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Issue Section Title File
Vol 93, No 1 (2016) Mathematics Neumann problem for the Lavrent’ev–Bitsadze equation with two type-change lines in a rectangular domain
Vol 93, No 1 (2016) Mathematics Large deviations and rates of convergence in the Birkhoff ergodic theorem: From Hölder continuity to continuity
Vol 93, No 1 (2016) Mathematics Method of limit differential equations for nonautonomous discontinuous systems
Vol 93, No 1 (2016) Mathematics Spaces of functions of positive smoothness on irregular domains
Vol 93, No 1 (2016) Mathematics Trace and integrable operators affiliated with a semifinite von Neumann algebra
Vol 93, No 1 (2016) Mathematics Model oblique derivative problem for the heat equation in the Zygmund space H1
Vol 93, No 1 (2016) Mathematics Harmonic morphisms of graphs and the Riemann–Hurwitz theorem
Vol 93, No 1 (2016) Mathematics On approximation and computation of modified Bessel functions of complex order
Vol 93, No 1 (2016) Mathematics Arithmetic sums of polynomial values
Vol 93, No 1 (2016) Mathematics Self-organization under the action of a random force
Vol 93, No 1 (2016) Mathematics Face recognition based on a matching algorithm with recursive calculation of oriented gradient histograms
Vol 93, No 1 (2016) Mathematics Lyapunov dimension formula for the attractor of the Glukhovsky–Dolzhansky system
Vol 93, No 1 (2016) Mathematics Representations of regularized determinants of exponentials of differential operators by functional integrals
Vol 93, No 1 (2016) Mathematics Some boundary value problems for pseudodifferential equations with degeneration
Vol 93, No 1 (2016) Mathematics Spectral problem with Steklov condition on a thin perforated interface
Vol 93, No 1 (2016) Mathematics Boundary criterion for integral operators
Vol 93, No 1 (2016) Mathematics One-point commuting difference operators of rank 1
Vol 93, No 1 (2016) Mathematics The number of edge covers of bipartite graphs or of shortest paths with fixed endpoints in the space of compact sets in Rn
Vol 93, No 1 (2016) Mathematics On the monotonicity of the CABARET scheme approximating a scalar conservation law with a convex flux
Vol 93, No 1 (2016) Mathematics Representations of solutions of Lindblad equations by randomized Feynman formulas
Vol 93, No 1 (2016) Mathematics On weighted Sobolev spaces on the real line
Vol 93, No 1 (2016) Mathematics On the solvability of inverse Sturm–Liouville problems with self-adjoint boundary conditions
Vol 93, No 1 (2016) Mathematics On the solvability in a weighted space of an initial–boundary value problem for a third-order operator-differential equation with a parabolic principal part
Vol 93, No 1 (2016) Mathematical Physics Generalization of the optical theorem to a singular source in the presence of a half-space
Vol 93, No 1 (2016) Mathematical Physics Self-similar solutions of a Burgers-type equation with quadratically cubic nonlinearity
Vol 93, No 1 (2016) Mathematical Physics Maslov’s canonical operator in arbitrary coordinates on the Lagrangian manifold
Vol 93, No 1 (2016) Mathematical Physics An algorithm for computing wavefront amplitudes and inverse problems (tsunami, electrodynamics, acoustics, and viscoelasticity)
Vol 93, No 1 (2016) Mathematical Physics Excitation of spatiotemporal structures in elastic electroactive contractile fibers
Vol 93, No 1 (2016) Computer Science Geometrically adaptive grids for stiff Cauchy problems
Vol 93, No 1 (2016) Computer Science On the asymptotic optimality of a solution of the euclidean problem of covering a graph by m nonadjacent cycles of maximum total weight
Vol 93, No 1 (2016) Control Theory Stabilization of nonlinear discrete-time dynamic control systems with a parameter and state-dependent coefficients
Vol 93, No 1 (2016) Control Theory Sufficient conditions for invertibility of linear stationary systems
Vol 93, No 1 (2016) Erratum Erratum to: “Derivation of preservation conditions for properties of mathematical models”
Vol 93, No 2 (2016) Mathematics Analytic continuation formulas and Jacobi-type relations for Lauricella function
Vol 93, No 2 (2016) Mathematics Estimates of distances between transition probabilities of diffusions
Vol 93, No 2 (2016) Mathematics Homogenization of a variational inequality for the p-Laplacian in perforated media with nonlinear restrictions for the flux on the boundary of isoperimetric perforations: p equal to the dimension of the space
Vol 93, No 2 (2016) Mathematics Large extremes of Gaussian chaos processes
Vol 93, No 2 (2016) Mathematics Stochastic intermediate gradient method for convex optimization problems
Vol 93, No 2 (2016) Mathematics On Geary’s theorem for the field of p-adic numbers
Vol 93, No 2 (2016) Mathematics Nonasymptotic approach to Bayesian semiparametric inference
Vol 93, No 2 (2016) Mathematics Programmed iteration method and sets of positional absorption
Vol 93, No 2 (2016) Mathematics Extremal polynomials related to Zolotarev polynomials
Vol 93, No 2 (2016) Mathematics New approach to optimality conditions for degenerate nonlinear programming problems
Vol 93, No 2 (2016) Mathematics Deficiency numbers of operators generated by infinite Jacobi matrices
Vol 93, No 2 (2016) Mathematics Canonical and existential groups in universal classes of Abelian groups
Vol 93, No 2 (2016) Mathematics Standard finite difference scheme for a singularly perturbed elliptic convection–diffusion equation on a rectangle under computer perturbations
Vol 93, No 2 (2016) Mathematics On bases for direct decomposition
Vol 93, No 2 (2016) Mathematics Invariants of four- and three-dimensional singularities of integrable systems
Vol 93, No 2 (2016) Mathematics Behavior of the formal Fourier solution of the wave equation with a summable potential
Vol 93, No 2 (2016) Mathematics Pontryagin maximum principle, relaxation, and controllability
Vol 93, No 2 (2016) Mathematics Nonsaturable quadrature formulas on an interval (on Babenko’s Problem)
Vol 93, No 2 (2016) Mathematics Arak’s inequalities for concentration functions and the Littlewood–Offord problem
Vol 93, No 2 (2016) Mathematics On almost periodicity of morphic sequences
Vol 93, No 2 (2016) Mathematics Stable and unstable minimal surfaces and Hopf’s problem
Vol 93, No 2 (2016) Mathematics Area formula for graph surfaces on five-dimensional sub-Lorentzian structures
Vol 93, No 2 (2016) Mathematics On the absence of the basis property for the root function system of the Sturm–Liouville operator with degenerate boundary conditions
Vol 93, No 2 (2016) Mathematics LμLν equiconvergence of spectral decompositions for a Dirac system with Lκ potential
Vol 93, No 2 (2016) Mathematical Physics Composite electromagnetic waves in magnetodielectric systems
Vol 93, No 2 (2016) Computer Science Mathematical knowledge ontologies and recommender systems for collections of documents in physics and mathematics
Vol 93, No 2 (2016) Computer Science Threshold model of a neural ensemble
Vol 93, No 2 (2016) Control Theory Anisotropy-based bounded real lemma for discrete-time systems with multiplicative noise
Vol 93, No 2 (2016) Control Theory Localization of invariant compact sets of families of discrete-time systems
Vol 93, No 3 (2016) Mathematics Computation of the best Diophantine approximations and of fundamental units of algebraic fields
Vol 93, No 3 (2016) Mathematics Local semicircle law under weak moment conditions
Vol 93, No 3 (2016) Mathematics Pareto-like equilibria for problems on overlapping game sets
Vol 93, No 3 (2016) Mathematics On inequalities relating the Sobolev and Kantorovich norms
Vol 93, No 3 (2016) Mathematics Output control of the spectrum of a descriptor dynamical system
Vol 93, No 3 (2016) Mathematics On unique determination of 3-connected plane domains by relative conformal moduli of pairs of boundary components
Vol 93, No 3 (2016) Mathematics Topology of the spaces of functions with prescribed singularities on surfaces
Vol 93, No 3 (2016) Mathematics On chromatic numbers of nearly Kneser distance graphs
Vol 93, No 3 (2016) Mathematics Optimal feedback control for a thermoviscoelastic model of Voigt fluid motion
Vol 93, No 3 (2016) Mathematics Deterministic bounds for restricted isometry in compressed sensing matrices
Vol 93, No 3 (2016) Mathematics Variations of nonholonomic-valued mappings and their applications to maximal surface theory
Vol 93, No 3 (2016) Mathematics On the distance and multidistance graph embeddability problem
Vol 93, No 3 (2016) Mathematics Transformations of Feynman path integrals and generalized densities of Feynman pseudomeasures
Vol 93, No 3 (2016) Mathematics On the complexity of some Euclidean optimal summing problems
Vol 93, No 3 (2016) Mathematics A guidance problem for a differential inclusion with parameter
Vol 93, No 3 (2016) Mathematics On a family of Bäcklund transformations
Vol 93, No 3 (2016) Mathematics Asymptotic behavior of the threshold minimizing the average probability of error in calculation of wavelet coefficients
Vol 93, No 3 (2016) Mathematics Specifying periodic words by restrictions
Vol 93, No 3 (2016) Mathematics Lyapunov dimension formulas for Lorenz-like systems
Vol 93, No 3 (2016) Mathematics Subgroups of the Cremona groups: Bass’ problem
Vol 93, No 3 (2016) Mathematics On one test of homogeneity
Vol 93, No 3 (2016) Mathematics Mixed problem for the inhomogeneous wave equation with a summable potential
Vol 93, No 3 (2016) Mathematics Uniqueness of a solution to the Cauchy problem for parabolic systems
