Vol 95, No 12 (2023)


Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension: current diagnostic and treatment options: A review

Chazova I.E.


The article reviews current approaches to diagnosing and treating chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH). The definition of the CTEPH is given, and its main risk factors are described. It is shown that the modern algorithm of diagnostic search includes four stages; the examination methods used at each stage are characterized. The most rational approach to CTEPH therapy is provided; the possibilities and limitations of pulmonary endarterectomy, transluminal balloon angioplasty of the pulmonary arteries, and specific therapy of pulmonary hypertension in such patients are described. The clinical presentation and treatment of CTEPH according to the Russian Pulmonary Hypertension Registry are reviewed.

Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2023;95(12):1017-1021
pages 1017-1021 views

Modern concept of differential diagnosis of colitis: from G.F. Lang to the present day. A review

Parfenov A.I., Kagramanova A.V., Khomeriki S.G., Kulakov D.S.


The aim of the article is to improve the differential diagnosis of specific and nonspecific inflammatory bowel diseases. In Russia, this scientific direction is associated with the name of G.F. Lang, who performed in 1901–1902 the study „On ulcerative inflammation of the large intestine caused by balantidiasis“. The etiology of specific colitis is associated with infection with parasites, bacteria and viruses that cause inflammation of the intestinal wall, diarrhea, often with an admixture of mucus, pus and blood. Specific colitis (SC) may be accompanied by fever, abdominal pain, and tenesmus. Bacterial colitis is commonly caused by Salmonella, Shigella, Escherichia coli, Clostridium difficile, Campylobacter jejuni, Yersinia enterocolitica, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Viral colitis is caused by rotavirus, adenovirus, cytomegalovirus, and norovirus. Parasitic colitis can be caused by Entamoeba histolytica and balantidia. In gay people, SC can cause sexually transmitted infections: Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trachomatis, and treponema pallidum, affecting the rectum. Stool microscopy, culture, and endoscopy are used to establish the diagnosis. Stool culture helps in the diagnosis of bacterial colitis in 50% of patients, and endoscopic studies reveal only nonspecific pathological changes. Differential diagnosis of SC should be carried out with immune-inflammatory bowel diseases (ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, undifferentiated colitis), radiation colitis and other iatrogenic bowel lesions. The principles of diagnosis and therapy of inflammatory bowel diseases associated with various etiological 

Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2023;95(12):1022-1030
pages 1022-1030 views

Pulmonary heart: A review

Chuchalin A.G.


The review on the problem of the pulmonary heart pursues two goals: firstly, to restore historical justice and to show the priority studies of doctor Dmitry D. Pletnev on such problems as diagnosis of right ventricular myocardial infarction, clinical characteristics of congestive heart failure of the right ventricle; secondly, to outline the modern concept of the pulmonary heart. The review provides an analysis of the pathogenetic mechanisms of the development of heart failure in the pulmonary heart. Much attention is paid to echo cardiography data and biological markers are emphasized in assessing the function of the right atrium, right ventricle, tricuspid valve regurgitation, pulmonary artery pressure. Prognostically unfavorable signs of the course of the pulmonary heart have been identified, which include a high degree of tricuspid valve regurgitation, the amplitude of movement of the fibrous valve ring (TAPSE) and atrial fibrillation developing with dilation of the right atrium.

Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2023;95(12):1031-1038
pages 1031-1038 views

Vascular complications of diabetes mellitus worldwide and in Russia: The path of 100 years. A review

Shestakova M.V., Severina A.S.


With the discovery and introduction of insulin, the "palette" of life-threatening conditions for patients with diabetes mellitus has changed dramatically: from diabetic coma of the "pre-insulin era" to severe vascular complications in the modern period. The key risk factors for diabetic angiopathies in diabetes mellitus are poor glycemic control in combination with a long course of the disease. Over the past 30 years, there has been a downward trend in the incidence of late vascular complications of diabetes both worldwide and in Russia. In particular, the frequency of cardiovascular events (myocardial infarctions, strokes, amputations) decreased, and the incidence of several other complications, such as diabetic retinopathy and neuropathy, stabilized. However, the incidence of chronic kidney disease and chronic heart failure is still increasing. The Joslin Medal, awarded to patients over 50, 75 and even 80 years of life with diabetes, reflects success in the fight against this disease.

Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2023;95(12):1039-1043
pages 1039-1043 views

Current antiretroviral therapy: A review

Kravchenko A.V., Maleyev V.V.


