

栏目 标题 文件
卷 1, 编号 1 (2019) Pharmaceutical Sciences Rabbit models of ischemic stroke in biomedical research PDF
卷 1, 编号 1 (2019) Pharmaceutical Sciences Creating new drugs design patterns.Step one. Pharmaceutical development PDF
卷 1, 编号 1 (2019) Pharmaceutical Sciences Pharmacists in the system of pediatric palliative care: international practice and prospects in Russia PDF
卷 1, 编号 1 (2019) Pharmaceutical Sciences Alopecia: from clinic to preclinic and back PDF
卷 1, 编号 1 (2019) Biological sciences Tendencies and perspectives of central alpha2-adrenomimetic application in medicobiological research PDF
卷 1, 编号 1 (2019) Biomedical Sciences Continuous glucose monitoring - proved hypoglycemia in sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitors - treated type 2 diabetes patients: a link to ketosis development PDF
卷 1, 编号 1 (2019) Information and Prevention Features of regulation and control of emissions at the facility of category III PDF
卷 1, 编号 1 (2019) Information and Prevention Discharge Inventory: A New Duty PDF
卷 1, 编号 1 (2019) Heritage He created a modern pharmacologist PDF
卷 1, 编号 1 (2019) Pharmaceutical Sciences A unified and simplified flow diagram of the production of active pharmaceutical ingredients and the finished dosage form PDF
卷 1, 编号 1 (2019) Biological sciences Approaches to a comprehensive solution to the problem of medical waste management PDF
卷 2, 编号 1 (2020) Pharmaceutical Sciences Approaches to the assessment of quantitative composition of drugs based on natural peptides containing glycosaminoglycan-peptide complex PDF
卷 2, 编号 1 (2020) Biomedical Sciences Evaluation of the 223Ra-dichloride biodistribution models for the assessment of the doses from internal exposure PDF
卷 2, 编号 1 (2020) Information and Prevention Aspects of pesticide and agrochemical application in the field of beekeeping PDF
卷 2, 编号 1 (2020) Anniversary Valery Galynkin: "a Scientist should also be a practitioner» PDF
卷 2, 编号 1 (2020) Heritage Moses Efimovich Bergolts: first rector of the revived institute PDF
卷 2, 编号 1 (2020) Pharmaceutical Sciences Modern polymers in prolonged release tablet technology PDF
卷 2, 编号 1 (2020) From the editor From the editors PDF
卷 2, 编号 2 (2020) Retracrion Notice Retraction Notice Gabidova A., Galynkin V. A unified and simplified flow diagram of the production of active pharmaceutical ingredients and the finished dosage form // Pharmacy Formulas. - 2019. - Т. 1. - №1. - C. 32-37. doi: 10.17816/phf18552 PDF
卷 2, 编号 1 (2020) Pharmaceutical Sciences Morpholine derivatives as potential agents for neurological manifestations of nervous system diseases PDF
卷 2, 编号 1 (2020) Biological sciences Pathogenic substantiation of application of erythropoietin modified forms and peptide analogues as cytotprotectors PDF
卷 2, 编号 1 (2020) Pharmaceutical Sciences Processing and evaluation of qualitative data of the pharmaceutical market using economic and statistical methods PDF
卷 2, 编号 2 (2020) Heritage Grigory Yakovlevich Kogan: Director of the Leningrad Pharmaceutical Institute in 1938-1941 PDF
卷 2, 编号 2 (2020) Pharmaceutical Sciences Structural analysis of drugs assortment for etiopathogenetic therapy of children with acute viral infections PDF
卷 2, 编号 2 (2020) Anniversary Sergey Kholodkevich: "I quite often came up with original ideas, which then turned out to be in demand» PDF
卷 2, 编号 2 (2020) Pharmaceutical Sciences Experimental study of the liposomal form of fenoterol after improving the method of obtaining it PDF
卷 2, 编号 2 (2020) Pharmaceutical Sciences Determination of the marker compounds for standardization medicinal herbal species «Pectorales tea №1» and «Proctofitol» PDF
卷 2, 编号 2 (2020) Biomedical Sciences Gravicentric approach to Type 2 Diabetes therapy. The success prediction. A proof-of-concept PDF
