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No 10 (2023)

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The Perspective of Postsocial Transit: Metamorphosis of Actions and Structures

Ignatyev V.I.


The hypothesis about the possibility of transformation society into a postsocial state is tested. The explication of the content of the concept of "sociality" is carried out. It is shown that the signs of intentions of the possibility of postsociality are present in the theory of symbolic interactionism and actor-network theory. The invariant of sociality is revealed. On the basis of the transdisciplinary approach, sociality is interpreted as a generic property of aggregations of homogeneous and heterogeneous agents of natural and hybrid origin to reproduce coordinated interactions. It is suggested that the potential for overcoming sociality is due to the transformation of the "action-structure" relationship, where the virtual actor becomes the agent of action, and the technosystem takes on the function of the structure. As a result, sociality is eliminated and tends to be preserved in the form of virtual epiphenomena, and social life proceeds outside of direct contacts between agents.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(10):3-13
pages 3-13 views

Development of the Theory of Crisis in Sociology: Evolving Ideas and Modernity

Katerny I.V.


The paper explores the question of what crisis is from the perspective of classical and modern sociology laying out a framework for developing the concept of crisis sociality based on the theories of liminality and the morphogenetic approach. Three stages of evolution are identified in theorizing the social ontology of crisis as disruptive events and processes on macro and meso-scale. Based on expert opinions, the paper argues for a specific pattern of current global development in the form of an intercrisis structure of a permanent-liminal type. According to the model, core and peripheral crisis phenomena are singled out as well as transgressive characteristics of institutional liminality and types of coping-behavior strategies are analyzed. Crisis traits of a BANI-world and the YOLO-economy are discussed among other things. The historical foundation for current crisis sociality is seen to be the very nature of modernization process, as the intrinsic imbalance of morphogenetic and morphostatic elements of such development inevitably brings on crisis dynamics and the following liminalization of society.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(10):14-26
pages 14-26 views

Fuzzy Classifications in the Typological Analysis of Workers by Employment Instability

Kuchenkova A.V., Tatarova G.G.


The article is devoted to the theoretical and methodological problems of identifying the typological structure of employees by the nature of employment stability / instability. It actualizes the issues of developing a technology for conducting typological analysis in those research situations when there is a need to apply special means of dividing the objects (respondents) into groups – methods of fuzzy classifications. These are situations when typological analysis is carried out based on mass surveys; it is possible to construct integral indices for measuring indicators of employment instability based on its features of both "objective" and "subjective" nature; there is a blurring of the structure of objects location in the space of classification variables and problems arise in assessing the degree of such fuzziness. The article presents the results of a search study that allows us to conclude that typological models based on the ideas of reconstruction of social types among workers can be interpreted as an instrumental tool for comparing typological structures of different social communities identified by the nature of employment instability. One group of results relates to reflection on the composition of type-forming features, the basic part of which consists of two indicators of employment instability, one of which represents "objective", the other "subjective" features. Another group of results relates to the justification of the adequacy of fuzzy classification methods in our research situation, rather than clear classification methods (the case when an object unambiguously belongs to a certain class).
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(10):27-40
pages 27-40 views

Fulfilled and Unfulfilled Promises of Everett Lee: Toward a Critique of Migration Theories

Lisitsyn P.P., Stepanov A.M., Orlova N.A.


This article is devoted to the analysis of E. Lee's migration theory (Lee, 1966). E. Lee's publication characterizing his theory of migration is one of the most cited works in the history of migration studies. Having been subjected to critical analysis more than once, its key theses are known not only to experts in the field of migration and economics, but also to a wide range of readers, who associate it with the terms "attraction and push" (push and pull). The analysis carried out in this article differs in that the focus of research attention is not so much on the main theses of his theory, as on their relationship with the ideas that preceded, as well as with the trends of the time when this work was written. The authors carried out a brief analysis of the works of E. Lee's predecessors, determining the degree of their influence on the main provisions of his theory, and also highlighted novelty of his work for the development of subsequent migration studies.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(10):41-51
pages 41-51 views

Migration of the Population in the Border Region: Status and Trends (the Case of the Saratov Region)

Loginova L.V., Shcheblanova V.V.


