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Vol 100, No 2 (2019)


Quantum Graphs with Summable Matrix Potentials

Granovskyi Y.I., Malamud M.M., Neidhardt H.


Let \(\mathcal{G}\) be a metric, finite, noncompact, and connected graph with finitely many edges and vertices. Assume that the length of at least one of the edges is infinite. The main object of this paper is the Hamiltonian \({{{\mathbf{H}}}_{\alpha }}\) associated in \({{L}^{2}}(\mathcal{G};{{\mathbb{C}}^{m}})\) with a matrix Sturm–Liouville expression and boundary delta-type conditions at each vertex. Assuming that the potential matrix is summable and applying the technique of boundary triplets and the corresponding Weyl functions, we show that the singular continuous spectrum of the Hamiltonian \({{{\mathbf{H}}}_{\alpha }}\) and any other self-adjoint realization of the Sturm–Liouville expression is empty. We also indicate conditions on the graph ensuring that the positive part of \({\mathbf{H}_{\alpha }}\) is purely absolutely continuous. Under an additional condition on the potential matrix, a Bargmann-type estimate for the number of negative eigenvalues of the operator \({{{\mathbf{H}}}_{\alpha }}\) is obtained. Additionally, a formula is found for the scattering matrix of the pair \(\{ {{{\mathbf{H}}}_{\alpha }},{{{\mathbf{H}}}_{D}}\} \), where \({{{\mathbf{H}}}_{D}}\) is the operator of the Dirichlet problem on the graph.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;100(2):405-410
pages 405-410 views

Neural Network Construction for Recognition Problems with Standard Information on the Basis of a Model of Algorithms with Piecewise Linear Surfaces and Parameters

Zhuravlev Y.I., Dyusembaev A.E.


For recognition problems with standard information, a neural network reproducing computations performed by a correct algorithm is constructed on the basis of the operator approach and a model of algorithms with parameters and piecewise linear surfaces.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;100(2):411-415
pages 411-415 views

NP-Completeness of Some Problems of Partitioning a Finite Set of Points in Euclidean Space into Balanced Clusters

Kel’manov A.V., Pyatkin A.V., Khandeev V.I.


We consider three related problems of partitioning an \(N\)-element set of points in \(d\)-dimensional Euclidean space into two clusters balancing the value of (1) the intracluster quadratic variance normalized by the cluster size in the first problem; (2) the intracluster quadratic variance in the second problem; and (3) the size-weighted intracluster quadratic variance in the third problem. The NP-completeness of all these problems is proved.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;100(2):416-419
pages 416-419 views

Cross-Entropy Optimal Dimensionality Reduction with a Condition on Information Capacity

Popkov Y.S., Popkov A.Y.


For matrices with nonnegative elements, an updated method of dimensionality reduction based on cross-entropy optimization of projection matrices under the condition of maintaining the information capacity is proposed.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;100(2):420-422
pages 420-422 views

An Inequality between Total Variation and \({{L}^{2}}\) Distances for Polynomials in log-Concave Random Vectors

Kosov E.D.


In the paper we discuss a new bound of the total variation distance in terms of L2 distance for random variables that are polynominals in log-concave random vectors.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;100(2):423-425
pages 423-425 views

On the Continuous Dependence of the Solution of a Boundary Value Problem on Boundary Conditions: Elements of P-Regularity Theory

Medak B., Tret’yakov A.A.


The existence of a continuous dependence of the solution to a boundary value problem on a parameter is studied. In the presence of the p-regularity property, it is proved that there exists a solution depending continuously on a small parameter. The main result of this paper is based on theorems representing different versions of the implicit function theorem. In the case of degenerate mappings, the theorems are used to analyze a boundary value problem with a small parameter. In the case of absolute degeneration, a p-factor operator is found. The concept of the p-kernel of an operator and left and right inverse operators are introduced. Theorems are formulated that are special versions of the generalized Lyusternik theorem and the implicit function theorem in the degenerate case. An implicit function theorem is formulated and proved in the case of a nontrivial kernel.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;100(2):426-429
pages 426-429 views

On the Problem of Condensation onto Compact Spaces

Osipov A.V., Pytkeev E.G.


