Modern polymers in prolonged release tablet technology

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Currently, the delivery systems of second and third generation are of particular interest among pharmaceutical forms. Second generation pharmaceutical forms include systems with prolonged release of the active substance, third generation pharmaceutical forms include systems with controlled release. A slow continuous release of a medicinal substance may be achieved by using special excipients or by using special technologies.

For the production of tablets with prolonged release, the most common are special excipients, namely, polymers and their compositions.

The use of polymers as carriers of pharmaceutical substances used to program the kinetic frequency and location of the release is known since the middle of XX century [9]. To date, significant progress has been made in the use of polymers to prolong the release: the influence and interaction of polymers and drugs have been studied, the mechanisms of drug release have been studied, ways of programming release kinetics using various properties of polymers, etc.

In the article the modern state in the field of technology of tablets with prolonged release is considered. Advantages of prolonged release, mathematical models for description of drug forms with prolonged release are described. Technologies of tablets with prolonged release, types of delivery systems and mechanisms of release of an active pharmaceutical ingredient are considered.

The article presents modern polymers that are used in the technology of tablets with prolonged release. The classification of polymers in relation to water and to physiological liquids is presented.

About the authors

Julia M. Kotsur

Saint-Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University

Author for correspondence.

Postgraduate 2-year the Department of Technology of dosage forms, scientist of the GMP training-center, assistant of the Department of Technology of dosage forms

Russian Federation, 197376, St. Petersburg, Professor Popov, house 14, lit. A

Elena V. Flisyuk

Saint-Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University

SPIN-code: 2585-2359

D.Sc. in  Pharmaceutical  Sciences,  Professor,  Head  of  the  De-partment  of  Technology  for  Dosage  Forms,  Vice  Rector  for  Research

Russian Federation, 197376, St. Petersburg, Professor Popov, house 14, lit. A


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