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Edição Seção Título Arquivo
Volume 92, Nº 2 (2023) ОБЗОРЫ Transformation of Methoxylated Aromatic Compounds by Anaerobic Microorganisms
Volume 92, Nº 2 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ A New Methanogenic, Hydrogenotrophic Archaeon from Spitsbergen Permafrost
Volume 92, Nº 2 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Microbial Processes of Methane Oxidation at the Kara Sea Sites of Gas Prospecting
Volume 92, Nº 2 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Microbiological Characteristics of Three Stratified Lakes in the Nizhny Novgorod Region
Volume 92, Nº 2 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Structure and Seasonal Variability of Groundwater Microbial Communities in the City of Moscow
Volume 92, Nº 1 (2023) ОБЗОРЫ Fungal Azaphilone Pigments as Promising Natural Colorants
Volume 92, Nº 2 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Rhodococcus rhodochrous IEGM 1360, an Efficient Biocatalyst of C3 Oxidative Transformation of Oleanane Triterpenoids
Volume 92, Nº 1 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Sulfurospirillum tamanensis sp. nov., a Facultative Anaerobic Alkaliphilic Bacterium from a Terrestrial Mud Volcano
Volume 92, Nº 1 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Leucosporidium egoroviorum f.a., sp. nov., a New Yeast Species Isolated from Zucchini
Volume 92, Nº 1 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ State of Cyanobacteria Arthrospira platensis and of Associated Microflora during Long-Term Storage in the State of Anhydrobiosis
Volume 92, Nº 2 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Inhibitory Action of Low-Molecular Chitosan on Growth of Bacteria with Different Tinctorial Properties
Volume 92, Nº 1 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Detection of Microcystin-Producing Cyanobacteria Microcystis, Planktothrix, and Dolichospermum Using Multiprimer Amplification of the mcy Genes
Volume 92, Nº 2 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Molecular Genetic and Functional Analysis of the Genes Encoding Alkane 1‑Monoozygenase Synthesis in Members of the Genus Rhodococcus
Volume 92, Nº 1 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Quorum Sensing in Chromobacterium subtsugae (Previously – C. violaceum) Is Inhibited by Gamma-Lactones, the Minor Components of Eucalyptus Leaf Extract
Volume 92, Nº 1 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Comparative Assessment of Stress Responses of the Microalgae Prorocentrum cordatum (Ostenfeld) Dodge and Dunaliella salina (Teod.) to the Presence of Copper Nanoparticles
Volume 92, Nº 2 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Pectinolytic Yeast Saccharomyces paradoxus as a New Gene Pool for Winemaking
Volume 92, Nº 1 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Biocidal Activity of Chitosan Asparaginate Nanoparticles
Volume 92, Nº 2 (2023) КРАТКИЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ Diurnal Methane Dynamics in the Cyanobacterial Community of Soda Lake Bitter 1 (Kulunda Steppe, Altai Krai)
Volume 92, Nº 1 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ The Effect of Atranes on the Growth of Rhodococcus qingshengii VKM Ac-2784D in the Presence of Various Carbon Sources and on Its Ability to Degrade Naphthalene
Volume 92, Nº 1 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Microbial Destruction of Polypropylene and Polyvinylchloride Samples under the Anaerobic Conditions
Volume 92, Nº 1 (2023) КРАТКИЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ Genes of NAD+-Dependent Formate Dehydrogenases in Taxonomy of Aerobic Methylotrophic Bacteria of the Genus Ancylobacter
Volume 92, Nº 4 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Paludisphaera mucosa sp. nov., a Novel Planctomycete of the Family Isosphaeraceae from a Boreal Fen
Volume 92, Nº 4 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Desulfobotulus pelophilus sp. nov., an Alkaliphilic Sulfate-Reducing Bacterium from a Terrestrial Mud Volcano
Volume 92, Nº 4 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Role of the Structural and Functional Genes Encoding Heat Shock Proteins in Biosurfactant Synthesis by Rhodococcus pyridinivorans 5Ap
Volume 92, Nº 3 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Glycoside Hydrolases of the Obligate Methanotroph Methyloferula stellata: an Unusual Evolutionary Strategy not Involving Distant Lateral Transfers
Volume 92, Nº 4 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Effect of Hormones and Biogenic Amines on Growth and Survival of Enterococcus durans
Volume 92, Nº 3 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Anaerobic Thermodesulfovibrio and Aerobic Meiothermus Coexist in Deep Thermal Water
Volume 92, Nº 4 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Physiological Characteristics of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Strain Overexpressing Polyphosphatase Ppx1