Assuming the continuum hypothesis CH, it is proved that there exists a perfectly normal compact topological space Z and a countable set \(E \subset Z\) such that \(Z{\backslash }E\) is not condensed onto a compact space. The existence of such a space answers (in CH) negatively to V.I. Ponomarev’s question as to whether every perfectly normal compact space is an \(\alpha \)-space. It is proved that, in the class of ordered compact spaces, the property of being an \(\alpha \)-space is not multiplicative.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;100(2):430-432
pages 430-432 views

Existence Theorem for a Weak Solution of the Optimal Feedback Control Problem for the Modified Kelvin–Voigt Model of Weakly Concentrated Aqueous Polymer Solutions

Plotnikov P.I., Turbin M.V., Ustiuzhaninova A.S.


A theorem on the existence of a weak solution of the optimal feedback control problem for the modified Kelvin–Voigt model of weakly concentrated aqueous polymer solutions is proved. The proof is based on an approximation-topological approach to the study of fluid dynamic problems. At the first step, the considered feedback control problem is interpreted as an operator inclusion with a multivalued right-hand side. At the second step, the resulting inclusion is approximated by an operator inclusion with better properties. Then the existence of solutions for this inclusion is proved by applying a priori estimates of solutions and the degree theory for a class of multivalued mappings. At the third step, it is shown that the sequence of solutions of the approximation inclusion contains a subsequence that converges weakly to the solution of the original inclusion. Finally, it is proved that, among the solutions of the considered problem, there exists at least one minimizing a given cost functional.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;100(2):433-435
pages 433-435 views

Approximate Solution of the Boundary Value Problem for the Helmholtz Equation with Impedance Condition

Aliev A.R., Heydarov R.J.


The collocation method is justified for the integral equation of the impedance boundary value problem for the Helmholtz equation. A sequence is constructed that converges to the exact solution of this boundary value problem, and an error estimate is deduced.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;100(2):436-439
pages 436-439 views

On the Finiteness of the Number of Elliptic Fields with Given Degrees of \(S\)-Units and Periodic Expansion of \(\sqrt f \)

Platonov V.P., Petrunin M.M., Shteinikov Y.N.


For a field k of characteristic 0, up to a natural equivalence relation, it is proved that the number of nontrivial elliptic fields \(k(x)(\sqrt f )\) with a periodic continued fraction expansion of \(\sqrt f \in k((x))\) for which the corresponding elliptic curve contains a k-point of even order at most 18 or a k-point of odd order at most 11 is finite. In the case when k is a quadratic extension of \(\mathbb{Q}\), all such fields are found.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;100(2):440-444
pages 440-444 views

Hamiltonian Feynman Measures, Kolmogorov Integral, and Infinite-Dimensional Pseudodifferential Operators

Smolyanov O.G., Shamarov N.N.


Properties of infinite-dimensional pseudodifferential operators (PDO) are discussed. In particular, the connection between two definitions of PDO is considered: one given in terms of the Hamiltonian Feynman measure and the other introduced in this work in terms of the Kolmogorov integral.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;100(2):445-449
pages 445-449 views

Universal Computational Algorithms and Their Justification for the Approximate Solution of Differential Equations

Betelin V.B., Galkin V.A.


The problem of determining typical hardware characteristics associated with the amount of work needed to obtain a result at a given point in the computation domain is considered. Grid methods involve continuous processing and storage of data arrays, whose size is determined by the number of grid elements, which is directly proportional to the performance of the computer system used. Alternative approaches that do not rely on grid approximations are considered for constructing and justifying computational methods. The convergence of kinetic approximations to the solution of the Cauchy problem is substantiated.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;100(2):450-455
pages 450-455 views

Inferences on Parametric Estimation of Distribution Tails

Rodionov I.V.


We propose a general method for parameter estimation of a distribution tail that does not depend on the fulfillment of the conditions of the Gnedenko theorem. We prove the consistency of the proposed estimator and its asymptotic normality under stronger conditions imposed on the parametric family of distribution tails. Additionally, the proposed method is adapted for estimating the Weibull and log-Weibull tail indices.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;100(2):456-458
pages 456-458 views

On Some Degenerate Pseudodifferential Operators

Baev A.D., Babaytsev A.A., Kharchenko V.D.


