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Vol 97, No 1 (2018)


The Liouville Foliation of Nonconvex Topological Billiards

Vedyushkina V.V.


Together with the classical plane billiards, topological billiards can be considered, where the motion occurs on a locally flat surface obtained by isometrically gluing together several plane domains along their boundaries, which are arcs of confocal quadrics. A point moves inside each of the domains along straight line segments; when it reaches the boundary of a domain, it passes to another domain. Previously, the author gave a Liouville classification of all topological billiards obtained by gluing along convex boundaries. In the present paper, all topological integrable billiards obtained by gluing along convex or nonconvex boundaries from elementary billiards bounded by arcs of confocal quadrics are classified. For some of such nonconvex topological billiards, the Fomenko–Zieschang invariants (marked molecules W*) for Liouville equivalence are calculated.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;97(1):1-5
pages 1-5 views

New Monte Carlo Algorithms for Estimating Probability Moments of Criticality Parameters for a Scattering Process with Multiplication in Stochastic Media

Mikhailov G.A., Lotova G.Z.


By analogy with Kellogg’s method, a Monte Carlo algorithm well suited for parallelization was constructed for estimating probability moments of the leading eigenvalue of the particle transport equation with multiplication in a random medium. For this purpose, a randomized homogenization method was developed by applying the theory of small perturbations and the diffusion approximation. Test computations were performed for a one-group spherically symmetric model system. They revealed that the results produced by two methods are in satisfactory agreement.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;97(1):6-10
pages 6-10 views

On Heyde’s Theorem for Probability Distributions on a Discrete Abelian Group

Feldman G.M.


Let X be a countable discrete Abelian group containing no elements of order 2. Let α be an automorphism of X. Let ξ1 and ξ2 be independent random variables with values in the group X and distributions μ1 and μ2. The main result of the article is the following statement. The symmetry of the conditional distribution of the linear form L2 = ξ1 + αξ2 given L1 = ξ1 + ξ2 implies that μj are shifts of the Haar distribution of a finite subgroup of X if and only if α satisfies the condition Ker(I + α)= {0}. Some generalisations of this theorem are also proved.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;97(1):11-14
pages 11-14 views

Multiple Complete Rational Arithmetic Sums of Polynomial Values

Chubarikov V.N.


For multiple arithmetic rational sums of a special form, bounds with reduction equal to the square root of the length of the summation interval of the complete sum are found. The paper continues the study begun in [1–12].

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;97(1):15-17
pages 15-17 views

Sawyer Duality Principle in Grand Lebesgue Spaces

Jain P., Singh A.P., Singh M., Stepanov V.D.


The Sawyer duality principle is obtained for grand Lebesgue spaces on the unit interval, and the Hardy operators are shown to be bounded in these spaces.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;97(1):18-19
pages 18-19 views

Besov Classes on a Space with a Gaussian Measure

Kosov E.D.


Besov classes on spaces with Gaussian measures are introduced. Their equivalent characterizations and embedding theorems are studied.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;97(1):20-22
pages 20-22 views

The Niltriangular Subalgebra of the Chevalley Algebra: the Enveloping Algebra, Ideals, and Automorphisms

Levchuk V.M.


The enveloping algebra of the niltriangular subalgebra NΦ(K) of the Chevalley algebra of type An−1 is the algebra of niltriangular n × n matrices over K. The enveloping algebras R of other types constructed so far are nonassociative. For classical types, an explicit description of automorphisms of the rings R over any commutative associative ring with an identity is given; in the case where K is a field, all ideals in R are also listed. The enumeration of ideals in R for K = GF(q) leads to a solution of a combinatorial problem concerning ideals of the algebras NΦ(K).

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;97(1):23-27
pages 23-27 views

Topology of Maximally Writhed Real Algebraic Knots

Mikhalkin G.B., Orevkov S.Y.


Oleg Viro introduced an invariant of rigid isotopy for real algebraic knots in ℝℙ3 which can be viewed as a first order Vassiliev invariant. In this paper we look at real algebraic knots of degree d with the maximal possible value of this invariant. We show that for a given d all such knots are topologically isotopic and explicitly identify their knot type.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;97(1):28-31
pages 28-31 views

The Kato Conjecture for Elliptic Differential-Difference Operators with Degeneration in a Cylinder

Skubachevskii A.L.


Second-order elliptic differential-difference operators with degeneration in a cylinder associated with closed densely defined sectorial sesquilinear forms in L2(Q) are considered. These operators are proved to satisfy the Kato conjecture on the square root of an operator.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;97(1):32-34
pages 32-34 views

Instability Degree and Singular Subspaces of Integral Isotropic Cones of Linear Systems of Differential Equations

Denisova N.V.


The instability degree of linear systems of differential equations is estimated in terms of the dimensions of completely singular subspaces of integral cones of these systems. Special attention is given to the case where the linear system under study has first integrals of the type of nonsingular quadratic forms. General results are applied to a well-known problem concerning the gyroscopic stabilization of unstable equilibria of a mechanical system.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;97(1):35-37
pages 35-37 views

Study of the Solvability of Some Volterra-Type Integral and Integro-Differential Equations of Third Kind

Kozhanov A.I.


