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No 5 (2024)

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Work in a changing world: transformations in the labor sphere and the focus of new research (round table)

Demidenko S.Y.


On the eve of the anniversary of the journal, issues of studying labor and labor relations in our country are discussed, including their coverage in the journal. Specialists in the field of labor sociology give varying assessments not only of the previous period of the discipline’s development, but also evaluate its prospects, discussing the undeservedly forgotten names of predecessors and their ideas. The peculiarity of the national sociology of labor development is noted, which, despite the lackibg independent theories as well as ideas ahead of practice, over the past fifty years has always adequately responded to the challenges and demands of its time, fulfilling social orders. Methodological questions are raised about the difficulties of studying social and labor relations, lack of conceptual elaboration of the conceptual apparatus, and the measurements difficulties in the labor sphere are discussed. Important aspects of prospective research in this direction are discussed.

Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2024;(5):3–26
pages 3–26 views


Work day duration dynamics in the post-soviet era

Kozyreva P.M., Nizamova A., Smirnov A.I.


Based on data from the Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (RLMS-HSE), analysis is conducted of the basic tendencies that outline changes in the duration of the work day in post-Soviet Russia (1994–2021). It was revealed that if in the 1990s every third worker stayed within the established limit for working hours, in 2021 only every fifth, while everyone else was constantly forced to work extra hours. At the same time, with an increase in the duration of paid work, there was a noticeable reduction in the time spent traveling to and from work, as well as the share of these costs in the total amount of working time. A noticeable differentiation of workers by level of workload has been revealed, which in turn becomes one of the compelling reasons for the growth of differentiation in wages. Analyzing the current situation in the economy, the authors predict the preservation of high rates of working hours in the near future, which increases the threat of emotional exhaustion and physical fatigue of workers.

Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2024;(5):27–38
pages 27–38 views

Well-being employment in modern Russia: what is that?

Karavay A.V.


The aim of the study was to get an answer to the question of how different types of employment are related to Russians’ job satisfaction. Based on the data of the Higher School of Economics for 2022, it is shown that such a relationship can be traced quite clearly but has its own specifics in different professional groups. At the same time, the standard full-time official employment, which is objectively the most prosperous type of employment and is most widespread among Russians, providing the greatest guarantees of respect for labor rights, including a certain length of the working week, subjectively is not such for representatives of most professional groups. Subjectively, it is primarily various types of employment with a non-wage nature of work. Of all types of hired employment, the highest job satisfaction ratings are found among the most qualified part of Russian workers (managers, professionals and semi–professionals) who have permanent informal employment, and among persons of physical or routine non-physical work – those who have incomplete or standard official employment. Overemployment, even with its official nature, is usually forced, accompanied by reduced hourly wage rates for the corresponding professional group and reduces job satisfaction. As for informal employment, primarily permanent, if for managers and professionals it is a voluntary choice accompanied by high job satisfaction, for workers and ordinary workers in sales and consumer services it has a forced character and entails dissatisfaction with their work.

Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2024;(5):39–53
pages 39–53 views

Labor relations differentiation in a modern high-tech enterprise (а case study)

Bocharov V.Y.


A conceptual model for the analysis of labor relations based on the methodology of the sociology of life is presented. Labor relations are considered as a synthesizing concept of the life world of an employee of a modern high-tech industrial enterprise. Empirical research data indicate differences in the state of key characteristics of labor relations (labor consciousness, labor behavior and the production environment) between employees of automated («A») and non-automated («NА») production sites. Among the employees of the «A» sites, the proportion of «conformists» is noticeably higher, there is a lower level of social well-being, job satisfaction and its components, involvement in the digital environment, vocational training and a more pronounced willingness to conflict in the enterprise. Among the employees of the «NА» sites, there is a higher proportion of «pragmatists» who are guided by material motives, well adapted to the production environment, satisfied with their current profession, career prospects and demonstrating a high level of social well-being. The conclusion is made about the reasons for this differencing and measures are proposed to accelerate the adaptation of workers to the new content of work in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution and the formation of their involvement levels in the affairs of the enterprise, the manifestation of initiative and creative attitude to work.

Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2024;(5):54–65
pages 54–65 views


Subjective well-being: the problem of analyzing population qualitative heterogeneity (part 2)

Kuchenkova A.V., Tatarova G.G.


The article substantiates the importance of the methodological problem of analyzing qualitative heterogeneity of an objects’ set in the process of sociological measurement of subjective well-being. It presents the results of an exploratory study aimed at testing a number of tools in reconstruction procedures of social types among the population as qualitatively homogeneous latent formations (according to the nature of subjective well-being). In the first part of the article, an analysis was carried out of the “researchers’ request” for methodological reflection on the use in mass surveys of such subjective well-being generalized indicators as life satisfaction, personal happiness; the problem of the complete set of particular indicators was considered; the expediency of using relationships between the generalized indicator and the particular indicators as a basis for the typology was substantiated.

