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No 4 (2023)

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Domination of Domination Idea: “The Will to Power” in Contemporary Social Theory. Part I.

Gofman A.B.


The core idea of this article is that in contemporary sociological and, more generally, social theories the concept of power, and especially in such its variety as domination, plays a key role. Moreover, there is a kind of seizure of the conceptual space in theoretical sociology by power and domination concepts. These latter concepts today claim to be the main explanatory principle of all social life. The author qualifies this theoretical position as a kind of "power determinism" and "power reductionism". This trend can be traced in general theory, as well as in different particular fields of sociology. Conceptual expansion of power and domination may also be seen in the fact that concepts close to them ("force", "violence", "oppression", "coercion", "hegemony", etc.), as well as their antonyms (such as "subordination", "obedience", "subordination", "dependence", "resistance", "disagreement", etc.) are becoming increasingly important. These categories occupy an important place in a number of the most popular social theories of our time (P. Bourdieu, E. Laclau, S. Mouffe, J. Agamben, J. Butler and many others). But it was Foucault who played the main role in substantiating omnipotent and ubiquitous presence of power in social life. He tried to implement Nietzsche's call to turn sociology into a doctrine of power. The author analyzes the nature and intellectual origins of these ideas.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(4):3-14
pages 3-14 views

Epistemic Justice for the Dead (transl. by N.V. Romanovsky)

Turner S.P.


The classics of social theory have a peculiar status: our current list is the product of past academic strategizing, and the list of favored classics has changed. Currently there is a process of replacing them with older writers who better fit current concerns, and to cancel those who hold the wrong views, or are of the oppressor class, in order to provide epistemic justice for those who don’t deserve their status and uplift those who were wrongly neglected. From an instrumental, careerist point of view, adapting to these changes makes sense. From the point of view of judgement, which differs from the capacity to produce, it does not. Exclusions narrow our range of reference and our capacity to assess in the present. We owe ourselves, and them, not only temporary, fashion driven justice but a larger capacity of judgement detached from the instrumentalization of scholarship.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(4):15-27
pages 15-27 views

Nonrandomized Techniques for Sensitive Surveys: Comparative Analyses

Myagkov A.Y.


The article is devoted to the description and analysis of the «crosswise» and «triangular» models, pioneered in 2008 by Hong Kong statisticians Yu, Tian and Tang and belonging to the class of non-randomized survey techniques (NRRT), specifically designed to control the effects of social desirability and stimulate self-disclosure of respondents in sensitive surveys. Based on the results of foreign studies, the author made an attempt to evaluate the possibilities of these models for obtaining sincere answers from the respondents. The paper describes the design features, question-answer logic and statistical foundations of both models under study. Methods for calculating a probabilistic estimate of the prevalence of the studied sensitive behavior are presented. The results of empirical tests are presented, which make it possible to judge the validity of the two techniques. The advantages of the crosswise and triangular models compared to the Warner RRT technique and the self-report method are shown, consisting in high validity, good performance by both respondents and intervie-wers, as well as methodological versatility. The most important shortcomings and limitations of survey techniques related to the respondents' non-compliance with the prescribed instructions and the subjective preferences of the interviewees in relation to certain response options are analyzed. The mechanism of the appearance of false-positive assessments that negatively affect the validity of the final data is revealed. Possible solutions to this problem are proposed. As a result of a comparative analysis of the two studied models, the author comes to the conclusion that the advantage in choosing between these two indirect techniques in terms of practical application remains with the crosswise model due to the symmetry of its question-answer design and more effective control of social desirability effects.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(4):28-38
pages 28-38 views

Russian Sociology in the Context of Society Digitalization: Results of a Corpus Analysis of Scientific Texts

Smirnov A.V.


Using the analysis of a corpus of texts from eight leading Russian sociological journals, the article examines the impact of the digitalization of society on sociology in 2000-2021. Frequency analysis of 13.8 thousand scientific texts tracked the introduction of concepts related to digitalization into scientific circulation. The article reveals the differences between the journals, due to their editorial policy in the selection of articles. Through content analysis of texts, the author studied the experience of using digital social platforms as a source of data and an object of reflection. The text shows that they are being used more and more over time, and since 2019, one in five publications mentions digital platforms. The study confirmed that due to the introduction of new digital technologies, the frequency and complexity of the software tools used by sociologists is increasing. Since 2015, there has been an increase in the number of studies whose authors develop their own algorithms for data collection and analysis. The identified trends are likely to continue in the future, as all the indicators considered show a steady increase over time. In the conclusions of the article, the author formulates the prospects for studying the patterns of development of sociological science using the methods of corpus linguistics.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(4):39-50
pages 39-50 views

Contours of the Migration Crisis of 2020–2022 in Russia

Shustov A.V.


