Detection of the pesticide glyphosate in feed and ways to reduce its content for poultry

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The study considers a way to reduce the content of glyphosate in the gastrointestinal tract of birds using specially selected strains of bacteria as a probiotic. The widespread use of glyphosate, especially in connection with the introduction of GMO-resistant crops on the market, leads to its widespread accumulation in plant feeds, as well as in food consumed by humans. The public is becoming increasingly concerned about the safety of glyphosate, especially in the context of its chronic effects on humans through food — and their alarm is confirmed by the results of a toxicological assessment. The paper analyzes the content of glyphosate in poultry feed samples and suggests a way to reduce the effect of glyphosate on the poultry body by using industrial probiotics. Special strains of probiotics with the property of biotransformation have been studied.

About the authors

Veronika Hr. Melikidi

Volgograd State Agrarian University; BIOTROPH Ltd

Author for correspondence.
SPIN-code: 9799-8818

Postgraduate student, leading biotechnologist

Russian Federation, Volgograd; Saint Petersburg, Pushkin

Tyurina G. Tyurina


SPIN-code: 9917-5118

Candidate of Economics. PhD, Deputy Director

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Pushkin

Georgy Yu. Laptev

BIOTROPH Ltd; Saint Petersburg State Agrarian University

SPIN-code: 3600-5295

Doctor of Biological Science, head of department “Biotechnology of feed”, Director of BIOTROPH Ltd

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Pushkin; Saint Petersburg, Pushkin


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Change in glyphosate concentration after 2 days of incubation with Enterococcus faecium 1-35, Bacillus subtilis 1-85 and Bacillus megaterium-4801 bacteria, respectively

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