The article presents an overview of clinical recommendations for currant antiretroviral therapy. Currently, the current preferred first-line antiretroviral therapy regimens are combinations of 2 or 3 antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) in one tablet with a frequency of administration 1 time per day and, as a rule, include drugs of the 2nd generation (integrase inhibitors or non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors). These schemes have high efficiency and a good genetic barrier in the development of HIV resistance mutations. HIV protease inhibitors are used as alternative regimens. Schemes with the least number and spectrum of side effects, no effect on metabolic processes and minimal drug interactions have advantages. Switching patients to injectable therapy regimens with a frequency of administration of drugs once every 2 months can significantly improve the quality of life of patients and, accordingly, adherence to their treatment. The development and introduction of new classes of ARVs into clinical practice ensures the suppression of HIV replication in most patients with HIV strains resistant to drugs of the main groups of ARVs (nucleoside/nucleotide reverse transcriptase 

Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2023;95(12):1044-1051
pages 1044-1051 views

Ways for reducing mortality from cardiovascular diseases: A review

Boytsov S.A.


Ways for reducing mortality from cardiovascular diseases The article analyzes the possible ways to further reduce cardiovascular disease mortality in the Russian Federation by eliminating shortcomings and pitfalls, introducing known but not used opportunities, and new organizational and medical technologies based on the accumulated experience of "best practice".

Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2023;95(12):1052-1055
pages 1052-1055 views

Autoimmunity in rheumatology: A review

Nasonov E.L.


Autoimmunity and autoinflammation, co-potentiating pathological processes, are considered within the "immune-inflammatory" continuum (continuity with a variety of elements), reflecting the close relationship between the innate and acquired immune responses. Autoimmunity is the leading pathogenetic mechanism for a specific type of human chronic inflammatory disorders – autoimmune diseases, affecting more than 10% of people in the general population. Advances in molecular biology, pharmacogenetics, and bioinformatics provided the background for individualizing therapy for systemic autoimmune rheumatic diseases within personalized medicine. Studying the immunopathogenesis mechanisms, improving diagnostics, interpreting the molecular taxonomy, and developing approaches to the prevention and personalized therapy of systemic autoimmune rheumatic diseases are the priority issues of modern medicine.

Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2023;95(12):1056-1063
pages 1056-1063 views

Inflammatory bowel diseases: Transformation of representations. A review

Maev I.V., Bakulin I.G., Skalinskaya M.I., Skazyvaeva E.V.


The global burden of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is currently significant and continues to grow due to the increasing prevalence of ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's disease (CD), the increasing costs of diagnosis and treatment, and the high level of disability in patients with this disease. Categories, which leads to the search for risk factors and predictors of aggressive course and extraintestinal manifestations. According to the latest data, the prevalence of UC in Russia is 16.6 per 100 000 population, the annual registered increase is 11.3%; the prevalence of CD is 5.6 per 100 000 population, and the increase is 13.7%. In the Russian population of patients with IBD, the average age of disease onset is 35.3 years for UC and 31.2 years for CD. Moreover, in 89.3% of patients with UC, it took at least 2 years to verify the diagnosis, and in CD, within 2 years from the onset of clinical symptoms, the diagnosis was established in only 72.6% of patients. One of the dominant characteristics of IBD is its multisystem nature, which leads to the development of extraintestinal manifestations (ECM), which can be observed in 50–60% of patients, while up to 25% of patients with IBD have several EMC and the most common variants are joint lesions. A higher frequency of extraintestinal manifestations is observed in CD (up to 45% of patients), in female patients, in smokers and with a longer duration of the disease. To predict clinical remission, the level of fecal calprotectin and CRP, the need for glucocorticosteroids are important, to predict endoscopic remission – the level of fecal calprotectin, and to predict histological remission, an endoscopic Schroeder index value of ≤1 is important. The absolute risk of developing colorectal cancer in IBD remains relatively low, ranging from 1.1 to 5.4% after 20 years of disease. The main risk factors for IBD are total intestinal damage, high inflammatory activity, the stricturing phenotype of CD and the presence of primary sclerosing cholangitis.

Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2023;95(12):1064-1074
pages 1064-1074 views

State-of-the-art trends in the treatment of immune-mediated inflammatory kidney diseases: Translation of the fundamental science into clinical practice. A review

Bulanov N.M., Moiseev S.V.