The migration situation in Russia during the COVID-19 pandemic has a number of signs of a migration crisis. The understanding of this phenomenon, which has developed under the influence of the migration crisis of 2014-2015 in the EU countries, is usually associated with the influx of large masses of migrants to a limited territory for a short period of time. In Russia, the crisis phenomena in the migration sphere during 2020 – early 2022 were caused by the closure of borders and the difficult socio-economic situation in which labor migrants from Asian CIS countries who were in the Russian Federation found themselves. However, the prerequisites for this crisis were formed during at least the second half of the 2010s. In many ways, they were associated with a noticeable increase in the volume and change in the ethnic structure of migration flows in favor of immigrants from Central Asian countries. At the same time, there was a decrease in the number of labor migrants from the European CIS countries – Ukraine and Moldova, who received the opportunity to work legally in the EU countries after signing Euroassociation agreements in the mid-2010s. Due to the vast territory of Russia and the unevenness of its economic development, the features of the migration crisis were mainly local in nature and were most clearly manifested in the most attractive regions for migrants – Moscow, St. Petersburg and adjacent areas. Its manifestations were mass protests, riots and conflicts involving migrants, as well as a noticeable aggravation of their relations with employers, authorities and the local population.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(4):51-64
pages 51-64 views

Migrants from Uzbekistan in the Moscow Agglomeration: Assessment of Migration Experience

Osadchaya G.I.


The orientation of Uzbekistan towards deeper integration with the Eurasian Economic Union and maintenance the vector to migration activity of the republic citizens to Russia and to the Moscow takes place against the background of insufficient knowledge about a diverse set of migrant’s behavior, update the study of the migration experience. The paper is devoted to the features and determinants of this phenomenon. The article proposes an author's approach to the study of migration experience, overcoming disciplinary and sectoral boundaries, combining the developments of demographic and social studies. The migration experience of a person is understood as deposited impressions, beliefs formed in the process of life and work in emigration about the host country. On the basis of quantitative data, a characterization is given of subjective situations representations, events, prevailing ideas of respondents about everyday life, difficulties of settling and living in Moscow, behavioral aspects related to the setting for return migration, adaptation, support/non-support of Eurasian integration, readiness to interact with the host society, as well as migration experience. On the basis of the resulting indicators: “general work satisfaction in Moscow” and “reasonableness of expectations from coming to Moscow”, which characterize the achievements, the fulfillment of a person’s life, level of aspirations and conditions of the social environment. Two groups of migrants were identified, having different migration experience. The results of the study contribute to the development of sociological knowledge about migration, allow to explain the current and potential migration activity of citizens of Uzbekistan.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(4):65-74
pages 65-74 views

Social Acceptability of Objective and Subjective Reasons for Divorce in Modern Russia

Sinelnikov A.B.


According to surveys conducted by the Public Opinion Foundation, over the 10 years from 2012 to 2022, the social acceptability of divorces in Russia has increased. Residents of the country have become more likely to recognize as valid all the reasons for divorce provided in the questionnaires of both surveys. When a husband or wife demands a divorce because of the inappropriate behavior of the other spouse (adultery, drunkenness, physical violence, etc.), the reason for the divorce is objective. If someone demands to terminate the marriage due to the fact that he does not love a spouse who has not violated the rules of family life, then the reason is subjective. Divorces for objective reasons destroy many families, but the social institution of the family is destroyed only when society also recognizes the subjective reasons for divorce as valid. After that, people no longer believe that the strength of marriage depends on their behavior in the family. This leads to a decrease in the number of marriages and the birth rate. To increase the effectiveness of measures to increase the birth rate, it is necessary to influence public opinion about the reasons for which a marriage can be dissolved. In addition, the divorce laws need to be changed. In cases of a dispute between former spouses about the division of property or about which of them will have children, the courts should take into account the guilt of the husband or wife in the divorce.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(4):75-83
pages 75-83 views

Bologna Experience: Successes and Doubts

Klucharev G.A., Tyurina I.O.


