transit country, preferring Armenia because of its visa-free and easy immigration regulations, flexible banking system, Russian language practiced after native Armenian, as well as possibility to further move to the European neighborhood, Georgia, Turkey, and other destinations. In this study, we tried to reveal the public image of those relocated to Armenia, their integration modes, and possible changes in economic and social life in Armenia caused by Russian-speaking newcomers, as perceived by Armenian youth. We applied focus-group discussions with representatives of the Armenian youth in addition to the involved observations. In October-November 2022, we conducted 24 focus-group discussions with young locals in the capital of Armenia, Yerevan, and the other ten regions proportionally. Speaking about those who moved to Armenia from Russia, Ukraine, and Belorussia, most young Armenians preferred to call them Russians partly because of a stereotypical image of them as «representatives of one nation» (this stereotype has been actively disseminated in the Western societies while depicting all Soviets too), and partly using their own experience of communicating with newcomers, among which Russian citizens make up the statistical majority. The self-name of the relocated as Relocants did not take root among Armenian youth, while identifying newcomers as IT specialists, is quite popular because of young age and their working for international (including IT) companies. The study reveals the main social, economic, cultural, and communicative changes which occurred with the relocated Russians as seen by Armenian youth.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(6):112-122
pages 112-122 views

Value Orientations and Practices of Social Activity of Nonresident Students in Kazan and St. Petersburg

Eflova M.Y., Maksimova O.A., Ozerova K.


The structure of value orientations and the specifics of the implementation social activity practices of nonresident students studying in the leading universities of the two largest cities in Russia - Kazan Federal University (Kazan) and the Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg) are analyzed. Based on the results of mass representative surveys, a comparative analysis of the studied parameters was made, a correlation was revealed between different types of values in the system of value orientations of students of two universities. A factor analysis has been carried out and factors characterizing the structure of social activity of nonresident students in the cities under consideration have been identified. Factor analysis by preferred areas of activity made it possible to identify three specific groups of respondents among Kazan Federal University students and four groups at the Higher School of Economics-St. Petersburg.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(6):123-135
pages 123-135 views

On the Regional Consciousness of the Russian-Chinese Border Region Students

Simonyan R.K.


In the modern world, the intensity of interstate interactions is increasing. Of great importance in this process are the territories where these interactions take place in the forms of contact – border regions. For Russia, located on two continents, in which more than half of the regions are border regions, this is especially important. Due to the shift of the world economy center towards the Asia-Pacific region and the growing of economic cooperation between Russia and China, the Russian-Chinese border area and, above all, its social component, is becoming an actual object for Russian sociology. The study of consciousness – individual, group, social – is important, both in theoretical and in practical aspects, because people's actions are a product of their thoughts and feelings. This also applies to regional consciousness, a form of perception of group community based on the unity of the territory, which emphasizes the context of the sociology of space. Based on the empirical basis of a survey conducted in December 2021, the article presents the results of a comparative analysis of the regional consciousness of university graduates of the Russian-Chinese border region, confirming the multiplicity of regional consciousness, which manifests itself in homogeneous groups of the population living in the same natural and social conditions. The conclusion is substantiated that it is necessary to study specific forms of regional consciousness in order to expand the theoretical basis for Russia's regional policy.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(6):136-143
pages 136-143 views

Applied Sociology of Professor G.P. Davidyuk and Revival of Sociological Science in the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic

Danilov A.N.


The article examines the history of academic school of applied sociology of Professor G.P. Davidyuk (1923-2020), assesses his contribution to the revival of sociological science and the institutionalization of sociological education in Belarus. G.P. Davidyuk formed the first scientific structures of a sociological profile in Belarus (sector of social research, Department of sociological research of the Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR; sector of applied sociology at the Department of Philosophy of Belarusian State University in Minsk, etc.), he wrote the first textbooks "Fundamentals of Applied Sociology" (1975) and "Applied Sociology" (1979). Under his editorship, the country's first "Dictionary of Applied Sociology" (1984) was prepared, the foundations were laid for professional sociologists training at the Belarusian State University (BSU), personnel of the highest scholarly qualification. In the 1970s and 1980s, the Problematic Research Laboratory of Sociological Research of BSU, headed by G.P. Davidyuk, turned into the country's leading scientific center. The work of the Applied sociology sector at the BSU gave an impetus to the development of industrial sociology.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(6):144-151
pages 144-151 views

Values and Socialization of Youth: the Case of the Russian Federation and China

Ли Цзяньхуэй L.J.


The article examines changing values of contemporary youth and their parents' generation in China and Russia, two generations with different life experiences, taking into account the emergence of the Internet, a new agent of socialization, which provides young people with a special autonomous space for growing up and forming values. The results of value socialization of young generations in the two countries are evaluated according to two waves of the World Values Survey (1995-1998 and 2017-2020). It is found that changes in youth values tend to coincide with and follow socio-economic and socio-political developments in both societies, media and Internet are an important factor influencing changes in youth values from generation to generation, modern Russian and Chinese youth have changed family values and career attitudes compared to their parents' generation. It is confirmed that the value of education of Russian and Chinese youth is increasing, but young people in both countries consider hedonic values to be more important than their parents' generation. The findings have implications for the study of societal dynamics.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(6):152-158
pages 152-158 views

Abdulmanapov P.G. Transformation of Demographic Processes in the Republic of Dagestan in Modern Conditions. Makhachkala, 2022. Reviewed by A.Z. Adiev

Adiev A.Z.


Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(6):159-161
pages 159-161 views

Osinsky I.I., Tenzin B.M.-Kh. The Intelligentsia Of Tuva At The Turn Of The 21st Century. Ulan-Ude: BGU, 2023. Reviewed By O. B. Istomina

Istomina O.B.


Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(6):162-164
pages 162-164 views

The Practices of Qualitative Data Analysis In Social Sciences: The Textbook / Ed. By E.V. Polukhina. Moscow: Id VSHE, 2023. 383 P. Reviewed By O.R. Mikhaylova

Mikhaylova O.R.


Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(6):164-166
pages 164-166 views

Памяти Рустема Махмутовича Нуреева (13.05.1950–12.04.2023)

Социологические исследования Р.


Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(6):173-174
pages 173-174 views

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