This part of the article provides a brief description of the fuzzy classification algorithm from the class of logical-combinatorial methods used to search for typological syndromes, that are the basis for identifying typological groups. The results of a typological analysis, based on the RLMS HSE, wave 26, 2017 data are presented. Identification of the qualitative heterogeneity specifics in subjective well-being was carried out for all workers and for groups among them, representing three stages of the life cycle.

Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2024;(5):66–78
pages 66–78 views


Farming is an (un)rooted social group: problem statement

Velikiy P.P.


The article examines the objective and subjective life prerequisites of modern Russian farming, a new group in the social village structure. Based on the parameters established in practice for the size of farming into small, medium and large groups, the author substantiated the main prerequisites for their rooting in the agro-industrial complex and the life of rural communities. Large farmers are the most securely rooted; medium-sized farmers are weaker. Particularly dramatic is the situation for heads of small farms, whose number has decreased by half over ten years (from 2006 to 2016). It has been suggested that the resources of this group, primarily arable land, will eventually pass over to large farmers. Medium-sized farmers are also close to this situation, mainly due to the lacking heirs capable of farming in rural conditions. This could lead to further reductions in the farming lifestyle. The author’s ideas are formulated on ways to rationalize the sociodynamics of the farms’ composition in order to maintain not only their economic and sociocultural role, but also the employment of the mass of rural residents. Actors of the farming way of life are the subject of transitional social states of society and its individual systems, where the lines of many economic, social and ideological players intersect. When realizing their life plans, they act in a space of uncertain future beyond their control.

Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2024;(5):79–88
pages 79–88 views

Associative image of “life in retirement” as an element of social conceptualization of the pension period by russians in working age

Kiselev I.Y., Mikhailova E.V., Smirnova A.G.


The associative field of the stimulus “life in retirement” was obtained by the method of free associations during sociological study conducted in April – June 2023 by employees of the Department of Sociology of Yaroslavl State University named after. P. G. Demidov. This sociological study, titled “Labor, financial, health-saving strategies of representatives of different age groups in the context of reforming the pension system in Russia”, N = 652 people, deals with the residents of the Yaroslavl region in the working age. The semantic focus here is an analysis of the associative image of “life in retirement” as an aspect of the social conceptualization of personal future. The identified associative dominants are correlated with the principles of active longevity, a shared attitude towards preparing for retirement, and are considered in the context of such factors as gender, age, level of material well-being, and reference models of aging. The associative image of “life in retirement” is characterized by meaningful and emotional-evaluative ambivalence. Significant positions in the core of the associative field are occupied by associates, connected with personal existential values: “calmness”, “rest”, “time for yourself”; there is a significant proportion of mentions of “traditional” associates of life in retirement: “grandchildren”, “dacha”, “illness”, “aging”, “useful hobby”. It is noted that the perception of the prospects for life in retirement as favorable or unfavorable is determined primarily by individual resources, including material capabilities, age, and personal attitudes. A conclusion is made about the insignificant, fragmentary correspondence of the associative way of life in retirement with the postulates of the active longevity concept; the most obvious contrast is reluctance to continue working upon reaching the retirement age.

Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2024;(5):89–102
pages 89–102 views

Practices of religious participation in the context of positive ageing project

Elutina M.E., Ufimceva E.I.


The article discusses the religious participation practices in the context of the positive ageing project. It is shown that the formation of a positive old age project, adequate to the challenges of the time, is based on the analysis of diverse and inclusive experiences, not limited to ideas that boil down only to health, wealth and comfortable leisure. The experience of various social groups of the population is interesting and useful for designing a positive old age project. In this article, we combine ageing and the experience of religious participation, the analysis of which was carried out via in-depth interviews as part of a field study of the process of conversion to Orthodoxy. Based on interviews with elderly parishioners of the Russian Orthodox Church, the authors show how habitus (cognitive, emotional, motivating structures) functions with elderly people converted to Orthodoxy in different types of religious participation, reproducing and changing values, identities, inner experiences at the gerontological stage of their life path. The analysis of in-depth interviews with religiously converted people permitted to identify a variety of socio-religious solidarity practices, as well as to show positive effect of religious involvement for maintaining trust, participation, activity, and for “capitalizing hope” for a better outcome in difficult life situations at a late age.

Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2024;(5):103–112
pages 103–112 views


Trends and social reasons of living alone

Gurko T.A.


In connection with the global trend of the spreading one-person households, the basic concepts and directions of studying loneliness are analyzed. The empirical base is the data from the censuses of 2002, 2010, 2021, Statistical Survey of Income and Participation in Social Programs-2022 and Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey – Higher School of Economics (RLMS-HSE, 2009, 2021 and 2022), foreign studies results on the problems of single households and loneliness.

