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Issue Title File
Vol 92, No 5 (2023) Ancylobacter crimeensis sp. nov., a New Species of Aerobic Methylotrophic Bacteria Isolated from Oak Phyllosphere
Belova A.A., Kaparullina E.N., Agafonova N.V., Grouzdev D.S., Kopitsyn D.S., Machulin .V., Doronina N.V.
Vol 92, No 4 (2023) Desulfobotulus pelophilus sp. nov., an Alkaliphilic Sulfate-Reducing Bacterium from a Terrestrial Mud Volcano
Frolova A.A., Merkel A.Y., Kuchierskaya A.A., Slobodkin A.I.
Vol 92, No 1 (2023) Leucosporidium egoroviorum f.a., sp. nov., a New Yeast Species Isolated from Zucchini
Kachalkin A.V., Glushakova A.M., Tomashevskaya M.A.
Vol 92, No 6 (2023) Methylomonas Montana sp. nov., the First Unpigmented Methanotroph of the Genus Methylomonas, Isolated from Mountain River Sediments
Suleimanov R.Z., Tikhonova E.N., Oshkin I.Y., Danilova O.V., Dedysh S.N.
Vol 92, No 4 (2023) Paludisphaera mucosa sp. nov., a Novel Planctomycete of the Family Isosphaeraceae from a Boreal Fen
Ivanova A.A., Naumoff D.G., Kulichevskaya I.S., Meshcheriakova A.A., Dedysh S.N.
Vol 92, No 2 (2023) Rhodococcus rhodochrous IEGM 1360, an Efficient Biocatalyst of C3 Oxidative Transformation of Oleanane Triterpenoids
Luchnikova N.A., Tarasova E.V., Grishko V.V., Ivshina I.B.
Vol 92, No 1 (2023) Sulfurospirillum tamanensis sp. nov., a Facultative Anaerobic Alkaliphilic Bacterium from a Terrestrial Mud Volcano
Frolova A.A., Merkel A.Y., Kevbrin V.V., Kopitsyn D.S., Slobodkin A.I.
Vol 93, No 2 (2024) A New Haloalkaliphilic Member of the Genus Salisediminibacterium Capable of Efficient Chromate Oxidation
Ignatenko A.V., Khijniak T.V.
Vol 92, No 2 (2023) A New Methanogenic, Hydrogenotrophic Archaeon from Spitsbergen Permafrost
Trubitsyn V.E., Suzina N.E., Rivkina E.M., Shcherbakova V.A.
Vol 93, No 2 (2024) Activity of East Siberian Trichoderma Isolates against Plant-pathogenic Microorganisms
Kuznetsova V.Е., Matveeva E.A., Belovezhets L.A.
Vol 92, No 3 (2023) Adaptation of the Acidophilic Fungus Sistotrema brinkmannii to the pH Factor
Ianutsevich E.A., Danilova O.A., Grum-Grzhimailo O.A., Groza N.V., Tereshina V.M.
Vol 92, No 5 (2023) Adaptive Properties of Arthrobacter agilis Strain wb28 Isolated from Wheat Bran
Sharova N.Y., Prichepa A.O., Sverdlova O.P., Printseva A.A.
Vol 93, No 2 (2024) Alkaline Phosphatase Activity and Phosphatase-Active Bacteria in Lake Baikal Water Column and Major Tributaries
Suslova M.Y., Podlesnaya G.V., Tomberg I.V., Sakirko M.V., Belykh O.I.
Vol 92, No 3 (2023) Anaerobic Thermodesulfovibrio and Aerobic Meiothermus Coexist in Deep Thermal Water
Lukina A.P., Kadniko V.V., Rusanov I.I., Avakyan M.R., Beletsky A.V., Mardanov A.V., Pimenov N.V., Ravin N.V., Karnachuk O.V.
Vol 92, No 4 (2023) Analysis of the Key Determinants of Naphthalene Degradation by Rhodococcus pyridinivorans 5Ар
Larchenka A.Y., Mandryk M.I.
