Cariprazine is a modern antipsychotic with a favorable neuroendocrine profile

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This article provides an overview of the causes and mechanisms of drug hyperprolactinemia (GP) associated with the use of antipsychotics, and describes its main clinical symptoms. The most probable factors of the high frequency of GP development that persists to date when using antipsychotics in the practice of a psychiatrist are considered. Modern methods of its prevention and correction developed by domestic and foreign researchers are presented. Emphasis is placed on the importance and necessity of careful collection of the patient's medical history, laboratory and instrumental examination, monitoring of the dynamics of hormonal indicators, correct choice of therapeutic tactics for the prevention of GP and its timely relief. The neuroendocrine profile of the latest generation of antipsychotics is considered. Special attention is paid to the partial agonist of D-2, D3-dopamine receptors – cariprazine. Based on the review of recent clinical studies, the possibilities of its use in clinical practice are considered in detail, and the neuroendocrine profile of the drug is presented. The prospects of its use as a corrector of GP associated with the treatment of mental disorders with other antipsychotics are evaluated.

About the authors

Igor V. Dorovskikh

1586 Military Clinical Hospital, Podolsk, Podolsk, Russia

Author for correspondence.

Doctor of Medicine (MD), Professor, Head of the psychiatric Department

Russian Federation, 142110, Московская обл., г. Подольск, ул. Маштакова, д. 4

Tatyana A. Pavlova

1586 Military Clinical Hospital, Podolsk, Podolsk, Russia

SPIN-code: 9060-4015


Russian Federation, 142110, Московская обл., г. Подольск, ул. Маштакова, д. 4

Julia M. Scheidegger

Serbsky Federal Medical Research Centre for Psychiatry and Addiction, Moscow, Russia

SPIN-code: 3251-3805

junior researcher, Serbsky Federal Medical Research

Russian Federation, 119991, Москва, Малый Кропоткинский пер., 23


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Copyright (c) 2020 Dorovskikh I.V., Pavlova T.A., Scheidegger J.M.

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