Volume 92, Nº 3 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Search for Novel Halophilic and Halotolerant Producers of Antimicrobial Compounds in Various Extreme Ecosystems
Volume 92, Nº 3 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Adaptation of the Acidophilic Fungus Sistotrema brinkmannii to the pH Factor
Volume 92, Nº 4 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Biodiversity and Metabolic Properties of Bacterial Communities from the Digestive System of the Bivalve Crenomytilus grayanus
Volume 92, Nº 3 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Effect of the AZOBR_p60123 Plasmid Gene, Encoding the Wzt Protein, on Lipopolysaccharide Synthesis and Biofilm Formation in the Bacterium Azospirillum baldaniorum Sp245
Volume 92, Nº 4 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Analysis of the Key Determinants of Naphthalene Degradation by Rhodococcus pyridinivorans 5Ар
Volume 92, Nº 3 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Microbial Communities Associated with the White Sea Red Algae as a Source of Xylanolytic Microorganisms
Volume 92, Nº 3 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Biodegradation of Phthalic Acid Esters by the White Rot Fungus Peniophora lycii
Volume 92, Nº 3 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Biological Activity and Composition of Metabolites of Potential Agricultural Application from Streptomyces carpaticus K-11 RCAM04697 (SCPM-O-B-9993)
Volume 92, Nº 3 (2023) КРАТКИЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ Effect of Mutations in the Extracytosolic Domain of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae H+-ATPase on Its Activity and Regulation
Volume 92, Nº 3 (2023) КРАТКИЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ Calcinating Bacteria in Extreme Ecosystems of the Southern Aral Region
Volume 92, Nº 5 (2023) ОБЗОРЫ Collections of Microalgae and Cyanobacteria in Russia: Present State, Problems, and Prospects
Volume 92, Nº 5 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Ancylobacter crimeensis sp. nov., a New Species of Aerobic Methylotrophic Bacteria Isolated from Oak Phyllosphere
Volume 92, Nº 5 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Seven New Actinobacterial Species of the Genus Kribbella with Unique Cell Wall Glycopolymers, and Emended Description of the Genus Kribbella
Volume 92, Nº 5 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Molecular Genetic and Functional Analysis of the Rap-Phr Signal System of the Plasmid pBS72 of Bacillus subtilis Isolates
Volume 92, Nº 5 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Methane Production in a Temperate Freshwater Lake during an Intense Cyanobacterial Bloom
Volume 92, Nº 5 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Compatible Solutes Accumulated by Glutamicibacter sp. Strain SMB32 in Response to Abiotic Environmental Factors
Volume 92, Nº 5 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Adaptive Properties of Arthrobacter agilis Strain wb28 Isolated from Wheat Bran
Volume 92, Nº 5 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Biodegradation Patterns of Composite Materials Based on High-Density Polyethylene and Starch
Volume 92, Nº 5 (2023) КРАТКИЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ High Efficiency of Removal of Pathogenic Microorganisms at Wastewater Treatment Plants in the City of Moscow
Volume 92, Nº 5 (2023) КРАТКИЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ Polylactide Degradation in the Presence of Members of the Genus Bacillus
Volume 92, Nº 6 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Methylomonas Montana sp. nov., the First Unpigmented Methanotroph of the Genus Methylomonas, Isolated from Mountain River Sediments
Volume 92, Nº 6 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Transcriptome Analysis of Escherichia coli Dormant Cystlike Cells
Volume 92, Nº 6 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Anoxygenic Phototrophic Bacteria of the Meromictic Lake Bol’shie Khruslomeny (Oleniy Island, Kandalaksha Gulf, Murmansk Oblast, Russia)
Volume 92, Nº 6 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Phylogenetic Diversity of Prokaryotic Communities of the Upper Sediment Layers of the Kandalaksha Gulf, White Sea
Volume 92, Nº 6 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Microbial Community Composition as an Indicator of the State of Basins Located at the Sea Coast (Exemplified by the Kanda Bay, Kandalaksha Gulf, White Sea)
Volume 92, Nº 6 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Effect of the Extracts from Lichens and Lichenophilic Fungi on in vitro Growth of Clinically Significant Microorganisms
Volume 92, Nº 6 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Osmolytes and Lipids of the Conidia of the Xerohalophilic Micromycete Aspergillus penicillioides
Volume 92, Nº 6 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Occurrence of the Ability to Suppress the Growth of Related Strains in Rhizobia