Vol 92, No 6 (2023) Anoxygenic Phototrophic Bacteria of the Meromictic Lake Bol’shie Khruslomeny (Oleniy Island, Kandalaksha Gulf, Murmansk Oblast, Russia)
Lunina O.N., Veslopolova E.F., Kokryatskaya N.M., Voronov D.A., Krasnova E.D., Suzina N.E., Zhil’tsova A.A., Patsaeva S.V., Grouzdev D.S., Savvichev A.S.
Vol 93, No 3 (2024) Antimicrobial Activity of Terpenes and Oxygen-Containing Terpenoids Against Staphylococcus aureus
Kolesnikova A.I., Kayumov A.R., Gilfanov I.R., Frolova L.L., Nikitina L.E., Trizna E.Y.
Vol 93, No 2 (2024) Application of Flow Cytometry for Viability Assessment of Mutants for Translation Termination Factors in the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Efremova E.P., Zemlyanko O.M., Zhouravleva G.A.
Vol 93, No 1 (2024) At Shores of a Vanishing Sea: Microbial Communities of Aral and Southern Aral Sea Region
Chernyh N.A., Merkel A.Y., Kondrasheva K.V., Alimov Z.E., Klyukina A.A., Bonch-Osmolovskaya E.A., Slobodkin A.I., Davranov K.D.
Vol 93, No 2 (2024) Bacterial Communities within the Freshwater Lymnaeid Snail Kamtschaticana kamtschatica (Middendorff, 1850) in Northeastern Siberia
Aksenov A.S., Kisil O.Y., Chervochkina A.S., Khrebtova I.S., Mantsurova K.S., Bespalaya Y.V., Aksenova O.V.
Vol 92, No 1 (2023) Biocidal Activity of Chitosan Asparaginate Nanoparticles
Shipovskaya A.B., Lugovitskaya T.N., Zudina I.V.
Vol 93, No 3 (2024) Biodegradation of n-Alkanes in Oil-Contaminated Bottom Sediments under Bioelectrochemical Stimulation
Samkov A.A., Volchenko N.N., Musorina T.N., Kruglova M.N., Samkova S.M., Khudokormov A.A.
Vol 92, No 3 (2023) Biodegradation of Phthalic Acid Esters by the White Rot Fungus Peniophora lycii
Savinova O.S., Shabaev A.V., Fedorova T.V.
Vol 92, No 5 (2023) Biodegradation Patterns of Composite Materials Based on High-Density Polyethylene and Starch
Suslova T.N., Salakhov I.I., Nikonorova V.N., Gilaeva G.V., Trifonova O.M.
Vol 92, No 4 (2023) Biodiversity and Metabolic Properties of Bacterial Communities from the Digestive System of the Bivalve Crenomytilus grayanus
Dunkai T.I., Bogatyrenko E.A., Kim A.V.
Vol 93, No 2 (2024) Biofilms from the Kapova Cave Walls as a Source of Hydrolase Producers
Kurdy W., Yakovleva G.Y., Ilyinskaya O.N.
Vol 93, No 2 (2024) Biogeography of Planktonic and Benthic Bacterial Communities of Lake Khubsugul (Mongolia)
Belykh O.I., Krasnopeev A.Y., Sorokovikova E.G., Potapov S.A., Jadambaa N., Belykh T.I., Tikhonova I.V.
Vol 92, No 3 (2023) Biological Activity and Composition of Metabolites of Potential Agricultural Application from Streptomyces carpaticus K-11 RCAM04697 (SCPM-O-B-9993)
Bataeva Y.V., Grigoryan L.N., Bogun A.G., Kislichkina A.A., Platonov M.E., Kurashov E.A., Krylova J.V., Fedorenko A.G., Andreeva M.P.
Vol 93, No 2 (2024) Biotechnological Potential of the Soil Microbiome
Manucharova N.A., Vlasova A.P., Kovalenko M.A., Ovchinnikova E.A., Babenko A.D., Teregulova G.A., Uvarov G.V., Stepanov A.L.
