
Anemia as a risk factor of contrast-associated acute kidney injury
Mironova O.I., Deev A.D., Lakotka P.G., Fomin V.V.
Factors associated with a reduction in glomerular filtration rate in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Bolotova E.V., Dudnikova A.V.
What we do and do not know about women and kidney diseases; Questions unanswered and answers unquestioned: Reflection on World Kidney Day and International Woman’s Day
Piccoli G.B., Alrukhaimi M., Zhi-Hong L., Zakharova E., Levin A.
Clinicopatological variants and risk factors for chronic kidney disease in rheumatoid arthritis
Chebotareva N.V., Gulyaev S.V., Androsova T.V., Popova E.N., Gurova D.V., Novikov P.I., Milovanova L.Y., Moiseev S.V.
The role of chronic kidney disease in assessing the risk of the poor course of hospital ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction
Karetnikova V.N., Kalaeva V.V., Evseeva M.V., Osokina A.V., Kashtalap V.V., Gruzdeva O.V., Shafranskaya K.S., Zykov M.V., Barbarash O.L.
Chronic kidney disease and chronic heart failure: impact on prognosis and choice of pathogenetic therapy
Mezhonov E.M., Reitblat O.M., Vyalkina Y.A., Airapetian A.A., Lazareva N.V., Ageev F.T., Blankova Z.N., Svirida O.N., Prints Y.S., Zhirov I.V., Tereshchenko S.N., Boytsov S.A.
Anemia of chronic diseases in the early stages of chronic kidney disease as a risk factor for cardiovascular complications in patients with glomerulonephritis
Markina M.V., Milovanova L.Y., Lysenko L.V., Milovanova S.Y., Volkov A.V., Beketov V.D., Lebedeva M.V., Nezhdanov K.S., Moiseev S.V.
Finerenone cardiorenal effects and its placement in treatment of chronic kidney disease in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A review
Salukhov V.V., Shamkhalova M.S., Duganova A.V.
Contrast-induced acute kidney injury in chronic coronary artery disease patients with diabetes mellitus and obesity
Mironova O.I., Staroverov I.I., Sivakova O.A., Deev A.D., Fomin V.V.
Idiopathic membranous nephropathy with focal segmental sclerosis
Kamyshova E.S., Bobkova I.N., Kakhsurueva P.А., Abdulaeva A.S., Rudenko T.Е., Stavrovskaya E.V., Andreeva E.Y., Li O.А., Suvorov A.Y.
The atorvastatin effects on the prevention of contrast-induced acute kidney injury during computed tomography with contrast media
Vasin A.A., Mironova O.I., Fomin V.V.
Hyperuricemia and kidney damage in patients with cardiovascular disease: A review
Mironova O.I.
Contrast-induced acute kidney injury in patients with stable coronary artery disease: the most important risk factors and prevalence
Mironova O.I., Staroverov I.I., Sivakova O.A., Fomin V.V.
Resolution of the Expert Forum "New therapeutic horizons of NAFLD"
Drapkina O.M., Martynov A.I., Arutyunov G.P., Bakulin I.G., Livzan M.A., Maev I.V., Egorov I.V.
Cardiorenal syndromes: historical aspects and current challenges
Nezhdanov K.S., Milovanova L.Y., Strizhakov L.A., Krasnova T.N.
Clinical significance of serum levels of osteoproteherin and sclerostin in assessment of vascular calcification in chronic kidney disease stage 3–5
Dzgoeva F.U., Remizov O.V., Botcieva V.K., Goloeva V.G., Malakhova N.G., Ikoeva Z.R.
The value of a low-protein diet and ketoanalogues of essential amino acids in the сontrol of protein carbamylation and toxic effects of urea in chronic kidney disease
Mikhailova N.A.
Autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplantation in patients with multiple myeloma complicated by dialysis-dependent renal failure
Firsova M.V., Mendeleeva L.P., Solovev M.V., Rekhtina I.G., Pokrovskaya O.S., Urnova E.S., Soboleva N.P., Dvirnyk V.N., Klyasova G.A., Kuzmina L.A., Savchenko V.G.
