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Vol 93, No 1 (2024)

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At Shores of a Vanishing Sea: Microbial Communities of Aral and Southern Aral Sea Region

Chernyh N.A., Merkel A.Y., Kondrasheva K.V., Alimov Z.E., Klyukina A.A., Bonch-Osmolovskaya E.A., Slobodkin A.I., Davranov K.D.


Since the early 60s of the 20th century, as a result of agricultural development in the irrigated areas of Uzbekistan, the area of the Aral Sea has decreased by 90%, while the water salinity has increased from 1% to 20%. The aim of our work was to investigate the diversity of microbial communities of water and sediments of the Western Aral Sea, as well as of the adjacent soils and reservoirs using high-throughput sequencing of the 16S rRNA genes variable V4 region. It was found that the Aral Sea water with a salinity of 22% was dominated by uncultured Archaea of the family Haloferacaceae (22‒43%), as well as by bacteria of the genera Spiribacter and Psychroflexus. In the Aral Sea sediments the share of archaea was much lower (2‒17%), and among them the uncultured Woesearchaeales predominated. Among bacteria, dominating in Aral sediments, there were sulfate reducers of the phylum ‘Desulfobacterota’, as well as representatives of the genera Fusibacter, Halanaerobium, Guyparkeria, Marinobacter, Idiomarina and Thiomicrospira. In soil samples of the former Aral Sea bed with salinity of 8.2%, a variety of archaea of the phylum Halobacterota were present, as well as uncultured bacteria of the family Nitrosococcaceae. However, in the rhizosphere of Ewresmann’s teresken plant (Kraschennininikovia ewresmanniana) growing there, archaea accounted for only 4% and mainly represented the family Nitrososphearaceae. 33% of all prokaryotes in the rhizosphere microbiome were the uncultured representatives of the phylum Actinomycetota. The microbial community of the teresken rhizosphere turned out to be similar to the microbial communities of the soil of the Ustyurt plateau, located in 3 km from the Aral Sea shore. The fresh water flowing along the former Aral Sea bed from an artificially drilled well also causes significant changes in the microbial communities: cyanobacterial mats and associated organotrophic bacteria develop along the stream bed with the increasing salinity (0.5‒2%). Finally, the greatest diversity of prokaryotes was found in the microbial community of Sudochie Lake sediment with salinity of 1%, which is probably a modern analogue of the Aral Sea microbiome before its shallowing.

Microbiology. 2024;93(1):3-16
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Galactofuranans and Galactomannan of Cell Walls as Chemotaxonomic Characteristics of the Genus and Species of Clavibacter

Tulskaya E.M., Kim D., Potekhina N.V., Shashkov A.S., Senchenkova S.N., Dorofeeva L.V., Evtushenko L.I.


Two types of glycopolymers of different structures were found in the cell walls of type strains of two species of phytopathogenic bacteria, Clavibacter insidiosus VKM Ac-1402T and Clavibacter nebraskensis VKM Ac-1404T (family Microbacteriaceae, class Actinomycetes). The first type is represented by new, previously undescribed (1→6)-linked β-D-galactofuranans, which differ in the studied strains of the two species by the structure of side oligosaccharide chains (the structures are given in the text). The structure of the second glycopolymer, pyruvate-containing galactomannan, was identical in both strains. The results obtained in this work, together with those previously obtained, indicate that the presence of pyruvate-containing galactomannan and galactofuranans with an identical core structure and different oligosaccharide side substituents can be considered as a chemotaxonomic trait of the genus Clavibacter, and galactofuranans with di-, tri-, or tetrasaccharide substituents of different composition and structures can serve as chemotaxonomic markers of species. The data obtained expand our understanding of the structural diversity of natural glycopolymers and structural features of the bacteria cell walls of various taxa and may be of interest for taxonomic studies and studies aimed at elucidating the molecular mechanisms of interaction between bacteria and plant cells.

Microbiology. 2024;93(1):17-24
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Isolation, Identification and Survival Strategy of Dietzia maris MX2 Halotolerant Strain from the Yakshinskoe Mineral Salts Deposit

Kharitonova M.A., Kupriyanova-Ashina F.G., Shakirov T.R., Vafina M.S., Ilinskaya O.N.


