Geopolitical Challenges And Russian Sociology

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The author analyzes geo-political and socio-digital-natural challenges to Russia, its national human capital, caused by a crisis of the liberal model of globalization, the transition from the unipolar to a multipolar world, the processes of hybridization of the socio-digital-natural reality. It is shown that their complex causality and consequences for society and nature are interpreted in a one-sided and politicized manner in the liberal sociology that dominates the West, whose representatives claim a “universality” of their theories. Principled response to these challenges were the sovereign modernization that began in Russia, embracing economy, digital technologies, science, education, and healthcare. In this context, a sovereignization of national sociologies is in demand, understood as nationally oriented interdisciplinary theories with sociological core based on modern trends of the complexity and non-linearity in the multipolar world making, hybrid socio-digital-natural realities in the context of which optimal ways for reproducing national human capital are argued for, improving lifestyles of Russian citizens, increasing competitiveness of the humanistic "humanization" in the macro and micro worlds of nature.

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About the authors

Sergey A. Kravchenko

MGIMO-University; Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Science

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Moscow; Moscow


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