Мақалалар тізімі

Шығарылым Атауы Файл
Том 68, № 3 (2023) Synthesis of Hydroxylapatite Substituted with REE Ions (La3+ and Y3+): Composition, Structure, and Properties
Golovanova O.
Том 68, № 12 (2023) Synthesis of Two-Dimensional NiO Nanostructures by a Combination of Programmable Chemical Deposition and Hydrothermal Treatment
Simonenko T., Dudorova D., Simonenko N., Simonenko E., Kuznetsov N.
Том 68, № 11 (2023) Synthesis and High-Temperature Heat Capacity of LaMgAl11O19 and SmMgAl11O19 Hexaaluminates
Gagarin P., Guskov A., Guskov V., Khoroshilov A., Ryumin M., Gavrichev K.
Том 68, № 12 (2023) Synthesis and Ionic Conductivity of Complex Phosphates Li1 + xTi1.8 – xFexGe0.2(PO4)3 with NASICON Structure
Stenina I., Taranchenko E., Ilin A., Yaroslavtsev A.
Том 68, № 3 (2023) Synthesis and Investigation of Na1 – xR0.33xTiO2(PO4)3 (R = Y or La) Phosphates
Sedov V., Glyadelova Y., Asabina E., Pet’kov V.
Том 68, № 6 (2023) Synthesis and Crystal Structures of (HL)2[B10Cl10]·3CH3CN (L = Bipy, Phen)
Avdeeva V., Vologzhanina A., Nikiforova S., Buzanov G., Malinina E., Kuznetsov N.
Том 69, № 2 (2024) Synthesis and alloying of zinc sulfide in a homogeneous system based on dodecane, its identification and optical properties
Zarudskikh M., Ilina E., Mankevich A., Smagin V.
Том 68, № 8 (2023) Synthesis and Luminescent Properties of Multicomponent Garnets Y3MgGa3SiO12, Y3MgGa2AlSiO12, and Y3MgGaAl2SiO12 Doped with Cr3+ Ions
Khaidukov N., Nikonov K., Brekhovskikh M., Kirikova N., Kondratyuk V., Makhov V.
Том 68, № 4 (2023) Cobalt-Doped Chalcopyrites CuGaSe2: Synthesis and Magnetic Properties
Zykin M., Golodukhina S., Efimov N.
Том 68, № 12 (2023) Synthesis and Magnetic Resonance of Lanthanum Manganites Doped with Potassium Ions
Steblevskaya N., Ziatdinov A., Belobeletskaya M., Saenko N.
Том 68, № 7 (2023) Magnetic Carbon Nanocomposites: Preparation from Cellulose via Chemical Activation with FeCl3 and Characterization
Prusov A., Prusova S., Radugin M.
Том 69, № 1 (2024) Synthesis and properties of asymmetricly substituted Mn(III)-nitro-phenylporphirins
Chizhova N., Zvezdina S., Likhonina A., Mamardashvili N., Koifman O.
Том 68, № 3 (2023) Sinthesis and Properties of Hard Carbon Materials Made of Molybdenum-Doped Viscose Fiber for Negative Electrodes of Sodium-Ion Batteries
Zheleznov V., Saenko N., Maiorov V., Ustinov A., Sokol’nitskaya T., Kuryavyi V., Shlik D., Sokolov A., Opra D.
Том 68, № 4 (2023) Synthesis and Stabilization of Crystal Hydrate Modification SrSO4⋅0.5H2O
Bushuev N., Sysoev A., Velikodny Y.
Том 68, № 9 (2023) Synthesis and Structures of Cobalt(II) Coordination Compounds with Isomeric Forms of Octadecahydroeicosaborate Anion
Avdeeva V., Kubasov A., Golubev A., Nikiforova S., Malinina E., Kuznetsov N.
Том 68, № 6 (2023) Synthesis and Structure of Trisubstituted closo-Decaborane [B10H7(1-IPh)(6(7),10-NHOCCH3)]: Specifics of Interaction between the [2-B10H9NH=C(OH)CH3]– Ion and PhI(OAc)2
Voinova V., Selivanov N., Bykov A., Kubasov A., Zhdanov A., Zhizhin K., Kuznetsov N.
Том 68, № 9 (2023) Zinc(II) Chelate Complexes with Redox-Active o-Indophenols: Synthesis and Structure
Ivakhnenko E., Vitkovskaya Y., Lysenko K., Kislitsyn S., Starikov A., Knyazev P., Tereshchenko A., Minkin V.