Vol 92, No 3 (2023) Calcinating Bacteria in Extreme Ecosystems of the Southern Aral Region
Kondrasheva K.V., Umruzokov A.A., Kalenov S.V., Merkel A.Y., Chernykh N.A., Slobodkin A.I., Gavrilov S.N., Davranov K.D.
Vol 93, No 1 (2024) Characteristics of Psychrotolerant Bacteria Isolated from Clay Organogenic Deposits of Mramorny Cave (Primorsky Territory)
Rusakova D.A., Sidorenko M.L., Kim A.V.
Vol 93, No 1 (2024) Chitin Degradation by Microbial Communities of the Kandalaksha Gulf, White Sea
Dukat A.M., Kuznetsova A.M., Klyagin S.D., Trushin V.O., Klyukina A.A., Elcheninov A.G., Danilova I.V.
Vol 92, No 5 (2023) Collections of Microalgae and Cyanobacteria in Russia: Present State, Problems, and Prospects
Temraleeva A.D., Sinetova M.A.
Vol 92, No 1 (2023) Comparative Assessment of Stress Responses of the Microalgae Prorocentrum cordatum (Ostenfeld) Dodge and Dunaliella salina (Teod.) to the Presence of Copper Nanoparticles
Solomonova E.S., Shoman N.Y., Akimov A.I., Rylkova O.A.
Vol 93, No 3 (2024) Comparative Genome Analysis and Assessment of the Functional Properties of Streptococcus thermophilus Strains
Moiseenko K.V., Glazunova O.A., Savinova O.S., Fedorova T.V.
Vol 92, No 5 (2023) Compatible Solutes Accumulated by Glutamicibacter sp. Strain SMB32 in Response to Abiotic Environmental Factors
Anan’ina L.N., Gorbunov A.A., Shestakova E.A., Pyankova A.A., Plotnikova E.G.
Vol 93, No 2 (2024) Construction of Vectors for the Genome Editing of Saccharomyces Yeast Using CRISPR-Cas9 System
Matveenko A.G., Mikhailichenko A.S., Zhouravleva G.A.
Vol 93, No 3 (2024) CryoEM Investigation of Three-Dimentional Structure of the Stx-Converting Bacteriophage ϕ24B
Kuznetsov A.S., Moiseenko A.V., Kulikov E.E., Letarov A.V.
Vol 93, No 2 (2024) Degradation of the Biofilms of Gram-Positive and Gram-Negative Bacteria by the PAPC Serine protease from Aspergillus ochraceus
Baidamshina D.R., Rafia Nasr A., Komarevtsev S.K., Osmolovskii A.A., Miroshnikov K.A., Kayumov A.R., Trizna E.Y.
Vol 92, No 1 (2023) Detection of Microcystin-Producing Cyanobacteria Microcystis, Planktothrix, and Dolichospermum Using Multiprimer Amplification of the mcy Genes
Sidelev S.I.
Vol 92, No 2 (2023) Diurnal Methane Dynamics in the Cyanobacterial Community of Soda Lake Bitter 1 (Kulunda Steppe, Altai Krai)
Samylina O.S., Merkel A.Y., Pimenov N.V.
Vol 93, No 2 (2024) Drug Resistance of Different Mycobacterium tuberculosis Genotypes in the Omsk Oblast, Russia
Vyazovaya A.A., Kostyukova I.V., Gerasimova A.A., Terentieva D.R., Pasechnik O.A., Mokrousov I.V.
Vol 93, No 1 (2024) Ecological Diversity of Micromycetes in Aerial Environments of Russian Libraries
Velikova T.D., Popikhina E.A., Trepova E.S., Khazova S.S.
Vol 93, No 3 (2024) Effect of Staphylococcus aureus Cell-Free Culture Liquid on the Structure and Biochemical Composition of Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilms
Mironova A.V., Fedorova M.S., Zakarova N.D., Salikhova A.R., Trizna E.Y., Kayumov A.R.