卷 2, 编号 2 (2020) Information and Prevention Electronic workflow for healthcare PDF
卷 2, 编号 2 (2020) Biomedical Sciences Pathogenetic mechanisms of antinociceptive activity of antidepressants PDF
卷 2, 编号 2 (2020) Biological sciences Chaga and its bioactive complexes: history and perspectives PDF
卷 2, 编号 2 (2020) From the editor From the editor PDF
卷 2, 编号 3 (2020) Pharmaceutical Sciences Study of international experience in research of professional activity of pharmaceutical personnel in the context of restrictions, related to the development of the system of professional qualifications in the Russian Federation PDF
卷 2, 编号 3 (2020) Pharmaceutical Sciences Analysis of the level and dynamics of prices in the pharmaceutical market of Saint Petersburg PDF
卷 2, 编号 3 (2020) Biological sciences Laser synthesis of nanomaterials to create a new family of electrochemical microbiosensors PDF
卷 2, 编号 3 (2020) Pharmaceutical Sciences Course of intrahospital coronavirus infection (COVID-19) against the background of preventive and curative administration of peptide immunotropic drugs as part of complex therapy PDF
卷 2, 编号 3 (2020) Biological sciences About creation of a hybrid multi-level atmospheric air monitoring system in the Republic of Tatarstan PDF
卷 2, 编号 3 (2020) Biological sciences Review and revision of the tribe Baphieae Yakovl. (Fabaceae) PDF
卷 2, 编号 3 (2020) Biomedical Sciences Malignant neoplasms of the heart, prevalence, weather mortality, median survival and survival of patients, taking into account the stage of diseases, localization and histological structure of tumors PDF
卷 2, 编号 3 (2020) Information and Prevention Organization of practical training on the circulation of labeled drugs at the Saint Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University PDF
卷 2, 编号 3 (2020) Heritage Alexander Stepanovich Ardemasov: Party director of the Leningrad Pharmaceutical Institute in 1940-1942 PDF
卷 2, 编号 3 (2020) Heritage Teaching the Humanities and Social Sciences at the Petrograd (Leningrad) Chemical-Pharmaceutical Institute in the 1920s PDF
卷 2, 编号 3 (2020) Biomedical Sciences Cariprazine is a modern antipsychotic with a favorable neuroendocrine profile PDF
卷 2, 编号 3 (2020) From the editor FROM THE EDITOR PDF
卷 2, 编号 4 (2020) Biomedical Sciences Approaches to assessing the sexual behavior of male rats in the study of the effects of compounds that have a stimulating effect on sexual function PDF
卷 2, 编号 3 (2020) Biological sciences Bioindication of the ecological state (health) of coastal waters based on the use of automatic bioelectronic systems PDF
卷 2, 编号 3 (2020) News Conference "Young pharmacy – the potential of the future» PDF
卷 3, 编号 1 (2021) Pharmaceutical Sciences The development of an algorithm for introduction of a new drug on the existing pharmaceutical production. Stage 2. Transfer of technologies PDF
卷 2, 编号 4 (2020) Pharmaceutical Sciences Multi-vector analysis of the market for drugs used to treat hepatitis C PDF
卷 3, 编号 1 (2021) Biomedical Sciences Dementia in elderly patients as a consequence of arterial hypertension: a literature review PDF
卷 2, 编号 4 (2020) Biomedical Sciences Modern aspects of myocardial infarction treatment in older patients PDF
卷 2, 编号 4 (2020) Biomedical Sciences Identification of actoprotective compounds among Krebs cycle acid/aminoethanol derivatives PDF
卷 2, 编号 4 (2020) Biomedical Sciences The aspects that describe the pre-clinical studies of aceclofenac, as an instrument of registration of a generic drug PDF
卷 2, 编号 4 (2020) Pharmaceutical Sciences Generalized data of criteria of risk factors for the use of the drug torasemide from the materials of its preclinical studies PDF