The relevance of the study is due to the destabilizing influence of modern migration processes on regional development, primarily the Russian borderlands with depopulation of the population. This is manifested in the growth of spatial heterogeneity, the deepening of territorial imbalances, the expansion of sparsely populated spaces that threaten the unity of the country in economic, political and social aspects. The purpose of the article is to assess the migration situation in a border region with a decreasing population on the example of the Saratov region, to identify the main trends and potential threats. The border situation is one of the potential factors stimulating migration. However, migration outflow is observed in the Saratov region. In the interregional migration turnover, the region acts as a donor, losing in competition to other regions for human capital. The human losses of the region due to interregional migration were partially compensated by the influx of international migrants accompanied by an increasing crime rate in the migration field and among migrants. The analysis made it possible to reveal a tendency to increase the negative impact of migration processes on the development of the Saratov region expressed in reducing human capital, increasing burden on labor resources, expanding of sparsely populated border areas, and growing illegal migration. This requires taking a set of measures to retain and attract human capital in the border municipalities of the region, optimizing migration flows and migration regime.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(10):52-64
pages 52-64 views

Demographic Potential of the Republic of Buryatia: Dynamics and Factors of Reduction Under New Challenges

Byuraeva Y.G.


The article is devoted to assessment of demographic potential of the Republic of Buryatia for 1990–2022. The main attention is paid to dynamics of the general population movement, birthrate and mortality in context of Russian and regional trends. Relative advantages in demographic development are saved: the higher birthrate, having many children, high share of young people and lower mortality. At the same time, Buryatia begins to lose its advantages in other respects. The author focuses on the factors influencing the decline in birthrate. The depopulation trend has sustainable and long-term nature. It is necessary to create suitable social environment, eliminate risk factors and preserve institution of the family with traditional reproductive attitudes.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(10):65-77
pages 65-77 views

Official and Subjective Poverty in Russia: the Impact of 2020–2021 Events

Belopashentseva P.V.


The article examines the impact of 2020-2021 events on official and subjective poverty. The expediency of using the term “official poverty” to refer to all methodological approaches (absolute until 2021 and relative from 2021) used by the government to establish the poverty line is substantiated. Based on the data of the Russian monitoring of the economic situation and health of the population of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, it is shown that official poverty showed an atypical decline during the crisis period, which, as might have been expected, was the result of a change in the methodology for determing the poverty line and the impact of social policy measures. Subjective poverty kept the pre-crisis level. The relation between officially and subjectively poor groups remained stable, the portraits also did not show significant transformations, and the changes in living conditions are largely related to the habits of the self-isolation period. The revealed differences in the scale and dynamics of official and subjective poverty once again emphasize the importance of a multidimensional analysis.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(10):78-90
pages 78-90 views

Images of ”Russia of the Future“ in the Representations of Its Citizens

Kolennikova N.D.


The article analyzes the ideas of Russians about the short- and medium term future of Russia. Based on the data of a nationwide representative study conducted by the Institute of Sociology of the Federal Scientific Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences in June 2023, it is shown that anxious moods dominate among Russians in the short term. At the same time, stability - one of the most valuable benefits for the population from the current social contract – is not expected by them. Regarding to the desired future in the Russian public consciousness, the coexistence of four popular images is noted: “The state of equality and justice”, “The state of traditional values”, “Nation state” and “Free Market State”. The first three of them consolidate the population in the position of Russia's independent development, and the last image, while losing support among the mass strata, unites supporters of Russia's Western vector of development. At the same time. The first three scenarios contain the principle of social justice as a key component interpreted among the population in different ways. Four models of the future based on different notions of justice are demonstrated: “Request for equal opportunities”, “Request for reduction of income inequality”, “Request for the same standard of living” and “Request for reduction of territorial inequalities”. The greatest consolidation potential is characteristic for a group oriented towards the future of the country with strong power, the preservation of national traditions, and an original vector of the country's development, although the values of social justice are also important for it.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(10):91-103
pages 91-103 views

Features of Elderly People Perception in Russian Society

Lyalikova S.V., Nazarova I.B., Karpova V.M.