Halophilic and halotolerant microorganisms have a high biotechnological potential. They are producers of biologically active substances, stress-protective agents, hydrolytic enzymes, and are used for environmental bioremediation. At the same time, the characterization of novel halotolerant bacteria and the disclosure of their salt tolerance strategy are topical fundamental problems. In the present work, a new strain MX2 was isolated from the salt well brine of the Yakshinskoe potassium-magnesium salt deposit. The isolate is represented by aerobic gram-positive non-motile bacteria that do not produce spores. The cell morphology varies from cocci to short rods that are capable of producing V-shaped forms. Colonies on the surface of agar nutrient medium were circular with an entire edge and raised center, glistening and orange. Bacteria of strain MX2 are halotolerant microorganisms capable of growing at NaCl concentrations up to 9%. Strain MX2 was sequenced. Its size was estimated at 3747717 b. p., the number of protein-coding genes — 3562. Strain MX2 was identified as belonging to the species Dietzia maris based on analysis of 16S rRNA, gyrB, rpoB, recA, ppk gene sequences and using time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS). D. maris MX2 has complete metabolic pathways for the synthesis of ectoine, hydroxyectoine, and trehalose, as well as transport systems for ectoine, hydroxyectoine, trehalose, glycerol, glycerol-3-phosphate, L-proline, and glycine-betaine. Thus, to ensure the osmotic balance, D. maris MX2 uses the strategy of accumulating compatible organic solutes.

Microbiology. 2024;93(1):25-35
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The Influence of Knockouts of PPN1 Polyphosphatase and VTC4 Polyphosphate Synthetase Genes on Growth on Ethanol and Mitochondrial Polyphosphates in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Tomashevski A.A., Kulakovskaya T.V.


One of the functions of inorganic polyphosphates (polyP), as compounds with phosphoester bonds, is participation in energy metabolism. Yeast mitochondria contain their own pool of polyphosphates; however, the ways in which these polymers are involved in the functioning of mitochondria in these microorganisms are not well understood. The aim of this work was to identify the effect of knockout mutations of the VTC4 polyphosphate synthetase gene and PPN1 one of the polyphosphatases gene on the content of polyphosphates and polyphosphatase activity in mitochondria of S. cerevisiae and the characteristics of the growth of mutant strains on ethanol. It was shown that knockout of the VTC4 gene led to a significant decrease in the content of polyP in mitochondria. Knockout of the PPN1 gene led to the disappearance of polyphosphatase activity, but only to a slight increase in the content of polyphosphates in mitochondria during growth on glucose. When grown on ethanol, the polyP content in the mitochondria of this strain coincided with that of the parental strain, and in both strains, it was approximately two times less than when grown on glucose. Both mutants are able to grow on a medium with ethanol as a carbon source; however, they are characterized by an elongation of the lag phase upon the transition from glucose consumption to ethanol consumption. It has been suggested that mitochondrial polyphosphates may represent the energy reserve of these organelles, which is necessary for the formation of full-fledged mitochondria during the transition from glycolysis to oxidative phosphorylation.

Microbiology. 2024;93(1):36-42
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Effect of Hydrocarbon Pollution on the Fungal Communities of the White and Barents Sea Littoral Sediments

Fadeev A.Y., Gavirova L.A., Georgieva M.L., Kozlovsky V.V., Simakova U.V., Shestakov A.I., Bubnova E.N.


The effect of hydrocarbon pollution on the fungal communities of littoral sediments of the cold-water White and Barents seas was investigated. The samples were collected at locations with different levels of pollution with oil products, from ports to relatively undisturbed areas. Using the diesel fuel-containing medium resulted in detection of hydrocarbon-degrading fungi in almost all studied samples, although in all cases they were less diverse than sugar-degrading fungi. In this relatively small group, Penicillium chrysogenum and Penicillium brevicompactum were the most common organisms. Fungal communities isolated on a sugar-containing medium exhibited higher diversity and abundance, with being the most common sugar degraders. The major factors affecting the structure of the fungal communities were the percentage of hydrocarbons in the total mass of organic carbon in the samples in the case of hydrocarbon-degrading fungi and location, for sugar degraders. In the experiment, the highest hydrocarbon-degrading activity was shown for Penicillium chrysogenum (the loss of residual hydrocarbons was 77.4%), Cadophora fastigiata (72%), and Tolypocladium inflatum (67.2%).

Microbiology. 2024;93(1):43-51
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Chitin Degradation by Microbial Communities of the Kandalaksha Gulf, White Sea

Dukat A.M., Kuznetsova A.M., Klyagin S.D., Trushin V.O., Klyukina A.A., Elcheninov A.G., Danilova I.V.


