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Vol 99, No 1 (2019)


Functions in the Schwartz Algebra that Are Invertible in the Sense of Ehrenpreis

Abuzyarova N.F.


We consider the problem of obtaining the restrictions on the zero set of an entire function of exponential type under which this function belongs to the Schwartz algebra and invertible in the sense of Ehrenpreis.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;99(1):1-4
pages 1-4 views

Spectral Properties of Ordinary Differential Operators with Involution

Vladykina V.E., Shkalikov A.A.


Let P and Q be ordinary differential operators of order n and m generated by s boundary conditions (where s = max{n, m}) on a bounded interval [a, b]. We study operators of the form L = JP + Q, where J is an involution operator in the space L2[a, b]. Three cases are considered, namely, n > m, n < m, and n = m, for which the concepts of regular, almost regular, and normal boundary conditions are defined. Theorems on an unconditional basis property and the completeness of the root functions of the operator L depending on the type of boundary conditions from the chosen classes are announced.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;99(1):5-10
pages 5-10 views

Classical and Generalized Solutions of a Mixed Problem for a Nonhomogeneous Wave Equation

Khromov A.P., Kornev V.V.


A.N. Krylov’s ideas concerning convergence acceleration for Fourier series are used to obtain explicit expressions for the classical solution of a mixed problem for a nonhomogeneous equation and explicit expressions for a weak solution in the case of arbitrary summable \(q(x)\), \(\varphi (x)\), \(\psi (x)\), and \(f(x,t)\).

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;99(1):11-13
pages 11-13 views

Convexity of Suns in Tangent Directions

Alimov A.R., Shchepin E.V.


A direction \(d\) is called a tangent direction to the unit sphere \(S\) if the conditions that \(s \in S\) and \({\text{lin}}(s + d)\) is a supporting line to \(S\) at the point s imply that \({\text{lin}}(s + d)\) is a semitangent line to S, i.e., is the limit of secants at s. A set M is called convex in a direction \(d\) if \(x,y \in M\) and \((y - x)\parallel d\) imply that \([x,y] \subset M\). In an arbitrary normed linear space, an arbitrary sun (in particular, a boundedly compact Chebyshev set) is proved to be convex in any tangent direction of the unit sphere.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;99(1):14-15
pages 14-15 views

Double Asymptotic Expansion of the Resolving Operator of the Cauchy Problem for the Linearized System of Gas Dynamics

Allilueva A.I., Shafarevich A.I.


A double asymptotic expansion (with respect to smoothness and low viscosity) of the resolving operator of the Cauchy problem for the linearized system of gas dynamics is obtained. Estimates for the summands and the remainder are derived in the Sobolev scale. Hydrodynamic and acoustic modes are explicitly described.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;99(1):16-19
pages 16-19 views

Sub-Finsler Problem on the Cartan Group

Ardentov A.A., Sachkov Y.L.


A left-invariant \({{l}_{\infty }}\)-sub-Finsler problem on Cartan group is treated as a time-optimal control problem. Abnormal and singular normal trajectories are described, and their optimality is proved. A bang-bang phase flow is constructed, and estimates for the number of switchings on bang-bang and mixed trajectories are obtained.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;99(1):20-22
pages 20-22 views

Foundations of Quasiconformal Analysis of a Two-Index Scale of Spatial Mappings

Vodopyanov S.K.


A scale of mappings that depends on two real parameters \(p,q\) (\(n - 1 \leqslant q \leqslant p < \infty \)) and a weight function \(\theta \) is defined. In the case \(q = p = n,\)\(\theta \equiv 1,\) well-known mappings with bounded distortion are obtained. The mappings of a two-index scale inherit many properties of mappings with bounded distortion. They are used to solve several problems in global analysis and applied problems.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;99(1):23-27
pages 23-27 views

Nonexistence of Global Solutions of a Mixed Problem for a Ginzburg–Landau Type Nonlinear Evolution Equation

Nasibov S.M.


The nonexistence of global solutions of the Dirichlet mixed problem for a nonlinear evolution equation of the Ginzburg–Landau type is studied. For “sufficiently large initial data,” the problem is proved to have no global solutions.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;99(1):28-30
pages 28-30 views

Embeddings of Spaces of Functions of Positive Smoothness on Irregular Domains

Besov O.V.


For spaces of functions of positive smoothness defined on irregular domains of n-dimensional Euclidean space, an embedding theorem into spaces of the same type is proved and related results are presented.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;99(1):31-35
pages 31-35 views

Expansion of Solutions to an Ordinary Differential Equation into Transseries

Bruno A.D.


