Towards the Future: Continuing Education and its Legitimation in Machine Execution

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The development of high-tech technologies and their ubiquitous entry into everyday life are radically transforming social reality. Education (study, learning, enlightenment and even focused curiosity) is becoming a the most powerful social technology based on artificial intelligence and digitalization. In this context, through machine learning (on-line, off-line, distance) - the authors of the reviewed book - Brett King & Dr. Richard Petty. The Rise of Technosocialism: How Inequality, AI and Climate will Usher in a New World. Marshall Cavendish International (Asia) Pte Ltd. 2021 - declare the need to reform capitalism (in its every current manifestations) and transit to «techno–socialism», in which most of human labor will be automated, and technological advances will bring us closer to the socialist ideals of universal equality and justice. Education, particularly, lifelong learning and universal machine education (training) is a way and condition for the transition to such a society. Of course, this is an idealization and, to some extent, a socio-technocratic manifesto. But it is based on the real processes taking place in social life.

About the authors

Grigoriy A. Klucharev

Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS; National Research University - Moscow Power Engineering Institute; journal

Moscow, Russian Federation, Moscow


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