Trust as a Determinant of Subjective Well-Being in Russia

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The article considers social trust as a key element in the structure of social capital. Based on the results of international and Russian research, the role of trust in socioeconomic development and its impact on subjective life satisfaction is revealed. We discuss the circumstances of the “trust deficit” as a possible reason for Russia’s significant lag behind the leading countries in world happiness ratings. The data sources for our empirical research are the Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey – Higher School of Economics (RLMS-HSE) and the World Values Survey. In our empirical analysis, special attention is paid to overcoming the problem of endogeneity, which arises as a result of two-way causal relationships between trust and happiness. The hypothesis of a significant positive effect of generalized social trust on life satisfaction in Russia is confirmed by the results of econometric modelling. Our results fit into the broad context of international studies of the social capital impact on subjective assessments of the quality of life. Based on Russian data, we confirm the conclusion that the impact of increasing social capital on subjective well-being across the whole society is strongly positive. The conclusion of our work concerns the possibility of raising the subjective well-being of Russians by improving informal institutions by means of social trust strengthening.

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About the authors

Olga N. Antipina

Lomonosov MSU

Author for correspondence.

Doc. Sci. (Econ.), Prof., Faculty of Economics

Russian Federation, Moscow

Anna D. Krivitskaya



Manager, Faculty of Economics

Russian Federation, Moscow


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