A polynomial ordinary differential equation (ODE) of order \(n\) in a neighborhood of zero or infinity of the independent variable is considered. In 2004, a method was proposed for computing its solutions in the form of power series and an exponential addition that involves another power series. The addition contains an arbitrary constant, exists only in a set \({{E}_{1}}\) consisting of sectors of the complex plane, and is found by solving an ODE of order \(n - 1\). A hierarchical sequence of exponential additions is possible such that each addition is determined by an ODE of progressively lower order \(n - i\) and each exists in its own set \({{E}_{i}}\). In this case, one has to check that the intersection of the existence sets \({{E}_{1}} \cap {{E}_{2}} \cap \ldots \cap {{E}_{i}}\) is nonempty. Each exponential addition extends to its own exponential expansion involving a countable set of power series. Finally, the solution is expanded into a transseries involving a countable set of power series, all of which are summable. The transseries describes families of solutions to the original equation in certain sectors of the complex plane.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;99(1):36-39
pages 36-39 views

On Optimal Bounds in the Local Semicircle Law under Four Moment Condition

Götze F., Naumov A.A., Tikhomirov A.N.


We consider symmetric random matrices \({{{\mathbf{X}}}_{n}} = [{{X}_{{jk}}}]_{{j,k = 1}}^{n},n \geqslant 1\), whose upper triangular entries are independent random variables with zero mean and unit variance. Under the assumption \(\mathbb{E}{\text{|}}{{X}_{{jk}}}{{{\text{|}}}^{4}} < C\), j, k = 1, 2, ..., n, it is shown that the fluctuations of the Stieltjes transform mn(z), \(z = u + i{v},{v} > 0,\) of the empirical spectral distribution function of the matrix \({{{\mathbf{X}}}_{n}}{\text{/}}\sqrt n \) about the Stieltjes transform \({{m}_{{{\text{sc}}}}}(z)\) of Wigner’s semicircle law are of order (n\({v}\))\(^{{ - 1}}\text{ln}n\). An application of the result obtained to the convergence rate in probability of the empirical spectral distribution function of \({{{\mathbf{X}}}_{n}}{\text{/}}\sqrt n \) to Wigner’s semicircle law in the uniform metric is discussed.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;99(1):40-43
pages 40-43 views

Determination of Permittivity from the Modulus of the Electric Strength of a High-Frequency Electromagnetic Field

Romanov V.G.


For an unmagnetized nonconducting medium, a system of electrodynamic equations corresponding to time-periodic oscillations is considered. For this system, we study the problem of determining the permittivity \(\varepsilon \) from a given electric field magnitude in the electromagnetic field resulting from the interference of two fields produced by external point current sources. It is assumed that the permittivity differs from a given positive constant \({{\varepsilon }_{0}}\) only inside a compact domain \({{\Omega }_{0}} \subset {{\mathbb{R}}^{3}}\) and the electric field magnitude is given for all frequencies, starting at a fixed one \({{\omega }_{0}}\), on the boundary \(S\) of a domain \(\Omega \) surrounding \({{\Omega }_{0}}\). By analyzing an asymptotic expansion of the solution to a direct problem at high frequencies, it is shown that, with the use of given information, the original problem is reduced to the well-known inverse kinematic problem of determining the refraction coefficient inside \(\Omega \) from the travel times of an electromagnetic wave propagating between boundary points of this domain. This reduction opens up the possibility of obtaining a constructive solution of the original problem.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;99(1):44-47
pages 44-47 views

On C.R. Rao’s Theorem for Locally Compact Abelian Groups

Feldman G.M.


Let ξ 1, ξ2, ξ3 be independent random variables with values in a locally compact Abelian group X with nonvanishing characteristic functions, and aj, bj be continuous endomorphisms of X satisfying some restrictions. Let L1 = a1ξ 1+ a2 ξ2 + a3ξ 3, L2 = b1ξ 1 + b2ξ 2 + b3ξ 3. It was proved that the distribution of the random vector (L1, L2 ) determines the distributions of the random variables ξj up a shift. This result is a group analogue of the well-known C.R. Rao theorem. We also prove an analogue of another C.R. Rao's theorem for independent random variables with values in an a-adic solenoid.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;99(1):48-51
pages 48-51 views

On the Complexity of Some Problems of Searching for a Family of Disjoint Clusters

Kel’manov A.V., Pyatkin A.V., Khandeev V.I.


Two consimilar problems of searching for a family of disjoint subsets (clusters) in a finite set of points of Euclidean space are considered. In these problems, the task is to maximize the minimum cluster size so that the value of each intercluster quadratic variation does not exceed a given fraction (constant) of the total quadratic variation of the points of the input set with respect to its centroid. Both problems are proved to be NP-hard even on a line.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;99(1):52-56
pages 52-56 views

Disorder Indicator for Nonstationary Stochastic Processes

Kislitsyn A.A., Kozlova A.B., Korsakova M.B., Orlov Y.N.