Том 68, № 6 (2023) Synthesis and Structure of the Dicarboxyl-Terminated Iron(II) Tris-Glyoximates with Linear and Angular Geometry of their Molecules
Chuprin A., Dudkin S., Vologzhanina A., Voloshin Y.
Том 68, № 9 (2023) Synthesis and Structure of Cyclometallated Palladium Binuclear Complexes with Bridging Carboxylate Ligands
Makarevich Y., Vargaftik M., Nesterenko M., Panina M., Popova A., Skabitsky I., Sulimova O., Sosunov E., Ogarkova N., Yakushev I.
Том 68, № 1 (2023) Synthesis and Thermal Stability of Manganese(III) Acetylacetonate
Eshmakov R., Prolubshchikov I., Zlomanov V.
Том 69, № 3 (2024) Synthesis and Phase Formation in Ba0.9Ca0.1Zr0.05M0.10Ti0.85O3 (M = Mn, Fe, Co) Ceramics with Controllable Magnetic and Optical Properties
Fedorova A., Selyutin A., Medzatyi N.
Том 68, № 10 (2023) Synthesis and Physicochemical Properties of Yttrium Subgroup REE Lactates Ln(C3H5O3)3·2H2O (Ln = Y, Tb–Lu)
Golikova M., Yapryntsev A., Jia C., Fatyushina E., Baranchikov A., Ivanov V.
Том 69, № 3 (2024) Synthesis and Physicochemical Characterization of Solid Oxide Electrolyte and Electrode Materials for Medium Temperature Fuel Cells
Kalinina M., Polyakova I., Mjakin S., Khamova T., Efimova L., Kruchinina I.
Том 68, № 9 (2023) Synthesis and Functionalization of Unsymmetrical Terbium(III) Bis-Phthalocyaninates, Promising Components of Hybrid Magnetic Materials
Yagodin A., Kormshchikov I., Martynov A., Gorbunova Y., Tsivadze A.
Том 68, № 3 (2023) Synthesis and Electrical Properties of Nd2(WO4)3–SiO2 Composites
Guseva A., Pestereva N.
Том 68, № 7 (2023) Synthesis and Electronic Structure of Bimetallic AuFe Nanocomposites
Vasil’kov A., Voronova A., Naumkin A., Butenko I., Zubavichus Y.
Том 69, № 3 (2024) Synthesis, Ion-Exchange and Photocatalytic Properties of Layered Perovskite-Like CsBa2Nb3O10 Niobate: Comparative Analysis with Related AA′2Nb3O10 Dion-Jacobson Phases (A = K, Rb, Cs; A′ = Ca, Sr, Pb)
Kurnosenko S., Silyukov O., Rodionov I., Biryukov Y., Burov A., Zvereva I.
Том 68, № 9 (2023) Synthesis of Nickel(II) Complexes Based on Dialkylphosphorylpyridines and Their Cytotoxic Activity
Enikeeva K., Kasimov A., Litvinov I., Lyubina A., Voloshina A., Musina E., Karasik A.
Том 68, № 6 (2023) Synthesis of Conjugates of Cationic meso-Arylporphyrins with Substituted closo-Decaborate Anion Derivative [B10H9NH=C(CH3)CH2C≡CH]–
Bortnevskaya Y., Zakharov N., Zhdanov A., Grigoriev M., Zhdanova K., Bragina N., Zhizhin K.
Том 68, № 5 (2023) Synthesis of Silver Nanoclusters and Nanoparticles in the Medium of Hyperbranched Polyester Polyamine, and the Morphology and Aggregation Properties of the Metal–Polymer Nanocomposite
Prytkov V., Khannanov A., Evtyugin V., Gataulina A., Kutyreva M.
Том 69, № 2 (2024) Synthesis of copper(II) oxide nanoparticles by anion-exchange resin precipitation and production of their stable hydrosols
Pavlikov A., Saikova S., Samoilo A., Karpov D., Novikova S.
Том 68, № 10 (2023) Synthesis of Boron Nitride by Reduction of Boron Oxide with Aluminum in Nitrogen
Tkachev D., Ziatdinov M., Zhukov I., Litvinova V., Belchikov I., Kravtsov N.