For Volterra integral equations of the third kind and for Volterra-type integrodifferential equations of the third kind, theorems on the existence of solutions in Sobolev spaces (i.e., regular solutions) are proved. The proofs are based on the theory of boundary value problems for degenerate ordinary differential equations and on the theory of boundary value problems for parabolic equations with a changing evolution direction.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;97(1):38-41
pages 38-41 views

Many-Sheeted Versions of the Pólya–Bernstein and Borel Theorems for Entire Functions of Order ρ ≠ 1 and Their Applications

Maergoiz L.S.


The Puiseux series generated by the power function z = w1/ρ, where ρ > 0,ρ ≠ 1, is considered. A version of the Pólya–Bernstein theorem for an entire function of order ρ ≠ 1 and normal type is proposed and applied to describe the domain of analytic continuation of this series. The domain of summability of a “regular” Puiseux series is found (this is a many-sheeted “Borel polygon”); in the case ρ = 1, the “one-sheeted” result of Borel is substantially extended. These results make it possible to describe domains of analytic continuation of the Puiseux expansions of popular many-sheeted functions (such as inverses of rational functions).

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;97(1):42-46
pages 42-46 views

On a Bound in Extremal Combinatorics

Raigorodskii A.M., Sagdeev A.A.


A new statement of a recent theorem of [1, 2] on the maximum number of edges in a hypergraph with forbidden cardinalities of edge intersections is given. This statement is fundamentally simpler than the original one, which makes it possible to obtain important corollaries in combinatorial geometry and Ramsey theory.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;97(1):47-48
pages 47-48 views

Monotonicity Formula for a Problem with Hysteresis

Apushkinskaya D.E., Uraltseva N.N.


A new monotonicity formula is obtained for a problem with discontinuous nonlinearities arising in the modeling of various processes with a memory effect.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;97(1):49-51
pages 49-51 views

Continual Version of the Perron Effect of Change in Values of Characteristic Exponents

Izobov N.A., Il’in A.V.


A nonlinear perturbed differential system with a linear approximation is considered. An open question has been the validity of a (continual) version of the Perron effect when the set of Lyapunov exponents of all nontrivial solutions (necessarily infinitely extendable on the right) of the corresponding nonlinear perturbed system with a perturbation of arbitrary higher order of smallness in a neighborhood of the origin is measurable, lies entirely on the positive half-line, and has the cardinality of the continuum and even a positive Lebesgue measure. The positive answer to this question is given by the presented theorem, which generally determines an explicit representation of the Lyapunov exponents of all nontrivial solutions to the nonlinear system in terms of their initial values.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;97(1):52-57
pages 52-57 views

Finite Difference Scheme for Barotropic Gas Equations

Imranov F.B., Kobel’kov G.M., Sokolov A.G.


An implicit finite difference scheme approximating the equations of barotropic gas flow is proposed. This scheme ensures the positivity of density and the validity of an energy inequality and the mass conservation law. The continuity equation is approximated implicitly. It is proved that the resulting system of nonlinear equations has a solution for any time and space stepsizes. An iterative method for solving the system of nonlinear equations at each time step is proposed.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;97(1):58-61
pages 58-61 views

One-Point Commuting Difference Operators of Rank One and Their Relation with Finite-Gap Schrödinger Operators

Mauleshova G.S., Mironov A.E.


One-point commuting difference operators of rank one in the case of hyperelliptic spectral curves are studied. A relationship between such operators and one-dimensional finite-gap Schrödinger operators is investigated. In particular, a discretization of finite-gap Lamé operators is obtained.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;97(1):62-64
pages 62-64 views

On the Regularity of a Boundary Point for the p(x)-Laplacian

Alkhutov Y.A., Surnachev M.D.


The Dirichlet problem for the p(x)-Laplacian with a continuous boundary function is considered, and a sufficient condition is found for the continuity of its solution at a boundary point, assuming that the exponent p(x) satisfies the log-Hölder continuity condition at this point.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;97(1):65-68
pages 65-68 views

Partial Decomposition of a Domain Containing Thin Tubes for Solving the Heat Equation

Amosov A.A., Panasenko G.P.


An initial–boundary value problem for the heat equation in a three-dimensional domain containing thin cylindrical tubes is considered. The Neumann condition is set on the lateral boundaries of the tubes. The original three-dimensional problem is reduced to a hybrid-dimensional one in which the heat equation in the tubes is replaced by the one-dimensional heat equation in shorter cylinders (subtubes), and the three- and one-dimensional equations are matched on the bases of the subtubes. The difference between the solutions of the original and hybrid-dimensional problems is estimated using two geometric characteristics: the distance between the bases of the tubes and subtubes and the reciprocals of the minimal positive eigenvalues of the Neumann problem for the Laplace operator in the tube cross sections.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;97(1):69-72
pages 69-72 views

Area of Some Hölder Surfaces on Carnot–Carathéodory Spaces

Karmanova M.B.