The properties of a statistic called a self-consistent stationary level of nonstationary time series are examined. It is shown that a change in this statistic can be treated as a disorder in the nonstationarity properties of the series. The significance level of decision making is estimated, characteristic periods in a nonstationary stochastic process are detected, and an optimal sample size for constructing indicators in stochastic control problems is determined. A disorder indicator for electroencephalogram data from epilepsy patients is studied as a practical application.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;99(1):57-59
pages 57-59 views

Spectral Deformation in a Problem of Singular Perturbation Theory

Stepin S.A., Fufaev V.V.


Quasi-classical asymptotic behavior of the spectrum of a non-self-adjoint Sturm–Liouville problem is studied in the case of a one-parameter family of potentials being third-degree polynomials. For this problem, the phase-integral method is used to derive quantization conditions characterizing the asymptotic distribution of the eigenvalues and their concentration near edges of the limit spectral complex. Topologically different types of limit configurations are described, and critical values of the deformation parameter corresponding to type changes are specified.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;99(1):60-63
pages 60-63 views

Fast Trie-Based Method for Multiple Pairwise Sequence Alignment

Yakovlev P.A.


A method for efficient comparison of a symbol sequence with all strings of a set is presented, which performs considerably faster than the naive enumeration of comparisons with all strings in succession. The procedure is accelerated by applying an original algorithm combining a prefix tree and a standard dynamic programming algorithm searching for the edit distance (Levenshtein distance) between strings. The efficiency of the method is confirmed by numerical experiments with arrays consisting of tens of millions of biological sequences of variable domains of monoclonal antibodies.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;99(1):64-67
pages 64-67 views

Disproof of the Zero–One Law for Existential Monadic Properties of a Sparse Binomial Random Graph

Egorova A.N., Zhukovskii M.E.


Existential monadic second-order sentences are constructed that have no limit probabilities on the sparse binomial random graph \(G(n,{{n}^{{ - \alpha }}})\). For \(\alpha < \frac{1}{2}\), the constructions have only one monadic variable.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;99(1):68-70
pages 68-70 views

A Construction of Reflecting Lévy Processes

Ibragimov I.A., Smorodina N.V., Faddeev M.M.


For some classes of Lévy processes, the notion of reflection from an interval boundary is introduced. It is shown that trajectories of a reflecting process define random operators that map functions defined on the interval boundaries into elements of \({{L}_{2}}\) on the whole interval.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;99(1):71-74
pages 71-74 views

Local Metric Properties of Level Surfaces on Carnot–Carathéodory Spaces

Karmanova M.B.


An adequate local metric characteristic is introduced for level sets of \(C_{H}^{1}\)-mappings of Carnot manifolds to Carnot–Carathéodory spaces. Moreover, for mappings defined on Carnot groups, a special adapted basis in the preimage is constructed that assigns a suitable local sub-Riemannian structure on the complement of the kernel of a sub-Riemannian differential to the initial sub-Riemannian structure in the image.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;99(1):75-78
pages 75-78 views

Detailed Description of the Evolution Mechanism for Singularities in the System of Pressureless Gas Dynamics

Aptekarev A.I., Rykov Y.G.


The system of pressureless gas dynamics is a hydrodynamically justified generalization of the system consisting of the Burgers vector equation in the limit of vanishing viscosity and the mass conservation law. The latter system of equations was intensively used, in particular, in astrophysics to describe the large-scale structure of the Universe. The solutions of the vector Burgers equation involve interesting dynamics of singularities, which can describe concentration processes. However, this dynamics does not satisfy the law of momentum conservation, which prevents us from treating it as dynamics of material objects. In this paper, momentum-conserving dynamics of singularities is investigated on the basis of the pressureless gas dynamics system. Such dynamics turns out to be more diverse and complex, but it is also possible to formulate a variational approach, for which the basic principles and relations are obtained in the work.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;99(1):79-82
pages 79-82 views

Molecular Dynamics of Water Clusters and Interaction Potentials

Belega E.D., Trubnikov D.N.


The molecular dynamics method was used to analyze the dynamic characteristics of water clusters in the solid and liquid phase. A criterion is proposed for choosing the interaction potential, which is based on the distributions of the potential energy of cluster molecules in different phases. The connection of the obtained distributions with the dynamics and structure of the hydrogen bonds’ net of the cluster is shown.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;99(1):83-86
pages 83-86 views

On Classical Solutions to the First Mixed Problem for the Vlasov–Poisson System in an Infinite Cylinder

Belyaeva Y.O., Skubachevskii A.L.