Kidney health for everyone everywhere – from prevention to detection and equitable access to care
Kam-Tao Li P., Garcia-Garcia G., Lui S., Andreoli S., Wing-Shing Fung W., Hradsky A., Kumaraswami L., Liakopoulos V., Rakhimova Z., Saadi G., Strani L., Ulasi I., Kalantar-Zadeh K.
Risk factors for diastolic left ventricular myocardial dysfunction in patients with chronic kidney disease
Rudenko T.E., Kamyshova E.S., Vasilyeva M.P., Bobkova I.N., Solomakhina N.I., Shvetsov M.Y.
The concurrence of kidney and liver dysfunctions in decompensated heart failure
Villevalde S.V., Kobalava Z.D., Solovyeva A.Е., Moiseev V.S.
The role of immune factors in the progression of chronic kidney diseases in HIV infection
Yushchuk N.D., Gadzhikulieva M.M., Balmasova I.P., Volgina G.V., Gultyaev M.M.
Increased serum concentrations of inflammatory cytokines in type 2 diabetic patients with chronic kidney disease
Konenkov V.I., Klimontov V.V., Myakina N.E., Tyan N.V., Fazullina O.N., Romanov V.V.
Renal dysfunction in patients with myocardial infarction concurrent with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Evseeva M.V., Karetnikova V.N., Barbarash O.L.
Experience with active vitamin D metabolites in phosphorus-calcium metabolic disorders in patients with predialysis chronic kidney disease
Milovanova L.I., Dobrosmyslov I.A., Milovanov I.S.
Risk factors for cardiovascular system damage in chronic kidney disease
Kutyrina I.M., Rudenko T.E., Savel'eva S.A., Shvetsov M.I., Vasil'eva M.P.
Specific features of cognitive impairments in patients with predialysis chronic kidney disease
Rogova I.V., Fomin V.V., Damulin I.V., Shashkova E.V.
Nikolaev A.Y.
Smirnov A.V., Petrischev N.N., Mnuskina M.M., Panina I.Y., Pumyantsev A.S., Vasina E.Y., Achkasova V.V., Menshutina M.A.
Obesity and chronic kidney disease
Bondar' I.A., Klimontov V.V., Simakova A.I., Bondar I.A., Klimontov V.V., Simakova A.I.
Determination of the levels of brain natriuretic peptide and its N-terminal fragment for the evaluation of the efficiency of renal replacement therapy modalities in patients with decompensated chronic heart failure
Tabakyan E.A., Zaruba A.Y., Rogoza A.N., Ataullakhanova D.M., Kukharchuk V.V.
Nephroprotective role of early correction of impaired nutritional status in patients with chronic disease of the kidneys at a predialysis stage
Milovanov I.S., Kozlovskaia L.V., Milovanova L.I.
Hormonal and immunological aspects of renal lesions in patients with chronic alcoholism
Tarasova N.S., Beloborodova E.I.
The role of mineralocorticoid receptors hyperactivation in the development of cardiorenal complications in patients with diabetes mellitus, perspective of the selective nonsteroidal mineralocorticoid receptors antagonist’s treatment: A review
Bobkova I.N.
Frailty and chronic kidney disease – the real problem of modern nephrology: A review
Rudenko T.E., Bobkova I.N., Kamyshova E.S., Stavrovskaya E.V.
Urinary biomarkers of kidney injury in patients treated with anti-VEGF drugs
Grechukhina K.S., Chebotareva N.V., Zhukova L.G., Androsova T.V., Karpov V.V., Krasnova T.N.
The dapagliflozin and prevention of adverse outcomes in chronic kidney disease: results of the DAPA-CKD study
Batyushin M.M.
Detection of kidney dysfunction potential biomarkers with hypertension in the persons of 25–45 years
Kovalkova N.A., Khudyakova A.D., Kashtanova E.V., Polonskaya Y.V., Shcherbakova L.V., Ragino Y.I.
Low protein diet with essential amino acids ketoanalogues combination can affect serum FGF-23 and Klotho levels in chronic kidney disease 3b-4 stages patients: randomized pilot study
Milovanova L.Y., Kozlovskaya(Lysenko) L.V., Androsova T.V., Lebedeva M.V., Taranova M.V., Milovanova S.Y., Kondratyeva T.B., Zubacheva D.O., Tchebotareva N.V., Kozlov V.V., Kuchieva A.M., Li O.A., Reshetnikov V.A.