The demographic structure of Russian society is undergoing significant changes: the proportion of older people is increasing, the boundaries of the retirement age are shifting, and the structure of the labor market is also changing. The problem is that stereotypes about older people, formed in scientific and public discourse, often have a negative connotation. The purpose of the work is to explore the stable representations of various social groups in relation to older people. Based on the author's empirical research, the paper presents an analysis of the associations that arise with the phrase "elderly person", and also analyzes the degree of agreement and disagreement of the study participants with various judgments about the nature and lifestyle of the elderly. Factor analysis showed which categories of the population are the most loyal and speak positively about the elderly, and which are negatively disposed. Young people show more empathy for the older generation, people of pre-retirement age and the elderly themselves. Negative characteristics of the elderly are attributed to "children" - respondents aged 30-44 years. The core of the consensus in Russian society is represented by the majority, who believe that older people deserve only positive or mostly positive assessments. They see older people as mentors - wise and experienced people who may have squandered some of their physical potential.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(10):104-115
pages 104-115 views

Civilizational Turn in the Contemporary Sociology: the Contribution of S. N. Eisenstadt

Braslavskiy R.G., Коzlovskiy V.V.


The article highlights the contribution of Shmuel Noah Eisenstadt (1923-2010) to the elaboration of key sociological ideas in civilizational analysis. The appeal to the civilizational approach in contemporary sociology is caused by theoretical and methodological deficit in understanding multiple national, regional, local and global sociocultural configurations of dynamic modernity. The sociological tradition of civilizational analysis is represented by M. Weber, E. Durkheim, M. Mauss, P.A. Sorokin, N. Elias, B. Nelson, E. Tiryakian, S. Arjomand, J. Arnason and other scholars. Among them, a most significant figures who played key role in turning contemporary sociology towards civilizational analysis is S.N. Eisenstadt. His concepts of “civilizational dimension of societies”, “axial civilizations”, “multiple modernities”, “civilization of modernity” set the agenda of contemporary civilizational analysis.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(10):116-125
pages 116-125 views

Professor S. M. Shirokogoroff: Russian Origins of Chinese Sociology

Lebedintseva L.A., Deriugin P.P., Liu J.


The article offers an analysis of scientific views of Sergei Mikhailovich Shirokogoroff not well known in the Russian sociological audience. The S.M. Shirokogoroff conceptual views contain a characteristic position in understanding the nature of the social, as built on the basis of the ethnic. The authors of the article identified two priorities of research of social phenomena by S.M. Shirokogoroff: (1) the desire for integrity and consistency, the focus of research on the harmonious study of social phenomena in unity with biological, cultural and other; (2) priority and synthesizing principle of the biological in the understanding of the social. It is noted that in the views of the scholar there are implemented the principles of unity and integrity in conjunction with a prime understanding of the role of the biological principle in the studied elements of social life. The creative activity of S.M. Shirokogoroff is divided into two periods: Russian and Chinese ones. During the first period, the views of the scientist are formed, the priorities in scientific research are chosen both in determining the objects of research, and methodology, methods and principles; in publishing research results. During the Chinese period, the publication activity of S.M. Shirokogoroff becomes extremely multifaceted; he teaches at a number of universities His contacts with Fei Xiaotong, a the most famous sociologist in China today, becomes important for the subsequent development of Chinese sociology. The scientific approaches developed by the scientist found their development in the theoretical and applied research of the Chinese School of Sociological Research in the 1930s. Its basic ideas developed the ideas of S.M. S.M. Shirokogoroff: the nature of social phenomena is a special form of biological adaptability of ethnic units.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(10):126-136
pages 126-136 views

Women’s Activity in the Public Sphere: Dynamics of Ethnogender Attitudes in the South of Russia

Klimenko L.V., Vereshagina A.V.