Том 68, № 12 (2023) Synthesis of New Iminium Derivatives of Sulphonio-сloso-Decaborate Anion (Bu4N)[2-B10H9SC(NH2)R] (R = –CH3, –CH2CH3, –CH(CH3)2, –Ph, –PhCH3)
Golubev A., Kubasov A., Lukoshkova A., Sarkisov N., Novikov I., Starodubets P., Bykov A., Zhdanov A., Zhizhin K., Kuznetsov N.
Том 68, № 5 (2023) Synthesis of Magnesium- and Aluminum-Based Mixed Oxide Systems by Low and High Supersaturation Methods
Fadeev V., Tronov A., Tolchev A., Galimov D., Zhivulin V., Morozov R., Avdin V.
Том 68, № 9 (2023) Synthesis, Structure, and Photoluminescent Properties of [{Tb(Me2Si(NMes)2)(thf)2}2(μ-BH4)2]
Bashirov D., Sukhikh T., Konchenko S.
Том 68, № 9 (2023) Synthesis, Structures, Optical, and Electrochemical Properties of Bis-Cyclometallated Iridium(III) Complexes with N-Benzylbenzimidazoles
Smirnov D., Tatarin S., Kiseleva M., Taydakov I., Metlin M., Bezzubov S.
Том 68, № 8 (2023) Synthesis, Structures, and Spectral Properties of Octa(2,6-difluorophenyl)tetraazaporphyrin and Its Cu(II) and Ni(II) Complexes
Rusanov A., Chizhova N., Likhonina A., Mamardashvili N.
Том 68, № 9 (2023) Synthesis, Structure, and Electrochemical Properties of Cobalt Complex Based on N-(2,5-Bis(methoxycarbonyl)phenyl)-α-diphenylphosphorylglycinate
Sakhapov I., Kagilev A., Kantyukov A., Mikhailov I., Sof’icheva O., Islamov D., Gafurov Z., Yakhvarov D.
Том 68, № 8 (2023) Synthesis of Solid Solutions of Barium Fluoride with Rare Earth Element Fluorides and Study of Their Up-Conversion Properties
Volchek A., Kuznetsov S.
Том 68, № 11 (2023) Synthesis, Thermodynamic Properties, and Ionic Conductivity of Compounds Based on Bismuth Niobates Doped by Rare-Earth Elements (A Review)
Matskevich N., Semerikova A., Samoshkin D., Stankus S., Zaitsev V., Kuznetsov V., Novikov A.
Том 68, № 8 (2023) Synthesis, Physicochemical Properties, and Biological Activity of the Bentonite/Iron Oxide Composite
Alekseeva O., Smirnova D., Noskov A., Kuznetsov O., Kirilenko M., Agafonov A.
Том 68, № 11 (2023) Synthesis, Chemical Structure, and Ground- and Excited-State Spectral Characteristics of (Porphyrinato)(chloro)indium(III) and Its Complexes with C60 and Pyridyl-Substituted Fullero[60]pyrrolidine
Ovchenkova E., Bichan N., Lomova T.
Том 68, № 3 (2023) Mixed Ligand Zinc Complexation with Ornithine and Histidine in Aqueous Solution
Nikitina M., Gruzdev M., Pyreu D.
Том 68, № 11 (2023) Sorption of Radionuclides on Amorphous and Crystalline Cerium(IV) Phosphates
Kozlova T., Khvorostinin E., Rodionova A., Vasilyeva D., Baranchikov A., Ivanov V.
Том 68, № 7 (2023) Spectral Studies of Coordination of 1-Methyl-2-(pyridin-4-yl)-3,4-fullero[60]pyrrolidine by Highly Substituted Cobalt(II) Porphyrin
Bichan N., Mozgova V., Ovchenkova E., Gruzdev M., Lomova T.
Том 68, № 6 (2023) Spin Crossover in Iron(II) Complexes with Polynitrogen Heterocyclic Ligands and Outer-Sphere Boron Cluster Anions (Review)
Lavrenova L., Shakirova O.
Том 68, № 10 (2023) Spin Selectivity of the Conductivity of Gold Nanotubes according to the Cylindrical Wave Method Data
D’yachkov P., D’yachkov E.
Том 68, № 3 (2023) Stability of Colloidal Silver Sulfide Solutions
Sadovnikov S.
Том 68, № 12 (2023) Structure and Luminescent Properties of Tellurium(IV) Bromide Complex with p-Toluidinium (HPT)2TeBr6 · H2O
Bukvetskii B., Sedakova T., Mirochnik A.