Morphological and immunohistochemical predictors of renal response to therapy patients with myeloma cast nephropathy and dialysis-dependent acute kidney injury
Rekhtina I.G., Kazarina E.V., Stolyarevich E.S., Kovrigina A.M., Dvirnyk V.N., Kulikov S.M., Mendeleeva L.P.
Pentoxifylline and nephroprotection: effects on renal dysfunction and cardiovascular risks
Murkamilov I.T., Aitbaev K.A., Fomin V.V., Murkamilova Z.A., Bayzhigitova A.A.
Endothelial dysfunction and arterial wall stiffness: New targets in diabetic nephropathy
Murkamilov I.T., Sabirov I.S., Fomin V.V., Yusupov F.A.
Risk factors for pulmonary hypertension at the predialysis stage of chronic kidney disease
Rudenko T.E., Vasilyeva M.P., Solomakhina N.I., Kutyrina I.M.
Motivation for treatment in patients with chronic cardiorenal syndrome
Efremova E.V., Shutov A.M., Borodulina E.O.
Ascites, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, hepatorenal syndrome: What is common in their diagnosis and treatment?
Bakulin I.G., Varlamicheva A.A.
Morphological verification of renal lesion as a compulsory stage in the diagnosis of Fabry disease
Glybochko P.V., Mukhin N.A., Svistunov A.A., Fomin V.V., Brovko M.I., Varshavskiĭ V.A., Moiseev S.V., Shilov E.M., Panasiuk V.V.
Clinical significance of serum and urinary biomarkers for water-salt metabolism in patients with proteinuric forms of chronic glomerulonephritis
Pulin A.A., Brovko M.I., Kustova T.I., Kozlovskaia L.V., Fomin V.V., Mukhin N.A.
Hyperuricemia and the problem of chronic kidney disease
Shcherbak A.V., Kozlovskaia L.V., Bobkova I.N., Balkarov I.M., Lebedeva M.V., Stakhova T.I.
New markers of cardio-renal links in chronic kidney disease
Milovanova L.I., Milovanov I.S., Kozlovskaia L.V., Mukhin N.A.
Early erythropoietin deficiency in diabetic kidney lesion
Shestakova M.V., Martynov S.A., Kutyrina I.M., Il'in A.V., Arbuzova M.I., Dedov I.I.
Mukhin N.A., Fomin V.V.
The role of leptin, adiponectin and insulin-resistance markers in development of early stages of chronic kidney disease and atherosclerosis of carotid arteries in obese patients
Saginova E.A., Gallyamov M.G., Severova M.M., Surkova O.A., Fomin V.V., Ermakov N.V., Rodina A.V., Mukhin N.A., Saginova E.A., Gallyamov M.G., Severova M.M., Surkova O.A., Fomin V.V., Ermakov N.V., Rodina A.V., Mukhin N.A.
Hyperfiltration is an early sign of evolving chronic renal disease in males with metabolic syndrome
Novikova M.S., Shilov E.M., Borisov V.V., Novikova M.S., Shilov E.M., Borisov V.V.
Renal damage in antiphospholipid syndrome
Meteleva N.A., Kozlovskaya N.L.
The nephrological conception by E. M.Tareev in the first Russian clinical guide on nephrology (the30th anniversary of publication of "Fundamentals of Nephrology", 1972-2002)
Ostapenko V.M.
Albuminuria as a marker of atherosclerosis burden and a possible predictor of adverse events in patients with polyvascular disease
Shakhmatova O.O., Komarov A.L., Krivosheeva E.N., Dobrovolsky A.B., Titaeva E.V., Amelyushkina V.A., Gomyranova N.V., Panchenko E.P.
Prevalence, age and gender features of chronic kidney disease in patients with diabetes mellitus
Murkamilov I.T., Aitbaev K.A., Fomin V.V.
Sub-analyses of the DAPA-CKD study: new data on the use of sodium-glucose cotransporter type 2 inhibitor in the treatment of chronic kidney disease
Shamkhalova M.S., Sukhareva O.Y., Shestakova M.V.