Vol 93, No 3 (2016) Mathematics On admissible changes of variables for Sobolev functions on (sub)Riemannian manifolds
Vol 93, No 3 (2016) Mathematics Graph surfaces of codimension two over three-dimensional Carnot–Carathéodory spaces
Vol 93, No 3 (2016) Mathematics On the Bose–Maslov statistics in the case of infinitely many degrees of freedom
Vol 93, No 3 (2016) Mathematics Inequalities for order statistics of samples from distributions with monotone hazard rate
Vol 93, No 3 (2016) Mathematical Physics Normal form for the KdV–Burgers equation
Vol 93, No 3 (2016) Computer Science Numerical detection and study of singularities in solutions of differential equations
Vol 93, No 3 (2016) Control Theory To the structure identification of a nonlinear regulator for a nonstationary hyperbolic system
Vol 93, No 3 (2016) Control Theory On spectral decompositions of solutions to discrete Lyapunov equations
Vol 93, No 3 (2016) Control Theory Computation of the phase detector characteristic of a QPSK Costas loop
Vol 94, No 1 (2016) Mathematics Integrability and continuity of densities of stationary distributions of diffusions
Vol 94, No 1 (2016) Mathematics Regularized modified α-processes for nonlinear equations with monotone operators
Vol 94, No 1 (2016) Mathematics Asymptotic stability analysis of autonomous systems by applying the method of localization of compact invariant sets
Vol 94, No 1 (2016) Mathematics Differential equations in spaces of abstract stochastic distributions
Vol 94, No 1 (2016) Mathematics On the basis property of a two-part trigonometric series
Vol 94, No 1 (2016) Mathematics Control of displacement front in a model of immiscible two-phase flow in porous media
Vol 94, No 1 (2016) Mathematics On exact dimensional splitting for a multidimensional scalar quasilinear hyperbolic conservation law
Vol 94, No 1 (2016) Mathematics Homogenization of the p-Laplacian with nonlinear boundary condition on critical size particles: Identifying the strange term for the some non smooth and multivalued operators
Vol 94, No 1 (2016) Mathematics Elliptic expansion–contraction problems on manifolds with boundary
Vol 94, No 1 (2016) Mathematics Subdifferential inclusions with unbounded perturbation: Existence and relaxation theorems
Vol 94, No 1 (2016) Mathematics On the oscillation of eigenvector functions of the one-dimensional Dirac operator
Vol 94, No 1 (2016) Mathematics On nonlinear analogues of the Phragmen–Lindelöf theorem
Vol 94, No 1 (2016) Mathematics New computational model of an isotropic “broken” exponentially correlated random field
Vol 94, No 1 (2016) Mathematics Lyapunov unstable milnor attractors
Vol 94, No 1 (2016) Mathematics The Lyusternik‒Sobolev lemma and the specific asymptotic stability of solutions of linear homogeneous Volterra-type integro-differential equations of order 3
Vol 94, No 1 (2016) Mathematics On new spatial discretization of the multidimensional quasi-gasdynamic system of equations with nondecreasing total entropy
Vol 94, No 1 (2016) Mathematics New classes of integral functionals for which the integral representation of lower semicontinuous envelopes is valid
Vol 94, No 1 (2016) Mathematics Theory of (q1, q2)-quasimetric spaces and coincidence points
Vol 94, No 1 (2016) Mathematics Strong solutions to stochastic equations with a Lévy noise and a non-constant diffusion coefficient
Vol 94, No 1 (2016) Mathematics An elementary proof that classical braids embed in virtual braids
Vol 94, No 1 (2016) Mathematics On the structure of the Jacobian group for circulant graphs
Vol 94, No 1 (2016) Mathematics Strictly singular operators in pairs of Lp space
Vol 94, No 1 (2016) Mathematics Membership of distributions of polynomials in the Nikolskii–Besov class
Vol 94, No 1 (2016) Mathematics Multiscale approach to computation of three-dimensional gas mixture flows in engineering microchannels
Vol 94, No 1 (2016) Mathematics Uniqueness of reconstruction of the Sturm–Liouville problem with spectral polynomials in nonseparated boundary conditions
Vol 94, No 1 (2016) Mathematics Equivalence of the trigonometric system and its perturbations in Lp(−π,π)
Vol 94, No 1 (2016) Mathematical Physics Exact solutions of an integro-differential equation with quadratically cubic nonlinearity
Vol 94, No 1 (2016) Mathematical Physics Models with virtual force carriers in classical particle physics
Vol 94, No 1 (2016) Mathematical Physics On exact solutions to the Kolmogorov–Feller equation
Vol 94, No 1 (2016) Mathematical Physics Maslov complex germ and high-frequency Gaussian beams for cold plasma in a toroidal domain
Vol 94, No 2 (2016) Mathematics An operator equation with the second time derivative and Hamiltonian-admissible equations
Vol 94, No 2 (2016) Mathematics Regularity theory for one-dimensional variational problems with singular ellipticity
Vol 94, No 2 (2016) Mathematics Measurable dependence of conditional measures on a parameter
Vol 94, No 2 (2016) Mathematics Volumetric material growth: Mathematical theory
Vol 94, No 2 (2016) Mathematics On a class of Markovian queuing systems described by inhomogeneous birth-and-death processes with additional transitions
Vol 94, No 2 (2016) Mathematics Localizing sets and trajectory behavior
Vol 94, No 2 (2016) Mathematics Riemannian metrics on ℝn and Sobolev-type Inequalities
Vol 94, No 2 (2016) Mathematics Operator Newton polynomials and well-solvable problems for generalized Euler equation
Vol 94, No 2 (2016) Mathematics High-order accurate bicompact schemes for solving the multidimensional inhomogeneous transport equation and their efficient parallel implementation
Vol 94, No 2 (2016) Mathematics Dual Clifford modules
Vol 94, No 2 (2016) Mathematics On the rank of odd hyper-quasi-polynomials
Vol 94, No 2 (2016) Mathematics Reconstruction of the Hermitian matrix by its spectrum and spectra of some number of its perturbations
Vol 94, No 2 (2016) Mathematics S-units in hyperelliptic fields and periodicity of continued fractions
Vol 94, No 2 (2016) Mathematics Monotone approximation of a scalar conservation law based on the CABARET scheme in the case of a sign-changing characteristic field
Vol 94, No 2 (2016) Mathematics On the closeness of trajectories for model quasi-gasdynamic equations
Vol 94, No 2 (2016) Mathematics On random subgraphs of Kneser graphs and their generalizations
Vol 94, No 2 (2016) Mathematics Solution of the unconditional extremum problem for a linear-fractional integral functional on a set of probability measures
Vol 94, No 2 (2016) Mathematics First-order and monadic properties of highly sparse random graphs
Vol 94, No 2 (2016) Mathematics Sublinear operators in generalized weighted Morrey spaces
Vol 94, No 2 (2016) Mathematics Short Kloosterman sums to powerful modulus
Vol 94, No 2 (2016) Mathematics On extensions of some block designs
Vol 94, No 2 (2016) Mathematics Solvability conditions of a boundary value problem with operator coefficients and related estimates of the norms of intermediate derivative operators
Vol 94, No 2 (2016) Mathematics On a Harnack inequality for the elliptic (p, q)-Laplacian
Vol 94, No 2 (2016) Mathematics Study of Dieckmann’s equation with integral kernels having variable kurtosis coefficient
Vol 94, No 2 (2016) Mathematics Local dynamics of an equation with two large different-order delays
Vol 94, No 2 (2016) Mathematics Programmed iteration method in packages of spaces
Vol 94, No 2 (2016) Mathematics A problem of random choice and its deterministic structure
Vol 94, No 2 (2016) Mathematical Physics On the control of layered flow of a viscous incompressible fluid within MHD
Vol 94, No 2 (2016) Mathematical Physics On the problem of falling motion of a circular cylinder and a vortex pair in a perfect fluid
Vol 94, No 2 (2016) Mathematical Physics Fundamental solution of displacement equations for a transversely isotropic elastic medium
Vol 94, No 2 (2016) Computer Science Processing of experimental curves by applying a regularized double period method
Vol 94, No 2 (2016) Control Theory Exact bounded boundary controllability of vibrations of a two-dimensional membrane
Vol 94, No 3 (2016) Mathematics Somos-4 and elliptic systems of sequences
Vol 94, No 3 (2016) Mathematics Asymptotically optimal wavelet thresholding in models with non-Gaussian noise distributions
Vol 94, No 3 (2016) Mathematics On coincidences of families of mappings on ordered sets
Vol 94, No 3 (2016) Mathematics Local clustering coefficients in preferential attachment models
Vol 94, No 3 (2016) Mathematics Estimates for the norms of monotone operators on weighted Orlicz–Lorentz classes
Vol 94, No 3 (2016) Mathematics Word maps and word maps with constants of simple algebraic groups
Vol 94, No 3 (2016) Mathematics On the complexity of some Euclidean problems of partitioning a finite set of points
Vol 94, No 3 (2016) Mathematics Study of Volterra integro-differential equations arising in viscoelasticity theory
Vol 94, No 3 (2016) Mathematics New accuracy estimates for pseudoskeleton approximations of matrices
Vol 94, No 3 (2016) Mathematics Model oblique derivative problem for the heat equation with a discontinuous boundary function
Vol 94, No 3 (2016) Mathematics On problems of the laminar–turbulent transition
Vol 94, No 3 (2016) Mathematics Analogues of Feynman formulas for ill-posed problems associated with the Schrödinger equation
Vol 94, No 3 (2016) Mathematics On degenerate elliptic equations of high order and pseudodifferential operators with degeneration
Vol 94, No 3 (2016) Mathematics Polynomial sub-Riemannian differentiability on Carnot groups
