The Rule of Replacing the Grave with an Acute in Church Slavonic: Further Details

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The study is devoted to the rule of replacing the grave (varia) with an acute (oksia) over the final stressed vowel in Church Slavonic texts of modern period. The inventory of enclitical forms that require this rule is specified in the corpus survey of liturgical texts published in Moscow, with the Bible and the Philokalia being used as additional material. The study of the sources shows that this inventory includes not only the particle and the conjunction zhe, particles bo, li and the pronouns mi, ti, si, mya, tya, sya, ny, vy, as is usually considered in Church Slavonic textbooks, but also the verbal forms esi, est’ (in the Bible also esm’, sut’), the subjunctive mood indicator by. In addition, there are rare combinations with pronouns se and ty and the element libo. Special attention is paid to the enclitic by, which is used in the corpus in two variants: with and without an accent. The article has established that the choice of a particular variant depends on its contextual environment or on its position in relation to other word forms.

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About the authors

Ivan S. Dobrovolskii

Vinogradov Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Moscow


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