Diagnostic value of urinary biomarkers excretion in estimation of morphological lesions in patients with primary glomerulopathies
Saganova E.S., Zubina I.M., Bogdanova E.O., Galkina O.V., Sipovskii V.G., Smirnov A.V.
Circulating microRNAs as potential biomarkers of chronic kidney disease
Aitbaev K.A., Murkamilov I.T., Fomin V.V.
Predictors of clinical events in patients with Fabry disease: the role of chronic kidney disease
Moiseev S.V., Karovaikina E.A., Bulanov N.M., Moiseev A.S., Fomin V.V.
Monoclonal gammopathy of renal significance: consensus of hematologists and nephrologists of Russia on the establishment of nosology, diagnostic approach and rationale for clone specific treatment
Smirnov A.V., Afanasyev B.V., Poddubnaya I.V., Dobronravov V.A., Khrabrova M.S., Zakharova E.V., Nikitin E.A., Lysenko (Kozlovskaya) L.V., Bobkova I.N., Rameev V.V., Batyushin M.M., Moiseev I.S., Darskaya E.I., Pirogova O.V., Mendeleeva L.P., Biryukova L.S.
Glycemic control in patients with diabetes mellitus on hemodialysis
Lobanova K.G., Severina A.S., Martinov S.A., Shamkhalova M.S., Shestakova M.V.
Relationships of arterial hypertension and reduced renal function in a population 25-45 years
Kovalkova N.A., Ragino Y.I., Scherbakova L.V., Hudyakova A.D., Denisova D.V., Voevoda M.I.
Renal function in patients receiving long-term warfarin therapy: A five-year prospective follow-up
Zemlyanskaya O.A., Kropacheva E.S., Dobrovolsky A.B., Panchenko E.P.
Nonglycemic effects of incretins in patients with long-term type 1 diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease
Arutyunova M.S., Glazunova A.M., Mikhaleva O.V., Zuraeva Z.T., Martynov S.A., Klefortova I.I., Manchenko O.V., Ulyanova I.N., Ilyin A.V., Shamkhalova M.S., Shestakova M.V.
Prognostic value of renal resistance index in estimating the progression of chronic kidney disease
Gazhonova V.E., Zykova A.S., Chistyakov A.A., Roshchupkina S.V., Romanova M.D., Krasnova T.N.
Risk factors for and prognostic value of multifocal atherosclerosis in patients with diabetes mellitus
Gracheva S.A., Biragova M.S., Glazunova A.M., Klefortova I.I., Shamkhalova M.S., Dzhavelidze M.I., Soldatova T.V., Il'in A.V., Shestakova M.V., Tugeeva É.F., Buziashvili I.I.
Significance of the morphogenetic proteins FGF-23 and Klotho as predictors of prognosis of chronic kidney disease
Milovanova L.I., Milovanov I.S., Kozlovskaia L.V., Mukhin N.A.
Phosphate binders in chronic kidney disease: The positions of sevelamer
Fomin V.V., Shilov E.M., Svistunov A.A., Milovanov I.S.
Diagnostic value of cystatin C and neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin in primary glomerulopathies
Proletov I.I., Saganova E.S., Galkina O.V., Zubina I.M., Bogdanova E.O., Sipovskiĭ V.G., Smirnov A.V.
Milovanov Y.S., Milovanova L.Y.
Treatment of diabetes mellitus in dialysis patients
Bondar' I.A., Klimontov V.V., Bondar I.A., Klimontov V.V.
The level of endothelin-1 and reactivity of skin microvessels in patients with early stages of chronic kidney disease
Smirnov A.V., Petrishchev N.N., Panina I.Y., Mnuskina M.M., Achkasova V.V., Rumyantsev A.S., Menshutina M.A., Smirnov A.V., Petrischev N.N., Panina I.Y., Mnuskina M.M., Achkasova V.V., Rumyantsev A.S., Menshutina M.A.
Current methods for measuring the glomerular filtration rate in persons with normal weight and overweight
Novikova M.S., Kutyrina I.M., Shilov E.M., Novikova M.S., Kutyrina I.M., Shilov E.M.