Immune-mediated kidney diseases like glomerulonephritis and tubulointerstitial nephritis are not the most common cause of chronic kidney disease in the population, however the difficulties in their management, as well as a more rapid deterioration of kidney function, compared to diabetes mellitus and hypertension, justify the importance of this problem for internal medicine. Due to the fundamental discoveries in pathology and to the introduction of various methods of laboratory and instrumental investigation in the second half of the XX century substantial progress was made in the diagnostic approaches and treatment of these conditions. State-of-the-art diagnostic approach requires complex evaluation of the clinical, laboratory and morphological data to identify the nosological form of the disease. The accumulation of knowledge in the field of diseases’ pathogenesis led to the revision of the current classification of glomerulonephritis that should be based on the immunopathogenesis of these conditions. The following phenotypes were suggested: autoimmunity-related, autoinflammation-related, alloimmunity-related, infections-related, and monoclonal gammopathy-related. The assessment of disease activity and chronicity in the kidney tissue should be mandatory. Personalized selection of the optimal treatment modality on the basis of the diagnosis, severity, and individual features of the patient is currently possible. The leading trends include rational prescription of glucocorticoids (steroid-sparing regimens) and cytotoxic agents, e.g. cyclophosphamide, as well as the introduction of multitarget regimens that include biologic agents or small molecules selectively suppressing B-cells or various complement pathways. Another mandatory component of treatment on par with immune suppression is nephroprotective therapy, which currently comprises not only traditional renin-angiotensin-aldosterone antagonists, but also endothelin receptor antagonists and sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors. Current guidelines emphasize the importance of the non-pharmacological interventions for the implementation of the nephroprotective strategy. Rational combination of the aforementioned approaches allows for the optimization of the management of patients with immune-mediated kidney diseases, although it requires high competencies and strict adherence to the principles of the evidence-based medicine from the healthcare providers.

Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2023;95(12):1075-1082
pages 1075-1082 views

V. N. Vinogradov Faculty Therapy Clinic of Sechenov University: the flagship of the therapeutic service of the Russian Federation. A review

Fomin V.V., Blagova O.V., Morozova N.S., Serdyuk M.I., Royuk V.V.


The history of the Faculty Therapy Clinic of Sechenov University is presented. The stages of the formation of its therapeutic school are discussed. Diagnostic and therapeutic methods first developed and implemented in the clinic are described in detail.

Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2023;95(12):1083-1091
pages 1083-1091 views

Reunion of the main Russian schools of internal medicine: on the occasion of the centenary of the Therapeutic Archive journal. A review

Zhirov I.V.


The interaction of different scientific schools with each other often is very difficult due to the existing disagreements. The journal „Therapeutic Archive“ throughout its activity is a unique platform for their intensive and fruitful interaction, and the editors-in-chief of the journal represent almost all major schools of internal medicine

Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2023;95(12):1092-1097
pages 1092-1097 views

Therapy of degenerative changes in the ankle joint with US-guided linear hyaluronic acid injections. A review

Devald I.V., Khodus E.A.


The article discusses the issue and our own experience of local therapy for osteoarthritis of the ankle joint with injections of linear hyaluronic acid under ultrasound navigation. Since the ankle joint is difficult in terms of surgical treatment in general and endoprosthetics in particular, a course of intra-articular injection of 1% Flexotron® Forte hyaluronate, especially in the early stages of dystrophic changes in cartilage, is a promising method for relieving pain, chondroprotection and preserving the biomechanics of the joint, and ultrasound navigation when performing manipulation, it ensures the most accurate introduction of the drug into the joint cavity.

Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2023;95(12):1192-1196
pages 1192-1196 views

Original articles

Study of the resistome of human microbial communities using a targeted panel of antibiotic resistance genes in COVID-19 patients

Yanushevich O.O., Maev I.V., Krikheli N.I., Levchenko O.V., Galeeva J.S., Starikova E.V., Andreev D.N., Sokolov P.S., Fomenko A.K., Devkota M.K., Andreev N.G., Zaborovsky A.V., Evdokimov V.V., Tsaregorodtsev S.V., Ilina E.N., Govorun V.M., Bely P.A., Sabelnikova E.A., Solodov A.A., Cheremushkin S.V., Shaburov R.I., Kebina A.L.


Aim. To study overall drug resistance genes (resistome) in the human gut microbiome and the changes in these genes during COVID-19 in-hospital therapy.

