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Issue Section Title File
No 1 (2023) Articles Verevochnaya or Covidnaya Istoriya: Desemantization of the Word Istoria in Different Discourse Types
No 1 (2023) Articles Khlebo, Kresto and Payoko in Arkhangel’sk Dialects: Are they Conditioned by Phonetics?
No 1 (2023) Articles Paralanguage in Natural Language Texts
No 1 (2023) Articles The Uppercase Rule as a Peripheral Zone of Russian Orthography
No 1 (2023) Articles On Some of Unsolved Modern Punctuation Issues
No 1 (2023) Articles The History of Spelling Prefixes with -z, -s in the Pre-reform Period
No 1 (2023) Articles Mythopoetic Space of Banya in Poems of B. A. Slutsky and V. S. Vysotsky
No 1 (2023) Articles The Reminiscence of the Periphrasis “On the Banks of the Neva” in the Memoirs of Irina Odoevtseva
No 2 (2023) Articles “Regional Linguobotanical Dictionary with Ethnocultural Data” as a Source for Creating a Galery of Phytoportraits and Fitosketches
No 2 (2023) Articles Is There a Phenomenon of Colloquial Stress?
No 2 (2023) Articles Phraseological Units From Orthoepic Point of View: Stress Variation and Norm Change
No 2 (2023) Articles Ya Oru s Tebya (“I Yell of You”): A New Guise of a Well-known Verb
No 2 (2023) Articles What Has Changed Za Eti Paru Desyatkov Let (‘Over These Two Couples of Decades’) in the Agreement
No 2 (2023) Articles Blogery Takie Blogery (Bloggers Are Such Bloggers), Or about a New Phraseoscheme in Russian
No 2 (2023) Articles “Shchyogol” and “Shchap” in Russian Folklore
No 2 (2023) Articles The Image of an Ideal Russian Official Reflected in the Legislative Language and National Culture
No 2 (2023) Articles ‘Blagorastvoreniye’: Ancient Natural Philosophy in the Church Slavonic Hymnography
No 2 (2023) Articles On the Poem by Boris Slutsky “They shot Van’ka, the platoon commander…”. Problems of Understanding
No 3 (2023) Articles On the Principles of Compiling Normative Dictionaries of Standard
No 3 (2023) Articles A Forgotten Idiom with the Meaning of Measure and Degree
No 3 (2023) Articles Muzhnyaa Zhena and Divo Divnoe: From the History of Pleonastic Combinations in Russian Language
No 3 (2023) Articles Jester Names: Lubok Characters Farnos, Gonos and Yeralash
No 3 (2023) Articles Rukoprikladstvo (‘Manhandling’): from ‘Handwritten Signature’ to ‘Beating’
No 3 (2023) Articles Father and His Family (Genre Originality of L. Petrushevskaya’s Story “The New Robinsons”, 1989)
No 3 (2023) Articles Quoting as a Reflection Technique in K. D. Vorobyov's Novella “Here Comes the Giant…”
No 3 (2023) Articles “They Don’t Choose the Times...”: an Essay on the Alexander Kushner’s Doxa and Paradoxes (Idiomatics and Ideology)
No 3 (2023) Articles Transmutation as a Tool of Dramatic Text Interpretation
No 4 (2023) Articles The Pronunciation of Consonants Before the Letter e in the Words of Foreign Origin
No 4 (2023) Articles On the Semantics of Russian Verbal Circumfixes
No 4 (2023) Articles Dialect Representation in the Elderly Native Speakers’ Mind on the Territory of the Ilmen Lake District
No 4 (2023) Articles Carnivalisation in the Vocabulary of Modern Russian and Chinese Languages
No 4 (2023) Articles Zemlya: Linguistic and Cultural Semantics
No 4 (2023) Articles Ragtime with Jazz Variations: A Novel by E. L. Doctorow Translated by Vasily Aksenov
No 4 (2023) Articles Features of Epithets in K. M. Simonov's Poetry: Grammatical and Semantic Transformations
No 4 (2023) Articles Functioning of Comparative Tropes in E. Vodolazkin’s Novel “Chagin”
No 4 (2023) Articles The Language of Time Images: yolkfri, zauzhaizing, tiktoker, khaipozhor... (On “A Dictionary of 2017–2018 Changes”)
No 5 (2023) Articles The Ways of Keeping Gender Ambiguity of Characters in Translation from English into Russian
No 5 (2023) Articles Pragmatic Category of Person in the Theory of Personal Names
No 5 (2023) Articles Kstati (For Good Measure), Which is Not always a Good Measure: the Specifics of the Use of the Unit in Modern Oral Everyday Speech
No 5 (2023) Articles Comparative Construction “Kak Griazi” (Dime a Dozen, Lit. Like Dirt) in Diachronic Aspect
No 5 (2023) Articles The Old Russian Theta and a Novgorodian Talmud
No 5 (2023) Articles Concept “Document” in the Speech of Peasants (Based on the Materials of the Tomsk Dialect Corpus)
No 5 (2023) Articles Pulpety and How to Eat Them: To the Word’s History
No 5 (2023) Articles Chichikov: The Name of the Main Character of “Dead Souls”
No 5 (2023) Articles Polyptoton in Pushkin’s Lyrics
No 5 (2023) Articles Light-Blue Horse of Nikolai Gogol's Nozdryov: Color Terms and Equine Coat Colors
No 1 (2024) Issues of Modern Russian Language Experimental Study of Lexical Choice Situation (on the Material of the Constructions otkryvat’ butylku ‘open a bottle’ and otkuporivat’ butylku ‘uncork a bottle’)
No 1 (2024) Issues of Modern Russian Language There’s Less Jakan’je Here (Unstressed Vowel Systems of Two Neighbouring Tambov Dialects)
No 1 (2024) Issues of Modern Russian Language How is a Generically Personal Statement Born?