An area formula for classes of Hölder mappings on Carnot–Carathéodory spaces is proved. As important particular cases, general and classical versions of surface measure calculation for graph surfaces are considered.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;97(1):73-76
pages 73-76 views

On the Construction of Combined Finite-Difference Schemes of High Accuracy

Kovyrkina O.A., Ostapenko V.V.


A method is proposed for constructing combined shock-capturing finite-difference schemes that localize shock fronts with high accuracy and preserve the high order of convergence in all domains where the computed weak solution is smooth. A particular combined scheme is considered in which a nonmonotone compact scheme with a third-order weak approximation is used as a basis one, while the internal scheme is the second-order accurate (for smooth solutions) monotone CABARET. The advantages of the new scheme are demonstrated using test computations.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;97(1):77-81
pages 77-81 views

Cut Locus in the Sub-Riemannian Problem on Engel Group

Ardentov A.A., Sachkov Y.L.


This paper considers the left-invariant sub-Riemannian problem on the Engel group. The stratification of the cut locus and the structure of optimal synthesis are described.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;97(1):82-85
pages 82-85 views

Investigation of the Spectrum of the Problem of Normal Waves in a Closed Regular Inhomogeneous Dielectric Waveguide of Arbitrary Cross Section

Smirnov Y.G., Smolkin E.Y.


The problem of normal waves in a closed (screened) regular waveguide of arbitrary cross section is considered. It is reduced to a boundary value problem for the longitudinal components of the electromagnetic field in Sobolev spaces. The solutions are defined using the variational formulation of the problem. The problem is reduced to the study of an operator function. The properties of the operators involved in the operator function (which are necessary for analyzing its spectral properties) are examined. Theorems are proved concerning the discrete character of the spectrum and the distribution of characteristic numbers of the operator function on the complex plane. The completeness of the system of eigen- and associated vectors of the operator function is investigated. It is proved that the system of eigen- and associated vectors of the operator function is doubly complete with a finite defect.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;97(1):86-89
pages 86-89 views

Optimized Symmetric Bicompact Scheme of the Sixth Order of Approximation with Low Dispersion for Hyperbolic Equations

Chikitkin A.V., Rogov B.V.


A dispersion analysis of semidiscrete schemes from the one-parameter family of symmetric bicompact schemes of the sixth order of accuracy in space is performed. In this family, a scheme is found that has the smallest maximum phase error in the entire range of wavelengths resolvable on an integer-node grid. The maximum phase error of this optimized scheme does not exceed one-hundredth of percent. A numerical example is presented that demonstrates the ability of the bicompact scheme to adequately simulate short wave propagation on coarse grids at long times.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;97(1):90-94
pages 90-94 views

Mathematical Physics

Statistical Problems for the Generalized Burgers Equation: High-Intensity Noise in Waveguide Systems

Rudenko O.V., Gurbatov S.N.


A one-dimensional equation is presented that generalizes the Burgers equation known in the theory of waves and in turbulence models. It describes the nonlinear evolution of waves in pipes of variable cross section filled with a dissipative medium, as well as in ray tubes, if the approximation of geometric acoustics of an inhomogeneous medium is used. The generalized equation is reduced to the common Burgers equation with a dissipative parameter—the “Reynolds–Goldberg number,” depending on the coordinate. The method for solving statistical problems corresponding to specified characteristics of a noise signal at the input of the system is described. Integral expressions for exact solutions are given for the correlation function and the noise intensity spectrum experiencing nonlinear distortions during propagation in a waveguide. For waves in a dissipative medium, an approximate method of calculating statistical characteristics is given, consisting in finding an auxiliary correlation function and the subsequent nonlinear functional transformation. Solutions have a complicated form, so physical analysis of phenomena requires the numerical methods. For some correlation functions of stationary noise with initial Gaussian statistics and some waveguide systems, it is possible to obtain simple results.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;97(1):95-98
pages 95-98 views

On Front Motion in a Burgers-Type Equation with Quadratic and Modular Nonlinearity and Nonlinear Amplification

Nefedov N.N., Rudenko O.V.


A singularly perturbed initial–boundary value problem for a parabolic equation known in applications as a Burgers-type or reaction–diffusion–advection equation is considered. An asymptotic approximation of solutions with a moving front is constructed in the case of modular and quadratic nonlinearity and nonlinear amplification. The influence exerted by nonlinear amplification on front propagation and blowing- up is determined. The front localization and the blowing-up time are estimated.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;97(1):99-103
pages 99-103 views

Computer Science

Approximation of the Effective Hull of a Nonconvex Multidimensional Set Given by a Nonlinear Mapping

Kamenev G.K., Lotov A.V.


A new approach to the approximation of the effective hull of a multidimensional nonconvex compact set given by a nonlinear mapping is proposed. The effective hull of a nonconvex set is an external estimate of this set that is more accurate than its convex hull. Methods are proposed in the case when the set to be approximated is the image of a compact set of rather high dimension (several hundred variables); moreover, the mapping can be given by a computational module.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;97(1):104-108
pages 104-108 views

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