Progressiveazotemia provoked by ACE inhibitor in renal ischemia
Fomin V.V., Taronishvili О.I., Shvetsov M.Y., Shilov E.M., Moiseev S.V., Kushnir V.V., Sorokin Y.D.
Polymorphicmarkers of vasoactive hormones genes and progression ofrenal diseases
Kamyshеva E.S., Nosikov V.V., Kutyrina I.M.
Five-year dynamics adrenergic reactivity of erythrocytes after radio-frequency sympathic denervation of renal arteries in patients with resistant arterial hypertension
Rebrova T.Y., Falkovskaya A.Y., Afanasiev S.A., Mordovin V.F., Zyubanova I.V., Muslimova E.F.
Clinical significance of uremic toxin indoxyl sulfate and inflammation in the development of vascular calcification and cardiovascular complications in stage C3–C5D chronic kidney disease
Dzgoeva F.U., Remizov O.V., Goloeva V.G., Ikoeva Z.R.
Venous thromboembolic complications in patients with chronic kidney disease: prevalence and features of drug treatment
Dzhioeva O.N., Orlova A.A., Rogozhkina E.A., Drapkina O.M.
Analysis of the course and outcomes of pregnancy in patients with advanced stages chronic kidney disease
Demyanova K.A., Kozlovskaya N.L., Korotchaeva Y.V., Apresyan S.V., Rylceva L.P., Usatenko G.V., Lugovoj A.O., Vorobyeva M.A., Bondarenko T.V., Bespalova A.V., Volkova O.A.
Modern approaches to conservative therapy of polycystic kidney disease
Rudenko T.E., Bobkova I.N., Stavrovskaya E.V.
Burden, access, and disparities in kidney disease
Crews D.C., Bello A.K., Saadi G.
Nutritional support for patients with chronic kidney disease at pre-dialysis stages
Kuzmina A.V.
Complexity of the therapy of P. falciparum - malaria in the Russian Federation
Kovalenko A.N., Musatov V.B., Solovev A.I., Kapatcyna V.A.
Renal experiences of bariatric surgery in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Larina I.I., Severina A.S., Shamkhalova M.S., Shestakova M.V.
Anticoagulant therapy in patients with atrial fibrillation and reduced kidney function of diabetic and non-diabetic etiologies
Sokolova A.A., Daabul I.S., Tsarev I.L., Napalkov D.A., Fomin V.V.
Impact of anemia correction on the production of the circulating morphogenetic protein α-Klotho in patients with Stages 3B—4 chronic kidney disease: A new direction of cardionephroprotection
Milovanov Y.S., Mukhin N.A., Kozlovskaya L.V., Milovanova S.Y., Markina M.M.
Cardiorenal prognosis in kidney dysfunction patients undergoing cardiac surgery
Iskenderov B.G., Sisina O.N.
Endogenous erythropoietin, acute kidney injury, and prognosis in patients with acute coronary syndrome
Menzorov M.V., Shutov A.M., Larionova N.V., Mikhailova E.V., Morozova I.V.
Cystatin C and preclinical lesions in the target organs of hypertensive patients
Oshchepkova E.V., Dmitriev V.A., Titov V.N.
Chronic kidney disease and vascular dementia
Mukhin N.A., Fomin V.V., Damulin I.V., Rogova I.V.
Contrast-induced nephropathy
Mironova O.I.
Nephropathy in Fabry disease: possibilities for the radical improvement of prognosis for orphan diseases
Fomin V.V., Pulin A.A., Mukhin N.A.
The specific features of renal lesion in Burkitt's lymphoma
Lukina A.E., Bariakh E.A., Kravchenko S.K., Biriukova L.S., Gemdzhian É.G., Magomedova A.U., Kremenetskaia A.M., Vorob'ev A.I.
Experience with rituximab treatment (monoclonal antibodies to B-lymphocyte CD20 receptors) of Wegener's granulematosis patients with renal impairment
Novikov P.I., Krivosheev O.G., Semenkova E.N., Novikov P.I., Krivosheev O.G., Semenkova E.N.
Hyperuricemia as a component of cardiorenal syndrome
Mukhin N.A., Fomin V.V., Lebedeva M.V., Mukhin N.A., Fomin V.V., Lebedeva M.V.