Vol 94, No 3 (2016) Mathematics Bernstein–Doetsch-type criteria for the continuity and Lipschitz continuity of convex set-valued mappings
Vol 94, No 3 (2016) Mathematics Bitsadze–Samarskii problem for a parabolic system on the plane
Vol 94, No 3 (2016) Mathematics A generalization of the Dotsenko-Fateev integral
Vol 94, No 3 (2016) Mathematics On one property of martingales with conditionally Gaussian increments and its application in the theory of nonasymptotic inference
Vol 94, No 3 (2016) Mathematics Vlasov–Poisson equations for a two-component plasma in a half-space
Vol 94, No 3 (2016) Mathematics Embedding of Sobolev spaces with limit exponent revisited
Vol 94, No 3 (2016) Mathematics How to divide the indivisible
Vol 94, No 3 (2016) Mathematics Continued rational fractions in hyperelliptic fields and the Mumford representation
Vol 94, No 3 (2016) Mathematics Boundedness of a class of quasilinear operators on the cone of monotone functions
Vol 94, No 3 (2016) Mathematical Physics Equation admitting linearization and describing waves in dissipative media with modular, quadratic, and quadratically cubic nonlinearities
Vol 94, No 3 (2016) Mathematical Physics Modular solitons
Vol 94, No 3 (2016) Control Theory Stability and roughness conditions for the behavior of a distributed plant control system with a controller close to a degenerated system
Vol 94, No 3 (2016) Control Theory Improving the frontier in DEA models
Vol 94, No 3 (2016) Control Theory Monte Carlo solution of combinatorial optimization problems
Vol 94, No 3 (2016) Erratum Erratum to: “On unique determination of 3-connected plane domains by relative conformal moduli of pairs of boundary components”
Vol 95, No 1 (2017) Mathematics Generalized equilibrium for conflict problems with side interests of participants
Vol 95, No 1 (2017) Mathematics Hölder mappings of Carnot groups and intrinsic bases
Vol 95, No 1 (2017) Mathematics On the chromatic numbers of low-dimensional spaces
Vol 95, No 1 (2017) Mathematics Numerical algorithms and fault tolerance of hyperexascale computer systems
Vol 95, No 1 (2017) Mathematics Groups of quotients of semigroups of invertible nonnegative matrices over skewfields
Vol 95, No 1 (2017) Mathematics On the chromatic number of a space with a forbidden regular simplex
Vol 95, No 1 (2017) Mathematics Explicit integration of the system of invariant relations for the case of M. Adler and P. van Moerbeke
Vol 95, No 1 (2017) Mathematics Jacobi translation and the inequality of different metrics for algebraic polynomials on an interval
Vol 95, No 1 (2017) Mathematics Noether theorems and quantum anomalies
Vol 95, No 1 (2017) Mathematics Infinite quantum graphs
Vol 95, No 1 (2017) Mathematics Length-type parameters of finite groups with almost unipotent automorphisms
Vol 95, No 1 (2017) Mathematics On the existence of solutions of nonlinear equations
Vol 95, No 1 (2017) Mathematics On the reduction property for GLP-algebras
Vol 95, No 1 (2017) Mathematics On the fundamental solution of the Fokker–Planck–Kolmogorov equation
Vol 95, No 1 (2017) Mathematics Spectra of short monadic sentences about sparse random graphs
Vol 95, No 1 (2017) Mathematics Algebraic Ricci solitons on metric Lie groups with zero Schouten–Weyl tensor
Vol 95, No 1 (2017) Mathematics The structure of utility functions ensuring the existence of an exact potential in a strategic game
Vol 95, No 1 (2017) Mathematics Simulation of astrophysical phenomena on the basis of high-performance computations
Vol 95, No 1 (2017) Mathematics Attractors in models of porous media flow
Vol 95, No 1 (2017) Mathematics On the Arkhipov–Karatsuba multivariate system of congruences
Vol 95, No 1 (2017) Mathematics On the Whitney problem for weighted Sobolev spaces
Vol 95, No 1 (2017) Mathematics On the convergence condition for the Schwarz alternating method for the two-dimensional Laplace equation
Vol 95, No 1 (2017) Mathematical Physics Relationship between the Itô–Schrödinger and Hudson–Parthasarathy equations
Vol 95, No 1 (2017) Mathematical Physics Stochastic volatility in the dynamics of complex homeostatic systems
Vol 95, No 1 (2017) Computer Science Method for constructing an external polyhedral estimate of the trajectory tube for a nonlinear dynamic system
Vol 95, No 1 (2017) Control Theory Necessary optimality conditions in an optimal control problem for a parabolic equation with nonlocal integral conditions
Vol 95, No 1 (2017) Control Theory Spectral decompositions for the solutions of Sylvester, Lyapunov, and Krein equations
Vol 95, No 1 (2017) Erratum Erratum to: “Transformations of Feynman path integrals and generalized densities of Feynman pseudomeasures”
Vol 95, No 2 (2017) Mathematics Fractal functions with continuous Weil-type derivatives of variable order in control of distributed systems
Vol 95, No 2 (2017) Mathematics Weighted Zolotarev metrics and the Kantorovich metric
Vol 95, No 2 (2017) Mathematics Metric properties of classes of Hölder surfaces on Carnot groups
Vol 95, No 2 (2017) Mathematics On a complex fundamental solution of the Schrödinger equation
Vol 95, No 2 (2017) Mathematics An approach to the solution of recognition problems using neural networks
Vol 95, No 2 (2017) Mathematics A fast direct algorithm for implementing a high-order finite element method on rectangles as applied to boundary value problems for the Poisson equation
Vol 95, No 2 (2017) Mathematics On families high-order accurate multioperator approximations of derivatives using two-point operators
Vol 95, No 2 (2017) Mathematics Iterative approximate factorization for difference operators of high-order bicompact schemes for multidimensional nonhomogeneous hyperbolic systems
Vol 95, No 2 (2017) Mathematics Fundamentals of a mathematical theory of genetic codes
Vol 95, No 2 (2017) Mathematics On the Heyde theorem for some locally compact Abelian groups
Vol 95, No 2 (2017) Mathematics Homogenization of variational inequalities of Signorini type for the p-Laplacian in perforated domains when p ∈ (1, 2)
Vol 95, No 2 (2017) Mathematics Quadrature formulas with exponential convergence and calculation of the Fermi–Dirac integrals
Vol 95, No 2 (2017) Mathematics Genetic code potential for overlaps of six and three genes
Vol 95, No 2 (2017) Mathematics Banach geometry of financial market models
Vol 95, No 2 (2017) Mathematics Sub-Riemannian geodesics in SO(3) with application to vessel tracking in spherical images of retina
Vol 95, No 2 (2017) Mathematics Classification of equations of state for viscous fluids
Vol 95, No 2 (2017) Mathematics Left-invariant Riemannian problems on the groups of proper motions of hyperbolic plane and sphere
Vol 95, No 2 (2017) Mathematics Span of a DL-algebra
Vol 95, No 2 (2017) Mathematical Physics Modeling of acoustic pulse signal propagation in deep sea using the Maslov canonical operator
Vol 95, No 2 (2017) Computer Science Software platform for mass supercomputing
Vol 95, No 2 (2017) Control Theory Inversion of MIMO systems with unstable zero dynamics
Vol 95, No 2 (2017) Control Theory Asymptotically optimal control for a simplest distributed system
Vol 95, No 3 (2017) Mathematics Approximation of Hölder mappings on Carnot–Carathéodory spaces
Vol 95, No 3 (2017) Mathematics Nehari method for the generalized Ginzburg–Landau system
Vol 95, No 3 (2017) Mathematics Kantorovich–Wright integral and representation of quasi-Banach lattices
Vol 95, No 3 (2017) Mathematics Liouville nonintegrability of sub-Riemannian problems on free Carnot groups of step 4
Vol 95, No 3 (2017) Mathematics Modular and norm inequalities for operators on the cone of decreasing functions in Orlicz space
Vol 95, No 3 (2017) Mathematics Surface area on two-step sub-Lorentzian structures with multi-dimensional time
Vol 95, No 3 (2017) Mathematics S-units and periodicity of square root in hyperelliptic fields
Vol 95, No 3 (2017) Mathematics On the limit shape of elements of an arithmetic semigroup with an exponentially growing counting function of basis elements
Vol 95, No 3 (2017) Mathematics Problem of determining the permittivity in the stationary system of Maxwell equations
Vol 95, No 3 (2017) Mathematics Solutions to systems of linear Fredholm integral equations of the third kind with multipoint singularities
Vol 95, No 3 (2017) Mathematics A summation formula for divergent continued fractions
Vol 95, No 3 (2017) Mathematics On the traces of Sobolev functions on Lipschitz surfaces
Vol 95, No 3 (2017) Mathematics Pullback attractors for a model of weakly concentrated aqueous polymer solution motion with a rheological relation satisfying the objectivity principle
Vol 95, No 3 (2017) Mathematics An optimal Berry-Esseen type inequality for expectations of smooth functions
Vol 95, No 3 (2017) Mathematics On the periodicity of continued fractions in hyperelliptic fields
Vol 95, No 3 (2017) Mathematics Strengthened equilibrium for game problems with side interest of participants
Vol 95, No 3 (2017) Mathematics Fixed-point and coincidence theorems in ordered sets
Vol 95, No 3 (2017) Mathematics Transmission problem for odd-order differential equations with two time variables and a varying direction of evolution
Vol 95, No 3 (2017) Mathematics On isomorphism of reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces
Vol 95, No 3 (2017) Mathematics Mixed problem for the wave equation with a summable potential and nonzero initial velocity
Vol 95, No 3 (2017) Mathematical Physics Entropy balance for the one-dimensional hyperbolic quasi-gasdynamic system of equations