Том 68, № 9 (2023) Scandium(III) Benzoyltrifluoroacetonate: Structure and Thermal Properties
Sartakova A., Makarenko A., Kurat’eva N., Pishchur D., Sysoev S., Vikulova E., Zherikova K.
Том 68, № 10 (2023) Structure and Unusual Magnetic Properties of Mg-Containing Solid Solutions Based on Y2FeTaO7
Ellert O., Popova E., Kirdyankin D., Imshennik V., Kulikova E., Egorysheva A.
Том 68, № 4 (2023) Structure and Electrical Conductivity of Bismuth- and Germanium-Doped Calcium Molybdates
Kaimieva O., Mikhailovskaya Z., Buyanova E., Petrova S., Pankrushina E.
Том 68, № 10 (2023) Structure of the Local Environment and Hyperfine Interactions of 57Fe Probe Nuclei in AMnO3 (A = Sc, In)
Sobolev A., Šandalova S., Smirnova M., Belik A., Glazkova Y., Presniakov I.
Том 69, № 3 (2024) Structure, Adsorptive and Photocatalytic Properties of Porous ZnO Nanopowders Modified by Oxide Compounds of Manganese
Gavrilova M., Gavrilova D., Evstropiev S., Nikonorov N.
Том 68, № 9 (2023) Supramolecular Hybrid Complexes Based on Octahedral Molybdenum(II) Iodide Cluster and Zinc(II) Porphyrin
Volostnykh M., Loboda P., Sinelshchikova A., Dorovatovskii P., Kirakosyan G., Mikhaylov M., Sokolov M., Gorbunova Y.
Том 69, № 2 (2024) Solid solutions of pyridinium halobismuthates
Buikin P., Zhavoronkov A., Ilyukhin A., Kotov V.
Том 68, № 11 (2023) Heat Capacity and Thermodynamic Functions of Ho2O3·2HfO2 Solid Solution
Guskov A., Gagarin P., Guskov V., Khoroshilov A., Gavrichev K.
Том 68, № 4 (2023) Thermal Stability of Nanocrystalline Zinc Sulfide ZnS
Sadovnikov S., Sergeeva S.
Том 68, № 10 (2023) Thermal Stability of Complex Aluminates in the La2SrAl2O7–Ho2SrAl2O7 System
Popova V., Tugova E.
Том 68, № 7 (2023) Thermal Transformations of Porous Anodic Aluminum Oxide Formed in Sulfuric Acid/Oxalic Acid Mixed Electrolytes
Roslyakov I., Kolesnik I., Belokozenko M., Yapryntsev A., Napolskii K.
Том 68, № 2 (2023) Thermodynamics of Cesium Molybdate-Based Single Crystals: Standard Enthalpy of Formation, Lattice Enthalpy, and Heat Capacity
Matskevich N., Semerikova A., Trifonov V., Samoshkin D., Chernov A., Stankus S., Luk’yanova S., Shlegel’ V., Zaitsev V., Kuznetsov V.
Том 68, № 2 (2023) Thermodynamic Characterization of Volatile Alkylamine Boranes as Precursors for the Formation of BCxNy Films
Sysoev S., Sulyaeva V., Kosinova M.
Том 68, № 2 (2023) High-Temperature Thermodynamic Properties of Hafnium and Rare Earth Oxide Ceramics
Vorozhtcov V., Stolyarova V., Kirillova S., Lopatin S.
Том 68, № 2 (2023) Thermodynamic Properties of Solutions in the H2O–Na2SO4–Al2(SO4)3 System
Nesterov A., Demchenko A., Potashnikov A., Voskov A., Kovalenko N., Uspenskaya I.
Том 68, № 5 (2023) Thermodynamic Characteristics of Alkali Metal Pivalates (CH3)3CCOOM (M = Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs)
Malkerova I., Belova E., Kayumova D., Alikhanyan A.
Том 68, № 2 (2023) Thermodynamic Study of a Volatile Complex of Magnesium Benzoyltrifluoroacetonate with N,N,N',N'-Tetramethylethylenediamine
Vikulova E., Sysoev S., Sartakova A., Rikhter E., Rogov V., Nazarova A., Zelenina L., Morozova N.
Том 68, № 2 (2023) Thermodynamic Study of Sorption Processes of Gaseous Ferrocene on Organometallic Framework [Zn4(ndc)4(ur)2(dmf)]
Zelenina L., Chusova T., Sapchenko S., Gelfond N.