Vol 92, No 4 (2023) Effect of Hormones and Biogenic Amines on Growth and Survival of Enterococcus durans
El’-Registan G.I., Zemskova O.V., Galuza O.A., Ulanova R.V., Il’icheva E.A., Gannesen A.V., Nikolaev Y.A.
Vol 93, No 1 (2024) Effect of Hydrocarbon Pollution on the Fungal Communities of the White and Barents Sea Littoral Sediments
Fadeev A.Y., Gavirova L.A., Georgieva M.L., Kozlovsky V.V., Simakova U.V., Shestakov A.I., Bubnova E.N.
Vol 92, No 3 (2023) Effect of Mutations in the Extracytosolic Domain of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae H+-ATPase on Its Activity and Regulation
Petrov V.V.
Vol 93, No 2 (2024) Effect of O-Polysaccharide Modifications on Successful Plant Colonization by Bacteria
Burygin G.L., Khanina A.A., Filippova M.V.
Vol 93, No 3 (2024) Effect of Substituting of Amino Acids Residues Ser-911 and Thr-912 in the Plasma Membrane H+-ATPase of Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae on Its Activity and Distribution of Polyphosphates
Tomashevsky A.A., Petrov V.V.
Vol 92, No 3 (2023) Effect of the AZOBR_p60123 Plasmid Gene, Encoding the Wzt Protein, on Lipopolysaccharide Synthesis and Biofilm Formation in the Bacterium Azospirillum baldaniorum Sp245
Petrova L.P., Evstigneeva S.S., Filip’echeva Y.A., Volokhina I.V., Burygin G.L., Matora .Y., Shelud’ko A.V.
Vol 92, No 6 (2023) Effect of the Bacteriocin Subtylosin P19 on Bacillus Anthracis Spores
Pokhilenko V.D., Gerasimov V.N., Zhigletsova S.K., Kalmantaev T.A., Chukina .A., Mironova R.I., Gajtrafimova А.R.
Vol 92, No 6 (2023) Effect of the Extracts from Lichens and Lichenophilic Fungi on in vitro Growth of Clinically Significant Microorganisms
Pankratov T.A., Shcherbatov R.E., Del’tsov A.A.
Vol 93, No 2 (2024) Effect of the PotN Protein on Activities of the GlnR and PotA Proteins in the Cells of Lentilactobacillus hilgardii
Iskhakova Z.I., Zhuravleva D.E., Kayumov A.R.
Vol 93, No 2 (2024) Effect of Treated Wastewater on the Distribution of Antyibiotic-Resistant Microorganisms in the Aquatic Environment
Izmalkova T.Y., Sazonova O.I., Kosheleva I.A.
Vol 93, No 2 (2024) Expression of the Curvularia sp. P450 Monooxygenase Gene in Escherichia coli and Confirmation of Its 7-Hydroxylation Function
Kollerov V.V., Tarlachkov S.V., Shutov A.A., Donova M.V.
Vol 93, No 2 (2024) Fecal Microbiota of Transbaikal Camels (Camelus bactrianus) under Different Systems of Grazing Management
Lavrentyeva E.V., Banzaraktsaeva T.G., Tsyrenova D.D., Dambaev V.B., Begmatov S.A., Mardanov A.V., Barkhutova D.D.
Vol 93, No 3 (2024) Filamentous Fungi in the Sediments of the East Siberian and Laptev Seas
Georgieva M.L., Bilanenko E.N., Georgiev A.A., Bubnova E.N.
Vol 92, No 1 (2023) Fungal Azaphilone Pigments as Promising Natural Colorants
Antipova T.V., Zhelifonova V.P., Zaitsev K.V., Vainshtein M.B.
Vol 93, No 3 (2024) Fungi of the Arctic Seas
Kochkina G.A., Pinchuk I.P., Ivanushkina N.E., Avtukh A.N., Pimenov N.V.