Vol 95, No 3 (2017) Mathematical Physics Quasi-periodic and chaotic relaxation oscillations in a laser model with variable delayed optoelectronic feedback
Vol 95, No 3 (2017) Mathematical Physics Numerical modeling of dynamic wave effects in rock masses
Vol 95, No 3 (2017) Mathematical Physics Inhomogeneous Burgers equation with modular nonlinearity: Excitation and evolution of high-intensity waves
Vol 95, No 3 (2017) Control Theory Flight-test-based construction of structurally stable models for the dynamics of large space structures
Vol 95, No 3 (2017) Control Theory Logical-optimization approach to pursuit problems for a group of targets
Vol 96, No 1 (2017) Mathematics Banach limits: Invariance and functional characteristics
Vol 96, No 1 (2017) Mathematics On long-time asymptotics of solutions of parabolic equations with increasing leading coefficients
Vol 96, No 1 (2017) Mathematics On modality of representations
Vol 96, No 1 (2017) Mathematics Boundedness of quasilinear integral operators of iterated type with Oinarov’s kernel on the cone of monotone functions
Vol 96, No 1 (2017) Mathematics On the concentration of the chromatic number of a random hypergraph
Vol 96, No 1 (2017) Mathematics Spectra of first-order formulas with a low quantifier depth and a small number of quantifier alternations
Vol 96, No 1 (2017) Mathematics On problem of the dynamics of a viscoelastic medium with memory on an infinite interval
Vol 96, No 1 (2017) Mathematics On the periodicity of continued fractions in elliptic fields
Vol 96, No 1 (2017) Mathematics Improvements of the Frankl–Rödl theorem and geometric consequences
Vol 96, No 1 (2017) Mathematics On spectral-like resolution properties of fourth-order accurate symmetric bicompact schemes
Vol 96, No 1 (2017) Mathematics Homogenization of the boundary value problem for the laplace operator in a perforated domain with a rapidly oscillating nonhomogeneous Robin-type condition on the boundary of holes in the critical case
Vol 96, No 1 (2017) Mathematics The graph Kre(4) does not exist
Vol 96, No 1 (2017) Mathematics Turán-type bounds for distance graphs
Vol 96, No 1 (2017) Mathematics On the number of edges in a uniform hypergraph with a range of permitted intersections
Vol 96, No 1 (2017) Mathematics Integral representation of solutions of the Moisil–Théodorescu system in multiply connected domains
Vol 96, No 1 (2017) Mathematics Continuous selection from the sets of best and near-best approximation
Vol 96, No 1 (2017) Mathematics On the existence of solutions to a class of boundary value problems in a strip for high-order degenerate elliptic equations
Vol 96, No 1 (2017) Mathematics Feynman path integrals and Lebesgue–Feynman measures
Vol 96, No 1 (2017) Mathematics Asymptotic integration of the Riccati equation by methods of power geometry
Vol 96, No 1 (2017) Mathematics On global solvability of initial value problem for hyperbolic Monge–Ampère equations and systems
Vol 96, No 1 (2017) Mathematics On the accuracy of a posteriori functional error majorants for approximate solutions of elliptic equations
Vol 96, No 1 (2017) Mathematics Fokker–Planck–Kolmogorov equations with a partially degenerate diffusion matrix
Vol 96, No 1 (2017) Mathematics On eigenfunctions of a convolution operator on a finite interval for which the Fourier image of the kernel is the characteristic function
Vol 96, No 1 (2017) Mathematics On the nature of the Rayleigh–Bénard convective instability
Vol 96, No 1 (2017) Mathematical Physics One-dimensional model of KZ-type equations for waves in the focal region of cubic and quadratically-cubic nonlinear media
Vol 96, No 1 (2017) Mathematical Physics Restoration of a potential from noisy spectral data
Vol 96, No 1 (2017) Mathematical Physics The Maslov canonical operator on a pair of Lagrangian manifolds and asymptotic solutions of stationary equations with localized right-hand sides
Vol 96, No 1 (2017) Computer Science Optimization of an energy market transportation system
Vol 96, No 1 (2017) Control Theory Negative solution of the Kalman problem and proof of the existence of a hidden strange attractor via a discontinuous approximation method
Vol 96, No 1 (2017) Control Theory Problems of computing norms of 2D systems
Vol 96, No 2 (2017) Mathematics Dirichlet problem for parabolic systems with Dini continuous coefficients on the plane
Vol 96, No 2 (2017) Mathematics New perspective on the Kuhn–Tucker theorem
Vol 96, No 2 (2017) Mathematics Uniformization of simply connected ramified coverings of the sphere by rational functions
Vol 96, No 2 (2017) Mathematics Feynman and quasi-Feynman formulas for evolution equations
Vol 96, No 2 (2017) Mathematics Coincidence points of multivalued mappings in (q1, q2)-quasimetric spaces
Vol 96, No 2 (2017) Mathematics On the boundedness of operator generated by the Haar multishift
Vol 96, No 2 (2017) Mathematics Minimax solutions of Hamilton–Jacobi functional equations for neutral-type systems
Vol 96, No 2 (2017) Mathematics A characterization of Nikolskii–Besov classes via integration by parts
Vol 96, No 2 (2017) Mathematics On first-order definitions of subgraph isomorphism properties
Vol 96, No 2 (2017) Mathematics Output control of the spectrum of a linear dynamic system in terms of the Van der Woude method
Vol 96, No 2 (2017) Mathematics Modifications of the standard vector Monte Carlo estimate for characteristics analysis of scattered polarized radiation
Vol 96, No 2 (2017) Mathematics Fischer decomposition of the space of entire functions for the convolution operator
Vol 96, No 2 (2017) Mathematics Classifying anti-commuting pairs of Toeplitz and Hankel matrices
Vol 96, No 2 (2017) Mathematics Optimal cyclic harvesting of renewable resource
Vol 96, No 2 (2017) Mathematics On the chromatic number of a random subgraph of the Kneser graph
Vol 96, No 2 (2017) Mathematics The Banach method and the monotone mapping method for finding optimal controls in reflexive (B)-spaces
Vol 96, No 2 (2017) Mathematics A sixth-order bicompact scheme with spectral-like resolution for hyperbolic equations
Vol 96, No 2 (2017) Mathematics Register machines with counters
Vol 96, No 2 (2017) Mathematics Solution of instance-based recognition problems with a large number of classes
Vol 96, No 2 (2017) Mathematics Weak solvability of a fractional Voigt viscoelasticity model
Vol 96, No 2 (2017) Mathematics On the principle of empirical risk minimization based on averaging aggregation functions
Vol 96, No 2 (2017) Mathematics On Gaussian Nikolskii–Besov classes
Vol 96, No 2 (2017) Mathematics The minimum-cost transformation of graphs
Vol 96, No 2 (2017) Mathematics The moduli component of the space of semistable rank-2 sheaves on ℙ3 with singularities of mixed dimension
Vol 96, No 2 (2017) Mathematics Estimate of the spectrum deviation of the singularly perturbed Steklov problem
Vol 96, No 2 (2017) Mathematical Physics On seismic imaging of fractured geological media
Vol 96, No 2 (2017) Mathematical Physics Families of normalizes equations in the problem of dislocations in a solid body
Vol 96, No 2 (2017) Computer Science A photon computer: Implementation principles and performance estimation
Vol 96, No 2 (2017) Control Theory Computation of program controls performed nonstop by gyrodynes
Vol 96, No 2 (2017) Control Theory Optimal control problems for linear fractional-order systems defined by equations with Hadamard derivative
Vol 96, No 2 (2017) Control Theory Invariance of stochastic diffusion systems
Vol 96, No 2 (2017) Control Theory Observers and a moving object in ℝ3
Vol 96, No 2 (2017) Control Theory Algorithms for construction of efficient frontier for nonconvex models on the basis of optimization methods
Vol 96, No 3 (2017) Mathematics On some properties of a class of degenerate pseudodifferential operators
Vol 96, No 3 (2017) Mathematics On an analogue of parallel translation on Carnot–Carathéodory spaces
Vol 96, No 3 (2017) Mathematics Inequalities for Hardy-type operators on the cone of decreasing functions in a weighted Orlicz space
Vol 96, No 3 (2017) Mathematics Local laws for non-Hermitian random matrices
Vol 96, No 3 (2017) Mathematics Boundary value problems for functional differential canonical equations of mixed type
Vol 96, No 3 (2017) Mathematics On boundary and initial values of solutions of a second-order parabolic equation that degenerate on the domain boundary
Vol 96, No 3 (2017) Mathematics Mathematical analysis of codons that stop protein synthesis
Vol 96, No 3 (2017) Mathematics Feynman formulas for nonlinear evolution equations
Vol 96, No 3 (2017) Mathematics Functional series representable as a sum of two universal series
Vol 96, No 3 (2017) Mathematics On Constructive number fields and computability of solutions of PDEs
Vol 96, No 3 (2017) Mathematics Integrability and continuity of solutions to Fokker–Planck–Kolmogorov equations
Vol 96, No 3 (2017) Mathematics A characterization of Besov classes in terms of a new modulus of continuity
Vol 96, No 3 (2017) Mathematics Preservation of the existence of fixed and coincidence points under homotopy of mappings of ordered sets
Vol 96, No 3 (2017) Mathematics Unification of a differential inclusion with parameter in the guidance problem
Vol 96, No 3 (2017) Mathematics Logical laws for existential monadic second-order sentences with infinite first-order parts
Vol 96, No 3 (2017) Mathematics Homogenization of the boundary value problem for the Laplace operator in a domain perforated along (n – 1)-dimensional manifold with nonlinear Robin type boundary condition on the boundary of arbitrary shaped holes: Critical case