Том 69, № 1 (2024) Thermodynamic simulation of the CVD process in the system Ni–Si–C–H
Shestakov V., Kosinova M.
Том 68, № 5 (2023) Thermodynamic Modeling and Experimental Implementation of the Synthesis of Vanadium Oxide Films
Shestakov V., Seleznev V., Mutilin S., Kichay V., Yakovkina L.
Том 69, № 3 (2024) Thermocrystallochemistry of Magnetic Materials with Managed Properties (Review)
Bubnova R., Biryukov Y., Filatov S.
Том 68, № 12 (2023) Thermophysical Properties of Lanthanum and Samarium Zirconate—Hafnates
Gagarin P., Guskov A., Guskov V., Khoroshilov A., Gavrichev K.
Том 68, № 10 (2023) Thermophysical Properties of Neodymium and Gadolinium Zirconate Hafnates
Gagarin P., Guskov A., Guskov V., Khoroshilov A., Gavrichev K.
Том 68, № 2 (2023) Thermochemical Investigations of Bismuth, Dysprosium, Samarium, and Niobium Oxide Compounds
Matskevich N., Semerikova A., Gelfond N., Tkachev E., Matskevich M., Anufrieva O., Bezverkhii P.
Том 68, № 12 (2023) Thermochemical Study of Bismuth Cobalt Dysprosium Oxide: The Enthalpy of Formation and Lattice Enthalpy
Matskevich N., Semerikova A., Gel’fond N., Zaitsev V., Matskevich M., Anufrieva O., Fedorov A.
Том 68, № 4 (2023) NaCl–NaVO3–Na2ЭO4 (E = Mo or W) Three-Component Systems
Gubanova T., Kravets N., Garkushin I.
Том 68, № 9 (2023) Controlling the Degree of Substitution of Lanthanides in Anionic Positions in Complexes [CeNi6(Ala)12][(LnxCe1 – x)(NO3)3(OH)3(H2O)]
Semeshkina D., Belousov Y., Savarets A., Berekchiyan M., Dolzhenko V.
Том 68, № 2 (2023) Equation of State of Periclase Based on Planck–Einstein Functions
Perevoshchikov A., Maksimov A., Babayan I., Kovalenko N., Uspenskaya I.
Том 69, № 1 (2024) Refinement of the phase diagram of the MnSe– Ga2Se3 system
Mammadov F., Agayeva R., Amiraslanov I., Babanly M.
Том 68, № 12 (2023) Phase Diagram of the MgF2–SrF2 System and Interactions of Magnesium and Strontium Fluorides with Other Fluorides
Alexandrov A., Chernova E., Nishchev K., Fedorov P., Pynenkov A., Uslamina M., Ushakov S., Voronov V.
Том 69, № 1 (2024) Phase equilibria in the quasi–ternary Li2O–Mn2O3–Eu2O3 system
Buzanov G., Nipan G.
Том 68, № 11 (2023) Phase Equilibria in the Cu2Se–Cu8SiSe6–Cu8GeSe6 System
Bairamova U., Babanly K., Mashadieva L., Yusibov Y., Babanly M.
Том 68, № 12 (2023) Phase Equilibria in the Sodium Perchlorate—Ethoxylated Alkylamine—Water System in the Temperature Range of 58–90°C
Elokhov A.
Том 68, № 12 (2023) Phase Equilibria in the NaF–Na3ClMoO4–Na3ClWO4 Stable Triangle of the NaF–NaCl–Na2MoO4–Na2WO4 Four-Component System
Garkushin I., Matveev A., Sukharenko M.
Том 68, № 2 (2023) Phase Equilibria and Thermodynamic Properties of Phases in the H2O–Gd(NO3)3 System
Dzuban A., Novikov A., Nesterov A., Qianchen S., Kovalenko N., Uspenskaya I.
Том 68, № 12 (2023) Phase Equilibria and Chemical Reactions in the Mn2O3–ZnO–SiO2, Mn3О4–ZnO–SiO2 и MnO–ZnO–SiO2 Systems
Zaitseva N., Samigullina R., Ivanova I., Krasnenko T.
Том 68, № 12 (2023) Phase Equilibria Involving Solid Solutions in the Li–Eu–O System
Buzanov G., Nipan G.
