Crisis and stabilization dynamics of mass consciousness in Russian society

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The article raises the question of the connection between social changes and mass consciousness dynamics. The cyclical nature of social development involves a transition through crisis-stabilisation phases reflected in varying ways in the mass consciousness’ intentions. Various types of mass consciousness are distinguished depending on the focus either on changes or conventions, development or crisis, social activity or passivity. The role of stabilisation consciousness in the context of social changes and systemic challenges is analysed. It is shown that stabilising consciousness plays a vital amortisation role during crises. The analysis of crisis and stabilisation dynamics in mass consciousness of Russian society is provided based on the materials of monitoring studies of the Institute of Sociology of the Federal Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences and other Russian sociological centres. It is concluded that in Russian society for more than two decades the dominant type of mass consciousness has been stabilization consciousness, but fluctuations in its parameters either bring it closer to crisis consciousness or to development consciousness. Such frequent cycles are characteristic for a trauma society or a society with a low level of stability without any specific development trajectory.

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About the authors

Sergey D. Savin

Institute of Sociology FCTAS RAS; RUDN

Author for correspondence.

Cand. Sci. (Sociol.), Leading Researcher, Institute of Sociology FCTAS RAS; Assoc. Prof. of the RUDN Department of Sociology

Russian Federation, Moscow


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