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No 1 (2023)

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Verevochnaya or Covidnaya Istoriya: Desemantization of the Word Istoria in Different Discourse Types

Bazarzhapova A.D.


The article is devoted to the description of the communicative behavior of the word istoria, which, as a result of the process of resemantization, is used in the “non-dictionary” meaning: ‘a thing/something’ and widely functions in modern everyday Russian speech in various types of discourse. The study was carried out on the material of 3 sources: the oral subcorpus of the National Corpus of the Russian Language, the corpus of Russian everyday speech “One Speech Day” and separate recordings of the surrounding speech (from everyday conversations, interviews, lectures, etc.). The problem of the functioning of the bleached word istoria is considered in several aspects: the dependence of such usages on the type of discourse and the characteristics of the speaker (age, professional activity, level of speech competence–LSC), as well as the ability of the resemantized word istoria to characterize an idiolect. It turned out that the word istoria with “empty” semantics plays a role of a multifunctional tool serving various types of discourse in modern Russian speech, and its active use is a result of saving speech efforts and does not characterize any particular social group of speakers. Such use has the character of an individual speech trait: in some cases, the word istoria acquires a status of a “parasite word” and indicates a low LSC of a native speaker, and in other situations, it indicates the desire of a speaker with a high LSC to establish an easy communication style.
Russkaâ rečʹ. 2023;(1):7-20
pages 7-20 views

Khlebo, Kresto and Payoko in Arkhangel’sk Dialects: Are they Conditioned by Phonetics?

Knyazev S.V.


The paper reports new findings concerning the distribution of Nom. and Acc. Sing. Musc. -o nominal forms and forms with postpositive particles -ot and -to in seven Northern Russian dialects spoken in the Pinezhsky, Plesetsky, Verkhnetoemsky, Mezensky, Leshukonsky and Vinogradovsky districts of Arkhangel’sk region based on the material of dialectal speech corpora and tape recordings of dialectal speech made in the period of 1987 – 1999 (total duration – 41,3 hours). The study reveals 1) an explicit mutual dependence of the -о and -оt forms in the dialects considered (the fraction of the -оt forms decrease significantly with the presence of -o forms), and 2) a clear tendency to the positional distribution of the -о and -оt forms depending on the right phonetic context (a pause, a vowel, a fricative or a plosive consonant) with the minimum number of the -оt forms before gomoranic stop consonants. This may serve as an essential argument in favor of the hypothesis suggesting the phonetic evolution whenever in the past of the -о forms from those of -ot, leading to the decay of the initial regular grammatical and/or phonetical agreement of a of Nom. and Acc. Musc. noun and the postpositive particle’s “correct” -ot form and to the extended distribution of uncoordinated -to form of the particle in this context.
Russkaâ rečʹ. 2023;(1):21-44
pages 21-44 views

Paralanguage in Natural Language Texts

Kreydlin G.E., Shmeleva E.Y.


In oral communication natural language is always combined with nonverbal signs of various nature, in particular paralanguage signs. The present paper describes usages and functions of lexical paralanguage units in Russian texts, mainly texts of anecdotes, where these units serve as a key to comic effect. The article analyzes examples of nonverbal imitation of speech pathology and ethnic, social, professional and other peculiarities of human communicative behavior. The paper describes some functions of paralinguistic signs such as their ability to imitate specific acts of pronunciation, to substitute taboo speech units or to denote other real actions. The authors pay attention to the form, meaning and usage of paralanguage units in Russian. Some of the units regarded are supplied with semantic descriptions and with descriptions of spheres of their usage. The article establishes syntactic function of paralanguage units in dialogues. Paralinguistic units constitute the class of so-called signalatives, which do not denote propositions but indicate peoples’ emotions or their mental activity
Russkaâ rečʹ. 2023;(1):44-65
pages 44-65 views

The Uppercase Rule as a Peripheral Zone of Russian Orthography

Nikolenkova N.V., Qiang D.


The article analyzes orthographical rules of the Russian language in a taxonomical aspect and views them as a system organized according to the principle of a “core” and “periphery”. The article substantiates the point of view that some rules belong to the periphery zone of Russian orthography. The authors define the criteria that place the uppercase rule in the peripheral zone. Among those criteria, the main ones are the following: the uppercase letter usage rules are not based on the three main principles of the Russian orthography, the system of rules rests on artificial bases and possesses a high degree of variability.It is also important that a writer can take advantage of the rules common in different periods to fulfill their objectives. The shift of the capital letter use rules to the peripheral zone poses two important challenges to spellers. First, there is a need to develop a linguistic basis for this rule. Secondly, it is necessary to identify the “core” and “periphery” within the rule and rework the current norms of Russian spelling in this area on the basis of new approaches.  
Russkaâ rečʹ. 2023;(1):66-76
pages 66-76 views

On Some of Unsolved Modern Punctuation Issues

Kharchenko M.M.