No 1 (2024) Issues of Modern Russian Language Fresh or not Fresh?” (Linguistic Portraying of the Word Фреш (Fresh) in Modern Journalistic Discourse)
No 1 (2024) From the History of the Russian Language Bish’: Bayat’ or Byt’? About the Origin of One Particle
No 1 (2024) From the History of the Russian Language The First Stage of Russian Scientific Terminology Formation: The Predecessors of M. V. Lomonosov
No 1 (2024) The Language of Fiction Lexic-semantic Representation of the Image of the Caucasus in the Works of M. Yu. Lermontov
No 1 (2024) The Language of Fiction Sound Metaphors in Vera Bogdanova’s novel The Season of Poisoned Fruit
No 1 (2024) The Language of Fiction Period in L. N. Tolstoy’s Novel “War and Peace”
No 1 (2024) Science and Persons In memory of Alexander Anatolyevich Sokolyansky
No 2 (2024) Issues of Modern Russian Language Santa-Barbara: Semantic Transformations in the Russian Linguistic Culture
No 2 (2024) Issues of Modern Russian Language Alien in Its Own: Borrowings in the New Russian Phraseology
No 2 (2024) Issues of Modern Russian Language ‘Bosyakiʼ, ‘Bosotaʼ and ‘Nishchebrodyʼ: the New Life of Old Word
No 2 (2024) Issues of Modern Russian Language Ambitious and Self-Sufficient, or the Change of Spiritual and Moral Paradigms
No 2 (2024) From the History of the Russian Language On the Origin of the Borrowing Верги in the Russian Northern-Western Dialects
No 2 (2024) From the History of the Russian Language The Rule of Replacing the Grave with an Acute in Church Slavonic: Further Details
No 2 (2024) The Language of Fiction Tyrannical Characters by A. N. Ostrovsky in View of the Primary Speech Genres
No 2 (2024) The Language of Fiction “Oh, You, That in Sorrow You Grunble Against God in Vain, Man!..” Functions of the Lomonosov Quote in N. V. Gogol’s Comedy “The Inspector General”
No 2 (2024) The Language of Fiction “Composite formations” as a Stylistic Device (Based on the Material of D. I. Rubina’s Novel “Maniac Gurevich”)
No 2 (2024) The Language of Fiction Catherine the Great’s Pastoral Comic Opera “Fedul and His Children” as a Cultural Pattern
No 3 (2024) Issues of Modern Russian Language The Precedent Phenomenon v derevnyu, k tetke, v glush’, v Saratov as a Linguoculturally Significant Reference to the Province
No 3 (2024) Issues of Modern Russian Language “What Dakha Gives — Vzyakha Vzyast”: Verbal Substantives in Russian Subdialects and Modern Poetry
No 3 (2024) Issues of Modern Russian Language Once Again on the Term Characteristics as Parts of Speech
No 3 (2024) From the History of the Russian Language Letters of Tsarina Evdokia Lopukhina in the Printed Manifesto of 1718
No 3 (2024) The Language of Fiction “Thoughtfully and Meekly”. Behind the Line of Okudzhava’s Song “The Visiting Musician”
No 3 (2024) The Language of Fiction Poetics of Semantics’ Broadening. Notes on O. Mandelstam’s Vocabulary
No 3 (2024) The Language of Fiction On Some Errors in the Translation into Azerbaijani of Dostoevsky’s Novel “Devils”
No 3 (2024) The Language of Fiction Irony in the Epistles and Amphiguri of Antony Pogorelsky
No 3 (2024) The Language of Fiction The World Soul Monologue from the Play “The Seagull”: Toward the Issue of Transmutation Adequacy
No 3 (2024) Learning Russian Once Again about the Isolation of Prepositive Attributive Phrases
No 4 (2024) Issues of Modern Russian Language Pridёt Dvoje iz Larca: an Experimental Study of Variable Agreement with Quantified Subjects
No 4 (2024) Issues of Modern Russian Language Seven shaburs, but one garment: peasant outerwear shabur(a)
No 4 (2024) Issues of Modern Russian Language National Dictionary Fund: New Opportunities and Prospects
No 4 (2024) Issues of Modern Russian Language Who is dedinka?
No 4 (2024) Issues of Modern Russian Language Complete reduction of unstressed vowels in the standard russian language and its reflection in dictionaries
No 4 (2024) From the History of the Russian Language On some nominations of children in the history of Russian and Chinese languages
No 4 (2024) From the History of the Russian Language On some cases of phrasemal derivation of nouns in language and speech of the second half of the 19th century (based on epistolary texts of russian writers)
No 4 (2024) From the History of the Russian Language On the etymology of the word konoval
No 4 (2024) From the History of the Russian Language Term ‘zlorastvoreniye’ in liturgical texts: loan translation and re-interpretation
No 4 (2024) Science and Persons On the 100th birthday anniversary of Galina Aleksandrovna Zolotova

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