Vol 93, No 1 (2024) Galactofuranans and Galactomannan of Cell Walls as Chemotaxonomic Characteristics of the Genus and Species of Clavibacter
Tulskaya E.M., Kim D., Potekhina N.V., Shashkov A.S., Senchenkova S.N., Dorofeeva L.V., Evtushenko L.I.
Vol 92, No 1 (2023) Genes of NAD+-Dependent Formate Dehydrogenases in Taxonomy of Aerobic Methylotrophic Bacteria of the Genus Ancylobacter
Chemodurova A.A., Reshetnikov A.S., Agafonova N.V., Doronina N.V.
Vol 93, No 3 (2024) Genetic Identification of Microsymbionts of the Legume Hedysarum arcticum B. Fedtsch, Growing on Samoylovsky Island in the Lena River Delta (Arctic Zone of Yakutia)
Karlov D.S., Guro P.V., Kuznetsova I.G., Sazanova А.L., Alekhina I.A., Tikhomirova N.Y., Lashchinsky N.N., Belimov А.А., Safronova V.I.
Vol 92, No 3 (2023) Glycoside Hydrolases of the Obligate Methanotroph Methyloferula stellata: an Unusual Evolutionary Strategy not Involving Distant Lateral Transfers
Naumoff D.G., Dedysh S.N.
Vol 92, No 5 (2023) High Efficiency of Removal of Pathogenic Microorganisms at Wastewater Treatment Plants in the City of Moscow
Begmatov S.A., Dorofeev A.G., Pimenov N.V., Mardanov A.V., Ravin N.V.
Vol 93, No 3 (2024) Hydrocarbon-Oxidizing Bacteria of the Bottom Ecotopes of the Barents and Pechora Seas
Pyrkin V.O., Gavirova L.A., Stroeva A.R., Merkel A.Y., Vidishcheva O.N., Kalmykov A.G., Bonch-Osmolovskaya E.A.
Vol 93, No 2 (2024) Identification of Electron Transfer in the System of Ferredoxins and Ferredoxin Reductases from Mycolicibacterium smegmatis
Epiktetov D.O., Karpov M.V., Donova M.V.
Vol 93, No 1 (2024) Immobilization of Azospirillum Bacteria on Various Carriers
Kupryashina M.A., Ponomareva E.G., Pylaev T.E.
Vol 93, No 3 (2024) In memory of Valery V. Mikhailov (20.01.1952‒05.04.2024)
Editorial B.
Vol 93, No 2 (2024) Influence of Bioaugmentation of Bacillus subtilis, B. amyloliquefaciens, Pseudomonas aeruginosa on the Efficiency of Food Waste Composting
Mironov V.V., Shchelushkina A.A., Ostrikova V.V., Klyukina A.A., Vanteeva A.V., Moldon I.A., Zhukov V.G., Kotova I.B., Nikolaev Y.A.
Vol 92, No 2 (2023) Inhibitory Action of Low-Molecular Chitosan on Growth of Bacteria with Different Tinctorial Properties
Korobov V.P., Shagdarova B.T., Varlamov V.P., Esaev A.L., Polyudova T.V.
Vol 93, No 3 (2024) Introduction of a Sodium-Binding Motif into Subunits a and c of Bacillus sp. PS3 Proton F-ATPase Does Not Result in Sodium Specificity of the Enzyme
Bruman S.M., Litvin A.V., Lapashina A.S., Fenyuk B.A.
Vol 93, No 1 (2024) Isolation, Identification and Survival Strategy of Dietzia maris MX2 Halotolerant Strain from the Yakshinskoe Mineral Salts Deposit
Kharitonova M.A., Kupriyanova-Ashina F.G., Shakirov T.R., Vafina M.S., Ilinskaya O.N.
Vol 93, No 2 (2024) Metagenomic Analysis of Bottom Sediments of the Karst Meromictic Lake Black Kichier Revealed Abundant Unculturable Thermoplasmatota
Kadnikov V.V., Savvichev A.S., Rusanov I.I., Beletskii A.V., Pimenov N.V.
