Five-year dynamics adrenergic reactivity of erythrocytes after radio-frequency sympathic denervation of renal arteries in patients with resistant arterial hypertension

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Aim. To study the initial state of adrenergic reactivity and the five-year dynamics of the beta-adrenergic reactivity index of erythrocyte membranes and the manifestation of the antihypertensive effect of the procedure for radiofrequency destruction of sympathetic structures of the renal artery in patients with resistant arterial hypertension.

Subjects and methods. The analysis included 42 patients with resistant arterial hypertension (RH). The renal denervation (RD) procedure of the kidneys was performed by endovascular bilateral transcatheter radiofrequency ablation of the renal arteries. The study of 24-hour blood pressure monitoring (BPM) and the determination of β-adrenoreactivity of erythrocytes (β-ARM) by changes in the osmoresistance of erythrocyte membranes were performed initially, 1 week, 6 months, 1, 2, 3 and 5 years after RD. Patients retrospectively, at a follow-up period of 6 months after RD, were divided into responders (decrease in blood pressure by 10 or more mm Hg) and non-responders (decrease in blood pressure less than 10 mm Hg).

Results. 6 months after the RD, the number of responders was 28 people (66.7%), after 5 years - 31 people (73.8%). At the time of inclusion in the study, the median β-ARM in the group of non-responders was not significantly higher than in the group of responders. After 6 months after the RD procedure, the β-ARM indicator in the non-responder group was significantly lower than in the responder group (p = 0.043). With further follow-up in the group of responders, an increase in the median β-ARM was noted, which reached significant differences relative to the baseline values in the group at follow-up periods of 1 year (p = 0.036) and 5 years (p = 0.004) after RD. The change in the β-ARM indicator in the non-responder group was wavy in nature, the changes did not reach the significance criteria.

Conclusion. Renal denervation in 73.8% of cases is accompanied by a stable antihypertensive response for 5 years of observation and an increase in β-ARM, which may indicate the implementation of compensatory mechanisms in conditions of increasing activity of the sympathoadrenal system in response to a decrease in blood pressure.

About the authors

Tatiana Yu. Rebrova

Tomsk National Research Medical Center

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3667-9599
SPIN-code: 4726-3927
Scopus Author ID: 7004178078
ResearcherId: P-6608-2015

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Laboratory Researcher molecular cellular pathology and gene diagnostics

Russian Federation, Tomsk

Alla Yu. Falkovskaya

Tomsk National Research Medical Center

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5638-3034
SPIN-code: 1418-2726
Scopus Author ID: 57221382553
ResearcherId: O-3846-2016

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Arterial Hypertension

Russian Federation, Tomsk

Sergei A. Afanasiev

Tomsk National Research Medical Center

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6066-3998
SPIN-code: 7625-0960
Scopus Author ID: 7005336741
ResearcherId: A-4165-2017

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of Laboratory molecular cellular pathology and gene diagnostics

Russian Federation, Tomsk

Viktor Fedorovich Mordovin

Tomsk National Research Medical Center

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2238-4573
SPIN-code: 4948-0425
Scopus Author ID: 7003504030
ResearcherId: F-8913-2017

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Ved. Researcher, Department of Arterial Hypertension

Russian Federation, Tomsk

Irina Vladimirovna Zyubanova

Tomsk National Research Medical Center

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6995-9875
SPIN-code: 9032-8376
Scopus Author ID: 57208188522
ResearcherId: L-6071-2016

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Researcher at the Department of Arterial Hypertension

Russian Federation, Tomsk

Elvira Faritovna Muslimova

Tomsk National Research Medical Center

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7361-2161
SPIN-code: 4121-4198
Scopus Author ID: 57192436568
ResearcherId: P-7091-2015

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Laboratory Researcher molecular cellular pathology and gene diagnostics

Russian Federation, Tomsk


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Changes in the average daily systolic arterial pressure in groups of respondents and non-responders after renal denervation (M±SD).

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3. Fig. 2. Alteration of β-adrenal activity of erythrocyte membranes in patients with resistant arterial hypertension after renal denervation in respondents and non-responders.

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