The role of balanced low-protein diet in inhibition of progression of predialysis chronic disease of the kidneys in systemic diseases
Milovanov Y.S., Lysenko L.V., Milovanova L.Y., Dobrosmyslov I.A., Milovanov Y.S., Lysenko L.V., Milovanova L.Y., Dobrosmyslov I.A.
Epidemiology of chronic renal disease in the Northwest of Russia: setting-up the register
Dobronravov V.A., Smirnov A.V., Dragunov S.V., Zverkov R.V., Evdokimova T.V., Butrimova S.S., Grigorschuk V.I.
The role of genetic studies in development ofnephrology
Ignatova M.S.
State-of-the-art trends in the treatment of immune-mediated inflammatory kidney diseases: Translation of the fundamental science into clinical practice. A review
Bulanov N.M., Moiseev S.V.
Anemia and quality of life of chronic kidney disease patients on renal replacement therapy by programmed hemodialysis
Kotenko O.N., Abolyan L.V., Kuteinikov V.I., Vinogradov V.E., Fomin V.V.
COVID-19 in haemodialysis patients: result analysis of the first year of the pandemic
Zubkin M.L., Frolova N.F., Kim I.G., Ushakova A.I., Usatiuk S.S., Iskhakov R.T., Diakova E.N., Chervinko V.I., Volodina E.V., Tomilina N.A., Kryukov E.V.
Effect of vitamin D receptor activators on serum Klotho levels in 3b–4 stages chronic кidney disease patients: a prospective randomized study
Milovanova L.Y., Beketov V.D., Milovanova S.Y., Taranova M.V., Kozlov V.V., Pasechnik A.I., Reshetnikov V.A., Androsova T.V., Kalashnikov M.V.
Chronic kidney disease in the context of toxic effects the working chemical factors (literature review)
Strizhakov L.A., Fomin V.V., Garipova R.V., Babanov S.A., Arkhipov E.V., Lebedeva M.V.
Adenoma of the parathyroid gland in a young woman with chronic kidney disease: primary or tertiary hyperparathyroidism?
Vetchinnikova O.N., Prokopenko E.I., Voronkova I.A.
A case of granulomatous tubulointerstitial nephritis in a patient with pulmonary sarcoidosis
Dvoretsky L.I., Krivushkin S.A., Stolyarevich E.S., Skrynnikova E.A., Stepanchenko A.P., Kolendo S.E.
Features of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome with diabetes mellitus
Manakhov K.M., Kamenshchikova T.M., Tsarenko O.E., Borodina Z.I., Bagautdinova L.I., Sargsyan D.S., Malinin O.V., Dudarev M.V., Shklyaev A.E., Platonov A.E., Maleev V.V.
Normoalbuminuric chronic kidney disease in diabetes
Klimontov V.V., Korbut A.I.
Value of N-terminal pro brain natriuretic peptide in predicting acute kidney injury in patients with acute decompensated chronic heart failure
Menzorov M.V., Shutov A.M., Midlenko V.I., Larionova N.V., Morozova I.V., Akulova O.V.
Acute kidney injury and tubular biomarkers after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
Dobronravov V.A., Smirnov K.A., Afanasiev B.V., Galkina O.V., Smirnov A.V.
Kidney injury associated with monoclonal gammopathies: Perspectives on diagnosis and treatment
Kozlovskaya L.V., Rameev V.V., Mrykhin N.N., Kogarko I.N., Kogarko B.S.
Cystatin C is a new marker for left ventricular hypertrophy in patients with chronic kidney disease
Vasilyeva M.P., Rudenko T.E., Kutyrina I.M., Solomakhina N.I.
The main pathophysiological mechanisms of kidney injury in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
Zelveian P.A., Dgerian L.G.
Problems in the diagnosis of acute kidney injury in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction
Menzorov M.V., Shutov A.M., Makeeva E.R., Serov V.A., Mikhaĭlova E.V., Parfenova E.A.
Efficiency and safety of lipid-lowering therapy for chronic kidney disease
Kolina I.B., Stavrovskaia E.V.