Materials and methods. A single-center retrospective cohort study was conducted. Only cases with laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 RNA using polymerase chain reaction in oro-/nasopharyngeal swab samples were subject to analysis. The patients with a documented history of or current comorbidities of the hepatobiliary system, malignant neoplasms of any localization, systemic and autoimmune diseases, as well as pregnant women were excluded. Feces were collected from all study subjects for subsequent metagenomic sequencing. The final cohort was divided into two groups depending on the disease severity: mild (group 1) and severe (group 2). Within group 2, five subgroups were formed, depending on the use of antibacterial drugs (ABD): group 2A (receiving ABD), group 2AC (receiving ABD before hospitalization), group 2AD (receiving ABD during hospitalization), group 2AE (receiving ABD during and before hospitalization), group 2B (not receiving ABD).

Results. The median number of antibiotic resistance (ABR) genes (cumulative at all time points) was significantly higher in the group of patients treated with ABD: 81.0 (95% CI 73.8–84.5) vs. 51.0 (95% CI 31.1–68.4). In the group of patients treated with ABD (2A), the average number of multidrug resistance genes (efflux systems) was significantly higher than in controls (group 2B): 47.0 (95% CI 46.0–51.2) vs. 21.5 (95% CI 7.0–43.9). Patients with severe coronavirus infection tended to have a higher median number of ABR genes but without statistical significance. Patients in the severe COVID-19 group who did not receive ABD before and during hospitalization also had more resistance genes than the patients in the comparison group.

Conclusion. This study demonstrated that fewer ABR genes were identified in the group with a milder disease than in the group with a more severe disease associated with more ABR genes, with the following five being the most common: SULI, MSRC, ACRE, EFMA, SAT.

Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2023;95(12):1103-1111
pages 1103-1111 views

The effectiveness of targeted therapy of various genetically engineered biological drugs in the treatment of bronchial asthma

Shogenova M.S., Hutueva S.H., Shogenova L.S.


This article presents the experience of successfully switching therapy from omalizumab 150 mg to benralizumab 30 mg/1 ml in a patient with a combined allergic and eosinophilic phenotype in the presence of hypersensitivity to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The effectiveness of biological therapy was evaluated when switching from omalizumab 150 mg subcutaneously at a dose of 600 mg for 36 weeks. Therapy for the drug benralizumab 30 mg/1 ml subcutaneously the first three injections monthly, the rest a month later for 52 weeks with bronchial asthma (BA), a severe uncontrolled course with a combined allergic and eosinophilic phenotype in the presence of hypersensitivity to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in a patient Ch., born in 2004. Switching therapy from omalizumab 150 mg to benralizumab 30 mg/1 ml allowed to achieve complete control of asthma symptoms (AST = 23 points), to achieve the absence of asthma exacerbations during 52 weeks, restore respiratory function to normal values, as well as improve the quality of life. The study reflects the good tolerability, high efficacy and safety of biological therapy when switching from one genetically engineered biological drug (GIBP) omalizumab 150 mg to another GIBP benralizumab 30 mg/1 ml in severe uncontrolled asthma with a combined allergic and eosinophilic phenotype in the presence of hypersensitivity to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Therapy with benralizumab 30 mg/1 ml in severe BA has demonstrated a more effective clinically significant improvement in the course of the disease, control of symptoms of the disease. Reduction of exacerbations, normalization of respiratory function indicators, complete control of the disease has been achieved. Consequently, the use of different biological molecules for the therapy of BA with a combined allergic and eosinophilic phenotype contributes to achieving disease control, improving the patient's quality of life and reducing the dose of oral glucocorticosteroids. The targeted biological drug benralizumab 30 mg/1 ml has a targeted effect on the key links in the pathogenesis of severe uncontrolled asthma with a combined allergic and eosinophilic phenotype in the presence of hypersensitivity to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and reduces the burden of severe disease.

Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2023;95(12):1112-1118
pages 1112-1118 views

Long-term consequences of COVID-19 in patients with functional bowel disorders, rehabilitation prospective of microbiocenosis-oriented therapy

Patsenko M.B., Ardatskaya M.D., Anuchkin A.A., Butorova L.I., Gaivoronsky I.N., Nugaeva N.R., Levin V.I., Pavlov A.I., Topchiy T.B., Tuaeva E.M.


Aim. To analyze long-term consequences of the new coronavirus infection and rehabilitation prospective of microbiocenosis-oriented therapy in patients with functional bowel disorders.