Vol 96, No 3 (2017) Mathematics Eigenvalue dynamics of a PT-symmetric Sturm–Liouville operator and criteria for similarity to a self-adjoint or a normal operator
Vol 96, No 3 (2017) Mathematics Invariance principle for nonautonomous functional-differential equations with discontinuous right-hand sides
Vol 96, No 3 (2017) Mathematics Stable cohomology of spaces of non-resultant polynomial systems in ℝ 3
Vol 96, No 3 (2017) Mathematics Study of functional-differential equations with unbounded operator coefficients
Vol 96, No 3 (2017) Mathematics Symplectic geometry of a linear transformation with a quadratic invariant
Vol 96, No 3 (2017) Mathematics On the stability of the independence number of a random subgraph
Vol 96, No 3 (2017) Mathematics On bilinear weighted inequalities on the cone of nondecreasing functions
Vol 96, No 3 (2017) Mathematical Physics Wave propagation in the Kolmogorov–Petrovskii–Piskunov problem with delay
Vol 96, No 3 (2017) Mathematical Physics Analysis method for the scattering properties of plasmonic particles on a substrate accounting for nonlocal effects
Vol 96, No 3 (2017) Mathematical Physics Projection of the Khokhlov–Zabolotskaya equation on the axis of wave beam as a model of nonlinear diffraction
Vol 96, No 3 (2017) Control Theory Frontier visualization for nonconvex models with the use of purposeful enumeration methods
Vol 96, No 3 (2017) Control Theory Hamilton–Jacobi functional equations and differential games for neutral-type systems
Vol 97, No 1 (2018) Mathematics The Liouville Foliation of Nonconvex Topological Billiards
Vol 97, No 1 (2018) Mathematics New Monte Carlo Algorithms for Estimating Probability Moments of Criticality Parameters for a Scattering Process with Multiplication in Stochastic Media
Vol 97, No 1 (2018) Mathematics On Heyde’s Theorem for Probability Distributions on a Discrete Abelian Group
Vol 97, No 1 (2018) Mathematics Multiple Complete Rational Arithmetic Sums of Polynomial Values
Vol 97, No 1 (2018) Mathematics Sawyer Duality Principle in Grand Lebesgue Spaces
Vol 97, No 1 (2018) Mathematics Besov Classes on a Space with a Gaussian Measure
Vol 97, No 1 (2018) Mathematics The Niltriangular Subalgebra of the Chevalley Algebra: the Enveloping Algebra, Ideals, and Automorphisms
Vol 97, No 1 (2018) Mathematics Topology of Maximally Writhed Real Algebraic Knots
Vol 97, No 1 (2018) Mathematics The Kato Conjecture for Elliptic Differential-Difference Operators with Degeneration in a Cylinder
Vol 97, No 1 (2018) Mathematics Instability Degree and Singular Subspaces of Integral Isotropic Cones of Linear Systems of Differential Equations
Vol 97, No 1 (2018) Mathematics Study of the Solvability of Some Volterra-Type Integral and Integro-Differential Equations of Third Kind
Vol 97, No 1 (2018) Mathematics Many-Sheeted Versions of the Pólya–Bernstein and Borel Theorems for Entire Functions of Order ρ ≠ 1 and Their Applications
Vol 97, No 1 (2018) Mathematics On a Bound in Extremal Combinatorics
Vol 97, No 1 (2018) Mathematics Monotonicity Formula for a Problem with Hysteresis
Vol 97, No 1 (2018) Mathematics Continual Version of the Perron Effect of Change in Values of Characteristic Exponents
Vol 97, No 1 (2018) Mathematics Finite Difference Scheme for Barotropic Gas Equations
Vol 97, No 1 (2018) Mathematics One-Point Commuting Difference Operators of Rank One and Their Relation with Finite-Gap Schrödinger Operators
Vol 97, No 1 (2018) Mathematics On the Regularity of a Boundary Point for the p(x)-Laplacian
Vol 97, No 1 (2018) Mathematics Partial Decomposition of a Domain Containing Thin Tubes for Solving the Heat Equation
Vol 97, No 1 (2018) Mathematics Area of Some Hölder Surfaces on Carnot–Carathéodory Spaces
Vol 97, No 1 (2018) Mathematics On the Construction of Combined Finite-Difference Schemes of High Accuracy
Vol 97, No 1 (2018) Mathematics Cut Locus in the Sub-Riemannian Problem on Engel Group
Vol 97, No 1 (2018) Mathematics Investigation of the Spectrum of the Problem of Normal Waves in a Closed Regular Inhomogeneous Dielectric Waveguide of Arbitrary Cross Section
Vol 97, No 1 (2018) Mathematics Optimized Symmetric Bicompact Scheme of the Sixth Order of Approximation with Low Dispersion for Hyperbolic Equations
Vol 97, No 1 (2018) Mathematical Physics Statistical Problems for the Generalized Burgers Equation: High-Intensity Noise in Waveguide Systems
Vol 97, No 1 (2018) Mathematical Physics On Front Motion in a Burgers-Type Equation with Quadratic and Modular Nonlinearity and Nonlinear Amplification
Vol 97, No 1 (2018) Computer Science Approximation of the Effective Hull of a Nonconvex Multidimensional Set Given by a Nonlinear Mapping
Vol 97, No 2 (2018) Mathematics Asymptotic of the Solution of the Contact Problem for a Thin Elastic Plate and a Viscoelastic Layer
Vol 97, No 2 (2018) Mathematics A Two-Stage Method for Constructing Linear Regressions Using Optimal Convex Combinations
Vol 97, No 2 (2018) Mathematics To the Spectral Theory of One-Dimensional Matrix Dirac Operators with Point Matrix Interactions
Vol 97, No 2 (2018) Mathematics Metric Properties of Level Surfaces of Hölder Mappings Defined on Two-Step Carnot Groups
Vol 97, No 2 (2018) Mathematics On the Generic Rank of Matrices Composed of Kronecker Products
Vol 97, No 2 (2018) Mathematics p-Subgroups in Automorphism Groups of Real del Pezzo Surfaces
Vol 97, No 2 (2018) Mathematics Thermodynamics and Optimal Control of Porous Media Flows in Oil Field Development
Vol 97, No 2 (2018) Mathematics Completeness of Some Commutative Subalgebras Associated with Nijenhuis Operators on Lie Algebras
Vol 97, No 2 (2018) Mathematics On the Mean Number of Particles of a Branching Random Walk on ℤd with Periodic Sources of Branching
Vol 97, No 2 (2018) Mathematics Certain Reductions of Hitchin Systems of Rank 2 and Genera 2 and 3
Vol 97, No 2 (2018) Mathematics Asymptotics and Arithmetical Properties of Complexity for Circulant Graphs
Vol 97, No 2 (2018) Mathematics Low Dimension Models of Continuously Variable Transmission Dynamics
Vol 97, No 2 (2018) Mathematics On the Relationship between the Dimension of the Lebesgue–Stieltjes Measure and the Rate of Approximation of a Function by Step Functions
Vol 97, No 2 (2018) Mathematics On the Stability of a Periodic Hamiltonian System with One Degree of Freedom in a Transcendental Case
Vol 97, No 2 (2018) Mathematics On the Existence of a Nearly Optimal Skeleton Approximation of a Matrix in the Frobenius Norm
Vol 97, No 2 (2018) Mathematics On Singular Points of Equations of Mechanics
Vol 97, No 2 (2018) Mathematics Conditions of Spectrum Localization for Operators not Close to Self-Adjoint Operators
Vol 97, No 2 (2018) Mathematics Modeling Nondegenerate Bifurcations of Closures of Solutions for Integrable Systems with Two Degrees of Freedom by Integrable Topological Billiards
Vol 97, No 2 (2018) Mathematics Analogue of Maslov’s Canonical Operator for Localized Functions and Its Applications to the Description of Rapidly Decaying Asymptotic Solutions of Hyperbolic Equations and Systems
Vol 97, No 2 (2018) Mathematics Inverse Problem for a Differential Operator with Nonseparated Boundary Conditions
Vol 97, No 2 (2018) Mathematical Physics On the Estimation of Seismic Resistance of Modern Composite Oil Pipeline Elements
Vol 97, No 2 (2018) Mathematical Physics Features of the Spectral Density of a Spin System
Vol 97, No 2 (2018) Control Theory Integral Solution of Linear Multi-Term Matrix Equation and Its Spectral Decompositions
Vol 97, No 2 (2018) Erratum Erratum to: “Eigenvalue dynamics of a PT-symmetric Sturm–Liouville operator and criteria for similarity to a self-adjoint or a normal operator”
Vol 97, No 3 (2018) Mathematics Problem without Initial Conditions for a Class of Inverse Parabolic Operator-Differential Equations of Third Order
Vol 97, No 3 (2018) Mathematics Transformation of Time-Delay Systems to a Form with Zero Dynamics
Vol 97, No 3 (2018) Mathematics Class of Maximal Graph Surfaces on Multidimensional Two-Step Sub-Lorentzian Structures
Vol 97, No 3 (2018) Mathematics Deviations of Fejer Sums and Rates of Convergence in the von Neumann Ergodic Theorem
Vol 97, No 3 (2018) Mathematics General Theorem on a Finite Support of Mixed Strategy in the Theory of Zero-Sum Games
Vol 97, No 3 (2018) Mathematics Everywhere Differentiable Functions without Monotonicity Intervals and Transcendental Numbers
Vol 97, No 3 (2018) Mathematics Bitsadze–Samarskii Boundary Condition for Elliptic-Parabolic Volume Potential
Vol 97, No 3 (2018) Mathematics Failure of Structural Material as a Nonequilibrium Phase Transition
Vol 97, No 3 (2018) Mathematics Hardy–Steklov Operators and Duality Principle in Weighted Sobolev Spaces of the First Order
Vol 97, No 3 (2018) Mathematics Embeddings for Weighted Spaces of Functions of Positive Smoothness on Irregular Domains into Lebesgue Spaces
Vol 97, No 3 (2018) Mathematics Schrödinger Equation as a Self-Consistent Field
Vol 97, No 3 (2018) Mathematics Behavior of Trajectories in Localizing Sets
Vol 97, No 3 (2018) Mathematics Modeling a Decrease in Public Attention to a Past One-Time Political Event
Vol 97, No 3 (2018) Mathematics Asymptotic Analysis of Solutions to a Riccati Equation
Vol 97, No 3 (2018) Mathematics Cut Generation Algorithm for the Discrete Competitive Facility Location Problem
Vol 97, No 3 (2018) Mathematics On Functions with Zero Integral Moments over Balls of Fixed Radius