Determination of the vector of development and sources of integration of multi-ethnic societies should include an assessment of gender systems. The South of Russia is distinguished by a specific ethno-cultural and socio-economic diversity. Nowadays, it includes the territories of two federal districts - the Southern and the North Caucasian (9 national republics and more than 40 nationalities). Economically developed territories and modern social relations coexist with territories with a demodernized economy, low living standards and a traditionalist type of social relations. Official statistics and various studies show the segregation of women in the work sphere and socio-political activity. The article discusses the results of sociological research conducted in six sub-regions of the South of Russia in three stages (2004, 2010 and 2020 years). On the grounds for the content of attitudes regarding the public forms of activity of women, the degree of coincidence of the views of men and women, as well as the vector of the dynamics of ethno -agricultural installations, the subregions of the South of Russia are differentiated into three types - traditional, transition and modernized. The traditional type (Ingushetia, Dagestan) is characterized by high indicators of conservatism of gender attitudes of men and women who are quite stable. The transition type (Kabardino-Balkaria, Adygea, Karachay-Cherkessia) has higher indicators of the approval of the public activity of women with a pronounced gap between the estimates of men and women, when the latter are more often focused on the deconstruction of the traditional gender display. The modernized type (Rostov region) is associated with a more sustainable level of egalitarization of plants in both gender subgroups. The inconsistency of ethno -agricultural attitudes in the field of public activity of women complicates the macro -level integration and reduces the efficiency of the use of human capital of the polyeterical south of Russia.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(10):137-145
pages 137-145 views

Todzha Tuvans in Contemporary Situation

Balakina G.F., Kharunova M.M.


The article discusses the processes of socio-cultural dynamics among the indigenous small people of the North, the Todzha Tuvans living in the Todzhinsky district of the Republic of Tuva. Basing on the materials of a sociological survey of residents in the district (2021-2022) and official statistics, we analyze the features of socio-economic processes, preferences in the labor sphere of the Todzha Tuvans, desirability of engaging in traditional types of labor, the tendency to increase the level of education, specific perception of market economy and attitudes towards changes in society. Conclusions are made about adherence to the traditional way of life and work, reindeer herding as the basis of life, traditional values with the increasing role of modern realities in the minds of young representatives of the people, which determines the need for a targeted approach to preserving the country's ethno-cultural diversity at the regional and municipal levels of government.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(10):146-150
pages 146-150 views

A Russian Region in the Conditions of Crisis (on the example of the Nizhny Novgorod Region)

Trufanov A.Y., Samsonov A.I., Lubyanoy M.S.


Based on sociological surveys 2021-2022 analyzes the assessment of their material well-being by residents of the Nizhny Novgorod region, including its change after the introduction of anti-Russian sanctions. In addition, the authors study the public opinion of Novgorodians on ways to overcome the emerging crisis phenomena. The study of the structure and dynamics of respondents' answers showed that the studied indicators are stable over the past few years of observation. In particular, the share of those who are satisfied with their financial situation exceeds 60%. This allows us to speak about a consistently low degree of social tension in the regional society, which was almost not affected by the events of 2022.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(10):151-156
pages 151-156 views

Cross-Border Area of the East of Russia in the Modernization Processes

Badaraev D.D., Badmatsyrenov T.B.


Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(10):157-159
pages 157-159 views

Development of Expert Institutions in a Changing World

Grabelnykh T.I., Sablina N.A., Zyryanov V.V.


Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(10):160-161
pages 160-161 views

On the Way to a Sovereign Russian Civilization

Titarenko L.G.


The scientific significance, theoretical relevance of the monograph "Russian society: architectonics of civilizational development" are explored. Published two years ago, the monograph has become even more relevant in the new socio-political situation, which confirms that Russia has no other way of development than a sovereign one. The latter suggests the need for its own concept of civilizational development of Russia, one of the variants of which is proposed by the authors of the monograph. The presented author's theoretical interpretation of Russian civilization takes into account previous approaches to civilization, bringing together the socio-structural, socio-cultural, institutional and subjective aspects. The interest to the monograph is increased by the consideration of debatable interpretations of civilization and its determinants, as well as well-reasoned criticisms of another approach to the path of Russian civilization development - modernization. The authors show that this path involves dependence on Western models, without taking into account the national specifics of culture, identity, and the peculiarities of the socio-economic structure of Russia, and therefore it loses to the civilizational one, which offers a model of sovereign development.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(10):162-167
pages 162-167 views

Vladimir Ze’ev Khanin. From Russia to Israel – and Back? Contemporary Transnational Russian Israeli Diaspora. Potsdam: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022

Nosenko-Stein E.E.


Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(10):168-171
pages 168-171 views

Tukumtsev B. G. Selected works: Collection of Articles. Ed. by V. Yu. Bocharov. Samara: Samarskii un-t, 2023

Sizova I.L.


Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(10):172-174
pages 172-174 views

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