The first mixed problem for the Vlasov–Poisson system in an infinite cylinder is considered. This problem describes the kinetics of charged particles in a high-temperature two-component plasma under an external magnetic field. For an arbitrary electric field potential and a sufficiently strong external magnetic field, it is shown that the characteristics of the Vlasov equations do not reach the boundary of the cylinder. It is proved that the Vlasov–Poisson system with ion and electron distribution density functions supported at some distance from the cylinder boundary has a unique classical solution.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;99(1):87-90
pages 87-90 views

Reachability of Optimal Convergence Rate Estimates for High-Order Numerical Convex Optimization Methods

Gasnikov A.V., Gorbunov E.A., Kovalev D.A., Mokhammed A.A., Chernousova E.O.


The Monteiro–Svaiter accelerated hybrid proximal extragradient method (2013) with one step of Newton’s method used at every iteration for the approximate solution of an auxiliary problem is considered. The Monteiro–Svaiter method is optimal (with respect to the number of gradient and Hessian evaluations for the optimized function) for sufficiently smooth convex optimization problems in the class of methods using only the gradient and Hessian of the optimized function. An optimal tensor method involving higher derivatives is proposed by replacing Newton’s step with a step of Yu.E. Nesterov’s recently proposed tensor method (2018) and by using a special generalization of the step size selection condition in the outer accelerated proximal extragradient method. This tensor method with derivatives up to the third order inclusive is found fairly practical, since the complexity of its iteration is comparable with that of Newton’s one. Thus, a constructive solution is obtained for Nesterov’s problem (2018) of closing the gap between tight lower and overstated upper bounds for the convergence rate of existing tensor methods of order \(p\; \geqslant \;3\).

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;99(1):91-94
pages 91-94 views

Mathematical Physics

Slow and Fast Oscillations in a Model of an Optoelectronic Oscillator with Delay

Grigorieva E.V., Kashchenko S.A.


The local dynamics of a well-known model of an optoelectronic oscillator with delayed feedback is studied. In a neighborhood of zero equilibrium, normalized equations are constructed which are boundary value problems depending on a continual parameter. Asymptotic solutions of the original nonlinear system in the form of a combination of slow and fast oscillations are obtained by solving the boundary value problems. The frequencies and amplitudes of the components of these solutions are determined.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;99(1):95-98
pages 95-98 views

On the Formation of Structures in Nonlinear Problems of Physical Kinetics

Betelin V.B., Galkin V.A.


A number of phenomena associated with the formation of macroscopic structures due to the high interaction intensity of elements of spatially homogeneous systems and due to linear spatial transport in spatially inhomogeneous systems are addressed. A characteristic feature of the considered class of problems is the violation of the continuity of the operators describing the evolution of a system in natural norms determined by local conservation relations.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;99(1):99-103
pages 99-103 views

Computer Science

A Generalization of the Kravchenko–Kotelnikov Theorem by Spectra of Compactly Supported Infinitely Differentiable Functions \(h_{a}^{{(m)}}(x)\)

Budunova K.A., Kravchenko V.F., Pustovoit V.I.


A new generalization of the Kravchenko–Kotelnikov theorem by spectra of compactly supported infinitely differentiable functions \(h_{{\mathbf{a}}}^{{(m)}}(x)\) is considered. These functions are solutions of linear integral equations of a special form. The spectrum of \(h_{{\mathbf{a}}}^{{(m)}}(x)\) is a multiple infinite product of the spectra of the atomic functions \({{h}_{a}}(x)\) dilated with respect to the argument. The resulting generalized series is characterized by fast convergence, which is confirmed by the truncation error bound presented in the study and by the results of a numerical experiment.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;99(1):104-107
pages 104-107 views

Computer Sciences

Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional Maps Based on Closed-Form Solutions of the Variational Problem of Multisensor Data Registration

Vokhmintcev A.V., Melnikov A.V., Mironov K.V., Burlutskiy V.V.


A closed-form solution is proposed for the problem of minimizing a functional consisting of two terms measuring mean-square distances for visually associated characteristic points on an image and mean-square distances for point clouds in terms of a point-to-plane metric. An accurate method for reconstructing three-dimensional dynamic environment is presented, and the properties of closed-form solutions are described. The proposed approach improves the accuracy and convergence of reconstruction methods for complex and large-scale scenes.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;99(1):108-112
pages 108-112 views

Control Theory

Inversion of Hyperoutput Time-Delay Systems

Il’in A.V., Atamas’ E.I., Fomichev V.V.


The inversion of a linear time-invariant time-delay system is considered. For such systems, a canonical form with isolated zero dynamics is obtained, system invariant zeros are investigated, and their relation to the spectral observability of the zero-dynamics subsystem is described. Based on these results, an inversion algorithm for time-delay systems is suggested.

Doklady Mathematics. 2019;99(1):113-116
pages 113-116 views

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