卷 2, 编号 4 (2020) Biological sciences Ensuring energy efficiency at pharmaceutical enterprises in the paradigm of reducing the technogenic load on the environment PDF
卷 2, 编号 4 (2020) Biomedical Sciences The benefits or harms of systemic corticosteroids for community-acquired pneumonia in adults: аn overview of reviews PDF
卷 2, 编号 4 (2020) Biomedical Sciences Development of the design of the preclinical trials of radiopharmaceuticals for the radionuclide diagnostics and therapy based on the AMBA peptide PDF
卷 2, 编号 4 (2020) Biomedical Sciences Search for the optimal mass profile of neuropeptides for the implementation of antihypoxic and activating actions PDF
卷 3, 编号 1 (2021) Biomedical Sciences 俄罗斯和俄罗斯联邦西北区肿瘤科活动客观评估系统的发展阶段 (恶性肿瘤患者发病率、死亡率、登记可靠性、年死亡率、中位存活期、观察存活率和相对存活率),第一部分。 PDF
卷 2, 编号 4 (2020) Biological sciences Prevention and treatment of cancer using so-called medicinal mushrooms raw materials: Criticism, facts, and perspectives PDF
卷 2, 编号 4 (2020) Biomedical Sciences Antipsychotics: from first to third generation PDF
卷 2, 编号 4 (2020) From the editor From the editorial Board PDF
卷 2, 编号 4 (2020) Heritage Adel Fedorovna Hammermann (1888–1978) PDF
卷 2, 编号 4 (2020) Information and Prevention Investigation of the antibacterial effectiveness of drinking water preparation using the “TYENT Water Ionizer” PDF
卷 2, 编号 4 (2020) Information and Prevention “Young pharmacy-the potential of the future” 2020: result of conference PDF
卷 2, 编号 4 (2020) News Unique archive of medical history scientific materials are already available!
卷 3, 编号 1 (2021) Biomedical Sciences 俄罗斯和俄罗斯联邦西北区肿瘤科客观评估系统的发展阶段 (恶性肿瘤患者发病率、死亡率、登记可靠性、年死亡率、中位生存期、观察存活率和相对存活率),第二部分。 PDF
卷 3, 编号 1 (2021) Heritage Pyotr Ivanovich Astrakhantsev: the first post-war director of the Leningrad Institute of Pharmacy PDF
卷 3, 编号 1 (2021) Heritage The role of scientists in the Department of Psychiatry at the S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy in the development of domestic narcology and pharmacological methods of treating this pathology PDF
卷 3, 编号 1 (2021) Biomedical Sciences Comparison of the therapeutic effectiveness of the drug Mucosat based on glycosaminoglycans in oral and parenteral dosage forms in the treatment of osteoarthritis PDF
卷 3, 编号 1 (2021) Pharmaceutical Sciences Docking of highly selective 5-HT2A/C receptor peptide ligands with antipsychotic activity PDF
卷 3, 编号 1 (2021) Biological sciences Inonotus rickii (瑞克纤孔菌) 提取物对肌肉收缩强度影响的评估 PDF
卷 3, 编号 1 (2021) Information and Prevention Medical gas supply systems in the context of a pandemic PDF
卷 3, 编号 1 (2021) Biological sciences Comparative bioelectronic diagnostics of the ecological state of contaminated water areas (on the example of some ducts of the Volga River Delta) PDF
卷 3, 编号 1 (2021) From the editor From the editor PDF
卷 3, 编号 1 (2021) Pharmaceutical Sciences The significance of the original characteristics of the active substance of injectable chondroitin sulfate preparations for intramuscular injections in the evidence-based medicine PDF
卷 3, 编号 2 (2021) Pharmaceutical Sciences Battery of tests for studying the adaptogenic effects of biologically active substances in preclinical trials PDF
卷 3, 编号 2 (2021) Biomedical Sciences State of the Russian Oncology Service: malignant neoplasms of the tongue C01, 02 (age-specific incidence rate, localization and histological structure) Part 1 PDF
卷 3, 编号 2 (2021) Biomedical Sciences State of the Russian Oncology Service: malignant neoplasms of the tongue C01, 02 (mortality rate and median survival of patients, taking into account the stage of the disease and histological structure of the tumor) Part 2 PDF
卷 3, 编号 2 (2021) Actual problems: discussion tribune Tumor growth – a modern view of pathogenesis and pharmacotherapy (lecture) PDF
