Blogery Takie Blogery (Bloggers Are Such Bloggers), Or about a New Phraseoscheme in Russian

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The article is devoted to a comparatively new structure in the language ‘N1 takie N1’ (N1 such N1), actively used in Internet communication. The study is based on the material from the General Internet Corpus of the Russian language. The structure is used mainly in blogs, in hashtags, in community names, that is, in Internet communication, which has a tendency to be excessively expressive and to save language resources. The article discusses structural properties of the phrase, the meaning of its permanent component ‘such’, the synonymy with other tautological constructions, semantics and frequency of nouns in position N1 and semantic and pragmatic features of the construction. The structure is defined as a new psvedvotautological phraseoscheme characterized by reproducibility, idiomaticity and evaluativeness. The phraseoscheme attributes typical, expected features to the subject. The connotative potential of the lexeme (of the noun) is the basis of the evaluative meaning of the structure. It is the connotative meaning of the noun, and not its lexical and grammatical category, that affects the possibility of its using in this phraseoscheme. The specificity of the pragmatic meaning of the phraseoscheme is associated with the subject of evaluation, which forms the tone of the expression (affectionateness, jokiness, irony and mixed shades, for example, tenderness) and the communicative structure of the expression, appropriating the ‘right’ to be evaluated and taking a position of a more significant communicant.

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About the authors

Viсtoria A. Maryanchik

Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M. V. Lomonosov

Russian Federation, Arkhangelsk


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