Pharmacists in the system of pediatric palliative care: international practice and prospects in Russia

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Improvement of the palliative care system is one of the development priorities of health care system in Russia, as well as all around the world. This work represents the review of scientific literature dedicated to evaluation of the pharmaceutical staff as a member of interdisciplinary team providing palliative care for children.

The major improvement priorities of drug provision of children in need of palliative care, including the area of drugs’ range, inventory management, compounding pharmacies activity, pharmaceutical information and counseling, were set up on the basis of the comparative analysis of Russian and international pharmaceutical practices.

About the authors

Igor A. Narkevich

Saint-Petersburg Chemical-Pharmaceutical University, St. Petersburg

Author for correspondence.
SPIN-code: 2992-8878
Scopus Author ID: 614918

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor, rector

Russian Federation, 197376, St. Petersburg, Professora Popova st., 14

Oksana D. Nemyatykh

Saint-Petersburg Chemical-Pharmaceutical University, St. Petersburg

SPIN-code: 9179-3790
Scopus Author ID: 861755

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Scienc-es, Professor, Department of Management and Economics of Pharmacy,

Russian Federation, 197376, St. Petersburg, Professora Popova st., 14

Daria M. Medvedeva

Saint-Petersburg Chemical-Pharmaceutical University, St. Petersburg

SPIN-code: 6729-3035
Scopus Author ID: 1003156

Assistant, Department of Management and Econom-ics of Pharmacy

Russian Federation, 197376, St. Petersburg, Professora Popova st., 14


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Copyright (c) 2019 Narkevich I.A., Nemyatykh O.D., Medvedeva D.M.

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