To the 95th anniversary of the birth of Professor Susanna Alexandrovna Minina (1929–2018)

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This essay is dedicated to Professor Susanna Alexandrovna Minina, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences – an outstanding scholar, gifted educator, and remarkable individual. Professor Minina’s career was inextricably linked with the St. Petersburg State Chemical-Pharmaceutical University. The essay includes her reminiscences about studying and working at the Leningrad Chemical-Pharmaceutical Institute from 1948 to 1968. It was here that Professor Minina was a student, later becoming a faculty member, and eventually heading the Department of Drug and Phytopreparation Technology from 1968 to 1994. She is the author of over 350 scientific publications, 31 author’s certificates, and 5 patents, as well as 36 methodological works. Susanna Alexandrovna Minina made a significant contribution to training scientific personnel. Under her supervision, 40 candidates successfully defended their dissertations, and she served as a scientific consultant for two doctoral dissertations. Her students and followers pursue successful professional careers not only in Russia but also abroad. Professor Minina’s primary research focused on developing phytopreparation technologies and creating dosage forms based on synthetic and natural substances. The results of her research have been implemented in industrial regulations for drug production, currently utilized in the pharmaceutical industry. Susanna Alexandrovna Minina’s scientific and pedagogical achievements have been recognized with governmental awards, including the “Excellent Worker in Healthcare” and “Excellent Worker in Medical and Microbiological Industry of the USSR” distinctions. She was also awarded a diploma and a gold honorary medal from the Academy of Natural Sciences “For Practical Contribution to Strengthening the Nation’s Health.” We express our sincere gratitude to Alexander Borisovich Zaputryaev, Susanna Alexandrovna’s son, for his assistance in compiling archival materials provided from the family archive.

About the authors

Irina E. Kaukhova

Saint Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University


D.Sc. in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Industrial Drug Technology 

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Alexey L. Marchenko

Saint Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University


PhD. in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Industrial Drug Technology

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Nadezhda S. Pivovarova

Saint Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University

Author for correspondence.

PhD. in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Industrial Drug Technology

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig.1

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3. Fig. 1. Susanna Alexandrova Minina

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4. Fig. 2. Alexander Petrovich Minin (1897–1960)

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5. Fig. 3. Boris Alexandrovich Zaputryaev (1918–1996)

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6. Fig. 4. 5th year of the Faculty of Technology of the LHFI, dormitory room № 30 academic gr. 180, 1953 (from left to right: Lena Mezen tseva, Luisa Kokovnina, Elena Rozova, Evdokia Izgoryeva, Susanna Minina)

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7. Fig. 5. Defense of the candidate’s thesis in 1961

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8. Fig. 6. Title pages of abstracts of S. A. Minina for the degrees of Candidate and Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences

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9. Fig. 7. Meeting of the Department of Technology of Medicines and phytopreparations

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10. Fig. 8. S. A. Minina in his office of the head of the department

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11. Fig. 9. Textbook “Chemistry and technology of phytopreparations”. Authors: Minina S. A., Kaukhova I. E. GEOTAR-Media Publishing House, 2009

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12. Fig. 10. Collection of abstracts of dissertations written under the guidance of S. A. Minina

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13. Fig. 11. Exhibition of achievements of the national economy of the USSR

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