Volume 92, Nº 6 (2023) КРАТКИЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ Effect of the Bacteriocin Subtylosin P19 on Bacillus Anthracis Spores
Volume 93, Nº 1 (2024) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ At Shores of a Vanishing Sea: Microbial Communities of Aral and Southern Aral Sea Region
Volume 93, Nº 1 (2024) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Galactofuranans and Galactomannan of Cell Walls as Chemotaxonomic Characteristics of the Genus and Species of Clavibacter
Volume 93, Nº 1 (2024) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Isolation, Identification and Survival Strategy of Dietzia maris MX2 Halotolerant Strain from the Yakshinskoe Mineral Salts Deposit
Volume 93, Nº 1 (2024) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ The Influence of Knockouts of PPN1 Polyphosphatase and VTC4 Polyphosphate Synthetase Genes on Growth on Ethanol and Mitochondrial Polyphosphates in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Volume 93, Nº 1 (2024) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Effect of Hydrocarbon Pollution on the Fungal Communities of the White and Barents Sea Littoral Sediments
Volume 93, Nº 1 (2024) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Chitin Degradation by Microbial Communities of the Kandalaksha Gulf, White Sea
Volume 93, Nº 1 (2024) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Ecological Diversity of Micromycetes in Aerial Environments of Russian Libraries
Volume 93, Nº 1 (2024) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Characteristics of Psychrotolerant Bacteria Isolated from Clay Organogenic Deposits of Mramorny Cave (Primorsky Territory)
Volume 93, Nº 1 (2024) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Immobilization of Azospirillum Bacteria on Various Carriers
Volume 93, Nº 2 (2024) КРАТКИЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ Planktonic Microbial Communities of Thermokarst Lakes of Central Yakutia Demonstrate a High Diversity of Uncultivated Prokaryotes with Uncharacterized Functions
Volume 93, Nº 2 (2024) КРАТКИЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ Metagenomic Analysis of Bottom Sediments of the Karst Meromictic Lake Black Kichier Revealed Abundant Unculturable Thermoplasmatota
Volume 93, Nº 2 (2024) КРАТКИЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ Single-Stage Bioconversion of Phytosterol into Testosterone by Recombinant Strains of Mycolicibacterium neoaurum
Volume 93, Nº 2 (2024) КРАТКИЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ Production Potential of the Chernavka Salt River (Elton Region)
Volume 93, Nº 2 (2024) КРАТКИЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ Biotechnological Potential of the Soil Microbiome
Volume 93, Nº 2 (2024) КРАТКИЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ Identification of Electron Transfer in the System of Ferredoxins and Ferredoxin Reductases from Mycolicibacterium smegmatis
Volume 93, Nº 2 (2024) КРАТКИЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ Construction of Vectors for the Genome Editing of Saccharomyces Yeast Using CRISPR-Cas9 System
Volume 93, Nº 2 (2024) КРАТКИЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ Rhodococcus qingshengii GlMm1 as the Basis of a Biosensor for Determination of the Fungicide Carbendazim
Volume 93, Nº 2 (2024) КРАТКИЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ A New Haloalkaliphilic Member of the Genus Salisediminibacterium Capable of Efficient Chromate Oxidation
Volume 93, Nº 2 (2024) КРАТКИЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ Biofilms from the Kapova Cave Walls as a Source of Hydrolase Producers
Volume 93, Nº 2 (2024) КРАТКИЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ Biogeography of Planktonic and Benthic Bacterial Communities of Lake Khubsugul (Mongolia)
Volume 93, Nº 2 (2024) КРАТКИЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ Activity of East Siberian Trichoderma Isolates against Plant-pathogenic Microorganisms
Volume 93, Nº 2 (2024) КРАТКИЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ Bacterial Communities within the Freshwater Lymnaeid Snail Kamtschaticana kamtschatica (Middendorff, 1850) in Northeastern Siberia
Volume 93, Nº 2 (2024) КРАТКИЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ Effect of O-Polysaccharide Modifications on Successful Plant Colonization by Bacteria
Volume 93, Nº 2 (2024) КРАТКИЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ The MAMP Peptide Patterns of Bacterial Flagellins and Their Interaction with Plant Receptors: Bioinformatic and Coevolutionary Aspects
Volume 93, Nº 2 (2024) КРАТКИЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ Expression of the Curvularia sp. P450 Monooxygenase Gene in Escherichia coli and Confirmation of Its 7-Hydroxylation Function
Volume 93, Nº 2 (2024) КРАТКИЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ Effect of the PotN Protein on Activities of the GlnR and PotA Proteins in the Cells of Lentilactobacillus hilgardii
