Prospective directions and problems of ensuring Radiation Safety in Radiation Medicine

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The development of Radiation Medicine in the Russian Federation has resulted in the necessity to improve the regulatory and methodological support for ensuring Radiation Safety. Following the introduction of new diagnostics and therapy methods into practice, as well as the use of new radiopharmaceuticals, the actualization of radiation monitoring methods and the provision of radiological protection for patients, personnel and the public have become the most urgent tasks.

Radionuclide therapy with new radiopharmaceuticals, which can be used in the day patient departments, is one of the promising directions in the development of Russian Radiation Medicine. The main tasks of ensuring Radiation Safety in the departments of radionuclide therapy are the regulation of radioactive waste management, the development of discharge criteria after the administration of radiopharmaceuticals and methods for Internal Dosimetry.

About the authors

Larisa A. Chipiga

P.V. Ramazaev Saint Petersburg Research Institute of Radiation Hygiene; A.M. Granov Russian Scientific Centre for Radiology and Surgical Technologies; Almazov National Medical Research Centre

Author for correspondence.

Ph.D. in Engineering Sciences, Researcher at the laboratory of radiation hygiene of medical organizations, Researcher, docent

Russian Federation, 8 Mira street, Saint Petersburg, 197101; 197758, Saint Petersburg, Pesochny settlement, Leningradskaya str., 70; 197341, Saint Petersburg, akkuratova str., 2


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