Vol 92, No 5 (2023) Methane Production in a Temperate Freshwater Lake during an Intense Cyanobacterial Bloom
Kallistova A.Y., Kosyakova A.I., Rusanov I.I., Kadnikov V.V., Beletskii A.V., Koval’ .D., Yusupov S.K., Zekker I., Pimenov N.V.
Vol 92, No 3 (2023) Microbial Communities Associated with the White Sea Red Algae as a Source of Xylanolytic Microorganisms
Salova V.D., Kholdina A.M., Mel’nik A.D., Zayulina K.S., El’cheninov A.G., Klyukina A.A., Kublanov I.V.
Vol 92, No 6 (2023) Microbial Community Composition as an Indicator of the State of Basins Located at the Sea Coast (Exemplified by the Kanda Bay, Kandalaksha Gulf, White Sea)
Savvichev A.S., Demidenko N.A., Kadnikov V.V., Belenkova V.V., Rusanov I.I., Gorlenko V.M.
Vol 92, No 1 (2023) Microbial Destruction of Polypropylene and Polyvinylchloride Samples under the Anaerobic Conditions
Malakhova D.V., Egorova M.A., Leontieva M.R., Elcheninov A.G., Panova .V., Aleksandrov Y.D., Tsavkelova Е.А.
Vol 92, No 2 (2023) Microbial Processes of Methane Oxidation at the Kara Sea Sites of Gas Prospecting
Tikhonova E.N., Rusanov I.I., Kadnikov V.V., Demkina E.V., Toshchakov S.V., Izotova A.O., Pimenov N.V.
Vol 92, No 2 (2023) Microbiological Characteristics of Three Stratified Lakes in the Nizhny Novgorod Region
Gorlenko V.M., Vainshtein M.B.
Vol 92, No 2 (2023) Molecular Genetic and Functional Analysis of the Genes Encoding Alkane 1‑Monoozygenase Synthesis in Members of the Genus Rhodococcus
Bulyarevich A.A., Gurinovich A.S., Filonov A.E., Titok M.A.
Vol 92, No 5 (2023) Molecular Genetic and Functional Analysis of the Rap-Phr Signal System of the Plasmid pBS72 of Bacillus subtilis Isolates
Gurinovich A.S., Titok M.A.
Vol 92, No 6 (2023) Occurrence of the Ability to Suppress the Growth of Related Strains in Rhizobia
Baymiev A.K., Vladimirova A.A., Matniyazov R.T., Lavina A.M., Filyaeva .Y., Akimova E.S., Baymiev A.K.
Vol 92, No 6 (2023) Osmolytes and Lipids of the Conidia of the Xerohalophilic Micromycete Aspergillus penicillioides
Danilova O.A., Ianutsevich E.A., Antropova A.B., Tereshina V.M.
Vol 92, No 2 (2023) Pectinolytic Yeast Saccharomyces paradoxus as a New Gene Pool for Winemaking
Borovkova A.N., Shalamitskiy M.Y., Naumova E.S.
Vol 92, No 6 (2023) Phylogenetic Diversity of Prokaryotic Communities of the Upper Sediment Layers of the Kandalaksha Gulf, White Sea
Badmadashiev D.V., Stroeva A.R., Klyukina A.A., Poludetkina E.N., Bonch-Osmolovskaya E.A.
Vol 92, No 4 (2023) Physiological Characteristics of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Strain Overexpressing Polyphosphatase Ppx1
Trilisenko L.V., Valiakhmetov A.Y., Kulakovskaya T.V.
Vol 93, No 2 (2024) Planktonic Microbial Communities of Thermokarst Lakes of Central Yakutia Demonstrate a High Diversity of Uncultivated Prokaryotes with Uncharacterized Functions
Samylina O.S., Gabysheva O.I., Gabyshev V.A., Kadnikov V.V., Beletsky A.V., Kosyakova A.I., Kallistova A.Y., Pimenov N.V.