卷 3, 编号 2 (2021) Pharmaceutical Sciences Regulatory framework and prospects for the implementation of the Electronic Prescription System in the Russian Federation PDF
卷 3, 编号 2 (2021) Information and Prevention Some aspects of pesticide contamination of medicinal plants PDF
卷 3, 编号 2 (2021) Pharmaceutical learning activit Socio-biological factors of increased morbidity risk in participants of educational process in higher education institutions related to the global epidemiological situation in 2020-2021 PDF
卷 3, 编号 2 (2021) Heritage Director Nikolai Vasilyevich Koshkin: the Institute has become Chemical and Pharmaceutical again PDF
卷 3, 编号 2 (2021) Pharmaceutical Sciences Foreign experience in veterinaryapplication of scintigraphy PDF
卷 3, 编号 2 (2021) Biological sciences Steroid hormones and their metabolites in water of centralized drinking water supply systems as ecopolutants PDF
卷 3, 编号 2 (2021) Biological sciences Personal protective equipment waste potentially infected with SARS-CoV-2 – a new global challenge for biological safety PDF
卷 3, 编号 1S (2021): Supplement From the editor From the editor PDF
卷 3, 编号 1S (2021): Supplement Вступительное слово Opening remarks PDF
卷 3, 编号 1S (2021): Supplement Вступительное слово Opening remarks PDF
卷 3, 编号 1S (2021): Supplement Пленарное заседание Approaches to training and supply of qualified personnel for radiation medicine facilities PDF
卷 3, 编号 1S (2021): Supplement Пленарное заседание Methods of biological waste management generated by patients PDF
卷 3, 编号 1S (2021): Supplement Пленарное заседание Review of the practice-based experience of radiopharmaceutical waste management in healthcare institutions PDF
卷 3, 编号 1S (2021): Supplement Пленарное заседание Epidemiology and survival rates of patients with malignant tumors in the Russian Federation PDF
卷 3, 编号 1S (2021): Supplement Пленарное заседание Prospective directions and problems of ensuring Radiation Safety in Radiation Medicine PDF
卷 3, 编号 1S (2021): Supplement Пленарное заседание Radiation Medicine: Past and Present PDF
卷 3, 编号 1S (2021): Supplement Пленарное заседание Practical experience in reactor and cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals production at the V.G. Khlopin Radium Institute PDF
卷 3, 编号 1S (2021): Supplement Пленарное заседание Quality control management in the production of radiopharmaceuticals at the A.M. Granov Russian Scientific Centre for Radiology and Surgical Technologies PDF
卷 3, 编号 1S (2021): Supplement Пленарное заседание Science research experience in the use of radiopharmaceuticals at the N.N. Petrov NMRC of Oncology PDF
卷 3, 编号 1S (2021): Supplement Дискуссионная сессия FATTY LIVER DYSTROPHY MODELING BY USING STRONTIUM SULFATE PDF
卷 3, 编号 1S (2021): Supplement Дискуссионная сессия Application of the Environmental Safety terms and definitions in pharmaceutical organizations PDF
卷 3, 编号 1S (2021): Supplement Дискуссионная сессия Development of the environmentally safe habitat based on local life-support systems PDF
卷 3, 编号 1S (2021): Supplement Дискуссионная сессия Ecotecture of the extreme Arctic environment PDF
卷 3, 编号 1S (2021): Supplement Приветствие Greeting PDF
卷 3, 编号 1S (2021): Supplement Приветствие Greeting PDF
卷 3, 编号 1S (2021): Supplement Приветствие Greeting PDF
卷 3, 编号 1S (2021): Supplement Приветствие Greeting PDF
卷 3, 编号 2 (2021) Biomedical Sciences Effect of organophosphorus compounds on the external respiratory functionin rats during intratracheal andintraperitonealadministration PDF
卷 3, 编号 1S (2021): Supplement Решение The decision of the scientific and practical conference " Environmental Protection. Assessment of environmental risks in the handling of radiopharmaceutical drug waste" PDF
卷 3, 编号 2 (2021) From the editor From the editor PDF
