Renal experiences of bariatric surgery in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

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The review addresses the questions of the literature devoted to the problem of the influence of bariatric surgery on the course of diabetic nephropathy in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 after achieving a surgically induced remission. This approach was shown to have positive aspects, such as decrease in creatinine, decrease in albuminuria, an increase in GFR, normalization of glycemia and blood pressure, "incretin effect"’s influence on the kidneys. Descriptions of the currently expected pathogenetic mechanisms involved in achieving the observed improvement in microvascular complications of diabetes, namely diabetic kidney disease, are also described in details.

About the authors

I I Larina

National Endocrinology Research Center, Ministry of Health of Russia

н.с. отд-ния диабетической болезни почек и посттрансплантационной реабилитации Moscow, Russia

A S Severina

National Endocrinology Research Center, Ministry of Health of Russia

к.м.н., с.н.с. отд-ния диабетической болезни почек и посттрансплантационной реабилитации Moscow, Russia

M S Shamkhalova

National Endocrinology Research Center, Ministry of Health of Russia

д.м.н., зав. отд-нием диабетической болезни почек и посттрансплантационной реабилитации Moscow, Russia

M V Shestakova

National Endocrinology Research Center, Ministry of Health of Russia

академик РАН, д.м.н., проф., зам. директора НМИЦ эндокринологии по научной работе, директор Института диабета Moscow, Russia


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