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No 5 (2023)

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Domination of Domination Idea: “The Will to Power” in Contemporary Social Theory. Part II

Gofman A.B.


The article discusses the "power determinism" and "power reductionism" ideas, in particular, in relation to the scientific knowledge field. Unlike the classical era of social science, based on the idea of an honest and unbiased search for truth, today the idea of scientific knowledge as politically engaged and subordinate to social movements, acting under various "progressive" slogans, has gained extraordinary popularity. This ideology of conformism in relation to these movements largely occupies a dominant position in the Western university system today. A special role in the process of reducing scientific knowledge to the factor of power was played by the ideas of such left-wing anarchists and pioneers of "cathedral nihilism" as M. Foucault and P. Feyerabend. In their work, one can find sources of a number of popular social movements for which truth is exclusively a product of certain domination forms: class, racial, gender, colonial, etc.; the autonomy of scientific knowledge is denied. In part, the popularity of power determinism is explained by strengthening of the factor of political power and expansion of opportunities for its use and camouflage, in particular, thanks to modern information technologies. Cumulatively, the expansion of "power determinism" and "power reductionism" in the field of sociological knowledge leads to a reducing of its level and authority on a social and global scale.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(5):3-14
pages 3-14 views

Russian Sociology in Search of Responces for Theoretical Challenges

Titarenko L.G.


Any social science needs is a theory as its integral part. Since 2022, Russian sociology has existed in the context of new challenges and social threats related to Russia's intentions to change the global balance of power. New conditions stimulate a revision of approaches to solving key problems of society and making adjustments to the theoretical models of its development. This is in many ways a painful process requiring intellectual efforts and political decisions. Since we are talking about Russian sociology, it is necessary to rethink the existing Russian macrotheories. There is an active search for new ways of developing social science. The search for these paths is accompanied by a rethinking of the well-known "universal" ways of modernizing society, which will help Russian sociology to determine its place in the global scientific community, while preserving its own cultural heritage. The article analyzes which theories can be considered relevant in Russia today, focusing on nodernization schemes and civilization approach developed by Russian sociologists, in particular, by Nikolay I. Lapin.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(5):15-25
pages 15-25 views

How to Get Truthful Answers in Sensitive Research (On the methodological potential of the nominative techniquе)

Myagkov A.Y.


The article is devoted to the description and analysis of the nominative technique, which belongs to the class of non-randomized survey models designed to obtain sincere answers from respondents in research on sensitive issues. Theoretical origins and methodological foundations of the nominative technique are analyzed. Its connection with the methods of multiplicity and the theory of network samples by M. Sirken is traced. A detailed description of the two main versions of the analyzed technique is given: the early one, presented by the «three closest friends of the respondents» method, proposed in the 1970s byM. Sirken, and the later, developed by J. Miller in the middle 1980s taking into account the volume and depth of the respondents' social networks, as well as information about the deviance of «significant others». The organizational, technical and methodological features of these versions are shown. Methods for statistical assessment of the prevalence of the studied types of social deviations for both described models are presented. The advantages and disadvantages, possibilities and limitations of the nominative technique, as well as the conditions for its reliable application are discussed. The results of empirical studies are presented, indicating the superiority of this technique over the self-report method in terms of the reliability and quality of the data obtained. The conclusion is made about the expediency of its use when discussing sensitive issues and topics with respondents.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(5):26-36
pages 26-36 views

Communication in interviews with teenagers on sensitive topics

Yashina M.N., Zharikova A.V.


The research design with participation of children and adolescents has some distinctive features. They are caused by the legal status of this age group, its psycho-physiological characteristics, the place of the group itself and its autonomy in the system of social relations. Particular concern in collecting materials is caused by questions involving sensitivity. In conditions when the research participants themselves belong to the sensitized field, the difficulties are multiplied. The object of the 2019 study, conducted at the Sociology Clinic of Applied Research (St. Petersburg State University), was teenage girls 16-19 years old participating in the program “A Firm Step into Adulthood”. The informants had a sensitive experience such as raising without parents, staying in an orphanage. Therefore, such techniques as "peer-to-peer", projective techniques "Life Line", "Chamomile", and vignette questions were used to build effective communication. Interviews in the peer-to-peer format were not implemented to the fullest extent, as similarities in gender, age, and differences in social experiences between interviewers and informants did not allow to level the boundaries in interactions. The questions about Internet safety and drug risks were the most difficult to get truthful answers. Overall, the study showed that despite the blurring boundaries of social norms in older adolescence, the areas of life that are strictly controlled by social institutions proved to be the most sensitive for study participants compared to those considered as such in public opinion, such as the loss of parents. 
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(5):37-46
pages 37-46 views

Dichotomy and Two-Component Polytomy in Contemporary Sociology

Pasovets Y.M.