Том 68, № 7 (2023) Phase Assemblage of the Li+,Na+,K+||F–,Cl–,Br– Five-Component Reciprocal System and Its LiF–KCl–KBr–NaBr–NaCl Stable Pentatope
Burchakov A., Garkushin I., Emel’yanova U.
Том 68, № 6 (2023) Phase Formation in the Calcium Hexaboride–Iridium System
Lozanov V., Gavrilova T., Baklanova N.
Том 68, № 7 (2023) Synthesis, Ionic, and Phase Compositions of Ferrogarnet Y2.5Ce0.5Fe2.5Ga2.5O12
Teterin Y., Smirnova M., Maslakov K., Teterin A., Nikiforova G., Glazkova Y., Sobolev A., Presnyakov I., Ketsko V.
Том 68, № 12 (2023) Hierarchically Organized MoS2 Films as Promising Electrodes for Flexible Supercapacitors
Simonenko T., Simonenko N., Zemlyanukhin A., Gorobtsov F., Simonenko E., Kuznetsov N.
Том 68, № 1 (2023) Chemical Deposition of CdxPb1 – xS/CdyS Thin-Film Composite Structures
Selyanina A., Maskaeva L., Voronin V., Anokhina I., Markov V.
Том 68, № 3 (2023) Photoinduced Dynamics of Spin Centers in Carbon-Modified Titanium Dioxide Nanotubes
Kytina E., Savchuk T., Gavrilin I., Konstantinova E.
Том 69, № 2 (2024) Alkaline Metal Fluoroxalatouranylates: Structure and Some Properties
Serezhkin V., Grigoriev М., Sukacheva М., Losev V., Serezhkina L.
Том 68, № 11 (2023) Zirconium (Hafnium)-Containing Yttriumoxane Alumoxanes and Multicomponent Ceramics Based on Them
Shcherbakova G., Pokhorenko A., Krivtsova N., Varfolomeev M., Drachev A., Lebed Y., Ashmarin A., Apuhtina T., Chernyshev A., Storozhenko P.
Том 68, № 7 (2023) Extraction-Pyrolytic Synthesis and Luminescent Properties of Borates La0.95Eu0.05BO3 : Sm and La0.95Eu0.05(BO2)3 : Sm
Steblevskaya N., Belobeletskaya M.
Том 69, № 2 (2024) Extraction Of Actinides And Lanthanides From Nitric Acid Solutions With Mixtures of 1,5-N,N′- Bis[(Diphenylphosphoryl)Acetyl(Hexyl)Amino]Pentane And New Asymmetrical Phosphonium- And Imidazolium Based Ionic Liquid
Turanov A., Karandashev V., Sharova E., Artyushin O.
Том 68, № 5 (2023) Extraction of Actinides and Lanthanides(III) from Nitric Acid Solutions with Mixtures of N-(Diphenylphosphoryl)-N'-propylureas with ω-Nitrogen-Containing Groups and Dinonylnaphthalenesulfonic Acid
Turanov A., Karandashev V., Baulina T., Goryunov E., Brel V.
Том 68, № 5 (2023) Extraction of REE(III) with Mixtures of 2,4,6-tris(Diarylphosphoryl)-1,3,5-triazines and Picrolonic Acid
Turanov A., Karandashev V., Artyushin O., Smirnova E., Bodrin G., Brel V.
Том 68, № 4 (2023) Group Extraction of the Rare-Earth Elements by Alkyl Phosphine Oxides of the Hexyl–Octyl Series
Tumanov V., Storozhenko P., Grachev A., Fedin O.
Том 69, № 1 (2024) The electrical properties of codoping LaInO3 perovskite
Belova K., Egorova А., Pachina S., Tarasova N., Animitsa I.
Том 68, № 10 (2023) Electron Transport in Perovskite-Type Ca0.5 – xSr0.5LuxMnO3 – δ Manganites
Konstantinova E., Litvinov V., Koryakov A., Leonidov I.
Том 68, № 10 (2023) Enthalpy of Formation of Gaseous Nitryl Fluoride FNO2
Nikitin M., Smorchkov K., Alikhanyan A.
Том 68, № 12 (2023) Epoxide-Mediated Synthesis of Two-Component Al2O3–TiO2 Aerogels and Their UV-Protective Characteristics
Polevoi L., Kolesnik I., Kopitsa G., Golikova M., Tsvigun N., Khamova T., Sergeeva A., Gorshkova Y., Sandzhieva D., Ubushaeva B., Baranchikov A., Ivanov V.
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