Renal functional state in patients with myocardial infarction
Kurochkina O.N., Khokhlov A.L., Bogomolov A.N.
Bondar I.A., Klimontov V.V., Parfentieva E.M., Romanov V.V., Nadeev A.P.
Antiretrovirus drugs impair kidneys in HIV-infection
Yushchuk N.D., Volgina G.V., Tomilina N.A., Gadzhikulieva M.M., Yuschuk N.D., Volgina G.V., Tomilina N.A., Gadzhikulieva M.M.
Calcium antagonists: on the way to expanding the indications
Fomin V.V.
Correlations between the levels of vitamin D, parathormone, calcium, blood phosphates in patients with chronic disease of the kidneys untreated with replacement renal therapy
Smirnov A.V., Volkov M.M., Galkina O.V., Zhloba A.A., Emanuel' V.L., Smirnov A.V., Volkov M.M., Galkina O.V., Zhloba A.A., Emanel V.L.
Early diagnosis of renaldamage in hypertensive patients
Nanchikeeva M.L., Konechnaya E.Y., Bulanov M.N., Gladkaya A.A., Kozlovskaya L.V.
Psychologicalcharacteristics and quality of life of patients with chronicdiseases of the kidneys
Pelrova N.N., Savvina N.N., Vasilyeva I.A.
End products of glycation (AGEs) and inflammation in the clinic of cardiovascular complications and vascular calcification at different stages of chronic kidney disease (G1–G5D)
Fatima D.U., Remizov O.V., Ikoeva Z.R., Tedeeva I.V., Gusalov A.A., Goloeva V.G.
Dynamics of the structure of renal tuberculosis over 20 years
Kulchavenya E.V., Kholtobin D.P.
The assessment of renal function during the therapy of arterial hypertension with azilsartan medoxomil in patients with obesity or overweight and concomitant metabolic disorders
Nevzorova V.A., Petrichko T.A., Chazova I.E., Zhernakova J.V.
Assessment of the influence of different factors on the risk of the development of a new coronavirus infection in patients with contrast induced acute kidney injury
Isaev G.O., Mironova O.I., Fomin V.V.
The relationship of hypertriglyceridemia and left ventricular remodeling types in patients with chronic kidney disease
Murkamilov I.T., Sabirov I.S., Fomin V.V., Aitbaev K.A., Murkamilova Z.A.
The experience of using the Russian biosimilar of the original drug eculizumab for the treatment of patients with atypical hemolytic-uremic syndrome
Lavrishcheva Y.V., Yakovenko A.A., Kudlai D.A.
Diabetes epidemiology in Russia: what has changed over the decade?
Shestakova M.V., Vikulova O.K., Zheleznyakova A.V., Isakov M.A., Dedov I.I.
Chronic kidney disease as a multidisciplinary problem of contemporary medicine
Podzolkov V.I., Bragina A.E.
Criteria for selecting patients with resistant hypertension for a renal sympathetic denervation
Ripp T.M., Rebrova T.Y., Mordovin V.F., Afanasiev S.A., Pekarsky S.E., Semke G.V., Falkovskaya A.Y., Lichikaki V.A., Tsymbalyuk E.V.
Prognostic value of acute kidney injury in patients with community-acquired pneumonia
Serov V.A., Shutov A.M., Kuzovenkova M.Y., Ivanova Y.V., Serova D.V.
Urinary excretion of angiogenesis regulatory factors and renal injury markers in chronic glomerulonephritis: Significance in the assessment of progression
Shvetsov M.Y., Zheng A., Kozlovskaya L.V., Serova A.G., Travkina E.V., Mukhin N.A.
Role of the morphogenetic proteins FGF-23 and Klotho and the glycoprotein sclerostin in the assessment of the risk of cardiovascular diseases and the prognosis of chronic kidney disease
Milovanova L.Y., Milovanov Y.S., Kudryavtseva D.V., Markina M.M., Milovanova S.Y., Kozlovskaya L.V., Lebedeva M.V., Beketov V.D., Moiseev S.V., Mukhin N.A., Fomin V.V., Svistunov A.A.
The current diagnosis and clinical prognostic value of kidney dysfunction in patients with coronary heart disease
Shafranskaia K.S., Bykova I.S.