The expected formal withdrawal of Russian higher education from the Bologna process raises the question of assessing the experience gained in this area over two decades. The question of the possibility and expediency of using this experience in the further development of existing education is of high relevance. The article uses data from the monitoring of the Bologna process in education management bodies, in higher and secondary educational institutions, as well as among their administrations and teaching staff. Specific data were obtained by a joint study of the Center for the Sociology of Science and Education of the Federal Research Sociological Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Center for Social Forecasting LLC (N=3677, October 2021) For three subsamples of graduates: bachelor's degree, master's degree, specialty - the following indicators were analyzed: employment in the received specialty, expected and actual wages, readiness for additional and continuing education. An assessment and forecast of the applicability in the conditions of modern Russian realities of such "Bologna" practices as the creation of National research universities, the Unified State Examination, GIFO, educational lending, intra-country educational migration and inter-university exchanges, overcoming inequalities and the availability of quality education.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(4):84-93
pages 84-93 views

Work-Related Learning Practices of University Graduates: Scope and Determinants

Varshavskaya E.Y.


The article analyzes the scale of work-related learning of recent higher education graduates, describes its main practices, determines the factors of participation in training. The empirical analysis is carried out on data from the federal survey of Russian university graduates who completed their studies in 2016-2020. The sample consists of 9325 graduates. About a quarter of recent graduates participated in job-related training in their first year of work. The probability of work-related learning is higher for full-time graduates and for those who are employed as a specialist. It does not depend on whether the graduate works in his specialty or not. Important predictors of participation in work-related learning are the lack of professional skills and the importance of personal (individual) characteristics for successful work. The results showed that work-related learning acts as a tool to overcome the gap between the knowledge and skills that graduates have and the knowledge and skills necessary for the employer, mainly professional content. It was found that participation in work-related training practices is differentiated by qualification groups and by the scarcity of different types of knowledge and skills. On the one hand, formal learning and, on the other, mentoring and self-learning are interchangeable practices. Mentoring and self-learning are in many ways complementary practices of job-related training.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(4):94-105
pages 94-105 views

Paradoxes of the Russian Popadanets` Science Fiction

Latov Y.V.


The author supports proposed by R.N. Abramov interpretation of the Russian science fiction development in the genre of alternative history as a reflection of the mass consciousness dynamics of Russians, but attempts, taking into account bibliometric data, to significantly clarify it. The development of this genre should be seen in the context of the evolving historical mentality of "post-Soviet" Russians, which turned out to be characterized by a commitment to virtual versions of historical events. This finds expression in the mass popularity of not only pseudo-scientific literature on the topics of Russian history (for example, so called “new chronology”), but also frankly fantastic “popadanets`s” alternative history. The perception of many periods of Russian history as a trauma that one would like to get rid of by rewriting or “replaying” real events is, to a large extent, a projection onto the past of the critical attitude of many Russians to the post-Soviet present. The decisive motive in this case is a desire for revenge - to change the results of historical events that were unsuccessful for Russia (first of all, military defeats).
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(4):117-128
pages 117-128 views

Russian science fiction in the Genre of Alternative History as a Reflection of Mass Consciousness: Sociological Approaches

Abramov R.N.


In Russia, fiction in the genre of alternative history has become popular over the past ten years. Book series of this kind are actively published and have a significant readership. This genre is part of ideological and utopian landscape of the Russian mass consciousness. It helps to understand imperial historical traumas, nostalgia for the Soviet past, and a high level of anxiety about the present and future. The theoretical part of the analysis is based on the G. Rosenfeld ideas about a close connection of this genre with the experience of the present and about ontological pluralization of the past. The article also includes M. Laruelle's thesis about the ideological function of this genre and its role in ideological mobilization. The concept of E. Shatsky's utopia as a chronic escapism is an important element in the analysis of this genre in Russia. Russian science fiction in the genre of alternative history mirrors ideological and utopian unconscious, which articulates affective historical traumas of society. Alternative history novels actively experiment with genres, and it contains elements of a political detective story, adventure and spy novel, conspiracy theories, personal nostalgic memoirs about childhood and adolescence, mysticism, military action movie, romance, crypto-fiction. Many authors perceive their novels as a historical experiment, and they are concerned with problematizing the causes of the collapse of the Soviet Union. The modern Russian wave of science fiction in the genre of alternative history is a more painful reaction of a part of society to the deep historical faults associated with the collapse of the USSR. The source of the analysis is the materials of interviews with the authors of works in the genre of alternative history, readers' reviews on thematic online platforms and the content of the works.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(4):106-116
pages 106-116 views