A new class of degenerate pseudodifferential operators with a variable symbol depending on a complex parameter is investigated. Pseudodifferential operators are constructed by applying a special integral transform. Theorems on the composition and boundedness of these operators in special weighted spaces are proved. The behavior of these operators on hyperplanes of degeneration is investigated. Theorems on the commutation of these operators with differentiation operators are established. An adjoint operator is constructed, and an analogue of Gårding’s inequality for degenerate pseudodifferential operators is proved.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;100(2):459-462
pages 459-462 views

Topological Obstacles to the Realizability of Integrable Hamiltonian Systems by Billiards

Vedyushkina V.V., Fomenko A.T.


We introduce the following classes of integrable billiards: elementary billiards, topological billiards, billiard books, billiards with a potential, with a magnetic field, and geodesic billiards. These classes are used to test Fomenko’s conjecture about the realizability, up to Liouville equivalence, of integrable nondegenerate Hamiltonian systems with two degrees of freedom by billiards. In the class of book billiards, topological obstacles to realizability are found.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;100(2):463-466
pages 463-466 views

Correct Solvability and Representation of Solutions of Volterra Integrodifferential Equations with Fractional Exponential Kernels

Vlasov V.V., Rautian N.A.


For abstract integrodifferential equations with unbounded operator coefficients in a Hilbert space, the correct solvability of initial value problems is studied and the spectral analysis of operator functions being symbols of these equations is performed. This makes it possible to represent strong solutions of the equations under consideration as series in exponentials corresponding to spectral points of the operator functions. The equations in question are abstract forms of linear partial integrodifferential equations arising in the theory of viscoelasticity and in a number of other important applications.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;100(2):467-471
pages 467-471 views

Construction of Three-Dimensional Sections of the Efficient Frontier for Non-convex Models

Krivonozhko V.E., Lychev A.V., Blokhina N.S.


Non-convex Free Disposal Hull (FDH) model was proposed in the scientific literature at the end of the 20th century for performance measurement of complex multidimensional production units. FDH model was proposed almost simultaneously with the DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) model. However, as distinct from the DEA models, production possibility set of FDH models are non-convex ones, which significantly refrained the development of these models. As far as we know, the necessity for such an approach has been noted in the world scientific literature for a long time. In this paper, an approach is proposed for three-dimensional visualization of FDH models. An approach was tested using real-life data sets from different areas. Computational experiments confirm reliability and effectiveness of the proposed approach.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;100(2):472-475
pages 472-475 views

On the Independence Numbers of Distance Graphs with Vertices in {–1, 0, 1}n

Raigorodskii A.M., Shishunov E.D.


In this work, we find new bounds for the independence numbers of distance graphs with vertices in {–1, 0, 1}.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;100(2):476-477
pages 476-477 views

The Size of a Maximum Subgraph of the Random Graph with a Given Number of Edges

Derevyanko N.M., Zhukovskii M.E., Rassias M., Skorkin A.Y.


We have proven that the maximum size k of an induced subgraph of the binomial random graph \(G(n,p)\) with a given number of edges \(e(k)\) (under certain conditions on this function), with asymptotic probability 1, has at most two values.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;100(2):478-479
pages 478-479 views

Sharp Estimates for Geometric Rigidity of Isometries on the First Heisenberg Group

Isangulova D.V.


We prove the quantitative stability of isometries on the first Heisenberg group with sub-Riemannian geometry: every \((1 + \varepsilon )\)-quasi-isometry of the John domain of the Heisenberg group \(\mathbb{H}\) is close to some isometry with the order of closeness \(\sqrt \varepsilon + \varepsilon \) in the uniform norm and with the order of closeness \(\varepsilon \) in the Sobolev norm. An example demonstrating the asymptotic sharpness of the results is given.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;100(2):480-484
pages 480-484 views

On the Existence and Uniqueness of a Solution of a Nonlinear Integral Equation

Nikolaev M.V., Nikitin A.A.