The significance of natriuretic peptides in the evaluation of water-salt metabolism in chronic kidney disease
Pulin A.A., Kustova T.I., Fomin V.V., Mukhin N.A.
Cardiorenal links in systemic amyloidosis
Rameev V.V., Kozlovskaia L.V., Zhdanova E.A., Gudkova K.V.
The pathogenetic bases of cardiorenal syndrome
Beloglazova I.P., Mogutova P.A., Poteshkina N.G.
Kutyrina I.M., Kryachkova A.A., Savelieva S.A.
Specific damage to the kidneys in patients with chronic hepatitis C associated with cryoglobulinemia
Milovanova S.Y., Tegay S.V., Russkikh A.V., Kozlovskaya L.V., Milovanova S.Y., Tegai S.V., Russkikh A.V., Kozlovskaya L.V.
Mechanisms of phosphorus and calcium homeostatic disorders in the development of cardiovascular events in patients with chronic renal diseases. The role of fibroblast growth factor 23 and Klotho
Milovanova L.Y., Kozlovskaya L.V., Milovanov Y.S., Bobkova I.N., Dobrosmyslov I.A.
Acute renal failure as the first symptom of primary renal lymphoma
Prokopenko E.I., Shcherbakova E.O., Koshelev R.V., Vatazin A.V., Dudina G.A., Stashuk G.A., Vorontsova S.V., Stoliarevich E.S.
Chronic glomerulonephritis and pregnancy
Rogov V.A., Shilov E.M., Kozlovskaya N.L., Gordovskaya N.В., Nikiforova O.V., Makarov I.O., Milovanov A.P.
On the problem of rheumatoid nephropathy
Kanevskaya M.Z., Varshavsky V.A.
Clinical effectiveness and pharmacokinetics of gliflozin from the point of view of individual genetic characteristics: A review
Golovina E.L., Vaizova O.E., Meleshko M.V., Samoilova I.G., Podchinenova D.V., Borozinets A.A., Matveeva M.V., Kudlay D.A.
Empagliflozin and heart failure: position paper of the experts on the results of the online meeting and discussion of the EMPEROR-Preserved Trial
Arutyunov G.P., Lopatin Y.M., Ametov A.S., Ageev F.T., Antsiferov M.B., Villevalde S.V., Vinogradova N.G., Galstyan G.R., Galyavich A.S., Gilyarevskiy S.R., Glezer M.G., Zhirov I.V., Ilyin M.V., Lebedeva A.I., Nedogoda S.M., Salukhov V.V., Tarlovskaya E.I., Tereshchenko S.N., Fomin I.V., Khalimov I.S., Khasanov N.R., Cherkashin D.V., Yakushin S.S.
Kidney injury associated with antitumor therapy: focus on the adverse events of modern immuno-oncological drugs
Kamyshova E.S., Bobkova I.N., Sekacheva M.I.
Serum troponin-I as a marker of fibroblast growth factor-23 (FGF-23) cardiotoxic effect, in patients with chronic kidney disease
Taranova M.V., Milovanova L.Y., Kozlovskaya(Lysenko) L.V., Milovanova S.Y., Androsova T.V., Zubacheva D.O., Lebedeva M.V., Dobrosmyslov I.A., Kozlov V.V., Kuchieva A.M., Li O.A., Reshetnikov V.A.
The agreed experts’ position of the Eurasian Association of Therapists on tactics of management of patients with comorbid pathology infected with SARS-Cov-2
Arutiunov G.P., Tarlovskaia E.I., Koziolova N.A., Boldina M.V., Batiushin M.M., Ametov A.S., Arutiunov A.G., Belevskii A.S., Galstian G.R., Grigor’eva N.I., Dzhunusbekova G.A., Esaian A.M., Mal’chikova S.V., Mit’kovskaia N.P., Mkrtumian A.M., Orlova I.A., Petrova M.M., Rebrov A.P., Ruzanov D.I., Salukhov V.V., Sisakian A.S., Skibitskii V.V., Sugraliev A.B., Fomin I.V., Khalimov I.S., Chesnikova A.I., Shaposhnik I.I., Shestakova M.V.
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