Chitin is among the most widespread biopolymers on Earth and occurs in high quantities in the exoskeletons of marine invertebrates. Chitinolytic bacteria are therefore typical components of marine ecosystems and play an important part in chitin biodegradation. The Kandalaksha Gulf area near the White Sea Biological Station, Moscow State University, which is inhabited by numerous invertebrates, is a promising site for the isolation of such bacteria. The composition of environmental prokaryotic communities and of enrichment cultures grown on chitin was determined, and pure cultures of active chitinolytics were isolated and identified as Pseudoalteromonas undina and Vibrio alginolyticus. The chitinolytic potential of the genera predominant in enrichment cultures was assessed; these may include previously unknown chitinolytic microorganisms.

Microbiology. 2024;93(1):52-66
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Ecological Diversity of Micromycetes in Aerial Environments of Russian Libraries

Velikova T.D., Popikhina E.A., Trepova E.S., Khazova S.S.


The structure of micromycete communities in the library aerial environment was investigated in 57 Russian cities located in seven federal districts (Northwestern, Central, Southern, Volga, Ural, Siberian, and Far Eastern). A total of 107 micromycete species belonging to 41 genera were isolated and identified. Due to mostly similar conditions, the aerial ecosystem of internal spaces of the library storage facilities was relatively stable, with moderate diversity and high evenness, as was confirmed by the relevant indices: the Shannon index varied from 2.7 to 3.4, the McIntosh diversity index, from 22.7 to 140.8, and the Menhinick index, from 2.1 to 3.0. The Simpson’s dominance index and the Berger–Parker index did not exceed 0.11 and 0.24, respectively. The McIntosh and Pielou’s evenness indices were 0.71–0.78 and 0.79–0.85, respectively. High similarity of the taxonomic structures, independent of climatic conditions of the studied regions, was revealed, as was confirmed by the values of the Stugren–Radulescu and Morisita–Horn coefficients: 0.08‒0.77 and 0.04‒0.47, respectively. The typical members of the studied mycobiota were Aspergillus versicolor (7.5‒14.3), Cladosporium cladosporioides (17.5‒40.5), C. herbarum (0.8‒53.6), and Penicillium aurantiogriseum (6.5‒32.4). Most other species were scarce, with frequencies of occurrence not exceeding 7.1%.

Microbiology. 2024;93(1):67-78
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Characteristics of Psychrotolerant Bacteria Isolated from Clay Organogenic Deposits of Mramorny Cave (Primorsky Territory)

Rusakova D.A., Sidorenko M.L., Kim A.V.


A cultivated community of bacteria of the genus Pseudomonas was researched in clayey organogenic deposits of the Mramorny Cave (Primorsky Territory). The bacterial strains studied in this work are eurythermal and psychrotolerant. Their phylogenetic affiliation was found by high throughput sequencing of 16S rRNA gene fragments. It is known that bacteria of the genus Pseudomonas represent all the Earth ecological niches and, accordingly, have a wide range of adaptive functions. Using microscopy methods, a change in the nature of mobility and the cell size stability with changes in the temperatures of cultivating bacteria were established. The studied strains are of scientific and practical interest due to the enzymatic activity detection to several substrates simultaneously at different temperatures (25 and 4℃), as well as the ability to secrete cold active pectinase, protease and lipase. However, phosphate-solubilizing activity both at 4 and at 25℃ became preferable for the strains. The Mramorny Cave is karst and is characterized by carbonate karst, which explains the preference for the studied strains in calcium phosphate. An analysis of the obtained data shows that the collection of cultivated bacteria obtained by us includes both typical psychrotolerant ones, which exhibit enzymatic activity under conditions of optimal growth temperature, and unique ones, capable of synthesizing a wide range of enzymes under conditions not characteristic of its optimum growth.

Microbiology. 2024;93(1):79-90
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Immobilization of Azospirillum Bacteria on Various Carriers

Kupryashina M.A., Ponomareva E.G., Pylaev T.E.


A significant part of research in environmentally friendly agroindustrial production is aimed at immobilized bacterial preparations with retained capacity for active growth without loss of metabolic activity both during immobilization and after long-term storage and biotechnological use. In the present work, immobilization of members of the genus Azospirillum on natural and synthetic carriers was investigated. Efficiency of immobilization of the cells of A. brasilense strain SR80 in alginate hydrogel and vermiculite was investigated. Proliferative and metabolic activities of immobilized preparations were investigated. The prospects of using vermiculite and calcium alginate as matrices for Azospirillum immobilization are shown.

Microbiology. 2024;93(1):91-98
pages 91-98 views

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