The articles are sent to ‘Russkaya Rech’ editorial via e-mail:

The articles, which have been previously sent to or published in other journals, as well as the materials that do not fit the topic of the journal or aren’t presented in accordance with the article submission rules will be declined. One must consider the popular science nature of the journal, meaning that the text must be written in a simple clear language and be free from abundant terminology. After the publication authors receive the electronic copies of their articles.

All the publications are free of charge.

When formatting the bibliography list please follow the pattern used in recent issues of the journal (2019-2020).

The general rules of presenting a scientific article

Section 1 is written in Russian:

- the authors (bold italics);

- the organization (italics);

- country, city (in brackets, italics);

- e-mail address (italics);

- name (semi-bold, uppercase letters, grant reference);

- abstract (150-250 words);

- key words (5-10).

Section 2 includes the information from Section 1 in Latin alphabet in the same sequence: authors (transliterated); the headline, abstract, key-words, the name of the organization, the address of the organization – translated into English.

Section 3 includes a full text of the article in Russian (not more than 20,000 typographical units), excluding references and the information from sections 1 and 2.

Section 4 contains references to Russian publications in Russian. References to the publications in other languages are written in the same language as the cited publication.

Section 5 includes a list of references with publications of Russian authors and authors from the other countries in Latin alphabet in a standardized way. 

Abstract submission regulations

There must be 150-250 words in the abstract (not less!). It must not contain contractions, footnotes or incomplete references. It is used in abstracts journals and data bases, hence it has to be substantial, informative and understandable without the article it describes. The abstract must not be translated into Russian word by word. We recommend to use active voice instead of the passive: «The study tested», not «It was tested in this study».

References submission regulations

The reference list is placed after the article, the references must be in alphabetical order. The same list of references has to be transcribed in Latin alphabet and placed below. The proper headline in English is 'References'. In case the article is written in English the References are required to be in Latin alphabet only.

The list of references is presented acording to the State Standard Р 7.0.5–2008. The intertextual references are presented according to this template: [Ivanov 1999: 36–38].