A nonlinear integral equation arising in the spatial model of biological communities developed by Austrian scientists Ulf Dieckmann and Richard Law is studied. Sufficient conditions for the existence of a solution of this equation (a fixed point of the integral operator) are found. The uniqueness of the solution is also analyzed.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;100(2):485-487
pages 485-487 views

Mathematical Physics

Taking into Account Fluid Saturation of Bottom Sediments in Marine Seismic Survey

Golubev V.I., Shevchenko A.V., Petrov I.B.


The seismic response from the marine bottom is numerically simulated. Acoustic equations are used to describe the dynamic behavior of a water layer. Bottom sediments are described as a porous fluid-filled medium by using the Dorovsky model. A unified algorithm for full wave modeling based on the grid-characteristic method is proposed for solving all hyperbolic systems of equations in the entire computational domain. A distinctive feature of this approach is that the necessary contact conditions at the interface of media with different rheology are set in explicit form.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;100(2):488-490
pages 488-490 views

Infinite Kirchhoff Plate on a Compact Elastic Foundation May Have an Arbitrarily Small Eigenvalue

Nazarov S.A.


An inhomogeneous Kirchhoff plate composed of a semi-infinite strip waveguide and a compact resonator that is in contact with a Winkler foundation of low variable compliance is considered. It is shown that, for any \(\varepsilon > {\text{0}}\), a compliance coefficient \(O({{\varepsilon }^{2}})\) can be found such that the described plate possesses the eigenvalue ε4 embedded into the continuous spectrum. This result is quite surprising, because, in an acoustic waveguide (the spectral Neumann problem for the Laplace operator) a small eigenvalue does not exist for any slight perturbation. The cause of this disagreement is explained.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;100(2):491-495
pages 491-495 views

An Inverse Phaseless Problem for Electrodynamic Equations in an Anisotropic Medium

Romanov V.G.


For the system of electrodynamics equations with anisotropic permittivity, the inverse problem of determining the permittivity is studied. It is supposed that the permittivity is characterized by a diagonal matrix \(\epsilon = {\text{diag}}({{\varepsilon }_{1}},{{\varepsilon }_{1}},{{\varepsilon }_{2}}),\) where \({{\varepsilon }_{1}}\) and \({{\varepsilon }_{2}}\) are positive constants everywhere outside of a bounded domain \({{{\Omega }}_{0}} \subset {{\mathbb{R}}^{3}}\). Time-periodic solutions of Maxwell’s equations related to two modes of plane waves coming from infinity and impinging on a local inhomogeneity located in \({{{\Omega }}_{0}}\) are considered. For determining functions \({{\varepsilon }_{1}}(x)\) and \({{\varepsilon }_{2}}(x),\) some information on the magnitudes of the electric strength vectors of two interfering waves is given. It is shown that this information reduces the original problem to two inverse kinematic problems with incomplete data regarding travel times of electromagnetic waves. The linearized statement for these problems is investigated. It is shown that, in the linear approximation, the problem of determining \({{\varepsilon }_{1}}(x)\) and \({{\varepsilon }_{2}}(x)\) is reduced to two X-ray tomography problems.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;100(2):496-500
pages 496-500 views

Control Theory

Spectral Decompositions for the Solutions of Lyapunov Equations for Bilinear Dynamical Systems

Yadykin I.B., Iskakov A.B.


In this paper, novel spectral decompositions are obtained for the solutions of generalized Lyapunov equations, which are observed in the study of controllability and observability of the state vector in deterministic bilinear systems. The same equations are used in the stability analysis and stabilization of stochastic linear control systems. To calculate these spectral decompositions, an iterative algorithm is proposed that uses the residues of the resolvent of the dynamics matrix. This algorithm converges for any initial guess, for a non-singular and stable dynamical system. The practical significance of the obtained results is that they allow one to characterize the contribution of individual eigen-components or their pairwise combinations to the asymptotic dynamics of the perturbation energy in deterministic bilinear and stochastic linear systems. In particular, the norm of the obtained eigen-components increases when frequencies of the corresponding oscillating modes approximate each other. Thus, the proposed decompositions provide a new fundamental approach for quantifying resonant modal interactions in a large and important class of weakly nonlinear systems.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;100(2):501-504
pages 501-504 views

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