Materials and methods. The study enrolled 100 consecutive patients with various types of functional bowel disorders with recurrence of symptoms after the new coronavirus infection. The severity of abdominal pain was evaluated in points, and bowel movement disorders were assessed using the Bristol stool scale. A questionnaire was used as part of an in-depth clinical examination for COVID-19 survivors to identify the clinical symptoms typical for the post-COVID syndrome. The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale was used to identify and assess the severity of depression and anxiety, and the Asthenic State Scale was used to diagnose the asthenia.

Results. All patients in the study subjectively linked the recurrence of bowel disorders with the new coronavirus infection. The most common bowel disorder was irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea. A distinctive feature of exacerbations of intestinal symptoms in the post-COVID period is their association with depression/anxiety and asthenic states. The addition of Zakofalk® metaprebiotic to the treatment regimen was associated with significant regression of abdominal pain and normalization of bowel movement, an improvement of asthenia, anxiety, and depression.

Conclusion. The addition of Zakofalk® to treatment regimens for exacerbations of functional bowel disorders after the new coronavirus infection significantly improves the effectiveness of therapy.

Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2023;95(12):1119-1127
pages 1119-1127 views

Predictive capability of Cys112Arg single nucleotide polymorphisms of the apolipoprotein E gene in assessing the risk of immediate and early post-traumatic seizures

Kriukova K.K., Alexandrova E.V., Voskresenskaya O.N., Podlepich V.V., Kravchuk A.D., Rytkin E.I., Latyshev Y.A., Kudlay D.A., Sologova S.S., Albagachiev S.A., Mandrik M.A.


This study is aimed at investigating epileptic seizures, one of the consequences of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Immediate and early post-traumatic seizures, as well as late post-traumatic epileptic seizures or post-traumatic epilepsy, can have different pathogenetic bases. The following key risk factors associated with post-traumatic epilepsy are known: duration of unconsciousness, gunshot wounds, intracranial hemorrhage, diffuse axonal injury, prolonged (more than 3 days) post-traumatic amnesia, acute subdural hematoma with surgical evacuation, immediate and early post-traumatic epileptic seizures, fracture of the skull bones. The role of genetic factors in post-traumatic seizures is poorly understood due to the complexity and multiple causal mechanisms. This paper addresses the role of genetic factors in the occurrence and severity of epileptic events in patients with TBI. In particular, we investigated the role of the Cys112Arg single nucleotide polymorphism of the apolipoprotein E gene. Apolipoprotein E is known for its role in the transport and metabolism of lipids and, therefore, the development of cardiovascular diseases; it is also associated with Alzheimer's disease and has recently been studied in the context of association with epilepsy. The study shows an association between this polymorphism and the risk of immediate and early epileptic seizures in patients with severe TBI.

Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2023;95(12):1128-1132
pages 1128-1132 views

Molecular mechanisms of the effect of standardized placental hydrolysate peptides on mitochondria functioning

Torshin I.Y., Gromova O.A., Tikhonova O.V., Chuchalin A.G.


Background. Human placenta hydrolysates (HPH), the study of which was initiated by the scientific school of Vladimir P. Filatov, are currently being investigated using modern proteomic technologies. HPH is a promising tool for maintaining the function of mitochondria and regenerating tissues and organs with a high content of mitochondria (liver, heart muscle, skeletal muscles, etc.). The molecular mechanisms of action of HPH are practically not studied.

Aim. Identification of mitochondrial support mitochondrial function-supporting peptides in HPH (Laennec, produced by Japan Bioproducts).

Materials and methods. Data on the chemical structure of the peptides were collected through a mass spectrometric experiment. Then, to establish the amino acid sequences of the peptides, de novo peptide sequencing algorithms based on the mathematical theory of topological and metric analysis of chemographs were applied. Bioinformatic analysis of the peptide composition of HPH was carried out using the integral protein annotation method.

Results. The biological functions of 41 peptides in the composition of HPH have been identified and described. Among the target proteins, the activity of which is regulated by the identified peptides and significantly affects the function of mitochondria, are caspases (CASP1, CASP3, CASP4) and other proteins regulating apoptosis (BCL2, CANPL1, PPARA), MAP kinases (MAPK1, MAPK3, MAPK4, MAPK8, MAPK9 , MAPK10, MAPK14), AKT1/GSK3B/MTOR cascade kinases, and a number of other target proteins (ADGRG6 receptor, inhibitor of NF-êB kinase IKKE, pyruvate dehydrogenase 2/3/4, SIRT1 sirtuin deacetylase, ULK1 kinase).

Conclusion. HPH peptides have been identified that promote inhibition of mitochondrial pore formation, apoptosis, and excessive mitochondrial autophagy under conditions of oxidative/toxic stress, chronic inflammation, and/or hyperinsulinemia.

Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2023;95(12):1133-1140
pages 1133-1140 views

Comparative efficacy of a combination of undenatured type II collagen, Boswellic acids, methylsulfonylmethane, vitamins C and D3 and a combination of chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine hydrochloride in the treatment of primary osteoarthritis of the knee joint

Mazurov V.I., Belyaeva I.B., Trofimov E.A., Itskovich I.E., Burulev A.L.


Aim. To evaluate the efficacy of Artneo (AN) in comparison with a combination of glucosamine hydrochloride and chondroitin sulfate (GC) in patients with osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee joint (KJ).

Materials and methods. 70 patients with stages I–III of primary knee OA were randomized into 2 groups. Participants in the 1st (n=35) took AN 1 caps/day, in the 2nd (n=35) GC according to the standard regimen. After 7, 30, 90, 180 days, the Lequesne index (severity of OA), pain when moving according to VAS, WOMAC score were assessed, after 1, 3, 6 months – quality of life SF-36 and morning stiffness, after 6 months – MRI with T2 mapping, laboratory safety indicators.

Results. Over the course of 6 months of use, an improvement in the WOMAC index and a decrease in pain were observed without intergroup differences, and a greater decrease in stiffness in the AN group. After 3 months, the severity of OA decreased from moderate to mild in the AN group and was significantly lower compared to the GC group; quality of life (physical component of SF-36) was higher in the AN group. After 6 months, there was an improvement in cartilage ultrastructure (T2 relaxation time) in both groups and a more pronounced reduction of the synovitis area (MRI) in the AN group (2.95 and 1.37 times in the AN and GC group, respectively). There were no clinically significant adverse reactions observed in both groups.

Conclusion. The use of AN in patients with stage I–III primary knee OA was not inferior in efficacy to the combination of GC. Further studies with greater statistical power (sample size) and follow-up period are warranted including in real clinical practice.

Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2023;95(12):1141-1150
pages 1141-1150 views

Point-of-Care Blood Glucose Testing: Post-Market Performance Assessment of the Accu-Chek Inform II Hospital-Use Glucose Meter

Petryaykina E.E., Mayanskiy N.A., Demina E.S., Karamysheva I.V., Gorst K.A., Timofeev A.V.


Background. A point-of-care glucose testing (POCT) is an essential component of care in patients with hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia in inpatient and outpatient settings. In Russian medical facilities (MFs), conventional glucose meters designed for self-monitoring by patients with diabetes are commonly used for POCT. These home-use meters have two serious disadvantages: the first is large measurement bias and the second – they can’t be integrated into laboratory information systems, so measurement data have to be recorded into patient charts manually. Both factors may lead to medical errors. It is reasonable to use in the MFs specialized POCT glucose meters, as they are superior to conventional ones in accuracy and may be easily connected to laboratory information systems. With this in mind, physicians at the Russian Children’s Clinical Hospital decided to substitute conventional meters with the Accu-Chek Inform II POCT meter, however, after preliminary performance assessment of the model.

Aim. To test the Accu-Chek Inform II performance characteristics: accuracy, linearity, repeatability, and mean absolute relative difference (MARD).

Materials and methods. Performance of the Accu-Chek Inform II was tested by comparing the results of parallel CGL measurements with the meter and reference laboratory analyzer in capillary blood samples. Overall, 99 parallel CGL measurements were made in 45 samples. Accuracy was evaluated according to the ISO 15197-2013 and POCT12-A3 criteria.

Results. The Accu-Chek Inform II meter met the requirements of ISO 15197-2013 and POCT12-A3 and demonstrated high linearity (correlation coefficient, r=1,0), good repeatability (mean coefficient of variation, CV=1,38%) and acceptable MARD (4,9%).

Conclusion. The Accu-Chek Inform II POCT glucose meter may be efficiently and safely used in inpatient and outpatient MFs and particularly in pediatric clinics.

Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2023;95(12):1151-1163
pages 1151-1163 views

Application of HS221GI in treatment of influenza and ARVI in adults: a new approach – managing virus-induced inflammation. Results of a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, multicenter clinical trial

Malyavin A.G., Bagaeva M.I., Kalyuzhin O.V.


Aim. Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of the drug Aterixen® (XC221GI, 1-[2-(1-methylimidazole-4-yl)-ethyl]perhydroazine-2,6-dione), in the treatment of uncomplicated forms of influenza and other ARVI in adults.