Vol 97, No 3 (2018) Mathematics Estimation of the Absolute Error and Polynomial Solvability for a Classical NP-Hard Scheduling Problem
Vol 97, No 3 (2018) Mathematics Approximation of Solution Components for Ill-Posed Problems by the Tikhonov Method with Total Variation
Vol 97, No 3 (2018) Mathematics Homogenization of Boundary Value Problems in Plane Domains with Frequently Alternating Type of Nonlinear Boundary Conditions: Critical Case
Vol 97, No 3 (2018) Mathematics Method of Linear Majorant in the Theory of Monotonic Entropy Operators
Vol 97, No 3 (2018) Mathematical Physics Wave Excitation in a Dissipative Medium with a Double Quadratically-Modular Nonlinearity: a Generalization of the Inhomogeneous Burgers Equation
Vol 97, No 3 (2018) Mathematical Physics Euler and Navier–Stokes Equations as Self-Consistent Fields
Vol 97, No 3 (2018) Mathematical Physics Bifurcation Diagram of the Two Vortices in a Bose–Einstein Condensate with Intensities of the Same Signs
Vol 97, No 3 (2018) Control Theory Hamiltonian Formalism for the Problem of Optimal Motion Control under Multiple Criteria
Vol 97, No 3 (2018) Control Theory Optimal Control of the Motion of a Two-Mass System
Vol 98, No 1 (2018) Mathematics On the Parameters of the Singular Part of the Horn—Sergeichuk Regularizing Decomposition
Vol 98, No 1 (2018) Mathematics Clustering Coefficient of a Spatial Preferential Attachment Model
Vol 98, No 1 (2018) Mathematics Programmed Iteration Method in Differential Games with a Functional Target Set
Vol 98, No 1 (2018) Mathematics Optimal Disturbances of Bistable Time-Delay Systems Modeling Virus Infections
Vol 98, No 1 (2018) Mathematics Spectral Decomposition Formulas for Zeta Functions of Imaginary Quadratic Fields of Class Number One
Vol 98, No 1 (2018) Mathematics The Distribution of the Rational Points on the Unit Circle
Vol 98, No 1 (2018) Mathematics On Quadrature Formulas
Vol 98, No 1 (2018) Mathematics Strict Embeddings of Rearrangement Invariant Spaces
Vol 98, No 1 (2018) Mathematics Stable Cohomology of Spaces of Non-Resultant Systems of Homogeneous Polynomials in ℝn
Vol 98, No 1 (2018) Mathematics Outer Billiards outside a Regular Octagon: Periodicity of Almost All Orbits and Existence of an Aperiodic Orbit
Vol 98, No 1 (2018) Mathematics On the Uniqueness of the Solution of the Inverse Sturm–Liouville Problem with Nonseparated Boundary Conditions on a Geometric Graph
Vol 98, No 1 (2018) Mathematics Polynomial Computability of Fields of Algebraic Numbers
Vol 98, No 1 (2018) Mathematics Fejér Sums for Periodic Measures and the von Neumann Ergodic Theorem
Vol 98, No 1 (2018) Mathematics Numerical Schemes without Saturation for Periodic Functions
Vol 98, No 1 (2018) Mathematics General Embedding Theorem
Vol 98, No 1 (2018) Mathematics Integer Sequences Somos-4
Vol 98, No 1 (2018) Mathematics Graphs of Lipschitz Mappings on Two-Step Sub-Lorentzian Structures with Multidimensional Time
Vol 98, No 1 (2018) Mathematics Generating Functions in the Knapsack Problem
Vol 98, No 1 (2018) Mathematics On Spectral Asymptotics for a Family of Finite-Dimensional Perturbations of Operators of Trace Class
Vol 98, No 1 (2018) Mathematics On New Arithmetic Properties of Determinants of Hankel Matrices
Vol 98, No 1 (2018) Mathematics Spaces Associated with Weighted Sobolev Spaces on the Real Line
Vol 98, No 1 (2018) Mathematics On Equilibrium Concyclic Configurations
Vol 98, No 1 (2018) Mathematics On Two-Dimensional Polynomially Integrable Billiards on Surfaces of Constant Curvature
Vol 98, No 1 (2018) Mathematics Convergence of Eigenfunction Expansions of a Differential Operator with Integral Boundary Conditions
Vol 98, No 1 (2018) Mathematics On the Closeness of Solutions of Unperturbed and Hyperbolized Heat Equations with Discontinuous Initial Data
Vol 98, No 1 (2018) Mathematics Modeling of Galactic Wind Formation from Supernovae Using High-Performance Computations
Vol 98, No 1 (2018) Mathematical Physics Modeling of Ultrasonic Waves in Fractured Rails with an Explicit Approach
Vol 98, No 2 (2018) Mathematics On Pronormal Subgroups in Finite Simple Groups
Vol 98, No 2 (2018) Mathematics The Basis Property of the System of Root Functions of the Oblique Derivative Problem
Vol 98, No 2 (2018) Mathematics Compressible Finite Groups of Birational Automorphisms
Vol 98, No 2 (2018) Mathematics On Kolmogorov’s ε-Entropy for a Compact Set of Infinitely Differentiable Aperiodic Functions (Babenko’s Problem)
Vol 98, No 2 (2018) Mathematics On Correctness Conditions for Algebra of Recognition Algorithms with μ-Operators over Pattern Problems with Binary Data
Vol 98, No 2 (2018) Mathematics Frequency Tests for the Existence and Stability of Bounded Solutions to Differential Equations of Higher Order
Vol 98, No 2 (2018) Mathematics On the Periodicity of Continued Fractions in Hyperelliptic Fields over Quadratic Constant Field
Vol 98, No 2 (2018) Mathematics A Mesh Free Stochastic Algorithm for Solving Diffusion–Convection–Reaction Equations on Complicated Domains
Vol 98, No 2 (2018) Mathematics Numerical Characteristics of the Genetic Code for the Possibility of Overlapping Genes
Vol 98, No 2 (2018) Mathematics Superfast Iterative Solvers for Linear Matrix Equations
Vol 98, No 2 (2018) Mathematics Optimization of Randomized Monte Carlo Algorithms for Solving Problems with Random Parameters
Vol 98, No 2 (2018) Mathematics Convergence to Stationary Measures in Nonlinear Fokker–Planck–Kolmogorov Equations
Vol 98, No 2 (2018) Mathematics On Conditions for L2-Dissipativity of Linearized Explicit QGD Finite-Difference Schemes for One-Dimensional Gas Dynamics Equations
Vol 98, No 2 (2018) Mathematics Fejér Sums and Fourier Coefficients of Periodic Measures
Vol 98, No 2 (2018) Mathematics An Infinite Family of Curves of Genus 2 over the Field of Rational Numbers Whose Jacobian Varieties Contain Rational Points of Order 28
Vol 98, No 2 (2018) Mathematics Heterogeneous Computing in Resource-Intensive CFD Simulations
Vol 98, No 2 (2018) Mathematics On Non-Uniqueness of Probability Solutions to the Two-Dimensional Stationary Fokker–Planck–Kolmogorov Equation
Vol 98, No 2 (2018) Mathematics The Tricomi Problem for a Functional-Differential Mixed-Composite Equation
Vol 98, No 2 (2018) Mathematics Green’s Function of Ordinary Differential Operators and an Integral Representation of Sums of Certain Power Series
Vol 98, No 2 (2018) Mathematics Nonasymptotic Estimates for the Closeness of Gaussian Measures on Balls
Vol 98, No 2 (2018) Mathematics Variance Reduction in Monte Carlo Estimators via Empirical Variance Minimization
Vol 98, No 2 (2018) Mathematics On Sobolev Classes Containing Solutions to Fokker–Planck–Kolmogorov Equations
Vol 98, No 2 (2018) Mathematics Well-Posedness and Spectral Analysis of Volterra Integro-Differential Equations with Singular Kernels
Vol 98, No 2 (2018) Mathematics Monotone Finite-Difference Scheme Preserving High Accuracy in Regions of Shock Influence
Vol 98, No 2 (2018) Mathematics Confidence Sets for Spectral Projectors of Covariance Matrices
Vol 98, No 2 (2018) Mathematics On the Chromatic Numbers of Some Distance Graphs
Vol 98, No 2 (2018) Mathematical Physics Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Calculating Electric Currents in a Toroidal Plasma
Vol 98, No 2 (2018) Mathematical Physics Dynamics of a Delay Logistic Equation with Diffusion and Coefficients Rapidly Oscillating in Space Variable
Vol 98, No 2 (2018) Computer Science Mathematical Models for Calculating the Development Dynamics in the Era of Digital Economy
Vol 98, No 2 (2018) Control Theory Control of a Rigid Body Carrying an Oscillator under Incomplete Information
Vol 98, No 2 (2018) Control Theory Holistic Theory of Economic Equilibrium: Modified Cassel–Wald Model
Vol 98, No 3 (2018) Mathematics Distributions and Analytical Measures on Infinite-Dimensional Spaces
Vol 98, No 3 (2018) Mathematics On Sets of Measurable Operators Convex and Closed in Topology of Convergence in Measure
Vol 98, No 3 (2018) Mathematics A New Discrete Analogue of Pontryagin’s Maximum Principle
Vol 98, No 3 (2018) Mathematics The Spectrum and Trace Formula for Bounded Perturbations of Differential Operators
Vol 98, No 3 (2018) Mathematics The Existence and Behavior of Global Solutions to a Mixed Problem with Acoustic Transmission Conditions for Nonlinear Hyperbolic Equations with Nonlinear Dissipation
Vol 98, No 3 (2018) Mathematics Estimates for Solutions to Fokker–Planck–Kolmogorov Equations with Integrable Drifts
Vol 98, No 3 (2018) Mathematics Dualization Problem over the Product of Chains: Asymptotic Estimates for the Number of Solutions
Vol 98, No 3 (2018) Mathematics On the Weak Solvability of a Fractional Viscoelasticity Model
Vol 98, No 3 (2018) Mathematics Hamiltonian Approach to Secondary Quantization
Vol 98, No 3 (2018) Mathematics Generalized Maximum Principle in Optimal Control
Vol 98, No 3 (2018) Mathematics Uniqueness of Solution to the First Initial Boundary Value Problem for Parabolic Systems on the Plane in a Model Case
Vol 98, No 3 (2018) Mathematics Axiomatizing Provable n-Provability
Vol 98, No 3 (2018) Mathematics Blow-up of Solutions of the Cauchy Problem for a Nonlinear Schrödinger Evolution Equation
Vol 98, No 3 (2018) Mathematics Arithmetic Properties of Generalized Hypergeometric F-Series
Vol 98, No 3 (2018) Mathematics Modeling of Phase Transitions in Weakly Bound Molecular Clusters
Vol 98, No 3 (2018) Mathematics Two-Dimensional (Two-Speed) Mode for a Nonstrictly Hyperbolic Problem