Vol 92, No 5 (2023) Polylactide Degradation in the Presence of Members of the Genus Bacillus
Mironov V.V., Trofimchuk E.S., Ostrikova V.V., Plutalova A.V., Moskvina M.A., Shchelushkina .A., Chernikova E.V., Sokolova D.S.
Vol 93, No 3 (2024) Present Understanding of Biodiversity of Anoxygenic Phototrophic Bacteria in the Relic Lake Mogilnoe (Kildin Island, Murmansk oblast, Russia)
Gorlenko V.M., Lunina O.N., Gruzdev D.S., Krasnova E.D., Voronov D.A., Belenkova V.V., Kozyaeva V.V., Savvichev A.S.
Vol 93, No 2 (2024) Production Potential of the Chernavka Salt River (Elton Region)
Kanapatskiy T.A., Samylina O.S., Golovatyuk L.V., Rusanov I.I., Zakharova E.E., Kevbrin V.V., Zinchenko T.D., Pimenov N.V.
Vol 92, No 1 (2023) Quorum Sensing in Chromobacterium subtsugae (Previously – C. violaceum) Is Inhibited by Gamma-Lactones, the Minor Components of Eucalyptus Leaf Extract
Inchagova K.S., Duskaev G.K., Deryabin D.G.
Vol 93, No 2 (2024) Rhodococcus qingshengii GlMm1 as the Basis of a Biosensor for Determination of the Fungicide Carbendazim
Kuvichkina T.N., Kaparullina E.N., Doronina N.V., Reshetilov A.N.
Vol 93, No 3 (2024) Rhodopin Incorporated into the Allochromatium vinosum LH2 Complex Is Able to Generate Singlet Oxygen under Illumination
Makhneva Z.K., Bolshakov M.A., Ashikhmin A.A., Moskalenko A.A.
Vol 93, No 2 (2024) Role of Copper Ions in Resistance of Modern Polymer Composite Materials to Fungal Damage
Yakovleva G.Y., Katsyuruba E.A., Fufygina E.S., Danilaev M.P., Ilyinskaya O.N.
Vol 92, No 4 (2023) Role of the Structural and Functional Genes Encoding Heat Shock Proteins in Biosurfactant Synthesis by Rhodococcus pyridinivorans 5Ap
Bukliarevich H.A., Titok M.A.
Vol 92, No 3 (2023) Search for Novel Halophilic and Halotolerant Producers of Antimicrobial Compounds in Various Extreme Ecosystems
Gavrilov S.N., Bonch-Osmolovskaya E.A., Merkel A.Y., Haertle T., Nikandrova A.A., Lukianov D.A., Tresvyatskii O.V., Prokofeva M.I., Cherdyntseva T.A., Barashkova A.S., Rogozhin E.A.
Vol 92, No 5 (2023) Seven New Actinobacterial Species of the Genus Kribbella with Unique Cell Wall Glycopolymers, and Emended Description of the Genus Kribbella
Avtukh A.N., Dorofeeva .V., Vasilenko O.V., Starodumova I.P., Prisyazhnaya N.V., Suzina N.E., Shashkov .S., Potekhina N.V., Tul’skaya E.M., Baryshnikova L.M., Ariskina E.V., Evtushenko L.I.
Vol 93, No 2 (2024) Single-Stage Bioconversion of Phytosterol into Testosterone by Recombinant Strains of Mycolicibacterium neoaurum
Tekucheva D.N., Karpov M.V., Fokina V.V., Timakova T.I., Shutov A.A., Donova M.V.
Vol 93, No 2 (2024) Specific Response of Bacterial Cells to β-Ionone
Sidorova D.E., Melkina O.E., Koksharova O.A., Vagner E.N., Khmel I.A., Plyuta V.A.
Vol 92, No 1 (2023) State of Cyanobacteria Arthrospira platensis and of Associated Microflora during Long-Term Storage in the State of Anhydrobiosis
Kharchuk I.A., Rylkova O.A., Beregovaya N.M.
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