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Aim. To study changes in apoptosis and endothelial function in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) stage I-IIIb (CKDsI-IIIb). Material and methods. A complex of biochemical, enzyme immunoassay and device investigations was used to examine 128 patients with CKDsI-IIIb. Results. In CKD stage I reduction of endothelium-dependent vasodilation (EDV) was detected in 34% patients, in stage II — in 52 %, in stage IIIa — у 52 %, in stage IIIb — in 70 %. An EDV decrease was associated with glomerular filtration rate (GFR), a homocysteine level and hemodynamic factors. Elevation of endothelin-1 (ET-1) level was seen in CKDsI in 41 %, in CKDsII — in 54 %, in CKDsIIIa — in 70 %, in stage IIIb — in 83 % patients. A negative correlation was observed between the level of ET-1 and GFR and positive — with diurnal proteinuria. A significant rise of annexin A 5 concentration versus normal was detected as early as in CKDsI (1,14 ± 0,68 ng/ml). In CKDsII annexin A 5 was 2,61 ± 0,75 ng/ml, in CKDsIIIa — 3,75±0,93 ng/ml and in CKDsIIIb — 5,16±1,01 ng/ml. Negative correlations were found between annexin A 5 level and GFR, a maximal growth of volumetric blood flow rate in skin vessels in the acetylcholine test, positive correlations with systolic blood pressure, body mass index. Conclusion. The levels of ET-1 and annexin A5 are factors having an independent impact on EDV in patients with CKDsI-II.

About the authors

A V Smirnov

I.P. Pavlov State Medical University of St-Peterburg

Email: smirnov@nephrolog.ru
Chair of Internal Diseases Propedeutics

N N Petrischev

I.P. Pavlov State Medical University of St-Peterburg

Email: info@lasmed.spb.ru
Chair of Pathophysiology

M M Mnuskina

I.P. Pavlov State Medical University of St-Peterburg

Chair of Clinical Laboratory Diagnosis

I Yu Panina

I.P. Pavlov State Medical University of St-Peterburg

Email: i.u.panina@mail.ru
Chair of Internal Diseases Propedeutics

A Sh Pumyantsev

I.P. Pavlov State Medical University of St-Peterburg

Email: rash.56@mail.ru
Chair of Internal Diseases Propedeutics

E Yu Vasina

I.P. Pavlov State Medical University of St-Peterburg

Email: info@lasmed.spb.ru
Chair of Pathophysiology

V V Achkasova

I.P. Pavlov State Medical University of St-Peterburg

Email: info@lasmed.spb.ru
Chair of Pathophysiology

M A Menshutina

I.P. Pavlov State Medical University of St-Peterburg

Email: info@lasmed.spb.ru
Chair of Pathophysiology


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