The reasons for the spread of single households can be considered as an increase in life expectancy, developing social security system, urbanization, economic independence of women and adult children, nuclearization of families, decreasing levels of marriage and fertility, internal and external migration, spreading individualism values, self-realization and tolerance to various lifestyles. In Russia, the share of households consisting of one person in cities among other private households is doubling from 2002 to 2021 to amount to 43,8%. Against the background of data on developed countries, the indicator is high, which may be due to a different calculating methodology. The proportion of working-age people living in single households in cities has also increased from 46,9% to 59,6%. Such changes were probably facilitated by economic independence of adult children from their parents, an increase in the age of family formation and childbirth, and the practices of intimate and marital relations in different households.

According to the RLMS-HSE data there are more men living in one-person households in young and middle age while for women these ages are older. At the age of 36–59, there are almost twice as many people living without partners who are dissatisfied with life and have nervous disorders or depression compared to spouses in the same age. There are no differences in indicators such as smoking, alcohol consumption, assessment of health and financial situation. There are fewer satisfied cohabitees among women, but not among male cohabitees, who are probably more likely to be satisfied with a situation without obligations. The absence of children can be considered one of the criteria for the empirical identification of single people. At the age of 60 and older, 8% of men and 9% of women in cities did not have native or officially adopted children. The indicators of well-being of those who have and do not have natives or officially adopted children were compared. There were no differences in indicators such as smoking, alcohol consumption, health and financial status assessment. The absence of natives or officially adopted children aged 60 years and more has a negative impact mainly on women’s life satisfaction.

The trend of living in one-person households, including those in working ages, is likely to persist in Russia. From the point of view of fertility, a low level of final celibacy for men and women and the low rate of women’s childlessness in comparison with developed countries are encouraging so far. A high divorce rate is partially offset by remarriages. Cohabitation is rather not an alternative to marriage, at least among educated groups of the population, but only a stage in life for a balanced choice of a partner.

Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2024;(5):113–127
pages 113–127 views

Financial rationality vs traditions: on wedding costs of medium income urban families in Kazakhstan

Barsukova S.Y.


Talking about weddings in Kazakhstan can be reduced to one phrase – very beautiful, but very expensive. A plethora of rituals accompanying the wedding, from matchmaking to post-wedding visits, determines the scale of expenses incurred by the families of the bride and groom. Traditions endow the bride and groom with specific expenses, which leads to the separation of their wedding budgets and the fear of not being generous enough compared to the other side. To “decode” wedding accounting, some wedding expenses and sources of their coverage were analyzed in detail using the examples of several Kazakh families who had organized a wedding or were preparing for it. The article provides an estimate of wedding expenses and systematizes the resources that allow the family to bear this financial burden. The ways to reduce costs without reputational damage are discussed separately. It is shown that using the relatives’ help as an alternative to bank loans is embedded in the society. Social environment support in covering wedding expenses forms a system of mutual obligations that firmly bind families within the framework of the gift exchange economy.

Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2024;(5):128–140
pages 128–140 views


А life in social theory (interview with Stephen Park Turner)

Mitupova S.A.


A conversation with Stephen Turner, Distinguished Professor of the Department of Philosophy at the University of South Florida, USA, took place in April 2024 in his office at the university in Tampa. Professor Turner’s scientific interests in the field of philosophy of science, history of sociology allowed him to give a deep analysis and his vision of the fundamental problems of sociology, philosophy, social education, history of American sociology and its place in the global sociological community. The interview highlights the challenges within the American scientific system, sociology’s role in social sciences, and the methodologies and concerns of philosophy in examining modern existence. It uncovers the perspectives of the American sociologist on the importance of an expansive view of sociology that encompasses the social philosophies of non-Western cultures in the lexicon of worldwide sociological research.

Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2024;(5):141–150
pages 141–150 views


The problem of scientific personnel certification: universal rules and diversity of complexities

Biyzhanova E.K.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2024;(5):151–155
pages 151–155 views

Labor, employment, human capital: new challenges and solutions

Karapetyan R.V.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2024;(5):156–158
pages 156–158 views

The lifeworld of labor workers: preferences and institutional possibilities

Anisimov R.I., Klimova S.G.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2024;(5):158–161
pages 158–161 views

The multigenerational family as a strategic resource for Russia’s national security

Rostovskaya T.K.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2024;(5):165–166
pages 165–166 views

Exploring population heterogeneities

Noskova A.V., Bikkinina D.D.
Sociologičeskie issledovaniâ. 2024;(5):162–164
pages 162–164 views


pages 167–170 views
pages 170–174 views

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