卷 3, 编号 3 (2021) Biomedical Sciences State of the Russian Oncology Service: esophageal cancer. Population-based study at the federal district level. Part I. Morbidity and mortality rates, accuracy index, annual mortality PDF
卷 3, 编号 2 (2021) Announcement CORRIGENDUM TO: [Pharmacy Formulas. - 2021. - Vol. 3. - N. 1. - P. 66-75. doi: 10.17816/phf60598] PDF
卷 3, 编号 3 (2021) Biomedical Sciences State of the Russian Oncology Service: esophageal cancer. Population-based study at the federal district level. Part II. Median survival, observed and relative survival of patients considering disease stage and histological structure of tumors PDF
卷 3, 编号 3 (2021) Pharmaceutical Sciences Obtaining and research of pharmaceutical properties of antiemetics in a form of powder for inhalation PDF
卷 3, 编号 3 (2021) Pharmaceutical Sciences Investigation of the properties and activity of DfCas9 and DsCas9 nucleases in eucaryotic cells PDF
卷 3, 编号 3 (2021) Biological sciences Preliminary evaluation of patient radiation doses during radionuclide diagnostic with monoclonal antibodies labeled with 89Zr PDF
卷 3, 编号 3 (2021) Actual problems: discussion tribune Interactomics and personalized pharmacotherapy – present and looking to the future PDF
卷 3, 编号 3 (2021) Heritage Viktor Nikolaevich Ivanov: the Director of the Leningrad Institute of Chemistry and Pharmacy in the 1950s PDF
卷 3, 编号 4 (2021) Biomedical Sciences State of the Russian Oncology Service: lip cancer. Population-based study at the federal district level. Part I. Incidence rate, annual mortality rate, localization and histological structure PDF
卷 3, 编号 4 (2021) Biomedical Sciences State of the Russian Oncology Service: lip cancer. Population-based study at the federal district level. Part II. Survival of patients, median of survival, survival of patients taking into account the localization, histological structure and disease stage PDF
卷 3, 编号 3 (2021) Pharmaceutical learning activit Development of professional standards in the area of medical and biological waste management for workers of 3-4 skill levels PDF
卷 3, 编号 3 (2021) Actual problems: discussion tribune The role of society in public administration in the field of environmental protection. Global problems of our time. Part I PDF
卷 3, 编号 3 (2021) From the editor From the editor PDF
卷 3, 编号 4 (2021) Actual problems: discussion tribune Biodizine as a civilizational challenge of modern pharmaceuticals PDF
卷 3, 编号 4 (2021) Pharmaceutical Sciences Applications of chitosan as a polymer carrier for increasing the drugs’ bioavailability PDF
卷 3, 编号 4 (2021) Biological sciences Problems of solid radioactive waste management on the example of the radioactive isotope 14C PDF
卷 3, 编号 4 (2021) Biological sciences Supergroups of eukaryotes through a biotechnologist’s look. The system of eukaryotes and the need for a taxonomic/biotechnological interface PDF
卷 3, 编号 4 (2021) Pharmaceutical Sciences Information technologies in the analysis of pharmaceutical personnel security PDF
卷 4, 编号 1 (2022) Biomedical Sciences Prevalence and survival of patients with malignant tumors of the thymus gland (C37) (population study at the federal district level) PDF
卷 3, 编号 4 (2021) Actual problems: discussion tribune The use of Mexidol-Vet® against the background of ultraviolet and gamma irradiation in rats PDF
卷 3, 编号 4 (2021) Actual problems: discussion tribune Ecotoxicological assessment of waste and soil cover of anthropogenic polluted territories using biotest systems PDF
卷 3, 编号 4 (2021) Biomedical Sciences Development of the emulsion composition and technology based on iron oleate micelles PDF
卷 3, 编号 4 (2021) Actual problems: discussion tribune Current issues in clinical trials of radiopharmaceutical drugs at the present stage of nuclear medicine development PDF