This article discusses the cases of punctuation in introductory words, adverbs and conjunctions that have not previously been described in the scientific and reference literature. Thepurpose of the study is to identify some actual problems of punctuation. We used a descriptive method, part of which is observation, and a psycholinguistic method, which includes an experiment (survey) to identify the established norm. The paper analyzes the rules contained in the most authoritative modern punctuation guides and gives recommendations to supplement them with relevant examples. The analysis of the survey results showed that difficulties in punctuation in the cases under consideration stem from an incomplete understanding of the principles of Russian punctuation among native speakers due to the lack of relevant information in the reference literature. Another conclusion we can draw as a result of the research is that the identification of new punctuation variants is associated with real speech practice. The paper concludes that the constructions that have been analyzed are used when writing texts of different styles, and therefore should be taken into account when codifying Russian punctuation and included in handbooks.
Russkaâ rečʹ. 2023;(1):77-87
pages 77-87 views

The History of Spelling Prefixes with -z, -s in the Pre-reform Period

Turko U.I.


The article examines the spelling of the words with prefixes ending in -z, -s. Based on the texts of fiction and scientific literature of the late XVIII — early XX centuries, the author analyzes the spelling of words and identifies trends in spelling norms. The paper reveals that at the end of the XVIII century, during the formation of the book style, lexicographic sources took into account the Church Slavonic tradition and recommended writing prefixes with -z, however, there were deviations from spelling norms in written speech practice. Lexicographic publications of the middle of the XIX century reflect the change in the spelling norm. However, whereas the spelling of prefixes voz-, iz-, niz-, raz-that were in front of the voiceless consonants was changed during the historical period from the end of the XVIII century to the beginning of the XX century, the spelling of prefixes bez-, chrez-/cherez- remained stable. The spelling of prefixes was quite stable when the final consonant was in the position before the letter s. In most cases, there is adherence to the rule and the use of the letter z before the root s. The preservation of the final z in the prefix is correct from the point of view of tradition, and its spelling, taking into account the subsequent letter, is correct in regards to phonetics. In the competition of etymological and phonetic principles applied to spelling prefixes on -z, -s, the phonetic principle turned out to be the most resilient.
Russkaâ rečʹ. 2023;(1):88-102
pages 88-102 views

Mythopoetic Space of Banya in Poems of B. A. Slutsky and V. S. Vysotsky

Aleksandrov I.A.


The image of the banya (a Russian steam bath) with its deep mythopoetic roots in the history of Russian literature is embodied in the works of the Soviet literature as well. Thus, the poems “Banya” by B. A. Slutsky and “White Banya” by V. S. Vysotsky create the archetypal images of the bathhouse, which, despite the realities of the Soviet life described in them, manifest their archaic syncretic nature. The plot of the banya visit is represented by talking about the past ‒ the military one in the first case and the labour camp one in the second. The motive of spiritual and physical purification connecting the two texts, accumulates the change of the temporal boundaries of the plot. As a borderline and a sacred space, banya locus seems to take the heroes into the past. It is typical that poets resort to the same dominants of artistic language in order to express such meanings. The poetics of repetitions and homogeneities, with the help of which the orientation towards assimilating oral-colloquial rather than literary-book speech is carried out, immerses the reader in the world of fabulousness and reveals the concept of paradise. At the same time, the poem by V. S. Vysotsky can be regarded as a logical continuation of Slutsky’s poem: the camp past of the lyrical hero depicted in “White Banya” fills the gap in the representation of the picture of that period. Initiating a dialogue with the text of B. A. Slutsky, the poem by V. S. Vysotsky makes the image of the era complete.
Russkaâ rečʹ. 2023;(1):103-113
pages 103-113 views

The Reminiscence of the Periphrasis “On the Banks of the Neva” in the Memoirs of Irina Odoevtseva

Zhulkova K.A., Nikultseva V.V.


The article emphasizes the reminiscent nature of the nominative periphrasis “on the banks” (rus. – na beregah) and draws attention to the fact that the onomastic periphrasis that Russian poetess and prose writer Odoevtseva uses in the title, in the epigraph, in the preface as well as in the conclusion of her memoirs, is not used as in Ivanov’s version “on the shore” (rus. – na beregu) and not in the Pushkin’s bookish version “on the rivages” with the incomplete-vowel lexeme (rus. – na bregah), but in the full-vowel (rus. – na beregah). That makes it more secular and expands not only the urban place of the city described in the memoirs, but also the literary context. Thereby, the author of the memoirs refers to a great range of poetic works ofXIX and XX centuries (“Eugene Onegin”, “October 19” (“The forest drops its crimson dress ...”)by A. Pushkin, “January day. On the banks of the Neva ...”by G. Ivanov, “Cassandra” by O. Mandelstam, “Elegy” by A. Ladinsky, “December 14, 1918” by Z. Gippius, “To my homeland. Elegy” by P. Pletnev, etc.), which establish a special style characteristic of the literature of St. Petersburg. The periphrasis “on the banks of the Neva” becomes a functional stylistic device and a distinctive feature that gives additional allusions to Odoevtseva's memoirs, in which the post-revolutionary Petrograd (formerly name of St. Petersburg) is presented as the centre of Russian culture rather than a city of historical upheaval.
Russkaâ rečʹ. 2023;(1):114-127
pages 114-127 views

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