Attitudes Towards Russia and the USA in the Public Opinion of Modern China

Qin L., Babich N.S.


The acute Russian-American confrontation made it important to reveal the attitude of international public opinion towards Russia the United States, especially in countries such as China. But the specifics of the attitudes of the population towards foreign states makes it necessary to analyze many aspects of these attitudes, preferably over a long period of time. Since public opinion poll data is usually severely limited both in the number of indicators and in temporal coverage, there is a need to summarize as many polls conducted by different organizations as possible. In this article, such a generalization is made on the basis of eight large-scale public opinion surveys covering the period from 2004 to 2022, including the time shortly before and after the start of the SMO (special military operation). An analysis of survey data reveals that public opinion in the PRC from 2004 to 2021 consistently treated Russia much more favorably: a large majority systematically expressed positive attitudes, the gap of which from attitudes towards the United States frequently exceeded 50%. With the onset of SMO, this positive attitude worsened in some aspects, improved in others, everywhere by an insignificant amount. Attitudes towards the United States also slightly worsened. Thus, we can confidently say that the public opinion of modern China has a very positive attitude towards Russia, rather negatively towards the United States, the beginning of the SMO, in general, did not change this situation, and the current events are not perceived by the Chinese public as extraordinary, requiring revision of views on international relations.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(4):129-140
pages 129-140 views

Men, Women, … Tribes, Peoples: What Does a Person’s Life Look Like Among His/Her Constructs?

Podvoyskiy D.G.


The article is the second (final) part of the essay devoted to the analysis of social constructivist explanations of gender and ethno-national phenomena. In particular, the author refers to the ideas of the classics of ethno-sociological constructivism – B. Anderson, E. Gellner and E. Hobsbawm, including the argumentation presented in the concept of «imagined communities». A general description of the mechanisms and technologies of practical (including symbolic and discursive) «production» of ethnic identities, construction and «invention» of nations and peoples is given as procedures carried out by intellectuals and politicians in different regions of the world. A specifically «modern» (rooted in the nature of modern societies) context for the formation of nation-states and nationalism as a special political movement and ideological doctrine is revealed. 
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(4):141-152
pages 141-152 views

The Quality of Employment of Hired and Self-Employed Workers in Russia

Baimurzina G.R., Valiakhmetov R.M., Bocharov V.Y.


Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(4):153-155
pages 153-155 views

XVI Grushin Readings at Lomonosov University

Anikina M.E., Khroul V.M.


Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(4):156-158
pages 156-158 views

Men in Modern Russian Society

Rostovskaya T.K.


Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(4):159-160
pages 159-160 views

What Sociologists Talked at the XXIII Ural Sociological Readings

Zborovsky G.E., Ambarova P.A.


Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(4):161-162
pages 161-162 views

Realism and “Formal” Sociology: a New Reassembly of the Social (reflecting on a book of I.A. Shmerlina)

Katerny I.V.


A theoretical inquiry into the ideas proposed by Irina A.Shmerlina in her new book “The Sociology of Social Forms: Reassembling the Theory” (2022) is provided.The author of the book pursues theoretical reframing the sociological tradition based on elaborating the category of "social form".This perspective has no accredited paradigmatic status as a whole, but by reviving and reassembling theoretical contribution of G. Simmel, F. Tönnies, H. Freyer, G. Gurvitch, R. Bhaskar and others, Irina A. Shmerlina reveals the promising heuristic potential of “formal” sociology in explaining the nature of the social. Grounded on the methodology of critical realism and research in the field of sociobiology, the book develops a comprehensive view on the structural organization of social life, thus attempting at resolving the classical sociological antinomies "society-individual", "structure-agency", "macro-micro".
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(4):163-169
pages 163-169 views

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