Vol 98, No 3 (2018) Mathematics Types of Root Systems in Number Fields
Vol 98, No 3 (2018) Mathematics Application of the Variational Method for Solving Inverse Problems of Optimal Control
Vol 98, No 3 (2018) Mathematics On Unordered Multiplicative Partitions
Vol 98, No 3 (2018) Mathematics Feynman Formulas for Solutions to Evolution Equations in Domains of Multidimensional Ramified Surfaces
Vol 98, No 3 (2018) Mathematics On First Integrals of Linear Hamiltonian Systems
Vol 98, No 3 (2018) Mathematics On the Distribution of the Maximum k-Degrees of the Binomial Random Graph
Vol 98, No 3 (2018) Mathematics Approximations in the Problem of Level Crossing by a Compound Renewal Process
Vol 98, No 3 (2018) Mathematics Narrow Positively Graded Lie Algebras
Vol 98, No 3 (2018) Mathematics Twisted Homology of Configuration Spaces and Homology of Spaces of Equivariant Maps
Vol 98, No 3 (2018) Mathematics On Bilinear Hardy–Steklov Operators
Vol 98, No 3 (2018) Mathematics A Disproof the Le Bars Conjecture about the Zero–One Law for Existential Monadic Second-Order Sentences
Vol 98, No 3 (2018) Mathematics On the Finiteness of Hyperelliptic Fields with Special Properties and Periodic Expansion of √f
Vol 98, No 3 (2018) Mathematics Soft Randomized Machine Learning
Vol 98, No 3 (2018) Mathematical Physics Artificial Dissipation Coefficients in Regularized Equations of Supersonic Aerodynamics
Vol 98, No 3 (2018) Control Theory Class of Trajectories ℝ3 in Most Remote from Observers
Vol 99, No 1 (2019) Mathematics Functions in the Schwartz Algebra that Are Invertible in the Sense of Ehrenpreis
Vol 99, No 1 (2019) Mathematics Spectral Properties of Ordinary Differential Operators with Involution
Vol 99, No 1 (2019) Mathematics Classical and Generalized Solutions of a Mixed Problem for a Nonhomogeneous Wave Equation
Vol 99, No 1 (2019) Mathematics Convexity of Suns in Tangent Directions
Vol 99, No 1 (2019) Mathematics Double Asymptotic Expansion of the Resolving Operator of the Cauchy Problem for the Linearized System of Gas Dynamics
Vol 99, No 1 (2019) Mathematics Sub-Finsler Problem on the Cartan Group
Vol 99, No 1 (2019) Mathematics Foundations of Quasiconformal Analysis of a Two-Index Scale of Spatial Mappings
Vol 99, No 1 (2019) Mathematics Nonexistence of Global Solutions of a Mixed Problem for a Ginzburg–Landau Type Nonlinear Evolution Equation
Vol 99, No 1 (2019) Mathematics Embeddings of Spaces of Functions of Positive Smoothness on Irregular Domains
Vol 99, No 1 (2019) Mathematics Expansion of Solutions to an Ordinary Differential Equation into Transseries
Vol 99, No 1 (2019) Mathematics On Optimal Bounds in the Local Semicircle Law under Four Moment Condition
Vol 99, No 1 (2019) Mathematics Determination of Permittivity from the Modulus of the Electric Strength of a High-Frequency Electromagnetic Field
Vol 99, No 1 (2019) Mathematics On C.R. Rao’s Theorem for Locally Compact Abelian Groups
Vol 99, No 1 (2019) Mathematics On the Complexity of Some Problems of Searching for a Family of Disjoint Clusters
Vol 99, No 1 (2019) Mathematics Disorder Indicator for Nonstationary Stochastic Processes
Vol 99, No 1 (2019) Mathematics Spectral Deformation in a Problem of Singular Perturbation Theory
Vol 99, No 1 (2019) Mathematics Fast Trie-Based Method for Multiple Pairwise Sequence Alignment
Vol 99, No 1 (2019) Mathematics Disproof of the Zero–One Law for Existential Monadic Properties of a Sparse Binomial Random Graph
Vol 99, No 1 (2019) Mathematics A Construction of Reflecting Lévy Processes
Vol 99, No 1 (2019) Mathematics Local Metric Properties of Level Surfaces on Carnot–Carathéodory Spaces
Vol 99, No 1 (2019) Mathematics Detailed Description of the Evolution Mechanism for Singularities in the System of Pressureless Gas Dynamics
Vol 99, No 1 (2019) Mathematics Molecular Dynamics of Water Clusters and Interaction Potentials
Vol 99, No 1 (2019) Mathematics On Classical Solutions to the First Mixed Problem for the Vlasov–Poisson System in an Infinite Cylinder
Vol 99, No 1 (2019) Mathematics Reachability of Optimal Convergence Rate Estimates for High-Order Numerical Convex Optimization Methods
Vol 99, No 1 (2019) Mathematical Physics Slow and Fast Oscillations in a Model of an Optoelectronic Oscillator with Delay
Vol 99, No 1 (2019) Mathematical Physics On the Formation of Structures in Nonlinear Problems of Physical Kinetics
Vol 99, No 1 (2019) Computer Science A Generalization of the Kravchenko–Kotelnikov Theorem by Spectra of Compactly Supported Infinitely Differentiable Functions \(h_{a}^{{(m)}}(x)\)
Vol 99, No 1 (2019) Computer Sciences Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional Maps Based on Closed-Form Solutions of the Variational Problem of Multisensor Data Registration
Vol 99, No 1 (2019) Control Theory Inversion of Hyperoutput Time-Delay Systems
Vol 99, No 2 (2019) Mathematics Peano-Type Curves, Liouville Numbers, and Microscopic Sets
Vol 99, No 2 (2019) Mathematics Logical Language of Description of Polynomial Computing
Vol 99, No 2 (2019) Mathematics Accelerated Primal-Dual Gradient Descent with Linesearch for Convex, Nonconvex, and Nonsmooth Optimization Problems
Vol 99, No 2 (2019) Mathematics 2-Factor Newton Method for Solving Constrained Optimization Problems with a Degenerate Kuhn–Tucker System
Vol 99, No 2 (2019) Mathematics On the Complexity of Reductive Group Actions over Algebraically Nonclosed Field and Strong Stability of the Actions on Flag Varieties
Vol 99, No 2 (2019) Mathematics Classification of One-Dimensional Attractors of Diffeomorphisms of Surfaces by Means of Pseudo-Anosov Homeomorphisms
Vol 99, No 2 (2019) Mathematics Optimal Feedback Control Problem for Bingham Media Motion with Periodic Boundary Conditions
Vol 99, No 2 (2019) Mathematics The Least Distance between Extrema and the Minimum Period of Solutions of Autonomous Vector Differential Equations
Vol 99, No 2 (2019) Mathematics Area of Graph Surfaces on Carnot Groups with Sub-Lorentzian Structure
Vol 99, No 2 (2019) Mathematics Interpolation by Sums of Series of Exponentials and Global Cauchy Problem for Convolution Operators
Vol 99, No 2 (2019) Mathematics Controllability and Optimal Controllability for Operator Equations of the First Kind in (B)-Spaces: Examples for ODE in \({{\mathbb{R}}^{n}}\)
Vol 99, No 2 (2019) Mathematics On Rapidly Growing Solutions of a Class of Ordinary Differential Equations
Vol 99, No 2 (2019) Mathematics Homogenization of the Boundary Value Problem for the Poisson Equation with Rapidly Oscillating Nonlinear Boundary Conditions: Space Dimension n ≥ 3, Critical Case
Vol 99, No 2 (2019) Mathematics On the Independence Numbers of Some Distance Graphs with Vertices in {–1, 0, 1}n*
Vol 99, No 2 (2019) Mathematics Degenerate Boundary Conditions on a Geometric Graph
Vol 99, No 2 (2019) Mathematics Sub-Finsler Structures on the Engel Group
Vol 99, No 2 (2019) Mathematics Differential Properties of Semigroups and Estimates of Distances between Stationary Distributions of Diffusions
Vol 99, No 2 (2019) Mathematics Analogues of Korn’s Inequality on Heisenberg Groups
Vol 99, No 2 (2019) Mathematics On Minimal Surfaces on Two-Step Carnot Groups
Vol 99, No 2 (2019) Mathematics Outer Billiard outside a Regular Dodecagon
Vol 99, No 2 (2019) Mathematics Hooley’s Problem on Representations of a Number as the Sum of a Square and a Product
Vol 99, No 2 (2019) Mathematics On the Uniqueness of a Solution to an Inverse Problem of Scattering by an Inhomogeneous Solid with a Piecewise Hölder Refractive Index in a Special Function Class
Vol 99, No 2 (2019) Mathematics On Lindeberg–Feller Limit Theorem
Vol 99, No 2 (2019) Mathematics New Approach to Farkas’ Theorem of the Alternative
Vol 99, No 2 (2019) Mathematics On the Bisection Method for Normal Matrices
Vol 99, No 2 (2019) Mathematics Sufficient Maximality Conditions for Surfaces on Two-Step Sub-Lorentzian Structures
Vol 99, No 2 (2019) Mathematics On Infinite-Dimensional Integer Hankel Matrices
Vol 99, No 2 (2019) Mathematical Physics Vlasov–Poisson–Poisson Equations, Critical Mass, and Kordylewski Clouds
Vol 99, No 2 (2019) Mathematical Physics Bifurcations of Liouville Tori in a System of Two Vortices of Positive Intensity in a Bose–Einstein Condensate
Vol 99, No 2 (2019) Computer Science Explicit Methods for Integrating Stiff Cauchy Problems
Vol 99, No 2 (2019) Computer Science Classification of Lung Nodules Using CT Images Based on Texture Features and Fractal Dimension Transformation
Vol 99, No 3 (2019) Mathematics Classification of Stably Reflective Hyperbolic \(\mathbb{Z}[\sqrt 2 ]\)-Lattices of Rank 4
Vol 99, No 3 (2019) Mathematics Homogenization Limit for the Diffusion Equation in a Domain Perforated along (n – 1)-Dimensional Manifold with Dynamic Conditions on the Boundary of the Perforations: Critical Case
Vol 99, No 3 (2019) Mathematics Perron Stability and Its Study at the First Approximation
Vol 99, No 3 (2019) Mathematics Some Properties of Ultrafilters of Widely Understood Measurable Spaces
Vol 99, No 3 (2019) Mathematics High-Accuracy Calculation of Eigenvalues of the Laplacian in an Ellipse (with Neumann Boundary Condition)
Vol 99, No 3 (2019) Mathematics Exponential MR-Groups: Faithful R-Completion
Vol 99, No 3 (2019) Mathematics Reducing the Degree of Integrals of Hamiltonian Systems by Using Billiards
Vol 99, No 3 (2019) Mathematics Zero–One Laws for Sentences with k Variables
Vol 99, No 3 (2019) Mathematics Solvability of a Problem for the Equations of the Dynamics of One-Temperature Mixtures of Heat-Conducting Viscous Compressible Fluids