Volume 93, Nº 2 (2024) КРАТКИЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ Specific Response of Bacterial Cells to β-Ionone
Volume 93, Nº 2 (2024) КРАТКИЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ Effect of Treated Wastewater on the Distribution of Antyibiotic-Resistant Microorganisms in the Aquatic Environment
Volume 93, Nº 2 (2024) КРАТКИЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ Influence of Bioaugmentation of Bacillus subtilis, B. amyloliquefaciens, Pseudomonas aeruginosa on the Efficiency of Food Waste Composting
Volume 93, Nº 2 (2024) КРАТКИЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ T4-Like Cyanophages of Lake Baikal: Genetic Diversity and Biogeography
Volume 93, Nº 2 (2024) КРАТКИЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ Fecal Microbiota of Transbaikal Camels (Camelus bactrianus) under Different Systems of Grazing Management
Volume 93, Nº 2 (2024) КРАТКИЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ Alkaline Phosphatase Activity and Phosphatase-Active Bacteria in Lake Baikal Water Column and Major Tributaries
Volume 93, Nº 2 (2024) КРАТКИЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ Degradation of the Biofilms of Gram-Positive and Gram-Negative Bacteria by the PAPC Serine protease from Aspergillus ochraceus
Volume 93, Nº 2 (2024) КРАТКИЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ Role of Copper Ions in Resistance of Modern Polymer Composite Materials to Fungal Damage
Volume 93, Nº 2 (2024) КРАТКИЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ Application of Flow Cytometry for Viability Assessment of Mutants for Translation Termination Factors in the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Volume 93, Nº 2 (2024) КРАТКИЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ Drug Resistance of Different Mycobacterium tuberculosis Genotypes in the Omsk Oblast, Russia
Volume 93, Nº 3 (2024) ОБЗОРЫ Tubulin Homologs in Bacteria and Archaea
Volume 93, Nº 3 (2024) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Present Understanding of Biodiversity of Anoxygenic Phototrophic Bacteria in the Relic Lake Mogilnoe (Kildin Island, Murmansk oblast, Russia)
Volume 93, Nº 3 (2024) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Fungi of the Arctic Seas
Volume 93, Nº 3 (2024) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Taxonomic Composition of Cultured Fe-and Mn-Oxidizing Bacteria and Microbial Abundance in Fe-Mn Nodules of Different Sizes
Volume 93, Nº 3 (2024) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Rhodopin Incorporated into the Allochromatium vinosum LH2 Complex Is Able to Generate Singlet Oxygen under Illumination
Volume 93, Nº 3 (2024) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫЕ СТАТЬИ Biodegradation of n-Alkanes in Oil-Contaminated Bottom Sediments under Bioelectrochemical Stimulation
Volume 93, Nº 3 (2024) КРАТКИЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ The Source of Thermophilic Bacteria in Lake Baikal Cold Sediments – Coastal Hydrotherms or Deep Fluids?
Volume 93, Nº 3 (2024) КРАТКИЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ Hydrocarbon-Oxidizing Bacteria of the Bottom Ecotopes of the Barents and Pechora Seas
Volume 93, Nº 3 (2024) КРАТКИЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ CryoEM Investigation of Three-Dimentional Structure of the Stx-Converting Bacteriophage ϕ24B
Volume 93, Nº 3 (2024) КРАТКИЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ Comparative Genome Analysis and Assessment of the Functional Properties of Streptococcus thermophilus Strains
Volume 93, Nº 3 (2024) КРАТКИЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ Introduction of a Sodium-Binding Motif into Subunits a and c of Bacillus sp. PS3 Proton F-ATPase Does Not Result in Sodium Specificity of the Enzyme
Volume 93, Nº 3 (2024) КРАТКИЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ Filamentous Fungi in the Sediments of the East Siberian and Laptev Seas
Volume 93, Nº 3 (2024) КРАТКИЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ Effect of Substituting of Amino Acids Residues Ser-911 and Thr-912 in the Plasma Membrane H+-ATPase of Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae on Its Activity and Distribution of Polyphosphates
Volume 93, Nº 3 (2024) КРАТКИЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ Effect of Staphylococcus aureus Cell-Free Culture Liquid on the Structure and Biochemical Composition of Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilms
Volume 93, Nº 3 (2024) КРАТКИЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ Genetic Identification of Microsymbionts of the Legume Hedysarum arcticum B. Fedtsch, Growing on Samoylovsky Island in the Lena River Delta (Arctic Zone of Yakutia)
Volume 93, Nº 3 (2024) КРАТКИЕ СООБЩЕНИЯ Antimicrobial Activity of Terpenes and Oxygen-Containing Terpenoids Against Staphylococcus aureus
Volume 93, Nº 3 (2024) CHRONICLES In memory of Valery V. Mikhailov (20.01.1952‒05.04.2024)

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