Materials and methods. The phase III clinical trial enrolled 260 people aged 18–65 years with mild and moderate forms of influenza or other ARVI. Patients were randomly assigned to two groups: in group 1 (n=130), patients were prescribed the drug Aterixen® in tablets of 100 mg 2 times a day for 5 days; in group 2 (n=130) – a placebo corresponding to the drug, in the same regimen. The primary endpoint of the efficacy assessment was the time in hours from the first administration of the drug to clinical improvement. The main efficacy analysis was performed in a population of patients with PCR-confirmed influenza or ARVI who completed the study according to the protocol (per protocol infected). Additionally, efficacy was evaluated in ITT and PP populations, including patients with both identified and undetected pathogen. The population for safety analysis included all patients, without exception, who were exposed to at least one exposure to the study drug or placebo.

Results. A statistically significant superiority of the drug Aterixen® over placebo in primary endpoint was revealed in both the main and additional analysis in all studied populations: clinical improvement in the group of the studied drug occurred 24 hours faster compared with the placebo group. The evaluation of the effectiveness of secondary endpoints confirmed the superiority of the drug Aterixen® over placebo in terms of relief of catarrhal symptoms and symptoms of intoxication. A favorable safety profile of the drug has been demonstrated.

Conclusion. The drug has demonstrated a favorable safety profile for use in outpatient practice. Aterixen® is an effective and safe treatment for influenza and other ARVI in adults.

Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2023;95(12):1165-1171
pages 1165-1171 views

Real-world experience with netakimab in the treatment of spondyloarthritis

Meshkov A.D., Vorobyeva N.M., Ostapenko V.S., Pykhtina V.S., Ruzanova V.I., Perlova O.A., Kordyukova I.S., Naumov A.V., Khovasova N.O., Tkacheva O.N.


Aim. To study the real-world efficacy and safety of netakimab in the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and psoriatic arthritis (PsA).

Materials and methods. The retrospective analysis included 23 patients (13 males; 56.5%) aged 23 to 73 years (median 42, interquartile range 28 to 52 years) with AS (n=12) or PsA (n=11) who received netakimab therapy from February 2021 to April 2023. Disease activity was assessed every 3-6 months based on the C-reactive protein (CRP) level for all patients according to the BASDAI and ASDAS-CRP indices for AS, DAPSA and PASI for PsA. These indicators were analyzed before therapy and at the last visit to assess the effectiveness of treatment. The results are presented as median (interquartile range).

Results. In all patients treated with netakimab (median duration of treatment 11 months), the CRP level decreased from 10.6 (3.1; 17.3) to 3.1 (1.9; 8.9) mg/L (absolute difference -7.5 mg/L, median relative reduction -60%; p=0.008), and the proportion of patients with elevated CRP decreased from 70 to 41%; p=0.039. In patients with AS (median duration of treatment 9 months), BASDAI score decreased from 5.8 (4.7; 6.5) to 3.0 (1.9; 3.8) points (absolute difference -2.8 points, median relative reduction of -45%; p=0.008) and ASDAS-CRP score decreased from 2.8 (1.9; 3.9) to 1.9 (1.7; 2.6) points (absolute difference -0.9 points, median relative reduction -21%; p=0.007). The proportion of patients with high AS activity (BASDAI≥4) decreased from 90% to 20% (p=0.031); however, there was no significant change in the CRP level (absolute difference -4.9 mg/L, median relative reduction -57%; p=0.110). In patients with PsA (median duration of treatment 18 months), the CRP level decreased from 12.0 (4.5; 17.3) to 3.3 (2.0; 7.8) mg/L (absolute difference -8.7 mg/L, median relative reduction -80%; p=0.041), the DAPSA score decreased from 23.0 (19.0; 30.5) to 6.3 (5.2; 13.5) points (absolute difference -16.7 points, median relative reduction -69%; p=0.018). Three (13%) patients reported mild to moderate adverse events.

Conclusion. The obtained data confirm the effectiveness and safety of netakimab in treating AS and PsA in real-world practice.

Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2023;95(12):1172-1178
pages 1172-1178 views

Clinical notes

Adrenocortical cancer: late diagnosis of the disease on the example of a clinical case. Case report

Starostina E.A., Molashenko N.V., Levshina A.R., Pachuashvili N.V., Chevais A., Isaeva M.P., Getazheev K.V., Beltsevich D.G., Platonova N.M., Troshina E.A.


Adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) is a rare malignant tumor originating in the adrenal cortex and characterized by poor 5-year survival. It occurs with a frequency of 2–4 cases per 2 million in the population. Women are more frequently affected than men and it is mostly detected in the fourth and fifth decades. In the most of cases, the cancerogenesis occurs sporadically because of gene driver mutations in somatic adrenocortical cells, in other cases it can be found as part of a genetically determined syndrome such as Li–Fraumeni syndrome or Wermer's syndrome (multiple endocrine adenomatosis type I). ACC most frequently happens occurs without symptoms in the initial stages leading to poor diagnoses. Because of this lack of early detection, the tumor is not considered malignant reducing the benefits of further treatment. Sometimes the fact that the resected tumor is indeed adrenocortical carcinoma becomes clear only after recurrence, or after the appearance of metastases. We present a case of adrenocortical carcinoma in a 46-year-old woman who went to the doctor in 1.5 year after symptoms were manfested. This clinical case illustrates the consequences of late diagnosis of a malignant tumor. We would like to emphasize the importance of timely detection of a neoplasm, using all of the potential of laboratory-instrumental and genomic analysis. Due to low oncological awareness, our patient was slow to seek medical help, which in turn led not only to metastases, but also to complications in the cardiovascular system.

Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2023;95(12):1179-1184
pages 1179-1184 views

A case of severe hyperparathyroidism in clinical practice. Case report

Biryukova E.V., Shinkin M.V., Podachina S.V., Feidorov I.Y., Mikheeva O.M., Zvenigorodskaya L.A., Malkina N.A., Synkova D.A.


Disorders of the mineral balance often determine the symptoms, the severity of the course and the prognosis of many diseases. Primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) is a common endocrine disease caused by increased secretion of parathyroid hormone as a result of primary damage to the parathyroid glands. Diagnosis of PHPT is often difficult. Clinical signs of PHPT appear months or years after the onset of the disease, however, the presence of hypercalcemia serves as an early indication of the disease of the thyroid gland. Often, patients are observed for a long time by related specialists (rheumatologists, traumatologists-orthopedists, oncologists), which gives rise to a lot of problems consisting in the lack of adequate treatment and its result, the progression of the disease, disability, and a decrease in the quality of life. Often, patients are observed for a long time by related specialists (rheumatologists, orthopedic traumatologists, oncologists) under the “masks” of various pathologies (osteoporosis, recurrent urolithiasis, etc.), which gives rise to a lot of problems, consisting in an erroneous diagnosis, lack of adequate treatment and its result, progression of the disease, disability, and a decrease in the quality of life. Late diagnosis of PHPT leads to the development of severe complications (osteoporetic fractures, renal failure) and an increased risk of premature death. A clinical case of late diagnosis of PHPT at the stage of pronounced bone complications of the disease, which proceeded under the guise of osteoarthritis, is considered. According to the results of laboratory and instrumental studies, the following were revealed: hypercalcemia, a significant increase in the concentration of PTH, adenoma of the left lower parathyroid gland, hyperparathyroid osteodystrophy, and a decrease in bone mineral density. Surgical treatment was performed – selective parathyroidectomy with the development of hypocalcemia in the early postoperative period, which was stopped by taking calcium supplements and active vitamin D metabolites and is designed to help practitioners of various specialties to understand the issues of diagnosis of PHPT and effective care for patients.

Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2023;95(12):1185-1191
pages 1185-1191 views


On the use of type I tropocollagen for local injection therapy of spine, upper and lower extremity disorders

Biryukov S.Y., Vinogradova N.A., Kolesnikov Y.G., Levashova L.A., Markovskaya O.V., Moroz D.I., Pastel V.B., Chantsev A.V., Shirokov V.A., Shcherbakov G.I.


A meeting of Interdisciplinary Expert Panel with leading specialists in the field of orthopedics/traumatology, surgery, rheumatology, and neurology was held in Moscow on February 10, 2023. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the current status of local injection therapy (LIT) in Russia and the rationale behind the use of collagen-based products for various musculoskeletal disorders. The experts considered the following issues: (1) General contraindications to the use of medical products based on tropocollagen as well as an algorithm for actions in case of adverse events; (2) Guidelines regarding LIT in general and LIT using tropocollagen in particular, including in combination with other LIT products; (3) Particular indications and approaches to the treatment of patients with abnormal changes in appendicular joints and spine with damage to both intra-articular structures and periarticular soft tissue.

Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2023;95(12):1197-1204
pages 1197-1204 views

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