Vol 99, No 3 (2019) Mathematics On S-Units for Linear Valuations and the Periodicity of Continued Fractions of Generalized Type in Hyperelliptic Fields
Vol 99, No 3 (2019) Mathematics Graphs of Nonsmooth Contact Mappings on Carnot Groups with Sub-Lorentzian Structure
Vol 99, No 3 (2019) Mathematics Complexity of Discrete Seifert Foliations over a Graph
Vol 99, No 3 (2019) Mathematics Bilinear Weighted Inequalities with Volterra Integral Operators
Vol 99, No 3 (2019) Mathematics Sensitivity of Functionals of Variational Data Assimilation Problems
Vol 99, No 3 (2019) Mathematics Optimal Feedback Control for Leray and Navier–Stokes Alpha Models
Vol 99, No 3 (2019) Mathematics Operator Cosine Functions and Boundary Value Problems
Vol 99, No 3 (2019) Mathematics Hydrodynamic Instabilities and Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions
Vol 99, No 3 (2019) Mathematics Randomized Hamiltonian Mechanics
Vol 99, No 3 (2019) Mathematics The l-Problem of Moments for One-Dimensional Integro-Differential Equations with Erdélyi–Kober Operators
Vol 99, No 3 (2019) Mathematical Physics Functional Separable Solutions of Two Classes of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics Equations
Vol 99, No 3 (2019) Control Theory Influence of the Size of a Controllable Device on Time-Optimal Rotation Generated by a Moving Internal Mass
Vol 100, No 1 (2019) Mathematics A Generalization of the Logarithmic Gross–Sobolev Inequality
Vol 100, No 1 (2019) Mathematics System of Boundary Layer Equations for a Rheologically Complicated Medium: Crocco Variables
Vol 100, No 1 (2019) Mathematics On Polynomial Solvability of One Quadratic Euclidean Clustering Problem on a Line
Vol 100, No 1 (2019) Mathematics On the Energy Current for the Harmonic Crystals in the Half-Space
Vol 100, No 1 (2019) Mathematics High Excursions of Bessel Process and Other Processes of Bessel Type
Vol 100, No 1 (2019) Mathematics On the Kantorovich Problem with a Parameter
Vol 100, No 1 (2019) Mathematics Degenerate Elliptic Equations and Nonuniqueness of Solutions to the Kolmogorov Equation
Vol 100, No 1 (2019) Mathematics On Singular Spectrum of Finite-Dimensional Perturbations (toward the Aronszajn–Donoghue–Kac Theory)
Vol 100, No 1 (2019) Mathematics On the Superposition Principle for Fokker–Planck–Kolmogorov Equations
Vol 100, No 1 (2019) Mathematics Properties of Extrema of Estimates for Middle Derivatives of Odd Order in Sobolev Classes
Vol 100, No 1 (2019) Mathematics Constructive Generalization of Classical Sufficient Second-Order Optimality Conditions
Vol 100, No 1 (2019) Mathematics Multidimensional Bilinear Hardy Inequalities
Vol 100, No 1 (2019) Mathematics On Orbits of Action of 5-Dimensional Non-Solvable Lie Algebras in Three-Dimensional Complex Space
Vol 100, No 1 (2019) Mathematics Finite-Dimensional Mappings Describing the Dynamics of a Logistic Equation with Delay
Vol 100, No 1 (2019) Mathematics Grothendieck–Serre Duality and Theta-Invariants on Arithmetic Surfaces
Vol 100, No 1 (2019) Mathematical Physics Multidimensional Tauberian Theorem for Holomorphic Functions of Bounded Argument
Vol 100, No 1 (2019) Computer Science Asynchronous Threshold Networks with Multisorted Signals
Vol 100, No 1 (2019) Computer Science Depth Map Reconstruction Based on Features Formed by Descriptor of Stereo Color Pairs
Vol 100, No 1 (2019) Control Theory Nonsmooth Variational Problems for Calibration of Accelerometer Units
Vol 100, No 2 (2019) Mathematics Quantum Graphs with Summable Matrix Potentials
Vol 100, No 2 (2019) Mathematics Neural Network Construction for Recognition Problems with Standard Information on the Basis of a Model of Algorithms with Piecewise Linear Surfaces and Parameters
Vol 100, No 2 (2019) Mathematics NP-Completeness of Some Problems of Partitioning a Finite Set of Points in Euclidean Space into Balanced Clusters
Vol 100, No 2 (2019) Mathematics Cross-Entropy Optimal Dimensionality Reduction with a Condition on Information Capacity
Vol 100, No 2 (2019) Mathematics An Inequality between Total Variation and \({{L}^{2}}\) Distances for Polynomials in log-Concave Random Vectors
Vol 100, No 2 (2019) Mathematics On the Continuous Dependence of the Solution of a Boundary Value Problem on Boundary Conditions: Elements of P-Regularity Theory
Vol 100, No 2 (2019) Mathematics On the Problem of Condensation onto Compact Spaces
Vol 100, No 2 (2019) Mathematics Existence Theorem for a Weak Solution of the Optimal Feedback Control Problem for the Modified Kelvin–Voigt Model of Weakly Concentrated Aqueous Polymer Solutions
Vol 100, No 2 (2019) Mathematics Approximate Solution of the Boundary Value Problem for the Helmholtz Equation with Impedance Condition
Vol 100, No 2 (2019) Mathematics On the Finiteness of the Number of Elliptic Fields with Given Degrees of \(S\)-Units and Periodic Expansion of \(\sqrt f \)
Vol 100, No 2 (2019) Mathematics Hamiltonian Feynman Measures, Kolmogorov Integral, and Infinite-Dimensional Pseudodifferential Operators
Vol 100, No 2 (2019) Mathematics Universal Computational Algorithms and Their Justification for the Approximate Solution of Differential Equations
Vol 100, No 2 (2019) Mathematics Inferences on Parametric Estimation of Distribution Tails
Vol 100, No 2 (2019) Mathematics On Some Degenerate Pseudodifferential Operators
Vol 100, No 2 (2019) Mathematics Topological Obstacles to the Realizability of Integrable Hamiltonian Systems by Billiards
Vol 100, No 2 (2019) Mathematics Correct Solvability and Representation of Solutions of Volterra Integrodifferential Equations with Fractional Exponential Kernels
Vol 100, No 2 (2019) Mathematics Construction of Three-Dimensional Sections of the Efficient Frontier for Non-convex Models
Vol 100, No 2 (2019) Mathematics On the Independence Numbers of Distance Graphs with Vertices in {–1, 0, 1}n
Vol 100, No 2 (2019) Mathematics The Size of a Maximum Subgraph of the Random Graph with a Given Number of Edges
Vol 100, No 2 (2019) Mathematics Sharp Estimates for Geometric Rigidity of Isometries on the First Heisenberg Group
Vol 100, No 2 (2019) Mathematics On the Existence and Uniqueness of a Solution of a Nonlinear Integral Equation
Vol 100, No 2 (2019) Mathematical Physics Taking into Account Fluid Saturation of Bottom Sediments in Marine Seismic Survey
Vol 100, No 2 (2019) Mathematical Physics Infinite Kirchhoff Plate on a Compact Elastic Foundation May Have an Arbitrarily Small Eigenvalue
Vol 100, No 2 (2019) Mathematical Physics An Inverse Phaseless Problem for Electrodynamic Equations in an Anisotropic Medium
Vol 100, No 2 (2019) Control Theory Spectral Decompositions for the Solutions of Lyapunov Equations for Bilinear Dynamical Systems
Vol 100, No 3 (2019) Mathematics Generalized Localization for Spherical Partial Sums of Multiple Fourier Series
Vol 100, No 3 (2019) Mathematics Optimal Control and Maximum Principle in (B)-Spaces. Examples for PDE in (H)-Spaces and ODE in\({{\mathbb{R}}^{n}}\)
Vol 100, No 3 (2019) Mathematics Factor Model for the Study of Complex Processes
Vol 100, No 3 (2019) Mathematics Combined DG Scheme That Maintains Increased Accuracy in Shock Wave Areas
Vol 100, No 3 (2019) Mathematics Complete Radon–Kipriyanov Transform: Some Properties
Vol 100, No 3 (2019) Mathematics Constructing a Numerically Statistical Model of a Homogeneous Random Field with a Given Distribution of the Integral over One of the Phase Coordinates
Vol 100, No 3 (2019) Mathematics Stability Defect Estimation for Sets in a Game Approach Problem at a Fixed Moment of Time
Vol 100, No 3 (2019) Mathematics On a Characterization Theorem ona-adic Solenoids
Vol 100, No 3 (2019) Mathematics On the Estimation of Coefficients of Irreducible Factors of Polynomials over a Field of Formal Power Series in Nonzero Characteristic
Vol 100, No 3 (2019) Mathematics NP-Hardness of Quadratic Euclidean 1-Mean and 1-Median 2-Clustering Problem with Constraints on the Cluster Sizes
Vol 100, No 3 (2019) Mathematics Weighted Grand Lebesgue Space with a Mixed Norm and Integral Operators
Vol 100, No 3 (2019) Mathematics On the Dirichlet Problem for an Elliptic Functional Differential Equation with Affine Transformations of the Argument
Vol 100, No 3 (2019) Mathematics Discrete Bilinear Hardy Inequalities
Vol 100, No 3 (2019) Mathematics Identities on Algebras and Combinatorial Properties of Binary Words
Vol 100, No 3 (2019) Mathematics On Mutually Inverse Transforms of Functions on a Half-Line
Vol 100, No 3 (2019) Mathematics Method for Estimating the Hurst Exponent of Fractional Brownian Motion
Vol 100, No 3 (2019) Mathematics On the Gardner Problem for Phase-Locked Loops
Vol 100, No 3 (2019) Mathematics Solidification of Binary Alloys and Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions
Vol 100, No 3 (2019) Mathematics Kinetic Algorithms for Modeling Conductive Fluids Flow on High-Performance Computing Systems
Vol 100, No 3 (2019) Mathematical Physics On One Method for Constructing Exact Solutions of Nonlinear Equations of Mathematical Physics
Vol 100, No 3 (2019) Mathematical Physics Numerical Modeling of Wave Processes in Multilayered Media with Gas-Containing Layers: Comparison of 2D and 3D Models
Vol 100, No 3 (2019) Computer Science Simulation of an Inhomogeneous Plasma Microfield
Vol 100, No 3 (2019) Computer Science Duality Principle and New Forms of the Inverse Laplace Transform for Signal Propagation Analysis in Inhomogeneous Media with Dispersion

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