Dialect Representation in the Elderly Native Speakers’ Mind on the Territory of the Ilmen Lake District



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Abstract: The article focuses on the reception of the dialect by its native speakers, namely representatives of the older generation living on the territory of the Ilmen Lake district. Despite the fact that the introduction and imposition of standard Russian language as the only correct and legitimate version through the education system and public institutions could not completely eradicate the local dialect, it did not contribute to its prestige and positive representation in the minds of native speakers. The examples from the interviews with local residents prove that they evaluate their own dialect in axiological categories in relation to the ideal norm – codified Russian. It appears that the native speakers have contradictory opinions regarding their dialect as a reaction to the situation of unbalanced diglossia. In addition, the article analyzes factors contributing to the displacement of regional dialects on the territory of the Ilmen Lake district. The examples of the representatives’ discourse help to describe current linguistic situation in the Lake district villages, the main characteristic of which is that linguistic competences of the representatives vary.


El'vira Gepting

Yaroslav the Wise Novgorod State University

Russia, Velikiy Novgorod


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