卷 3, 编号 4 (2021) Heritage The formation of the SPSUVM Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology PDF
卷 4, 编号 1 (2022) Actual problems: discussion tribune Environmental risks of the tetracycline micro pollution PDF
卷 3, 编号 4 (2021) Pharmaceutical learning activit A roadmap for the development of “Training system of specialists for nuclear medicine facilities at the Saint Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University” PDF
卷 3, 编号 4 (2021) From the editor FROM THE EDITOR PDF
卷 3, 编号 4 (2021) Information and Prevention Current aspects of the preclinical studies development for the pharmaceutical industry of the Eurasian Economic Union PDF
卷 3, 编号 4 (2021) Information and Prevention Arctic as a radiation zone: problems and solutions PDF
卷 4, 编号 1 (2022) Pharmaceutical Sciences Pharmacological potential of ligands to receptors of RF-amide neuropeptide system PDF
卷 4, 编号 1 (2022) Biomedical Sciences Assessment of human health and modern laboratory tests PDF
卷 4, 编号 1 (2022) Biological sciences Approaches to radiation situation assessment and prediction in the Baltic Sea PDF
卷 4, 编号 1 (2022) Biological sciences Microbiological analysis of the quality of tap and filtered water in St. Petersburg, taking into account modern requirements PDF
卷 4, 编号 1 (2022) Biological sciences Biotesting methods for the detection of drugs in the aquatic environment PDF
卷 4, 编号 1 (2022) Pharmaceutical Sciences Historical aspects of legal regulation of pharmacy as structural units of large organizations PDF
卷 4, 编号 1 (2022) Heritage Igor Narkevich. To be continued… PDF
卷 4, 编号 3 (2022) Pharmaceutical Sciences Phyto-stimulating activity of the paracetamol-containing waste biodestruction product PDF
卷 4, 编号 3 (2022) Biomedical Sciences Morbidity, mortality, reliability of accounting, survival of patients with malignant neoplasms (ZNO) in Russia. The impact of the SARS-CoV-2-betacoronavirus coronavirus epidemic (population study at the federal district level) PDF
卷 4, 编号 3 (2022) Biomedical Sciences Aspects of the problem of clinical trials of modern targeted radiopharmaceuticals PDF
卷 4, 编号 3 (2022) Biological sciences Microbiological analysis of spring water in the Leningrad region PDF
卷 4, 编号 3 (2022) Information and Prevention Water and its importance for human life and health PDF
卷 4, 编号 3 (2022) Information and Prevention Formation of water behavior as an element of lifestyle PDF
卷 4, 编号 3 (2022) Pharmaceutical learning activit Latest technologies of diagnostics and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system PDF
卷 4, 编号 3 (2022) Actual problems: discussion tribune Molecular mechanisms of transport of substances across the blood-brain barrie as targets for pharmacological action. Part 2. Modern methods of delivery of pharmacological agents to the central nervous system PDF
卷 4, 编号 3 (2022) Heritage Joseph Afroimovich Sterin PDF
卷 4, 编号 4 (2022) Pharmaceutical Sciences On the conceptual project of an environmental management system at a pharmaceutical biotechnology enterprise PDF
卷 4, 编号 4 (2022) Biomedical Sciences Molecular mechanisms of cell functioning in norm and pathology PDF
卷 4, 编号 4 (2022) Biological sciences Padevyj toxidrome bee, causes and prevention PDF
卷 4, 编号 4 (2022) Biological sciences Taste sensations: the role of sensory analysis in controlling the quality of food products PDF
卷 4, 编号 4 (2022) Biological sciences Criticism and bibliography: Zmitrovich I. V., Perelygin V. V., Zharikov M. V. Nomenclature and rank correlation of higher taxa of eukaryotes. Мoscow: INFRA-M, 2022. 183 p. ISBN 978-5-16-018531-6. (Book series “Folia Cryptogamica Petropolitana”. № 8) PDF