Abstract. The article reveals the need to rethink the heuristic potential of dichotomy as a cognition method in the research of contemporary social reality, which characterizes by its structure complication and dynamics acceleration. Based on the analysis of recent works by foreign and Russian authors, it gives the description of the understanding of dichotomy and the dichotomous method in social and humanitarian knowledge, its comparison with other terms used to characterize opposites and their relationship, and the separation of dichotomies into scientific and everyday ones. This paper analyzes the practice of applying the dichotomous method in sociological research in recent years: it identifies the main sociological dichotomies and reveals their movement in contemporary sociological knowledge, which consists of the use of established dichotomies in the research of the balance between extremes, the convergence of opposites, overcoming contradictions and, conversely, their exacerbation, polarization of social relations that are observed in the contemporary world, as well as the formation of new binary pairs following the example of the dichotomy «sustainability – vulnerability». It determines the changes in the practice of dichotomous method using in the field of social and sociological cognition: on the one side, there is a transition from its use as the main research method to use in combination with other methods and methodological techniques, which allows solving a wider range of research tasks, on the other side, along with dichotomies, researchers construct two-term polytomies, which their authors call dichotomies. The author reveals significant heuristic possibilities of the dichotomous method for conceptualization, analysis and explanation of the increasingly complex and dynamic contemporary social reality: this method allows you to identify the differences between the research objects, to carry out their comparative analysis and interpretation, to reveal their dualism and opposite sides, while emphasizing the independence and interconnectedness of these extremes, to order and generalize the data obtained on the basis of this method, to develop alternative models of explanation.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(5):47-58
pages 47-58 views

Functional Features of Languages in Ethnofederations: a Comparative Analysis

Farukshin M.K.


The main thesis in this article is that, along with general functions that languages perform in any unitary or federal state, languages in ethnic federations also perform specific functions determined by the organization and composition of these federations and expressed differently in multinational ethnic federations and in ethnic federations without a national state language, in so-called bi-ethnic federations and federations with three and four regional official languages. The article highlights four specific functions of languages in ethnic federations.Firstly, the ethno-linguistic principle serves as a criterion for the formation of ethnic federation subjects, thus making languages a factor in the territorial division of the latter. Secondly, the languages of ethnic federations are characterized by geographically limited nature of their action creating more obstacles to the mobility of the population and, also, to the formation of a common civil identity. Thirdly, in ethnic federations, knowledge of the official languages of their subjects is often a legally binding or default requirement in staffing government bodies and electing (appointing) officials. Fourth, taking into account the ratio of official languages - national and regional in multinational ethnic federations, as well as the ratio of regional languages of ethnic groups among themselves, - the problem of possible bilingualism emerges.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(5):59-69
pages 59-69 views

Attitude to the traditional wedding of students from Central Asia studying in Moscow

Barsukova S.Y.


A traditional wedding is an important part of the cultural code of the inhabitants of Central Asia. Can a wedding become a point of conflict between generations? The article is devoted to the attitude to wedding traditions of young people from Central Asian countries (Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan) who study in Moscow. The research method is asemi-structured interview (N=23). In the interview, the distance between "what parents think is right" and "what kind of wedding I want" is clearly visible. Young people want to hold their own wedding more privately and less burdensome in terms of effort and money spent. There are several reasons for the reproducibility of wedding traditions: - respect for the ancestors, the desire to avoid conflict with relatives, - disenfranchisement of girls as a gender norm, - the need of families to demonstrate their success, - fear of shame, loss of reputation. The attitude of young people to a traditional wedding varies. Someone is willing to voluntarily follow traditional wedding rituals. Someone moderately criticizes wedding traditions, but is ready to obey them so as not to upset relatives. Someone sharply criticizes traditional wedding ceremonies and intends to hold a wedding contrary to the traditional canon.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(5):70-81
pages 70-81 views

Dangerous Youth: why Do Political Uprisings Take an Unarmed Form?

Ustyzhanin V.V., Zinkina Y.V., Korotayev A.V.


Quantitative cross-national studies of the factors of violent (armed) versus nonviolent (unarmed) revolutionary events are very few, and they do not pay enough attention to such a powerful factor as a high proportion of young people in the total adult population – the “youth bulge”. We assume that (1) revolutionary uprisings in countries with a greater youth bulge will be significantly more likely to take armed form than in countries with a significantly lower value of this indicator. We also assume that (2) the higher the median age of the population, the higher the likelihood for a revolutionary uprising take an unarmed character. In general, both of our hypotheses are fully confirmed. Thus, there is a reason to believe that the significant increase in the median age of the population observed at the global level in the recent decades could have contributed to a noticeable decrease in the share of armed revolutionary uprisings and an increase in the share of unarmed ones.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(5):82-96
pages 82-96 views

Life Goals of Youth and Ways to Achieve Them (a survey in the South-Western and Southern regions of Russia)

Reutov E.V., Reutova M.


Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of the value orientations of the youth of the regions of the South of Russia in the context of life goals, methods and conditions for their implementation. The hierarchy of young people's value priorities (life goals) is headed by family, health and material wealth. Self-realization is on the semi-periphery of the value hierarchy, service to society is on the periphery. At the same time, as factors of success in life, interpreted as instrumental values (means of achievement), social conformism (observance of the rule of law, adherence to moral standards), professionalism, good friends and family support come to the fore. Values associated with social responsibility (citizenship, helping others) are of medium importance in the hierarchy of life success factors (means of achieving life goals). The following contradiction has been fixed in the value picture of the world of young people: if life goals are formulated in the paradigm of privacy and traditionalism, then the means of achieving them are considered to a large extent through social conformism and professionalization. The most rational way to regulate the imbalance in the conditions for the realization of life goals that has developed in Russian society, young people consider territorial, including cross-border mobility.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(5):97-107
pages 97-107 views

Специфика идентичности студентов приграничья России и Украины (на примере Белгородского и Харьковского госуниверситетов)

Simonyan R.K.


Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(5):108-116
pages 108-116 views

Социология в поиске идентичности (интервью с Н.В. Романовским)

Demidenko S.Y.


Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(5):117-132
pages 117-132 views

После «конца истории»: консервативный неолиберализм и рефеодализация?

Buzgalin A.V.


Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(5):133-144
pages 133-144 views

Typological Analysis of Young People Health Behavior: on Specifics of the Four-Component Model Realization

Chirkova A.V.


The article deals with the methodical problems of the typological analysis of young people on health-saving behavior. Methodical solutions are proposed for the formation of a system of classification characteristics in the form of logical indices that allow for multidimensional classifications. The procedure for imputation of missing data that occurs when using the proposed indices for the purpose of young people typologization is described. The results of a comparative analysis of cluster profiles for three age groups among young people are presented. The conclusion is substantiated that the heuristic potential of indicators of health-saving behavior as basic type-forming attributes in these groups is different.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(5):145-153
pages 145-153 views

About Some Social Characteristics of Chronic Stress of Shift Workers in the Arctic Conditions

Akimov A.M.


The expeditionary-shift method of organizing labor involves an increase in the intensity of labor during the shift, a longer work shift, a decrease in inter-shift rest in the absence of days off and minimal social and domestic security. The article is devoted to the study of the parameters of stress at work and in the family among men aged 25-54, employed in expeditionary-shift work in the Arctic territories of the Tyumen region. A sociological study was conducted on an organized population of men aged 25-54, employed in expeditionary-shift work for more than five years at one of the industrial enterprises of the Tyumen region. The comparison group consisted of an organized population of men in the same age range, working permanently in the city of Tyumen. Determination of stress at work and stress in the family was carried out according to the WHO standard questionnaire MONICA-psychosocial (Multinational Monitoring of Trends and Determinants of Cardiovascular Disease - Optional Psychosocial Sybstudy). Among the men employed in the expeditionary-shift form of work, most often over the previous period of twelve months, a change in specialty was established, an increase in the load and responsibility at the workplace, a more negative attitude towards work, an increase in conflicts with subordinates, but also the possibility of rest after working day while reducing "other" changes at work. According to the parameters of stress in the family, among men employed in expeditionary-shift work, over the previous period of twelve months, a change in marital status, an increase in conflicts in the family, but also opportunities for a relaxing home rest were most often determined. Thus, the obtained results of a sociological study, which determined a significantly higher prevalence of some factors of chronic social stress after five years of work in the Arctic territories of the Tyumen region, should become a scientific basis for the formation of a socially oriented preventive program to reduce the risks of developing CVD among workers in the oil and gas production complex employed in expeditionary - shift form of work.  
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(5):154-159
pages 154-159 views

Social Well-Being of Russians in the Spring of 2022

Rogach O.V., Frolova E.


In this work, based on the materials of a sociological survey of Russians, an analysis of the social well-being of citizens after the onset of the economic crisis and the introduction of external sanctions is carried out. The empirical analysis is based on the data of the all-Russian survey of the population (N=4422) conducted by the authors in May 2022. The data obtained represent the opinion of Russians aged 18 years and older, divided into regions in all federal districts of the Russian Federation. The article presents an examination of two aspects of the social well-being of Russians in the context of the economic crisis. It is concluded that the emotional and psychological aspect is illustrated by an increase in anxiety and an increase in uncertainty about the future, an actualization of the risks of violating personal security. In turn, the behavioral aspect of considering the social well-being of Russians has the opposite character: despite the presence of signs of depression in the emotional background, the majority of Russians are oriented towards constructive actions. In particular, the following empirical results were obtained in the work: almost half of Russians faced the problem of job loss, there are difficulties with employment and a massive decline in incomes of the population. In view of these problems, 2/3 of Russians were forced to change their way of life (this was perceived most painfully by the female part of the population). Despite the general increase in anxiety, the majority of Russians are focused on the implementation of a new life strategy and are actively planning their future: get an education, go into business, change jobs. Correlation analysis showed a strong relationship between changes in the social well-being of the population and such a factor as the destruction of the usual way of life. At the same time, difficulties with work, the disappearance of familiar goods had a much lesser impact on the growth of anxiety among social groups in Russian society than the need to reduce spending and change lifestyles.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(5):160-166
pages 160-166 views

Война в предметном поле современной зарубежной социологии

Obraztsov I.V.


Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2023;(5):167-172
pages 167-172 views

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