Environmental risks of the tetracycline micro pollution

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Review of environmental risks related to the use of tetracycline. Microcontamination with tetracycline has both medical risks associated with the manifestation of antibiotic resistance in bacterial communities, and environmental risks associated with changes in the transformation of the substance in ecosystems and the impact on biodiversity by inhibiting certain species of plants, animals and microorganisms.

Microcontamination with tetracycline antibiotics entails a number of environmental risks. Due to their widespread use, the spread of tetracycline antibiotics in the environment is global. The influence of tetracycline is observed in many objects. The distribution of tetracycline is facilitated by veterinary use, both directly and through the use of animal waste as fertilizer for crops and pastures.

As a result of the study, the following possible environmental consequences of tetracycline micropollution of the environment were revealed:

  1. violation of the work of bacteria included in the bacterial complex of activated sludge at treatment facilities using this technology, as well as during composting and affecting denitrification processes;
  2. impact on soil microbial communities by suppressing a number of biodegradation processes of the substance and changing the biodiversity of microorganisms;
  3. the risks of micropollution of plant communities with tetracycline supplied with organic fertilizers were associated with the inhibition of a number of root nutrition processes, species-specific for different crops;
  4. micro-pollution of marine communities with tetracycline is associated primarily with the effect on producers – algae and cyanobacteria, inhibiting their growth, secondly, to subsequent food chains through bioaccumulation in vertebrate tissues;
  5. the toxic effect of small doses of tetracycline from the soil on certain types of invertebrates was shown.

About the authors

Sergey Paramonov

Saint Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University

Author for correspondence.
Email: sergei.paramonov@pharminnotech.com
SPIN-code: 1302-0720

Ph.D of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor at the In-dustrial  Ecology  Department

Russian Federation, Санкт-Петербург

Daria D. Zelikova

Санкт-Петербургский государственный химико-фармацевтический университет Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации

Email: darya.zelikova@spcpu.ru


Russian Federation, Санкт-Петербург

Lyudmila V. Sklyarova

Saint Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University

Email: sklyarova.lyudmila@spcpu.ru

Master Student

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Inna M. Alkhutova

Saint Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University

Email: inna.drachkova@spcpu.ru

Master Student

Russian Federation, Санкт-Петербург


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Geographical representation of tetracycline resistance genes in the aquatic environment [33]

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