卷 4, 编号 4 (2022) Biological sciences Review of the monograph Zmitrovich I. V., Perelygin V. V., Zharikov M. V. Nomenclature and rank correlation of higher taxa of eukaryotes. Мoscow: INFRA-M, 2022. 183 p. ISBN 978-5-16-018531-6. (Book series “Folia Cryptogamica Petropolitana”. № 8) PDF
卷 4, 编号 4 (2022) Pharmaceutical learning activit Modern technologies for the diagnostics and treatment of hearing diseases (Lecture for pharmacists - in the field of training 38.03.07 “Commodity science”) PDF
卷 4, 编号 4 (2022) Actual problems: discussion tribune Approaches to the Development of Beekeeping on Post-Agricultural Lands in the North-West Federal District of the Russian Federation PDF
卷 4, 编号 4 (2022) Heritage To the 80th anniversary of Professor Thomas Cavalier-Smith (1942–2021) PDF
卷 4, 编号 2 (2022) Pharmaceutical Sciences Evaluation of the effect of Cassia fistula L. extracts on the muscle contraction intensity using an ex vivo model PDF
卷 4, 编号 2 (2022) Pharmaceutical Sciences Cardiac arrhythmias and conduction disorders in acute poisoning with cardiotoxic substances PDF
卷 4, 编号 2 (2022) Biomedical Sciences Smoking and lung cancer (clinical and epidemiological study) PDF
卷 4, 编号 2 (2022) Biological sciences Monitoring of the safety of plant-based feed by the content of ecotoxicants PDF
卷 4, 编号 2 (2022) Biological sciences Ensuring food safety in use antimicrobial veterinary drugs in agriculture PDF
卷 4, 编号 2 (2022) Actual problems: discussion tribune Molecular mechanisms of molecular transfer across the blood-brain barrier as a target for pharmacological action. Part 1. Structure, function and pathology of the BBB PDF
卷 4, 编号 2 (2022) Heritage The life path of A. M. Khaletsky PDF
卷 5, 编号 2 (2023) Pharmaceutical Sciences Aspects of law enforcement practice of pharmacy organizations of maternity hospitals PDF
卷 5, 编号 2 (2023) Biomedical Sciences State of oncological care in Russia: age and cancer. Features of the localization structure, quality of recording, and survival of young adults with malignant neoplasms (clinical-population study). Part 2 PDF
卷 5, 编号 2 (2023) Biomedical Sciences State of cancer care in Russia: Age and cancer. Features of localization structure, quality of recording, and survival of middle-aged patients with CNS tumors (a clinical-population study). Part 3 PDF
卷 5, 编号 2 (2023) Biological sciences Clinical studies of the repellent efficacy of Bars® veterinary drugs in the farms of the Ararat marz of Armenia PDF
卷 5, 编号 2 (2023) Actual problems: discussion tribune Antimicrobial activity of probiotic strain Enterococcus faecium 1-35 PDF
卷 5, 编号 2 (2023) Actual problems: discussion tribune Microflora of hatching eggs and ways of its formation PDF
卷 5, 编号 2 (2023) Actual problems: discussion tribune Detection of the pesticide glyphosate in feed and ways to reduce its content for poultry PDF
卷 5, 编号 2 (2023) Heritage Leonid Arkadyevich Loshakov: «Knowledge is priceless. Verified» PDF
卷 5, 编号 1 (2023) Pharmaceutical Sciences Candidiasis: the problem of finding new etiotropic drugs among organic synthesis products PDF
卷 5, 编号 1 (2023) Biomedical Sciences The state of cancer care in Russia: age and cancer. Features of the localization structure of the quality of accounting and survival of patients with malignant tumors among the child population, adolescents and young adults in Russia (clinical and population study). Part 1 PDF
卷 5, 编号 1 (2023) Biological sciences The Majestic Landscape of the Eukaryotic Megasystematics PDF
卷 5, 编号 1 (2023) Pharmaceutical learning activit Modern technologies for diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases PDF
卷 5, 编号 1 (2023) Information and Prevention New horizons: the company “NIREX” in pursuit of success and development PDF
卷 5, 编号 1 (2023) Heritage Alexander Georgievich Egorov was the rector of Leningrad Chemical-Pharmaceutical Institute from 1958 to 1972 PDF
卷 5, 编号 3 (2023) Pharmaceutical Sciences Studying the therapeutic effectiveness of a new complex drug in poultry farming PDF
卷 5, 编号 3 (2023) Biomedical Sciences The state of cancer care in Russia: age and cancer. Features of localization structure, quality of accounting and survival of elderly patients with ZNO (population study). Part 4 PDF
卷 5, 编号 3 (2023) Biomedical Sciences Standard sample as an obligatory element in the diagnosis of poisoning by toxic substances PDF
卷 5, 编号 3 (2023) Biological sciences Domain Archaea – system overview, metabolism, biotechnological potential PDF
卷 5, 编号 3 (2023) Biological sciences Correction of piglets’ immune status during critical growing periods PDF
卷 5, 编号 3 (2023) Heritage About the first head of the Department of Economics and Management, Professor Lin Alexander Alekseevich PDF
卷 5, 编号 4 (2023) Pharmaceutical Sciences The antiarrhythmic activity of amino acid-containing derivatives of 1,4-naphthoquinone PDF
卷 5, 编号 4 (2023) Biomedical Sciences The state of cancer care in Russia: age and cancer. Features of the localization structure, quality of accounting and survival of patients with malignant neoplasms of senile age and centenarians (population study). Part 5 PDF
卷 5, 编号 4 (2023) Biological sciences Glucans and heteroglycans of fungi and their potential in cancer immunotherapy PDF
卷 5, 编号 4 (2023) Actual problems: discussion tribune The influence of short-term heating on the activity of amylolytic enzymes in honey PDF
卷 5, 编号 4 (2023) Actual problems: discussion tribune Microbiological studies of juniper extract to determine sensitivity to strains of microorganisms PDF
卷 5, 编号 4 (2023) Heritage Life path of Leonid Vasilyevich Dmitrenko PDF
卷 5, 编号 4 (2023) Heritage Half a Century in Service: Professor Leonid Gerasimovich Marchenko (1941–2019) PDF
卷 6, 编号 1 (2024) Pharmaceutical Sciences Analysis of the effectiveness of a new antimicrobial agent for disinfection in veterinary practice PDF
卷 6, 编号 1 (2024) Biomedical Sciences The State of Oncology Care in Russia: Localization Structure Features, Quality of Recording, and Survival of Cancer Patients in the Major Age Groups of the Population (population study). Part 6 PDF
卷 6, 编号 1 (2024) Biomedical Sciences The state of cancer care in Russia: liver cancer – (C22). Age-related characteristics of morbidity and mortality, quality of registration, effectiveness of patient treatment. (clinical population study). Part 1 PDF
卷 6, 编号 1 (2024) Biological sciences The study of indicators of authenticity and goodness of flowers of narrow-leaved lavender (Lavandula angustifolia L.) PDF
卷 6, 编号 1 (2024) Pharmaceutical learning activit Organization of storage of various groups of medicines in pharmacy organizations PDF
卷 6, 编号 1 (2024) Heritage A scientist and a world-class personality: Nikolai Petrovich Elinov (1928–2017) PDF
卷 6, 编号 1 (2024) Heritage Life Path of Professor Elena Pavlovna Yakovleva (1938–2023) PDF
卷 6, 编号 2 (2024) Pharmaceutical Sciences Aspects of microbiological monitoring of the production environment in pharmaceutical and biotechnological manufacturing PDF
卷 6, 编号 2 (2024) Biomedical Sciences The state of oncological care in Russia: liver cancer (C22). Age-specific characteristics of observed and relative one-year and five-year survival rates of patients (clinical-population study). Part 2 PDF
卷 6, 编号 2 (2024) Biological sciences Chitin/chitosan: bioresources, applications field, production technologies PDF
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卷 6, 编号 2 (2024) Heritage To the 95th anniversary of the birth of Professor Susanna Alexandrovna Minina (1929–2018) PDF
卷 6, 编号 2 (2024) Heritage “A brilliant teacher and popularizer”: Professor Pavel Nikolaevich Kashkin (1902–1991) PDF
